HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-09-25, Page 5WANTED.
1000 Packages
- - of Butter
For which the highest price will be
,paid. Wo furnish large and email
tube and boxes at cost.
Also any quantity of Eggs and all
Kind's of Grain wanted.
At the Old Stand.
' Dtneley street . Dlyth
Popular Stules
at Papular Prices.
Just arrived 17 cases Rubber Goods.
"We have examined them and we can
assure you that they are very nice.
We think we can fit any size or make
of Shoe you may have. A Rubber that
fits properly will wear well, Let us fit
your shoe.
Our Fall Hoee have come to hand
in tine all -wools. We would like to
chow you our Bove' All -wool Hose,
.weight half pound, length of leg ;8
inches. It is a very superior line,
--October 7th and 8th are the
{sates of Blyth fall fair.
—Miss Susan Leckie, of Detroit, is
Visiting at the home of her mother
—Mr. and Airs. W. J. Davis and
Miss Birdie were visiting In London
last week,
—Exeter, Seaforth, Teeswater,
Wingham and Zurich fall fairs are
being held this week.
—Mies Pearl Chellew is at present
leaking a lengthy visit with frieude
at St. Catharines and Thorold,
—Anyone desiring a copy of the
Myth fall fair prize list can get one
by applying to Secretary Brad win.
—Mr. John Ritchie, insurance
agent, of Wingham, made a business
visit to Blyth fur a couple of days
Ws week.
—Londesboro and Auburn gun
clubs had a shoot on the Londesboro
1'je range on Saturday last. Lon-
deebwCo.won by a scorn of 224 to
—Messrs. McKinnon & Co., Mr. J.
A. Anderson and Mr. D. M. McBeath
will hold their annual fall millinery
openings on Friday and Saturday of
this week.
—We will send TAE STANDARD 10
any address in Canada or the United
States for the balance of 1902 for 25
cents. Cash with order. Send it to
your absent friends.
—Dir. James Moffat, of Stratford,
spent Sunday at the home of his
parents in Blyth. Mr. Moffat has
since gone to Grand Rapids for the
purpose of further improving him-
self in the furniture business.
—Mr. Win. Proudfoot, K.C., will
shortly remove frottl Goderich to
Toronto, where lie will assume the
head of the legal firm of Duncan,
Grant, Skeane & Miller. The now
firm will Le known as Proudfoot,
Duncan, Grant & Skeare.
—The suggestion Is made in con-
nection with the naming of a date
for national thanksgiving, that a
Monday rather than a Tharaday
should be selected, es being more'
acceptable. Thero certainly is no
particular reagon why Thureday
should be adhered to.
—That is a politic move on the
part of the new Sovereign Bank of
Canada. It has decided not to re-
issue used notes. It' the balance of
our chartered banks would only fol-
low suit they too will deserve the
public's thanks. Nothing so im-
presses a visitor to England snore
than the cleanliness of the money
—Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Allen,
former residents of Blyth, are at
prasout visiting friends in different
parts of Huron county. Mr, Allen
has been in business in Ingersoll for
the past three years, but on account
of Mrs. JUen's health he has sold out
and they will take a trip to Alberta,
.Mich it is to bo hoped will prove
—The report of the inspector of
registry offices for 1901 has been
issued. By reference to it we find
the following for this county :—
Municipalities, 25 ; instruments regis-
tered—patents, 2 ; le*ses, 5 ; me-
chanics' hens, 6 ; wills, 170 ; deeds,
1429 ; mortgages, 100G ; discharge
of mortgages, 1060 ; abstracts given,
1207 ; searches, 1013 ; gross fees
earned, $6071.25,
—The apple crop is said to be a
poor one hi this locality,
—Mr, Frank Metcalf was a judge
on fruit at the Exeter fall fair this
—Mr, and Mfrs. Wnt. Ilabkirk
were the guests of Goderich friends
on Sunday.
—The popular band of the 33rd
Huron regiment will furnish music
at this year's Blyth t'hir.
—Mr. 'P. C. McElroy has gone to
Lucknow, where he has taken a posi-
tion in Mr, Win. Geddes' cooper
—Miss Henderson, of Stratford,
and Miss Kerr, of Belgrave, were
guests at the home of i1L'. John
Moffat over Sunday.
—Mrs, Dallas and Miss Jean Dal-
las, of Winghatn, and AL'. John
Dallas, of Buffalo, were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. lituigh on Tues.
—Bliss Kate AicCaughey has open-
ed her dress -making shop again.
Her two assistants, Bliss Gibson and
Miss Nethery, have returned and are
at work again.
—Peaches are about the only thing
that have not gone sky high in price.
Let us till up on patches before some
microbe sharp discovers they are
very unhealthful,
—lion. Clifford Sifton and Hon, J.
1. Tarte arrived in Ottawa on the
same train Sat:Allay night, and are
credited with having a laugh over
the sensations they have created.
—Mr. George Powell hoe pur-
chased the 200 -acre farm on the 2nd
con. of East Wawanosh belonging
to the estate of the late James Mc-
Gowan. The price paid was close
to $8000.
—Coon. and Mrs. A. W. Sloan,
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Coombs, Ale, and
Mrs. 1'. W. Sloan and Mr. Robert
Sloan were in Egtuottdville on Tue.
day attending the funeral of Mrs,
John McMichael, mother of Mrs. A.
W. Sloan.
—There are some people who
would like to know the correct popu-
lation of Blyth. To satiat'y these
questioners, wo would suggest that
Blyth council order a special census
to be taken on the days of Blyth
fair, Weber 7th and 8th,
—Rev. J. T. Karin, a former
rector of tho English church at
Mitchell, ani who removed to James-
town, New York, a few months ago,
is not going to leave the latter place
as was currently reported. At a
meeting field the other day between
Mr. Kerrin's church wardens and tbo
bishop, the latter found the feeling
in the Jamestown congregation so
strong in behalf of their rector that
he Withdrew his apposition and con-
firmed Mr. Kerrin in the appoint-
—Air. II. P. Aioore, of the Acton
Free Press, in an account of his trip
to the Alethodtst general conference
at Winnipeg, fella of an amusing
incident which occurred during the
examination of the hand baggage by
the United States customs officer as
the party passed through Sarnia
tunnel. As the officer was examin-
ing the grip of one of the connexional
officers of the church several playing
cards dropped out of the reverend
gentleman's bag. Of course he do-
clared he knew nothing about them,
nor how they got there, bust he had
to endure a lot of good-natured
bantering the remainder of the day.
—Aft'. Thomas Watson has sold
his b'ar'bering business and fixtures
to Mr. Wm. McDonald, of Goderich,
Mr. Watson has since .purchased the
taster shop in Lucknow belong-
ing to Messrs. Moody Bros,, and will
take possession on Monday next.
Along with Mr, Watson's many
friends here, we regret to see him
leave Blyth, as he was a popular
and estimable young gentleman, and
one who will be very much missed
from the musical stud social circles of
Blyth. While regretting Mr. Wat-
son's departure from our village, wo
extend the glad hand of welcome to
Mr. McDonald and wish him every
success in his venture.
—Mr, T. IJ. Race, editor of the
Mitchell Recorder, is a noted rose
grower. It would be tie trouble to
pick from 500 to 1000 roses from his
400 or 500 bushes any day during
the blootning season. Ile cultivates
about 140 varieties and distributes
the bloom with a liberal hand among
his friends. He is associate editor
this year of the Canadian Ilorticuitu'-
ist, and is a regular contributor to a
number of American horticultural
and other magazines from which he
derives a considerable income. This
tall he was one of the judges on t'ruit'
at the fairs held at Toronto, London,
Ottawa, Peterborough, Oribia, and
several other places. For several
years past he Bits been a judge en
fruit at Blyth fair and will net in
that capacity again this year.
—blies Flora Watson is visiting
with l(tncardino friends.
—bliss Jennie Ilabkirk, of Brus-
sels, spent Sunday with Blyth
—Fall fairs will bo held at Bel -
grave, Brussels, Goderich and Luck.
now next week.
—Mr. G, M. Stuart left Monday
morning l'or Detroit, where he will
attend the medical college.
—Mrs. A. W. Belfry and Mr. Wm,
Belfry, of Montreal, are visiting
among old friends in Blyth this
—]tear the famous Canadian jubi-
lee singers in Industry ball this
(Thursday) evening, Seats en sale
at Stet here' restaurant.
- -Master Robert Watson, the 12 -
year -old son of Mr. 1Vm. 1Vtttson, of
Millen, fell off a load of peas last
Thursday and broko one of his
—There was a meeting of the
Dominion cabinet on Monday morn-
ing, whet nil order -in -council was
passed, making Thursday, October
Nth, Thanksgiving day in Canada,
Lust year Thanksgiving day was
held on November 28th.
—Miss Clara Moffat met with a bad
accident last Friday afternoon.
Whilo sweeping at the head of the
stairs in her father's home, she acci-
dently slipped and tell headfirst
down the stairs. She received a
severe shaking up and was badly
bruised and hurt about the face and
—The city papers have been in
the habit of poking fun at the coun-
try educts, who receive cordwood on
subscription account, but things have
changed. The country editor who
has his back yard full of subscrtptiop
wood has the dead wood on the
would-be funny city editor, who
would like to even see some of the
—Some idea of Afanstoba farming
may be gathered front the success of
Air. J, D. Ross, a farmer near Elgin,
Manitoba, who will require two tons
of twine to bind his wheat crop. He
has 1600 acres in wheat, and expects
an average of 30 bushels per acre.
He has, in addition, 300 acres of oats
and 40 acres of barley, owns three
or four barns, 30 Noises, keeps six
men, and lives in a splendid modern
brick house, with all water con-
nections and bath inside,
—Tho woods just now are beauti-
ful. Tigre is a freshness about them
that is more frequently found in
early summer than in fall. Thu long
period of wet weather is showing its
effects in the unfaded leaves of the
trees. Only here and there is found
a tree which has yielded to the
inexorable hand of time and allowed
its leaves to become . tinged with
autumn colors. There is plenty of
nuts of all kinds this year, a sign,
many believe, of a cold winter.
—Miss Mary Cash, a former reel -
dent of Blyth, was married at the
residence of her mother, Mrs. Eliza -
both Cash, in Goderich, on the Ilth
Inst., to Alr. Joseph Murray, of Chi-
cago. The ceremony was performed
by Rev. Dr. Uro. After the wed-
ding breakfast the happy couple left
on the steamer King Edward for a
trip to Detroit, Grand Rapids and
Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Murray will
make their home in Chicago, where
the bride's many friends wish her
long life and happiness.
—The harvest thanksgiving ser-
victs held in Trinity church last
Sunday were successful beyond ex-
pectation. The weather was fine,
and .large congregations assembled
in the sacred edifice, the evening
eongregation being especially large,
The rector, Rev, J. Edmonds, preach-
ed the sermons and was listened to
with the closest attention and appre-
ciation. The morning subject was
on " Giving," and the evening sub-
ject on "Patriotism." The prayers,
anthems, Praline and Scripture lea -
sons were all appropriate and in
keeping with the occasion. The
church was most beautifully decor-
ated. Nowhere, not even in cities,
are such pains taken by the ladies of
the cungrcgation. The thank -offer-
ings for the day were generous.
1'he church officials expected $200,
and the congregation responded with
$225, To tide amount mast be
added $16,45 received on Monday
evening. At the Monday evening
service the following clergymen
took part:—Rev, 1. 11. Webb, of
Brussels ; Rev. C. R. Gunne, of elite
ton ; Rev, Wm. Lowe, of Winghartt,
and Rev^. Wm. Craig, of Petrolea.
It was regarded as a treat to have
these clergymen present and to hear
their kind words, The Monday