HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-10-02, Page 4icuIURCRIE & MINCE Iglu 'fit th g�#attaa>rb. in 1897 will not fail to be repeated when will have soon disappeared. Those of our friends who allowed themselves to TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING es, BLVTR uing,iSTANDARD, published every .w.- be carried awe bythe theories whish BUSINESS. Thursday morning, is a live !opal. awe. y paper, and has a large circulation in they renounced in 1807 will aeon realize Blyth and eurronnding country, making that the salvation of the country and BLYTII, ONT A.RIO. It a valuable advertising medium. Sub• its development imperiously demand the next revision takes piece, " BANKERS. A. E. BRADWIN, Pomona. The smoke of the lust skirmishes saription price to any part of Canada or the heart good will of all, irrespective the United Suttee only One Dollar per y 1>e ifOTEB DISCOUNTED, 1ennuminadvanoe; $1.50 will be charged of the past individual opinion of those ances, d not so paid. Advertising rates on who take part in public affairs, Sale Notes a specialty. Ariv made to farmers on their owe , application. Sob Printing neatly and Free trade or anything akin to it is notes. No additional security 00- simply nature respectfully Correspondence of a out of the question for Canada. A quired. ^._ tariff of national assertion is what the INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rites, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1002, great majority of the Canadian people We offer every accommodation con. _ __ expect from their parliament and from aistent with safe and conservative DONT CROAK LOOK DPt those in power." banking prineiple4. N6lN]TED PRIVATE fDND3 Occasionally in these busy days some JI croaker is heard lamenting the passing To loan on Real Estate at lowest of the good old days and expressing rates of interest. apprehension for the future of a de- iEAL ESTATE AGENTS. generating people. And he is honest, Paeans wishing to sell will do we11 too. Some men meet with reverses, to plate their property on our list au$ they naturally recall with emotions for sale. Rents collected, of pleasure their better days ; others RORTETANCIRG acquire habits of thought and action of Qf all kinds promptly attended to, a kind that cannot change with the rush PgOpl tE` of life, and the pace being teo fast for 4 We represent the Ieading Fire and them, they rail at fate. Most of us live Lite Assurance companies, and re- to a greater or less extent in our past; epectftilly solicit your account, OFFICE 1101:ns : 10 A.M. to 8 Bud:toss Cards. L. DICKINSON, CALLS 7'ARTE A TRAITOR. The Montreal Witness says: "Mr. Tarte is evidently determined, if he ran, to smash the Liberal party before he goes over to take the lead of the Con-' servativee, There probably never was, since ministerial responsibility and ministerial solidarity became principles of the British constitution, such a easel of open treason by a minister against a, ministry as that of which Mr. Tarte is' just now guilty. Either he is incapable of conceiving the principles of the con - man is an Introspective and retrospee- stitution, or be is a wilful traitor to it. tive being, and our reverence for the He has taken despicable advantage of past is probably enhanced by the same the absence of his chief to map out, on cause that makes dietant fields green, the most central question of politics, a i and any time better than now. Let us policy the direct opposite of that main- i not be too hard on the man who ideal- tailed by the ministry, and to go abort' ins that Past. the country proclaiming it and de -1 But it is a mistake to think that the noencing his fellow-ntihisters who dol people of 25 or 50 or 100 years ago fared not fall in with it in the nest contemn - BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, RTO., bettor than we do today. ,. The future BWlattor tor link of Hamilton.' Money to tutus terms. He does not really that Lear Moe, Muer brook, wtngham. may be better, but the Now is superior ire, es be predicts in his paper, that to all that has gone before it. Never such men as Mr, Fisher and Mr, ilifton' ee JACKSON, ILL,before in the world's history have pee- I will surrender to his supercilious dicta- BARRiBTEH. 80LIpITOB, BTO. pie enjoyed such advantages; never was tion. What sort of poltroons whuld he nya ser and Notary Rnbtjo. Bolletwr for there a higher degree of comfort, and take them for 7 Mr. Tarts only wants atBamnton. OmoW,Pretoriablack,over. never did intelligence and wealth better to injure them as much as possible' setws,Myth. Money to land. -serve humanity. This is not saying before he desert a them and joins their that there are not evils—lacks, inequal- adversaries." g"SEBOME' L'D.S, _ ities, errors—or that some may things DENTIST. g 3 In reply to the above, Mr, Tarte sent not have been better for their times in the following telegram : "The editor of �o the Protons block, Hiytb. Sproul thepast,benoughthe Witness, Montreal.—May I ask you at geld to the preaervatloa of the est- but it should be to urs teeth. Jai prloes se tow w u eonet.tent teach us that we should keep our (Una to state in your paper that I will be in with good work. ()old work a apeetelty. turned forward, the Liberal party long after you are "Nor attempt the Future's portals dead and buried? 11 your views on the J C. LINDSAY, M.H. With the Paste blood•rusted key." fiscal policy of the country were known PBYBIOIADi AND SURGEON, To mention but one subject : The man to be those of the party, we would be geeosseor to Dr. Teta Graduate of the Un1- tpdre of Toronto, Member of College of Pty of 80 years ago had but begun to utilize I defeated at the next general election by OUR STOCK of Fall and Winter Goods. Ia now abort complete, exceptionally good values and are well worthy of your atteutiou. Come and gee them and get our prices, OTJR MILLINERY OPENING Was a grand success, The fasl:tnation of Now Millinery never wanes on the femanine taste: Each succeeding eeaeon renews the charm, and this fall we have so much that Is beautiful to tell you about, it it hard to begin. Much better for you to coins and sec for yourselves, We have a wealth of handsome ideas in the latest designs, executed by our own corps of skilled milliners—a collection that will charm you by its variety and unique beauty, a display of Millinery not excelled fn the county. Come and leave your order now. You will be sure to be pleased, J. A. Anderson and surgeons clouted°. Former) or elsntricit . He had no electric lights, vn3an endEdtnba b, ttotlend,�or y g the game overwhelming majority that name that is in it, Our way d nes a lately camas no tele lDlOBI; adresia ''�' 1. t 1 4 RS A philosophic friend says that there is a vast difference in the way business reputation is made use of. As a rule a business name is used as a charm to raise prices—in the belief that people will pay more for a hat or muff or whatever is being bought because of the is different—the good -will you phones, no electric street cars, no the same views arrayed in 1878.—J, bear this store, the faith you have in it is only a basis for that :automobiles, Today we are able to brae) Tarte," ttr.. atL6lif,',ma K. make electricity serve as, even to talk- we.ing 1000 miles through the air, In Pmow:N4uN�D gyHOSOM, other fields of applied selene our pro- Kss.D Uykat nneeY it f0yytt warrior l trjuitvvgiteaiei g'rees has boon equally great. Our coasts, and et member Genesge of IThy loans standard of laying is higher ; our pro - ✓ ed Bartsgt of Ontario. Oorouet for the ;Meet noon. Oma, one door north of the ducttye capacity is greater. Our people ammsrdel hotel, Rasa afros. Blyth. are better fed, better housed, better educated, than ever before. Religion . is more liberally endowed ; millions are spent for Christianizing the world. Public and Ovate charity are munifi- cent, and never were organizations to relieve want more rich or numerous, We have not reached perfection, and there are, it is true, many ways in which the world could be made better and the people happier; but it is a far cry from Ute time when we burrowed in caves and grubbedroots for a living. And the progress hat been fairly steady. The staunch ship Endeavor still heads to- ward Port flood, T J. HUCKSTEP, d BARBER AND TOBACCONIST. Apse Hoek 01 Tobaccos, Pliers end Pipes on head. Agent for the Parisian Row Laundry, Bassa street. Blyth,. �+ HAMILTON, • AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR. Tread, Loan and Iwura00e Agent, 0faea on Anes. strss. Blyth. Orden lets at Tia STSs• Da0D teas will [weirs prompt attention.. !'t»A BRADWIN, STEAMSHIP AOHNT. Tie Hldsr•Dempeter and Franco Canadian, (tae. gepresented. ocean tickets sold to any Bari of Milroy*. Low Monier rstos now in force. ■ and diem of ja ayselUes to Tas Amman°Mose, blyfniih.� TARIFF OF NATIONAL ASSERTION. THE ALTAR. WALLA CR—AILNNTRONG,—At the resi- dence of the bride's father, Melanct• hon, on September 24th, by Rev. T. Ce McAteer, B.D„ Mr. Thomas Wal- lace, of Melancthon, to Margaret Jane, daughter of Mr. Charles Arm- strong, formerly of East Wawanoah, THE TOMB. MOKINNON.—In Blyth, on September 80th, Mrs. ll. B. 11fcKinnon, aged 50 years, 8 months and 28 days. SCOTT.—ln Morrie, on September 26th, Mr. Wm. M. Scott, aged 74 years, 8 months and 8 days. —A number of apple shippers are marking their second grade apples "extra, extra,"instead of XX, or No. 2, ae required by law. The fruit inspectors are obliged accordingly to brand all such packages " Falsely marked." One of the following marks must appear on all doted packages: No. 1 or XXX; No. 2 or In a recent issue she Montreal La XX; No. 3 or X All interested in pilot. 0. L. TAUHE, Petrie made the following reference to the packing of fruit should send a MABUFAOTURING OPTICIAN AND the tariff question • " Whether Mr. regaeet to the fruit division, depart- BY& SPECIALIST.Ta: to use or was not wise In speaking ment of agriculture, Ottawa, for a AR kinds of Spectacles and Eyeglasses made CO of the Fruit Marks' Act. ge order. Sped& attention given to fitting the during the last two months as he has TY BLYTH MARKET& En traveling trete y Blip, Oct. I.—Wheal, 8Ai to 05 II 1 qa, olden b7 mall promptly attitude to. been speaking during the two or three swan of parties using uy name as I employ o wh.tever. bstleraatlen last ears is a matter of opinion. a. ar ey, Whether Mr. Sifton did or did not lack 340 zo. on, Geo to eta. Oita, leo to 97., iyggn, 10a to tea. Rutter, 19a to 140. Potatoes, prudence in the interview which he ace to tura. N1loo,towa. R y, e6 to e7. Lard ••••• •••••♦•• •••••••• gave is also a matter of opinion. Wool, *17erio t9 7 woo(,1oa io ieso1.90 to Wit MIT .tiTr11� Naturally, the opponents o t e present Ifl y cabinet took advantage of these di6er• men to make political capital. A car Strayed onto the premisea gearaoteee. Established 1879. g64 Richmond I S treet W., Toronto. I( fh New Prices end New Goods for antes of opinion between two public e of the undersigned, lain number of our friends allowed ! lot 22' eon' Ot1, Wwu b's k h, 000! 0.',00 �'T' B{gth,—Elgin or Waltham. Owner can havo the same byr stn • 1 themselves to be deceived by this polite- ;gs p „ g property and paying an expenses. Jona Y00Na, Auburn cal game, which, however, could easilyp,o, ec be detected. An incident which in i itself would have had but little import- GOOD FARMS AND SAW ' once was made a crisis in the news- _{ papers. ESTRAY HOGS. 18 size, 7 jewel, in Nickle Can only $8.50, and in Toronto 20 - year Filled Case only $0.—snaps. 16 jewel Waltham, in Nickle Case only $10, and with 20 -year Gold Filled Case. only $14. In Ladies' Watches -25 -year Gold Filled Case, with Waltham or Elgin movement, only 512. ' These prism cannot be bettered by anyone and in these goods I know whet they are myself. I dont have to ask others t0 tell me for I know what tbsy are, fiend In your order and It will be Sited the same as many others have been from time to time. You run no chance for yon get y0ur money bank 1t yon wish is A. M. BABB TEESWATERgreat manufacturing provinces of On- Ihalfidorige wth one storey kitchen attached. MILL FOR SALE. " The fact is that quite a light breeze I ea 1—wi lot 96, con. 6, East Wawanoah, don- • timing 10oaer01, 00, scree Noarea and 10 a g„od political to i i 1 a an 20 scree of im er land. e o 00 loam. There,. im the place a good brick dwell- • and his friends seem to have had no ing house 20a9a tae 1s sufficient to stir up pot ice waters. State of oaldvatron, 911 sores art a Iy o earn At the St. Eustache picnic Mr. Monk ! a t b l d he 110i to a g a std a halt storeys, with • good -will to grow. As a rule one pays least for a thing � bought at Herrington's, but there is no broader guarantee of excellence. That's it in a nutshell—maybe we do not quota the exact words. It's worth thinking over in Fur buying. Alaska Sable 8earts, finished with 8 tails, beet quality, 515. Colombia Sable Neck Scarfs, trimmed with 6 tails, $5.50, $8 and 06.50. Caperines, dyed Alaska Sable, lined with fancy sateen and trimmed with 8 full tails, $14, $18.50 and $17.50. Electric Seal and Astrachan Combination Caperines, high storm collar, tong tabs, 8 tails, 511, $12 and $14. Astrachan Jackets, made from fine skins, 24 Mottos, 28 inches and 2,$ inches deep, $28, $25, $28 and $80. You are coming to Blyth Fair of course. kitoben attached, wood -shed 20130, and stone- • other argument but the reading of tense 00200 tut sees et hoose; soca cietem; 1 2 articles in the Liberal Press. The tariff goal wail ane word matt oouve01001 t0 house P end out-bulldmge; 108000 barn 60x66, with stone 1 ♦ question of a country is one in which onesudahalf 00007e a et aerudenwlren%100120', ♦; the personality of public men should . two storeys, witb boiler, engine and all 110005 • not be taken into account. The cam- eaiy mncbinery for manuaocuring 13mber, 1 I lath sue shingiea, 011 In 00us order. ledge now being carried on will have No, 2 d i tot n. eon.6, Easto Wawanoah, con - 10 (0g 100 acres, Nil aeras cleared and 1n a goad excellent results, as it calls attention to .tete of cultivation, 20 sores of timber land. • e subject of supreme importance to the i There is on the place agood frame barn 40x00 , • and 20 feet high with alma stables under the • • whole of Canada, especially to the two' tun sire; good frame dwelling 20,28, one mot a i 9- t lot 99, oon. 7, Eaet Wawanoah, eta- 1 g 100 some 118 sores oieared a0d is a Ko d r o! tt00ber land. ♦ tario and Quebec, Montreal, the me -It'll N••N♦•♦•♦♦ ♦N ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦• crate tro obs of the confederation, is morel The se of enlnvaiton, 10 acres 11 is s good olay loam. On the phoe - - p ' there rn t gcod frame dwelliog 92x90, 01an8 001- - interested than any other city in the l.. sorb 1..aben 800.06.2 18x98 onoand a hall 1 40x00, with stone eta under; Blyth lodge, No. t413, Ancient Order of United 'here are the largest in our land. The wet arei Steno; 11uaa never failing Bd orchard. o pro a to v Workmen, meets in the Workmen 11,0, Mine people, however, may refit ensured that ring through 3.. A. O. U. W. country, because the industries centred , stoves; bard and soneWater eams isb,, Drop in and see us. Make all the use of this store you wish. All are welcome. block, e0 the cud and 4th Thursday n inst.}, e or roll i artioulcn apply to Toeless H TAr- Month at eight p.m. Visiting brethren are the prudence displayed by the Laurier mu. tvestlu)4 P.O., Out, or to C. HAMILTON, eNdtall7 invited. N CttYtxa, WA T. J, IIroa• 0Ra! Bil00005a. 49 government in the revision of the tariff Blyth P,O., Ont. t�lt 1,1 S. Herrington E1yth. iditineWilindoW EOR GOOD HEALTH To preserve or restore it, there is no better presoription for men, woolen and children than Ripens Tabules. They are easy to take. They aro made of a combination of medi- cines approved and used by every physician. Ripens Ta - butes are widely used by all sorts of people—but to the plain, every -day bilks they are a veritable friend in need. Ripens Tubules have become their standard family remedy. They are a dependable, honest remedy, with a long and suc- cessful record, to cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and livor complaints. They strengthen weak stomachs, build up run-down systems, restore pure blood, good appetite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives constant benefit from a regular use of Ripens Tabules. Your druggist sells them. The five -cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 60 cents, con- tains a supply for a year. R•I•P•A•N•S