HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-10-02, Page 6i cents Eight cents a pound is what a young woman paid for twelve pounds of flesh. She was thin and weak and paid one dollar for a bottle of Scott's Emulsion, and by tak- ing regular doses had gained twelve pounds in weight before the bottle was finished. Eight cents a pound is cheap for such valuable ma- terial. Some pay more, some less, some get nothing for their money. You get your money's worth when you buy Scott's Emulsion. We will send you a little free. SCOTT & BOWNE, CHEMISTS, Toronto, Ontario. 50C. and =t.00; all druggists. Chinese High and (;rand Tumbling. An accident of a most peculiar mature took place yesterday In Macao street, when a Chinaman in- dulged In a clever exhibition of gym- iesttoe by falling from a window In the third story of a house, picking himself up and walking away as If nothing untoward had happened, He eanepted the occurrence ae part °this everyday programme, Notwithetand- tag this fall from a height sufficient to atiely any ordinary person, and , So hold him for a while brooding upon the consequence of the Inci- dent, this Chinaman went away with little more than a braised thigh to Wad him od his exploit. He was a Chinaman. No wonder that his na- tionals dominate the Far Eaet. "Just a Little" Rain neitseted, may produce chronic Rheumatism or bout. duet a little Backache may create Lumbago. Jug • little Sprain sometimee makes a Cepple. Just a little Bruise may do a lot of damage Just a little geedaobe may he the forerunner of Neuralgia, Just a little St. Jacobs 011, applied In time, cares promptly and permanently Aches and Pains. Just a little caution.; just n little Wet. Years of Pleasure against years Of Paint New York u 1 and Hudson Elver Railroad. The above name Is a household word and the superior excellence el the road should be sumciept to attract moat people, hut now that the rate le the llama to New York and ptato rut as Iv other linea no further re- commendation e►ould br sought. Every- body will tell you It 1s the best. 1f" righting fled Aob. The devices for outwitting red S ots are as many and various as aro the schemes for the abolition of evil. Ons housekeeper, driven to her wit's end by the Indefatigable little workers, found that peering a spoon- ful of bisulphide of carbon into the nests of the Ineects through their tiny entrances effected her pur- pose. The chemical gives off a pgqofeonoue gas, which sinks into tho deepest resorts of the enemy and ex- ' terminates him. Tete holes aro oer- sted ovsted tightly after the treatment. Another woman mixed five cents' Worth of tartar emetic with an equal proportion of white eager, and molet- ening the mixture with water, put It to dishes on the shelves invaded by the ants. Not a dead ant was found after the hint was given, but every live one disappeared. Still another means Is email bags or sul- phur kept In drawers and cupboards frequented by the Invaders. 011 of tltesafeas sprinkled generously over 'Me track of the lneacte and poured tato holes will also prove dlecourag- leg to them.—Tribune. W4awl ta.erd.ett ketep.eiseeaee k.r sM 7m lad th. a.a i.wtb r is"tr. n u. . put talo up la tkJ ey Petted Ban, seer and Tongue. Os Tongue (elude). Peal toot. DOepviled sew, Brisket Meet Med Soaked Meet. alt Matsnt 171.mr t..da P.lst bl. I. whdw..e. Tour aroMw .►old bar. 1Ma. Why, McNeill d Liber, CbIcag. "low so Wase. Ooo° TimmmTo Lt" Tall Most twit run at 0000000000000000000000e WISE THINGS BY • SCHOOL PUPILS. o0000000000000000000coo$ IWorhl', Work., "Apherbillt c," she reads, "Ie the state of being an apherhble." "Afferbllity is the state of being !name on one subject only" ";serenade, grernees as of grass." "Reverberation le when it ie made agala Into a verb," The ternalor la a menagerie lion running around between the north and south pole.' "They climbed Vesuvius to see the creator smoking',' "We celebrate the Fourth of July became' Jesus bide 11x." "Veugennce. Dere, a mean deeire to pay back. Illuren, 'Vengeance 1. mite; I will repay, eaitll the Lord!" "Ingenious, a stupid person, from - In, not, and genlous, a smart per- son." Diecretlon, a difference of sex be- tween ant muha.P' "The early Briton wore a akin, he tied it at the waist. tie wore legiona on hie !ego. Iie had eyes of a blue shade which plainly showed hie semi- - civilizatiou. He wore on his feet mo - (amnions or mandate." "Grand opera. The only grand opera known is Wang." "The Te Denm le a Grand Opera." - "The British ni ieeum is the prin- cipal building in Parte." "Arlettdee was a god; he was the - female god of Phoeotela." "Hanmdbal was an early Greek ex- plorer, who wrote a book called Her- txlttue" "Virgil wan a vestal Virgin." "AR I roamed in the deep woods 1 saw a herd of greyhounds hunting for prey." Julius Caeear was the mother of the Gentofte(' Minard's Liniment cures Burn', etc. Delon of Health and Weelta. (Illustrated Mal Mise Millyun—One can be very happy In tUl. world with health and money. Dendbroke—Then let's be made one. I have the health and you have the money 1 Stops the Cough and Works OR the Cold. Tess ti vs ro o Quinine Tablets cure aebld In one day. Nu cure, No pay. Price d5 toots. Wisdom of Ribes. A mother of P sensitive child writes: On Easter Sulklay fast I thought toy little two-year old daughter would enjoy the Music and flowers In a near by church, hut unfortunately two arrived at the dour jnat as the Inst bell began to ring. It wax loul and harsh) as the Average bell is, and the child shrieked with terror and could not be induced to enter the door. She was taken back a third time atter the bell had ceased ringing, with the mine result. And It wne months before she would willingly even pane what elm still wills "the church bell home.' Doesn't this prove the ring- ing of belle e, barbarous custom? Save n lee little girl of three year. when her mother undertakes reprimand, "Don't talk, mother; you know it's no tree." Sometimes 'die breaks in with, 'Don't scold, moth- er : just smile and say `you may go out, Catherine.'" At this point mother usually smiles and nye, "Catherine, you may go out." ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT remove. all hard, soft or calloueed Lumps and Blem- l.hes from 'foram', Blood Sparta, Curb., Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeny, Stifles, Sprain', Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemleh Cure ever known. Bold by all druggtdte. !tunnies No Risk. "Give him plenty of rope," quoted the etranger, "and 1)0 11 hang him- self." Mebbo lie will," returned Aiknll Jake, "but out here we don't take no chances. If we give him the rope, you bet y'e'll snake a sure -thing job of the hangiug." At tee'ent siva of a cramp or other pain In the bowels take Perry Davie' Painkiller In hot water, sweeteur,i, and you have Mae - teres the difficulty. There U but one 1'utn killer—ferry Davis' -25 and See. Mede 'castes In Rewash'. Maidens who have passed their WOrfl thin ? 80th year, says "Health," may now Not Washed thine That's so claim that they repreeeot the most� perfect and advanced type of inn !•' when common soap is used. deuhood, and look down upon girls who marry before ea all very much (more akin to savages, for it is a well-known fact that the age of marriage advances wllh eiv1lleaton. Everywhere the more mature we - num Is to the fore. The tastes of teen in this regard seem to have undergone a complete revolution, and Instead of flutter- ing abort the Inexperienced girl. talking pretty nothings, they are matching their evperiencee, broad- iodng their horizon, sharpening their elle in clever conversation with some brllllaut and beautiful Wonuul. aleeers. C, C. itic!Iarde & Gentlemen,—My daughter. 13 years old, Wall thrown from a sleigh and in- jured her elbow AO balily it remained Miff and very painful for three years. Four bottles of MINAED'S LINiMENT completely cured her, and elle has not been troubled for two years. Yours truly, J. B. LEVESQUE. St. Joseph, P. Q., Aug. 18, 1900. IGHT ORP REDUCES ISSUE NO. 40, 18041. One of the Others. One day when the mother of twelve ehddreu hell worked very hard, she sail to the youngest (who was called Frank,: "Frank, I wish I bad a girl to do my work." Frank eaii: "Why don't you trade one of its boye off for a girl? But 1101 me." EXPENSE The Intricacies of►tt. Ask for the Octagon Kier. .IS An }editor's StId''ntu.' (Grimsby Independent.) You're ntvv1,) doing something. This 111ne Editor Held, of the Went - Worth Light, has slipper( a eine. He went to Ottawa to shout at the DOmIni01, Rifle ma tehee, Being ban editor, ids muscle watt not very 'till, and No Ile ellpi d s plt'xie of wire up hie coat sloot'e to I steady 1110 arm. That's where he made a mistake!! It he had taken, a ''horn of wlilekey" ora 'thimbleful of brazenly" it would have stiffened tits arm just the same nal ho wouldn't hale been Aland I out. But 11(1 wag a "Tonal preacher" and very religious, and couldn't touch I thy, liquor, fro ha used the Wire. Of course the Bible 4108'1 say anything That Was lllRerent. : about elipping a wire up the coat IChleago Post) ' trleeve, so 1w th'oitght it teas no "I. he extravagant?" they asked. (lacus. "Not at all," she replied, n Tit' walking hoes came along and "But he spends all he makes," they; g°vol int atho tt tap yviltityhiecane to tesie t urged, the mubrles. True," she admitted, "but he' And Jo and behold! A sound came spends It on me." - forth like a tinkling cymbal! The arm was etrlpp(d and by the dtvlidewit there lay a coil of wire, long enough to built a teiephiene lm7Vte, o Jig was up ! The newspaper profession was dishonored, theehureh war scandalized, and Dundee got It In the nrok, And ,what was the cause of all title? Tiie same old thing. A man trying to get "something (or noth- ing." "A Little Cold, You Hnow," will become e great da r It It he allowed to reach down from the root to the lunge. Nip the peril In the be with Allen'. Lung Bclepm, asure remedy containing uo opium. Very Absent Minded. • A Went Phiilndelphia teacher of MOM 1e absent-minded far beyond 'he ordinary, and frequently gives exhibitions .of hie weakness that amuse and astonleh those who know him. Not long ago, he boarded a car near hie home, graciously greet - The Truth 1s Sometimes Cruel. (Washington Post.) To tell the truth when it ought ndt to be told Is often the mean- est thing a newspaper or a person can do. it la easily possible for a truth to do more harm than a Ile. We believe the worst habit of the worst newepmpere ie hunting upend printing truths that are not sail- ed for by any public interest, and the effect of whose publication le to bring khanle and sometimes ruin upon individuals or Tamales. Men and women have been driven to suicide by having their early mis- takes or misfortunes Nerved up in sensational newspapers for no other purpose than to make racy reading, fionte of the moat de- test ed social pests are person, who plume themselves on their love of truth. Between the man or wo- man who will tell a white Ile to shield another and the one who, In season and out of season, ln.lete on telling "the truth, the whole truth and nothing liut the truth," commend us to the former. Minard'e Liniment for sale every. where. Her clever Rejection. "Mutt dld you do when that hor- rid Mr. Wax' in proposed to you ?" "He proposed by letter, and I sim- ply returned the prop000l after writ- ing across the face of the envelope: 'Opened by mistake; and then signed my (tame to It." DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED by local applications es they cannot reach the dimmed portion of the ear. There!. only one way to cure deafness, and that Is by con- stitutional remedle.. Deatne.s Is caused by xn Illflamell condition of the mucous lIntngof the Eustachian Tube. When file tube 1. In• flamed you have a rumbling sound or Imper- fect hearing, and when It le entirely dosed, Beninese le tl.e result, and unless the !.dam - motion sun betaken alit and thin tubere.tor- ed to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever/' nine emote out of ten are emoted by ('aterrfi, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any calm of Deatneee (canoed by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hull's Catarrh Cure. Bend for circulage, free. F..1. ('HENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by Deugpgiato, 75e. Hall's Family l'ffle err the beet. Two Kende of Mat. (Philadelphia Record.) "They said he was a diplomat when he first went to Congress." "Yee; bet he telt more like a doormat when some of those trust magnates walked over him." Oriental Louie. A mon bought three pounds of meat, and brought it home to bis wife to cook for dinntn', and then went his way to hie place of basinese In the bataaaare. The wife was hungry and ate the meat. In the evening the mon Dame home and askeal for hie dinner. "There le no meat," said the wile, for the eat ate, it." "Bring the eat," said the man, "and a pair of scales" "Weigh tho cat," said the man. The cat weighed three pounds. "H title is the cat,' said the man, "whore is the meat? And 1f this Is the meat, where is the eat ?"—The Drawer, Harper's Magazine for July. aflnatva's Liniment Cures Dandruff. Ginger Apples. Pare and quarter as many apples as desired. Weigh and use as many pounds of sugar an of fruit. Make a syrup of halt the sugar, using a cup of water; pour syrup over the apples and let stand twenty-four hours. Now add the remainder of the Nagar. Peel a lemon, boll the rind to a little water, about hal( a tea- cupful of water to one rind, and to every two pounds of fruit add this le- mon water and the juice of a whole lemon, also one ounce of ginger to every two pounds of fruit. The gin- ger may be tied in a muslin bag 1f Minard'a Liniment relieves Neural- gia. . , "Wh•r didn't you study the time- !able, and theft )'0) W0u1d11't have inbreed your train ?" "That was the trouble. While I was trying to translate the timetable the train pulled out.' Had His Doubts. Ram Jones, the Georgia revivallet, Mates shame of every sort, although some ineiet he 1e a good deal of a sham btmeelf. At the close of one 01 his meeting° In Pulaski county recently the preacher stepped down from the pulpit, folded Ile hands across his breast, and looking sol- emnly over the audience, said, "I want all the men in tate audience we110 WO not spoken a harsh word or harbored an unkind thought to- ward their husbands for a month to stand up. One old woman, apparently on the shady rade of 60, stood up. " Come forward and give me your hand,' raid the preacher. Tho woman dad so, whereupon Jones sold: " Now turn around and lot this audience see the beet looking wo- man ht this community." After she took her seat the revival - let addroesed the men. " Now, I want all the men in this audience who have not spoken a harsh word or harbored an unkind thought toward lair wives for a month past to stand up." Twenty -env -en great big, strapping fellows hopped to their feet, " Come forward and give me your hands, my boys." Jones gave e,}ch one a vlgorotnr shake, atter which he ranged them all side by Mde In front of the pulpit and facing the audience. Ho looked them all over carefully and eolemnty, Lever'. Y -Z ( Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap - Powder is a boon to any home. It dada. foots and °leans at the same time, He Ml.uuderslood. When the fat man missed his , footing and came down hard on the rail the conductor jumped from the oar. "111 have to take your name and address, sir," he said. "'Good heavens!" exclaimed the fat man, "do your think I hurt your right of way?"-•dlticago Post. 'e KELPION yS N mem tome &mai .l t.d.lsad by most Seinen lesdloall Is. topllad to arltlsh soldisrs)n South afrloo. for all Threat sad Oland Troubles, Lows, Old Soros Clams, felons, Sala CI Emma, Pimples, AM Joints, Rbwmatlsm, Lumbago, Sprains, scales. Plbs Cuts, fare foot Pleurisy. Sold by Druggists. Sae. Or, It 5050. One of the Wise. not desired put In with the fruit. A pedlar, with a very heavy tails, Cook until the armies are trannpar-1 walked confidently up to the door of eat. This recipe makes delicious pre- a respectable looking house. serves, and will answer equally well "Can I see the lady df the man• for pence, vegetable marrow, squash cion?" -,he inquired, politely. and citron, the, latter should be boll- "Y(vs, 1f ye ain't blind," the wotnaD ed In clear water first until tender. answered, "Whitt do you want ?" —Chicago Herald. TO CURS, A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative llromo Quinine Tablets. All draggles refund the money If It rale, to cure. E. AV, Grove's signature le on each box. 250. The Whole Thte,g• Modiste—Flat you look ofer gee new fashion plates I send you? Lady—Yee, very carefully. "And vat you decide?" "I have made a composite photo- graph of them sill, and I wish you to make my dress look all much like it as poselbio." The flirt understands the language of the py es. So does the egotist. .1 pick of cards Is the devil'spray- er book. "Olt, really, are you the mistrres?" "Weil, what die ye take me fele? llld ye think Ol was the Ice -box, or a horse, or the mein next door ?" she re- plied, Crossly. "I didn't know, mum, but I thought perhaps you might bo the youngest daughter." "Weil, that's true," and It was no- ticed that the pedlar loft with a much lighter valise. Piles To prove to entl that ll Chime Ointment it: tit Da and absolute cure for each and every form of Itching, bleedtngnnd pre.endifg piles. the mannbctarere have gnamnteed It. See tee timetable the Mar prey sod ask yourneleb• borJwwbtt they think oft' Yoe can emit and 1300 box, at a�tttdaatp�nl 00 EDM1Me01t,HdT6 & Co..Tta Dr, chases Ointment Our Watches May be handed from father to goo—heirlooms—they are as nearly perfect as pontble, yet not upendve, hun- dreds are now in use by those who are particular about accurate time. Let w send you our catalogue showing the many styles of solid•gold, flan Cold fiUcd, Oyer and gun metal. Watches to both ladies' and gentlemen's sizes. . . . AMBROSE' KENT,4PNS a"s .w assnf�oa",l M1''r %0AAM YONG'. S` 156.4,M'sea R1011oNo VMS arT ,..os, Only i'hree Stops. Week.) Farmer &tackpote — How many stops has that 'ere organ ye bought for your daughter got ? Farmer Hawbuck (grimly)—Three —breakfast, dinner and supper. Dr. Carson's Tonic Stomach and Constipation Bitters Made from the formula of an eminent Canadian phyelclau, who Moused the prescription In his practice for many years with most satlstact& ry matte. A Purely Vegetable, Tonic and Blood Purifier. Price ;le cents per Bottle. Usually you can obtain the prepara- tion o1 your local druggist, hath you cannot obtain It In your neighbor- hood, we will send one or more bot- tles on receipt of price (50c per bot- tle) carriage prepaid. Pamphlet sent THEE on application, TBE GIIRSOif MEDICINE COMPANY TORONTO BUTTER AND EGGS POULTRY CHEESE COMB AND EXTRACTED HONEY Good Saditties for handling Consignments solicited. Correspondence invited and prompt. ly attended to. Will buy honey outright. 62 Front Street East, TORONTO. JOHN J. FEE NO NUMNIIA' P11ne1 tee er.°aaateio l I/� 0 . a DobanIlurtisar. Stop. awlaaa all 1'. CNe " eoo0,, .)..e..war.t ante.., a 1� ..liar th owe .3.. Itlesa"lerae \i fetnu ol.f,.. Priasel e1,, tlwYl 'Wsti \ foeto.ntut. oe,t., e.elalanac ata 'ter ,j1 Ur. Nay I, 't 1ork,,..ndbNan...tN 4 u.e.rye.rotea,uyrs ,cs.d.o...n,r '14,1s yrs. /Angel BENITO&, r.hs.u, I.rb 0.& PEN AND INK DRAWING For pru•tleal purp00ro. A Lr. 131115I't11CN thoroughly and attere.atlllly taugllt, by our 001011 Al. purl et emRio It Rearms. Beet cooree by mall ever devised. Il\:Attu 1'',CANNED i yrr1EOTII lTl86r,WarEn PesirloM IOSTIN,t LAMB N t!ARM Improve your. PAlit 10:1/1 at MIME and EARN while you study. Write for booklet giving full information. Addrems Canadian School of Illustration T080500. CAN. Tone and Gerrard 1 AGENTS WANTED—WE START YOU selling diamonds, e.0 styles ; one -hale profit allowed; we pay duty by addingextra Roods; dou't arrant employment until get. it" our catalogue and liberal offer. Addrew Carbon Diamond Co., 405 Clinton, Symms, N. Y. WANTED—SEVERAL BRIGHT PEOPLE who can earn at least fifteen dollars weekly; several of our representatives make over hie dollars in a day' no delivering nor collecting. The Century Moietla° Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. POCKET MAGNIFYING GLA88—BHUTC up like a Italie, for examining fine work or the small things of creation' Is Invaluable to students engineers, mechanics, tailors, for tenting cloth, etc.; seat to any address for 25c, 5 fur 51.00: agents wanted. Wenger Lamp and Mtg. 1'o., Hamilton, Ont. AUCTION SALE There will he mold on thepremtsesby public auction on Wednesday, October 1st, at 2 o'clock, ZIMMERMAN FARM, at Eurlingtoa Junction. Fleet farm south of station on Burlington Road; 57 acres; beet sandy loam; abundance of fruit; two houses and out. building.; eold In whole or 10 acre lob. TERMB—l0 per cent, at time of eale,balaoce on east terms. FOR SALE—SOME OF THE FINEST .agqar 1)101 land In lay County, both wild and cleared, la good farming commun- ity. Apply to L Beatty, Glover, Mich. Mre. Winslow'! Soothing Syrup shush always be used for Children Teething, la[d1 soothes the ohlld. soften. therm( car, Mambos. colic and to the beet rimed, ter IMPERIAL MAPLE SYRUP. The Quality standard from OseekM Ocean. Your money back IfaotsatlMaetery BOSS & LAFLAME, Agent*, Montaaal.