HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-10-09, Page 6lr N+4•MNaFNt•Ns NNN • WORSE THAN DEATH. •2 O•NtsNNONeNNe•s1NN ThottF who know something of the manner of punishment meted out to hard -labor convicts lu the penal sot- tlemente of Saghalien, lout more especially to such as come within Iho category of "meet herons nrhn-' 1aale," can well appreciate the trait- or Orlmm's appeal to the Czar for a aotdler'e death by shooting, or even a feloo'e death by hanging. 'Inlet appeal, nays the Moscow correspond- ent of the Morning Leder, will not be vouoh«.ted. Grimm must eery' the first two ye'a's in the Saghal- Ian mince ahalneti to a heavy wheel- barrow, whether working or sleep- ing, , The chains arty not locked, but Welded, and there is no release ex- empt on a doctor's order for the con - Hot'' removal to a lazaretto. The prison warders, gangers, and tnipeo. a o.Vl.he Far Eastern island lutve, even in this country, a peculiarly NTH reputation for brutality. If he Rues through the horrors of Saghal- ien for ten years, tlrtmm will then bo removed and interred for life in one of the remote penal settlement, ad Siberia. I was some time ago ne- ared by a Russian penal authority that at least 70 per cent. of the hardeabor convicte deported to fiachallen would honestly prefer to bo saplitaliy punished. As a mat- ter of fact, it le a purely hypocritic- al straining of the descriptive term to eohple "humanitarianism" with the law, which forbids, uta a general rules capital punishment In Russia. Tearing down signals sines not delay stem. Opium -laden "medicines" may cher counting, but the cold stays. Do not trifle; when you begin to cough take Allen's Lung keb—tree from opium, full of healing power 5 SENTENCE Bear Mother's Unjust Chastisement. A friend of mine returning to camp aftee a day's shooting, mehteuly cane hi eight of a big she bear with two cube following in single file, pro- ceeding along a t Edge, the forme of the tbroo being sharply ellhoueted against the sky. It was a very long shot hut Ito determined to try it, go thew n bead on the old elle bear and ` fired. The result was curloue. The etyrrooceesion stopped, the ehe herr w retched hereon hastily, then turn- ed ground, and. regarding the cub ImmbOlately behind her with grave dim ?oval, holed ite ears eoundly, and , hen went trundling along the ridge, evidently under the Impreeefon that' her frollceome offspring had been. up to some unusually ohjectlm- able, tricks.—Navy and Army. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED by laTal applications es they cannot reach the dtameed portion of the ear. Thereto only One ay to cure dentnees, and that le by eon- aWtu nal remedies. IFeatnese is soused by en I anted condition of the mucous lining of theWitten Tube. When this tube la in. tam you have a rambling sound or hillier. tact Matt ng, rind when It Is entirely closed, DeattibeaM U the reeulr and unless the fndam- tnat can be ttken oat and this tube restor- .it Y normal v condition, heart's will be gee forever; er aloe caeca out df ten are by catarrh, which le nothing but an L7a d condition of the menus sett:wee. We will gut a One Hundred Dollars for any case at Deafness (canoed by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Bend for cheaters, tree, F. J. CHENEY 4 CO., Toledo, 0. gold by Druggletr, 711e, Ballet 'Family Pate are the best. SCOTT'S EMULSION Scott's Emulsion is the means of life and of the en- joyment of life of thousands of men, women and children. To the men Scott's Emul- sionives the flesh and strength so necessary for the cure of consumption and the repairing of body losses from any wasting disease. For women Scott's Emul- sion does this and more, It is a most sustaining food and tonic for the special trials that women have to bear. To children Scott's Emul- sion gives food and strength for growth of flesh and bone and blood. For pale girls, for thin and sici:ly boys Scott's Emulsion is a great help. fiend forfree sample. SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists, Toronto, Ontario. 6Oo. and $1.001 all druggists. Microcosms. It le rather harder to he petty outdoors; there is ea much breadth all around. Do I believe in chaperonage P Yes, for my boy 1 It won't 1:10 to be only partly a lady. Comte are probably mole; their eccentricities can be computed. The Wet uninteresting person In' the 'World is he who 1M interested In everything equally. There le more joy over one sinner who makes hp a quorum than beer the ninety and tithe who come re- I gtdarty. Before giving one'e life to n - sauN It Ie well to be rune that the gift IN of some value. I never know a loan to object . to any sphere for n woman that 1 bad him for the hub, To observe the habits of an echl-, Redeem—that is science. To do the same thing for a pian—that le only fiction. Temperament covere a multitude pf ens, It.la queer •hdw much tyranny slipshod people discover. Life happens to sumo folks gnly in novels, If mere tdeae'are not truth, they are at least the cloth of which it 11 made. Nothing ?worries a woman so Ouch as not 'to belong to things. Dorothy Moore, in the July Cen- tlary. Going through the Deck. ' This religious note is from the Minch department of the Loveland, Lei., Reporter : "Only a few weeks ago Rev. F. l.. Roselle preached on "1Yts Discarded Queen.' Next Sun- day night his topic. win be 'The Two Kings.' It will then be seen that after baying .discarded a queen be held up two kings (and possibly as soei, hoping to pull two more kings in tho draw, The parson is ilcesd to have a good hand if it takes all summer. We await with fererieh eagerness his lecture on The Grasping Animal; or, who Feeds the Kitty ?' "iKELPION y/ ar.*LUS ,anMMI OPRWMIMr.t Iadaes sbybut Lagllsbue.di.sljwrnals. Sspplledts arltisk aaidleraln Reath Metas. Far 11l Threat sad Vied Troubles, Laws, abuW .s, Old Rena Ulcers, Elsa., Nita Vl$I i.s Lanma Pimples, Stitt Joints, La Rheumatism, mhage, S Telae, $rales, . Plies, Cute, Sera Foot Pleurisy. MH by Druggists, MN. Tri it seas. Mooted the Doctor, Two Polish rustics who were bad- ly aifltcteal with rheumatism were recently taken to a hospital in Frankfort. Each felt great pain in one lee; and the physician tried to alleviate it by rubbing the leg. One of the rustles howled terribly while thio was bring done, whereae the other etteret not a word; in- deed, Irene the smile on him face, one woied flava said he enjoyed the rub- bing. After the do -.tor hind gone away, the one who ilatl howled asked: 'How im the none of heaven were yooablo to endure all that pain without screaming?" "Frust' enough," wee the reply, "I fooled the doctor; I gave him my sound leg to rub." Stops the Cough and Works Oa the Cold. Laza tire flrom n Quinine Tablete cure amid ,n one day. No sure, No pay. Price 28 tent'. 1)or'e Again, Old Devil 1" The fellow of an English army of- ficer watt vlelting me with her eon, a charmtng little fellow about five years old. The mother told me with mete how honor) hie he was, how high-minded, and that the had never terms toutant seen in him Indications el any traits that were WW or base, The child tree 'put to bed every' night at 6. We dined at 7. I was ratting In the drawing room ons evening before dinner. The room WON dark, the donne open, and my seat commanded a t'Lew of both the stairway and the dining room. The table was set and In the center was a dish of tempting peetchee. Present- ly there came to my ears the patter of two hare feet, and a childish figure, clad in a night gown, stole down the etatre, through the hall, into the dining room, up to the ta- ble. Small fingers seized the topmost peach from the dish, and the lit- tle fellow turned and trotted away upstairs again. t41q I eat in the dark. in an agony of appi•eheoelon. there Dame again the patter, patter of little feet. and a white -clad figure stole down the stairs, through the hall, Into the dining room, up to the table. Small fingers replaced the stolen peach just where it had been, and a stub- born little voice muttered, "Done again, o1d devil P"—Harper'' Maga- zine. Illnard's Liniment cures Burns, etc. A Profitable (harden. (Town Topical "What did you get out of Jour garden title year?" "Not a day went by that 1 didn't hove one of my neighbor's chickens for dinner." TO CURB: A COLD IN ONF DAY Take Laxative Brom' Quinine Tnhletg. All dru}{pints rebind the u"u•y 1f It huts to rare, E. 1 . Grove's signature loon shell box. be. Had Forgotten 141e Excuse. ii'biletdelphln Record.) Mre. Guzzler ('n tiuxiler comes In unsteadily at 3 n. tit.)—You have no excuse for coating home at Vale hour end in this e,•i lO Ion, Guesser—I lin,! one, my dear. and it was a dandy, but I can't think wbat it was. New York Central and Hudson Ith•er Railroad. The Abner name Is a hnunehnld word and the superior excellence Of the road should he anmd,itt to +ttruct MOM, peaple, but new that the rate le the mime to New Tork and points east As In• Other linen no further re- commendation etaould be nought. Every- body will tell you It In the beet. Reveries of a Bachelor. A' married man's troubles begins when he Is eng/Igor!. It len't on what income one ran got married, but on what income ono can live niter getting married. No woman cin torr amend for her husband's lack of interest In her diploma and the photograph of her first suitor. The wny to convince a woman you • lore le to nit in abstraction for a i long time and then say wait a start that you were thinking of the first day you ever tutor her, , Before the Is married the average - women thinks that when elle has a !tomo of her own she will raise vege- tables and chickens • afterward she , Perpetual Motion. When George Stephenson was asked, " Do you believe in perpetual motion P" he replied, " Yes, It you lilt yourself by the walet-band of the trousers, and carry yourself three times round the room." Just so, and a woman would jest as soon believe that she has not to pay dearly for common premium soaps, in the low quality of soap, in ruined hands and riothee. She would he kept in perpetual motion trying to do with common soap what she could no easily do with Sunlight Soap—Octagon Bar. 218 hlnke children will 1o.—N. Y. Press. 1 ^"^' Hinard'e Liniment for sale every- ; NIGHT where, 1wenty'•Pound Cabbages Ut Cubs. In Cuba c.'l bngee frequently weigh ae mush' as twenty 'mantle. All v'ogetublee do well. Radishes bay be eaten from nineteen to eighteen days niter sewing, while corn produces three Grope per ydnr. Sweet potatoes are perpetual. The natives dlg up the tubers, cut them off and plant the old vine., which produce a new crop In three menthe. All sorts of fruit, horticulturul and green -house plants and 'bulbous stock are also grown with the most gratifying success, Why Charlie Didn't Ga, (Oswego Tlmeet "Ethel," he whispered, '• will you marry me?" " I don't know, Charles," she re- plied, coyly. " Well, when you find out," he tattvl, rising. "send me word, will you 7 I shall be at Mabel flicks' until 10 o'clock. If I cbtt't hear from you by 10 I nm going to mak her." Everehody Is the architect of his own fortune. AHnard'e Liniment Cures Dandruff. Handleapped. (Smart SeLI Madge—Now fa it you are not going out yachting with Charlie again P Doily—It took both hie hands to manage the boat. Resent. C. C. Richards & 0.: Gentlemen,—My daughter, 16 years old, wits thrown from a sletgl: and in- jured her elbow eo badly It remained etiff and very palette for three years. Four bottles of MINARD'S LINIMENT completely cured her, and ehe has not been troubled for two years. Tours truly,, J. B. LEVESQUE. St. Joseph, P. Q., Aug. 18, 1000. Mace of Real Rest. tierce Briggs—What's your idea of AM - ten P Griggs—Well. It's the way a men feels the first three days after he is home from a summer vacation. LOST HIS RHEUMATISM By the Use of a Bottle of St. Jacobs Oil. Sergeant Jeremiah Maher, of .trd- cath, Royal Irish Constabulary, Saye: "My friend, Mr. Thomas Hand, has been a great sufferer from rheumatism in the beck and joiute for the lust four years, dur- ing which time he has applied many different methods of treat- ment, but obtained no relief what- ever, and for the last two years has been unable to walk without a stick, and sometimes two sticks), and was In great pain constantly, I Induced him to procure a bottle of St. Jacob. 011, which be applied with the most astonishing and mar. yellow, effects. Before he had fin- ished using the contents of the first bottle he could walk readily wltitout the aid of a stick, and after a few applications from the second bottle he watt free from pain, and Inc been ever since; and although 50 years and a farmer, he can walk and work without ex- periencing any pain or difficulty whatever." The Heat. of Lava. The retention of heat In lava is almost incredible. Lava Is eo bad a conductor that it is possible to walk on the surface of a iav-a flow when it has cooled and yet see red heat In the fissures below. Mtnard'a Liniment relieves Neural- gia. , A Prayer. In all I think, or e'peak, or do, Whatever way my steps are bent, God sllnpo and keep me strong and true; Courageous, cheerful, and content. God help mei help me to suppress All longing for what cannot be, And grant me means wherewith to Non Whoever may have need of me. —W. D. Bussell in the Independent. gee that the druggist gives you the right article—the ,000thing helpful Painkiller that born.ee ut'l'your Isotb itfamily Painkillefore er,uPwere rry Davis'. No upright dealer offers substitute', MARE AND ITS CURE. Tlltolr who softer from nightmare and the number Is legion—may be in- terested in knowing that the disor- der 1s a nervous one, traceable In many inetauoee to proven table caueee. Sometimes these are due to prolonged wakefulness, a radical change iu diet, or faulty pueltlou of the body, such as lying van the back or face. Sometimes it Is due to some mechanical katet'ferenee, .nc1t 840 an aneurism or even e' el - len temente West has rcp:lrted a case In which, in spite of all hygienic treatment, nightmare continued ev- ery' night for a long period, due It, was discovered after careful ton - sideration, to a prolonged uvula, which during sleep le prone position, hindered free respiration. Cutting off' tike point of this michlevous uvula caused the permanent disconttnu- ince of the vlelts of the nightmare, In nervous persons, emotioual 1n character, nightmare may be caused by grewuome tales of woeful epec- tactee, grief, discouragement, hat- red, anger, eta Ln fact, the moot inteneo nigivtmar'e le dote to exhal- atLane of passion, due to the lose of dearly loved relatives or friemht, sudden sad extreme reverse of for- tttale, disappointed ambition, tate fear of disease, or even a shock to one'. 1 self love and esteem, which, as has been aptly saki, slays more teatime than love, T,he treatment of nightmare con - Mete In awakening the subject and, i1 there Is perturbtutiou of mind, giv- ing some mildly sedative potion, such as warm water iwettoned with syrup of lettuce, Volley, leg Me acre should be taken to remove the supposes cause; to prevent recurrences of the nightmare. In the cage of children intense moral Impressions, weird stories and greweomo tales should be avoided, especially before bedtime. The child should be put to bed enrl,y to avoid the exciting environment of the .coini circle, of animated. conver- wttlon and convivial jollity. The evening meal should bo a light one, built ail to quantity and quality of food and drink, avoiding highly spiced reliehes and stimulating drink.. The chamber ehould bo •spacious and well ventilated, the bed not too soft and without too much bed clothing. Per- fect muecubtr relaxation, avoidance of faire positions ami perfect free- dom; all oomprreelon interfering with respiration or circulation must be avobleti. The feet ought t0 be warm' and lower than tion tread. The body should be extended end not cuddled up tn'to a ball. When the( bed is In an aloove or eturroundod by heavy cur- tains nightmare to sure to lurk with- in, for they prevent the free circula- tion of air, and the brain Is stupefied, as It were, by htughing gas produced by the sleeper, the air floated by him being breathed over and over again. The bed ought to be elightly inclin- ed from head to foot, but the proper elevation of the head varies accord- ing to temperament. Anaemic, people need to have the head quite low, but lull -blooded people rest easier if the head is higher. Left In the Dark, A little girl about 3 years old was out pinying when entddeniy It be- come very cloa'ly. She ran into the bout% and startled her mamma by saying: I'm not going to stay, outdoors any more," • I "Why 7" narked her mother. "Because God bloomed the sun out." Piles To prove to you that Do Chase's Ointment las certain and .baolute caro for each end every form of itching, bleodingeed protruding Olen, tthe mantle urere have guaranteed it. Siete* wwb.tltheey tWhe Waakror1'y YYoou tee nes neigh - inn nd get Door at ea/aegismer go ty hack iBaT1sRCO.,red. eiki Ta OW. Or:Oh*se's Ointment A BOON TO HOnalcMEN—One bottle of EngilshSpavin Liniment completely removed a curb from my horse. I take pleasure In recommending the remedy, as it outs with mysterious promptness in the removal from horses of hard, soft or calloused lumps, blood spavin, splints, curbs, Sweeny, stifles and sprains. GEORGE: RGRR Farmer, Markham, Out. Bold by all druggists, ISSUE NO. 41, 1902. Au Intricate Language. The intricacies of the English lan- guage are well illuetrtitel in the de- Gnition glen' of a sleeper A steeper to one who sleeps. A sleeper is that in wh.olt the sleeper *totem A sleeper is that on which the sleeper rude while the sleeper sleeps. Therefore, while the sleeper stoops In the simper, the sleeper car- rit•e the steeper over the eieeper under the sleeper, until the sleeper which cirrlee the sleeper jumps the sleeper and wakes the sleeper in the sleeper by striking the sleeper on the sleeper, and there It net longer any sleeper steeplug in the kleeper on the sleeper. Reflections of a Bachelor. Some 'men wouldn't lee any worse than they are, even IS they were mar- ried. Mighty few girls can ever talk about a new tnttttgemett without wetting their lips nervously. A woman sort, of exp.ote burglars to come emend in the Ramo regular way ne the milkman. Tbero is some !tope for the idiot who thinks he knows all about gar- dening, but none at nil for prim when he thinks the same way about women. ' Tito average man thinks he Is get - ling into public life when he marshes In a political torchlight parade and Is allowed to contribute toward buy- ing the uniforms. If a womnu could only got a hue - band who would come home regularly every evening and be able to match silk for her she wouldn't feel there wits eo much need for her to worry about what Heaven orae like.—New York Prom. t Monkey Brand Soap nukes copper like gold, tin like silver, erockery like marble, and windows like trysts!. ,t Transvaal Nat Open to All. No one can land in South Milne without a permit, and no one but refugees, government employees and persons engaged in a service of a public nature will be permitted to move up into the Traneoaal. Mn Wlnelow•s Soothing 11-7rnp should always be need for Children Tutting. 11 soothes the child. softens thorium nares wind colic and 15 the b64 remedy for nlarrbaa. Floral Pins. rya NEW tllustrsted cstuiOgue, which we send free of charge to any address, offers an assort. mens of gift articles almost unlimited. The Pansy Stick Pia shown shove tits the 4 natural colo' effects hard enamelled on 14k. gold. The centre setting is a perfect diamond. We guarantee the safe delivery of this to any address for $8.50. ib Ryrie Brose,'e~"la", Yew end Adelaide Us., Toronto. Blood will tell When an animal is all run down, hu a rough coat and a tight hide, anyone knows that his blood is out of order. To keep au animal econo- mically he must be in good health. DICK'S BLOOD PURIFIER is a necessity where the best multi from feeding would be obtained. It tone. up the system, ride the stomach of hots, worms and other parasites that u.ok the life blood away. Nothing like Dick's powder for a ran down horse. 80 cents a package. Leeming, Mile R Co., Agents, rONTROAL. Write for nook on Cattle and Hones tree, DRAWING FOR MONEY LEARN ortictlesti PEN drawing at HOME during epnre hour, Deet eon roe by mull ever dented. Elm's 1.t:e IVO' 0 n 1+1.1o.nTFn 111'h: t:e PonTIONNrru,vx w'Afrtun Individual Instruction and helpful rittelsm from expert Ihetruetxnrs. You .00 earn while yon ,indy. Write for ooklet giving Lull information, Canadian School of Illustration TORONTO, CAN. Yonge and Gerrard BUTTER AND EGGS POULTRY comma COMB AND EXTRACTED HONEY Good fne111tles for handling. Consignments enlirlted. Correep ton donee Invited and prompt. ly attended to. Will troy honey outright: t2 Front Street East, TORONTO. JOHN J. FEE NQ HUMBUG 87Kciis/7ii:i Aum.n.aw,na V,Stock Mu Yet •ad Cat t A1Lotoet. Stop.,wlne of all *gee trout gooding Malmo , t ' I.deat ear meat,. Mt...witt ....bias. Met cwt. Item., ,l.¢ial•treeawtl .e on.on0 to fo,ortd.l;Ifl twceork.,gen d beim.e.sal a o.a.s.yt,'mmrn yrs; caswaneo.n,► 'e,1Ipa rwiseIYORSON, hMds, fella. 11.1. \l[7AN'1'El—BEt1:tttT•liRl(t1tT I'EorLE '1 , I e+ 11 torn +U tenet 'flee' dolltrs weekly; aren't of on repreerninti vee mall over five doilorx h, o ,Lir; no delivering u0r collecting. 'file Cent cry Cbrlathul Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. POCKET MAGNIFYING GLASS—SHUTS up liken knife, for exnmining One work or the smolt things of creation; 1s invsivaby to students engineers, mechanics, tttllora,tor testing cloth, etc,; sent to any address for 2nc, 0 for SLUM; ugeute wonted. Wane/ Lamp and Mfg. Co., (Hamilton, Out. FOIL RALE—SOME OF THE FINEST sugar beet land In Bay County, both wild and cleared, In good farming commun. lty. Apply to I. bently, Glover, Mich. 1f1PERIAL MAPLE SYRUP. Tb. Utility Hominid from Ocean to Oeee.. your money beck Bnoteattataetory ROSE 4 [AFLAME, Ageata, Monttel,