HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-09-18, Page 5Ot 08NING OFFBa. $PNYrl Co*Weanoe .With tits Bright Tawas sesta[ Paper. We hays...ma}de special arrangements with diet, peblfehers of the Toronto World, of whichr. W. F. Maclean, aan Id .P., to wowing a special summer bargain In newspaper- dom—good during August and Septem- ber, For all Three The Tbo uer yWrrin*rgus Berra or:' 1.$4.80 We will give $8 for $9.60, Or for Tea STaxppao and the Daily World for one year our price is 16. The World giyee the correct market quotations. lts market reporter was a farmer in York county for many years and knows how to glean information whirl is oorrect. The Sunday World is published on Saturday night and has 82 pages of illustrated sketches and views of ab- sorbing interest, WANTED. 1000 Packages of Butter For..which the highest price will be paid. We furnish large and small tubept4 boltolt gt Coat. Alio Any qultnti:ty of Ega and all kinds of Grain wanted. At the Old Stand. MgMILi..RN & pineley street Blyth Popular SUBS at Popular Prices, Just Arrived 17 cases Rubber Goods. We have examined them and we can 'awe you that they are very nice, We think we can fit any sine or make t Shoe you may have. A Rubber tit t of properly will wear well, Let us flt Your shoe. Aar Fall Hose have come to hand in tine ell wools. We would lure to ` pilots yqu our Bove' Ali -wool Hose. weight half pound, length of leg 28 inches, It is P very superior line, • 86YTfl'm 0P'TO-0IT& STORE, T. W. SCOTT TOWN TOPICS. .—Blyth fall fair is only three weeks away. --Leaves on the trees are begin- ning to change color. —Mise Allie Bennett was visiting, Lnoknow friends last week. —A married man says the best; alarm clock is his wife's elbow. --pont become too intimate with , anyone and you wont fall so hard when he goes back on you. —Mr. Andrew Conley has been appointed division court clerk at. Brussels to succeed the late Alex. Hunter. —This year's Toronto fair was the piggeet fair Toronto ever had. The attendance wait 894,676, and the total receipts exceeded those of last Year by 130,0110. —We will send Tug STANDARD t0 any address in Canada or the pnited States for the balance of 1902 for 25 pants. Crab with order. Send it to your absent friends. —Mr. Alex. McKellar returned from his four months' business trip tJO Manitoba and the Northwest ,Territories on Friday evening. He it looking well and reports every - 'thing booming in the west. ' —The big Hettinger saw mill at ,Preeoott, Michigan, that cute 300,000 feet of pine in one day is to be re. moved to the Canadian side, in the "Oecrglan, Bay country, as the timber 'in the Prescott locality is nearly ex- ' handed. —London liar ie being well pat - Milted by Blyth oitizene this week. The special and regular trains on Tuesday morning took 65 Reople from Blyft etatlon, and the afternoon train took1.0. Wednesday morning the number was 15. —The educational department has issued an official statement which announces that candidates for teach - ere will not in the future be required to study Latin. The study of cbem. istry will, however, be mode ohm. puteory. It also announces that after 1902 no foreign language Ill be either optistt•compglsory. —Miss Birdie Davie has returned home from London. —Walkerton's tax Yate will likely be 28 mills on the dollar. —The popular band of tho 33rd Huron regiment will furnish mimic at this year's Blyth fair. –Misee Maud King, of the Detroit deaconess home, is visiting at the home of her parents in Blyth. —Miss Jameson has returned from her holiday outing, which she spent with relatives and friends in Eastern Ontario, —While In Toronto last week, Mrs. R. McCommins took a short course in the art of making up ladies' tallor•made garments from one of the leading ladies' tailors In the city. —Mi', A. II. Jacobs left on Tues. day morning to visit with rolattves and friends in Manitoba and the Northwest Territories. He will be absent one month and will go as far west as Calgary. —Mr. Fenton Fitzgerald, a highly respected and prominent farmer of London township, was instantly killed at his home on Friday last by failing off a milk stand. It appears he went up on top of the milk stand to empty a can of milk, and when coiping down, slipped and fell, break- ing hie neck. —The face of King Edward on the new Canadian coinage is turned to the right, while that of .lateen Vic- toria on the old coinage Is turned to the left. The reason fpr this is that for upwards of 200 years whenever there is a fresh coinage after the accession of a new British monarch, the head of the monarch on the new twins faces in the opposite direction to that of his or her immediate pre- decessor. —Holy communion services were conducted In the Blyth Presbyterian church on Friday and Sunday last. At the Friday services Rev. S. M. Whalley, of St, Helene, was the preacher, and on Sunday evening Rev. J. L. Small, of Auburn, occu- pied the pulpit. Among those who united with the church at the last communion services, three months ago, and the present communion_ services, were 15 young people.. This is a remarkable and grand - showing for the cause of the Master, ; and more especially so when it is known that no one among these young people is over 20 years of age. —Huron is not specially a dairy county, but when Hurouians go into any line of industry they generally make a success of It. A case in point is in connection with the In- dustrial fair held in Toronto last week, at which a young lady of Loyal, Miss M. L, Green, has taken the first prize in the butter -making competition open to the students or ex-etudents of any dairy school or agricultural college or makers iri any established creamery or butter fac- tory in Canada or the United States. There wore eleven entries, three of whom withdrew, The competition continued for four days. We con- gratulate Miss Green upon her suc- cess in this very useful department of farm work. ME,TCALF'S FOR BARGAINS We Have Commenced Our Great Summer Clearing Sale. We have only five CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES left. Theis wewilt'cloes out at less than wholesale prices—a nice Carriage for $5. Window Shades at about half regular Floes. Wall Paper at special prices. We have a full stock of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Fancy Goods, Stationery and School Books. Repairing promptly and carefully done. FRANK METCALF BLYTH. IF YOU HAVE NOT BOUGHT YOUR STOCK OF FRUIT JARS YOU WILL DO WELL TO EXAM- INE OUR STOCK AT 70o, 88o and $1 per Dozen. Wooden and Fibre Pails at standard prices. Lard Tubs two for 25c, or one for 15c. Crockery, Brooms, Wash Boards, Groceries and Confectionery up-to-date. A first-class variety of Cigars of the best brands—that famous Pebble cant bo heat in the 5c line. Try it. The leading brands of Tobaccos and Teas always full stocked, For Bread Stuffs or anything in the Bread line we fear no rival. Bride's Cakes made-to-order or trim- med at moderate prices. STAR BAKERY R. R, DOURLAO - BLYTH _Clamber 7th and 8th are the (Wee of Blyth fall fair. —Mr. Albert Robinson spent Sun. day with Wingham friends, — Mrs. J. E. Cooinbe is spending three weeks with friends at Learning. ton and Detroit. —Anyone desiring a copy of the Blyth fall fair prize list can get one by applying to Secretary Bradwin. —Mr. and Mrs. George A. Wright, who spent a portion of their honey- moon with Blyth friends, returned to their home in Chicago on Saturday afternoon. —Mr. Wm. F. Shane, of Montreal, was renewing old friendships in Blyth on Monday and Tuesday of this week. The old gentleman was looking`bale and hearty. —MIss Stewart, head milliner for Messrs. McKinnon & Co., and Miss Robinson, head milliner for Mr. J. A. Anderson, have returned from their holidays and are now at their re- spective positions. —Mr. John Wflliama, of East Wawanosh, and Mr. John Knox, of Auburn, left Blyth station on Tues- day morning for a trip westward. The former goes to Portage la Prairie, and the latter to Esteyan. —There is on exhibition at Rat Portage a potato grown at the Sul- tana mine which is a unique freak of nature. It is an exact formation of a man's right foot, from the instep forward, having the live toes so remarkably distinct that at first sight it hooka like the genuine article, —Toronto coal dealers have ad. vaned the price of cowl $1 per ton, making the price to consumers $8 per ton for nit, stove and egg sizes, with pea coal $6.50 to $7. Some of the dealers have no coal to sell, holding their present supplies to fill contracts. The stocks of sizes most in use for domestic purposes have become very low. — We are pleased to notice that Musa Edith Mills, of Harlock; Miss Rose Clark, of Morris, and Miss Pearl Gidley, of Blyth, were all successfal in obtaining honors at the recent piano examination in connection with Toronto conservatory of music. Miss Allie Bell, of Londesboro, and Mise Pearl Chellew, of Blyth, also passed creditably. The above are all pupils of Miss Maud Goodwin, of Clinton. —Harvest thanksgiving services will be held in Trinity church next Sunday, both morning and evening. The church will be appropriately decorated with grain, fruit and flowers. There will be a special offertory. The church wardens are asking for $200 to meet the annual payment on the church debt and other liabilities. On Monday even- ing divine service will be held at 7,30, and addresses will be given by Rev. C. R. Gunne, of Clinton ; Rev. Wm. Lowe, of Wingham, and Rev. Win. Craig, of Petrolea, formerly of Clinton. Wo have no doubt but what large congregations will be present next Sunday and. Monday fn Trinity church. The choir, under Mr. Plummer, have been preparing special muaio. Al'MAW A A A A A A A A MAW P AgrAM WAWA jr, 5 4 4 '4 _i 1 4 1 4 4 .4 4 .4 i .4 1 4 t 4 4 4 i 4 i i 4 i i 4 i .4 McKinnon & Co. Blyth. FALL MILLINERY OPENING Friday and Saturday, Sept. 26th and 27th, 1902 Our Millinery Opening always causes a flutter of excitement among the fair sex. They always expect to see all the new creations in Millinery displayed in our large show rooms, and we make it a point not to disappoint them. Other seasons we have received unstinted praise for the wealth and extent of our opening displaye, but our display on Friday evening, the 26th, will surpass anything we have ever attempted. This department is under the able management of Miss Stewart, assisted by a full staff of assistants and expert trimmers, who attended the wholesale millinery openings and spent some weeks In copying the latest Paris and New York designs and are prepared to execute all orders in the most artistic style, To supplement the attractions of our Millinery display on Friday evening, the 28th inst., we will make a special showing of New Fall press Goods, Silks and Fancy Blouse Goods, New Furs in Ladies' Astra- chan Jackets, Caperines, Ruffs, Muffs, Boas and Victorines, Ladies', Misses' and Children's Cloth Coats in sit the new styles, Lathee' Kid Gloves in the best qual- ity in all the new fall shades. • A Cgfdial Invitation is Extended to All to Attend Our Grand Millinery Opening. McKinnon & Co. 4r • • ► ► 0. • • • • ► • • • • • • ► ► • • • Blyth. ► • ✓ VV11 THS+ NEW WILLW%MS MACHINE Those needing a good reliable SEWING MACHINE cannot do better than buy a New Williams. These machines are fitted with ball bearings and ars made of the best steel throughout. A full set of nickel silver attachments se, company each machine. Every machine is finished iu the beet quarter -out golden oak, and guaranteed to do perfect work. CALL AND SEE THEM AT OUR FURNITURE STORE, J. H. OHELLEW FILdn xXXXXZZZZZIK The Popular Clothing House. Keep Your 4 Eye on This l,�> N N I Space N For Our Announcement of New Fall Goods. S, H. GIDLEY .. BLYTH . . x*ZZ]ICI[wZZZ