The Blyth Standard, 1902-10-16, Page 4MaillURCHIE & RANCE eche otUth tanbarb. am are needed lu every part of the coun- t ry fur the improvoment of tho uharnator Of thn cattle raised. BANKERS. A,. E. BRADWIN, Pususses, The Clydesdale stallion, Brave Boy, to be sold is a horse of capital quality, TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING — and has made a large season this yesr Ne BLYTR STANDARD, publieheLevary in it district where must imported BUSINESS. Thursday morning, la a live total news- horses are standing. The 2 -year-old Asper, and has a large circulation in filly of the same family is also an ex-, BLYTZi, ONTARIO. Blyth and surrounding country, making ceedin ,It, „ad nun , It a valuable advertising medium, Aub- Phe 8oek of Leiceatee sheep raeka as acription rice to any part of Canada or Duel' of the very hest in America, a• -,l the the United States only One Dollar per male affords all exceptional Oi+lMfuuiity NOTES DISCOUNTED, : annum in advance; 41.60 will be charged to secure rams for service or a fmmda- pard, Advertising calm on fiat! for nHoek, There are 50 LeicesterSale Notes a specialty. Advances: d not go made to farmers on their own i application. Job Printing neatly and sheep in the flock. notes, No additional security re-t'heaply executed. Correspondence 0f a The catalogue is now ready for dia- qutted. I newsy nature respectfully solicltt}d. tributuon, and will be mailed on spell INlBIIBT ON DEPOSITS at Currant Rate9,l r ----t-- cation to Mr. James Snell, Clinton, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1902, Ontario, Capt, T. E. Robson as auc- Weoder every accommodation con-' _ --- ---- riO3 per will conduct the sale and con- eiitpn1 with eats and conservattve� i p in tidentiy expects a large attendance. of banking principles. James Sne11's Dispersion otn tOctober 1211de`lers at Hayne -Barton' ONLiNITBD PRi9ATB FUNDS Eat 1 ale of Sllortllorns, 3 i- rk To loan on Rea] Estate s1, lowest —Sir John 13ourtnnt, eierh of the rates of interest, Canadian House of Commons, is dead, RILL IRATE AGENTS, desdales and Leicesters. Persons wishing to sell will do well _.— for to peace their pprrRents oppertty n our list The announcement by Mr, James strayed , Ilk, the premises of the under ESTRAY LAMB, e. Snell, of Hallett, Ontario, of the flim- signed, tot 9s, eoti. 4, East wawonoxh, on or 11N/ITANGINS persion Finte alt October 22nd, of his about mune fou,, real, one ewe lamb. Owner Of all kinds promptly attended to, 0ntir0 "Hayne Bal'tou'' herd of Short- all .%m0310110Wuses tlJ. ll kLt,tit Pistil properly O and pitying horns and flock of Leicester sheep, ISIININGI. should receive the attention of all inter-! We represent the leading Fire and in these linea. The sale is imperative • A e FARM FOR SALE. i Life Assurance companies, and m• plendti loo, Ore farm, ennnogoo tit t - and will be unreserved, owing to the east half of Mt30, ea,, r, haat wxwa0oeh, good 6 ttulty solicit your account, (roma boueo 1(11,6 kneheu, Lara 89035, and ah, d , � destruction of all the barns and stables' by fire. aex401u welch there ix good etablmg and hard , water 0l never failing well. There is 8 as OS (1 The Shorthorn herd has been estab-' bu-h, 1 sere of orchard, e0 mores motor coltiva. QYFICE HOURS : 10 motif. to 8 P.M. fished over 110 years, the foundation - 4 ou, balance seeded down. 7 ha faun 1s situ- I stock having been of excellent material' 'Moll mage from Auburn ant uo rudo from __ - 'Fur herehaner can have p to°H.00 naw. -_ and its quality maintained and improved Por furtoor particulars apply 11. eovixn, Buenos ecunis.by the continuous use of high-class bulla , Auburn P.U. gd of the most approved breeding. Both cattle and sheep from the herd and EAST WAWANOSH COURT OF REVISION. ; AZXX7XXX3IKXXXX1 ,,ttog Eta of Hamilton. Many to shown from the flock at the World's, N,,tlee le hereby given, that a Court will he' _ - yew ""'" , Steger bar' Windham, Fair in Chicago were very euee„aul held pursuant to the Voters' List Act, by Nis - -- - In t}teir w311n1n Honor the Judge or the County Court of the tCs. ' C wnty of Huron at 11 lame 00 Wednesday, the i• L JAC580N, 8,a„ The majority of the cattle RIO deg- .29th day of Octobor,194 atm o'clock a 10., to tided from the cow, Strawberry, the hear and dotaruilue too Remit]cuwplaiate of BABRISTEa, SOLICITOR, ETO. errors end ouarione 1%11,Vhater la d of 1,l e q -per first pure bred cow pul'chaeed by Hum- MunleipeIIty at the Towof East Wawauosh r1(. 11 eer and Notary tib 801141brtor phrey Snell & Sons from John Snell .4 'tar 1002. Alt persona havr,gbash.;3, at cho do 61, oNy to adblgok, over Bons, of SneIgr01'e. she wag a success- Court are rt cored to arrow'at the a .id time fol show cow, low net and thick -fleshed, ...til p1i0e' Fated this 1'1111 day of October, 1903 P. POBTellYIYLD, t7,erk of tbo tlu,ld,- a J1HOlIE Ds, sired by Imp. Cobden, who was of the patty. lob ) , f' earns type, a son of Imp. Jenny Lind,', WOW- who was a first -prize winner at provin- GOOD FARMS AND SAW it, op Ptrtorts elook, 81$b. spacio net. was second Strawberry ovefrom hersnf , 11. paid So the preservation of the na • was the second remove from the int - All prima so tow u b consistent ported cow, Lady Jane, by Sir Walter, ested in the improvement of live stock fzt L. DIDIINSON, flock have made a right good record for' BABi4iS1EB, tIOCjAITOB, BTC„ many years in the prize lists at leading fairs in Ontario, while the Leirestere; 'KXXXXXXXXIIIIX We Have No Hard or Soft Coal or Corner in Wood. But we have a splendid lot of Gents' Good, Warm and Stylish Overcoats, You will do well to see them before buying. We have also just received a large lot of Gents' Gloves and Mitts for fall and winter wear at sur- prisingly low prices—to see them means buy. Also a line of Crompton's Celebrated Corsets just arrived in all the newest designs. Business in the Millinery department is immense. Another large lot of New fiats just received. Come and See Them. 5000 lbs. Dried Apples Wanted. J. A. Anderson -aa.e--.BLYTH unMILL FOR SALE. poi wok. Gold work 4 epeeialty, a cow offoo quality and character and No 1—W4 lot 95, eon. A, East Wawanosh, eon- s very deep milker, a prospeneity that iralateef,1piavg1,0 , 80 surnar sriiaily oerea Q LINDSAY, M.B. has been well maintained in her des- and%Seres of fatherland! The enc tee good cendants through all the generations, loam. There to on the place a good brick dwell. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. and it is a very noticeable feature in the 6itoben eettw 134,, Oweod ,bedbVxta ou d ,atone rto Dr,Tait, Oradoa4e of the DDI- herd today, the females of breeding age cellar under full else of house; hood cistern; aoeagte0.on1�1emberofCot1MeofP)o7- 1 d i i li d d Ill 1gtaadutAEdtnbnrgp,8cottaad,ho► udder& and all the utdtcatlonB of first.f1W1al7ib.tod do11, N ofOaM>'lo,Former!orCBrryingarse ameveny balanced gt-au1(u,maooveuant to Lanae -and1.. Uodldings; tremabaro 60x65,web 'rano se and redden,, at letel7 Neu' class milkers some of the cows havin o hiennnderneatn; two rime dwedtng) 00490,' , R Ona 1(d s Galt eto7eys; 1 steam a1( ml.l coxal, ' records ofto 60 pounds of milk daily, two storey. w,1, boder, engine and all noes Fhia family bas produced probably as jsnyspll ehtngh, ail to goo i order. °g !math"' ` All winter in one of Herrington, s Overcoats. Never a w./. VILNA, N.D.o.lr. marls prize -winners at leading provin- No. a-44 tot 04,00n. titan Wawaeoth, eon- • better line of real good ones, never a better line of moderate- ' clad fairs as any other in Canada, and tanning 10014000, 80 403011u1vau4 and to a goo,0 ' Pir$cq[Atl AILD sIJyQEON. 'members of it have sold at Ili h 17cea. state •of antilop/on, IO sores of timber laud. priced ones, never a better line of low-priced ones. Then eat tib aromas Snell gold at auction in Iows last year fun else; good frame dwelling 20ce8, .me and a • V. car arses or sires used EOR. What, one door north of the and indeed for the last 20years, have o. - o Door as awanos ' pond MAIL Queen street, atyth. tafain' 100 soros, o sores cleared and Ina o d been typical Scotch -bred bulls of the Nieto of cultivation, 10 num of arbor 11°00. low -set, thick -fleshed sort, and the en- The eon is a gond oley loam, On the N..ce irthere i' a good iramo 131(0111( 4 42x90,'5(110 orb i, HUt7S8TBF, 431'0 herd has assumed that type of lar, with kitcbou attoebvd 10 28, ono and a bolt D►BBEB AND TOBAGOONIST, unusual uuiformity. -A bull which had etoreye; bard and 0 ft water; good frame barn bms OW, to stook of Tattoos, elders and ripe. on much influencedwas in fixing this type in nd abedh20000; good orlb'ii" 1,1,N data 1e S sweet for the ParWas Steam Lwudn, the herd was Vice Consul, bred Ly the wen drained and bat a never fading spring mu- 4'aggk street. E47th• Ioaec a son of the deep -ribbed, mellow• ulna through r. fleshed Neptune (imp) a Ripener -bred am fill pal Oculars 0pply to Tanatas H. TAY - an Have arm Te .gyp, U of Trio b Oollegs',1LD., g (here is on the place a good frame barn 40,00 ft01 {p{{91tot neilvtnit Tor A cow of this family fed by r James and 00 feet high with sura' stallion tinder the there is this certainty : " If you buy an Overcoat of me, you ,ae ce of Uhoeetmo 0 f thefor 4T00 The i din recent years, half atorm s w th one storey Welton attached get as good a one as the priceyou paycan buy, and if it dont N a Ittlt89 7F 11( h S Y prove satisfactory in every way you get your money back." Prices go from $5 to $18 1 y easy steps, and all the grade* are complete, - Nonpareil bull. Vice Consul's dam Vet, 1 UtaUud P.O., Out, or to C. IleteLT'��N, One bale of Flannelettes, in mill ends, cBA LTorc was a Ruby Hill, by the Cruickshank AUCrIONs!a AND VALUATOR. - Brawith Bud bull, Golden Crown. He ALMA from, 3 to Z 2 yard ends, 12%e goods for $a• Laai,Lan and 1Omnoa A¢eat• Omct,os: wan followed by New Year, a Wau- LADIES' COLLECE flan eaeet, Blyth. Orders lett at Tse frras- bred bull by V311aRe Horo, of the grand Have a look, then you'll buy. Ems ogee will receive prompt attention. old Sittyton Bud family and out of an St. Thomas, Ont. Uppermal English Lady cow, by the (TWENTY-SECOND YEAR) A s BBADWIN, -noted Brampton Hero, whose !flood STEAtlHIP AGENT bred prize winners wherever it flowed. The farthest south, and one of the The present stock bull, Star of Morning, largest and hest equipped in Canada. � rg$pitder-Denitraid ck r1 e eimAdsny now In his 4 -year-old form, a first -prize' Preparatory studies. seats eenlied. wman tiokaenowi°toroa winner at London and reserve for the' Graduating Courses—M.L,A„ M.E. ■sosaetatesmerewddatesot tauingturnt.bed championship, is also a Watt -bred bulli L„ Piano, Organ, Sinking, Violin, Fine wappaeatlmto Tom 8TesnalinMotm,myth. of the Marr -bred English Lady tribe,Art, Elocution and Physical Culture,' his sire, a Toronto tirst-]true winner,' Domestic Science, Commercial. pB01. 8. L TAUHE, being a Scotch -bred bull of the excellent Healthiest location. Moderate cltar- prize-winning Bracelet famil and his gr g. Write for catalogue to dam by the great Brampton l-ero whose dam, Imp. Mimules, was a daughter or the illustrious Champion of Englaud, I who mere than any other bull made the' Cruickshank herd famous the worlds ATTEND THE BEST—IT PAYS. over. Star of the Morning has also in his breedingthe benefit of the prepatent '3 rs ( r blood of Heir of Englishmen, h 1 t' 1 .`� !IJinfluence in the evelution of the Upper- A MANUFACTURING OPTICIAN AND NTE OPROIALIRT. All *dude of 8peotaoles end Eyegloeeee mule N oeeal% Special attention given to Attie' the lye. Orders by lade promptly attendud to, pewit, of parties tains m name ae 1n MotDO h n goai»evnd £.t&ling bnihed 18810.er•AU Richmond street W., Toronto. N•••• •••••••• ••••••••• BUT 81146111 IN WATC111 Net Prices sad Nem Goods for Blyth,—Elgla or Waltham. REV. PRIN. WARNER, M..�., B.D. n, whose i , (r/ I I l l l 1 i/ mill herd of Lir. Marr was similar and 1 ^ _ \ j l 1,.v , l 11 , w.l� r equal to that of Champion of English. fit, l ` men in the Sittyton herd. Another ; (!4i �I�►Q{�j� family in the Hayne -Barton herd which "hs{cord, ' 1. has had the services of those well-bred bulls is a direct branch of the Renick Rose of Sharon tribe, so successfully bred by Abrain Renick, of Kentucky, the Cruickshank of this continent, whose herd won the admiration of 18 size, 7 jewel, in Nickle Case Shorthorn breeders the world over, • only $6.50, and in Toronto 20- selectious from it being sold at prices year Filled Case oniy rt.—snaps. ranging from $31A)u to Stow each for 16 jewel Waltham, in Sickle exportation to England and Scot- - Cue only $10, and with 20-yoar land. Au attractive number in the Gold Filled Case, only $14. catalogue is the red 5 -year-old cow, In Ladies' Watches -25 -year Lovely Mary, of the favorite Cruick• Gold Filled Case, with Waltham shank Lovely family, sizingKing or Elgin movement, only $12. ' William 21561, by Imp. I{ing Jam1•s, Thee prime manor be bettered by who was by Royal ,lames, out of Maid moos la abet oodsI know what of Promise 6th by Gravesend. There • OC GG pp p tkars mud!. 11. 5 dont have to ask are 29 head of Shorthorns of different omen to ten ms tort know what tear ages. are. Send fa yoar order and It will be Red Rose, a handsome red 2 -Year-old Dr. J. N. NPerdue V.S. pnedtbe same a maim otben have been ,, ftoa Ono to time You ran no ',Woe heifer of the Lavinia family, is a tar roe pt your mone7 book 41 YOU daughter of the 19th Prince of Thule' PROPRIETOR. wig lb 22172, by San Mario by Conqueror, bred by Hon. John Dryden and sired, o oa GG OD c B • by the Cruickshank hull, Imp. Peng-' • gartl . T'irr -class Horses and Rigs for • The stook ball, Star of Morning;, Bons • • TEES WATER 2 in the gale, and 3n these days of scarcity Lira at Ieasonablo rats. • of fir. t -crass bulls he is well worth ♦•••••••••••••••• ••••N•• looking after, for it is doubtful whether' hest of accommodation to Com- - - there is a better hull of the breed in )nergial Travellers and 01110x8 requiring A. Q. U. W. Canada today while Inc breeding is I rigs, 11• unexcited, and be 3e snand, vigorous, $lath torus, No.1,l,, Ancient Order 4f Unitednn getltle and e. superior sire as his progeny Veterinary office at livery stable. orkm, ,„t.., in the workmen boll, mann amply attests. 1he younger hullo iu on the �end nod 4th Thursday in every the gale, several of which are sons of ,,-1*ti st*lle . Oatui" /1"th Qa i Star of Morning and a strong, straight, ,.,D,,, 4$ ,Smooth lot in good condition, Lind epch RING AND QUEEN STREETS, BLTTR, raw Recent eradnatee have (('330)1 ai g0n,) 7101)- 101M at 840 1340, 400 cud .'ren per ,moth, and n IOW days agora a ,phcaDou WOO 000,100d Offal, tog Duo of 0,0 g,aduatex of last t^res 0 salary of 8500 per mount. Tide 1x the t11,1 of 0videm,0 you are looking 10r ab to the 1 est school to attend. Catalogue free. Eu100 this month it po041b.0. W. J. ELLIOTT - PRINCIPAL BLYTH LIVERY and SALE STABLES A. M. BAB S. Herrington { *ll31yrth. FOR CND HEALTH To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for men, women and children than Ripans Tabuloe. They ire easy to take. The; aro made of a combination of medi- cines approved and used by every physician. Ripens Ta- bules are widely used by all sorts of people -but to the plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need. Ripans Tabules havo become their standard family remedy. They are a dependable, honest remedy, with a long and suc- cessful record, to cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver complaints. They strengthen weak stomachs, build up run-down systems, restore pure blood, good appetite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives constant benefit from a regular use of Ripens Tabules. Your druggist sells them. The live -cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 60 cents, con- tains a supply for a year. R•LP•A•N•S4