The Blyth Standard, 1902-09-04, Page 7ITALY'S MONARCH
Kaiser and King Ride in One
wan xuggested to Mr. Forrest by the
recent charge of Justice Willis to a
Midluuds Jury udvlelnie them to con-
vict a nrwspiper for having pule
lielud eieees el details of a murder
prrvio1 to a [rind.
Mr. Forrr'!n blinks the etalute on
which IMP charge wee based a moot
excellent device and be:epees that 11
`t niudlar law were in offset in 1111-
noll the work of the proeccutton and
drtr'nee would be unhampered by
"rewepiprr thirds." Ifo ea,yH that A FRENCHMAN WON THE RACE,;
it enc; Judge 1lMdom who emitrnll-
rrl Isle attention to ilio British linuoi•ls, St pt. 1.—Thr lulcrnatioa-�
Irl lherl. al n!ilita rido from Brussels to Os -
The newspapers of New Z ttland , y
are already bikeiecled to government- loud, n distance of tl3}t mlleg, relult-
al impervlston In this particular. ed In an easy victory for the French -
Brutal International Military
Ride in Belgium,
ADbRESS AND A REPLY.' n a Prr nn 1e nrrneted or nr- Mau. In ena•mouu crowd tallu1ss-'
rulgnal fur any crime, the nrwsp.t-, rel the Blurt which was mud] lit a'
pore are prohibited from "hying hie , violent hailstorm. The hareem
cuwr," making any comment referring wore hoof -deep lit mud during the
1.0 him crime, or 'teeingthnl 110 ham contest. Thera were sixty-one cum-:
committed the crime. Such a pollee p„(Itors, and they started at Inter-'
The Prelbund end fence to be elate. ease le sub Judleo until the Jury hue
vale of Ilve minutes, Tpey were dl-
Seek Repeal . rendered the verdict. Very severe tided Into s1z synods. From the •
ot om
of Turkish Measures sad titan • *;,(xJ to $IOOOTwo Id be tnnfee nletedrfor fifteenth to the thirty-seventh mile
Ouerautee of hood Wheeler. a breach of tele law. The idea is : a Emelt Dragoon of tho naso of
to give the man jUeticr, and not have . Vander held the lead, Before the
Berlin, leept. 1.—Klug Victor Em- hie cue prejudiced In the public mind, fortieth mile was reached, four fie!-
Manuel cat Italy, accompanied by the or 'lie man's reputation rttlnr.l be •thins and one utchrnun gave up.
fe he hos been proven guilty by u the struggle lmcauee of the exhaum- h
/Emperor and Empress of Uermany, . Jury of twelve men. tion of their home.The race eon-'
United to be a reneatlonal and brie
tbo Crown Prince, Frederick 1V11-
lfum, and Signor Prinettl, the Ital-
ian Illnteter of Foreign Affairs, and
escorted by a detachment of 0110117.
dere, made 1114 State entry into Ber-
lin tide morning. The weather wee
The_.�salIteperinl Chancellor, Count
Von 1twlow, and the Italian am-
bossador to Uermany, Conal Lap -a, Di'
Hosea, met the Royal party at the
railroad station, whence they drove
through' the gaily decorated wtreute
to the Brandenburg gate, where
Ibey were formally welcomed by the
onto aothorltlos, King Victor Em -
marmot and Emperor . W'llllatu oc-
cupied the enure carriage.
In front of the Brandenburg gate
the chief Burgomaster, Herr
Kiredmer, presented un addreee of
weld:late, reviewing the Imtortent
bonds ol frlentehlp between Italy
and Ut0inan , whbell heti lusted for
many centuries, and saying that
tee whole of Uermany raw In Ring
Victor F,mmeuwd's t'Ia11 nen•. proof
of her Intent to motnlutn the Peel -
bund and International peace.
The Italian monarch, without leav-
big the carriage, cordially thanked
the burgomaster, speaking hl French,
nod raying he regretted he was un-
able to reply In Uarman.
Herr Klrncfiner'e daughter present-
ed King Victor Emmnnual with a
bouquet of flower., and the carriage's
proeoedc'd to the arsenal, heartily
cheered by a great concoureo 0)1
L: the central hall of the areeual
the ceremony of anteeerntlug torty-
ouo robes and polling them to their
flagetaffe was caroted out In the
presence of thelr MFajesties.
The visit of King Victor Emman-
uel to Emperor William pus been
marked by the conferring of many
orders, Inoludhlg the Order of the
Annunciate, which was personally
Mended by the King to count Von
King Victor Emmanuel euhae-
queetly lunched at the Italian tem -
beery and received the prominent
meMbers of the Italian colony: elle
Majesty also called on Count Von
Bueluw, on Field Marshal Count
• Von Waklereee and at several eta-
Will Abdul else?
Constantinople, Sept, 1,—The 3u1 -
tau rroently agreed to ripen! the
eeeeetlu)ul measures adopted whist
the Armenians, If the Armenian
patriarch would guarantee that no
outbreak would follow. The patrl-
arebel ooanele accordingly, met to-
day and signed a document setting
forth the loyalty of the Armrnlaue
aloe promising tranquility. .An imper-
ial 1rede le now awaited, the pule-
arch reNdng to reenmo his duties
until the proml,es of th, Sullen are
tient affair. At the e2e nlllo past
TURKS ANO MACEDONIANS leader was Captain t 1Cletland, u'
Norwegian, who soda iho dlanueu
t In i hours uud "1 minulee. Llcut.
Beene a Fronchman, Warr .round, In -
four Mauro and 28 minuted. Lieut.
Madanxt, another Frenchman, who
Desperate Fighting Lasting finally won, wan third at this point, ,
in tour hours and 44 minutes,
Fifteen Hours, cater puaeing the 631-2 collo point
the hardest part of the ride began,
— nal the affair developed Into the se-.
verset kind of an ordeal. Many henget'
THE WOUNDED SLAUGHTERED fell exhausted. Three of the anlmele_
dropped drvtd before Ostend was
Luadul, Sept. Y.—An Express de- hatched. When 06101 Ostend rho;
French Ileultennnt, Bounll w•ho no-•
oputch from Vienna reports u re- flood that Ills herno war dybitg, drew'
markable encounter near Oradaku, hie revolver and bless- Ile brumes out.
n Turkish village near the Butgar- Thio only English officer In the eon- 1
Lan frontier, between Turkeh Leet, Lieut. Ulbbon, saw hlie mumu
wan exhausted, nod dlemuuittal wldle
troops and Macedonian Insurgents, the auimsl petard Its 1110 away. .
The tneurgente were preparing to Tho 00ene at Ostend, when the,
101011• up the bridge on the railway Frrnchmv!, Lout, MuldumCt, riding a ,
from Feofla to Comb, when a de- Ilnngnrluat tltoroughbrul, oamn 1n.
first, teas ono of gr(vlt enthuetntun.
tocbment of Turkish troops, end -r Tiro bora° died soon rafter the victory. ,
Lieut. :Mahmud Nedlm Bey, Nur- The i,eou.l, third, and fourth at the
finleh were :01 Frenchmeu. Then cause
prised them. The insurgents Mur- al Norwegian, a Ihdahma:, arida Bol-
rletliy withdrew, and entrench.el ginn.
themselves! in a strong pvaltluu' The time of the winner. Lieut.
Whcre111 they could only be shuck- Madameit, for the entire dlstan0e, was
ed ob ono sldo and under condi- six Mourn and twenty minutes.
tlo)e extremely uefuvoruble to the
uggruesore. They numbered 03, RIOT ON A YACHT.
nrmtd with good rifles, two ahu-
chlne guns well eupplled with um -
Iter•, Gentlemen Veiledlib tuner Otteod, d.
ltuittrwt, 'opt. 1.—A le veldt 0 nu -
tithe hue etel been entered In the
courts !!ere. Cclibert Lefebvre, late
of tho pollee of St. Philippe, County
0f Lnpralrle, has entered an action
for 'IOU damages against hie pastor,
the Her, A. Corbell.
The plaintiff bases hie action on
the alleged ground that although he
Is a prrlxhloner of Kesel behavlor, his
pastor, when slelttug the pariah In
January last, in company with one
of the churcttwardee, omitted to
call at 'de houso, The declaration
e lates that the pallor's telt has
been announced from the pulpit, the
annoua0clment being also made that
tholrlest would call at the redldence
of nil Boman Catholic freeholdi're, as
hat been the custom Ica the purlehee
of this protimes from time Immem-
orinl,bwt that the defendant, without
any reason, and with a view to hum-
iliate plaintiff, declared several time'
that he would not call at plaintiff's
house, and, In fact, did not call.
Lefebvre further complaine that
this act of Ills pastor became the
general topic of conversation, and
whenever he met any of hie co-par-
lelduner' they naked him whether he
was still a Boman Catholic, and what
he could have done to the cure to
thus be refused a visit,
muulllon, besides dynamuto and ttailors'1'ureed Over to the Halifax
nitro-glycerlio explurlico, all Authorities,
smuggled from Bulgaria, 1Dtlda\, N. S„ .'epi, 1.—Tle:rr one'
Meanwhile the Turks brought re- a row, fhb afternoon on Mr, Uearge,
inforcemonte, Two thousand W. C. Drexel's yacht the Alcedo, .
troops advanced to attaok the from Philadelphia, which amounted
handful of rebels, who, knowing altuost to mutiny. Several members
that their adversaries would give of the crew beuame Intoxicated and
110 quarter, defended their pQoomitten begat) smashing things on board:
with desperate determination. The captain called In .a Halifax 10 -
Agana and again the Turku pressed Beeman, but he was powerless. The
forward to storm the poslttun, and officers of the yacht teemed unable
tlmc aft or time the Ineurgeutn
forced them to retire: The unequal ere of the crew declined to help:
cuutrAt began at 4 W 1" attar- Reinforcements were called for
mull, and continued all night and a.ud a posse went on board from the
all reit day. Finally, after fifteen pollee station. When the auxiliaries
Moura every one of the 05 war arrived the sailor who wee the prin-
ctther klllod 0r wounded, The tic- clpal muse o1 the trouble retreated
torloue Turks promptly slaughter- down a hatchway, still defying the
ed the latter, and ufterwerds!tack- pence. The policemen quickly follow -
e.1 their dead bodies to peel. ed. The other sailors cried that the
According to deeps :cher from strut' had a knife, but the policemen
Koetendll to the Hlrlap aid miler dived with the sailor, and. after
Jourwds, the Turbo sustained heavy putting 'rote on him brought Mtn
losses. Two accounts received front to the decie
different Noumea assess the Turk- The police then started to hond-
leh caeualtiee at about 850-150 cuff another sailor. While they were
killed and 200 wounded. . . thus occupied the prisoner, who was
a big Mau,gnayped the handcuffs ap-
parently au easel as if they were
made of twine. The two prisoners
were finally taken to the station,
but [luring the scrimmage the po-
licemen had their helmets broken uud
gat many cute, Tho prisoners were
afterward paid off by the captain,
and they will be arraigned for trial
to -morrow`
to asset him effectively,. while otli-
Berlin. Sept, 1.—flitter conlpluluto
conte front Posen concerning the ex-
prnelve echetue of protection plan -
nM for the Knlser during hie visit.
Tho Pelee object to footing blue for
5,000 detertves brought to guard lile
MoJcaly'N persue while lid is In lila
meted of hie Penult eubJeete. They
lull to leo why they should be call -
el on to finance a dleplay from
which they themselves aro tiled out.
While at Poem' the Keiser will be
eurrounded by a phalanx of mili-
tary u.nd pollee guards which will
enclose him In a !human fortress
wherever he goes.
Egg Corner Clique Heavy Losers by
Their I)eel.
lltieugo, Sept, 11, — Armour &
Swift, 'leading the powerful clique
of Chicago packers who tried to
•mer II llad ria are
fa1i11111d. cop eggs tip g
likely to bo heavy toreros by tbelr
THIEF USESRED PEPPER. deal• Thu Chicagoans bought all
_ the ems they could get and placed
Throws 1t In the Face of au I sprees
13.111. heeler, N. 11:, e,eot. 1. -Ar, ee-
itcss package couiralutag i-,710, eon -
'toed to the Devonshire Mill at ere f 0
relit, woe boOwrts1.0y e market rob -
O rr to-dey, Who overcame the youth-
ful Motion ttgaut at tho Dolf'e Fulls
station, lour mile south of tide cit,),
py riowerlug him with rel pepper.
The money was sent from Bustou,
and was Intender{ to meet the payroll
of tbo 160 eture,oyeer of the Devon-
shire M111. The ptekage arrived by
American Exprnse at 11.11 u, m. It
was given to rho station agent, who
11 also an e%pree0 agent. The young
Dian dcposttod the package In the of -
floe, and the nest moment n stranger
darted In, tied throwing a handful of
poppet luso the sgentes face, grubbed
t>ae poekuge and, running across the
ttoa�t disappeurert In the shrubbery.
tangent was helplean wit'I pain and
oomplctcly blinded. When the alarm
was given no trace of the robber
could .be found stave the disguise,
which he had dropped no he fled.
WIllluma. Forrest Would Slop Mur-
der'rrlals by Papers.
London, Sept. 1:-1VIllutm ,i. For -
root, the well-known criminal law-
yer, will propose a startling reform
On lite return to Chicago In Septette
her. Mr. Forrest says that he will
lay before the 1100010 bara profpoenI
. to make It contempt court
ntwepaper to publish the details of
a crime 1n adtaace of the trial.
The proposal aim to stop all news-
paper investigation Into crime and
them lu cold storage, anticipating
a hot summer and a ooneequent
eortage lit .the market through
Egg dealers and brokers on the
mercantile exchange freely predLt
that there will be a gradual but
eoualderablc drup in the price of
t ,'re fur same weeks 1.0 ekes 1110)
produce figures lit support of their
A promlyent dealer said to -day:
"Tile recelpta of tugs in title 0ity,
New York, Boston, Philadelphia anti
Buffalo, width represent the uvuii-
able .apply, nave been unusually
heavy. The remarkably cool sum-
o:wr 1.8 reoponniblu fur thin. Diaries
hot mummers u amenity of the eggs
produced aro 'burned up,' as wo
cull 'polling by heat. Lula year 81
per cent. of elle total production
of eggs In tide country was lost
through uuLge beteg dolled. Tills
year therm has Liven no eudh lose.
Oa the coatrury, the receipts nee
many thuusenIN of dueono greater
each week than last year. Egg@ urn,
now 33 cents it down, which le 5
mite higher than last year. Thee
It because fresh eggv ore' being
used exeluelvely Inetcad of cold
etoragc eggs, which aro generally
used by the thoieaud at title time
of the year. Eggs were quoted on
the mercantile exchange lo -day at
20 cent., which brings them to the
grocer at prices ranging from 23
to 23 cents a dose'. Armour h
Swift and other big Meeting firms
have thousands of came of eggs 1n
cold storage, which would have
brought them n largo profit had
this summer been hot, as usual, with
the consequent decrease In the
prOluotlon Of ego through' waste."
(]rowers In Western (Mario Report
it Complete Failure,
Sl. Thomas, Sept, 1.—Ireporli text
pote love aro rottlog badly' In' heat
Owl are cummg In Isom different.
parte of tits country. Tho tubera are
so plentiful it crop [hut the general
effect neiy not be eerioue, but some
growers report en almost complete
Mee of their crop. Others say one-
1hIr1 and ono -half of their crop has
rolttel, The appearance of the de-
nse In the potato has been very Inxl-
,trn. In /niches ten days ago not at
all affected the potatoes are now not
worth digging. Tho (Deena) first af-
fects the Weide of the "Murphy;' and
many eremingly sound potatoes are
dietovervd to be worthleee when cut
n Escaped Convict Mails
Vow of Vengeance
Who Swore. Away His Liberty—The
Letter Identified by Those Who
Know IIB W'rltlug -Sole Object:
of Psexpe Wee to Klll H11 keenly.
Butte, Mout.. Sept, 1 WIth offi-
cers of the t'ultod States Iwnlleu-
tIIry upon Ills trait, etiolated by
bleedhuunde, Tom O'Brien, a convict
who mad° a during escape from the
Siete prism] Met Friday, has scut
commuulcuttun 10 the Miner, plead-
ing for a public statement of hie
alleged crime nlid vowing the death
of Under Sheriff Dare Morgan, whoa]
nil girl p'rjured teotlnov. Ole cun-
oIrt declares, sent him to 10100) 11)111
wra'kcd Ills home.
The document n'rrlvw1 by the Miner
beta's the pustware 01 Anuwudu.
Thu writer dates hue communication
(rum n mountuht in the bills Bur-
rouudhtg Ana00uda, and ea,r that be
wrote 1116 story bellied a rock, dttid-
lug hI,1 time belayc) IIB WiIrhester
and 1110 p4'11. The cummuuleatiun ie
a Ills rar; (reek, and is no ques-
tion 1110 to Ile authenticity, beanie)
the handwriting hue been tally Men -
telt by the warden of the, peuilru-
tary and others utquulnt,d with the
O'Brien declares hie elle 011J'01 ill
moping from prlsuh Is to 11111 Mor-
gan. 0 Brien war; soot up fur rule
eery 111 1901.
Eloping Couple lied a Lona Journey
Before They Could Wed Surely.
Cumberland Md.. Sept. 1.—Luther
Samuel Fletetter, cal Cans Juoctime
Vu., and Ella May Whitaker., of 1'ar-
iahoIbbe 1'11„ were married here a day
0t' 'two ago %titer u very rensettoual
experience, having drivel 100 miles 10
got the nuptial kuot tkd.
On Sunday Mese Wldlukur watt es-
corted to church by her brother,
while Fletebler took uuothe' young
lady. Tney all sang in the choir, wet
while the opening hymn woe bring
sung Fletcher gave )flee Whitaker
the elg011, when they 1010111 1011 flip
_ church and Jumped luta a buggy.
Madounu, or Itotllcehhh, Drought to • The girl's brother followed in hot
Ligbtluau Old Cantle. pursuit, soon overtaking the, eloping
couple, only to have a pistol het l to
fashion. Sept. 1.--A de:mil lr 1, from tie face by the determined groom,
Millin to the Daily Telegraph eays who forocu the brother to return to
some years ago a picture was ills- - the church. The couple then drove to
covered in an old cattle near, thio city, arriving hero early lids
Placenta and depoolted In the gal- morning, hating driven the greater
lery of paintings at that place. iortion 01 two (Jaye and two eights.
Yesterday this picture NUN reculf- Tho groom leu furnier'e eon, aged
nisei ea one of the fineet of Rottl- 26 Swire, tvh!lu rho bride b only 17
cell4'N works, 11 IN oval -gimped and ea rlrn of age.
is painted on It wooden board. It re- The coulee lo'e[ no time 1n securing
preeentl the Mielouna adoring om ; the license nna 1. mluleten to lnnrey'
her knees the infant Jesuit, who id therm ne they feared the girl's father
lying on the grass. had boarded a train and would head
The picture, the eorreepondeot Item off.
pays, hi absolutely r% precious work, ,
which heretofore hue been relerred -
to as having been lost. I MAY ADOPT AN HEIR.
How Over the ('rusentg ot 1 wo ilIrel
(Jienll, N. 1'„ Sept. 1.—In :t eleell
to -day between employees of the
Olen street Biihoui Company nal
thorn of the Ahnwmut Railroad 0
01'00e mi intra WPM hart, Peal .1, tl',
Miler Superintendent of the trek
P'y coml:rny'e tures., was eera'ely
For 00m(' t'nu, past the O.ean
Street Rnthvay Company pax peen
healing en extension to Its Port -
Odle line tv ('eros and Bolivar, N. Y,
and Intim lu,t to have the line in Ile
sera om tele Bummer. About a nide
above reltvUlo the tracks 1110 com-
pelled to cross the Pennsylenn'a
Ratlrond traeki, but the latter coin -
pe ny las prevented thio erosslwe by
laying ehdh switches and digging
ditches between the ewitchen and
tlno aurin line, making It imposeiblr
for the trolley I;nc to cross.
At t'rre1 they are compelled to
cross the Shawmut Railroad, and at
teem point tlsruele occurred to -toy.
Judge Kinefh'k granted the too ley
company an order yesterday to
cross, and .1. W. Miller, the Superin-
tendent of the Company, with a gang
of about twenty men, went to ('eros
to -day 1.0 Orem; the feed wire of
the Rlultvmut toad,
The letter company had a gong of
about 300 men on the so00e, and
every move male by the trolley
foio'el was (ought by the rullrond.
Ati fast us trolley poles were er-
ected they were chopped down. .l
free-for-all fight ensiled, In which
pickaxes, plckhandlee and et01108
were need freely.
Mr. M Per wait hit on the head with
a stone and badly injured. It is re-
ported that 25 men were Injured dur-
ing the root.
-- I
To Commemorate the lIau11cre of
September, 17(13. ,
liulf:;lu, tiept. 1.—,1.1011ler tublrl:
011 the Nlugura (milder ie ,tssurixl,
ate tt result of yesterday afternoon's
meeting of tho extent- um 111 ttee
to ,` d
Klieg of Servie Ueepulrs of Being o
%lemur deepulrh. TheMittnge Zei-
tung 10 -day states that King Alex-
ander of Sorvla, realizing that he
cannot ezpeet eindiren of his owl,
hue dr•termival to adopt a peasant
boy ae he eucceesor to the thrum..
The absence of au heir hoe mate
of the Niagara Free tier l.uudmarke
the N<relan royal family lin en_
kin uud ue°n had a la'Uow.
Arrnugements were partly made' n fu''w 10011110 ago brcuusorhlh0qur00 lcr
for the Neuf ring of n tablet t0 ` trioxl lit palm of[ on iho k'neg us
he pinrc;l at the Devil's Hole era- ' her own a new-born babe teat unit
[lou of lir Uor,ge Railroad,in of lire attendants had procured
rommlmunttinn of the masoncr0
14'111ell 1.0,o1; 01,100 at that 1)10t on -Tee queen's rl14xo1uto IuabllN hart'
Sept. 111 h. 1781. .A band of Seset% ulxo u,ldetl to Oso king's Nr1 nr,v S.
Indians ambushed n British supply - Her wino has more thati 011e0 iron
traps, and only 'hese 0f the white: Ilakr.l ulth army ufflcore 1000 court
rare e0(tap(l. The tablet trill be; offblue, 01 olive) the king id 1011l -
110v011'.1 11.1111 ceremonies 1,11 8,01-
nnlay-: `;epi. l:llh. The details of
111,' eer,ow]y will be arrange:I LOST (AUNT OF CHILDREN.
later. The tablet 1s the gift of
happiest monarchs In Enrols. The
the Gorier, Rallroei 1,
i Loudon Stun Ilad So Macy Ile Could
Not Support Them.
LOCOMOTIVE PICKS A MAN CP, Lmml .rpt, L—Thr trouble• of
the old lvmua:n 1)110 lived In a shoe
And Carnes Hen 1)iietoisrieue for ere not Norte mentioning ulnngsblo
Eleven 31 Dee op the PI of those, of William Clarke, who 10110
urralgied in the Southwark Police
Court the other day, charged with
leaving Ids wile uud three children
deet [lute.
Clarke pleaded that hie progeny
wile leo numerol1N for ids to take
rare of, ❑1s Orel wile here him six-
teen children, its 00001111 wife twenty.
The wife, who wax called ae a wlt-
mo-130, sold she thought she had only
eighteen children, but there we1e sit
1011 11y she WON IPA sure.
Tho- prisoner said that one at
least of h111 eons Nue dead, but ae to
the resit IIP P011101 10 t way- hent many
were now; living.
1'tunberhuid, 31,1., Sept. 1.—The Iter.
11, 11, Osborne, of Hackettstown, N
J„ rode nnennecloue for eleven tulles
between Tunnellon and ltovelesbury,
WV, Va., this morning on the pilot
of the engine drnwtng the Daphne's
and Ohio express train li. The trshh
stopped at llowleeburg to coal and
the Inanimate form was totted lodged
on the lore bumper. Mr: Oe J0rne '1 01
struck by the engine at 1'unneitln.
Ila wee bruloed about the head, body
and legs, and was dazed by the ex-
perience, but the phyetclane at ltow-
leeburg say he will recover. Mr. Oe -
borne le 70 years old. He had been
iesieting at the Weet Virginia Nor-
thern camp meeting near Kingwood.
The cooking school girl doesn't al-
ways pan out.
What we one strength of character
lit ourselves we are apt to call club-
bornneee In other people.
The New York police have found
tho body of a man with one leg
severed, In the river. The man one
about 115 years old, 5 (eet 10 Inches
tall and wedghnl about 225 pounds.
In the trousers pocket was found a
gold ring studded with three amt