HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-09-11, Page 5A A a a t'1vaja OflAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM, CHEAP RAILWAY RATES AND SPECIAL TRAIN FOR BLYTH FAIR. The Grand Trunk Railway System will issue return tickets at Single • First -Class Fare to Blyth during the 4 Fair, good from Monday, October eth, till Thursday, October 9th. 4 The Directors of Blyth Fair have arranged with the Grand • Trunk Railway System to sell Single First -Class Fare Tickets for 4 the round trip from all stations where the lowest one way first- class fare does not exceed 82.50 to Blyth ; tickets wi11 be sold only for and good going only on trains arriving at Blyth by p.m. of 4 the day (Oct, eth) prior to dates of exhibition, and all trains op the dates (Oct. 7th and Stll) of the exhibition, valid returning from 4 destination on or before the day (Oct. -0th) following the close of • the exhibition. The above arrangement covers all stations on the following • branches of the Grand Trunk Railway System : Winghanl to Lon- don, Guelph to Goderich, Palmerston to Kincardine, Guelph to 4 Paisley, Harriston to Chesley, Woodstock to Listowel, Palmerston 4 to Durham, Brantford to Stratford, Galt to Elmira, London to Woodstock, Stratford to Forest, St. Marys to London, and Hyde Park to Watford. In addition to the above, a special train will leave Blyth on the 4 last night of the fair, October 8th, at 10 p.m., and run as far as 4 Seaforth, stopping at Londesboro and Clinton. At Clinton con- nection will be made at 10.27 p.m, with the regular train for Hoimesville and Goderich. 41 J. B. Tierney, President Blyth Fall Fair. 4 A. E. Bradwin, Secretary Blyth Fall Fair. J. D. McDonald, District Pass. *fcgt., Grand Trunk lty. System. 1' 1:1 1 1 V v 1 V11 1 V 1 1 Y 1,:1 11'1,1 Lime! Lime! Anyone in need of Lime in any gpantity should write ,or telegraph us, and we will deliver the came where re- quired. A. Nicholson & Sons, ;PTO MILES EAST OF BELORAYE, BELORAVE P.O. ENTER NOW IF POSSIBLE. A school that occupies (rout rank among the beet business colleges nn this continent. Nauy leading nommen:del schools employ our gradu- aees as timbers, We no our best to place all oUr graduates Itt gond poattions and ere have jren r ithis an n any eviousr. Those desiing he best inbust nese education should attend our school. Write for atalugue. W. J. ELLIOTT - PRINCIPAL ALMALADIES' COLLEGE St. Thomas, Ont. (TWENTY-SECOND YEAR) The farthest south, and one of the lar eat and hest equipped in Canada. reparatory studies. raduating Courses—M.L.A., M.E. L„ Piano, Organ, Singing, Violin, Fine Art, Elocution and Physical Culture, pontpstio Science, Commercial. ' Healthiest Ioeatign. Moderate char- ges.' Write for catalogue to REV. PRIN. WARNER, M.A., B.O. METCAWS FOR BARGAINS , We Have Commenced Our Great Summer Clearing Sale. —Mr. and Mrs, Norman L. King and two children, of Detroit, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George King from Saturday till Tuesday. —Tuesday and Wednesday, Octo- ber 7th and 8th, are the dates of Blyth fair. —Blyth school board met on Fri. ,day evening. The members present were Trustees Cowan, Wettlaufer and Potter, and Secretary Rance. There was no business transacted. The next meeting will be held on Friday evening, October 10th, —Mr. Melvyn Graham, of Stanley, was a visitor at the home of his brother•in•law, Mr, James Sims, over Sunday. —A car of wool, weighing 12,000 pounds, was shipped to Hespeler on Monday by Messrs. Bainton Bros. —London fair will open on Friday of this week and will close on Sep- tember 20th. —The local tent of the Knights of the Maccabees have arranged with the famous Canadian jubilee singers and imperial orchestra to give one of their popular concbrts in Industry hall on Thursday evening, Septem- ber 25th. This company will sing the favorite old plantation melodies and sacred hymns known around the world, and In addition will charm you with their imperial orchestra. The plan of hall will be at Stothers' restaurant, where seats can be re- served. —Mies Morrison returned to the village on Saturday and will again have charge of Mr, D. M. McBeath's millinery department, —Blyth fair directors have en- gaged the 33rd regiment band, of Seaforth, for Blyth fair days. —The number of harvesters from Ontario to Manitoba any. the North. west Territories this year has been disappointing to the officials of the Grand Trunk and Canadian Pacific railways, and in future more atten- tion will be directed to the Maritime provinces. —The trustees of U.S.S. No. 11, Hallett and East Wawanosh, are We have only five CHILDREN'S outRat lees thanS wholesale a • we will close prices—a nice Carriage for 85. JN)ndow shades at about half regular prices. WOW paper at special prices. We have a full stock of plpoks, Watohes, Joweiry, Fancy Goods, Stationery and School Books. Repairing promptly and carefully done. FRANK METCALF $MYTH. —Mr. Morris Nesbit, of Detroit, visited at the home of his parents hero from Saturday until Tuesday, Mise M. J. Nesbit, who spent the past month with Blyth friends, re- turned to Detroit with him. —The newly organized Blyth Ittile association met on Tuesday evening and elected the following officers :—Captain, Capt. i1. Torr Ranee ; secretary, Lieut. J. A. Jttok- son ; treasurer, Mr. P. II, Douglas ; committee, Messrs, 5, 11. Gidley, R. McCommine, J. B. Tierney and R. Mc\Viiliam. —Mise Pearl Gidley passed the primary examination of the Toronto conservatory of music with honors. She was the youngest of all the pupils who wrote on this examination. —Last Thursday eight tickets were sold at Blyth station for Toronto. On Saturday there were 15 sold, and on Tuesday of this week the number was 27. —Mr, Wm. Brown left in our office on Friday last a bunch of second growth clover and timothy, i,'he clover measured three feet eight and a quarter inches, and the timothy four feet Dight and a half inches. Mr. Brown informed us that on May 20th last he planted five pounds of Early Sunrise potatoes which be re- ceived from the Ottawa experiment- al farm, and on September 4th he raised them, the yield being 317 pounds. If there is another garden in Blyth that can beat this record Mr. Brown would like to know of it. —Mrs. T. W. Scutt and two chil- dren are visiting with Toronto friends. —Hereafter the minister of edu- cation has announced text -books for ase in the schools of Ontario must be in circulation for at least six months before they will be authorized. By this means Mr, Harcourt believes that the opinions of teachers and ex- perts concerning books for which authorization is desired can be ob- tained without difficulty. —Thoughtful citizens will admit that there are boys and girls who run the streete at night. In many towns the curfew remedy has proved very successful in guarding against the growing and dangerous evil of boys and even girls loitering about the street until 10 o'clock at night, it not later. if an example were made of a few small boys it would be better observed. Already 1000 cities and towns in Canada and the United States have passed a curfew ordinance when at it stated time, In most cases nine p.m., though in some eight p.m, in winter, the town bell rings and all boys and girls mast immediately get to their homes. The necessity for such or- dinance as this has long impressed itself upon the attention of the man- agers and officers of industrial and reformatory institutions. An officer for a state industrial school for boys says that official reports show 197,- 222 youths arrested in 100 of the largest cities in the United States in one year, Iie adds : "I feel confident that a careful investigation of this matter will convince anyone that at least 75 per cent of those arrests were directly traceable to unlimited street roving after dark, Leaving out of account the need of rest, early sleep and healthy moral teaching in the home, there towers over these the almost certain destruction of pure instincts and the inculcation of vicious, soul-destroying thonghta where children roam the streets at will after dark." —You can get TEE STANDARD and Family IIerald anti Weekly Star for the balance of 1902 for 40 cents, or you can get THE STANDARD and Weekly Mail and Empire for the balance of 1902 for 40 cents. Make your choice, and let us have your complaining about those in charge o traction engines stealing wood from the school wood pile. In future an example will be made of some o theee wood thieves, generally too many f order, PRICER AT BLYTH ROb.LEIc MILER.— Pure Manitoba Flour, 32.15; Favorite f Flour, 81,90 ; Bran per cwt., 800 ; Shorts par cwt., el ; Feed Flour per,pvrt„ 51.15. —C. H. SEW, Blyth. i a a a a a a a a a a. a a a i1MIQW2`4(4,VAINAlta 1 McKinnon & Co. Blyth. i _l 0 -4 1 4 i 4 4 4 _4 I -4 4 110 4 4 1 4 1 1 4 4 4 4 '4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 MILLINERY This week we make our first display of LADIES' FALL OUTING HATS in all the latest Paris and New York styles, among which are the Navaro, Princess, Parkside and Ethelbert, which are now so much in evidence in the large cities and summer resorts, Our milliners, who have been visiting all the centres of fashion and getting all the new ideas in Millinery, will return about the 15th inst, when they will be prepared to take orders and trite up Hats and Bonnets in the most artistic style. ELOV$E GOODS We are showing all the newest things in Blous- ings, in French Flannels and other new materials in stripes, spots and floral designs. Also the new Ribbon Stripe Goods, in a variety of colorings, which are now so much in vogue, and a full range of black and colored Satins. Tafettas, Tamolines and Japanese Silks suitable for shirt waists. 4 This week we have received our New Furs 1 in Men's Fur Coats, Ladies' Astrachan Jackets, '4 Caperines, Ruffs, Caps, Etc. Owing to the great 4 increase in our Fur trade we have bought heavier 1 than usual and a much finer quality. 1 McKinnon 4k Co. 1 1 Blyth. 4 11, THE MEW WILLIAMS MACHINE Those needirg a good reliable SEWING MACHINE cannot do better than buy a New Williams. These machines Are fitted with ball -bearings and are made of the hest steel throughout. A full set of nickel silver attachments ac- company each machine. Every machine is finished in the best quarter= golden oak, and guaranteed to do perfect work. CALL ANI) SEE THEM AT OUR FIJI(NITERE STORE, J. H. CHaLLEW -- BLYTH 1 The Popular Clothing House. J 1 Keep Your 4 Eye on This S4pace For Our Announcement of New Fall Goods. 1 1 juinuncimenanizabg S. H. GIDLEY . , BLYTII . . 4