HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-10-09, Page 4QtCmURCKIE & RRNCE eche f 1> jth Patera*.
Sale Nome a specialty. Advances
made to farmers on their own
notes. No additional security re -
►ITEEEST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates,
We offer every eccomi odetion con-
sistent with sate and conservative
banking principles.
To toap7 en Reel Estate at lowest
rates or interest.
Persona wishing to sell will do well
to pisco their property on our list
for sale. !tents collected.
Of all kinds promptly attended to.
We represent the leading Fire end
Life Assurance companies, and re-
epeotfully.solleit your account.
O Fm nouns: 10 A.M. tog P.M.
i'ttaiaau ev da.
goWig rr fpr >yte of Bamliton. Money to
Sreas. rata, Mger brook, Wtugbam.
gyy ton 0O tiag.aPPratorlabeck ovm'
Pewsn Blyth. -MoaI7 b bud.
OSiN at Wa Pretoria Nook. elytb. Special
oNsotioa pus to the preservation of the net
OM with teeth. work. Pries. es Gold work spp a shy. ow u `Utent
Jr a aware,, SIB..
tk wsesor to Dr. Tit. Ormuste of the Uni-
vtrMty of Toronto, --ember of College of Phy-
egt.at tag pg and Barrigat. a of Ontario. Formerly of
a Beelaed sod Bdinbureh Bootlwd, bee•
orD0at sad reiddenee, fait LW: man.
ty Dr. Tait, Blyth.
W. L MILNE, M.D.0.M.
M.B •. . tlgleenity of Trinity College; M.D.,
.salty ; Yellow of Trinity Medical
.2/ EleMber Collagge ofPhreiaians
f a "Ostartit p 0or for the
uroa. 0at0e, out doo? r north of the
hotel, goaan street, Blyth.
Obaks stook of Tobaccos, Clore sed Pipes on
gel nt for
the Padilla Mosul Lauudrr,
gam st
LW, Loan and Disunion Agent. Office, on
D an gates will m tweet, Myth.
im ise rprompt dere tattention.
t at Ten bTAa•
The Elt►e•DempNsr and Franco Canadian
HaNtdMean ean Montag sold to any
tut of be. Low summer mat stow to totes.
gat eD rUsstl to Tu dT of
callmage furnished t.
paoL. L L. TAUBE,
Ul kbdi of Speeteolee and Ey Weep rode
to order. Spacia)l attention given to fittingthe
HsworaOrdera 01 bertha cling my tmall u,me ea I employ
no travelling_agents whatever. Setiefaotlon
ge *Idblishd 1878. 954 Diamond
strut s sta
New Prices and New Goode for j
Blyth,—Elgin or Witham, I
18 size, 7 jewel, in Nickle Caee
•= only 88.50 and in Toronto 20-
• year Filled Case only ie. •
ie.—snaps. s.
4, 16 jewel Waltham, iii Nickle s
• Caee only i10, and with 20 -year
• Gold Filled Case, only 1)14,
In Ladies' Watches -25 -year
Gold Filled Case, with Waltham
or Elgin movement, only 812. •
These prima cannot be bettered by
anyone and In theme goods I know what
they ee mysalf. I d0pt have to ask •
others to tell me for I know what they
mss Bend to your order and it will be
anti the same as many others have been
from time to time, You run no
for you get your Stoney book if`you
A. E. BBADWIN, R+ u.
rNe BLYTH &PANDASDpublished weary
Thursday morning, ie a live beat mews.
paper, and hu a largo circulation in
Blyth and surrounding country, muskies
.t a valuable advertising medium. 8ub-
earlption price to any part of Canada or
the United States only One Dollar per
annum in advanos ; 81.80 will be charged
If not so paid. Advertising ratty pp
application. Job Printing neatly and
cheaply executed, Correspondents of a
newsy nature respectfully solicited.
The Goderich Signal tells its Liberal
friends that in Ontario the party is
weak in men and should be thankful to
have the assistance of a real leader like
Mr. Tarte. This, says the Montreal
Gazette, is decidedly rough on those
who represent the leading province in
the ministry, There would probably
be less call for Mr. Tarte if there was
anyone from Ontario who could be
depended on to make a speech or take a
stand that living people could appreciate
or reasonable people applaud. The
province, however, is weak to the point
of inconsequence. It has in the govern-
ment, Mr. Scott, who is never heard of
except when a list of "those present" is
neceesarijy printed in connection with
some unimportant function. There is
Mr. Mulock, whose ,chief reputation is
that of a muddler in postal matters.
There is Mr. Paterson, who lives in the
public memory as a man with a thunder-
ing voice, which he seems to have lost
the power or the will to use amid the
luxury of his official surroundings.
There is Mr. Sutherland, who is not a
magnet. Finally there is Sir Richard
Cartwright, a sort of semi -extinct
volcano, who throws up now and again
a shower of politiosl mud that neither
alarms, confuses or amuses anybody.
Not even the directors of county fairs
on the lookout for cheap attractions
think to invite any of these to their
shows, and nobody wonders at it.
There is nothing about them to appeal
to a living people, concerned in the
question of the day. Mr. Tarte is at
any rate very much alive, and gays
thinge that a live man can concern
himself about. If he is eclipsing his
Ontario colleagues in their own section
of the political sky it is their own fault.
People like to have some evidence of
the existence of their political leaders
other than that which they have tc
leek ler in a political almanac.
The BOON of Hefujo•
The editor of the Seaforth Exposi-
tor recently made a visit to the
Huron County House of Refuge and
in the last leave of his paper has the
following to say about that institu-
tion :—
There is no public institution in
the county of which the people of
Huron have greater cause to feel
proud than the county House of
Refuge. A visit to that institution a
few days ago, was, in many respects,
a delight and a satisfaction. There
are over 80 inmates there at present.
They are of both sexes, of almost all
ages, and in many stages of decrepi-
tude. That those whom Providence
bus so afflicted should be so comfort•
ably maintained must, certainly, be
a source of very great satisfaction to
everyone who has any of the milk of
human kindness in their composition.
That these people are well and
comfortably cared for, a glance
through the institution will amply
prove. Indeed it wonld be difficult
to say which deserves the must
praise, Mr. French, the manager, or
Mrs. French, the matron. The in-
side of the building, from the base-
ment to the garret, is kept so clean,
tidy and comfortable that it Is a
pleasure to inspect it. The outside
is equally well kept. While Mrs.
French may be put down as a model
housekeeper, Mr. French may be
styled a model farmer. The grounds
are now commencing to shame the
not overly pretentious building.
They are pleasing to the eye and
creditable to the taste and skill of
thuse in charge. The stables and
other outbuildings are alto clean and
tidily kept, while the farm is so well
tilled that a noxious weed can
scarcely be feud in it from one end
to the other, and it is surprising the
amount of produce raised on it. The
work, also, is all done by the inmates,
under the direction of the manager.
The only mistake made .in connection
with the institution was in the build-
ing. While comfortable enough In -
NN•••••••• ••• •••••••• side, the oatgide is unpretentious to
plainness if not to shabbiness, and is
not in keeping with the dignity of a
wealthy county like Huron. How-
ever, it is rapidly becoming too small
for the needs of the county and will
Boon have to be ad4sd to, Wben
A. 05 U. W.
Nivlb lodge,1(0.14S, knatent Order of United
Workmen, meets In the Workmen bell, Milne
auk on the 804 ,.n4 4th Thursday In every
e•Miell `invvitebt d.. i'4 CuwZre `l #N.brethren J HMx-
ttese, B8ieewsa. 4
that time comes ft is to be hoped
that those 111 charge will be able to
improve tts,arebiteetaral appearance.
With a moderately sightly building,
we would have an institution of
which we might justly be proud and
one which we could have pleasure in
taking strangers to see.
The late Mrs. D. B. McKinnon,
The funeral of the late Mrs. D. B.
McKinnon took place from her late
residence to the Union cemetery on
Thursday afternoon of last week and
was very largely attended. The
services at the house and grave were
conducted by Rev. A. McLean, pastor
of St, Andrew's church, Blyth. The
late tire. McKinnon was in the 57th
year of her age and wee born in
Esquesing township, Halton county.
In 1868 she married her now be-
reaved husband and removed to
Blyth where elle continued to reside
until the day of her death, Before
her marriage she was Miss Mary F.
Atkinson. For 34 years she was a
consistent and faithful member of
St. Andrew's church, and from time
to time held many important offices
In connection with that church, chief
of which was treasurer of the Ladies'
Aid committee during the renovating
of the church and treasurer of the
Woman's Foreign Missionary society.
The latter office elle held for 12
years. Mrs. McKinnon was also a
prominent member and officer for
many years of the Blyth branch of
the Women's Chrietiau Temperance
Union. Possessing a lovable and
reserved nature, her constant aim
was to do good and elevate the com-
munity in which she lived. She was
always willing and anxious, both of
ber time and her means, to do her
part towards assisting in every way
the work of her Heavenly Father.
Besides her husband, she leaves two
children to mourn the loss of a loving,
kind and pathetic mother, The
children are Mr. John S. McKinnon,
director of S. F. McKinnon & Co.,
Limited, Toronto, and Mrs. Dr,
Milne, of Blyth.
Our fall importations of fashionable
Dry Goode are weekly arriving. We
invite inspection, Butter 16c G E
KING, Wingham. Stf
Bluth, Oat. 0.—Wheat, Mee to 6$o. garbs,
Do to azo. fess, Mc to ala. Oat., 980 to 27o
Egp, IN to 10e. Sutter, Iso to 14e. potatoes,
Silo to 880. Ride., Ito to 80. Ray, 00 to 87. Lard,
Iso to 110. Pork, 87 t0 a8. Flour, 41.90 to 8490.
Wood, el 75 to e9. Wool, Igo to 150.
RQayed onto the premleee of the ander.
sl e4, lot 88, eon. 4, East Wawasoeh, 00 or
tr.. Jaw 1006, 1003, ops ewe lamb. Owns-
ve same by proving orap.Ny and payip
all expenses. J. E. ELtra, Blyth P.O. 90 4
A eplendld 100 acre farm, ooneisting of the
east half of lot 80, cou. 1, East Wawanosh good
tome house wltb kitoben, baro Muds, and shod
80x40 in which ,bore is good stabling and hard
water of never tailing well. There is 8 *mom ret
bu,b, 1 eon of orohard, 80 acres under outlive•
t.ou, balsam seeded down. The farm le situ-
ated 1t miles from Auburn and 60 rods from
school. Purahaaer can have pooeea-loa now.
For further particulars apply to H. Govica,
Auburn P.O. 84
No 1—WI lot 86, eon. 5, East Wawanosh, oon-
tautas 100 nares, 00 acres pleated and lu s "nod
state of Duh 'yahoo, 20 acres partially cleared
end 90 scree of timber land. The soil 1s r good
loam. There is on the place a good brink 48.11-
ing house 90184, one and a halt storeys, with
klraben ettaohsd, wood -shed 90100, and stone
oiler under fall else of house; good oletern;
goal well and wind mill convenient to house
and out -buildings; frame barn 90158, with atone
stables underneath; two frame dwolmgg,1y125,
one and a half storey', a steam saw 1014180xOO,
two storeys with boiler, engine and all nes
limy -
y machioe
nery for manufacturing bomber,
lath end shingles, ell to good order,
No. 2-4 lot 84, eon 5, East Wawanoeb, 0011-
tatoing 100 scree, 40 acres abated and in a goud
state of oultivatlou, 90 sores of timber land.
There Is ou the place a good frame barn 40100
and 90 feet high with stone stables under the
full sips; good frame dwelling 90198, one and a
ball moreya with one storey kitchen stteobed.
No. 8—E4 lot 88, 000. 7, East Wswauoeb, eon.
tabling 100 aoree, 00 sores cleared and Ina go ,d
state of cultivation, 10 acres of timber laud.
The soil is a gond Olay loam. On the place
there L a good Inane dwelling 99180, stone ear -
Ise, with kitchen attached 18x98, one and a halt
storeys; hard end r.f1 water; gond frame barn
40x50, with eto1e etablee under; frame etsbies
and shed 94e00; good orchard. This plus is
well drained and has a never falling spring mu.
ning through it.
For full particulars apply to Turman A. TAT -
Loa, Westaeld P.O., 000, or to C. HAMILTON,
Blyth P.O., Ont. Mf
O 88 88 088
Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S.
O 00 00 00 0
First-class Horses and Rigs for
hire at reasonable rates.
Best of accommodation to Com
mesial Travellers and others requiring
Veterinary office at livery stable.
'1 2E:ffi M:7[:ICi011C
4 _
4WAS a grand success. The fascination of New Millinery never
Iwanes on the (enmities taste. Each succeeding season renews the
charm, and this fall we have so much that is beautiful to tell you
about, it is hard to begin. Much better for you to come end see
for yourselves.
4 We have a wealth of handsome ideas in the latent designs,
4 0
executed by our own corps of skilled milliners—a collection that
will charm you by its variety and unique beauty, a display of
Millinery not excelled in the county. Coale and leave your order
now. You will be sure to be pleased,
J. A. Anderson
-+—. ELYTU N
of Fall and Winter Goods.
Is now about complete, exp optionally good values and aro well
worthy of your attention. Come and see them and get our prices,
A philosophic friend says
that there is a vast difference
in the way business reputation
is made use of. As a rule a
business name is used as a
charm to raise prices—in the
belief that people will pay more
for a hat or muff or whatever
is being bought because of the
name that is in it. Our way is different - the good -will you
bear this store, the faith you have in it is only a basis for that
good -will to grow. As a rule one pays least for a thing
bought at Herrington's, but there is no broader guarantee of
excellence. That's it in a nutshell—maybe we do not quota
the exact words. It's worth thinking over in Fur buying.
Alaska Sable Seams, finished with 8 tails, hest Quality, *15..
Colombia Sable Neck Scarfs. trimmed with 8 tails, 85.50, OR and 88.60.
Caperines, dyed Al tska Sal,lo, lined with fancy sateen and trimmed with
8 full tails, 814, 815.60 and $17,50,
Electric Seal and Astrachan Combination Caperines, high storm collar,
long tabs, 8 tails, 811. 812 and 814.
Astrachan Jackets, made from fine skins, 24 inches, 26 inches and 280
inches deep, $23,125, X28 and 890.
You are coming to Blyth Fair of course.
Drop in and see us. Make all the use of this
store you wish. All are welcome.
S. Herrington
1. b.
To preserve or restore it, there is no better preseriytjon
for amen, women and children than Ripens Tabules. They
are easy to take. They are made of a combination of medi-
cines approved and used by every physician. Ripens Ta-
bules are widely used by all sorts of people—but to the
plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need.
Ripens Tabules have become their standard family remedy.
They are a dependable, honest remedy, with a long and sue-
cessful record, to cure Indigeetidn, dyspepsia, babfttlal and
stubborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness,
palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, mngcular rheumatism,
sour stomach, bowel and fiver complaints. They strengtheq
weak stomachs, build up ran -down systems, restore pure
blood, good appetite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody
derives constant benefit from a regular use of Ripens Tabules.
Your druggist sells them. The Ave -cent packet is enough
for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 60 cents, con -
taint a supply for a year.