The Blyth Standard, 1902-10-16, Page 6BONE FOOD
Soft and crooked hones mean
bad feeding. Call the disease
rickets if you want to. The
rowing child must eat the
right food for growth. Bones
must have bone food, blood
must have blood food and so
on through the list.
Scott's Emulsion is the right
treatment for soft bones in
children. Little doses everyday
give the stiffness and shape
that healthy bones should have.
Bow legs become straighter,
loose joints grow stronger and
firmness comes to the soft
Wrong food caused the
trouble. Right food will cure it.
In thousands of cases Scott's
Emulsion has proven to be the
right food for soft bones in
Send for free sample.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists.
Toronto, Ontario.
Sec. and Poo; all druggists
Well Encased.
The remains of an English trav-
eler bad been exhamerd for Interment
In the family vault. When the oof-
w ffa was opened the on'ookere start-
ed back in affright.
"'Why, these appear to be the
remain.. of a hon.''
"Yee," replted a nephew of the
dleeedleed, "that'. the Mon that ate
Mat up; uncle's Inelde of him."
For Stiff and Swollen Necks.
Rooper, 57 Grosvenor street,
$eHaet, writes: " Having from a
/earn got a very stiff .tui ,palnfwl
rI011et1 neck, I tried all the usual
Petaedlew'without effect. I was almoet
giving It up, when a hook was
tied on my counter describing St.
eObe 011. I procured a bottle,and
bad namely rubbed it on my neck
When I felt better. In a short time
$I.' pain left me and the swelling
stent down. Finding It so good In
title ease, I then tried It on my
hake, which I had sprained, and
Widthwas frequently very painful. I
soon had the pleasure of finding that
pais oleo disappear. I moat say I
confider St. Jacobs 011 of great
Minister. of Grace.
Itile )
"',l'be minister has been sway on a
king vaostion, hasn't he?"
"I"Ithought the congregation looked
The Floral Age.
"You have reached a very great
age. Wililaml' said the parish min -
Weer to one of hie members, a ven-
erable old gardener.
"Deed has L sir, for gin I terve
Mit the eleventh o' next month I'll
be an octogenarian."
"R. 4 0. N. Co's " TA -Weekly
The steamers will leave Hamilton
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays
at 1 p.m. until Ort. 11th. On and
after Oct. 14th they will lease Tues-
days and Fridnye at 1 p.m. until the
end of November. Special rates are
offered to Montreal—single, $7 ; re-
turn, $12, from Hamilton to Mont
reel, Low rales to intermediate
ports. Them ie no finer season of
the year to take in the Bay of R01nto
and the Thousand Island trip than
autumn, and with the rate* the above
company are offkrhig every person
tdtould take advantage of same.
No Doubt About it.
Lnffan—l've got n new comm.
drum Do you know why I'm the mule
with a sore head?
Grotat—No, I know you are,
don't know wily you arc.
but 1
Good Things to Eat
wGsra putrlI,(Vree"It.h01 meet nus dts
Natural Flavor
Food Products
In ti b. Oer"nmoptlurpacled. ns ebolooreo
aaM and aoodneee o f 171,7 article lereforesd le
pd areperattoe for tour ceorenbmea. f the handy
serials' cons A impels es roar pent, y 1401.• you to Vera Malots. e1 hand the m,.e,� dela
}}eerrr. meal T e tittle book. "Bee to
Ouse ilea•$o Est,' tells ell allot aha*-
reMM Ms. ehs's Allo of the World, sailed
greeter t0 osuu postage.
Her Subterfuge.
"\Ivry Ann asked me for refer-
•l fid you rave her one?"
"Yen. 1 dW. I didn't watt her to
go away and."'
-What could you tory p'
"Why. I sill everything that's
nice about her."'
"How could you ? You said she was
dreadfully Incompetent."
" Well, 1 1)5110(1 her nitride,
all the way through it, and whoever
reads 11 will think ohs mast h'are
stolen It from some other girl:
Mlnard's Liniment cures Burne, etc,
She Was Frugal.
A modest maid had borne the
chronic pain of a troublesome
tooth for days, hoping that by ex-
ercising a little pore euduranca
and patience she might avoid the
expense of a Qental operation. Her
courage failed her at last, how-
ever, and she resolved to go to the
dentist one evening to have tho
tooth extracted. Being of a thrifty
tendency, she Inquired of the oper-
Hohv much do you charge for
taking out a tooth?"
"Fifty cents—with gas a dollar,"
was the reply.
"Then, I guess I'll cull to -morrow
In the daytime," announced the pa-
Minard's Liniment relieves Neural -
Honesty by Rule.
First Poll Winn—Toil didn't ac-
cept 1 Ito retniner, lhtn?
Second Politician—No. I didn't think
It was lnrg,• ritoc;lt to be nommen
sumac with my reputation for hon.
A Nagging Cough drives steep and com-
fort uwuv. You eau conquer 1t. with Allen's
Lung llnlxnm, w pieta rrlievea hard brentldug,
pain 10 the rhrnl and irritation of the throat.
Mice it freely 111 the children.
A Labor-saving Device.
Aunt Peewee said to her nephew
one day:
"What w•111 you do when you aro a
man, Tommy ?"
"I'll grow a beard," was the unex-
pected reply.
".Why 7" she asked.
"Because then I won't have nearly
so notch face to womb," said Tommy.
—Little Chronicle.
all hard, soft or calloused Lump' and Blem-
ishes from horse', Blood Spnvin, Curbs,
Splints, Bing Bone, Nweeny, Stlees, Sprains,
Sore end Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save
$50 by nee of one bottle. Warranted the
most wonderful Blemish euro ever known.
Sold by all druggl.ts.
All Paid tor.
A family of Scotch woreltlppere
were making preparation to go to
the church ono Sunday morning
when they discovered that they were
short of change for tho plate. For
the purpose of remedying this they
bent their boy of eight yearn to get
change 'from a neighbor. Having
got It he repaired at once to the
church, where he counted up how
many there were of the family, pat
each one'e coin In the plate and then
took Itis sent. On arriving the oth-
ers looked In and saw Tommy In hie
trent. With a wnye dr hie hand he
said: "Color n.vva' In, tho hale }imp.
bang o ye; I've poy'd for ye n'.'
Just a Teaspoonful of ferry Davis' Pain-
killer, In worm water or milk, taken after
'x)tueure to cold or wet it III quicken the
culntlon and thee prevent a chill. There 11
but one Painkiller. ferry Parte'.
Laud by the Gallon.
A Scotch farmer whose land had
reser been drained made up his
tined to look out for another farm.
Meeting his landlord, he says: "I'm
gnun to gbe up this farm;
cud grow onytlsing on't.' Landlord
—I am sorry to hear It. 1f 1 take
fivla shillings off the Here will yeti
stop oar; Farrier—!feed no; land
like that shad ne(0r be let by the
acre, but by the gallon.
Stops the Cough
and Works Ort the Cold.
Laxative)rom: Quinine Tnbiete rove nrold
1n one day. No cure, No pay. Price 25 cents.
And'1'htunprd the Meat Who Flirted
W lib Madanie.
Purse ('orrr'pondent of London Telegraph.)
Very dhtres'sing 011144 the situation
1n which 0 policeman, hearing the
most rvcrnrot of characters, found
himself hist evening. :,a be was et
his lana in front to a certain m:arie
hr espied, to his dismay, the young
and pretty wife to whom lie had late-
ly born mu rrled Sent ed In front of a
cafe by the nide of a stranger, nilh
whom she was vlalbly flirting, ills
first lnip.dse wits to administer, then
and there, a sound thrashing to Las
rival, hat stern duty compelled him
to remain nt 1110 Ix(11, wid NO he
N1.00(1 wa10hing nrross the :atrial the
proceedings of the loving pair. As
fate would have It, the couple, on
, Mating the cafe, crooned Ute at reel,
and walked right up to the policeman.
"Now," he refhc:PO, "1 stn do what 1
'want without quitting my pout," and
Nutting the action to the thought, he
;prang 011 hl; w tfds lover, and treat-
ed that indbidn,tl to 0 hammering
which he will not soon forget. A big
erow•d gatherral round, and the two
men were separated, the erring wife
having In tlir meantime 010001ed
away. The p olaotan has been repri-
manded, but simply n0 n matter of
form. He elbt his duty to the author-
ities, and aleo to himself, according
to his lighte, am? no one is Inclined
to blame him.
Plenty of Dlet,eods.
There le a story told about the
Isle lir. Oillan, of ltmhhutan, xhy-
Ing to the late Dr. John M'Leod,
of Gowan t "If the 11I'Leods do its
well In the Church above as they
do In the Church below, they ore
all right." The 51 ToPOds are now
ministers of the (lurch of Scot-
land 10 the third generation. .1
son of the Iter. Dr. 2PLeod, of the
Park Church, has been ordained to
the beautiful Rlrkcudhrightsldre
parish of Dalry, end introduced by
his father and the minister of illorn-
htgelde, Edinburgh. lie wee asslet-
0nt to the Ileo. R. H. Fisher. In
the parish of St. Nicholas, Aber-
Minard's Liniment for sale every-
To Bashful Levers.
a Ho sat with hie head bowed, and
a sad, far -away look In his eyes.
"What's the, matter, old man T"
his friend asked.
He sighed, pulled a little slip of
paper from his pocket, and (to-
I saw this ad. In one of the
weekly papers. Head It,"
It was as follows:
"How to Win the Girl You Love.
—full directions furnished In pinto,
sealed envelope. Send one shilling
postal order, or thirteen stamps.
Address --- --.
"Well, did you send for the for-
mula 7"
'Yes; here's the answer: 'Get n
million pounds and lot her look at
Then he heaved another sad sigh,
and his head dropped forward again.
-"Chicago' Journal.
Take Laxative Rromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money 0 It falls to cure.
E. W. Grove's elgnuture is on each bus. 55e.
Could Not Teach Mtn More.
Birks—You're putting the boy,
Dimly, early to work.
Jtuks—Yrs, he'e n clever Ind, for
he's learnt everything the teacher
He hue?"
'lie hag that. The teacher said, `I
can't hammer anything more Into
that head of haw' '—Detroit Neves -
Mlnurd's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
The Milkman's Explanation,
Mensal City Star.)
"My dear," said the young husband,
"tlld you ever speak to the milkman
about there being no cream on the
ml'k 7" "Yee, I told hint about it tins
morning, 0,1111111' ?rue explained it sat-
isfactorily, and I think It is quite a
credit to him, too," "What did he
say 7" "He said that he always filled
the bottles so full that there is no
room on the top for the cream."
Messrs. C. C. Richards & o.:
Gentlemen,—My daughter, 13 years
old, was thrown from a sleigh aud in-
Jurel her elbow en badly It remnlned
stiff and very painful for three years.
Four bottles of DIINARD'S LINIMENT
completely cured her, and she has not
been troubled for two years.
Tours truly,
St. Joeeph, P. Q., Aug'. 18, 1000.
In Doubt.
Officer—Are you seriouely hurt ?
Casey -01. dnnno. Flanagan hit me
tvW a brick, but 01 dunuo If It were
serious or It it were only wan iv
has Jokes.
New York Central and Hudson
River Railroad.
The above name isa household word and
the eupeti'r excellence of the rued should be
■utflelent to attract moat people, but now
that the rate le the lime to New York and
pelnte cunt no by other llnee no further re-
commendation should be nought. Every-
body will tell you 11 Ix the beet.
by local eppllen tion, ne they cannot reneh
the (!weaned portion o1 the ear. Thereto only
One way to cure deo here,, nod tint in by cam
silt utmost remedies. Deutnenn in conned by
an inflamed condition of the miaow, lining of
the Enetn(hlnn'1'ube. When thin tribe 11in-
flamed you haven rumbling 0,05 or finger-
et- hearing, and when 11 le entirely eloned,
Domino* to the result, nod ntee0, the btnnm.
illation 000 betaken out and thin tubereutor.
eel to its normal rundltkm, hearing will be
deetroved forever; nine .,1x10 not of ten are
crowed by (',tnrrlt• widen in nothing but an
inflamed condition or t n'te: :o xurhtce0.
We will give one hundred !1,101, toy any
came of 1hm0teou Warmed by catarrh) that
cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, Rend
fur circulure, tree.
I'..1. CHENEY & CO,, Toledo, 0,
Sold by Drnggfo(e, 75e,
111,11 5 Family PIIIe are the beat,
Only a 'trine.
An old Scotch gentleman end a
youth had spent the whole day on
Ole golf links, and ne Is often the
cone with particu,nl1y entlutelastlt-
phlyerg, had had sonto remarkably
close and exciting gnnire. As they
loft for home the old man remarked:
"Hoy, mon, but 'it's been a gran'
'It beta," tho youth ttenentod.
"Think yo could come again on
the morrow, Indrlie 7''
"Well.' the young man 'towered
reflectively, "I (('118 to be married,
but I can put it off."
To prove to yon thab Dr.
Chase's Ointment Is a certain
and absolute ours for each
and every form of itching,
hteedingand protruding plies,
the manufacturer', have guaranteed 1t. Bootee
timoniale In the daily press and ask your neigh -
bore I wbattbey think of it. Yon saggnpp�puse It and
get .331 dviaise* or Ersey e, Hnoti net
R aro ,Toorroetot,
Dr. Chase's Ointment
Unless the soap you
use has this brand you
are not getting the best
Ask for the strum Bar, set
..EWAIrdrIl teeid 1.'7.1dk*Jof ra?
t� id
It Is neither recognized in England
nor In Frame, ' Itself that cricket wan
originally a 11'enrh game, yet M.
Jueseland argues that t111s wad the
mow. The word ''cricket" Is dorit ed
ft•out he 1•'rendt Briquet, which meant
a stick planted in the ground and
setting as goal in (1110 of the forme
of the game; and it appears 10 that
510000 hl to French do:ument of 147((,
while, nceordhng to Murrlty, vve do not
meet with the word In English till
I.1GH. Two ilhastrat'.ous of the middle
of the eighteenth century, one from a
puin:htgby Hnynlnn In the Mtryle-
bmto ('O krt Club, the other h•om n
k'rell^h children's rehire -hook by
Grnvelot, show that the two gamer'
calks) cricket in one ettstl and Jeude
cross° In the other ween identical.
While In France it lost Ito popularity,
at least among the upper classes,
like all gnmen In the eighteenth cen-
tury, It grew iu favor In England
with life Ineronsiag love of sport.
Among tho gamest represented In the
miniatures of the fbanlnly prayer -
book may alto be see„ the Jett de
mail, wltlrll Lynn another form of the
jets de trosse, nod conslete,lin fritting
u. w'orslen ball with a mallet. It was
eometinnex called pile m:,t1 tin Hoban
palla magllol, from pita, ball and mal-
Ielha, mallet, and from this was of
course derived our Pall Mill, where
the game was played in the days of
Pepy-e. Dallington, at the end of the
etxteruth century, had deplored that
bin countrymen haul not yet adopted
this gime from the French. In Scot-
land,practiced, however, It had been early
Lever's Y.Z (W ise Head l Diatnfeotant Soap
Powder dusted in the bath softens the
water at the came time that it disinfects. of
Telephone That Permanently Records
Converesttous tient Over Wires.
Peter 01uf Pedersen, of Copenhagen,
has secured a patent for an instru-
ment which he calls the tclegraplwne,
and by W111e11 he can use the tele-
phone In such a way as to record a
number of messages on a single steel
strip and to reproduce each message
without interference from the 'Ahern,
With this Improvement the nisei of
the drunt or the length of the wire
or ribbon used (herttu may be mater-
ially lessened, so that a long speech
or a slumber of speeches or signals
may be stored upon a comparatively
ehort or small metallic body. The
telegraphone, ne the name implies, le
n combination of the telegraph, tele-
phone and the graphophone or phono-
graph, By the uxe of this device a
telephone or telegraph conversation
can be recorded on a steel wire or
tape and reproduced at arty time and
as often as desired without the re-
cord deteriorating. In this apparatus
a steel wire or a steel band le moved
by any suitable means with consid-
erable velocity between the polen of
a small elrotro-magnet. oar speaking
into a telephone transmitter Joined
on the circuit the undulatory run -
rents get up in the transmitter react
upon the chetro-magnet and mune a
continuous variation in the direction
and degree of mn.gnettem at the poles
of the Ot'otro-magnoL
These variations are permanently
recorded on the gleet wire ne it
rushes by, and when the message 1s
complete the steel wire retalnn a
definite record of what has taken
place in the shape of a conllnuutu
series of transverse magnetized linen
varying throughout in their polarity
:and in their strength. 011 l''lll11011ug
a telephone receiver to'tlre 0100tro-
magnet and again starting the 0Ire
in its couree thin magnetized wire
generates electrle currents In the
eche or the sopor -I mpoea 1 inn wart no
It pnss05 between Ste polys and thew
rlrotrle currents, widen are the Po-
et rottntnrto'1 those generated
l,y the nrlgterpnn.! Toler, rause I lie tell,- i
phone 50 repeat what wa1 said in 1111
1',hnoet ubsolutPly perfect manner.
,e 17010115
gadersad by best English medical'
Supplied to British soldiers In South Africa.
Per all Throat and gland Troubles, Lumps,
Muse essu, Old Sores, Wears, Felons, Skin ,
DI[ozema Pimples, Stiff Joints,
aheumatlsm, Lumbago, Sprains, Brutus,
Piles, Cuts, Sore Feet Pleurisy.
Staid by Druggists, ass. Try it enea.
1 in, like a knife. fur... mining sur work
or 1h,• email things cat emotion: is Invaluable
to ei udents, engineers, nteehonlco, tullnro, for
teelhlg violin, rte.; went to any ud(re,1 for
25e, 5 for 111_0(1; agents wanted. Weimer
lrunp and Mfg. Co„ Hamilton, tint.
sugar beet land In Boy 00(111(3', hath
wild and cleared, In gond fanning commun-
ity. Apply to I. Bently, (clover, Mich.
The quality standard from Ocean to
Ocean. Your money bark Itnotsatinfactory
Agents, moaned.
ISSUE NO. 42, 1902.
Iter Farewell.
'fit Rev. J. R. Edwards, who is
lent int 11,111, England, told an 05-
(,Itt'ut Ntur,r at his farewell meet-
ing. .1n old wannnn, he said, was
blddIng farewell to it minister who
11:18 going to another eltapel, "Weft,
sir," she said, "I am sorry you are
going. but the Lord is very good,
ile always sends us a better than
before 1"
+ Knitting Mr 00. other inducements j
for right port lex. We rent new mn-
ehlmer. Rent tfur particular* At once.
Ontario Fnrnfnhing Co., Torout0,Ont.
080P US A
if you have any nud in
the Jewelry Iine,no matter
bow small. Our catalogue
contains Photographs o
many hundreds of our
populu prIces—copy will
be sent you free. We
guarantee safe delivery,
prepay charge and char -
fully refund purchase
money, should you desks
to trade back.
wt` ss.,e„e.
O 'M' t a5lufe dt MT'at.sM spall
�CC i.n' "se7Npll1a103'NISTe
JUU (050105,
.0 ' e
A Common
Bred Cow
When toned up by
Dicks Blood Pori-
fier will give u
much ant u rich
milk esahighly
bred aristocratic
jersey CON'gives
upon Or.
d nary
feed, and
a Jersey
cow when
will wonderfully increase her yield
of milk. It uvea feed toe, beanie
a smaller amount of well digested
food satisfies the demands of the
system and every particle of sour.
siahtsent sticks.
60 cents a package.
Leeming, Miles 4 Co., Agents,
Write for Book on Cattle and Horses free.
POULTRY oilcan
Good fedlltle, for handling. ('oneignments
aoliel ted. l'nrrexpuudcner invited and prompt-
ly attended to. Will buy honey outright.
62 Front Street East,
WHILST we guarantee
to keep a "Ryrie”
Watch—aside from break-
age—in perfect action for
two years, there is no
limit to its perfect time-
keeping qualities,
We select for special
mention our No. 5506
"Ryrie" Watch at $25.
(LAO' • Let' o, O.nueu, aces
a »•arra.
It It a 15 -Jewel Mn,emeat la
a I4t. Solid Gold Cue.
We ruereatee (1. wte Misery, sod
5111 ,h,"auu refund the full ho
1f so recspe fl h mat perfectly ague
rein for aur New Cannon,
Ryrie Bros.,
Yew and Adelaide Streets,
Mn. Winslow's Soothing Syrup 'hautled
always be used for Children Teething. I
soothes the child, softensthegump aures wind
cont and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea.
wiu litI1
ran earn nt (01,15 Iiftt'.IITP
weekly; severed of our repreeentett rine make
over five dull,rs la n day; no delivering her
collecting. The l (ol,,ry Christian Co., Ltd.
Toronto, Ont.