HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-10-02, Page 1VOL. XVI.
i'rEas.--Mr. George Tervit, one
pt the oldest and most highly re.'
ppepted pioneers of East Wawanoeh,
attended the Western fair et London
this year. This is, of coarse, nothing
pat of the ordinary for most pecpte,
but in Mr. Teryit'e case it is mach
diMsreat. He has been a resident of
East Wawitnosh for 48 years, and
this is the first time hp hu ever
attended any pf the large faire and
it was the first time he has spent a
night ewey from this v►pinity In the
18 yews. It was also the third time
he be. ever had a ride on a railway
Wain since he same to East Wawa -
nosh. Ile has visited the model farm
at Gaslph on two occasions, Mr.
Tervtt hu been truly a home bird
and' his not been given much to
travelling. He was highly delighted
With his visit to London....The fine
full belonging to the estate of the
bate Japres McGee, on the let con.,
hall been !mid to Mr. R. J. McGee, of
Woodstock, a brother of deceased,
for the sant of $4500. There are
100 acres in it, with good orchard,
Mot house and fair barns ,• the price
isoohaidered reasonable. Mr. Wesley
Farrow, wbo had a three years' lease
pf Ibis farm, leaves it next April,`
baying rente3 the Harrison farm, on
the 6th eon ....Mr. Wm. Taylor is
engaged with Mr. Robert McDowell
for the fall ....We are sorry to hear
pf the illness of Mr. and Mra. Simon
Dow, of Donnybrook. A number of
weeks e"Ro, Mr. 8. Jefferson, who
?lyes in the spine house, was taken
111 with typhoid fever, and shortly
after, Mr. and Mrs. Dow were also
takdn ill with the same disease....
Mr. Robert Wightman has the timber
ready tor his new barn, and will
Cabe shortly ....Mrs. Cafebia, of
ltlobigen, is visiting her parent*, Mr.
end Mrs. Atex. Morton.... Mies Pearl
Snell is under the parental col' at
;pre.snt....A ,taameetng in Weer.
field in the near future....Mr.
;fames Noble, who has been nursing
an inflamed eye, is able to be around
again....Corn cutting has coin -
nuanced in this township.... Mr. and
Mra It. Johnston, ar., Mr, and Mra
N. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.
Brown, and lire W; -barrow attend-
ed the wedding of Mies Jennie Arm-
strong, of Shelburne, formerly of
A Pitmen Deuu.—Another old
and highly reepepted resident of
' this township passed away ou Thurs.
day morning of last week. We refer
to Mr. Wm. Murray Scott, who bad
been sick for the past six months
with cancer of the stomach. His
illness was a severe one and confined
1m to the house the greater part of
e duration, but he bore it all with
Christian fortitude. The late Mr.
fieott wan born in Dalkeith, Mid.
lotbiaosblre, Scotland, on June 22nd,
18I8,Hp emigrated to Canada,
along with his father, mother, one
brother and three staters, in 1844
and settled in Gale After residing
there a few months his father moved
the family to Blenheim township,
Oxford county, where they took up
200 aures of land. Deceased re-
mained with his father and helped
im clear the forest and make a
, potge for the family until hie mar-
riage, which took place on December
18tb, 1858, to Grace, third daughter
pf the late Thomas Bradnock, of
andford township, Oxford county,
Mr. Boots and bin bride moved to
Owen eoanty end settled on lot 39,
pan.. 1; East Wawanosb, where he
again cleared up a home in the for.
est. After getting comfortable build-
ings erected and the farm cleared he
sold oat to his brother -In-law, atter a
'residence there of 14 years. He
then moved to his father-in-law's
farm in Blandford township, where
he resided for nine years. Deceased
then 'moved back to Huron county
and bought lot 7, con. 9, Morris
'township, upon which he resided till
the time of his death. Ile leaves a
'widow and three sons and four
daughters to mourn the loss of a
1<ktd Mutated and father. The
Thildren are all married end ere:
homas, of Clatter, Iowa ; Mra. Wm.
Radford, of East Wawanoah ; John
nu the homestead In Morris; Aire. R.
J,, Coclterline, of Morrie; Mrs, Robert
Y talth; f
8. Tragttair, of Welwyn, Assintboia ;
Wm. J., of MaVille, Michigan, and
Mra. Hugh Tucker, of Turnberry.
The funeral took place on Saturday
afternoon and was very largely at-
tended. Interment was made in the
Union cemetery. The pall -bearers
were his son, Mr. John Soca, his
three eons-in•law, Mr. Wm. Radford,
Mr. R. J. Cockerline and Mr, laugh
Tacker, and two nephews, Mr, Wm.
Soott, of Hallett, and Mr. Thomas
Scott, of Blandford. The services at
the house and grave were conducted
by Rev. A. McLean, of St. Andrew's
church, Blyth. Deceued was a
Presbyterian In religion, being a
member of St. Andrew's church,
Blyth, end In polities be was a
staunch Reformer. The widow and
family have the sympathy of a large
circle of friends in their bereave-
CotJNCtL Mxarrtxo.—The eounelt
met pursuant to adjournment on
September 15th ; members all pres-
ent, the reeve in the chair; minutes
of last meeting rend and passed.
Mr, John Mooney appeared at the
crewed meeting and stated that
owing to pressure of his farm labor
dueled with his adyaneing years and
defective bearing be felt in Mance to
himself bound to tender his resigna-
tion all collector of taxes. Moved by
Mr. Taylor, seconded by Mr. Shaw,
that whilst regretting the lone to
the municipality of a faithful servant
such as Mr, Mooney has been during
the years gone by, this eounotl re-
luctantly accept his resignation.—
Carried. On motion of Mr. Jackson,
seconded by Mr. Code, Mr. Taylor
was instructed to have culvert on
sideline between lots 20 and 21, con.
6, put in a proper state of repair,
On motion of Messrs. Shaw and Tay-
lor, Mr. Code was Instructed to have
culvert at lot 10, con. 9, put in a
proper state of repair. Moved by
Mr. Code, seconded by Mr. Shaw,
that Mr. Richard Proctor be appoint-
ed collector of taxes for the current
year at a salary of 885, .in furniah-
Ing satisfaetory security.— Carried.
On motion of Mr. Taylor, seconded
by Mr. Shaw, Mr. Code was instrpct-
ed to have the municipal portion of
Ellison's drain cleared out in accord.
ante with engineer's award. A bill
was received from Mr. Van Van -
Norton respecting expenses in con-
nection with a dead body found on
Ni lot 2, con. 8. Moved by Mr.
Jackson, seconded by Mr. Shaw, that
thio council take no action in matter.
—Carried. Moved by Mr. Jackson,
seconded by Mr. t:ode, that the col-
lector'. roll be placed in the hands of
the collector on or before October
31st next.—Carried. Account. Were
ordered to be paid as follows.:—For
'gravel.—Thomas Healey 88 OB,' D.
Farquharson 83.29, C. Pollard 82.87,
R. McMurray 88.12, H. Bosman
84.20, Wm, McCrea 82.70, J. H. Bei -
lays 82.58, W. J, Souch 85.58, W. C,
Stretton 81, John Barr 65c, Wm.
Skelton 82.20, George McDonald
88.80, D. Agar 84,68, C. Campbell
$4.35, lames Crtfckahank 83.50, B.
C. Stokes 88.70, H. Beaman 85.75 ;
Wm. Jackson, covering bridge, $52 ;
George Grigg, repairing bridge, 88;
Duff & Stewart, work and material,
816.82; Duff & Stewart, culvert on
north boundary, 89.39 ; Leonard
Rattan, plank, 72e; Municipal
World, blank forme, 82 ; J. L. Geri -
dee, repairs on grader, 82 ; Jobn
Manning, damages hauling gravel,
82; H, Mohrter, do,, 82. The coun-
cil then adjourned to meet again on
October 18th next, at 10 o'clock
a.m.—W. CLARE, Clerk.
—Moat boys have inn old silver
coin of some kind they are keeping
as a retie, either for sentimental
reasons or because they think it
worth more than its face value. In
some instances the date or inscriptipn
has been worn away and it is Rupee.
sibie to read it even with a strong
glass. The following method orig-
inally practised at the mint to die-
oover the genuine coins when silver
was called in will enable one to read
an obliterated inscriptions Make the
poker red hot in the fire and then
place the Sliver coin on it ; the in-
scription will be plainly vieibie in a
greenish hue, wbleh will fide as the
edit eoo(s
teas,—The eoncert given by the
Canadian jubilee singers and imper-
ial orchestra in the town hall on
Tuesday evening was a emus....
Mr. B. Gerry has purchased the stock
of hardware and tinware belonging
to Mr. Geerge Ztliler, of Listowel•
Mr. Vert Gerry will take charge of
the store and continue the business
in that town Brussels pubite
school is oouekierably overerowded.
It is expected the unused room in
the new school building will have to
be oceepted after the new year,
which will give our school a .tall of
six teaehers....Brnasels fair will be
held on October 2nd and 8rd,...
Postmaster Farrow and wife have
returned from a visit to friends in
London and Chathata....Mrs. B.
Gerry has gone to Chicago to vett
her parents.... Mra Coeene gave an
address to the Epworth Leaguers In
the basement of the Methodist church
on Sunday evening of last week....
Rev. 13. Paul will give an address at
Jamestown on Sunday evening, Oc-
tober 5th....Mre. Cavanaugh, of
Gwen Sound, spent a tew days in
town last week visiting her mother,
Mrs. J. L. l;err, and others....Rev.
J. E. Hunter was a visitor at the
Methodist parsonage last week....
Last &today was Rally day in the
Presbyterian Sunday school.
Joys.—The apple packers are busy
with the fall apples at present.
They consider the crop of rather an
interior quality this year....The
Snell family, who have lived on the
5th con. for a number of years, have
moved to the farm vacated by Mr.
Wm. McNeil— .Mr. D. Tisdale and
gang of men are at present working
at Mr, Robert Wightman's barn, re-
placing the one destroyed by fire
last .July. They expect to Nee on
Thursday... Arrangements are being
made to have the annual anntver-
sary services about October 12th,
also a tea -meeting on Monday fol-
lowing, Correct announcements will
bo given in next week's issue....
Mr. Wm. Johnston has arrrlved
home from the west and reports
everything booming. He expects to
go to Toronto with cattle shortly...
Mr. and lire. Robert Johnston, sr,,
attended the marriage of their
grand -daughter, Mies Jennie Arm.
strong, of Sbelborne, but formerly of
Westfield.... Mr. Wesley Farrow, of
Auburn, has rented the Harrison
term at present occupied by Mr,
Wm. Bsmford.... Mr. W. J. Parks
Is preparing for winter by having
his stable shingled.... Mrs. E. Mc-
Dowell is making a lengthy visit
with her sister near Hespeler....
Miss Annie Dobie, of the 3rd line,
has been seriously' 111 with inflate -
Illation. We are glad to say tbat
she is now recovering.
ASTER WEDDING.—One of the most
pretty and fashionable events that
has ever happened in the chrono-
logical history of the vicinity of
Shelburne, llelanethon. township,
which makes two hearts beat as one,
occurred at the residence of Mr.
Charles Armstrong, formerly of
Westfield, on tho evening of Septem-
ber 24th, when their eldest daugh-
ter, Jennie, was united in marriage
to a prosperous young agriculturist
of the same plane, Mr, Thomas Wal.
lace. The rooms were beautifully
decorated with asters and other
flowers. The pride was neatly
attired in a silver gray Bengaline
costµtne trimmed with white silk
and applique lace. She wore white
asters in her hair and carried a
beautiful boquct of flowers. Pre-
cisely at the hour of five Miss Bertha
Armstrong, of Brussels, began to
play Mendelsshon's wedding march,'
when the bride entered the drawing
room leaning upon the arm of ber
father. The bridal pair stood under
an evergreen arch while the cere-
mony was performed by Rev. T. G.
McAteer, B.D., assisted by Rev. Mr.
Showers. of Shelburne. Congratui s -
tions being over the bridal pair and
guests left the drawing room t'or the
dining room where the tables pre-
sented a most artistic appearance.
The bride's cake stood at one end of
the table, where t1.e bridal pair and
etet'gymen gat. Vases of flowers or-
namented tate tables,and everything
. Capital, all paid up, $2,000,000. Reserve, $t,600,000,
Total Assets, over $ao,000,000,
Notes Discounted and Collected. Drafts Issued.
General Banking Business Transacted.
Sums of $1 and upwards received and interest allowed.
compounded half yearly.
• t i :•
Blyth Fall Fair ..
Millinery, Dress Goods, Mantles and
Mantle Cloths, Wrappers and Wrap-
perettes, Blouses, Corsets, Hosiery,
Underwear, Blankets and Comforts,
Boots, Shoes and Rubbers.
Men's, Youths' and Boys'
Ready-made Suits and
See our Wind and Rain Proof Pea Jackets for Men
an Boys.
In the Fur
You will find a large assortment of
Ladies' Jackets, Capes, Caperines, Ruffs,
Muffs, Gauntlets and Caps, Men's Fur
Coats in Coon, Martain, Dog, Wombat
and Kangaroo, also a large range of Fur
that goes to make a sumptuous feast the road to prevent persons driving✓
was spread before a company of 125 over Grieves' bridge, while being
invited guests, composed of relations repaired, and claiming 675 for damn -
and friends. Among the many use- ges. Council left it over for farther
ful and handsome gifts presented to enquiries and consideration of the
the bride was. a lovely dinner and facts. Two, trustees frotn No. 1►
tea act. Their many friends join in school section asked a township grant
wishing them mach ;1appiness to their section, as so many from ft
through the journey of life. joined the separate school. As the
taxes were on the roll, no grant acus
M'KILLOP. given, Connell adjourned to meet tit
CommMEETINo,—Council met Christopher Whites, Leadbury, oq
at Leadbary on September 17th. Wednesday, Cotober 15tb, et one
Members of council all present. Ac- o'clock in the afternoon.
counts were passed and paid foe
stringers on Grieves' bridge, lumber, —Telt your friends to come tq
jobs and gravel, amounting to Blyth fair.
81348.94. The reeve and James —Mr. Alex. McNeil, one of the
O'Laughlin were authorized to put Dominion fruit inspectors, recently
stakes in Logan boundry in centre of reported two violations of the fruit
road where surveyor's pickets now marks act at Oolborne. The first
are. Tho bonds of Charles Dodds was neglect to label several barrels
fur collector were received and se- with the shipper's name. The second
eepted as sattsfactory.. The reeve was deceit by surwounting nevem!
read a letter from one hInrray, In barrels of inferior apple. with layer,
Seaforth, who got hurt by running a of the finest quality. Heavy lira
bicycle uga(gst timbers placed acrosswere imposed 1n seek case.