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The Blyth Standard, 1902-10-02, Page 8
ST I LL TO THEWm, of Clinton, Mrs. Salnnet .4reher ' of Paisley, John of Clinton, Mrs. Rolhcrt Culclnugh of Goderich town. ship, and filets. cud Robert nn the homestead. Aright years age,Mr., Ford crossed that bournefrornwhtmee' none have returned. Mrs. Ford not. withstanding her lutvaneed years, ctittnued In good health until a yeihr ago slime which she has been nilliig and on Sunday afternoon she belle farewell to her family and peaeel'ully cltieed her oyes to this world. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon when a large number attended to pay their tribute of respect to one wltopi they had known eo long and respected. The services were conducted by Rev. C. R. Gonne, the deccnsed having dur- ing her long iife been a consistent member of the Anglian church. The pall•bearera were the following of her nephews : Thomas Beacom, Clhten ; Robert Fitisitmmone, Ctn• FRONT . . Notwithvrne din g sous fort that eve alwaye hr hest of Hitl':-t 11 'and CAItESTI: I P:+weni emit No. 1 Family Flour at $1.90 per sack. to buy CMIEIES We can esprit' you at (owcot prices, alio with rhe sneer to Dtrt thein down. All Fruits in 11,eirsr:wous. Alone; a fat; slw.k of Ihr hest quel- Ityof licocerieuaud Confoctioeery. Call and see for yonrsolf end be con - Tiered that ouch is the case, ton; Henry Beacom, Goderieh town• R. R. DOUGLAS - BLYTH ship; Chris. Beacom, Goderieh town. ship; Thomas Biggln, Mullett; W. • Eketc*. Sgmoo.-TheSut.herland 1nnesCo. closed down their works en Saturday night lust, owing to q scarcity in timber. it will be some weeks be- fore they will start operations again. ,...Revs. Leland and Simpson, who have been emiducting Seventh Ary Advent serviees in the large tent on the gronnde opposite the grist mill, held their last service on Sunday evening end have taken down the 'tont....Meesrs. Bowden & McDonell succeeded Iii cnpturhig a large num. her of prizes fur their stalliune at Lindon fair... .Mt'. Joseph Cobble - dick received the earl intelligence let week of the death of Mervyn ueorge Hicks (son of tile late Andrew Hicks), who died in Riverside, Cali- fornia, on Thursday last, In the lath year of lea age, His remains were shipped from . that place to Exeter for burial- .Mr, Wm. Levitt, who has been in charge of his factual, park at Grand (tend, returned to his home here on Monday ... .Mr. D. B. !,lenders loft on Wednesday to accept a position 1n the box department of the McCormick Alanufactarmg Cu., London. NULLETT. Mao. JOHN FORD DEAD. -On Sun. 'day of Inst week there passed into 'tett one of the few oetnatning pion- eers of this township 1n the person of Mrs. 'Jobb "),'ort of the Sjtd con. Mrs. Ford wits bot',) in County Fer. managh, Ireland, 91 years ago. She wqs married in her 'letive county to Mr. John ford and together they conte to Canaria in 1837: For tour yearn they lived in GOderieb, for iho same period on the Deism road, Goderich townshtp, when they set. tied upon kit 22, eon. 2, Hallett, where they remained while life lasted. Of the manifold trials and hardships of pioneering they bore their share. They were a kindly and hospitable couple, ever ready to render aastgtsnce to those in need of it, their latch string ever hung out. Eleven children were born to thein of whom the following survive : Mr's. John Lindsay of Marlette, Michigan ; J. Miller, Mullett. MARttten,-The home of Mr. Peter HIawthorne, of Mullett, was the scene of a joyous event on Wedneedby of last week, when the numbs bond of wedlock was cemented between his eldest daughter, Mite A:IitJlebeth, and Mr. Humphrey Mills Sne11, of Mullett, Phe ceremony was performed by Rev. A'. 1f. j.arktn, assisted by Rev, Mr. Kennedy, in the presence of a large number of guests. The bride looked exceedingly pretty dressed In albatross with eh(n'on and applique trimming. The pleasing effect sat heightened by the bridal vgil decked with orange bloesotns. a groo��tti was supported by Mr. Wm. Snef1, and Mien Minnie Cawthorne, sister of the bride, who was handsomely gowned, acted as bridesmaid. Afar - ion end Beatrice Larkin did service as flower girls. After the bountiful repast, which was thoroughly enjoy. ed by the assembled company, Mr. and Mrs, Snell took their leave un the afternoon train from Seaforr,h for their honeymoon ti ip, Both parties to this mntritnontnl cnntt'ect are held in high eeteem for their worth's sake, and carry with them the best wishes of t1ifmany friends for it long and happy life togethet. MILLINERY OPENINGS. Autumn with its *math of colors and fulness of prosperity in an abund- ant harvest eafgily hot;se is at hand, And tilth it'eume the fa l openings. Sharing In the general prosperity our merchants have lald In large and complete stocks which they are new prepared to open to the public. Citizens and country buyers are earnestly advised to inspect the stocks. They will find the mar. chants ant their stens ready and anxious to oblige thein, and the earlier selections are made the better. J. A. ANDERSON. The feature of the opening at shin store was the completeness of the stock in all departments. Mr. 4o- derson has spared nu panne to secure the pick of the tending markets, and the excellency of hie choice was shown In the goods displayed. Tae PREPARING FOR BABY. F tITE STRENGTNTO A Ar.‘, S10MACSNE 'Olfgr fY TiOnI 1NRIftt +NE D100D E 9TI S' nit CONSTITUTION tiontrea(Gl B PRICE. eRITAI N T/- AMERI all Druggists f $1.00: Ria bottles or ;COO e VIhen a baby is coming the ex- pectant mother needs to take special care of herself, for upon her health depends to a great extent the health of the unborn babe. If diet, etc., etc., etc., is not watched, the start in life of the future offspriug will not be a satisfactory one. It is a mistake o take liquid medicines at this time, or they all contain alcohol, Their steady use has the same effect as habitual liquor taking, consuming the vitality and hardening the tissue. If you are weak you need a tonic, not a stimulant. Don't take medica- ted wine or alcoholic medicines; but take ST. JAMES WAFERS, they are a tissue builder and a reconstructive. ST. JAMES WAFERS help stomach, digest food and send the nutriment through the blood, and this is the • honest way to get health and strength, ,the kind that lasts, develops and breeds the energy which accom• plishes much, .• • ' 1 have cud at. Jamas Waters for year,. None better." Dr. R. J. !redeem, Loudon, Bog, Sl. jaws Wafers art not • caret rentrdy: 10 lAe e..ero. r torten lr- ton...endie them to their patients no sem:11Afffortealo egos revisit, W heradealers ere not selling the Wafers, they are mailed upon re• celpt of price at the Canadian blanch : at. Jewea •.Isrl 1,.,1711 1L esthete 11., &atrni. millinery department was a bevy of beauty aid oonteined many pretty creations, A very handsome hat for a tailor•mrulo costume wee of rssp- berry red felt body. Mlrolr velvet in the INlme new shades Is used for the targe, soft crown, to trim the briny, and in the Nage bow et the back of the frit, Two, large btrtia, in shades of ref, rest lainst the left brim. Another bird triols the left side. Some velvetetrape are caught to the brim with velvet buttons. A Paris turban is a beaotifal model, made entirely of soft white beaver. The erown is laid in soft folds. At the back the plateau Is drawn down into deep folds and reale gracefully on the hair, A white pompon Is caught at the left e1de, Medallions of lace, and black and white breis!, trite the brise. A novelty hat which Is named ping gong was. made in brown and btirut orange velvet, and trimmed with ping pong bats. D. N. BellEATII. This well-known and popular es- tablishment was agent whited with Its usual thrung of intereeted ad- mirers, whu were delighted with the artiitic effects which met the eye. Amongst the large collection of pretty things shown and one which do was greatly admired was a large black Wiest het with chiffon frills un the edge, and three large black feathers falling to the front from top of crown, where they were finished with a smart bow of velvet ribbon. Another model was a mink turban with soft crown of cretin) law, draped and finished at back with bow ofgao turte velvet caught with for buckle, Another charming hat which had a pleasing effect was the beaver felt flop to castor, trimmed wits two large white feathers and cas- tor ribbon fastened with gold and pearl cabochons, In novelties we saw some beautifhil goods In two•toned effects, plashes, chentlles, miroir and peon velvets, and their collec- tion of birds, wings, (where, quills and pom-pours was decidedly new. The leading culpritare blue, green and cardinal fur early wear, followed by black, white, castor and brown tones, Ili ready.tn•wears the styles are numerous and becoming, the rough effect as mohair and camel's hair leading. PICKLES 1 PICKLES I The time of year has arrived when the housewife's attention Is turned to the making of Pickles. We always have on hand the bast of White Whin and Cider y'inegere for pickllug, Pickling Fpieee'end i;'lavoriugs. Fresh Groceries and Fruits Arriving daily. Our Canned Gonda were Nought before the raise in price, therefore we eau sell Tomatoes for lob per oat, or ono Can each of Tomatoes, Cure and Pease for Inc.u NMI"Tapioca for ek. Highest Market Cash Prloe for Butter and Eggs. RETORIA BLOCK, ,.—BLYT Bargains in Furniture. A levee assortment of fine goods `oat arrived, consisting of Betiroom Sete idpboards, Isxreuaion Tahlee. Fancy lockers and Couches. Prices are tnarkei sen to the lowest point for cash. We have 25 Tables to sell et 98 oents eaoh. Bring in your Pictures and gut them neatly (camel, , J. H. CHELLEW-�'BLYTIj K K K THE OLD FOGY DOCTOR ANILY Doctors are iedghtu general practltlosert, a but they are not apotall.ts. The Bennet orgies cam• orlr0 the most Intricate and Important system 1u the Yuman body and require the mots skillful ,teatmeat, You might as well expect a blacktmlth to repair your watch, os a family physician to cure Sexual complalola. We here made a eye:laity or these diseases lar over ]e years, nave ideated tens of thousands of dollars and have every facility known to medical ''deuce to cute them. Everycave a taken with a polities, gmartre of osa ara -No Pay. BLOOD POISON -Whether Inherited or acquired, 1e positively Card forever. The virus is eliminated from the system so no danger of return. Hundreds of caw cared by w ZS yearn ago mid no cetera; but evidence of a cure, 1aQVO0e ISSID JTY-and other eomvpties,tees, such 0,.mlsalone,drains 1a the urine, varlcocel nasal weakness, etc„ are Curd by our Slew Me1Y0illrue. meat ander a positive roareatn--00 OOO[•.I10 1K we Con AL1. Olalaaaa OF WIN ONO a,01511. Gwltattu Fret guts fru. Write for question blase ear private Some rreatamat. *vmythlag confidential. DRS. KENNEDY a KER©AN, Rae SII11►BT 111111111, D1T1301T, tier. K is K K i„ P( 'K K Gt K K r'.i� U. It. K K afeKINNON a Co. case, and the result to that Cohoe must Tide firm had an elaborate display pay the tSO cOmmiesson, with inte• ,of millinery, diva goods, furs, jack- rest on the years past and costs of eta, etc., on 1''rldny evening, and the cult. As this was a test ,rete, IL this season leas,088 of the most tom•; looks es though 1$00 farmers in pictely equipped general stocks they ever had, The millinery depart- ment, where some very pretty pieces of headgear were to be seen, was the chief attraction, In ohne department was a very swell Paris hat after the style of a picture hat, quite fns and very large, niade of peacock blue mirolr velvet. Three long plumes of the same shade, almost surround the helm, finished at the hack with two long jet clasps. The under brim of this hat Is of sea green. Another exquisite model is made of peon vel- vet In rich, mellow tones. The vel- •" ' " ' e over the crown Western Ontario, who bit at Daly's scheme, will have to pay the commis - elm on the price they wanted for their farm years ago, whether sold 01' not, and interest for years gone by. To refuse will place them in the sae box as the Oxford enunty farmer, and they may find themselves de. feidnnte in a law suit and bo mulcted 1n costs. It seems hard, hut it should prove another lesson to harmers to be more careful In signing documents, unless they thoroughly comprehend their meaning. In Coloe'e case, he pleaded that the farm was not sold, but the contract called for the com- and brim. A long, handsome, black mlasion In any case, and the cot}rt lace scarf is draped around the edge held it binding. of the brim and Is caught at the back - - with jetJadlolal Joke. pins. A large, band -painted e abochon ornaments die centre of the The following from Toronto ap- bat. An extremely pretty hat for a young l)tdy was made of Otte felt frills bound with parrot green, One Ione plume in shaded green felting over crown scrape of green velvet caught with steel clasps. Costly Leeson for Farmers. Readers of THE STANDARD will remember that some months ago there was quite an excitement In many planes, by demands being made upon a number of farmers for colntniselon on the sale of their farms. It appears that years ago a man named Daly, of Guelph, did a real estate business, and published the Canadian Farm Advertiser, in which he advertised farms for male. Farm. eis by the score gave him permission to sell their farms. Years went by, and as they beard no more of the matter, they dismissed the transac- tion from their minds, until a demand was made on them for commissions. It appears that In the meantime, Daly had assigned his claims on thee, commiseluns to a man named Rawl], wbo proceeded to collect them. Verniers (many in this county) began to recall the transaction, and ns the farms had nut been sold, refused to pay the commission. Bat contrecta promised the commission, whether the farm was sold or not, A test ease was submitted—that of Mr. Ff. A. Cohoe, of Oxford county, who wanted $4000 for his farm, the com- mission to be two per cent., or M. Judge Morgan hu reeently given jadgment at Toronto so thla tett peered In the Donlon News of Tues- day last :—Local lawyers are laagh- 1ug over a funny incident that oc- curred at Oegoode hall on Thursday when Mr. Wm. I'roudfoot, of Gode- rich, presented to Chancellor Boyd his patent as K.C. Everybody re• members that the Ontario govern- ment a few months ago gazetted a tremendous list of King's Counsel. Nobody, evidently, -who had ever done anything that would commend itself to Mr. loss, and who possessed the uecesaary qualifications, way left off the list, On Thursday when bar. Proudi'oot presented hie patent, Chan - caller Boyd gave the assembled bar a fine example of that wit for which he is fatuous. Glancing at the pat- ent, Ills Lordship remarked c " Yes, Mr. Prondfoot, you may take your place within the bar—that is, if there Is any room left!" An audible Oniker went over the eourtroolo,.and the story is going the rounds. -This is the way to boom your town : 'relit about it. Write about Ir. Beautify the streets. Atlee: good men to all offices. Keep your sidewalks In good repair, Sell alt you can and buy all you can, If you are rich invest something, employ somebody. Be courteous to strangers tlutt come among you, so that they will go away with good impressions. Always cheer on the man who go in for Improvements. Your portion will bo nothing but wilat is just. Dunt kick at any proposed improvement be - souse it is not cat down 50 per cent. Lime! Lime! Anyone in need of Lime in any quantity should write or telegraph us, and we will deliver the same where re- quired, A. Nicholson & sons, TWO MILES EAST Of SELORAYE, RELRRAVE P.O. MINTER NOW IF POSSIBLE. A .ohool that occupies (root rank &teens the best busloose nolle ee nu this e,,ntloent. Many Imbue oummerclel schools employ our grad. - Mel ea {where We du oar beet to plane All ear gradao0e In Rood positions and we have been mere successful this 'ear than In LI) prevlous year. Those dafrlug the beet lea heal,- nese education shuold attend out school. With* tot catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT • PRINCIPAL ALMA tit. Thomas, Ont. (TWENTY•SECOND YEAR) The farthest Routh, and one of the largest and best equipped in Canada. Preparatory studies. Graduating Coureea-M,L.A., M,E. L„ Piano, Organ, Singing, Violin, Fine Art, Elocution and Physical Culture, Loryest is Science, Commercial. Healthiest location, Moderate char- ger. Write for catalogue to REX PR1N. WARNER, X.A,, R.D. AWES' COLLEGE BLYTH LIVERY and SALE STOLES D GO 99 WO G Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. O CO oO 00 O First-class Horses and tome foe h Ire at reasonable rates, Best of accommodation to Com. merclel Travellers and others requiring rigs• Veterinary office at livery stable. — IING AND QUEEN BTittF.ETS, DLET!.