HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-09-11, Page 4"he gi Panbaxbe -Toe prize lista for Blyth fair are ready fur distribution. Anyone de - A, X. BRADWIN, Putman. siring a copy can get one by apply - -` ins to Secretary Bradwin. OURI STANDARD, publLhed miry -Dr. Annie Rose loft on Monday mer saorntng, is a taus .renal never pew and hu a large circulation in t and surrounding eountry, making ire a valuable advertising medium. Sub• eeription price to any part of Canada or tis Uaited States only One Dollar per annum In advance ; 41.50 will bs charged If not w paid: Advertising rate on application: Job Printing neatly and ,theasews, eexecnted. kturerespectfully Correspondence of a ol cited. - TSMDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, I902, morning for Fergus. -Mr, E. Livingston is away on a business trip to Sault Ste. Marie. -Messrs. Watson dt Emigh ship- ped a car of export cattle to Montreal on Monday, and a car of hogs to Collingwood. -The Grand Trunk railway has arranged for a special train service -The annual fall fair concert will during Lundell fair, On September 4A given in Industryhall on the 16th, 17th and 18th a special train second night of Blyth fair by the will leave Winghem at 6.30 a,m. Harvey -Kenney Co., of Toronto, and arrive at j ondon at 9.10 a.m., -Newspaper men are blamed for stopping at intermediate stations. a lot of things that can't be helped, Returning, this special train will Michas nsIeg partiality In mention- Wingham London at 10.30 p.m. and reach tag visitors, giving news about some Wtngbam at 1,40 a,m. The special sown folks and leaving out that of'train will leave Blyth at 6.56 a.m. of tri .n editor ektould not be ex• and return at 1.10 a.m. The round 4psote# ,to know the names of your trip rate t'rom September 13th to nobs slots., and cotinine, even if he 19th is single fare. On September v16th and 18th there is a special rate, should see them. Tell him about lt.. ' lIt's news that makes the newspaper which is as follows: Wingham, and every man, woman and child in $1.75; Belgrave, $1.65; Blyth, 'the neighborhood could be aasocIate 81.50, and Londeaboro, 81.40. All editors if they would. single fare and special tickets are -Miss Mand Gidley is spending valid returning from London on or iha present week with Toronto before September 22nd. 4 Als-Mr. James Stewart, who spent • � the peat tour months in Toronto, has -Mears. Wallis & Cantelon ship- returned to the village and is once ped a single deck of huge to Toronto more enjoying the companionship of on D[onday, his old cronies. WANTED. -A man will keep a horse for several years, get alt the good out of 1000 Packages him, and then sell him for a song of Butter to a stranger, who will starve and Tor which the highest price will be boat him, and pass him on to the 'paid. We Tarnish large and small soap man, Yet the original owner, Labe and boxes at cost. wbo got the beast as a colt, and used Also any quantity of Eggs and all him while be was in his prime, will kinds of Grain wanted. M the Old Stand, tell yon that he loves dumb animals, MOMILLRN & CO. and could not ill•uso them. But he 'Petr �t Blyth does not tell the truth. Ile knows r t - very well when he sells has old four - footed slave, no longer able to win the regard of a strange master, that be is selling him into torment and abuae until the day of his death. Fail and Winter Footwear . , eele ; At weather' by adding to our The man is a hypocrite who, havingave anticipated the wants of Seipok it awy largo assortment of Felt- worked the life oat of an animal, II 8jtoes. These goods have been eli- te our roils! order, consequent-_ tarns him over to the ill.usage of 7oa'•eian epend 'open getting✓ Solid strangers, and professes to be a hood� in wo age When'th rets se much ornly. Wegota specie Boys' Strohg Shoe made out of Milwaukee grain leather, sista 1 to 5. This is the best grain leather used. These shoes are waterproof and wear splendidly. The pries Is 11.50, You can spend a profit- able half hour in looking through our stook of reliable Boots and Shoes. We have a special rubber -Tired leath- er in a Man's Heavy Shoe that is inter. sating. BLTH'S UP-TO-DMTE STORE, T. W. SCOTT awlarez ON . LIVER ACTS6Ylwrty AND DNI- 6QwEL51 GFAtNscs THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY. 10101'0501.05 A�AGN HERS; OVERCOMES sSTI PATION "1.14!' PERMANENTLY. �o .145 trie[aLSFr iffE CTS, ISUY THE GENUINE -MASTp BY ! AFGs► C sv, 81 C' 0o* ar t'4 cat . Fq +v a,v. o awl tap a}Altrf�lsts, P Lao Pt1 NrU . humane roan because he did not beat and starve him to death In his own stable. DISTRESSING CASE OF CON- SUMPTION. Four of One Family Paw Away -Lad Daughter Now I11. A. Toronto clergyman tens of a family in his congregation, which consisted of the mother and five children -the father being dead -four of whom in a few years have fallen victims to consumption and died. And now the fifth, s daughter, who L employed in the office of a whole- saler, and who has been the one source of support to the mother, is obliged to leave her work, realising that she also -mainly, it is believed, as a result of nursing her brothers and sisters -has contracted this dread disease. Kind friends are interest- ing themselves in the cine, but the died- culty met with is to send her toe. place where the proper care and treatment will be given. It is for such cases as this -and there is hardly a clergyman in any city who is not constantly meeting such appeals - that the new Free Consumptive Hospital, under the auspices of the National Sani- tarium Association, is being built. The people of Caned,. as a whole must feel grateful to Mr. W. J. Gage and the executors of the late Hart A. Massey, who out of their own funds have erected this building. But before it can be occupied it must be furnished with beds and other proper furnishings and appointments. The National Sanitarium Association, .already carrying a heavy debt, are not able to furnish the new building so gene- • rouely placed at their disposal, and are ap- pealing tocitizens generally the Dominion over for 410,000 for this purpose. It does not need the suggestion that this is the most pressing of all ebarities at this time, for the public are fully awakened to the widespread character of consumption, and also to the fact, as de- monstrated by the best medical authori- ties, that when Mita disease is taken hold of in its early stages!it, u much as any other disease, is curable. The new hospi- tal, just so soon as tb a money is raised to complete the furnishings, will be ready to receive fifty patients, free of charge - even their railway tare will not be ata= upon them. Chief Justice Sir Wm. R. Meredith, 4 Lamport Ave., Toronto, has kindly con- sented to receive contributions for the Free Consumptive Hospital; or they eau be sent to Mr. W. J. Gage, U Front St, West, Toronto;or to the National Trus Co., Limited, 5 Hinelt. Eaab'1'orentw RLTTR MARKETS. Al,th, as t.10. -Wheat, 660 to Aho. Parley, 860 to 400, Peu, 600 to 000. Oats, get to 900. >ree4 14o to 18e. eutt.r, 180 to 14o. Potatoes, Iib to 40o. Rides, 6o to h. Hay, et to $7. Lard, Ito to 160. Port, e7 to 15. Flour, 69.00 to SSD. Wood, e176 W e9. Wool, 19.0 to 110, THE CRADLE. HALLANAN.-In East Wawanosh, on September 5th, the wife of Mr. W. P. Iisilahan, of a daughter. THE ALTAR. RgADROUSE - BAINIOS,-At the resi- dence of the bride's brother in-law, Mr, Bernice Payne, of Grey township, on September 9th, by Rev. J. A, ,lo• Kelvey, of Wroxeter, Mr. Charles H, Roadhouse, of Blyth, to Mrs. Eliza A. Baines, of Grey. Bova-AnANO,-At the residence of the bride's parents, Londesboro, on Sep- tember 10th, iv Rey, J. A. Hamilton, Mr. Duncan Boyd, of Chicago, Illinois, to Elva, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Adams. Our fall importations of fashionable Dry Goods are weekly arriving. We invite inspection. Butter, 16c. (I. E. Klxc, Wingham. etf CLUBBING OFFER. Special Combine -Don With the Be1Rht Toronto Morning Paper. We have made special arrangements with the publishers of the Toronto World, of which Mr. W. F. Maclean, M.P„ is managing editor. We can offer a special summer bargain in newspaper- dom-good during August and Septem- ber. Tor all Three The SundaToronto World, es • year j at ' i7a '1 he Sunday 12 a year 1> Ml's u TIM eLTTH STANDasD, 51 a year We will give 40 for 41.50. Or for Tug STANDARD alld the Daily World for one year our price is 48. The World gives the correct market quotations. Its market reporter was a farmer in York county for many }rears and knows how to glean information which is correct. The 6unday World is published on Saturday night and has 02 pairs of illustrated sketches and views of ab- sorbing interest, IF YOU HAVE NOT BOUGHT YOUR STOCK OF FRUiT JARS YOU WILL 1)0 WELL TO EXAM- INE OUR STOCK AT 70o, 85o and $1 per Dozen, Wooden and Fibre Pails at standard prices, lard Tubs two for 25c, or one for 15c, Crockery, Brooms, Wash Boards, Groceries and Confectionery up-to-date. A first-class variety of Cigars of the best brands -that famous Pebble cant be heat in the Co Brie, Try it. The leading brands of Tobaccos and Teas always full stocked. For Bread Stuffs or anything in the Bread line we fear no rival. Bride's Cakes made-to-order or trim- med at moderate prices, STAR BAKERY R. R. DOUGLAS - BLYTH A Few lt'�! r r , LARGE QUANTITIES OF NEW FALL GOODS ARRIVING SPLENDID VALUES. Many Bargains in Summer Goods may yet be had. ..SOME.. REAL I'll1')���t ? P8 SAT_ J. A. Anderson's -..•-.BLYTH EP OFF the EARTH During the wet weather as much as possible -that is keep as much shoe leather between the soles of your feet and Mother Earth as you can conveniently carry. }t's wisest in the beginning and cheapest in the end to provide yourself with Shoes having good solid soles -cold - proof and water -proof if possible. We are ,elling exceptionally good Shoes of just this sort for men and for' women, children too. Well built, with' broad heavy soles and with stout uppers,. The women's styles most as mannish in appearance, but nqc so clumsy or heavy as the men's shoes. Men's, $1.5o to $4. Ladies', $1.5o to $3. Boys', $1.25 to $2. Girls', $1 to.$?, Seasonable IS a Lines, i cam---QCtJotJG - ��-!o -BLUE STONE -FENCE WIRE -SPItA VERS -BUILDING CEMENT -READY-MIXED PAINTS -SPADES -SHOVELS -WASHING MACHINES -WRINGERS Our prices on the above are very low. .� *asses 1, 0t MOM - - 1113 3LYTI1 LIVERO and SALE STRBLES G o0 Go GG O 'Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. o cow cot9oc First-class Horses and Rigs for. hire at reasonable rates, Best of accommodation to Com mettle' Travellers and others requiring rigs. Veterinary office at livery stable. • LING MBD QUEEN STREETS, BLYTB. HERRINGTON FOR GOOD HEALTH To preserve og restore it, there is no better prescription for men, women end children than Ripens Tabules. They are easy to take. The;' are made of a eon;btnation of medi- cines approved arid used by every physician. Ripens Ta - butes are widely used by all sorts of people -bus to the plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need. Ripens Tabules have become their standard family remedy. They are a dependable, honest remedy, with a long and sue• oessful record, to cure Indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and ir stubborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver complaints. They strengthen weak stomachs, build up rundown systems, restore pure blood, good appetite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives constant benefit from a regular use of Ripens Tabules. Your druggist sells them. The flve-cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 60 cents, con- tains a supply for a year. R•I•P•A•N•S