HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-10-09, Page 7SEAN 01 HEAD NEB
Late Report$ of Massacres in
New Guinea,
. Victoria, 11. t'., Oct. 11.--Slerti be-
fore the steamer Moisten left •Syrl-
ned official despatches; arrived from
New (bitten, lelllag of Intcrtrihal
fights and massacres. The Tugeri
head lientete had attacked the San-
dna villager, killed a large number
of people and carried away many
heads. The Menne afterward at-
tacked the Tugeri.
tllir F. 1', Winter, administrator
of New Guinea, telegraphed to the
Ooveroor General et Australia:
'Proceeding doen the (forehead
alter their raid on tb• Sennett v11-
Iagee, the Tugs.;: were encountered
by a large hunting party of our
ttotitee, among whole were /Wine
banana mete. This party at mice
attacked the. Tugeri, killed several
of them and torted them to aban-
don their canuea and take to flight
1n the trash. On nay arrival here
from Australia I at once empower-
ed J. I. C7trr 1.0 communicate di-
rectly with the flitch authorities
at Maercke reepecling the Tugeri,
and our pollee and eoldlurs will
forte a punitive expedition."
With regard to alleged rulhlese
masascree by the Tugeri, :fir Fran-
cis Winter writes: "Birrce my a rr1-
val in this possession more natives
have been ruthlessly- mar,eacred try
other uativee within a radius of
twenty miles from the house in
which I hen now writing titan have
during ruck period been killed In
this poosesnlon by the Tugerl. A
village on the (.reek! River, not
more than six hour)' walk from
this, house, was neatly extermin-
(fie Brltleh warship Torch has
returned to Adelaide after pro-
claiming Suwarrow Island a L'rlt-
1111 coaling etatlon.
Drove GR Two hebberr and Killed a
;Wllllumeporh 1'a., Oct. O. - Flue
marked men 10-r111y hnwwered ue
the door of the elontutu•evllle. Pa.,
Electric Clompeny'e yov-er house,
wells the tie/spot/rod intention ut over-
powering the engineer and 1'rollug
a gate ria the office.
Engineer Bly, hearing the rlolee
made to brenking dawn the door, got
a revolver, anti opened fire, killing
one robber and wounding two eth-
ers Dundeg the tight Bly was shot
twice In ten hip and leg. tie will
Bly managed to reach the whistle
and sounded nu alarm. IVIele do-
ing so the robbers drugged their
desist comeinnlon ootsblo, so Opp_d his
body of ail papers and valuabes, and
erloaped. The dead man wan 1101
Identified and he is believed to have
been a profeseonol thief,
ftebultt With Paraffin at n Cincinnati
11 u►ptt nl.
Cincinnati, 0., Oct. 4. - Surgery
bay made ouch rapid strides within
the last decade that 1L is Imposelble
to predict where Its emit Iles, es
waif again Illustrated at the elty
hoept'tat yesterday. In a few days,
when tine frlelltls of Maud Frazer
g.lt her agate they will scarcely
recognise her In the comely girl ar-
tistically rejuvenated by the sur-
rtaa'e ekUt,
Mud Prater was a pretty girl
but fpr eine feature, and that was
..Sr node. When admitted just a week
ago from her home, at 1,545 Linn
street that promineut adjunct to a
pretty face wan all awry. In early
infancy Ms because afflicted with Ca-
tarrh, which In Ian Intensity caus-
ed the nasal bones to duty, and as
the necro.W developed they had to
Its removed. estrange to ray, the
touter skin was never affected,
;but aa the mainstay -the bridge
and oartllage-wasted away the
nose finally collapsed lie a bal-
loon from which the air was exhauet-
ed t3o little support did It have that
at length It only became an ale
pendage that would flop from side
.to side as she turned her head. It
was for the correction of this un-
sightly defect that she metered the
hospital, willing to undergo any form
of torture In Its repair.
Where the nose has been,eaten
away by a malignant diseas, such
as cancer, nlrgeone long ago have
fotsad a remedy Ln skin -grafting. In
MIN Frazcr'e cure, however, it was
necessary to blow It up us It were,
and to restore It to Ite natural
oontour. A practical knowlolgo
rather than surgical skill teas
,eeceseery to devise the mein,,
and the 'staff plrrveleien in charge of
aha care {Inca both, lie detested to
report to paraffin, the same articles
Irom whi
ly In abscise the uweful product was
eternized and purified that it might
entry eo diectiee germ's with It. '.Af.
ter it lend undergone this process It
wee reduvid to a reml-llquld form
ani kept eo over a regulated lump
When 1111 was ready for Life opera-
tion the girl's ince was aleo rare-
full,v st'rIllzed and then an anti-
toxin eyrlogo wail brought Into re-
niesltion. 1'lll:d with paraffin, the
needle of the syringe wee the In-
serted larder Ilse akin, Just where the
eyebrows dlvkle, and the paraffin
slowly ejected between the akin end
ttreen:e. Slowly the bulbous nose be-
gan to form Into Re form"r con-
tour, and after the third InJeetlun
it looked like a ,well-0.veloped hose,
ngnellhe, and without its firmerde-
f1ute, With Ile other hetet the Por-
gi-011 kneaded It and shaped It un-
til Its form Waif perfect, and the
nlrr aline Wee eomplelrel. In 'fees
than twenty-four hours Ihr ear/li-
ne will have h'onleunl to the con-
elstrury of the curtilage Hunt oc-
cupied the lepaee hefom, and to ail
luteole and perpuecs Miss Frazer will
leive a sllnpely nose for the reef of
her ,lutes.
Are the Soft Coal Men I'leylng With
Iia Public'.'
The soft coal operators are just
now reeelhtg three times the normal
price for their real, and that tvlth-
rsil paying u einglr rept inure for
Ile production. ht other cuuntrlee
whet' call rises In price the miters
et once lnelst on receiving by a Her
In Watgte a share of the additional
prollt ; but flue tuft coal minora are
rnlsing no such agitation. Then
where W the enormous profit going
to 'which the soft cont operators are
+1t preheat recehlug ? Aro they
storing 1t with 1.110 hard cad opera-
tors? Is this the, reason why the
latter ere doing nothing to end the
etrlke 7 Seppusing, fur ergumeltl's
cake, that the @oft eoal operators
are tIlilillug their pree''n profits
equally lvllh the anthrnriti rout
()peril lure, then Pete are revels lug
far more than their noroui1 or usual
proflte whim both classes of miner
are 'working, 1» that MOO truly the
miner@ and coal rinsumers are the
only sufferers he this strike. -Scot -
Halt Aiuerhan.
It is Believed That the Executors
Will Agree to Chat Sum.
Colorado epringe, Col., Oct. 0.-1.11.
Stratton, eon of the luta W. 5. Strat-
ton, [nee approachal to -day by an
,xrv:utor of hie father's estate with
reference to a comproluieee he the will
coolest. He expressed hie eillingueee
to compromtee, but did not Elam() a
Shat. Tltn executor could not make
u definite offer evithout consulting
welt the attorney@ fur the executors.
Stratton saki later for publlcallott
that en Iwpuld compromlx, for
$1,1100,000, outside of rows for bring. -
leg Nutt. It Is believed thea this num
or another nearly equal will be
agreed on, and the milt tea; b' els-
missed to -morrow,
Sacrist filming* of Middlesex Assizes
Arranged for November 3.
The Silton murder triad has been
fixed for a special elttings of the;
Mlddlrsex leelior, to be held en Mon
day, Nov. 3, at London. Dir. Juetico
Britton will preelde, W. R. Relate', ,
K.C., Crown Counsel, and E. le11.I
Johnston, K.C., courted for the de-
fence, have been notified. to he ready
to go on when the ea -so is called.
Notice or the spaced sitting's was
given ou Wednesday/it Osgoode Hale!
Beelike' rho 9,tlton sit e, the uitlings I
will bo for tlbq triol of criminal mat- ,
Imre and of eucle cLell actions with a
Jury as Judge Britton will give epe-
clal leave to enter for trlai thereat.'
8yrrcuse Grocer Believes Ire Pub-
Sy ruCtlee deupatel 1 George J. Fry,
a grocer, who was married last ev-
ening to Mbar Emma Hanna, took
a novel way to secure a crowd at
Ids wetltltng. lie tlo,le not believe In
exclusive weddings nor In hurting
anyone's feelings, NO he took a city
tgreolory and Invited everyone In
les nnlghborllood, without any 111e-
tSnetion. Ho supplemented Mullet
with all the customers of foie store
and ended by gliving out a general
4nvitation to neyone who wi meet
to come. He scot inrltatlone to the ,
Mayor, the Board of Aldermen, !
Board of Supervisors and all the i
ray and county of Deers. Tho invite- 1
Lone re,u( as fullowe:
"You are (welted to attend the
weeding on George f. Fry and Ewe
tart Hanna on the trite of the court
(rouse, Thursday evening. (Seeker
end, at 8 o'clock."
Three year. ago Fry's fleet wife
died and Mew Hanna went to keep
house for him. She believed In elm,
although ito wee hrokn and she;
pan-ned her own watch for $10 to': -
start tun In business. Hn contrl-
buted a .rick of flour and from that
begtnning a largo grocery trade I
wet bellt. Saler Fry this afternoon: i
"Emma acme to my rescue and I
Whetll reward Iter by making Incemy
wade. 1 have six women cooking for'
my guest/ at the wedding and have
prepared for 600. I expect some ,
Pine presents."
Wanted by Defendants In Western
Lose and "l rust suit.
The Moatrval Witness has the fol-
lowing: In the naso of the Western
Loan and Trust Cempnn.-, Ltd., in
liquidation, vs. W. H. Comstock, et
al., la which the defendants are ac-
cused of misfeasance ht office and
breach of trust as directors of the
Western Lorin and Trust Con pony,
defendant made a motion for more
maple parltrulare as to pertain enra-
grnpins in the declaration.
Judge 1,o igeller maintained the
motion in pert and dismissed It In
Part. The motion tuns maintain -,i nit
regards the four Inst lines of para-
graph 00, which alleged that defend-
ants had arknowlodgei to owe cud
promise' to pay $250,000. I'artl:u-
Iars of such acknowledgment and
premise to pay were ordered and pnr-
tierlare of paragraph, 28, 20, 31
were ordered relating to improper
Ir)nn1 made by the directors. Costs
of motion agaluet plaintiff.
Party Sent to Study Farming
Reaches Quebec,
Quebec, Oct. -The eteaulehit
Lake Cllumpluhl, welch arrived 11
port about five o'clock title after-
noon, had on board the jloer Bele
gates, sent by the Imperial Govern
meat on the advice of Lord Milner
High Commieeloner In Smith Africa
L'.5. Grew Dealers on 1)111y Against
Peor', ill., t)rt. li. -'rhe weaned day
01 till.\`i liulu,; (irate, Dealer,
„nittm 11114 nora' (therapy at tend eel
Hurn flue prr.rdhtg day. 13ul littlebi
liminess trait attetupted In coivon-
lluo, rind the day was devoted priu-
ellmll;; to 1)(4'01 -making. Among the
(supers real wan one hr J. T. Weal).of eliniwapolls, 0o the "Itrp,•n1 of
Duty ou 1.'nnmdten Grain," and strong-
) ly ndvocnted the uteahlirr.
ern lief, of emenrhnent@ to the roe-
slltutlon vt•III role mfr to-tnorroiv, 1114
tvlll tun selt'r•tiva of next 711115 ntert-
leg pleb. Milwaukee mid St. Lu tie
-I aur prominent Candidates.
to tnako a tour of Canada to stud
modern ways of farming, rtoelt
ralsing, fruit -growing, fruit trteklug
etc. Thu party le composed of the
following: 31r. and Mrs. W. le Juurte
Mr. and Mra D. Lan, of Klerksdurp
Transvaal, and 311. Rood, of
the Ermelo Dletriet, sumo Slate.
e seers. Jooete used Lan were taken
prisoners at the Kruu)e Mager at
L'aardeberg, and sone to Ht. Helena.
Rood wee a fighter from the begin -
Mug to the end,
Rood and Jooste belong to the Boer
race and Lan Is an freshman, living
In South Africa fur more than thirty
years• They are well educated and
speak good EnglLelt. They have fur
their wlt*lon the maklug of obser-
vations on our ways of culttvatlug
or farming, to glve lectures or con-
ferences before their own people In
the Pew BrItIelt colonies of South
Africa after their return. They are
Ln charge of Captain Klrkpatrlck, of
the South African Constabplary, who
le uacomttauled by hie wife,
The Boer delegates were mot ou
arrival of the steamer her': by 31r.
0. F. O'Halloran, Deputy 3lluleter
of Agriculture, who will 0000 0-
pany them to Montreal on board
the Lake ehamplain, which left at
1.1 o'clock this ovculug. At Mont-
real Mr. O'Halloran will put the
party In charge of Mr. Moore, of
OW Hanle department, ole Will at: -
company them around the loun-
try. In response to the request
for advice from On different 1'ro-
vinrlal Departments of Agri-
culture, as to the dietrlcts through
which they want the Boers shown,
the dehartweet at Ottawa has ue,en
assured of the heartiest co -opera.
time The departments In Ontario,
Prluee Edward Island, Nova ficolla
and New Brunswick have all totem
teered to Bend guides to rond•wt
the visitors through the prtnluces.
James McClean, of Belt, Falls Prone
a Roof.
(Inlet report: Jas. Mol:evati, North
Water street, was ehlttgling u bonito
on Beverley street, and while carry-
ing a f)acknge of shingles on the elfp-
pery roof fell over the edge, fully 30
feet, Mr. R. L, Murray, who Inver in
the adjoining house on Beverley
street, he, ,rt( a groan and then the
words, "Coate, quick." He hastened
into the yard anti fount) Mr. lecEwunn
IyLng helpless. "Don't touch me,"
gasped the injured man; "I am dylug;
my back 1s broken."
"Can't you move your lege?" Mur-
ray asked.
"No," wars the response, "They are
share" i
Mr. Murray moved Mr. MoEwan in-
to an easter position and lurrlrsl to
notify Br. t'ardou. Mr. McEwen was
taken to the halt Hospital !n the im-
balance. Examination elbowed hie
back to be broken. H1/ body le para-
lyzed, but he is perfectly conecluur.
Mr. MoEwan is a widower with two
children. Ho nae heel here for many
years and 1s widely known and liked.
Taprrhuls Veined by Disastrous
Bon Francisco, Oct. d.-Thehostel-
er City of Sydney, which arrived
Irom Mexican ports, brings news
of a dtwnetrous earthquake at Pi p-
acleae, near the southern boundary
of M `xleu.
Particular's of the event, which
occurred On September 21, are not
available, the only rimmed having
been kernel at Mazatlan on the fol-
lowing tiny, wh,rn a telegram had
been received curtaining nothing
More then the etntrment that e
great earthquake hill demolished Rev.
ernl buildinge and Inflicted other
damage In the community.
Thpachula was seriously &m -
aged by the big earthquake of last
epring, et the time Qtteseltennngo
nest many other town@ of Guntemnla
were almost refuse
An Adv.uce lu the litre o ('lug
Toronto report: Owing to a short,
ago 1n the tubarco crop of the Vir-
ginias and the Carolinas the plea
of plug to(utcau btu 11011 ndynnced
7 to 10c. It pained, ride adlnurr
uffer•ls old/ mcent orders fur new
stuck, but before the gathering of
another crop the price may go etlll
The plug tebareo from the Southern
State@ fir consideree of a higher grade
than that grown la Canada, but the
advance to tills high grade tobacco
will tJonetlres tffet the price of the
domestic plug. The tobacco of Kent
and Emmet is now quite a factor In
the Cnuadlan market. Last year
3,000,000 'mutate of tl went out for
rousumptlon. Economical users of the
'southern weed will now look to tho
Canadian plug.
The Czar has expressed his regret
at the approaching departure of
Charlemagne Tower, the U. 8. Am-
bassador, ,
Where Our New Settlers are
Drawn From,
Ottawa despatch says: The re -
tined Ilgurrs of the illlinigratanirr�
luras show that durlug the year
ending' Jeune J11tlt lust the tell erre
vale were 417,230, agalnst 40,1)0 lust
yea r, an increase of 18,081.
The arrivals for 1110 lust two
months wire 15,31.15, all ltrreller of
7,142 over the same time last year.
The lntmlgrtnls from Great Britain
for the two menthe were '1,8_9, nit
increase of 1l7 over the same time
brut year.
From rtnlllu,nttl Eurtrpo, 5,310, an
Ulcerates of 1,74.5 ; from the United
Stades, 0,7_0, an Increase of 3,08..
Therm Was a meeting of the Cabi-
net title fmelte xi to lease sumo
routine bushwes from the treasury
bonne. Sir Richard Cartwright ufter-
wartbs loft for Kingston.
1110 Greek Notable's Have !Been Mur-
dered by Uuleartaes.
London, Oct. 4.-.1 despatch from
Constantinople of yeetenlay'e date
soya the Turkish troops who ware
seat to pursue several Albanian
chelerio overtook tho latter, end a
short engagement ensued. The AI-
bnnhane wore forced to retreat, The
top pillaged andburned two vil-
The garrison of Mltrovitra has
been reinforced by three battalions
of infantry and one battalion ofar-
The Greek Legation hue Informed
the Porte that 150 Greek notables
have been murdered by Bulgarians
In the districts of Munnstlr and 8a-
lonloa within the port two menthe.
Urlll,h Government Will Pay 14!780,•
000 Anciently.
London, Oct. (1. -Tec directors of
tho Cunard Steamship Company sent
a letter to the shareholder's to -algid.
Betting forth the terms of the pro-
posed subsidy. It will include payment
by the Government of $750,000 annu-
ally, the Company to build two large
fast steamers fur the Atlunttc trade.
The agreement wilt remain In force
twenty yeasts.
After the completion of the serried
steamer, the company is to roman
a British concern, and nn underhlk-'
tag le to be given not to unduly raise
freight rete@. The Government trill
lend the money for the construction
of two funned eteamere, chargleg In-
terest at the rate of 23-4 per erue
per annum. The lona le to be repaid
In annual payments, extending over
twenty yearn.
Another leailyd M11(ee Naval °Meer
K1111 fllre,eell'.
Scratched Ills Thumb It bile Operat-
ing our Patient.
Toronto report : Dr. L. Loran Pel -
mgr, 40 College 'treat, while perform- -
lag a nasal operation on Tumidity,
scratched Ills left thumb, and He now
hn a critical condition from blood
I'obruning. Pr. Peters, i+ylvester and -
Stevenson are in conetunt attend-_
time, end, at the beet, think that
their patlent will Misr his hand. (lie
la in danger, and though the doc-
tors' are reticent to meeting of ler
MGM, they hold out no upecltlly r't-
oouragtng hopes. "Ile Ls In n critical t
Condition. We cannot tell how it will j
terminate for a few flays yet," one
of them said last night.
- t
The Huldimnnl Old Boys' .(e••'o:•le- ''
lien, of Toronto, have onug,leted 11- I
rnng,mente with the rrnad Tronk t,
run ar. excursion on 1'rldny, O"toe, r
101.11, to CnL'doniu. A. general re-
union of former residence of Haldl-
nnntel tereety Is to lake place at the 1.
great fail lair that le to be held le
In (.'nlet1ol,La un the Btlt and 10th e
Prosecution Hardly Hopes for
New York, Ort. Il. -Tree asststaut
els/tree attorney, wee Is to prose
rule the ease egalnst Roland Burn
ham 31ullteux for the murder of
Mrs. Gate J. Adams, on December '28
1ttuti, In the cellulite( brauelt of the
Supreme Court, Haid to -,hay whet'
staked if lie expeeted n convletloi :
"L oeser eXtrovl anything where to
Jury is concerned.
"Is your case as strong ae it wee
When you prosecuted 1lolmeux three
years ago 1 '
"1 can't expect to lend emelt of an
army where all elle Wemeers have
either died or fled," he replied.
Mantle 3lelandu, cut Imie'rtunt wit -
new lu tem elolIPeux ease, who hue
been reported utlssing, Is lu Newark,
N. 3,, and tions nal Leave her home
lu the daylight. She wild to u friend
last night that she did riot take any
Nuke of being kidnapped again, and
wee not going to testifv against Mo-
Ilucux under any clrrttfnetlltter'e, not
only because of the trickery' with
which they captured her lest time,
which elle resented strongly, lett be-
cause elle would not put the life of
an Innocent man In Jeopardy by her
teetlmuny. 5110 Indignantly dented
that she was receiving any compen-
sation to keep away from the isIt-
uees etaud.
It took seven weeke and the ex-
peudllure of a lot of money by two
detectives to entice the Melando
woman over the stat° flue last time
and she thinks It will require five
years to tlo the trick aspire She
professes to believe that Mollneux
Ie Ntwoeent of the crime' with which
Ile le charged.
11 If ('Had Only Seen Dis Man
a Day Before,"
Windsor, Ort, OL -Ret, 11. lluvhtgton,
pastor of toe Bruce AY entre Baptist
Church, Windsor, related yesterday,
uflernouu au experience HumeWlntt
out of the oielnetry. 1 Couple ram)
over from Detroit and were married
Ile the pureunuge. The bride war 0
Merman women emeriti sires larger
than the groom, and the disparity In
their stntute attraeled Mr. Boeing -
ton's notice est tlutt !to retttemberbd
the weighty frau when rhe called
tiepin about ten days later. She war
Itoeompanlol this tltno by another
gentleman, wattle the paetur mistook
for the brother of the womat'e hus-
ened. It was evident from their agi-
tated appearance that there war 1t
greet queetlou at etake. The woman
broached the 'subject by aekbsg the
pastor 11 ll was true. as the uewe-
rrapere saLl, that It Indoor marriages
wera not legal. 3fr. Bovingtmt tried
to allay the lean of the anxious bride
turd was most emphatic in Ida state-
ment that the marriages were per-
fectly legal If the parties had com-
plied with all the conditions. Then
imagine 31r. Bovington'e 'surprise
Hellen the woman exclaimed:
'Ad a glance I can see our itnlsh.
Ve vented to many each udder and
new ve can't,'
31r. Busir,gton remarked that he
tbumght she had been married a few
lays ago, and although the %mottos
',Melted that ettolt was the care elm
botigitt the marriage was not legal
Out desired to merry again.
"If f had only even die mail n day
before I worn marrled to de udder,
.1 would bo such a happier,* to
me," was her parting shot.
Mr. Bovingtoo save that (regent -
y the moist unexpected answers are
received to the prescribed qu"+tlons.
Recently- lie melted a bride wit it woe
her rtligloue dennminatlnn. Her
)newer was "general housework.'
Once Mr. Bovingtu n lutialrnl of n
groom what war hie occnlvattunanl
he Irnelrtetl that he tape n profession-
al gnm'dor nod eo desired it entered
on the books.
At another time n ynkrl from
h'ewllde of Mlchlgnu was toll to ea.
ata the bride and insten'i of Id sing
hes' 4e stepped beck rind elrnine,l
MN heel in Oleg a law. a4 I e had
been accustomed to de Ili a square
Ab80 OD tinily grind ger5 'an,
mender W. V. Bronaugh. of the Un-
ited etates navy, committed relielee
to -day on the battleship Ifearsiarge,
et the Navy Yards, by blotting out
his brains with a revolver. His I
friends believe Hutt he was much
worried over hie manifold dullest tte
legielative officer, which are con-
sidered more arduoue titan those of
any other powition of rank in the
navy. Purnell F. Harrington. Cap-
tain of the Brooklyn Navy Yard, nays
that there le an epidemic of suicide
In the navy hurt now. Commaoder
Bronauge was born in Kentucky, and
entered the Navel Academy In 1873, t
nllIrte Chargee In Mull Thnt 11444 Ant.
mal Concealed a l.lvet Wire.
Ruck en ID:, 111, (artrl -tl \ -.Ono.
bough has flied ruin Int the Circuit
Cram of Rork Island Comity against
the Fraternal Trihnne, 0 fraternal
and hrue(felary nrgnnira11,1,1 TIt
silt Is brought ngalnst the lodge
tad effleers at fort Iteral. Thr
'umpinluanil alleges that he was In-
ured for I(1' while being hdllnted
not the organlznllon, Ile claims that
hr goat was co/loomed vvlth elec-
rlcity. rind daft his body cum, in
nntnet with the live wire. The ease
s attracting much attention, and Is
ming watched by unprente uffictre
r1 ether ordere,
ArcIdrlsttop Jahn J. Keine, St.
oats. who has horn in furor Ironlll3
to the past el xruontlts, line expert -
1,00.1 a meekest change for the
urea lu the past two days.