The Blyth Standard, 1902-10-16, Page 5BUTTER
The undersigned is propnred to buy
all good Butter and Eggs offered at our
shop. Farmers will do well to sell all
their Tub Butter. fresh Rolls will
soon be in demand. Bring your Butter
and Eggs, and all kinds of grain and
get the highest price in cash,
Pinsky street • Blyth
2nd Shipment
We expect a2ndahipmnnt of Women's
and Children's Fieeee-Lined Underwear
In a few days. The demand for these
choice lines has Leen heavy. In the
meantime we think we can supply all
those who are looking for such goods,
although our stock is quite lirnfted.
We Lek every man, woman and ohild
to see our specialties in Warm Under-
clothing and Hosiery, and compare
weight and prices. Our stook of Warm
Footwear was never so complete Ra at
present. We can show you lines that
you cannot see elsewhere, and at prices
lower than othersaek for inferior goods.
Our atorP is the cosy corner, let us make
you fesinosy by giving you something
delicious to eat and something comfort-
able to wear. All at
—Today is Thanksgiving day.
—Mrs, Emigh is vistttng with
'friends at Parkhill
—Miss Mayme Baker, of Goderioh,
visiting at the Commercial.
—A ear of Mauitoba wheat ar-
rived at the Blyth flour mills on
—Mrs. Jame' Twitchell end Mr.
Ernest Twitchell, of Clinton, spent
Monday with Blyti friends.
—Mr. D. N. McKellar, of Tavie•
Rook, was In Blyth for a few days
Let week renewing old friendships.
—Mise Mary McLaughlin left on
Monday morning fur a three months also secretary of the Sontir Riding of
viett with her brother and friends at iluron fall fan', which is held alter.
flatten, nately at Exeter and Seaforth, and
—A temperance convention will le a gentleman who knows a thing
be held in the Brussels town hall on or two about fall fairs. Here is
Tuseday, October 2tat. Thee will what ho said in his paper last week
be afternoon and evening sessions. about Blyth fair:-
-Mrs. Andrew Ballantyne and The good people of Blyth were in
daughter, who have been visiting luck again this year with their
friends in Toronto and Hamilton for annual fall show, which was held on
the past four weeks, returned home the well equipped and commodious
lest week. grounds of the Morris Branch Agri-
--Mise Minnie Alcoat, of Bruce- cultural society, ori Tuesday and
field, and Miss Mary Snell, of I{ul- Wednesday last, the latter, of course,
lett, spent part of last week visiting being the big day. The weather
at the residence of Mr. Giles Jenkins was delightful, and the show, in
in East Wawanosh, point of attendance, was a record
—Mr. C. Hamilton will assist Capt, breaker. The Blyth show can al.
T, E. Robson in conducting the dis- ways draw a larger crowd of people
version sale of Shorthorns, Clydes- than any other show in the county,
dales and Lelcesters at Hayne -Barton and Wednesday's turn -out was the
farm, Hallett, on Wednesday next. largest in the history of the show.
—Godorinh town council recently The gate receipts, at 10 and 15
loaned $10,000 to start a summer cents, amounted to over $700. This
hotel. And now the hotel is in the was in addition to an unusually
hands of the sheriff and Goderich is large het of Inembers. But, the
wondering what it has for its money. Blyth people deserve their success,
3t has been a bad season for Bummer as there is not a better conducted
Owls. institution of the kind in the prow
--Mr. Wm. Davidson has sold lot ince, the officers and directors, and
25, oon, 1, West Wawanosh, to Mr. especially the very efficient secre-
Robert Medd for $3300. The farm tary and treasurer, Messrs. Bradwin
;contains 75 acres. Mr. Davidson and Metcalf', being insistent in their
will hold an auction sale of farm efforts to please the public, and to
stook and implements on Monday, give their guests a good time and the
October 27th. full worth of their money. The
—A meeting of the local union of grounds were alive with people on
Christian Endeavor will be held in Wednesday afternoon, and it seemed
the Blyth Methodist ehuroh on Tues- as if three-fourths of those present
.day evening next. The meeting were ladies. Nearly every buggy
,will be in the interests of temper- that came into town contained one
•anoe and officers for the ensuing gentleman and two ladies. The
,year will be elected. . show, on the whole, was good, pos.
--Miss Mand King left here on' sibly the best held in Blyth. There
.Monday for Washington, D.C., where was a very neat display of ladies'
she intends taking a course of train- work, a nice collection of fruit and
.{ng in the national training school vegetables and many excellent roots.
}for ttlieatonaries and deneonesses. She In grain and dairy products there
was accompanied as far as Niagara was a rather light show. There was
Falls by her father who intends to a gond show and keen competition
Introduce King's green oil in that in horses, more particularly in the
section of country. light classes. Cattle were few and
—Mrs. Wm. Symington will hold only of moderate quality, while
an attotion sale of farm, village sheep and ewine were fair, the
property, farm , stock, implements, quality of the animals being gond
`livery stable and faro shings at her but the competition not very keen,
residence in Aaburn on Thursday, The speeding contests and the 33rd
October 23rd. All will be sold to regiment band formed the special
close up the estate of the late Wmattractions, and both added ma -
Symington. For full particulars see terially to the interest and pleasure
posters and small bills. of the occasion.
—Mr. T. R. Wright, of the firm of --- -
Humphrey & Wright, builders and The Award Dad.
contractors, London, was in Blyth on No little interest has been taken
Monday and purchased 325,000 in Stephen township for some months
brick from Mr. Adam Wettlaufer. past in a line fence case, which has
The brick was bought for the Lon- been the si bjeet of a contention
don Builders' Supply & Manufectur• between two fanners of that town-
ing Co. The price paid wan $,50 ship since May last. Messrs. Isaac
per thousand. Mr. Wettlaufar is to Hill and Robert Sweet are the
load the brick on cars at Blyth, owners of adjoining lots, on the 9th
and the purchasers pay the freight concession of Stephen, the bank
trom Blyth to London, portion of the farms being still un-
—An exchange truthfully says it is
a fact that many good items are lost
to the newspapers every day by the
modesty of people who hesitate to
tell of matters concerning them-
selves. The right thing to do is to
stop the editor on the street or any-
where you happen to meet bim and
tell him you were away on a visit ;
that you had a friend visiting you ;
that you entertained friends; that
you are doing good. If you have
done anything mean of coarse keep
it to yourself for there are others
who will tell that.
—Mr. James Snell, of [layne-Bar-
ton stock farm, Hallett, annonnt:e8
in another column his great disper-
sion Gala of Shorthorns, Clydesdales
and Lelcesters, which will be held
on Wednesday, October 22nd, This
sale will furnish a good opportunity
for all lovers of good and well-bred
stock to make some excellent pur.
chases. There will be no reserve
owing to the destruction of Mr.
Snell's barns and stables by fire a
few weeks ago. Capt. T. E, Robson,
of Ildorton, and Mr. C. IJamilton, of
Blyth, will be the auctioneers. Read
the announcement and description in
another column.
—The draw -back to the work of a
good many correspondents is that
they aunt resist the temptation to
get offsome jokes at the experse of
other people. The joke is usually
wrapped up In such a way that only
those with local knowledge can see
the point. Nevertheless the point is
often so sharp that It hurts. Every-
body enjoys harrnless fun, but Use
private doings, the little ambitions,
the love makings, the little slips and
petty misfortunes should be let
severely alone. To never write
about a neighbor anything you
would not like written about your.
self, is a golden rule.
A Vi.ltor'. Opinion or Dlyth Fair.
Among the thousands of visitors
who attended Blyth fair last week
was Mr. M, Y. McLean, editor of the
Seaforth Expositor. Mr. McLean is
cleared and unfenced. Mr. 11111
wanted to enclose his portion of the
bush, and Insisted that Mr. Sweet
should build half of the line fence.
To this the latter objected, as ho
contended that it was unoconpied
and unused by him. Mr. 11111 then
called in three fence -viewers, who
made an award sustaining Mr, Ilill's
contention, Mr. Sweet then appeal-
ed through his solicitor, 51r. J. G.
Stanbury, of Exeter, to Judge Doyle,
who heard the appeal on 'Tuesday.
Ills Honor, after reviewing the
evidence, gave judgment in favor of
Mr, Sweet, with costs, and set aside
the award.
1VEn0INO 13kus. --A very pretty
wedding took piece at the residence
of Mr. and Mrs. l'eter Barr, 5th tine,
on Wednesday of last week, when
their sister, Miss Annie I. E Cham-
bers, youngest daughter of the late
M. Chambers, was milted in marriage
to Mr, Wm. Ilogg, a prosperous
young farmer of McKillop, at 3.30
p.m. The bride entered the parlor
leaning on the arm of her brother -in.
law, to the strains of the wedding
march, played by Miss Ewing, of
Se.lforth, the party taking their
places under a beautiful floral bell.
The ceremony wee performed by
Rev. Peter Musgrave, of McKillop.
The bride was attired in white
organdie, trimmed with white silk
and lace. She carried a shower
boquet of whit ises and looked
very pretty. S.,e was attended by
Miss Jean Campbell, of McKillop,
dressed in dotted muslin over blue,
trimmed with blue ribbon and lace,
and carried a boquet of pint: roses,
The groom was ably supported by
his brother, Mr. Robert Hogg. After
the ceremony the guests repaired to
the dining room to a sumptuous
repast, served in Mrs. Barra elegant
style. The tables looked very at-
tractive with their nicely served
food, boquets, etc., fruits and candies
being in abundance. A pleasant
evening was spent by all and the
newly married couple returned to
their home in McKillop amid showers
of rice and best wishes. The largo
number of gifts, consisting of furni-
ture, silverware and fancy artielee,
showed the high esteem in which
the young couple is held. The
guests from a distance were Dr. and
Mn. Scott, Andrew Scott and Miss
Ewing, of Seaforth ; Mrs. Scott and
sin, of Clinton ; F. 13 and Mrs. Scott,
of Bluevale ; the Misses IIogg and
brothers, 'Misses Campbell and Wilson
Campbell and wife, of McKillop.
May their joys be many is tie wish
of many friends.
Sate Register.
Wednesday, October 22nd. Hayno-
Barton stork farm, lot 20, von. 7, Hui -
lett. Dispersion sale of Shorthorns,
Clydesdales and Leicesters. Tames
Snell, proprietor, Capt. T. E. Robson
and C. Hamilton, auctioneers
Thursday, October 28rd. In the vil-
lage of Auburn, Farm, village prop-
erty, farm stock and implements, livery
stable and furnishings, Mrs. Wm.
Symington, proprietress. C. Hamilton,
Monday, October 270. Lot 26, con.
1, West Wawanosh. Farm stock and
implements. Wm. Davidson, proprie-
tor. C. Hamilton, auctioneer,
CROWN.—In Morris, on October 3t.h,
the wife of Mr. Arthur Cronin, of a
MCCALL.—In Morris, on October 12th.
the wife of Mr. John McCall, of a
CU`ININOIIAM—Ntv1Ns.—At the resi-
dence of the bride's father, Mr. John
F. Nivins, Blvd], by the Rev. John
Holmes, on October 8th, Mr. M'. C.
Cunningham. of Morris, to Miss Liz-
zie Nivins, of Blyth,
JOIINSON-11(0001;.—At tho Methodist
parsonage, by the Rev, John Holmes,
on October 15th, Mr. Win. J. John-
son to Miss Lillie May Moore, both of
AGENTS WAWED. —To take orders for
our superior eustom-nude "Walking"
and Underskirts. Liberal commission.
Write at onto. CANADIAN SKIRT Co.,
Guelph, Ont. 10a
Myth, Oct, 15.—Whrat, 63o to oto. Dorney,
540 W 070. Pets, 55, to ala. Oato, 260 to 27o.
Y00, 16u to leo. nutter, 1:3o to 14o. l'otatues,
Soo to Mo. nide, 51 to Co. Roy, 51 to e7. Lard,
1au to 14c. e, ,''•7 to W s. Flour 51.00 to $2.26.
Wood, 51 75 to 52. W010, 010 (0 Iw.
Lime! Lime!
Anyone in need of Lime in
any quantity should write
or telegraph us, and we will
deliver the same where re-
Nicholson & Sons,
McKinnon &. Co.
Our sales are growing rapidly. Every month
this year shows a large increase in sales over the
corresponding months of last year. But is there
any wonder, when we sell goods at prices like
these :-
-Men's heavy wool fleeced Shirts and Drawers, worth 600, for 45e
—Men's heavy wool Sox, regular 18c, two pair for 25c.
—Ladies tine wool .fibbed Hose, seamless feet, good value at 80e,
for 25c.
—White Cotton, 87 inches wide, soft finish, worth 7c, for 6c.
—Grey Flannel, plain and twilld, regular 15c, for 12ic,
—Flannelette in light end dark atripee, wide width, very special
at 5a,
—Fancy Plaid Flanueh",to in bright and dark colors, suitable for
wrappers and children's dresses, worth Se; per yard, for 6c.
—Flannelettes in pink, cream and fancy stripes, yard wide, very
special at lot.
—Wrapperettes in fancy colors and ribbon stripes, a good Imita-
tion of French flannel, worth Inc, for 100,
—Ping Pang Underskirts, in black mercerized satepa, great Value
at *1.
—Wool Blankets, full size at *1.60, et,75 and 12.
—Fine All Wool Blankets, soft lofty finish, fancy eolord borders,
extra value at *2.50, *4 and $t.
—Homespun Dress Goods, in black and grey, 66 inches wide, great
value at 600.
—Homespun Dress Goods, in grey, brown and navy, very special,
at 20c, 26c, 80o and 86c,
—Fancy Blousings in French flannels, and silk and wool mixtures
in fancy ribbon stripes, in waist lengths, no two alike, at b0c,
65e and 73c,
McKinnon & Co.
A S1yth. 4
rA A
We have just received entensive additions to our FALL STOCK of ,LADIES'
and GENTS' W ATCHES, and we have some groat bargains in CLOCKS—our
stock is up-to-date and our prices right. In JEWELRY we are bound to suit
you—we can give ,you splendid choice and close prices. Wo carry a full supply
of the NEW PRESBYTERIAN BOOK OF PRAISE in all the different styles
and prices. Very special values in WINDOW SHADES and WALL PAPER
to close out ends. •REPAIRING carefully done and at right prices.
The Popular Clothing House
A Fine Showing
For Trousers, Top Coats and Suits.
Come early and choose from a complete stock.
.. BLYTH , .