HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-09-25, Page 6Men 010*
Timbers of oak keep the old
homestead standing through
the years. It pays to use the
right stuff.
" Men of oak" are men in
Tugged health, men whose
bodies are made of the sound-
est materials.
Childhood is the time to lay
the foundation for a sturdy con-
stitution that will last for years.
Scott's Emulsion is the right
Scott's Emulsion stimulates
the growing powers of children,
helps them build a firm
foundation for a sturdy consti-
Send for free tamale.
SCOTT a ROWNE, Chemists,
Toronto, Ontario.
600, and 411.001 all druggists,
Reflections of -a Bachelor. '
The hipper that spanks the chil-
dren le the sceptre that rules the
At sixteen a girl thinks she
buoys more than her mother and she
bllowr she has lots more fun.
A married man no eoener gets out
of hie trouble by becoming a widow-
er than he wants to go and do It
all over again.
When you find a man too honest
to steal an umbrella It Is sure bet-
ttag that he has hie eye on some.
thing worth a sight more.
A woman always tells whether a
isan. to a gentleman by the way he
dresses, and whether a woman Is a
lady by the way elle doesn't deem -
Mew York Press.
Stops the Cough
and Works OO the Cold.
LexativeBromo elul nine Tablets cure arced
Y one day. No cure. No pay. Price 2n cents.
A Question of Number.
(C6lese° Chronicle.)
IA recently published pamphlet re-
galia the old dispute of two friends
Y to whether the word "news" was
dngutar or plural. They telegraph-
ed tp Mr. Greely the question: 'Are
there any awe?" and he promptly
flatbed back the answer: "Not a
Sew." ,
"What makes that Jarring sensa-
tion?" asked the new guest on the
second floor flat.
It le probably caused by the
other occupants of the building all
trying to open their bureau draw-
ers at the same time," replied hie
bort.-Chicago Tribune.
Ought to be Satisfied.
"They say she lent happy," com-
Sleeted the neighbor, "but I don't see
"Oh, Rome people never are tattle -
"That's right, and It's her own
fault If ehe lent happy, becatieo she's
able to buy clothes that will make
all the other women envious."
How a Doubtful Man Was Con-
vinced and Restored.
A Story that Illustrates the Advant-
age of Read tug end Being Guided
by Newspaper Advertisements.
Lower Weelsor, N. 11., Sept. 18.-
(Speolal)-1 want to say that 1
believe that Uo.le'N homey Pills are
the tight menticmc for Kidney Trou-
This is the (lice:notion of Mr. T.
H. Be'yee, post mister of this plooe, -
who for a long time was the victhn of
a Very severe case of this painful;
Mr. Belyea reads the newepapere,
and after he Sind triad plasters, oils
and liniments and all kinds of extol --
nal remedies, as well as doctors'
treatments, with no good results, he
began reading the testimonials of
Dodd'. Kidney Pills. lie rays:
"Thtr remedy watt Po highly recom-
mended for Kidney Trouble that af-
ter reading kome testimonials I con-
cluded to try tnem for a short time,
Milt I morn admit that having tried
go many things and failed to obtain
a cure, 1 had hut Utile faith that
Iloekl's Kidney Pills or nnyth.ing else
could or would help me.
'However, I did not use them long
before I found out thn.t they were
all and more than was cla:med for
"I used to have very bad spells,
wfuoh of Late 'retire became eo (TN
quent and ro severe that I was al -
moat lags up.
"I reoetveb more benefit from
Dodd''. Kidney Pills than from any
other medicine I have ever used,
sad they certainly made a complete
Faure of my care.
"I feel as well as ever I did and
Shave not the slightest trace of the
8tdney Trouble that bothered me
icor OO many years."
Belyem is not the first ekepti-
elal man that has been convinced by
experience of the medicinal valve of
&)odd'. Kidney Pills.
Spurned Love and Bamboo to Java.
The young ehoots of the bamboo
are cohered tvLth a number of very
fine, hairs, that aro seen. under the
mloroerope, to he hollow Dud spiked
like 1011(10(15. These hnl'e /I re com-
monly called bamboo poison by the
welt(' men re.ident in Java, for the
renoon thin murder le f l'e-
gum) tly commie ted through their
agency. When n Javanese woman
takes 0 fancy to a Enrols an, she will
either have, him Or poleon him If she
gels the cisme. She seeks any road
every opportunity of nuking these in-
finitesimal] hairs among hie food, and
they ROTA' 17 the purpose of irritating
the whole length of the alimentary
oa.nal and setting up malignant dys-
entery. 1t may take n long time and
many dome of this so-called poleon
to effect the purpoee, but the native
woman does not tire and death will
surely result. The male native will
also try We method of revenge for
an affront.
Keep Minerd's Liniment in the
Not au (Bray Task.
A new mllitery prison M1011010 was
recently appointed Ina certain town
in Sootlntai. 110 wag n man who
greatly magnified hie office. On enter-
ing one of the cells on his first round
of inept -000n he, with much pompos-
ity, thus nd'Ireesed the prisoner who
occupied It:
"We;l, ser, do you know wllh I em ?"
"No, nor I dintut care," was tho
nonph'tinnt reply.
"Weel, I'm your new chaplain."
"Olt, ye nre. Well, I lute heard o'
ye before."
'And what did you heat?" returned
the ohapinire lila etrlof1ty getting tho
better of hie dignity.
"Weel, I Iteer.l that the last twa
kirke ye were in ye preaches them
fault empty, but I'll be hanged 1f ye'11
find It malt an easy matter to do the
same wi' tide ane."
No enbuiltute for "The b. & f.." Menthol
Plaster, although some unsrrnpulour deal-
ers may say there Is. Recommended by doc-
tors, by ho dtale, by the clergy, by every-
body, for et((fnese, pleurisy, etc. Made by
Davis & Lawrence 1'1., 1.141.
'Ma a Nllttbacker.
A young man gall to a minister
not long ago: "I wield you'd call and
we Mew. She belonged to church
when we itvel In the country, but 1
amiss else's one of them there what
you call elidebeckers. The elty'e
mighty hard on a fi'ller's religion,
anyway.' Then, with gestures in-
volving hie hemi and hie right thumb,
he added, "You know how 'tis your-
eelL' Yee, thoughtfully observes
the editor of the Congregation011st,
most city ministers realize this
truth and at this season of the year
we fnnoy that a few country minis-
ters have an opportunity to see how
"mighty hard" the country 1s on some
people'e religion.
New York Central and Hudson
River Railroad.
The above name Is n household word end
the superior exrellenee of the rend should be
sufficient to carnet 10101 people, but now
that the rate is the sure to New Tnrk and
points east ae by uthcr lines no further re-
commendation should be sought. Every-
body will tell you It Is the best.
'Ile the m'iny changes lately nude
at Buckingham Ia;aco ono other
might {VOL 011P thinks, 111 added. And
that Is a change of name. True, the
site We one occupied by the house a
Duke of BuckliOham built thereon In
170:1. But that occupation doe's not
seem to Impose the name of a eub-
Jeot upon a residence bought by
lieorge I11., rebuilt by George tV.,
and, though disliked by William Il'„
at once adopted by queen Victoria
na her London residence, and now the
fixed hetdquetrters of the king and
the prospective headquarters of our
kings to be. No wonder that foreign
vIeltors are puzzled by the unexplain-
ed rotentien of a former and long
Irrelevant appellation. They ask for
the Pnlaler Royal and are met with a
blank stare, a shako of the head, or
a statement which leaves a portion
of them under the eupposItlon that
Isis 1.1 jesty 1s the guest of the Duke
of Buckingham.
Scarcely Inas appropriate would be
n cancelling at lost of the name of
(Dlrltorough Hotrso as applied to the
new hereditary rcaldrnre of the heirs
appnrent, Marlborough fa a great
nrlme, It Is true, hut it is a name
that the present owner has a very
natural right to put upon the Ilntele
of the new house he in building In
Curson street. No disrespect, then, Is
implied toward the groat Duke of
Marlborough who hu:lt It In the first
decade of the eighteenth century,
and gave 'Sarah, Duchess,' the right
to point erre' the tray to Buckingham
Palace anti tie speak of 'Neighbor
George.' In 1817 ft was bought from
the Church111s for the Prleeeee Char-
' lotto nal Lropol-1, Afterwards) King
of the 111lglnna. Later quern Adelaide
was its ooeup'ent. Bur name or hie
would be at lrviet ae apt as that of
Marlborough for the house each had
inhabited. But Alexandra house -the
name of the first Princese of Wales
to Ileo under its roof -might well give
the house n title which would also
he a welcome private and public corn-
memoration.-London Chronicle.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet*. All
doggleta refund the money If it (alis to cure,
E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25e.
"The man I'm going to marry
will never throw it up to me that
my maiden name was Smith."
"Why won't he '?'
"Ills name 1e Janes." ,
It in said that if followet faithfully
the dire01one given below fpr de-
veluping the neck will enable the
seraggiest girt to wave a collarless
gown within tiara months' time. The
sante exercise will make the uncom-
fortably fat throat of the pudgy girl
ellm and ladylike,
I. Arra at the skies. Dying them
slowly forward and upward. As
the arms come over the head,
rise on the thee end breathe In. Turn
the hands toward the floor and push
them down et the sides, letting the
breath out Slowly. At the same time
lower the heeds. Do this 10 times,
11. Pugh the arm's out slowly
to the side', as ht swimming, and
take a long, deep breath ae the arms
go out. Then bend the arum back
t1 pooltlon ngale, letting the breath
out. Eight times. To tial out the Ilo1-
lowe of the lower part of the neck.
III. Bend the arms leo that the
dtnubhclle reet on the cheat, the
elboae clone at the wide. Extend the
arml quickly sideways 10 times and
then upward 10 tines,
IV. Arms hanging at the aides. LIft
each shoulder ae high as possible.
Each ehowlder titres time. Then both
together etx times. If this exercise
ie demo before 11. mirror ono ran see
how the muscles of the neck are ex-
eretsed,-New Yovk Commercial Ad-
Aek for Mlnard's, and take no
One Thing nod Another.
Etlulue lnilliaery Is smaller thle
House plants have a sickly Zook
compared with al freeeo magnilt-
The hotter the day the shorter
the temper.
With all the windows open a town
house Is full of duet in 0.n hour.
A Olbsou man le the Introit on the
Gibson cushion :avers. Just lite head
in profile.
Weltkept dolls have regulation
sults, Jura like their youthful main•
A crimson frock is not a Mean/int
eight to see after the mercury climb'
too high.
Arglmlt pavements give off a
black dust as well ae heat.
Well Mede.
Pure flour and pure yeast do not
necessarily mean good bread. it
may be spoiled in the making. Just
so : material le not everything.
Prof. W. Hodgson ElIle, Official
Analyst to the Dominion Govern-
ment, after a number of analyses, re-
ports that " Sunlight Soap is a pure
and well -made soap." "Well made"
means more than you think. Try
Sunlight Soap -Octagon Dar -next
wash day, and you will enjoy
the benefits of a " well -made"
soap, and will see that Prof. Eins le
right, No one should know better
than he. 214
Long and Short Mlles.
English speaking -countries have
four different miles -the ordinary
mile of 5,280 feet and the geograph-
ical mile oe 6,08.1 fent, making a dif-
ference of about one-ecventh between
the two; then there are the Scotch
mile of 1,918 fret and the Irleb mile
of 11120 foe,(, four various miles, every
OTte of which Is ellll in nee. Then el -
meet every country ire its own stan-
dard mile. The Romans had their
tulle immune 1,000 paces, which
must have leen about 3,000 feet In
length. The German mile todny 1N
24,319 feet In length, more than four
and a talf Aimee ea long as ours. The
Dutch, Danes' and Prueslena' mile le
11,449 feet, three and a half times ne
long amours, and the Swles get more
exercise In walking one of their mile'
than we get In wn lking live miles. fur
their m710 Is 9,153 yards lrntg.-Tit,
Surely ae night follows day, elrkneas fol-
lows the eating of unripe fruit or stale lege-
tables. Every housekeeper should keep fer-
ry Mavis' Painkiller In the house in summer.
It gives instant relief and speedy cure.
A Vanishing Viee-Pride.
Pride -the cruel pride denounced In
the Bible, the pride which delighted
to humiliate, the mortal moral dis-
ease of the mlght,v-Is now but stile
dem seen. The dying out of certain
forme of power, the Increase all over
Europa of Bidet ideal freedom, have
abated "the despiteluinese of the
Take two common forme of pride,
pride of birth and pride of intellect,
and eel how they have been mo lifted
of late. Surely In the present day
the former does more gool than
harm. The pride which could In-
flict torture for presumption Is
hardly conceivable now.
Pride of Intellect still Uses, and
still divides loan and man far more
widely than pride of birth. But pride
of Intellect 1s not whaft It was. Ag-
nosticlem In all He forme has dealt
When washing greasy dishes cr pots and It a fearing blow. -London Se/rotator.
pans, Lever'. Dry Soap (a powder) will
remove the grease with the greatest ease. A You can't expect a weemnn on the
box amt of a coach to realize that
Qualifications of Chinese Recruits. eh0 will look Ilko a perfect fright
The following qualifications are wldle she's getting down.
required of every soldier selected
as a recruit. He must not be under
20 or over 25 years old. He must
be strong enough to lift a hundred -
pound weight with both hands to
a poeltlon level with his cheat. Ile
must be 4 feet 8 Inches In height,
and able to run a course; of 7 miles
In no hour. Ile must also be of
good character,
Mlnard's Llntment Lumberman's
Keeping a Dull Light.
B:emethhlg to rem^mber In the sum-
mer boarding house, which la usually
out of reach of gas, is how to keep
a dull light If required in case of
e1ckness. Put finely powdered salt on
a candle till It reaches the black part
of the wick. In this way a mild and
Bendy light may be kept through the
night with a small piece of candle,
Meeers. R C. Richards le Co.:
Gentlemen, -In June, '08, I had
my hand and wrist bitten and
badly mangled by a vicious horee.
I suffered greatly tor several day.
and the tooth cute refused to heal,'
until your agent gave me a bottle
began using, and the effect was
magical. In five hours the pain had
ceased, and in two weeks the
wounds had completely healed and
my hand and arm were an well as
ever. Youre truly,
A. E'. 907.
Carriage maker, St. Antoine, P.Q.
There Were Others.
In a certain Pennsylvania village
where there 1a but one trolley car,
and that a novelty, the handsome
young cittnou who 1s its conductor is
regarded no common property by his
frlenda the p'issetigers. Men, women
and children aro MN neighbors to him,
and title setnetimes gives rise to a
plotureeque conlsion of his public and
private functions,
Ho !d asked for the loan of fares as
often n0 a. country postmaster Is
asked to advance etamine and al-
though he la expected to run h15 car
by schedule, he is also expected to
hold It quite ten or fifteen minutes
on those frantic occnetone when a
belle is behltulhaud with her toilet for
n soiree at the other end of the town.
Tender infants are put into his arms
to be delivered at their destination,
and trustful old ladies board his ve-
hicle with requests to be token to
regions where no track hag et er been
But it woe a lady riding with three
children who took Ida the moat deep-
ly Into her confidence. Itt celving from
her a dollar hill for fares he asked:
"la this the spuu11eet you have?"
"No," she replied, with a mother's
angle, "I have one six months old at
Tomtit Lady -Why don't you dance,
Yr. Henpeck 7
Henpeck -I can't. My wife pinned
mo to the seat cushlon.
A BOON TO BOBeEMEN-one bottle M
English Spavin Liniment completely removed
acute( from my horee. 1 take pleasure In
recommending the remedy, as It act') with
mysterious promptness In the removal, from
horses of hard, soft or calloused lumps, blood
epoch, splints, curbs, 'weeny, '.tines and
01OROE ROBB Farmer,
Markham, Ont.
Sold by all druggists.
Coronation Story.
Among the coronation aftermath
is a story about the Mayor of a
certain seaport town In Louth Eng-
land. This official came to one of
the London hotels the night before
the coronation. He had evidently
packers hie bag in a hurry, for when
he started to put on his robes 1n
the morning Ile ddeeovered to hie
horror that ho had lett out Ills
long black silk stockings. It was
an awful quandary to be In. Ring-
ing his bell, ho summoned the man-
ager and told ient what he wanted.
But I can't do anything," re-
plied the manager; "tie shops are
all closed."
"But," declared the Mayor, "I
can't wear seeks; my reputation
would be ruined."
He rushed about the room as his
perplexity Increased. Just then a
chambermaid passed by the open
door. The Mayor saw her and his
eyee gleamed width a happy inspira-
"Have you a pair of black dtock-
Inge7" ho Inquired, stopping the
She blushed, "Only thee() 1 have on,
s1 r," she eald.
"Well," ordered the Mayor, "go
and take them off and bring them
back here. I'll give you ten shillinge
for them."
The maid, wondering, did as ehe
was toil. Thus it was that a pro.
oblige] Mayor wee ably to take bis
place in West millet er Abbey and
make as bravo a allow as any of bis
fellow Mryore.
We offer one Hundred Dollars' Reward for
any case of Cntnrrh that cannot be eured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. 1'f1ENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
We, the undersigned, have known F, .1
Cheney for the Inst 15 years and believe him
perfectly honorable in all business trans-
actions and financially able to curry out any
obligations mode by their arm.
Wise a '1'nrax, WYboletale Draggles, To-
ledo, 0.
WoLntno, KINNAN a MenviN, Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken in(ernally,nct-
Ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur-
face of the system. Testimonials sent free.
Price -75e per bottle. Said by all druggists.
Hall's Family Pills are the beet.
it Would Pay.
"I ace that a Michigan man and
Idle wife have adopted twenty-two
little children."
"Do you know ththr post -office ad -
"No. Why 7"
I'd like to go over there and start
up a drug store." -Chicago Reoord-
Mlnard'r Liniment ti used by Phy-
ISSUE NO. 39, 1902.
Madeleine', Mint Marrled Couple.
At the Maeiclelne to -day M. and
Mute, Nicolas celebrated their dia-
mond wedding. The temband, who
has charge of the lamps at the
Hotel de Ville, le 88 year'. of age,
and Ilia venerable spouse 1e 81. Four
geueratione of descendant, -In ail
nearly a hundred -clustered round
them to -clay to celebrate the ix -
With anniversary of their marriage.
They were the first couple to be
married at the Madeleine after the
definite con0eeratlon of the Motorise
church' In 1842, Notwithstanding
tneir advanced age, both the old
people are aetive and cheery. -Lan-
don Daily Mall,
Fp ,a .T,lakya
t edersed by k.st [n[Ilah eedleal jeera.ls.
Supplied to British soldiers in South Affirm
Fee all Threat and Oland Troubles, Luras,
Ab , Old Soros Moms, Follies, Mile
DI [mama Sores,
Stiff feints,
Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sprains, Brakes.
P hos Cuts, Sore Feet Pleurisy.
Soli by Druggists, tee. Try It mule.
Pleat Visit of the King to Man.
iPall'Mnll Gazette.,
Not long ago the "King In Man"
teas trio utfielnl title of the Earle
of Derby, and all lovers of Scott'
will remember the part played by
(the King' In Man In "Peverll of the ,
Peak"; but today we have written
the expreeetoll with quite another
stgnlfloance-the King has been In
Man, Not for eight centuries Inas
the King of England set foot In the
land of tailless cats, of Deemsters
end Keys; and ec1, on the visit of
Khig Edward VII. recently, the en.
thusingm was naturally immense,
Plies/ 7b mere to you that Tea
Chase'' Ointment &certain
■i �YY and absolute our', for each
end every form of itching,
bleedingnndprdru tngeUes,
the manuesotarere have guarseteed It. nee tee
Imo,ials In the dally errs and eek your neigh•
bore what they Mick OP. You caa use it and
getyour money back If nut cured. leo s bon. at
alld.elereor DYINION,BATZe$ ,Toronto
Dr; Chase's OJntment
are paid to competent
We teach title pleasant and profit-
able profession In all Its branches by
our original and superior system.
Beet course by mall ever devised.
Improve your SPARC HOeu Itt bout
end KANN while you study. Write for
booklet giving full particulars.
Canadian School of Illustration
TORONTO, M. Yonge and Gerrard
sugar beet land In Ray County, both
wild and cleared, to good farming commun-
ity. Apply to I. Bently, Glover, Mich.
TORONTO, Ont., Sept. 6, 1902.
Men and Women to eell cloth for men and
women's wear In own town; respectable,
sure, profitable. _-...
Good facilities for handling Conelgnmente
'whetted. Correspondence invited and prompt-
ly attended to. will buy honey outright.
62 Front Street East,
NO HUMBUG 1,1112781:i
n mo11.1n0T,ea
tori Marker and Ct
Dehernetw Int of l
rectos' N.kn,414 aeewNumark.' ar
• with fameN .
bide. hrlr..Rem
r"emonlet tree. Pelee*1 fO et,and 51
tot lr!al:, lit work.,see d balance. P.cd
U.e. May., VI or urn; Canada Melt
'01,117te, MUM/ BRIGHTON, raise, INN 11. V r
I have decided to part my Red Seedling
Rae,berry on the market, and as long as
stock lasts will sell at Super desen, caeb
with order. No order taken for less than
halt a doyen plants. I rialto that It 1e the
hardiest, the molt vigorous, the largest, and
most productive 1ted Raspberry, lar aur.
passing Loudon or Cuthbert In vigor, hardl•
nest, quality and productiveness. Nee On.
tart° Fruit -growers' Report 1901, page 16,
Kept- 15 to Nov, 1 Is the bent time to plant,
R. B. WHYTE, Ottawa, Ont.
Mre. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should
always 'be need for Children Teething.
soothes the child, softens theQum cures wind
• and ie the bed remedy for Detarrhaa.
$ta Weekly Alen and women to
Boca Flde Salary represent 15 me tO
' Ing agents, some o.
frayed, othereint local work, Rapid promo-
tion and Increase of ealary. Ideal employ
pleat, new brilliant lines. Best plans, old
established house.
The quality standard from Ocean to
Ocean. Your money bock Itnot satisfactory
Agents, Montreal.
We eolldt your consignments to Montreal.
Write or wire us, Prompt sales,
finest In the Niagara Peehun s, 50
Inns,10 miles from itamilton on two
�mosstly Peafcphes. 1110 sores (' be aleoter le to gp ,aiitnneasaai panehi l
divided Jwataas Chir le is' Pded bargees
a box AOL