HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-10-09, Page 2LTIYATION
weave aateggagby different writers all the way
from t5 to 30 miles above the
place where the iernrlites crossed
For many years Inriners 1u };astern
Canada were grain growers merely.
Necrstlty forced the Invepildaul such
a system of agrleu)ture. habit and
ignorance prolonged the practice of
etch farming. 17ue wu[slerfu1
strength, nod er'emitgly inexhausti-
ble tor Hay of the gill made Ito long
cQutlnuanceparrdlblr. T(teelboovery of
time poseibllltlea ut the Northwest and
the gradual exhaartlun of our (Wide
called a halt.
Ides :Stork Permleg,
the system making the smallest de-
pends on soil fertility, Is rapidly
eupplauting grain grawing. PartUf
D early every farm are now Mitch bet-
ter to condition than they were a
few years ago; and, further, emit
la nature's wonderful recuperative
power, Moue the partial cessation of
the tremeietuua drain of grain ee-
and the use of Knell short rotations
av gtten atrole 14 to in:rrnee tLr
quantity of and tilers properly the
chief factor making for roll ferli111 .
Dead vegetable matter Altered to
motstnre and IN meth soon breaks
down to a term culled Imams or black
earth, the factors shove mentioned,
Our prairie and newly cleared soils
ron.tain {uun,'nso quantities of this
material. Exposure to heat and the
u'lermIxtere of earthy matter
serve to waste. Thus. repealed grain
eropping with deep ploughing
provide the conditions best ca)cul-
aled to dissipate this mailer most
rapidly and must effectively.
the Jordan. There aro many opin-
1011. ns to the manner in which
this stupendous miracle was !ler-
formed. `[otue think 1 110 water war
heaped up many miles away and
that the ricer bed was dry as far 1''vf. J. R'. lh,brrlvlu. Uu• louutn-.
nee the syr could see. Others think
that the Lard gave 0 contrary'fi-
;on l'ummissaim' of .lg,loullnre and
rection to the eur rent and that olg, loam just held a toaferenee
the waters were distributed over ,..1-41-17,l onit•ro11 tcllh the pndU;p and
the adjacent country' towards the "qg" Unutoll' 1 the Idoutrlml PruJure
fiat of liullleP. liferr!mnte' A*,nstintkin. Tito Presl-
l7. Dry ground -Not hard and 'lent aro) mrnllers represeuted that,
dusty' ground, but dry only 10 14" (w•lug -to the later; to
which had
treat. of being drained of water.- troeu dlr(4111ted batrly to file , 11113
"1('1'1 See elute. W. 1$ Clean mer 1r'mn VIP fattening of chickens, they
feared that farmers were fattening
Jorduut-The 40 yuarr of straggle and killing n large number of twi-
tted anal are over, and the people tete. If that )111101 1110 were i0110Wed
s[nnd for the first thea on their to any greater extent the merchants
Glatt p0eselslous• feared there wuu!d be n great re-
l. All the people -Ali the people dtyUon In the production of eggs,
of the nine mud a half tribes that consequently they advt,'d thus farm -
were to locate on the west of Jur- ere be enoourngal to put in the
dna, and 40,01)1) picked soldiers of crates[ for fattening on:y cockerels,
tits two rind n half tribes that 1110 un,l that they "hotted rear an many as
prnoticnhie of good pullets for the
supply or nggs dnralg the winter an
well as for the supply of rugs during
the inimmer. The exp'rrl of eggs from
Canada, whloll In 1s01 only amounted
to the value of S407CHO, two years
later had gmw•n to $1,2115,301, and
Ire 1901 had Increases' to $1,1101,640.
The Mg merchants further recom-
mended that the funnels be advised
to kill off the 1r>,'ks after the fleet
of ,tune. This is desirable 1n order
that. eggs t'o:level dnr-ng .fund and
Chicken Fattening
and Egg Production
Its NunrUone• located oil the east of Jordan.
The functions of this common, yet p.,te'Ivc ern -These 11P❑ warn
easily loot, dubetance are %arted mud °hoses oeftre the crossing. I+en til.
Important. Belau, nit aay1ne can 1:1
Nal tall (ur htnm•11, ui the nature -,i. Twelve slimes, rte, - The
Id u xixrnl;r, It reinlne the moisture twelve chorea ern each look a
In a Dry tune, but will allow all sup- stone from the rifer -bottom where
erflot0111 water to rapidly nod harem to prlrsts End.0.0,
and cancel
timely percolate 10 Ino I,.wer 11011 them to li1!gnwhere their fieri
ba 110"- eauliniment in CM'anIt Was lucalei,
portutuu the average crap return Il hddx iousr, serous nolle t ,
for rMleru Canada have one U. A Klgu, PIC--11de nccutu{dlsea.
g ry together, aro) aro otherwise (eons two ur ,ese1: The preservation of
eery coneldcrnbly. 1301, Gla start grads bewail1 staple and provide n I' 1
iormer knows, eters live 'stook farm- good root hold for plants. IL rend- nat'peal him toy and religious
lag long continual meant) a gradual yrs donee, Iwls!rmnaUle wile 11(1011 knowledge. The religious education
lose )oof fertility antras considerable- and porous, permitting the tree etr- of (hr y00ng•
foot otbcr than that pradaoed on c0lathm of air and water and allow- 7. There, stones n memorial -
the farm Is fed to 1lts'k and the mat-, lag the weak rrwtlste 10 ilenelrnle "Tho creation of huge )11)1(4 of 'donee
ore properly eared -for and 11111)0(11.'the erstwhile impenetrable since In !Is rnuunment44ofremarkable Weldon te
This fact hoe lad to u study 0(00 lemma' of fwd.( to, brief, It Is fly has btve,' ronuuun nm'JIg all pe09h•.
petbods for cheaply reetorlug lout 'Ale( rrrlulrenent of good physical filet nm the 114.':1)13 (41 )s'rprtuating
fertility and pia liable' ca)tivating condition In our s01)x, I1 contnlne the 011 -mons of Important tranciar-
splls so that 'improved, rather than notch tering foal, wince 1l Ix really duns.' These twelve 'donee were to
lmpoOeriehed,' way be the animal vegetable matter, 11.11.1 a large icer- br 11 slandhtg mord of the teirec11-
verdlut, ventage of Oils hood Is In available 1)700 )usxnge of 114e Tord+ui,
It la Impossible to dIOCIIOe the sub- forme. It olds also In the totiverel0o PR.kteriCA1. 11'Ithd?1".
,jet exhnuetloely In such ea article sof 11'r non -available furans of the etc- ?ta tie, who totter Old had Ire Israel
SM this, but meals rd ferll111y into available out of Ipndngo, wax dead. For forty
Quo Neu of Cultivation forme. Further 1t rrt0lws near Ole ymre ho had led them til the wilder -
lowed to glee good results le wbero enrfuce the disenlvrd Plant ford acs's. In two Irma meet he bad failed
the meadow or pasture 11 ploughed which meat otherwise have sank In- to hua(r and before then[, and wee
ID August, the sat being turned to to the 11ub•8111. not permltbel to lead tluan into the
at deltt)r/of late or 4 Invitee only. lin- The moot important Mmreee of promised laud.
mederdeiy after ploogblog, It in a humuo on the average fare are Faith trsl'd. Itrtore the prlrsts
dry t o, the Iced is rolled, then farmyard manure and neap reeldues who bore Ihn ark of the Lord mucid
borrowed with a ltgh 1 harrow. It llpar the proper apileatlou or nee toward the river the whole rump
M then left untourhet until e>t thew materials depoude the fu- woe hrnken up anti every man etas
grim and weeds start to grow tare of Canaillnn agriculture, ready to morel!. Then the priest,'
When It la again harrowed, care being Where the enpply or humus Is Ile- went toren re, the pr ople following,
sxerelse1 to prevent the wx1 belt Iced Its Ioc•ttlou beannee re Prey' Ire- 111x11 then til, Ir fret »cera "dipped In
1,,� tical- IKUtnt cnnsldrrntbm. Heat•, most t Ir brim of Ihr scaler, lir tvntarx
T� proecat le cuntlneed at Intervale of aur crop; draw the greatest part which alms' down from 1above stood
dlstdlblyd. Tlhe harrows n; or eel 9 1
the Weed aceta 1;ermlltate, until ed their [teal from lh.. surface soli, and tear' unr un nn map, -
11144444 11-1-H-1-1444+4*****
liner may b" tuterlilr, nod there-
fore 1rox0e.•+ses hiller krcping quuW-
tilw declog file hot wtuther.
16 reported that large quantities
of end On. non' imported into the
if hiagdorn from continental
imentrien, notably Rumeln and Aus-
trlu. There eggs are revolved to large
ruses. pricked lu straw. Owing to the
r.taellent reputatW1 won by Cana-
dian eggs, English dealers 111 many
instances are re -parking these conti-
nental eggs into cares similar to the
Canadian standard egg case, holding
thirty dozens each. Although lila
eggs are not labelled or sold no Cana-
dian eggs, they are Hold ae eggs la
('unadtaa eases, and 111 that extent
they flare an unfair advantage. While
tblo pructlea Ix n compliment to the
quality and rejutntlou of Canadian
rage. Lt Is, aleo,'u direct Injury, Niece
smile retaliere may take It that these
continental eggs in Canadian rase&
although not labelled 'Canadian," lire
Carnahan eggs, or that Canadian
eggs are sbnNur to them 1n 1lze,
gnallty, and cnndllloll.
TOP egg merchant PI, 1010, petitioned
that the tioternment should assist
them to ereure n large number of
ventilated rare for the carriage of
rgge on the railways.
likewlsr, Tian looking round again
hr saw Ids friend rubblug his other
eye, and not knowing whether 1'8
had wtt,rd the right one or oat, he
wet his (lugere and rubbed both of
Whereupon the minister pawkily
Everybody knows how unresisting obverted In a soothhhg tune of voice:
most brldegroomn aro, how tlrey "John, John, yn needna greet, We
are generally content to du as nearly u' aero I'
A r c)dnt
they are bidden to a dosed king of at aratwetieddinganlgar 11004In49 llacmatoagoko911(08 and
way. Much a bridegroom took art thereby hangs a tale.
)nconspicuons part 111 a recent mar- A coachman to a country soldie-
ring': ceremony. &'anyone or some- marl (1911 hl lot's with one of the
thing, lar, did not quite know which, metlde ata mansion house to which
1'e occasionally drove lite master.
had led 11)10 to the alto• and now Ile ultimately proposed marriage and
he turned, and somcthi,lg else was was accepted, though It eo happen -
steering his course down the ul+le. ed he had never ween his charmer
Hie earn buzzed, and there was a except In the evening.
mist before lee eye's. Something When the two met for the mar-
ching to his arm which the tried rlage ceremony to be 9erfotmed it
to shake oft. Whoa he retched the wee observed that the bridegroom's
vestry he discovered that it was twee wore a look euggesllve of ex•
wife. Then he found lila voice. frame disaP9olntmPot; and when
Ube it's you, Mary',' he exclaimed. Ole minloler pat to him the queotlon.
October, reboil by comm eJu (3 -plough tor, while sear rxobe of meet )saute En)W drn,un. )rated. I.r,nninr faith "Georg",
l" cried rhe, rrpruringl "1)u you fa r.
pthII) double mould board plough the peuet rnt1 lo u mall leru ble depth, "")dare mere bright et. 1 „kir, It hen
"Well," Ire added, "W tell the your lawful wedded wife!" he cast
lwtrfltoe eoll, to a depth of about 4 most route of nil plants are near tenIONtt11 rage without." truth, 1 had nor Idea wha It war." a critical glance at the bride cud
(Motes le put Into drills about 2.1 the elrface. Plant of nearly all_ Oc-I'o sevum honored. JoAliul heal some, however, are nut ro nor- reel-loaded:
inane apart and 8 to 10 inches high. deecripl)ouu thrive best where Ilio b,...0 appointed to (11 Teed tiaras• vin's, but go through the uecessnry "hod, neo when I ear her In the
MS in found to or, a most Widow- surface roll le w'm'l 1 Gerd honor h mar h••111(4) MOO., ceremonies In a matter of fast dnyllcht I'd like longer tlme to con -
tory preparation of ttte roll for corn, Mellow cud itleh le Humus. FO 1hat Ids leuderehle wrHad inspire way. An elderly bachelor who at rider '1'
roots or grain, Wir-re grille is bowl[, The great crops prollK'r,l by newly bath :ani 4oereg-' In Israel? At last contemplated entering tee -
The foil is rend,
for eeeltltg ut n con- cleared ftr'Ide ami prairie lands ex- til' i'ro.se'ng of fife Jordan Clod Lou- neeeriPd state ret out Ono evenlnR guppueed to neve Point.sldernbly earlier date than where ,,luphfy this, in, due's 0181 the rusk oral Jo -hat 41.4.1 he woe gladly re. accompanied by a (0)end to Hee the A bwbelor'e tables Ir warted 116
la4e felt ploattttlsag Is practised.growth of Meade lu our forests, mire1 and humored by lornel ne their minister. The reverend gentleman a married man.
11 along "'MI'thio systema of ehrt110w where the salami Is net 1,r 11tlrrell, inruler, had recently been ordained, and ----.
oncittvatfon n proper rota lion to 0r where 1111 animate and smaller Col's poi'. r drnlonrtrnte,l• The when ills servicer were requested he The milk of Mimeo kinineos Isn't
adspted, moot excellent rewrite are perenn1.ate must desired for thea' Jun1:aa was u11uahy n small stream, took IL seriously to heart and pal up ilk of eel
Ars to10110w. Al uourluhruent upon the surface roll al- lent nt this 1neen, on account of sold; la
I f Its nowt o1 the mountains "Well, A( you know It will
d't,• Ali carves to rorhVt rather able plant f0pti ehgarld be near for power 1. mid, manifest in deliver- pit, ,),8,,,r, the bridegroom, ,_
Mien to Overton the toll It le eve- memo of oar M"tdAe, nn u log I pop I I r gly, y 11 1 t tut
Clerer Is 161 l1.1.11 trap roost exclut)v1Ay. It would, tiara- 11t. milting r• The map 8111,) (e u (allure le apt
'bleb, while giving a prrdhaele hn.r- fon', swan to be clear tent avail It ' overflow.) its hinkr," "ore be my' first marriage." to think that
eureeax )e aoolleatal.
d that our ,lado w len lumen pow P reneeurin " -„ , nun arra o 1
dant that closer should take a prom- anlr4w° MU 11h011) h„ in learticu- ronin tt,d nu d•'1)ver:Ince, 'w 114' y'er8el' the least °boot, fir, for ye
Most. place 1n August rotations in larly good 1'1'yonxtl rondsC!ou or -mw'no wh;cli lemon %tsdont would see ye're n0 n bit t1 -ear )iso my
OM country'. With tele font In mind, tilts. never devote.
ser. It's my first marriage, too, an'
}a few rorlatbns HulOal,le fur Ihn Ire- How to teener these two require-- A m'morlul e t sap. To rennet them I'm nae a bit frightened!"
Dlavtreg of our lento note bo °tiereed, mente of raped, rank and deelrable of *10 '.0 mer.'y toward them lint also 11 was a metier of foot kind of In-
plant Rrowth meet, therefore, be e„e u t:'stlmonlrl to ollx'r8 In time egvtdua( of title kind, who, on being
8 -year rotatlo-1, groin, 2, clover the first coneidenation of every' to t•tw1:'. It to 1101 profitable to live asekd the fateful qurdion beginning
bay, 8, paatuea t wouhl-110 a'oleeefal facers. Expert- In or (gena past exprrlrueer, but we "ib you take thie n•0Inn07" 1`04,411.03yesr trotat!on-1, ror',and route meta and long practice em to ehm.ld not forget themaulee God"What 'ether am I gann to do; Mita
to grades 8, clover hay. Twelve that ebellew cultivatlee lend huts beotowesl nor the dellverlal•e1he that what broeht me here?"
4 -year rotretbn-1, corn and roots 1or'x! rotation, morn especially the I
has wroaRlft out for Glx. Another rustle on a tlmllar occa-
or pees, 2 'genius ,it. clover hay, 4; throe year or the tour year in dry ran umrsus the question time:
hay or pasture' districts, Hurl the five year In rainy! HUrarY Rewritten. "Ay, Pm meta' her: but It wars ler
5 -year rotation -h, grain with 10 districts, aro moms errcicrnble In ulster that 1 wanted."
lertflivre, 2, morn seat n(ls, S, gran, face Boll, and so '•pmproving the who arranged his banquet to Mo-
o bride -groom who weekly lcepunded.
clover Tway, 5,, hay or pasture. )413491,1 condition whirl' means I patra the preempt °I is city. "Yea, U you please, els."
11 -year rotation -Same as 6 -year, "4xsreteln¢ the productivity" of nor Bak lent that rather expensive?' Amu,Lnf Incidents are of frequent
tot lett ono year longer In pasture. Heide. 3. H. rirls,lale, lgrlcniturlet.1 asked the Lilly 0f the Nile' oocutering, At a marriage service
Tee reason for surface cultivation Control F.tp'm'tmrntal 1'nrm. Ottawa., "]'et ! know;' repliedled the doughtydoughtyperformed a few days ago In a little
ilOmn [, "but It was the only way [ country church, when the minister
_. _-._,....- v_-_ podcouldget enough policemen for 4eN' In a solemn tone: "Wilt thou
1 utiles thatOda Inhabited lila land now --- have a man to be thy wedded hue-
ileaclover wed to plough driven for 11Ioreadng the Iwlmus 1n the ser lir
Antony had given to conk He fuss oerte,lnly morn louhtp the
S .Ir?day Schon
s f°ll°we "Rorer of thea' wrrr power- The Doge had loot east a Ong In- hand?" etc., Indeall of the woman
fel." Canaaratee-Or "lowlapders," a
` to the Adriatic, time wedding Vendee answering for herself, u gruff man's
who Inhabited the .Kua-Oouel nod - to the ewevoice asoeereth, Yee, I will.
11T�B1OAT10RAL 1.11(!(!011 110, I1. Iveetern hunk of the Jordan. But ' 30 hoe eertain)y married an old Tib minister bolted up very much
OCTOBER IJ, 10051. Ode term le often toed to Incbtde scent," remarked a byltpnder, perplexed and paused. He repeated
all the, tribes Erre mentioned. Fitt- At this the Campanile so shook Ste the sentence, and again the lame
CroadngtheJordan.- Jamiee 9toC.1. Utes-Theoe were deeeende els of. sides with laughter that to a brief gruff voice answered:
commentary, - Connecting. Linke. Hrth and were nettled in and around' thousand years It fell down, "I will."
AgcN the rdnlMer baked up 014
� t 1 that terror had fall f i Thl you
the end
the env f and I'm answering
r oo all the
that their courage was gone end ta1!Ir8 0f the 111w, a trot of manus emu, '•t11at you can't put an old heed Ageing the ceremony on another
gale hearts were fatal. They had anal Aaron's cal shut sof Jehovah's'
Hrb.' q0 youtlg eluwlde,"" oCeurlon the hrtdegroom hnppened to
Ix. 4. It was the oymbol of Jehovsh'e 'Kiat may be;' retorted bloody tern around and glance ut a friend
hoard how (sod had delivered lila pretweee. Nemeth over before you- Mary, "but 1 men take any kind of 0) Ill. In the congregation. Thlo
I aelltes from Pharaoh and how The ark was car'k!d ul1 the @boulders lead off any kind of ehouldera"- friend, who was o[ n wagg►eh disc
;Ills kings Mihail and Og had already of the 9rleete needy three g(srtera N. T. son, position, obeerring the look, art one
d of a elle )n Inell-•r' of the people. nI hie timers and begun rubbing hie
larders of the to take memorial llor'rx from the t the bridegroom began do
t� Itebroo. xxlil. 11), Lt 1. Amor tis- e
eerare they crowed the cher Jorhna mouolalneer4, the largest and moat paved, not knowing the groomsmen
to mate of
sept out tau apses to investigate. powerful tribe of all. Lady .Tane a to wee eon of her tt, when one of groomsmen at
til for the lndlecretlon of hay- e of the row oak':
ey raper a 1u err 11. Ark. o the covenant- ease lag claimed
to °r n. '•Sile'o deo
Inhabitants of the land, the snored chest which contained the
Your MaJeaty mart know,' oho for leer."
An undertaker never Kae oeca0lon
to do the Oma Job more than once.
]sso defeated. efepsThey tiles fools ]2. Twelve ern -These men were
tbstr c to the looks like a mighty little work, right eye. bridegroom
fe eye 0 o
amp/ rtrer nN dcecrlle'0 Inter ou, -but It len le
dl y
rtver. HeroJosbuucalleduponthem 13. Thr emesis that boar the aro
bO sonatffy themselves' (r,5) for We On ordinary nrnnel0n0 the 0.erltee of
1lvlsg Hod pee coming aalor'g them the house of Knhat11, by special com-
lto do 'modern before their eyes. mond, bore the ark.
9. Hoar the words -It seems that 14. When the people removed -This
the Ierselltes had no intimation how teas on the lOthi tiny of .lblb or NI.
they were to croon the river till , ert, the alma month In which (her
shortly before the event. The ad- departed from Egypt,
dreg' of Joshua, taken In connection 111. Feet were ,lipped, etc. -'o
With the miraculous result exactly "The priests pr0eraled first with the
DA he had described it, wrwhd tend ark. and entered Into the Ked of the
to increase and confirm their faith river, the course of which was Im-
la' and -J., F• &11. mediately arreetal, the waters col -
10. Tho Using tial -"Tills full oe- !acting above 1)1e place where the
✓ n'anee of the presence of the only oriets stotowardod,
ildendhe streomtfell
true (sod among therm would armour -
the whole channel below where the
ago them against four at sight of ectasis wCrP sten ling became dry."
What might appear to be danger. In What strong fnilh they had In find
the lead where they erre going, they, When they crossed 111rangh the IMO
Were to combat with Idolsterec the ground was made dry before they
Whole god were 0013 wood-"" advanced, but now they start on
stoop, but they were to have a Inv- their march while n mighty ricer
log and, who could give life or tato le still rolling between them and
It, and he wo le shote, by the won- Canaan, All 111e banks- The Jordis
derful miracle, that he would de- had two and In oome places three
t hie I" Without fall Thle banks.
Why to It that grey hairs are
more often respected tlula bald
Some men's Idea of pr0g1ege to to
Stand and watch others go back-
It requires a lot of 'reeve to tell
some peen the things they ought to
know. -
After striving for the almighty dol-
lar many a man strives to get rid
of It,
Remember that a map may be a
dwarf and stilI be every inch a gen-
A man hoe to make a name for him -
evil. Alt a woman has to do le to get
It la better to have a light puree
than a heavy heart, but more com-
fortable to have neither.
When a fellow le about to propose
and the girl le nervous, It le generally
Demme she Is afraid some ase
will Interrupt them before be gob
Ile Was Very Nager.
1New York Keening Journal[
Mrs Meekton-What do you think,
Jamey 7 Mother Nay'N rhe waute to
he cremated.
James -All right. Tell her to get
Iter things on, and I'll take her
down 00w.
The Recent Cold Snap Responsible for Much Sickness -Relief and Cure Is Obtainable
by the Use of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine.
"The fust cold I have had this ' rough the
tby promptly
curingrtho'ttold aaction,wand
ne posing promptearns
Intl,' you hear people ray, at. they self on tho vital organs, and In this to coughing, iiourgenees, sore throat,
cough violently. tell to herr the conncotion we suggest Dr. Chase's eta.
zoughing 704 tpuuld tldok that ch 11 'Syn1) of Llneerd mud Turpentine. There are many imitations of Dr.
paratively fete people have escaped lt. Not flat t there lo any ecnrrlty of (hnec'e syrup of flawed and Tw-
midden changes of pie ere not cough mixtures, but because thte ermine, 8) he careful when buying
clothed thseason, when pane' are not r ration le more )hen a mere and look for the portrait and elgue-
a1moto protect themselves, uvle, are P Pa
almost. euro to bring trouble, and cough core, Kae stool the telt of ture of Dr. A. W. Chase on the
one can never tell where a cold 1e time, and raver had such an 49nor- wrapper. Thle Is Ow strongest guar.
g01nR to end. woe sato as It has today. TLIs we ante 10.1• mellclnn can leave.
It may wear away, but It le more aooMder the strongest etkloncs of Clhtldren delight to take Dr. Chase's
likely to hold on and b added to' its worth as a treatment for cotgh8 'Syrup of Linseed and Tureen ti
earl oolda and it le a ptvsitire euro for aroup,
fend ' s prop e. by cold after cold, until oomo Berk
moo a strong promise, but OYFRI th1. 10, Adam Zaretnn gee R. V. one element 1N developed -perhaps Oompowd no It le of linseed, tar- bronchitis, whooping cough, coughs,
lean not unconditional. See last where these cities were le not eoseumptton or pneumonia -perhaps peottre and half a dozen other In- and cold": 5 Bente a bottle, at all
lessee. "When man mile God re- known, but they must have been rip kidney disease ur licpr complaint, gredlents of known %Jelur, In the care neaten, er F.dmanson, Setae & Co,,
taus" Drive out -.t list of, seven the river. .Adam has been placed The wise plan le to nip the trouble or t'o1dr, this rem NI! 11 bar -reaching Toronto.