HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-09-18, Page 4QIat IURCHIE & MIKE BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. BLYTII, O NT &RIO. Che 14011 itattbarbe A. E. BRADWtl, Tasman*, Thursday morning, u STANDARD,LYTH livel%cal news- paper, ewt paper, and has a large circulation in Blyth and surrounding country, making it a valuable advertising medium. Sub- scription price to any part of Canada or the United States only One Dollar per NOTES DISCOUNTED, annum in advance ; $1.50 will be charged d not so paid. Advertising rates on Sale Notes n specialty. Advances application. Job Printing neatly and made to farmers on their own heaply executed. Correspondence of a notes. No additional security ro- aeway nature respectfully 54oi0d. quired. — INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1902, We offer every accommodation con- sietent with safe and conservative CHEAP. HAY. banking principles. UNLIIITED PRIVATE FUNDS Never in the history of the prov- ince of Ontario baa there been such an abundant second crop of red clover as is being harvested at the present time. In nearly every sec- tion of the province a large percent- age of the farmers cut their red clover early in the season with the INSURANCE, intention of producing seed from the second crop, Owing to the unusual cool moist season the growth of this second crop has been phenomenal. OFFICE HOURS ; 10 A.M. to 9 p.M, And with the exception of a limited number of places the growth has been too great for the production of Business Cards. To loan on Real Estate at lowest rates of interest, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Persons wishing to tell will do well to place their property on our list for sale. Rents collected. CONVEYANCING Of all kinds promptly attended to. We represent the leading Fire and Life Assurance companies, and re- spectfully solicit your account, E. L. DICKINSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC., Bolleitor Loa. new,for Meyerblock, of Hamilton. amMoney to A. JACKSON, D.A., 9AARRRISTER,SOLICITOR, ETC. yyaap tt es Hamiltoon Notary Pretoriaablockk, ofor ver If Melee store, Blyth. Money to lend. a. JRROME, L.D.B., DENTIST. Ocoee In the Protons block, Blyth. Speolel attention paid to the preservation of the nat- wwith good wok. prices Gold work *specialty. is consistent C. LINDSAY, M.B. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. eaooessor to Dr. Tait. Graduate of the Uoi- • lty of Toronto, Member of College of Pin. N elms and Surgeons of Ontario. Formerly of Londgon, Englandand ydwtburgh,Sootlend, ho- Owl ar. and rth Bence, tint lately 00000d - W, J, MILNE, lt.D.O.M. PHYIICjANAND SIMOBOS. 0p0aMsw'meo'I Vnlvenity 1 trof FellowNofty TrinitygMedleal MITand of member College of hysiclene 7Hnrgeo,0 of Ootario. Coroner for the teoHum.wedoor north. of the f heteQa street, Blyt seed, which crop is almost a total failure Bat instead of seed the was Miss Maude Iladley, who for some time has made her home with her sister, Mre, 1?. W. Beaver, 8622' Ellis avenue. She is from Kiacar. dine, Ontario. Winters travels for the It. G. Gunning Co,, and is said to be the son of a wealthy Louisville citizen. Tho couple eloped on Sun- day night, and were married in Toledo, Ohio, on Monday. They had known each other for a year, but the marriage was a surprise to their friends." —According to letters being re- ,cetved by Mr. J. Millar, B.A., deputy 1 minister of education, there is a dearth of teachers throughout the province. The shortage seems to be ,general and extends into the older (districts as well as those recently 1 settled. In Perth county at the time of opening the rural schools, many of them were still without tenders. The reason for the shortage is attri- buted chiefly to the low salaries paid. It is thought that if good salaries are offered plenty of teacheas can be secured. j,let of Fall Fairs London Sept. 12-20 Cheeley Sept. 15-16 Tavistock Sept. 16-10 Guelph Sept, 16-18 Owen Sound Sept. 16-18 farmer is resin from one and a half' Hamilton Sept. 17.18 reaping Walkerton Sept. 17-18 to two tons per acre of splendid Palmerston Sept. 18-19 Exeter Sept. 22-29 Sept. 21.28 Sept. 22-29 the cuttingof the first crop, much of Ripley Sept. 28 24 P Mitchell Sept. 2:-24 the hay in some sections was dam• Paisle Sept. 29 24 Brantford Sept, 28-25 aged or entirety spoiled. Bat to Zurich Sept. 24-25 Winghaoffset this the farmers are now Teeswater Sept. 24-25 enjoyings splendid weather for har- eaforth Sept. 25-26 p Seatorth Sept. 25-26 vesting the largest second Drop of Woodstock Sept. 25-26 hs ever produced in this Province, Port Elgin Sept. 25-26 y P Milverton Sept. 25.26 which will tend to cause prices to bC Wiarton Sept. 28-29 Tara Sent. 29-80 low. Belgrave Sept. 80-Oct.1 Goderich Sept. 80 -Oct. 1 FACTS FOR BUSINESS MEN. Listowel Sept, 80.Oct. 1 St. Marys Sept. 80 -Oct. 1 Stratford Sept. 80 -Oct, 1 Kincardine Sept, 80 -Oct. 1 Hanover Sept. 80 -Oct. 1 Fordwich Oct, 4 Oct. 7 Oct, 1•'2 Oct. 2-8 Kirkton Oct, 2-8 Oct. 7"8 most certainly promisee the result.Atwood Oct, 7 9 d Whether it Is advertisingin itself, or DunCliffgannon Oct. 8 9 , Dungannon Oct. 9-10 conducting the other business feat- ures of the eetabliehment, it must be T.:. HUCRsTEP, done with care, determination and BARBER AND TOBACCONIST, intelligence, There are reasons why 06ake stook of Tobseaoe, Cigars and Pipes on b ,Agent for the Parisian Steals Laundry,' business will not come to some men. Queen street, Birth. It ie because they repel business. HAM{LTON, There are reasons why business will clover hay. Harriston Owing to showery weather, during Mildmay The good of advertising is in the way it is done. The wisdom of the merchant is shown by bis action in Tiverton handling the various branches of hie Lucknow business. The way to accomplish it Bruseell is to go after a thing in the way that Blyth AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR, Land, Lain Bl Bdlyth. Ordarseleftent. at THY STAN. on Queen Oren, yt , y,aae ciao will realm prompt atteotlou. A z BaADWIN, STEAMSHIP AGENT, The Elder -Dempster and Franco -Canadian ilaMrenseantsa. Ocean tickets Bold to any - Ipppfaaart of urope, Low summer rateenow in force. advertising make the best of the ed 0n ippliatim of oneers nd dates of to Tea BT0Nn00P 01110,iBlyth. THE CRADLE. IRVINE.—In Morris, on September 12th, the wife of Mr, Samuel Irvine, of a daughter. HAMtM.—In Blyth, on September 15th, the wife of AIr, Albert Hamm, of a eon. THE ALTAR. Walo1IT—MCELnov.—At the residence • of the bride's sister, 248 Ohio street,' come to others, It is because they Chicago, Illinois, on September tat, know how to make that business by RsvaJ, M. Duer, Mr, George A. After carefullyconsidering all Wright, of Chicago, to Miss Mabel E. pay. ' g McElroy, formerly of Blyth. the features of the business it is ad- visable to get the best ones incor- porated in the work in hand. In papa. B. L. TAUBE, MANUFACTURING OPTICIAN AND EYE SPECIALIST. All Mae of Spectacles and Eyegl$eses made to order. Special attention given to fitting the gq . Orden by mall promptly attended te.so l _ travelling el pa agents whatever. a Satisfaction pagauNed. Established 1873. 254 Blohmond Went W., Toronto, ♦♦ ♦♦♦••♦•• ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦i ,campaign is the beet reason for IIlle BAL 10111 TATES New Prices and New Goods for Blyth,—Elgin or Waltham. points which will insure business saceess. Make the statements so plain and forceful that there wont be any doubt abont the results. Say what is meant and say it in a way ',hat customers will know what is meant. Put value into the an- nouncement so tbat value may come from them. The early start on any - 441 4%W 11%96VPSItaiPAIMP JUST TO HAND A splendid lot of Boys' Double Breasted Reefers. Just the thing for school boys; no need of an overcoat with them. Also a nobby lot of Men's Overcoats, all up-to-date. Nicest of Alt A Beautiful Stock of New Fall Millinery. This department is now in full blast, under the, charge of Miss B. E. Robinson, A cordial invitation for all to attend our RAND O?ENUII Friday and Saturday, September 26th and 27th J. A. Anderson's JJ 20 , AIWNAM New Fall Dress Goods The first arrival of New Fall Dress Goods is in anti marked ready for selling. It consists of a complete assort. ment of Homespuns, Cheviots, Venetians, Sergh, Worst* and Camel's Hair Effects. Since the invention of Homespuns it has been imitated in many ways but never equalled. It is the original and only. truly Homespun Rainproof Finished Fabric. In considering prices note the liberal widths. 52 inches wide, in grey, black, brown and; blue, 65a. 66 inches wide, light and dark grey, lovely goods, 75o. 5e inches wide, heavier cloth in above shades, H, 62 inches wide, in camel's hair effects, brown, bine and green, Iii. We quote only a few prices, but come in and look them ovse,, • SIiGaTREI'in—MCMANN.—At the resi- dence of Mr. W.J Dickson, of Mc- Killop, on Septemb r 17th, by Rev.. M. G. Jerrow, of Walton, Mr. John Shortreed, jr., of Morris, to Mies. Alice McMann, of McKillop. BLYTH MARKETS. B1vth, Sept. 17.—Wheat, 647 to 860. Barley, 880 to 168. Pete, 680 to 640. Oats, filo to 980. Eggs, 140 to 160. Hotter, pc to 15o. Potatoes, . Ea to 460. Mee, bo to te. Hay, $6 to $7. Lard, leo to 15e. Pork, $7 to $8. Flour, 5906 to MILWood, 5175 to $A Wool, ISa to i6a. Our fall importations of fashionable Dry Goods are weekly arriving. We invite inspection, Butter, 16c, 0, E. KING, Wingham, 9tf AGENTS WANTED. expecting Bare results. The push Reliable lady egoista wanted to take orders for the beat custom made skirts In Canada. Write qqulekly. 000110100 GL10YYNT 00., Box 009, UttelPit, Ont. which gives to the b nainess its life i will also result in giving to the mer - • chant his profits. It is not so much /la question of what to do, but of how it 18 size, 7 jewel, in Nickle Cases should be done. There are ways to only 96.50, and in Toronto 20- • make advertising pay. There are year Filled Case only $0.—snaps. men who never fail togeta p roflt 15 jewel Waltham, in Nickle •. Case only $10, and with 20 -years from advertising investment. The Gold Filled Case. only 814. ear • In Ladies' Watches -25 -year ♦ only wayto lunare the returns to to Gold Filled Case, with Waltham • study all plans, adopt that which is • best suited to a given business and or Elgin moveinent, only 912. • anyone sad in thane goods I kuun what s then keep pushing along that line Thine prides cannot be bettered by they are myself. I dont have to eek • others to tell mo for 1 know what they • until success comes. see. Bend in your order and It 1 • 111 be ailed the VOW as ins nv others hay, b,-oo • from time to time. 5bu run nn cheuce • for you get your money buck it yon 41 WW1 it, A. M. BABB s TEESWATER : • M•••••••♦•• •♦• •♦•♦•••• —The following reference from Chicago to the romance of a Kincar- dine girl appeared in the daily papers the latter part of last week " Eighty days ago Karl A. Winters wagered a box of cigars with a friend !that he would be married within 90 days. Time passed, and there was A. Oe U. W. 'no wedding- Now news has been Blyth lodge, No.145, Ancient order of Unitedreceived in Chicago that Winters has aeymen, meets in the Workmen hall, Milne i won both a bride and the cigars, on the find and 4th Thursday in every at sight p.m. Visiting brethren are ' with ten n days to spare. But it took y invited. N CI MINO, W.M, T. J. MICE- 1an elopement to do It. The bride oar, 0001) a. ESTRAY HOGS. Strayed onto the premises of the undersigned, lot IN, con. 1, West Wawanoeh, on or snout Sep. timber 10th, two back and white boar pigs. Owner can hive the same by proving property and paying all expenses. JOHN Yonao, Auburn P.O. 8o MLYTH LIVERU and SALE SPREES G GC GG Oo Q Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. P DD CC Ono Q First-class Horses and Rigs for hire at reasonable rates. Beet of accommodation to Com. meroiol Travellers and others requiring rigs. Veterinary office at livery stable. LING AND QUEEN STREETS, BLYTR, S. Herrington S1yth. FOR COOD HEALTH To preserve or restore it, there is no better preuerip-tlon for men, women and children than Ripane Tabules, hey are easy to take. They are made of a combination of lnedt- cinee approved and used by every physician. Ripens Ta- bules are widely used by a,>a sorts of people—but to, the plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need. Ripens Tahules have become their standard family remedy. They are a depepdable, honest aemedy, with a long anti lac• cessfal record, to cure 1ndige4ion, dyspepera, habitual alnd stubborn constipation, offensive breath, hear9bgrn, dizziness, palpitation of the heart, sleepleenees, mueealatr, rhettmatippt, sour stomach, bowel and liver complaints. They strengthen weak stomachs, build up run-down systems, e,tolie pure blood, good appetite and sound, natural sleep. IfNerybody derives constant benefit from a regular use of Rlpane Tabules. Your druggist sells them. The five -cent flaket is enough for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 60 Dens, con- tains a supply for a year. R•I•P•A•N•8 11