The Blyth Standard, 1902-09-25, Page 4BIIIURCBIE & RANGE gh.r c1nth Ftnnbarb. Where will it all end? Over -strenuous -
which, indeed, it is a poignant, acute
mess is as bad as self-indulgence, of
BANKERS. A. E. MIADWIN, PvaLyetrot and wrecking form. We concede a cer-
TRANBACT A GENERAL BANKING Taw BLTTR STANDAED, ublldted every lain measure of compassion to the rake
BUSINESS. Thursday morning, ie a live hood news- and the sot if he has a thought for
paper, and has a large circulation in others, and go, too, over -strenuousness
yth and eurroundhlg country, making has its bright side if accompanied by
It a valuable advertising medium. Sub- consideration, but when it is lacking in
sortption price to any part of Canada es m
the nited 8human sympathy only One Dollar per Y P y it lacks God -like
JOTES DISCOUNTED, o not In ad aide; 11.50 will
be charged quaiitles, and, like a sharp -pointed rock,
Sale Notes a specialty. Advaeces p g destroys all that it encounters, ulti-
made to farmers on their own applieatSon. Job Printing neatly and mately even itself.
notes. No additional security re- a e'P Y executed, Correspondence of a
Quired, newsy nature respectfully solicited. What is a man profited if he gain
-- the whole world and lose his own
IITaBST' ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1902, . soul ? "
We offer every accommodation con-
eieteat with safe and conservative BLYTH MARKETS.
banking principles. THE PACE THAT KILLS. Blyth, Sept. 24. -Wheat, 030 to 050. Harley,
M0 to 370. Pecs, 890 to 020. eats, ''27o to 280.
UNL111TED PRIVATE FONDS `- Eggs Ito to 180 Rutter, loo to 144 Potatoes
There is no newspaper reader who sec to 35o. Hideo, 82. to 8e. Hay, e8 to 97. Lard;
To loan on Real Estate at Iowa t' has not heard of Schwab, the colossus l9c to leo. Pore, 97 toes. Flour, 99.00 to 42.119,
9 woos, 41.78 to OS. Wool, lite to 15o.
rates of interest. of the steel trust, the Napoleon of fin- TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET.
JUL ESTATE AGENTS. ane., the wizard of trade, the young Toronto, Sept. 23. -Deliveries of grain on the
Persons wishing to sell will de well man of destiny, and the man who re- omens,* a eii40o y stealer. avrurvae're u
to place their property on our list calves the largest salary paid to any port these sales : White wheat, 458 buehola at
0110 to 70o; one extra good sample sold at 74* for
for sales Rents oolleoted,
employe on earth. Schwab hap achiev- carnal purposes. Grose wheat, 900 bushejals at
o to
OIIiETiACIBG ed wonders, bat like other men of 70o. to 66e.
1t 500 busheed l' 100 42clto® �Oats,
'[�glpw�y01 ill kinds promptly attended to, ' night he appears to have attempted new, 1500 to bushels
*5 3 to i e. to am zehiedo s
"UE� a W s bogs aro ower u 9.. to 449. Kegs, new laid
Life Assurance companies, and re -
in vulgar language, has Laa w 100. cheese, 110 w 120. nutter, pound
too much. His labors have made him tilts?
old hay sold art 918, Straw, 4 1. ads at
rich, but have laid himlow. Excess of 10.1010 411. it7E, 100 bei hea 2.M 490. Dressed
We represent the leading Fire and
tulle for to 100, Croaks leo to leo, tube 140 to 100,
spatially solicit your account. "fixed him," Iiia condition can best inferior 120 to 140; or0awery, 10* to ala for
inspire pity, for, unlike some other ti80*pot ,tip lowlt005080ar70g * pork l ,01110,
monarchs of finance and industry, he 75* to 91 Per peer Turkeys, loo to 130 per
evidently possesses strong humani- pound. Geese, 80 to 92. her pound.
tarian fnethlete. In the midst of his LIVE STOCK MMARKETB.
Toronto, Rept. 23 -NISI a heavy delivery 08
multifarious concerns, we read of his the cattle market today trade was fair and
taking the poor on excursions to the ip1It601e easter glOxptrt eaitieuwerer.teady at 80
seashore and of his endowment of chat i- 10lleC oasete993,25for '.7.14 for ehulaeg puiaed
ties. Reared from poverty himself, this bulahete, light export clan*, 05 to 99.40; cool•
mon rough butcher cattle, 94.95 to 99; 1,gbt
man of steel appears to have had the cooker heifers and atoora, 0A0 pound*, 9580;
honest purpose of "laying up treasures leading ball,, 910 to 1800 pnnnde, 89 to 6982.
Export.beep are eteaay at *330 t0 93.88 The
in heaven" to offset his colossal income lawb trade a completely on, sell prices were
here below. But he seems to have been never lower thle season, 0cl a bows stow at
93 rA to 93&5. IIoge Gro uuobangad et 47 top
caught in the net of his own ambitions. oelpte for the day were 504 loud.,whh roi..y tea
He coveted a palace and a place beside of cattle, 2118 sheep and lamhe, 802 huge, sod JO
kings. In the midst of his aspirations "II"'
his ear could never be deaf to appeals of Liet or Pall Faire
the poor souuded from the ends of the Zurich Sept. 24-25
/ a, J1111.0111:111,D.D.S., earth, He was trying to do too much, Teiswater Sept. 24-25
• J' DENTIST. and when the warnings became too Seaforhthm SeSept. t 25.20
Ot2N 10 the Protons Week, Myth. Speotal emphatic to be ignored he escaped to Woodstock Sept. 25-26
a Yea paid to the preeervatlou of the oat
wM mete. An prices as low 2.e a oouefsunt Europe for diversion. But there he Port Elgin Sept. 25-26
With pad work. Gold warn a specialty. appeals to have gotten no respite from Milverton Sept. 25-26
Wiarton Sept, 28-29
the deadly coil that was slowly tight- Tara . Sept. 29 80
i O• LINDSAY, M.D. ening about his nervous system. The Bolggrave Sept. 86 -Oct. 1
? PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON,same whirl of excitement environed Goderich Sept. 130 -Oct, 1
$eneemor to Dr. Telt, arsenate of the UDI. him there, and he returned to the Listowel Sept, 30.Oct. 1
Sept, BO -Oct. 1
�g�ea and surgeons of Ontario, Formarl7 or United States to drown his tronblee in Stratford Sept.. 80 -Oct. 1
LoadOo, England and Eainburghsoot4nd, boa more strenuousness, but all in gain. In Kincardine
Kept. 80 -Out. 1
giAla y Dm Ta and resident.,
6 ident., that lately coon -1 ' p
such cases nature first gives the warn- Hanover Sept. 80 Oct. 1
ing, then the command, and then the Fordwieh Oct, 4
WJ. MILNE, M.D.C.M. ultimatum, Schwab now appears to n Oct. 2
: Luckuow Oct, 1-2
PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ' be facing the third and last call. Brussels (lot, 2.8
Oct. 2-8
Oct, 7-8
Oct, 7-8
Oct. 8 9
Oct. 9-10
Oct. 18-14
Daimon Bards.
Sollettor Less, Ofhoe, for
block, Hamilton. Money !o
1 J40ESON, R.A.,
tmaysaaeer and Notary PnLlrU Solicitor 00*
Ask of Uamnton. Moss, block, over
yeMmOh stare, Blytb. Mosey to lend.
r Dak,Univtyettr of Trinity ltyge: MD
,University l Fellow of Trinity Mediael
and of member College of Pbyeiolane
eturgeans of Ontario. Coroner for the
), of Huron. Omw, ono dour north of the
mint hotel, Queen street, Blyth.
Choke stook of Tobs000e, Cigarn and Pipet/ on
Sand. 'Agent for the Parisian Steam Laundry,
Q80I*sheat, Blyth.
Lead, Loan and rmnrenee Agent. 0Nce, on
'DASD SD o0 0. islin streetwill receive prompttt st Tuts attention. STN•
The Elder•Dempeter and Franco Canadian
It0.0 represented. Ocean tickets sold to any
pawl of Europe. Low rammer rates now in tomo.
on sppllOatios of onn 80 2108 STANDARD ers and dates of 18, oing , Myth.
rum S. L. TAUnE,
Ali kindle of Spectacles and Eyeglasses made
W order. Special attention given to fitting the
E.. Order. by mail piomptly attended to,
ware of parties tieing my name ars I employ
travelling agents whatever, batistaction
010anW., TorEstablished 1873. 254 Rmbmond
There is a stern limit to all the little Kirkton
by-plays of human ambition. If the Blyth
latter-day man is strenuous, nature is Ctwood
even more so, If Schwab could have Dungannon
furnished himself with a set of steel Bayfield
nerves no one might have measured the
limits of his power, but the nervous Our fall importations of fashionable
Dry Goods aro weekly arriving, We
system is still encased in the origipal invite inspection. Butter, 10c. G. E.
package and refuses to be trifled with, KiNo, Wiugltam. 8tf
He who persists in dashing his head -c. -
against it is first warned, then com- -It is worthy of note that lay
mended, and then quietly shelved. preaching, which was so common to
That is all, Ill the high court of na- early Methodism, and is so Still in
total law no man possesses a license to England, is declining in that body hi
do too much. Caesars and Napoleons Canada, while the English church has
have tried it without a license, and met at the tweeting of the general synod
with disaster. What a saying proyi- taken means to extend work le the
Bion this, after all! We are prone to church by laymen.
envy the viol' and ambitious, but before _ _
we are through with it they run into �t t�
their own trap and are demolished, ESTRAY ROCS.
The over -strenuous mall who carries it Strayed onto the preluiaes of the anderetgaed,
to the point Of intent er nae is more lot23,opn. 1, wo*t Wswauudh, 00 or 'trout Sep.
p � tember Ieth, two b,aok and white boar Pig*,
to be pitied than envied, for he is the owner
eau b.vo tlia same Uy prosioe property
sed poylug all5x111000*. .7035 Yooxo, Auburn
victim of his own temperament. Iia P.o. ea
cannot help it, and why, if there is - -'
any compensation in his nature, should NOTICE.
he be condemned ? Notloe to bereby given that a Court will be
The really dangerous man in this held, to "Tho Ontario Voters' Leet,
Aot," by His Honor the Jndg4'4;1
of tae County
world is not the over•atrenmoUe net- Oourt of the County art Huron, at Iodusire ball,
••••• •••••••• •♦••••♦•2 valla! energetic man with no restrais in• 151ytu, on the 27tU day of 00Eober, lal2, et 11
S y g o'aloek s m., to hear and determine the'everal
a�B�T mom �ASC�BS '°,alever,
b, e a a safety wiae. t heart,
Voters' thLisE of the Mnn, and
of the In
the Court comp a nts u errors au omissions n
tt0 o0 0 man, withoute , e Myth or 1902.
All e
• without a symptom of generosity -the required persons 2.i ens at the same time ad place, are
New Prices and New Coeds for calculating Tau, the human jogger- Dated the 28th day of September, 1901.
T, W. seoz°r,
Blyth, -Elgin or Waltham. jugger-
naut, who always carries his nerves on , 711 Clerk of the said Municipality.
ice, and never collides with his own in-
• firmitios. Such men live long, and . ST 1 LL TO TH E
18 size, 7 jewel, fe Nickie Case 2 where their dominant instincts are low
only $0.5U, and in 'Toronto '20- ♦ and selfish they are deadly. Schwab
year filled Case only 1t. -musts. t appears to have been too sanguine, too
15 jewel Waltham, iu Nickie• hi h-strun and too self -forgetting,;
Cave only $10, and with 2U -year ♦
Had he not been so muchgiven to
Gold Filled (ase only $l4Notwithstanding the fact that we
humanitarian work it might have bean alwa.t s have for male the best 0f BREAD
better for his personality. This last and CAKE S'I'Ul'Fli we also sell
straw broke the back of his nervous No. 1 Family Flour at
'stem. What a fool! the miser will
o •
In Ladies' Watches -25 -}•ear
Gold Filled Case, with Waltham •
or Elgin movement, only 912. •
These prices cannot be bettered by
anyone and In these geode I know what
they ars myself. I dont have to ask • say. What criminal ignorance! the:
Sim. to tine. You rum no rbsnae • P e e y
tot you get your money buck if you • serve God and mammon at one and the
weal ti. 2 same time. But Schwab is in the con-,
dither of hundreds of other over-etrenu- •
oW r, t0 tali me for I know what they • $1.90 per sack.
ars. Recd in your order and it will be • philosopher may exclaim, and the
1 eethesameae unneotberabavebeen • r ouch r may
reflect that ono cannot
Now is the time to buy
• nus ]nen. It is only his prominence • \ire can supply you at lowemt prices,
• that makes him an example. Nervous also with the Sugar to put them down.
TEES WATER j .diseases are increasing at a frightful;
• rato all over the civilized world. The , All Fruits in their sensous.
♦•N♦••••••• ••• ••••••••. desire for riches is dwarfing the univer- ; Always a full stock of the best 9u01-
A. O. U. W.
- . wal mind and shattering the universal ity of Groceries and Confectionery,
; nerves. It is filling the graveyards ' Call and gee for yourself and bo con-
Blvth lodge No 144nrirnt Order of united ;and peopling the asylums. ,it is Com- viuced that such is the case.
Watkale0, meet* m me w,rkmna hell, mon" hitting :murder. It claims no responai-
bbdt on the and au.1 4101 Tinned is every
mute, eight 1'.,n. \'out- •• brethren are - hility, but to itself, and thus morally,
MIN 1RaWylie 1. 9 0alDRD. Ct'utso, W M T. J. H 452.. ad well as mentally, is destructive. Ars Re IIOUGGLRS - BLYTH
A splendid lot of Boys' Double Brcaeted Reefers. Just the
thing for school boys; no need of en overcoat with them, Also a
Lobby ,lot of el ns Overcoats, all up-to-date,
Nicest of All
A Beautiful Stock of
New Fall Millinery.
This department is now in full blast, under the charge of Miss
B. E. Robinson. A cordial invitation for all to attend our
Friday and Saturday,
September 26th and 27th
J. A. Anderson's
Dress Goods
The first arrival of New Fall Dress Goods is in and
marked ready for selling. I t consists of a complete assort.
talent 4zf Honiespuns, Cheviots, Venetians, Serges, Worsteds
and Camel's Hair Effects,
Since the invention of Homespuns it has been imitated ill
many ways but never equalled. It is the original and only
truly Homespun Rainproof Finished Fabric. In considering
prices note the liberal widths.
52 inches wide, in grey, black, brown and blue, 1110.
6(i lnchee wide, light and dark grey, lovely goods, 75c.
50 inches wide, heavier cloth in above shades, $1.
52 inches wide, fn camel's hair effects, brown, blue and green, III.
'We quote only a few prices, but come in and look them over.
S. Herrington
r \We/ arid° W 7 ski,
To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription
for men, women and children than Ripens Tabules. They
are easy to take. They are made of a combination of medi-
cines approved and used by every physician. Ripens Ta-
bules are widely used by all, sorts of people -but to the
plain, every -day folks they area veritable friend in need.
Ripens Tabules hdve become their standard family remedy.
They are a dependable, honest remedy, with a trig and suc-
cessful record, to cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and
stubborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness,
palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular rheumatism,
sour stomach, bowel and liver complaints, They strengthen
weak stouuichs, build up rundown systems, restore pure
blood, good appetite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody
derives constant benefit from a regular use of Ripens Tabules.
Your druggist sells them. The flte-cent packet is enough
for an ordinary occasion. The Family Mottle, GO cents, con-
tains a supply for a year.