HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-09-18, Page 6TiIBY DID NOT MARRY. MNoerama the Result of a Widow's laatrimonlal Advertisement. ODI day recently the Breus Zel- tang, ptlbltehed at Berlin, contained the following advertisement: A lady of mature age, but looking sun and feeling so—tall, blonde, imposing and graceful, at the same time rich—wishes to again enter the bond$ of matrimony. The lady received a number of re- plies, but elle was not long in de - aiding. One of them took her fancy, sod she arranged an Interview. She Would not, she said, receive the mann In her own house before they had Pea esoh other on neutral ground, =motors, on a certain day she would be on the main platform Inside the Frledriehstrasme station wear- ing th her eoreage a nosegay of 111- W of the valley; while the gentle- man wag asked to wear a red nolo Is hie button hole. With beating hearts they arrived On. the platform, tnadam wearing the 1111es and monsieur hie red rose. But before either bwl time to beat a re- treat or stuff into their pockets the eompromiaing badges madam found hergelt face to face with her owe pre 1 Madam turned as white as her Knee and monsieur ae red as his rose, and both speedily took to their heels. Keep Minaret's I1,alment to the Souse. Dying Do Not ailed 'tears. " I bare stood by the Weide of hundreds of dying people," sold an sd physician at Topeka yesterday, "and I have yet to see a dying pweon shed a tear. No matter what the grief of the bystanders may be, the stricken pergola will show no signs of overpowering emotion. I have seen a circle of agonised chil- dren around a dying mother—a mother who in health would hare been touched to the quick by signs of grief in a child—yet elle reposed as calm and unemotional we though she had been made of atone. There is some etrango and inexplicable psychological change Which aeeomjwlliee the net of die - Isolation. It le :well known 'to all physicians that pain disappears en the end npproachee. And nature seems to have arranged 11 go that mental peace shall also attend our last lingering n;oments."—Kansas City Journal. How are all at borne? Buy e bottle 01 Painkiller to -day and you will he Insured against cholera mortiuu diarrhea and kiedevd.trouhlon. The o1,1 rrllnhle Perry Davis' Painkiller le sold by all dealers. 25c. and 60e bottles. He Knew the Sex. Touter Wife -1 dontt see why we can't gets plain, cook, 1 have ad- vertised for ono daily for more than two weeks. Husband — Advertise for a good looking our, tea' dear, and you'll have a dozen applicants the first dash out of the box.—Cbteago News. The Ball -Headed Han. A little tot of lire years was ..ant to the store by her mother to snake s purchase. On her return her mo- ther found the goods to be nneatis- factory and purposed returning them herself, so mho asked the Itttle girl to tell her from which clerk mile had bought them. Shp received the fol- lowing answer: "I don't lust know has name, mamma, hut it's the man with the piece of face on top of his bead." TO CVRE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take ' .tire Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Err .fund the money If ft falls to cure. W e'e signature neon each bor. 2Rc. For Failing Hal,. Self an outlet. of cal ptier with one ounce or borax dissuitcd In a quart of water, preferably rata water, Make/ a very efficacious wash for falling hair. Heat the water before adding the camphor and borax, au this will facilitate the dissolving of the ingredients. Bottle, and keep closely corked for use, Apply freely to the scalp two or lhreo times a tt►e&. Piles To more to you that Dr. C'hase's Ointment 1; o certain and abeobtte euro for each and every form of itching. bleodingand pro', 111s piles, the Mot waterers hare gum Instead ft. Bee tee 1101101111111 In thedenr prey And a.k your neigh - bore what they think of Yon ran nook and ealJOnf mono/ back ff Dui cure i, enc a bo:, at a lldWsanorEDuaveora,Barse& Co.,Toroota On Chase's Ointment GOOD THINGS TO EAT i/Tom Libby's famous 'wreak, kitchens. We employ a chef Who U en expert In midday LIBBY'S Natural Flavor Food Products We don't practice economy bare, Be was the eety drolcen materials. A supply on your pantry shelves enables you to have always ai ' bead the esseatinle ter the very beat meals, LIBBY, McNEILL & LIBBY ONI0A00, U. S. A. Volts k oar booklet "How re Yah Mees Tame to Lr." SO[T CORE Like the running brook, the red blood that buns through the veins has to ['MC from somewhere. The springs of red blood are found in the soft core of the bones called the marrow and some say red blood also comes from the spleen. Healthy bone marrow and healthy spleen are full of fat. Scott's Emulsion makes new blood by feeding the bone marrow and the spleen with the richest of all fats, the pure cod liver For pale school girls and invalids and for all whose blood is thin and pale, Scott's Emulsion is a pleasant and rich blood food. It not only feeds the blood -making organs but gives them strength to do their proper work. Rend for free nemple. SCOTT & ROWSE, Cbc::lats, Toronto, O,nsrie, soc. and Poo ; all druggist.. Chance tor Study. Ile had been etudiing the Ilnee of her hand for several minutes, "I'm deeply Interested in palmis- try," he said at last, "Perhaps y (et would like to have a hand for practice," she suggested. That Is how he secured hem—Chi- cago. rid KELPION p! .A aro ,cess a,eis1NT.) indorsed by but Ingllsh medleal journals, Supplied to British saddlers In South Africa. ler all Throat and Oland Troubles, Lumps, Absoossee, Old Soros, Ulcers, Felons, Skin 01Eczema Pimples, Stiff Joints, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sprains, Seale's, fess, Cuts, Sore Fut Pleurisy. Sold kr Druggists, Ela. Try It stela. A Heave Hoy. Pat was a seri alit of an English lord, and wits n hrnvy drinker. Otte morning nft'r lir got drunk, ale toas- ter milled hint and told him to try and not go in the salon at the corner. He tried It and ro11r1 hardly keep lis feet from turning In the saloon, so towel they were to going In. When he got to the next corner he put Ids band on hie shoulder and said to himself : " Pat, you're a bravo boy ; came back and I'll trate you." One fact Ie better than ten beltways, Ask Dr. Burgesa,Supt. Hospltol for Ineane,Mont- real, where the, have (toed it for year., for hts opinion of "'The 1).A 1,." Menthol Plaster. Oct, the genuine, made by Davie & Lawrence Co., Ltd. Tonsorial Repartee. indento Tribune.) "How do yon part your hncr?" said the barber after he had finished cutting It. " With a comb," replied the irri- table customer. "I didn't know. It looked, when you came In, as 11 you might have been doing it with a hayreke." New York Central and Hudson River Railroad. The above name 1s a household word and the superior excellence of the road should be ,uftletent to at- tract most people, but now that the rate is the same to New York and points east ae by other !Ines no further recommendation should be nought. Everybody will tell you It le the beat. Pointed Sayings. 1t 1s rather harder to be petty outdoors; there 1s so much breadth all around. Do 11)0110'0 In chaperonage? Yee, fur my boy. 1l won't do to be only partially a lady. Comet nro probably mate; their 0rrrlit rich i00 eau be computed. The most uninteresting person In the world is he who Is Interested In everything t quaily. Thyro 1.o more jr,.. in 0110 sinner who makes up a quorum than over the Mart:-:wd-nine who come regu- iarly. Before pt,ing one's life to a cause It is well to bo sure that tho gift IR or s.rmn'alue. To oberr)th, halite of an echin- oderm—that is science. To do the same tiling for a man—that 1s only fiction. Temperament cavern it multitude of ring. It is queer how much tyronny ellp- 01101 pr upir rIb0c0vcr. Lite happens to som'n folio only in novels. Ir mere Ideas am not truth, they nro at least the eloth of wblcb It is made. Nothing worries a woman eo much as not to belong to things.—Dorothy Moore, In the Century. THOUGHTS FOR EVERY DAY. Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy. It is the gr(K'n eyed monster which doth mock the meat 1t feeds on.— Shakespeare. A man may, if he known not how to $aye 'ae he gets, keep his none on the grindstone—Franklin. All men that aro rutted are ruined on the side of their natural propen- sdtis a—Burkri Better to love am le than nothing to Mare loco&—Crabby b000000000000000000000coori Ragged clothes quickly-- ; THE HIPPO AND ; that's what common soaps THE LAUNCH with "premiums" cost; but -000000000000.r.1.,.r „ DO• The evening tens foggy and the Initial' going slow, when turnlmg a sharp bead covered with overhang- ing trees, eve taut right talo the mid- dle of eight or ten hippo wallowing under the shallow Lacks. Seining a , .80:1 carbine which was lying near , me, I climbed on to the very (limey, slippery eon deck, which had no kind of railing or other protection round It. Covering a hippo about twenty yenta off, 1 fired at his spine and bit bin hard ; the launch bad mean- 1 time eased off dead slow, and I was . reloading when there was IN roar and I a crash, and 1 found myself pitched. violently on my face; 1 should have been hurled overboard, only that II managed to hold on to the emelt funnel; It was indeed a ease of from the frying pan into the fire, Tor I though I was hoot able to remain ! on board, my handl) and arms were badly burned, and 1 soon had to let' go, The hippo had cosne straight for; us, and was now under the launch bumping ue for all he was worth ; crawling along the deck, I Jumped on to the stern, and only pet in time, , for the skipper, as :MX 101114 as I was to get away from such unpleasant I surroundings, hail begun to go full speed ahead, and to consequence theI blade of the propeller ntrnok the hip- po—a nasty jar for both of us, as the helm was hard on and the little launch reeled at the blow; every- thing 00 board was sent flying In all directions, but next moment we were free. I saw my hippo no more, though we steamed about till dark In the hope that he Wight turn up— Empire Review. Siluard's Llulment la used by' Pby- sicltt es. Pat's Idea of a Can't Hook. Here is a true Incident which took plaice 000 day while a number of men were at work piling snit -logo. Of (ouree Pal was the man chosen to go to mother part of the woods atter a cant -kook, but never having seen one before, and too independ- ent to ask what It was like, he eta! tat off, resolved to bring the fleet tiring which 110 thought re- sembled one. 'After searching for come time, he dlerosered a milky t OW. Be japers,' said Pnt, "I've found 0110 at litat. 111 drive her over any way, for I see she cont -hook.' ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blew. lobes from heroes, Blood Spavlo„ Cathie, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeny, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc, Hail) 150 by Ina of one bottle. Warranted the molt wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Bold by all druggists. New Table Pads. A new material for table pedaling recently been place( upon the mar- ket. It is made of asbestos cloth, woven w eo(t that it cannot inJure the most highly polished table; ltie absolutely heatproof. Monkey Brand Soap removes all stains, rust, dirt or tarnish— but won't wash clothe .6 A Lincoln Joke. In 1962, Col. Alexander, of 'Ri- pka, o-peka, an intimate friend of the Pre- eident, slotted him at Washington, and found him greatly depressed. "This being President lent all It is cracked up to be, to it, Mr. Lincoln?" Inquired he, "No," said Lincoln, his eyes twinkling momentarily. "I feel sometimes like the Irishman, who, niter being ridden on a tall, said, 'Begorry, it It wasn't for the honor ar the thing, I'd rather walk 1 " Ask for M(nard's, and take no other. History Rewrttten. ftkakeepeare was asked what ho thought of the Bacon controversy. "Bacon'?" ho replied. "Where have I heard that word before? Oh, yen; you don't mean to tell me Chicago Is elniminr my work. too?" However, finding 11ult ('hlcagoans were eo .crapulously refined that they dressed their hogs, he dlemiee- ed the idea as unworthy. Jefferson had been grinding for three days to turn out a suitable Declaration of Independence, but seemed unable to state the case gttrongly enough. "Eureka!" he cried, "A happy thought! I shall centre my mind on the cook I'4 Following this plan, he dashed off the little remarks he had intend- ed making when the discharged Brklget, and the result was the immortal document venerated by all true Americans. Porus, the Indian prince ,had Just been taken prisoner when Alexan- der asked him how he expected to be treated. "Like a king I" replled the east- ern Warrior. Pleased by the manliness d the Answer, Alexander immedlately made him Janitor of the Flatiron department house, and the two poltentatee stuck eo closely to bugl- ns's as to be dubbed Porus plas- ters -N. Y. Sun. Stops the Cough and Works UR the Cold. Laxst ee Bromo Qulnlne Tablets ease scold in one day. No cure, No pay. Price 25 Beata. IC7[P&NSZ Ask for the Octagon Ear 41 ` He Meant the HIrd. A mon once recrtted AR a present from a 0011 (01p1 (ln a floe specimen of tho bird known ne tate 'luuguing Jackass.' Ae ho was carrying It home he met an Irishman, who stopped him. "Pliwat kind of n burnt Is that, sore?' naked the Irishman, "That's a laughing Jackass," ex- plained the owner genially. Tho Irlelunnn, thinking he was be- ing made fel of, watt equal to the orr1181on, and responded with a twinkle of the eye; "It's not yerself, its the burr] I mane, sorr." Mears. C. C. Riehn.rds A Co.: Gentlemen,—In June, 'RS, I had my hand and wrist bitten and badly mangled by a vicious horse. I suffered greatly for several days and the tooth cuts refused to heal, until your agent gave me a bottle of MINARD'S LINIMENT, which I began using, and the effect wee magical. In five hours the pain had ceased. and In two weeks the wounds had completely healed and my hand and arta were as well as ever. Yours truly, A. E', ROY. Carriage maker, St. Antoine, P.Q. i+++++++++++++++++++++++++ AN ARAB t PILGRIM'S PRAYER $ ++ 4444++++++++++44+4.++++++: A correspondent of oho London Post, who ha. witnessed a pilgrimage, to Mecca, records the foliuwing prayer, which ho heard delivered there by an Arab pilgrim : "0 Almighty God 1" lie cried, "now I am euro 'You will not mend Ino to hell. A place In paradleo Is surely reserved for me. ' You know I was not rich, being only a poor barber, but through my economy and per- severance I laid by some money. My first Intention was to bey a wife with my savings, but being, as Yom know, a 0cneible man, I thought it more advisable to make use of them to come to Your house, first of all, to insure myself a hoar! In para- dise, and remember, 0 my Lord, that I want a palace as Weil. 1 do not want to be tt shaver in the next world. Wo read In the tradltlonu that thoao who hold high poeltlona here will be miserable hereafter, whereat, the wretched In tide Ilfe will be rich In heaven. Po I Im- plore You, in the name of 5Lahomet our Prophet, who was created be- fore title world was made, and who will sit on your right hand on the day of Judgment and plead on be- half of hie people, to Reim to my requests. When I return home I have nothing to live on. Therefore, I want a comfortable living to be- gin with. And, since it may be long before I meets the leourl You are re- serving for me In paradise, I want to have a nice little wife now, You know the kind, of woman I like. No- thing le hidden from You. I am not greedy, and so I Wltall not ask you for many. But, 0 Lord, may I ask You for two? For, al) You know full well, tt to not in the nature nt a man to be contented with one." Sprained Ankle Cured Another Remarkable Case Where St. Jacobs 011 Worked a Wonder Me, W. 11. Aucs, in., of 17, Denmark Street, Aston, Birmingham, writes under date of May 29th, 1890: "1 am a delver for the Keystone Bottling Co., of Birmingham, and I had the misfortune to he pitched on my wagon, and beetdee beteg bruised from bend to foot my ankh, lotnt was pelt nut and my toot severely sprained. 1 tried many embrocations, but received no benefit; I then went to the hospital, but atter having 'twee treated fora considerable time, I lilt, not any better. I then determined to try Bt. Jacobs Ott, and I can neeuro you that before I used the contents of one bottle my ankle was as mound us ever, and I was able to go to work ne If nothing had happened." ISSUE NO. 38, 1902. Whitt a Woman Thinks. It 1e hard to look pleasant la too tight shoes. We are determined; other people are obstinate. The beet way to keep an umbrel. la is never to teen It. The smart girl Is apt to say things that snake other people smart. It lo a wlee WOW n who keeps f'o'r husband's faults and fallings to herself. Mlnard'e Liniment Lumberman'$ Friend. HOW'S THIS? W. otter One Hundred Dollars' Reward for any ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. t'HENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known 7', J. Cheney for the Inst 111 yearn and believe him perfectly honorable fu all bushes* trans- actions and financially obis to carry out any )blfgattans made by thele firm, WaeT a Tuts:, Wholesale Druggists, To- ledo, 0. WALTON), NISSAN a M.oviN, Wholenala Druggists, Tele,lo, 0. Halt's Catarrh ('urs 1e taken Internally,aet- log directly upon the blond and mucous sur. face of the system. Testlmontale sent tree. Price -75e per bottle. Bold by all dragglets. Hall's Family Pills are the best. rWV�NW.M.an� W YOu WANT MONEY The highest salaries In the profesolonsl world are pntd to 1LLSJJSTRATOMS Practical Illustration In all Its branches is successfully taught BY MAIL, or at our ' resident school. The Only School of Illastratlon In Canada In affiliation with a large and reopen - Bible educational Institution. Superior (aurae Helpful Crttlelem Peraonul lnetruction Terms moderate Expert Instructors Positions Welting Thorough Investigation solicited. Write tn.day for benutlhli booklet giv. tog full intornratlon. Address CANADIAN SCHOOL OF ILLUSTRATION Tong. and Gerrard 01. , TORONTO, CAN R. W. Maarx, Dlr. 1r, II. Straw, Prin. Four Lovely Diamond Rings Mounted in our owe facto , with Diamonds personally selected in Amsterdam, twenty-five dollars, fifty dollars, seventy-five dollars, one hundred dolfan. Every one of that Diamonds ars of such quality that the most critical cannot find fault. Send for catalogue. AMBROSE KENTslS0WS a,r,.ae e.sW►�uu 4. aerosoltaw YONGE S? IJU,0"56710401110aasEV l BUTTER AND EGGS PODLTIIY CHEESE COMB AND EXTRACTED HONEY (food facilities Inc handling. Consignments solicited. Correspondence invited and prompt- ly attended to, (1'l11 boy honey outright. 02 Front Street East, TORONTO. JOHN J, FEE UU IIUIU MU r ::: Benin. awls* Y,ebnk a .n4colS0 seam., atop.. wino at .0 Yastrow 000)00. MN.seld(Bbnetwr auks ,all sin,, with aama bade [struts Manta r..YOOni.b au. Primal ee osealp t•rtnal,Ih (1o,tland bale...tat a U . gq e,'02tor lira; Canadanu.1/, 'O0,llrn, FINIS{ [[ie[TO[,f.IMN,Iwo. as esI_TA{'y; Tol' SEEN THE GREATEST 11 puzzle/"—the star and crescent. Poolttvely the cleverest and most entertain- ing ever invented. 2018 century wonder, ]'rice 10e, three for 25r, Empire Sup. Co., 880 Alfred street, Kingston, Ont. Mrs. Wlnelow's Soothing Syrup a always he used for ChildreB eetbiag. "oodles the child, softens theism., owes colic and to the beat remedy for Dierncoea. 112 Weekly Men exent nswomen ni 1e Bona Fide Salary. Ing agents. Boer to travel, others Inc local work. Rapid proem. thin and increase of salary. Ideal employ nn'I1. new brilliant lines, Beet plana, old established house. LINSCOTT PUBLISHING CO., Toronto. iPIPERIAL MAPLE SYRUP. The quality standard from Ores to Ocean. Your money back enotsatietaetory ROBE & LAFLAMR, Agents, Montreal, APPLES GEO, VIPONO It MI Montreal We eollett your consignments to Montreal. Write or wire u0. Prompt sales. V RUIT FARM FOR SALT—OND 07 TIISD anent in the Niagara Penlualtb d/ !none, 10 miles from Hamilton en two raP- ways, Ire scree in all 36 of which la in d'IdIs mostly peaches W ftp be sold In one pareal et divided Into Iota of 16 to l0 sores top[r- pbuern. This 1a a decided bargale ♦ddswa Jonathan Carpenter. P.0. bos aft Zama Ontario re If s0, OPENE THE GREAT EYE REMEDY will relieve them. Opens M Your Inure, pleasant and r!rectual. OPIINE never made an tilt. ems. Timed, weak, 0078, watery, overworked, ttoking. Eye Sore smarting, burning eyes will mood be ae good se ever by utfic OPENS. No Take, Absolutely as represented Every home shoal. bare OPENS, Remit GO cent, our address and rostra • , a bottle of OPENT. TheOPliti CO., Woodstock, Mat.