HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-09-11, Page 8;nc flUACH1E & AANCE BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERAL. BANKING BVSINES.. BLYTH, O\T %HIO. NOTES DISCOUNTED, List of Full Fair". Toronto Sept. 1-13 London • Sept, 1220 Chasley Sept. 15.16 Tavistock Stmt. 11-10 liuelph Sept. 111.19 OweiSound Sept. 11 18 Hamilton Seer 15.10 Walkerton Sept. 17-18 Palmerston Sept. 18.19 Exeter Sept, 22-23 Harrisron Sept. 23.23 Mildmay 'opt, 22-23 Ripley Sept, 23.21 Sale Notes n specialty. Advances Mitchell Sept. 2.;-21 made to farmers ou their own Paisley Sept. 28-21 notes. No additional security re- Brant?ord Sept. 28.25 1luired. , Zurich Sept. 24-25 Ttehwater INTEREST ON DEPOSITS 11 Curren! Riles, Wingham ... t, 24-25 ........... Sept. 1r,-21) We offer every accommodation con- Seaforth Sept, 25.26 Sept, 2525 Sept, 25.20 Sept. 2r,-24 Sept, 28.29 To loan on Real Estate at lowest Tara ......... ......... Sem. 29.90 rates of interest. Help aye Sept. 80 -Oct, 1 REAL NOTATE AGENTS, Lodowel . ......... . . Sept. 80'Oct. 1 Irietowel Sept. AO�Oct. 1 Persons wishing to sell will de well St. Marys Sept. 8t1.Oct. 1 to plane their property on our list Stratford Sept. 8u -Oct. 1 for sale. Rent, collected. Kincardine ........ . . . . Sept, 80 -Oct. 1 Hanover Sept, 86 -Oct. 1 Fordwich ........ .... . ....... ,Oct. )ct. 4 Tiverton ., Oct, 7 Lucknow Oct, 1-2 Brussels Oct. 2-3 d Kirkton Oct. 2-3 . Blyth Oct. 7.8 At, wood Oct. 7.8 Clifford Oct. H 9 Dungannon Oct. 9.11) eieteut with safe and conservative Woodstock banking principlue. Port Elgin MilvLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS Wiartonn CONVEYANCING Of all kinds promptly attended to INIiURANCR, We represent the leading Fire en Life Assurance companles, and re epectfully solicit your account. OFFICE HOUlts: 10 A.M. to 3 rm. .usinoss Wards. W. L. DICKINSON, BARRISTER, BOLICITOR, ETC., Softener far Bonk of Hamilton. Money to Lo.o, Odloe, Meyer bloat, Windham. A. JACKSON, B.A., J BARRISTER, SOLIC1roK, E1O. Conveyancer and Notary Pelle. Solicitor for Bank of Hamjltnu. uakr., Pretoria block, over Rowel,'" store, Blyth. Mouey w lend. J S. JEROMIE, L.D.B., DENTIST. Office In the Protons block, Blyth. Special sttoutton paid to the preservation of the net. tr.l W.th, All prices IN low as Is consistent with good work. Gold work a eleot.lty. J. C. LINDSAY, M.B. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Successor to Dr. Toll. Graduab of the UM - :4.413 01 Ic,eme, Member of College of P6y- ,lolau. and Surgeons of Detain. F..i mrlyq of Inmdou, 1 -a -land end Ldloburgh,aa.,tlord, bo.. vitals. Salmi and nvldeune, gust letely Dm - ed b3 Dr. Tett, Blyth. W. J. MANE, r.n.C.M. Pfry9IC.AN AND SURGEON, Y.DL t1if., University of Trinity College; M.D.. Quen'% University; Fellow of 'primly Mediad (loll and of member CoIiegge of Pbydofaos and urgpnus of Ontario. Oorator for the Ceunly 01 aeon, Office, one dour north of the Coalmen Queen sticri, Myth. T. J. IIUCKSTEP, BARBER AND TOBACCONIST. Choice stook of Tobaccos, Olde. and Pines oo Queen hand. a nett 1,rr th.e Parisfeo Steam Laundry, C. RAYILTOM, AHOrIONNHB AND VALUATOR, tend, Lori and Inntranoe Agent. Ounce, on Quin nom, Blyth. Orders left al Tag 13TaN- 0d20 001o11 will reoelve prompt attennou. A.1S, BEADWIN, STSANOHIP AGENT, The Elder-Demp.t.r sod Franco Canadian Ilseo reprs.ented. Ocean tickets solo to say ,at tot Europe. Inc summer ratrenow 1n toroe. pat ele.mee. n".I du'r. of .e111esfurnl.hed on appllceliou to 91, r, I)ILUF, 0. L. '1 A UBE, MANUFACTURING OPTICIPN AND EYE SPECIALIST, All kinds of Aponte/leo and Eyeglasses made to ceder. Special attention dives io fitting IBS e .. Orders bywail p,omptly etteuded to. �wa. of partes using my name ea r employ n o travelling agents whatever B.ttstuctlou rear.ntsed, Eelabliabed 187:1 2tI Richmond . beet W., Toronto. ......................... SW MAINS IN !ATOM 2 New Prices and New Goods for Blyth,—Elglo or Waltham • • 18 size, 7 jewel, in Niekle Case •• only $8.50, and in Toronto 20- • year Filled Case only V.—snaps. ♦♦♦♦ 15 jewel Waltham, in Sickle ; Case only 010, end with 20 -year • Gold Filled Case. only 01 1. • office whether it be a public or a In Ladies' Watches--Zit-3,m. • A 'feet Case. It has been decided by a test case lately held In Paisley, before Judge Barlett, that the stock of implements carried by the various agents of the ' different companies in towns and vii. (ages are aeseeeable. The Paisley Advocate says that the town of Pais- ley assessed Cue ituplcmcnte curried In stock by the various agents of that town. They appealed, and last week the case came up before Judge liar. tett, who decided that the agencies of the MaeseyHarr(s Co. and the 1'rlet & Wood Co. must pay taxes on their aseesement. Last year they eppealed to the court of revision, and the court decided that they should be assessed. The Slasseyllarris Co, then handed appealing to the judge, but neglected to give notice within the proper time. This year both the companies appeal- ed. Evideneo was taken in the Ales- sey-Marcia case, ttnd it was agreed that the frost & \Vocal appeal should be tried and de lded upon the facie of the Messey•liarris case. Council produced a certificate, dated April, 1902, signed by R. J. Fleming, stat- ing that he had assessed the ,Massey - Harris Co. for all their personal prop- erty et their head office in Toronto, but the judge ruled that Illie fails short of certifying that he had assess, ed the property In Paisley, even if he had the right to do eo, fur at the date of this certificate this property was In Paisley. The judge could not find by the evidence submitted that the property at Paisley had hen assessed ittToronto. In fact he finds it was tacitly admitted that it wns not. Both appeals from the court of revision were dismissed. DONT MAKE ENEMIES Some men there are who leave enemies thick in their wake. They cannot Walk arnmld a corner without going out of their way to offend some one. if a stranger asks them a civil question they reply rudely. If en acquaintance comes to them for a slight coartsey they deny it or grant it eo grudgingly and in so insulting a manner that he goes away hating instead of grateful. They delight in uttering and repeating ugly remarks about friends and strangers, beedless of the fact that such remarks are al- ways carried home. Satire and sar- casm are commonly on their tongues. They practice the charity neither of silence nor of speech. But in the long run they pay heavily for the pleasure of making enemies. The man who plays the dog In Gold Filled Case, with 1\ hitlo 1 • private office, is a fool. Courtesy is I ' movement, 1' or E got oVen leu , only 012. • en cheap and rudeness costs so much euy, rte col 0, r1ir a ace is t 1 ,,,. 4 het • that none but Enols will deliberately d,.•,l ,- , • others to ten me for I lop „hat the, • and Heedlessly offend even the weak - ailed the canons many n• re have ensu • est and Most insignificant person. ra can Theprices not he bettered by • they arc, 11.1 o.,!1. I )1+0r • are. Rood 1, your older er1 a will hu from time to tine. You nm lie el,, ,, • 1• • 1' 10 Set your money beta ti y,u 0 The manager of a business house, • the foreman of a shop, an employe of A M. ���� public office, any mon in place or r • power, may be secure of hie poli- TEESWATER ; t10n, Inas be independent of any • man's favor, may have no present LN•••••••••• ••• •••••••• use for friends and no fear of enc• mien, bat he knows not and cannot know how soon or In what way lie B1Ttb 1015.. 80,145, Aue1ent Order of United 'blask, on' the sod and 4h workmen hail, eevery May be obliged to seek favors from mooch at eight pm. vidttse brethren cru the person whom be scorns today 'Ilorltslly Iurlte'i. N Ctnse, W.Y '{'. J. Herat. scar,utoohuse. 42 and trcata rudely. Fortase'e tNrn- A. O. U. W. • WEBSTER'S+41' 58 DICTI `• N � RY , 0 1,800 PACES a good grade of oiear white paper, and bound In foil sheep, lettering In gold, with patent thumb Index Dy an arrangement with the TORONTO DAILt STAR we aro in Apes!~ tion to offer our readers the moat reliable Dictionary ever pubtlabad ►I a remarkably Iuw price. OW Skewing Book In lull them ladle . comae, a i••.1100,-2 e 6 Molten %%Ott. B tba BEND YOUR ORDERS TO THE STANDARD, BLYTH, ONT, This is SVohetor'e Dictionary, bound In hull sheep, with patent thumb index, 1,000 pages. It is the original edition revised and enlarged by Unautscay A, Cottonton, Professor of Yale University, It is wagniflrently illustrated .111 contains the whole vocabulary of Illy first edition, the entire corrections and improvements of the emend edition, to which isrefixed an introductory diseortntion on the origin, history, and connection of the languages of Weatern Asia and Europe with an explanation of the principles ou which latignagoe are formed. This work contains every word teat Noah Webster ever defined, and the following SPECIAL FEATU RES An Appendix of 10,(93 Difficult Words, Pronouncing Vocabularles of Srt'i[Aunt Names, (}reek and Latin Proper Nantes, Modern Geo. (gttraaphlcel Names, Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms, Compendium of Biography, heroes and Heroines of Yroae and Poetry, Medullary of rums de Plume, Dictionary of Mythology, Dictionary of Musical Terms, Dictionary of Familiar Wittiuns, l,xicoa of Foroi!tn Phrrw's, Dictionary of Abbreviations, and FOUR BRAUTIFULLY COLORED PLATES showing, In their actual colors, Plage of Various Nations, Pilut Signals of Vat'loua Nations, Yacut Club Signal& DO NOT DELAY. SEND US YOUR ORDER AT ONCE. M: TORONTO DAILY STAR - - $150 BLYTHNESTANDALRD 1.00 (ONE YEAR) WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY - - 5.00 (NEW CENSUS EDITION) TOTAL REGULAR PRICE - - $7.50 All For $3.50 ing wheel puts men in 110118. Politeness, courtesies, favors, are repaid not infrequently with ingrati- tude, and one sometimes wonders whether it is worth while to try to please people whom one does not have to please. But it is worth while, for the humblest office boy may one day have his chance to pay I back to hundredfold slights and in- sults which were held upon him wan- tonly by a man who did not imagine that the boy would ever be in a posi- tion to hart him. The prudent politician and the prudent inan of affairs are schooled 111 this wisdom. People may forget the kindness you do them, but they will not forget injuries OP fusults. They may not be rich in gratitude, but they are Very prone to revenge and 'will go far to even up an injury. Men have received a knockout blow 1n bnsinees or polities from a hidden enemy of whose very existence they knew nothing. Ono never knows what connections a stranger, or even a friend, may have, or what influence he may coutl'ol, either now or in the strange push fpiure. Politeness may he preached not only on utilitarian, but also on aes- thetic and economical grounds, It beaat(flee social intercourse, smoothes the way of life and, to a mind right. ly constituted, the way of politeness is the way of least resistence. Tu be rude is generally more trouble than to be courteous. But there is a limit to courtesy, and that limit is the border of cumplaisancy or weakness, To make friends is noble and honor- able only when it may be done with a clear conscience and without loss of self-respect., An honest man must pascal the courage to make enemies when that is necessary for right's sake. —A dispatch from Washington says ; " A report reached the state department from (iodericlt, that a citizen or citizens near that place dis- played the British fug above the United States flag on a small vessel which is not Canadian government property. The report comes from Mr. John F. Shirley, United States commercial agent at Guderie)i, The state departlnr•nf has informed lir. Shirley that when the ilags of two countries are displayed together they ought to be shown at the some height, and 1101 one above the other. Dis- playing the flngssln the planner des- cribed from Uoderleh, would be an affront to the United States," `1 PCKLES I PICKLES! The rinse of year has arrived when the housewife's attention is turned to the making of pickles. We Almon have on hand the bolt of White Wine Bbd Cider Vinegars for pickling, Pickling Spices and Flavorings, Fresh Groceries and Fruits Arriving daily. Our Canned Goods were bought before the raise, in price, therefore we can 'hell Tomatoes for Ilk per can, or one can each of Tomatoes, Corn and Pease for Bic, 6 pounds 25 Tapioca for c. Highest Market Cash Price for Butter and Eggs. GEO, POWELL PRETORIA BLOCK. �$LYTH K K gK K K K& Kr',K K&K KK DON'T BE AN ASS. If you are buying a pair of ohne* or a nit of Clothesou are particular as to the honesty a.d reparation of the merchant. Tour health 1. of moreimpnrtance than either, yet you let quacks, medical fa.i,e and ocher bombe ¢. deoelve you by their deceptive offers of eomethIn1 for nothing, '•ieir' After Ming defrauded by these medical sharks you •I e• ..I Ibin4 all doctors are rogues, whereas, yogi alone 1e ;fro to Mame. Why not Brat demand from them evidences of their honesty and responsibilityas epreferencaciatlees.te. We have been located In Detroit 25 years and caCan,sive bet of rank READER Are you s victim? Have you lost hops? A. you contimpin tins maniacs? Has your blood been diseased? Have rroe any Weekeese? Our New Method Treatment will core you. What it done for others It will do for you. COJSe1TATI05 FILE. No malar who ballasted you, write for an honest opinion free of charge. Charles reanooable. local mu. —"The Golden Monitor" (II met ratedl, on Diseases of Men. .rNo Nimes u..d without written son.nat. Private, no e debug sent C. 0. D. No names oa boxes or env lopes. Everything confidential, Qu.ettoa Rist and soot of z's...• meat PR135, DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN, No. Bae •IAELDT STREET. DETROIT,' MICS. K&K Kor K KtK K K Sri K K Are You in Business For Business? If you had an opportunity of addressing 1,000 pe•pte in a hill the privilege of delivering an address oe your business and the ares you sell, yon would be apt to make that address as interest. Ing as possible, so that your bearers would limtso. and you profit by it. It is just the same with an advertisement in TMs STANDARD. You have the privilege of talki>g every wreak bo hladreda of people and if you are Belling konset goods and tell the people about thele in a straightforward manner you cannot avoid reaping s benefit, We stand ready and willing at all times to assist our patrons in, preparing their advertisements—yes, give them .esistapc• tlut would cost from 05 to $20 if to, city advertising expert wereoonsulh. ed—and do it Gee of charge. But bear In mind that no man can get out as good an advertisement for your business as yon can. You know all the little details, the goods yen bought at a barge* and all that. Just drop in and have a talk about it. The Standard, Blyth, Ont.