HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-09-18, Page 8K
Rime! Lime!
Anyone la osed of Lime in
any quantity should write
or telegraph us, and we will
deliver the same where te•
p, $Icholsoa & sons
A iehool that occupies front rank emcee the
bee badow oollafae OR tble mulleins. Many
I..diei oommerolal schools employ our aradu-
a w seaohere. We do our but to plana all
bkr pidoags in Rood positions and we hare
IMO 1100e sueoeutpi tills year than in an
D,iiewviooetayaear. Those decides the beet to bold,
4r .des should attend cur wheel. Wes
. e. I. 41/07 • P$JICIPAL
,The farthest south, and one of she
t Writ and best equipped in Canada.
,iPrSp�!�atory studies.
(ilraduating Courts.—M.L.A., M.E.
i.,•Plino , Organ, Sinking, Violin, Fine
Art, �£1looutiou and Phy.loal Culture,
pogeslo&lence, Commercial.
Ithiest location. Moderate char-
,,Rea. Wriste for catalogue to
8cooxv DEATH.—Mr..l. A. Moore,
IAA., for over 20 years mathematical
r muter of the Goderieb collegiate
Indtele, died soddenly at his home
, ,tee Nuys street on Monday. He
Aad been ill tor a couple of weeks,
but had 10 Jar recovered as to be
able so take his phases at the inti.
Ufa during the pet week, and on
Bat irday aMrn000 attended a meet.
pit the public library board, of wbiob
be bad been a direetor for many
ran sod Its moving spirit.
norm.—Mr. John Black his die-
plod of his l00•scre farm to Mr.
Wm. Ward, of Morrie, Ibr the sum of
11000. This M a sheep farm as the
i>alldioRs arta f refotisis.... Mr. and
Mn. B, Taylor, Misses flare Me -
wall, Christiana McClinton, Anna
d and ids Tenney, and Mr.
,Rohn Redmond took in the Toronto
atbibition last week ... , Mr. end
Met. T. Tubb, of Colborne, spent
ilenday el the home of the former's
brother, Mr. Wm. Tsbb....A num-
ber from perp are attending the
.vao`si sUa mmetiess at Dungannon,
lad byMessrs. Crossley and Hunter.
Mr. rossley presolled to a large
eelagregatloa at Weatield church on
0•oday, tib lost, at 10.$0 am. A
somber of the teen atta4e4 the
Dammam meeting In the aMrepon.
lies Carrie iiaillPhrey, of Si.
,ibises, spent Snotty In this lout.
(ty....Messn. Gordon Wightman,
M. McDowell and Raymond Red-
mond have started their duties at
Goderich collegiate institute.... Rev.
Dr. Medd, of Hansell, gave his popu-
lar lecture, " Wooing and Wedding,"
on Monday evening of last week in
the Methodist church. The Blyth
quartette furnished the music....
Mr. and Mrs. M. McVletie, who have
resided at Collingwond, arrived here
last week and will make their home
here In the nacre.
The Mrl/M.114f v.y Nupyala
From the Chicago British -American
we take the following account of the
marriage of a former Blyth young
lady: " A pretty wedding took
plate on Monday afternoon, Septet!).
ber 1st, at four o'clock, at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MacKenzie,
248 Qino street, when the latter'e
sister, Miss Mabel E. McElroy, for.
merly of Blyth, Ontario, was united
in marriage to Mr. fleorge A.
Wright, ueistant sgperintendent of
Paseo Bros.' factory, manufacturers
of faney office fixtures. The cere-
mony was performed by Rev. J. M.
Aver, aerietant pastor of the Fourth
preebyterian church, of which church
both Mr, and Mn, Wright are mem.
,ben There being no attendants
the groom entered the room alone
followed by the bride loaning on the
arm of her brother. The bride was
attired In a dress of white organdie
tNmmed with Valenciennes lave and
ioeertion, with yell and carrying a
bouquet of white roses. Only a few
of their mat tntiusete friend. were
present to witness the ceremony.
Atter the usual congratulation., all
sat down and partook of the good
things prepared by the hostess The
happy couple left amid showers of
rive on the evening train for Canada,
where they will spend several weeks
vielthtg friends and relatives in To-
ronto, Woodstock, London and Blyth.
After their tour they will return to
Chicago and be at home to friends
after September 20th, at 48 Ohio
w.$yly eau..
From the Jstoestown correspond-
ence in lut week's Brawls Pat we
take the following account of the
marriage of a well-known Blyth
citizen : "The home of Mr. Bernice
Payne, lot b, eon. 2, Grey township,
was the scene of a very happy event
at five o'clock on Tuesday afternoon
of this week, it being the occasion of
the marriage of his sister•in-law, Mrs.
Elisa A. Haloes, to Mr. Charles K
8oadbopie, of Blyth. The bride war
very neatly attired in a pretty Bait
of light fawn lady's cloth, trimmed
with silver colored intim. The ser -
vines of bridesmaid and groomsman
were dispensed with, The bride's
nlepe, irearly Payne, attired in a
dainty dress of pink silver trimmed
with pearls, made a charming little
dower girl. The bride was given
away by her brother, Mr. Frank
Smith, of Wroxeter, and the cere-
mony was performed by Rev. I. A.
McKelvey, B T•14., of the same place.
About 90 friends and relatives from
Blytb, Taakeramllh, McKUiop, Wrnz•
eter, Grey, Ht'owntown, Ethel, Brus-
sels and Seaforth were present At:
ter the sumptuous wedding supper
bad been partaken of, Rev. Mr. Me.
Kelvey, laa short speech, extended
PoloolsC,aaidat 11.001
,' rtll• WIN ter'111.00
No remedy coven so large a field
of usefulness as ST. JAME" WApslta.
They are indicated whenever there
is a weak condition, u they tone
up the different organa and bring
strength to the tissues.
Palpitation of the heart, poor di-
Ygestion, sleeplessness, weak nerves,
aneemia, and chlorosis, are quickly
relieved by ST. JAM= WA PPM t they
also repair the waste caused by hard
work and fatigue.
$T. J4btns WAPEns help stomach,
digest food and send the nutriment
through Oe ,blood, and this is the
honest way to get health andstrength,
the kind that .lasts, develops and
breeds the energy which accom-
plishes much.
°et. James Waders knish a
poet powedel evldo..e of the
v.atfy lacuna power of suit -
cement eyc.Nlaatloe allual-
Noao pharweesutio pupae -
Nose. I have used tMd with
good eaaoM whoa my Whets
.edea etesaatb."
Dr. Chute' Nell
LIverp.el. stag.
St. Juba W.frr0 ere ere. rer of
y: t.tke...memr drone re-
r.s.rrr.di.g ld.,, h, Bair fiNeofe
se owl Me feebele We refuel.
Where designer, sot wallas the
dpi ret they ere twilled epee re -
- kd et Ow Caudlu
breech ; lit. 41b•else I,an _ Is, lilt
1,600 PACES
• seed grade of dear white paper, and bound in NI sheep, MOAN
In gold, with patent thumb Index.
By an arrangement with the Tonalrro Darr Sun we ,as. r a
tion to offer our readers the moat reliable Dlotlooary ever
9 at a remarkably low price.
BLYTHNESTA•ND11`RD • - .- - * 1,00
�ea� MM la Art Mop non
eY , 5 e w 41114 Mae fru 1.6 lea
Th1.0 Webster's DIctionery, bound Iq full elme_p, with potent thumb index, 1,900 pages. it tithe original edleteg
rubbed and enlarged by CHAUNCEY A. GOODRICH, Professor of Yale University. it is magnitloeotly lllustnted mew
eontains AO ♦•bole vocabulary of the Pint edition, the entire oorreetbo,s and improvements of the second edition. 1p
wblob isnosed an igtroduntury dissertation nn the origin, history, and connection of the language. of Westem
Aela and tope, with an eiplenntion of the principles on which language' are formed. Thla work contala
word teat >toah Webster ever defined, and the folluyving
SPECIAL, FEATURES An Appendix of 10,000 Difficult Words, PronouncingVoabularhp
of Scripture Names, Greek and Lectin Proper Names, Modem Qsq.
�ical Ngms., Dictionary of Synonymy and Antonyms, dompendium of Biography, liee. end Heroines et
and Poetry, Dictionary of Nome de Plume, Dictionary of Mythology, Dictionary of Mrousical Terns, 0 aa�a1rr��
of Familiar illusion". Lexicon of Foreign Pbrkses, Diofrionar of Abbreviations, and FOUR BIIAUTIIYULLZ
OOLORIID PLATE8 showing, 1n their actual colon, Flags of Various Nations, Pilot dignab of Yeeicco Naim%
Yacht Club Signal.. PO MOT DILAY. SONO .Ia Y0 R QRDOR AT ONCS.
All For $3.50
the good wishes of those present to
the newly married couple and wished
them bon voyage together over the
sea of life. The bride was the re-
cipient of a large number of beanti-
tut and useful presents which testi-
fied ar her popularity among her
large elrcle of Mende. Mr. and Mrs.
Roadhouse will reside in Blyth,
where Mr. Roadhouse has a splendid
position as foreman in Mr. James
Hill's planing mill." THIS BTANDARU
extends heartiest congratnlattuns.
8.*ardleg Animals eatrar.
The law provides that a person
taking up estray stock shall give
notice that snob animals are on their
promises by publishing three times
in a newspaper published within the
section where the estray was found,
and if the property is not called for
within three weeks after the insertion
of the notice the finder shall go to a
jnetice of the peace and make oath to
finding and advertising, If the prop-
erty is not claimed within a 3 ear
sad should not exceed 050 1n value,
it then belongs to the party on whose
premises it strayed. If worth over
050 it shall be advertised by the
justice and sold, and the excess of all -
expenses shall be paid over to the
eouoty treasurer. Any person tak-
ing up an estray and neglecting to
cense the same to he advertised and
appralsed shall be liable to a fine of
Hankers se Horse Traders.
It Is a pity that David Harum
could Dot have lived to read the item
in the newspapers to the effect that
the banks In North Dakota are add -
tog to their bnsinees a department of
horse trading, That would bare
tilled Ihvid'e soul with delight, and
have been esteemed by him the
fitting recognition of a &ever career.'
Rune trading has laid the modest
base of many a fortune, and we do
not see that 1t Is any less reepectahle
than swapping raUrotde or syndicat•
ing steel plants. It is not the mag-
nitude of the thing, but the way in
which It le clone that determines the
ethics of it David Harum got the
better of some of his fellowmen, but
managed to command the sympathies
of a large circle of reader% after his
death. The bank, of coarse, will
find horses less convenient by way
of deposit or colateral than potatoes
or oats would be, but, nevertheless,
the neat convention of the Populist
party ought to tender them a vote of
thanks for affording the first prat•
seal exhibit of Its principles.
—interest in he trial of Gerald
Sifton four the murder of his father
1s nut nearly so keen u hu been the
fact preceding previous trials. It is
understood that the Crown bas failed
to discover the two Morden.. The
defense are more confident of ac-
quittal than at any previous trial.
They rely chiefly upon being able to
proye the existence of a coneplraoy
ageism the prisoner.
43%St WNW
The time of year has arrived when the housewife's attention is
turned to the making of Pickles. 11'e always here on hand the
best of White Wine and Cider Vinegars for pickling, Piokling
bpi and Flavorings.
Fresh Groceries and Frtiita
Arriving daily. Our Canned Goods were Iroupjlt before
rates in price, therefore we can sell Toms oes for 10c per an
one can each of Tomatoes, Corn and Peeve for 20c. 9 port
Taplow for 28e.
Highest Harllst Cash Price for Batter red Og/e.
PRETORIA BLOCK. .ee,..r$?, z '.& �s
K c, K K ct IK iC K
rf res ever c utnctd uy Blood or Private Disease, los are sever fah sate 'Si
rise sr poise.Ili baao eradicated from W eyeless. Dos,' be steeled with
• patck Wiry sena Dully docor. On How Method te 8wserdtat.ol to
Care .e we pap pylic nam,. U..d without Wri8Na ISUeSSM
Cured When all Zia, tailed
Mudd I live ray early lite ever, tale lwltau.W would eel be
I.cweary, chetah I nu aro more ela1at Roe thosseade el ether
meg we. Duly Indiscretion, later ..us.w, snows u
o.t gto.s Manama 500 Wfpsdp break dome my .fJen. WWI
1 cometaawd to realise sy conaab. I was shout Meth. Dmfs♦
altar defter Muted meant oar pave .0 relief—set a pre. Ms
we, bet did sot 0550 ase. 'rhe umpteen slagn
rater alemery e*sd Potash drove Os paean into illy Oyster
Inaba/ 1 Ittiviss tt oat I bless the day your Meer Ye..
au eapomluded to m.. I leveed/aid .hs
u/ Sadler zoo had over 25 years` Imperious a1A m
euaoclally. 1 (ave 705 my care trades a ,.araaoe1
is cared me permaaally, and In ali yeah taw bar sol bees a
war, pppt�,m�-�la .lar or any onion symptom of to bleed sisan,^
M reare t are wti,em Orad. N. A. COHORT.
We 01.130 are sera r e, Mew, ad B Mese N.rrau 011155y, ialI Ica
Ig15 uy, Sand Dube, Eldeey sad Bktdkr 01..awe.
Ceseelt.U.s Fres Quetta Ilam for Gene Trnt.ed sal lad. rye.
tae UMW aTRH1'. DUTR01j', 1111011.
KK Ka h K,:h K K ,t-• K
Are You in Business
For Business ?
If yen had an epeortaab.y .1 Wreaths 1,0111 Needs le a ball
with the privilege of delivering as address on your butane ea ire
aeras you sell, yon would be apt to make tbai address u IMMess.
Mg as possible, so that your bearer" would listen and yes pre& by
it, it is just tin sante with an advertisement in Tits fikaaDaio.
Tea bare the privilege of talking every week teb.idleda of people
and if you are selling honest goods and tall tb a people about thea
in a straightforward manner you cannot avoid reaping a beads.
We Nand ready and willing at ag acme se mein oar patrool la
preparing their adTertisementa—yes, give them asabtaaa that
would coat from Qe to 133 if a city advertising expert wereeoaole-
d—and do it fres of charge. Bet heir in mind that no mea vas
gee out w good an advertitameet for your business es you vas.
You know all the Iktle details, the geode you bought ata bargtde,
and ell that. Just drop is and kavas talk "bent it.
The Standard, Blyth, On