The Blyth Standard, 1902-09-25, Page 8K
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ABrrum. CotplERS
Liagni Questionand Antweell,
how thsLottba *annus
Batumi -car —A women married
In i71; had been married before to
Winer, who when be died, owned
* t WM, on wbieh his widow remain-
* rri ed again, and her second
lutabsad worked it till 1861 I when
1* tired of that Ille, and wonting to
hisss, he sold at auction ins half of
t the farm Mock. The woman
isehibt in her share and kept on
Weektng the farm. He went away,
Tin three children for whom he
no provision. Soon after that
t man's heirs eold the farm,
got her share and bought
farm of 100 acres. Her
hosband eame back then and prom-
ised to.itay at home and work the
fano Irlhe woman would give him
10 11411*In the name. This woe
ON, bit he pald no money on IL
Misr it few 'months he didn't want
the fit* and signed of his claito.
Al omit stay again and has given
no aprrt to his children ever since,
about 20 yearn ago. At the woman'e
death, can he claim any of the farm,
or the property, provided she leaves
Will giving 11 to her children
Ant —No. he can sell it or give it
away during her lifetime or dispose
of it by her will, Mean only claim
in case she dim without a will, and
not having disposed of it during her
-- —
Mune Loam
Following le an abstract of the
Ontario game laws giving the open
dates far shooting game familiar to
legIslatezra In 1889 the Queen's
bench sot within their wells. In
1846 they Vote utlllsed for anivers-
lty and medical purposeIn oonneo-
don with KIng'a college; during
1848.9 they were occupied na a inna-
tie aoylum; and from 1861 to 1867
as a Ulll fairy barracks. The original
stracture coat £15,000.
this district. Both dates given are The Con of Loallad.
inclusive in every case:— The boy who spende an hour of
Ducks, September 1m to December each evening lounging Idly on the
151h, street corners, wash* in the coume
Geese and swans, September 15th of a year 365 precious hours, which,
to May Ist.
If Applied to toady would familiarise
Grouse, September 15111 10 Decem- Win with rudiments of almost any of
bar 15th, the winces. If In addition to waet.
Berea, September 15th to Deem. Ing an hour each evening, be spends
ber lStIi, 10 cents on chorettes, which is
Partridge, &Member 15th to De- usually the ease, the amount thus
ember 15th, but may not be bought worse than wasted will pity tor ten
or mold before September 15th, 1905. of the leading periodicals of the
Pheasants, September 15th to Do- country. Boys think of these things
cember 16(11. Think of how much time and money
Plover, September 15th to Decem- you are waiting and, for what?
ber 15th. The gratification afforded by the
QOM, October 15th to December lounge on the street corner or the
15th. cigarette Is not only temporary but
Snipe, September 16111 to Dram. poeltively hurtful. You acquire idle
ber 15111. and warteful habits, which will cling Bargains in Furniture.
The time of year has arrived when the housewife's attention Is
turned to the making of Pickles. We always have on hand the
best of White Wine and Cider Vinegars for pickling, Piokling
Spices and Flavorings.
Fresh clrooeries and. Fruits
Arriving daily, Our Canned Goode were bought befoo the
raise In price, therefore sits can sell Tomatoes for iec per can, or
one can each of Toinatoei; Corn and Peltas for 25c tt pounds
Tapioca for 25c,
lithoot Parket °ash Prism for Putter and Eggs.
AirebliN " Siitt~~at
WoodcockmPteber 15hto De -
to you with each succeeding year.
comber 15th. Yon may in after life shake them off,
Squirrels !black end grey), Sep. but the probabilities are that the
tember 15th to December 15th. habit thus formed In early life will
Muskrats, January let to May 1st, remain with you to your dying day.
bat no muskrat may be shot diming Be rented then in time, and resolve
the month of April. that as the hoer spent in idleness Ur
gone for ever, you will improve each
oie Parliament lialidinen amt. passhig one, and thereby tit youmell
The old parliament building' In for userqinem and happiness.
Toronto have been 'old by the On.
tarn government to the Paving & wee the Local Paper Is Continued.
Constructing Co. The price paid Newspaper subeeribera often woii.
was in the neighborhood of 15000, der why the publIsher keep on
and the company will remove all the sending the paper when the sub-
material/1 by next July. The brick eeription lies eiplred. Ilere is the
and interior week Is in a dilapidated explenation 4—When a subscription
condition, and mom of the former is paid to a certain time, and time
being unfit for anything else will, no expires and the paper is stopped, it
doubt, be used in the foundation bed looks n6 if the editor doubted the
of pavemenw or midewalke. Tenders integrity of the subscriber and In
have been celled fur the Mile or 25 nine cases oat of ten the subscriber
yearslease of the land, and may be will give the editor a calling down
sent in up to October 7th, for Insinuating 041 hie credit wee no
The Mit vote for thee buildings good. Rather than east any rellee.
was passed as fee back as 1826, but it don against a neighbor's honesty to
wan nut till 1882 Chet their construe. pay 'a 'ma(l debt it has been custom.
tion, which wee attended by many ary for newspapers to continue send.
feilares of eontractore, was oompleted. Ing the paper after the time has
It consisted of a center 138 by 90 feet, expired. The city weeklies and
and two wings 90 by 55 feet, the dallies do not generally follow tills
latter being 40 feet distant from the rule as their sebscribers are nt a
center, but in 1849 thesespacei were diet/ince, and besides they are not
enclomtd. The freestone used n aequainted with 'heal and do not
the golomns of the portico, it is know their financial standing. One
interesting to note, was qaarried should deem it an honor to allow that
near Hamilton, carried on eleIghs to hie credit le not doubted when the
Burlitigton bay, and transhipped to publisher continues to send the paper.
York inow Torooto) on the opening Shopld cite eebscriber wish to have
of nailgation. his paper discontinued he should
The buildings had various uses, inform the publialter and remit to
From 1882 till 1841 they were date, if any is owing.
occupied by the legislature of Upper
Canada, at two ettbseqnent periods by Alsoelation aired,
the parliament of United Canals, and The arinersAssociation is the
name of new organization formed
froni 1867 to 1892 by the Ontario
in Toronto last week, at a meeting
' of about 100 representative farmers'
from all parts of Ontario. A reao-
Wien was passed mating "That
while deeming it inadvisable to es-
tablish a political party, we believe
it le for the welfare of the country
that there should be an organization
ready to bring ita influence to bear
to secure and promote the interest'
of the farmer In matters of !eels.
lation and otherwise, and that we
now proceed to establish mush en
organization," 'A committee , of 15
was appointed, who should undertake
the formation or a localaesocietiou In
each county. Resolutions were pale.
ed condemning the granting of
beepsa and bounties as unjust to the
masses, and should be discontintied ;
declaring that agriculture bas been
made to bear au uuequal share of
taxation, and that our assessment
'awe should be so amended that the
property of railroads and other pub-
lic Service should be asseased for the
same proportion of value as the
property of private property owners ;
that there should be the etrictest of
public regulatione of transportation,
and a commlesion appointed with
power to fix rates; that the as-
sociation help by every available
means the passage at next session at
Ottawa of the drainage and cattle.
guard bilis; and protesting against
any increase in card.
- - -
—A fierce lire of little more than
an hour's duration inflicted damage
to the extent of 117,000 at London
on Monday afternoon. It had he
inception in the big frame livery
barn on Richmond street, owned by
Memos. Trebileock & ton, and quick-
ly spread to adjacent stores and resi-
dences. Before the firemen were
able to bar its further progress It had
totally destroyed Mr. F. D. White -
head's Boar and feed store and Mr
Sam Lee's laundry. l'be residence
of Kr. J. K. Spry was completely
Hints for Weak Stomachs,
Eat slowly, masticating the food thoroughly, even more, if
poaible, than is required in hearth. The more time the food
spends in the mouth, the less it will spend in the atouasch.
Avoid drinking at meals in general,
dyspeptic stomachs manage dry food
better titan that containing much
fluid. Eat neither very honor cold
food. The beat' temperature is that
of the body. 13e careful to avoid
excess in eating.. Est no more than
the wants of the system require.
Sometimes less than is really needed
must be taken when digestionis very
weak. Strength depends not on what
is eaten, but on what Is digested.
Never take violent exercise of any
sort, either mental or physical, either
just before or just after a meal.
Never eat more than three times a
day, and make the last meal very
light. For many dyspeptics, two
meals are better than more. Never
eat a morsel of any sort between
meals. Never eat when very tired,
whether exhausted from mental or
physical labor. Never eat when the
mind is worried or the temper ruffled,
if you can possibly avoid it. Eat only
food that ts easy of digestion, avoid..
ing complicated and Indigestible
dishes, and takiug but one to three
courses at a meal.
After Weal' take two ST. JAM
WAVIi145' "I believe St. Jaime Weems
earn in
„ljtv, t IliknOaat.wroll45
jt 14/
then a are tip =el ream. getter
h a 1 gf:a...1711. IFtwermi
glassful "duo
of hot D. Robert sastes,
Itainkburs, loused.
in Casa 11.0 ; water.
bottles for $5.00 The y
stomach, digest food and send
nutriment through the blood,
gib la the honest way to get
health and strength, the kind that
hats, develops and breeds the energy
AO& accomplishes mach.'
Si )0.11, Wa P016 :rod
remedy to the MY Immo; doctors re-
romoretsellmg W.{ a ant yohna:
wi eenl 140 lorrtmla sopa+ must.
Where dealers art not selling the
Wafcrktbey are mailed nem, re.
MIA of price st the Canadian
trench : bent Wolink, /111
Siebniee swam
A large assortment of floe goods just arrived, consisting of Bedroom Bets,
Sideboards, Extension Tables, Fancy Rockers and Couches. Pricesars market!
Sown to the lowest point for cash,
We have 25 Tables to sell at OS °onto 'soh.
Bring in your Pictures and got them neatly framed.
11.,..K KO( K Kt..(K K
K Ktri
The Leading Specialitts of America. 25 Years In Detroit. lank References.
ea -No Noon used Without Written Corot.
VARIE0EILE If you have trans/rimed against the laws of
NERVOUS DEBILITY :Vrper',::Vid',......""%".:":1
CURED. promising lives, Treat with scientific phyeiclane
and be cured. Avoid quacks. E. A. Sidney, of
- Toledo, aayst "At the age of It, I tainted a bad
habit and p19 contracted atm loom dives°, I treated with a dozen doctors, who alt
promised te cure me. They got my money and' hillI bad tbedlseaste. had gives
up hope when a friend *drilled one to oossult Dn. Z. E., who had cooed Wm.
Without nar Confidence 1 called on Cleat, and Dr. Xennody agreed to cure us tor
no pay. After taking the New Method Treetesent Wein Weeks I felt Ilk* s opW
Mao. • The dram teamed, wormy veins dlsapbeared, germ grew strougehalt
stopped 411.1nrs out, urine bt.citme clear and Mr sexual organs vitalised. 11 IMO
eat rely cured by Dr. Xennady and recommend blur (mos the bottom of my heart."
We Treat and Care Syphilis, GI.... Vorleosele Ihnimiess,
Otriellsre, Vanataral Dieobargee, Seminal Wealshime, Kidney
400 Madder Dleeneete.
CONSULTATION PRIM. ROOKS Pare. Call or write for Qamition Blank
for Borne Treatment. NO CURB, NO PAY.
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Shelby Street. Deiroll,
gutted, and that of Mr, Charles Mc- '
Hugh badly damaged. Tho insur- Lime! Lime.
anee totals some 111,000. Trebil-
cock's lose is entreated at 112,000,
with only 34000 Wear:ince,
--It seems impossible to get suffi.
eient men to gather the harvest in
the Northwest. The email numbers
now going on the excursions from
the east are Very disappointing,
—Atuid all the ups and downs of
Canpdian politics, in wartime or
peace, coronation or no coroestion,
the Canadian dairy cow, oontieue to
ao a profitable business at the old
—The °Menlo cattle buyer is not
shipping so many cattle to the Old
Country markets, the price of beef
having taken an unkindly tumble
across the Atlantis There's reason
for this, for 40,000 head aro awaiting
shipment from Manitoba and the
went,. Ranch cattle are likely to
play hob with
—How labor crehtes value is
sho*n strikingly In iron manufac-
tures. Labor takes a bit of Iron ore
from the earth, imparting to it a
valtie of 75 cents, for example.
Turned Into bar Iron by more ex-
penditure of labor, the bit Dt ore
heomes worth 15. Made into horse-
shoes it is worth 110, but if made
into needles it is worth 169110. Pet
more labor Into the Iron, convert tt
into pairepriege for watches, and its
value jumps to 1490,000.
—tt has often been remarked that
some men who awn race hereto'
never indulge in the foolish practiee
of betting. Mr. Win. liendrie, of
Hamilton, la speaking at Toronto the
other day, said ho hd never bet on
a horse race in hie life, although be
had a 'tying of 120 horses of one kind
and another. He bred thoroughbred
hones for pure amusement and it
was the only inn he had, as he did
not fish or yacht, not caring fur the
water, preferring dry laud.
—Every man should keep posted
on the politics of the country, but he
should not make a steady job of it.
There to corn and wheat and hay,
and pigs to raise, and this is the
merlons business of life on a farm—or
should be—politics Is his recreation,
and only when it occupies that place
In ids mind le he sato from the loan
company and the foreclosure proceed-
ings, When a farmer knows all
about pigs and how they grow belt,
Anyone In need of Lime in
any quantity should write
or telegraph us, and we will
deliver the 1111M8 where re-
N. Nicholson & Sons,
A school that Occupies front rink mums titer
hest bop1o,i ciJq, no 011, continent. isaey
lending cointuerete 1 schools employ our Ortuf.u..
*05. 51 teacher.. We co our beet 10 plsoe all
our graduates lo root po own, mid we ha
bean more busevesful Woe }ear than In 14
crevice. year. Those dulring the lo bust
nese rel scatter:1 should otieurt our sob 1. Write
for estslottue,
,18'. J. ELLIOTT
Th0111111, Ont.
The farthest buth, and one ei the
largest and best equipped in Canada.
Preparatory studies.
Graduating Courses—M,L.A., M.E.
L„ PI4110, Organ, Birthing, Violin, Flu.
Art, Elocution' and Physical WW1%
Domestic Science, Commercial, '
Healthiest location, Moderate char-
ges. _Write for catalogue to
O 00 00 0
Dr. 3. N. Perdue, Via;
O 00 00 00 0
Firet-olass Horses and Rigs ker
hire at reasonable rates.
Best of accommodation Co..
merclal Travellers and others requiring
can begin on cattleand havng Veterinary office at livery stable.
he , i
made his fortune, he ean go into'
politics Si a recreation.
Elite 00 gnu num SIM