The Blyth Standard, 1902-09-04, Page 6"ore Of Reaching Them MI. L rural Virginia preacher look ad- vantage of neighborhood hullabnfoe over a ribbed chicken coop In the following manner: "Dear Frlende- I'se about to take up n election for t teardiechurch,ran' t) ann' I nu , P clay' dat, It dor am ny nigger here to -night what had a han' in eleal- in' Farmer Jones' (dickens 1 doan' Wan' hint to put nufflu' Ill de plate,' this le an OId Murkiest -Supposing a fellow wag going to °hoose a wife. colonel, how would you (Idris° him to set about it The Colonel -I should advise him to select a little one. Mutktne-What for? The Colonel -Because, when tt Is a queetlon of a choice of evils, it In best to choose the least. -Philadel- phia Bulletin, Lost His Rheumatism By the use of a bottle of M. Jacob's 011, SF.ROEANT JEREIIIAI( MAILER, of Ardoath, Royal L•ish ('onstabu- ' lary, says: "My (tired, Mr' Thomas Hand, Ime betel n great sufferer from rheumatlam In the back and joints for the last lour years, dur- Ing which time he has employed many different methode of treat- ment, but obtained nu relief whaf- ever, and for the last two years bee been unable to walk without a stick, and sometimes two "Mks, and wag in great pain constantly. I Induced him to procure a bottle of &t. Jacob's 011, which he applied With the most astonishing and marvellous effects. Before he had DOMINI using the contente of the first bottle he could walk readily ;without the aid of a stick, and af- ter a few appllcatlone from the almond bottle he was tree from pain and has been ever since; and although' fifty years of ago and a farmer, he can walk and work without experiencing any pam or dirt[eulty whatever." Knew Where Ile Was. While Willie was in the cupboard Ono day bis mother, on hearing the iid of the sugar bowl rattle, celled to hint, 'Here, young man, get put Of that sugar.' "I'm not in the sugar, it'e the su- gar 'at's 1n me,' replied Willie, with Itis mouth [ult.-Little ehronlele, MIluard's Liniment to used by PO - Octane. A Beotouese Opinion. Tetuher-Have you ever heard of the "Happy Ielee of (teepee"? Little Waldo -Yes, ma'am. Teacher -Can you tell me some- thing about them? Little Waldo -They are pleeee of Mirk entirely surrounded by beano DreCarson's Tonic Stomach and Constipation Bitters Made from the formula of an eminent Canadian physician, who hoe used the prescription In Ste practice for many yeah with most sadsloctory results. A Purely Vegetable, Tonic and Blood Partfter. Price so cents per Bottle. Clonally you can obtain the preparn- t tion of your local druggist, but fl you cannot obtain it in your neighbor- hood, we will seed one or more bus- tles on receipt of price (10,' per hat- ' tie) carriage prepaid. Pamphlet sent FREE on application. 1IIL GHRSON MEDIGIN . GOMPIINY TORONTO LIBBY'S NATURAL FLAVOR FOODS Are V. 1. oereru..i la• ,Mee. PerigpW� ge.kd • 0kNNF,O FOelw,.se to roe Frwb, DNa1 `d`.iklsedr In ,*i Put ep is ounv1 ealentt.t. Es will sradar«lt nirn,Ispat PIrgsroeel( bbl' LIB$Y, McNEILL & LIBBY, CHICAGO The World's Greatest Caterers. Osr •.wo fi."o.noww r1n.0MaesfGaionverses APPLES DEO; YIPOND & COet Montreal We solicit your cnn,Ignmenre I , tIonirent, Write or wire nn. Prompt ext•. N.B.Ciarshall&Co 191 King yl. East, Hamilton, Ont. WAN1' RMLIA FILM Ali ENTN 10 Pell Mos, Coffee., totting powder*. .Vire., *straete etc., to emt0nner,, 1 m1 Cnn rusk, money. ofakirs wanted. l.n•enrut territory vacant now. RQIT FARM FOR SALE-ON8 OR THIl finest to the Mager' Peninsula, se .nonaa,,10 miler from Hamilton obi two mM- waya, MO acres le fa t5 of which Is in toil rooee�q es. Will be sold in one parcel er Q►idy in tete of H to Ib agree to Hutt poo a . box was aq t}aa Isis tor, P. P. O 0 dented bargee A1d assate Young Plants I QUESTION OF THE Every fanner news that ORIGIN OF SPECIES. !' O , 80000000 0000000000000000 some plant, grow better I ;, I .tt( than � othei'o. 5011 May be the same ThC 01'lgln of ep,oies ig placed ill a naw light by �ho reoeoL_ rrmnrknble and seed 111,11 seeln the sante • work of t'1•o(. Hugo de trl'tl, of .'tm- but some pants are weak and stercblm. Tht. lotlnlet httn been 1; the first Intrellgato to watch ihr others strong, formation and drveloptnent of new And thtit's the way with IormesProtifncrdllltt� t 1N entnrrre ullb' children. They are like young of rliddrot chnngs and never of pnro- ftletralve varlatinn. The "einglr, vartu- plants, Same food, same home, I tions" among culltvatat planta sug- same care but Some grow big serial looking fur the some pllenonu- j- anon in wild 'louvre. Of 100 gpeolee and strong while others sta Milan and weak. Scott's Enutlsion offers an easy way out of the difficulty. Child weakness often means starvation, not because of lack of food, but because the food does not feed. Scott's Enullsion really feeds and gives the child growing strength. Whatever the cause of weak- ness and failure to grow -- Scott's Emulsion seems to find it sand set the platter right. Send for free sample. Scott & Powue. Chemi•ta, Thome, Ontario. Sec. sad (, oo; alt dn,ggist, y studiod, the only one showing change Novel Hai hers Sign. ' It yon can't rodeo 10 cents rnlee wIlskere," len alga in a barber shop in, a certain Indiana town. Ask for AHnard's, and take no other. Ills Error • "I tcad you to pat our adrertlee- meet next to pure reading matter," acid the great agent of the great medicine compaay. didn't we?" queried the bust - nem manager In aurptlsr, "No: jou put It nett to a t'ItyCoun- cll report." Lifebuoy Soap--disinfectant-ia strongly recommended by the medical profession as it safeguard against infectious diseases, as HOW A PERSON IS DROWNED. was Ornothera Lnmarcktana, one of the Amer:can evening prlmroeee, and of 50,000 descendants of this plant produced In ten yfre about 800 have been an altered epontaneouely that they nre regarded air forming seven now 8prcles. Three epe'les are mostly very conatant, the charaeterlstios of the new parent l eingT reproduced In successive generations. Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend. Jollying Uncle Ham. Officials of the U. S. war depart - meat have read with biome ltmtdie- ment an editorial in the Manila Amet lean, nommenting upon rho "'warlike condition prevailing ht the United ;'States." The paper says: "It Is time to call a halt. The civil commleelon or the strenuous Preeldent should got busy. Tho hon- orable senator from Texae hue tak- en the honorable senator from In- diana by the throat and choked him. Thu exact detail' aro lacking. Hating been so long le this hlelsed and peaceful and well ruled part of the United States, we don't know what has happened. Steps should be taken to stop these dis- graceful Insurrections In the Unit- ed States Senate. The District of Columbia should return to military rule." Curious Marriage Custom. In some parte of Brittany a cur - tette marriage custom prevails. On certain fete days the marriageable girls appear 111 red petticoats, with white or yellow borders round them. The cumber of border. de- aoteo the portion the father le willing. to give his daughter. Each white- band denotes 100 francs per antum; each yellow band repro - smite 1,000 trance a year. It Is* Fallacy to Suppose He Rises Thrice to the Surface. ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and Diem. It is a very common bellef that a tides from hordes, Blood Sparta, Curbs, drowning nine most 1, :sonrtly rise to the sttrfao:, three times, no more and leo len, before Inc can possibly ,frown. There to little ground for this euppositlon, although it has bees al - moot univrreally believed le for gen- erations. Tee truth is that a drown- ing person ntly sink the first time never to rime again, or he may, an lin Indeed does In the majority of eases, rine three times before be strike forever. It all depe:ubn upon the quantity of water that he owallows when he stoke and the site of his lungs. The human body in life naturally floats reline the lunge aro Inflated. As long ns tine keeps !tie head above the our - (neo of the water he can float face up Without having to move found or foot. But as soon as a person sinks he gulps and Imbibes n quantity of waive. If after he Sae swallowed the water he haus any air Jett bit his lunge he will undoubtedly rise again and will continue to sink nndl rise alter- nat•ely until all the air le expelled from hie lunge, when be, will drown. 1;. most CASON the frightened victim 01 an accident swallows enough w:l ter when he fleet sinke to leave him In a very exhausted condition, but tie there is stip air left In his lungs he goon finde himself on the enrfnce agatln. Each time he sinks, however, the supply of air In his {nogg grows less until ultimately there le no longer sufficient to sup- port film, hays fall and brume themeelf. Grownup n tl tetra opralu muscles by overdoing whole- some exereloe. The when and .orange Oro 1077e11 not w lib Perry Duthie PaInklller. Rub 11 well Into the thruhing flesh and relief le immediate. Splints, Slug Bone, Sweeny, Btlffee,Sprafos, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, eta. Save 150 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever knows. Sold by all druggists. The Mother-in.lew Tabooed. According to Professor Baldwin Spencer, rormert' of Oxford, now of Melbournei University, the blacks of central Australia aro tree from one "whtto man's burden." Ile has spent towered year, mak* ethnological Invrsligntions among them, awl one of hie dltcoveries was that a mother- in-law was not allowo.t to come with- in a mile of the "mia-mla" (hut) of her married daughter. If eho did eo the husband was authorised by the tribal law to use Ids club. HOW'S THIS ? We offer One Hundred boilers' Reward Inc any '11011 of 1'nl,11rrh that tenuot be cured by Hail's Catarrh 1'tire. F. J. ('HENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known P. J. Cheney for the hist 16 year, and believe him perfectly honorable In all 'matinees trans- actlone nud financially nbte to carry oat any nbllgnthono made by then' arm. WRIT a T'.rtdx, fbulraale Druggists, To- ledo, O. 11'o1.n1e17, FnnauN & M1avIN, wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hell's catarrh cure Is taken lntersahy,aet- Ing directly upon 1 he blood and mucous sur- face of the system. Trettmnnlala gent free. 1'rlee-75e per bottle. Sold try all druggists. Hall's Family Pill. are the best. A Chance for the Lord. "Dear," said the fond mother, "I must punish you for disobeying my Wise Ways of Women. No " prizes" offered with common soaps will long tempt the wise wo- man to use common soaps. The wise woman soon sees she has to pay dearly for "prizes" in the low quality of soap, in the damage com- mon soaps do her clothes and her hands. The wise woman considers hen health -bio soon ruined If she were to continue breathing the steam of adulterated common soaps, The wlee woman recognizes the difference between such soaps and Sunlight Soap -octagon Dar. 113 Volcano's Freak. During the recent volcanic erup- tion at Martinique a strange phen- omenon was noticed at certain min- eral springs near Prague. The water first turned brown and then red, re- 1 tabling this latter calor for a full . hour. Scientists are unable to ac- cotutt for this sudden change In the I water, but these who resale near the eprluige are certain that It was caused by the volcano and do not tall to potawt out that a similar phen- omenon was ollecraed Ln 1755 on the day when there was a terrible earth- quake Ln. Lisbon. Messrs. C. C. Richards & Co,: Centletnea-in June, '95, I had my hand and wrist bitten and badly mangled by a vicious horse. I suffered greatly for eeveralJaye' anti the tooth outs refused to heal,' until your ag^nt „ave me a bottle of MINARD'S LINIMENT, which I begat) using, and the effect was magical. In five hours the pals had ceased, and In two werke ay, wounds had completely healed and my hand and arm were as well as ever. Yours truly, A. E. ROY. Carriage maker, St. Antoine, P.Q. Pollee and 8tolnn,h Alike. A French writer traveling in Rus.la rends hone a clever mot of a Russian official. The writer was complaining of a remarkable and eupefciour delay in his mail. A let- ter rent by him had taken (heydays to reach Parte. The official -aid: "'The delay Is deplorable. It Is with the police as with the stom- ach -when one Is aware of it it ie working badly." Imitations abound, but Insist upon getting the genuine "'19te D & l.," Menthol Plaster. "The 1l. & I.." has BTnod the test of para. It tuna. Iia Imitation. are Impotent. " he D. & 1.." ha made by the well -know It flavin & Lawrence Co., Ltd. It Didn't Master Anyway. The following explanatory note ac- oompRaiod a Liberty, Mo., young mam'e wedding gift to a friend: "My dear girt -Yon will find In the ‘lox a thingamajig, which haw something to do with rating. It's a cross be- tween a harpoon and a hayfork. It may be for spearing pickles or stack- ing chopped eabbage. Anyway, you will be so happy that you won't care." stops the Cough and Works Ott the Cold. LnxattnearamoluhdoeTablet" eurescold to one day. No cure, No pay. Price 25 ceute. Now Feet Cali a Bird Fly 7 A*'erlann, Engtldtt and French oft) eerverr rectally' have compared 9dtos, and practically agree on the speed of beet known birds. The carrier pigeon has heretofore been credited with 110 miles an hour, but it le now agreed he le entitled, to rd). A quite recent test of 500 Mlles clawed that the most rapid pigeons swede 37 tulles au hour. On shorter dtlrtaneos none made morn then 50 miles, Frigate. birds have been credited with a speed of from 151) to 200 miles an hour. 11 ter,- did fly at that speed they would have to overcome an at- mospheric pressure of from 1(2 to 180 pounds to the lemma, foot of fly- ing ieurfnoe. T)iero 19 no certaluty that they fly more rapidly than a paesoDger pigeon. The swallow, a rapid flyer, le cred- ited with 180 mitre an hour but he can only Dy (15 tallest according to orders.' the test mentioned. "Plante, nut," said the little One, The teal duck Is brought down from 1401 to 50 miles an hour. Small birds appear fo fly more rap- idly than the largo one and have droeived many observers. The hum- ming bird does not fly as fast as "may I go to my room first?" "Yee," coneented the parent, and she e(uttousf,e followed her first-born Pearls Before swine, upstairs. Thrro Robert was kneeling The evening woe advanced when a_ by hie bed, and lite mother heard him d n earirtl , say; "Dear Lord, 1f you ever wanted larger, glow many awkward Ilitynng birch. very much to beep a little fellow In trouble, now's your thane." The whipping wag lndefinttely post- poned. -New York Evening Sun. venerable squire of ancient name _ and lineage arose to propose a toast. S°Idom have Il heard one more sen- ( eyeful. He begnq modeetly, It Is always well to begirt modestly. "I feel," ,old the good man, "that for y plain reentry squire like myself to To prove to you that 17n Chasse Ointment I;acertain M ■ ■ VY and aboolate cure for each address a dignified body like the and every form of itching, g Y blsedingnndpro:nldin��ccpiles• Prrsbylrr,v of 8l. Andretv'e, luelud-I the manulwcturere have guaranteed ff. flee lee tag in Ito number vnrloue learnt"! Moonlsleln the daitrnrru and ask yournelgh• professors, is indeed to cast pearls her et they back bon what they think ell ' Yon can use 11 and beton.. I:wlite." peyotecured. ,6e a b n, at all &were or 6nxaN8ON,BATra & Co., Toronto, He had to pause long urn he got •Chase's Ointment' further. Thu',drroue flirtation broke �r& 1 ill Tl urine rhrere,l as If they -__ or . le would never leave off. We all knew perfectly alt.lt t.lr 1:111.11 meant. I wad sitting next to hint (Ia ho epoke lb" words. I heir t th,m whit there ears•-"Twenty-Ih'e Yeure of Bt. Andrews." Keep Mlnard'e Liniment in the House. New York Central and Hudson River Railroad. The above name le a household word and the raperlor excellence of the road should be ,iUtIolent to at tract most people. but now that the rate is the game to New York and points east as by other noes no further recommendation should be etwgbt. Everybody will tell you 14 to the beat. NO NUMBUO ITR ,000 IP llnn,.ne...na V,.tmt N' kat ,S1.11� 101,,,,,. Slape,wlns of .11 .eta 101n eon a., N.ke, tt d,a."ntess marks ,.11 lr:.,Ih .suis blade, e,Ir.et. None. i,mnn,.l,f0, e$Mtt 1„sane'i tort nd f,I,rork,.,endkal.nr.Psld U.S. Nay e, 111'; cstwt.a".lt, 'ol, ll yrs. 'MINIM sarsgaa, rWI,na, blab a a $12 Weekly Men reand tto ng Rona Fide Salary. Iagent,. Nnmr to travel, others for local work. Rapid promo- tion and Increase of salary. Ideal employ- ment, new brilliant Maes. Beet plane, old established house. LINSCOTT PUBLISHING 00., Toronto. 111PERIAL MAPLE SYRUP. The quality standard from Ocean to Ocean. Your money bort 11 noteatletactory ;:OSE & I.AFLAIIF., Agents, Retreat. ISSUE NO. 36, 190•' >aDIJCATIOAAL "TRINITY” THE LEADINU Residential University OF CANADA tillable Bursaries and Scholarship, Open to all STUDENTS IN AUTO without, restrictions 1al sex or creed. 119117 COLLIDE . !Middens" for MIM {i. HILDA'S 001110E Iieeldeure for WOMEN For all information address - T. c. STREET MACl:LEM, 11.4., LL.D. thfrinftWiNeireffireWeVrilififirifiM Education for the Home To educate in the truest sense for the home is, in a word, the distinctive Ideal of Moulton Col- lege. This school for girls is fortunate in Ito equipment. A huge endow - moot accoants for tower charges than would otherwise be possible, e Address the Principe!, Mrs. Wells, for calendar. MOOLTON LADIES' COLLEGE Toronto, Ont. �aygMMtA4UINUlI;lM1WUlANIMrMVYVNUVVVVVWtlRt ALBERT SOT 'whets carolled tea year—ITS 708 ladlth es and 180 young COLLEGE diva, Two mammals - tion Seholanhlpa val- e ue 1160 and 1180 woo BELLEViLLE, ONT, ems, 1001.`~ ts!~ New Pipe -organ, Do. setae Science Rooms and Art Oallerryy resat. 1lpv added. Superior facilities ea DookkNptog, Shorthand, tetegraply, Elocution and Ay - steal Culture. College bedtime, "flame, Hall," gymnasium and resldeace heated by Pea sad lighted throughout by eledrkNy. WHl open Sept 9, 1oea, Far illustrated circular address PRINCIPAL DYER, D. 8, DEMILL LADIES' COLLEGE .18th YEAR( OPEN( DEPT. End, 1101 A thorough eourse,MIL Meat staff, (pedal rates. Write for new calendar to REV. A. I. 01510., Preeldent, St. Caldor. Ines, Ont. Mention tkle Paces. i WEDDING RINGS_ May be satlefeetorffy ordered from ea t-7 malt. Ve manufacture two styles -the wide thin oval and the narrow thick oval. Latter is quite popular. 1816 gold at iive,teven and Mae dollen. Sltecantand Wallas sent loon re- gjuest era. AMBROSE.KENT&ONS or aseiv E +f/t S'''atK set"." 15�jYONO ""t9••,SoP1t(11 S! WEST TO CURit A COLD IN ONM DAY Mrs. Wlnelow', Soothing 87rup sbottd Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All always be used for Children Teething. O druggists refund the money If It tulle to cure. soothe, the child, softensthegums cure also E.W. drove's signature IN on each box. '25e. colic and 10 rho bent remedy for Diarrhoea. Are Your Eyes Sore? If so, OPENS TUE CREAT EYE REMEDY wail relieve them. Opens la pure, pie:leant and effectual. OPENE never made an en- emy. 'P.red, weak, sore, watery, overworked, Itching, smarting• boning eyes will soon be as good as ever by ug:nr OPEISE. No fake, Absolutely al represented. Every home should have OPENE. Remit 50 cents to our address and receive a lxlttln of OPENS. The OPENS; CO., Woodstock, Oat. E. B. EDDY'S INDURATED FIBRE TUBS, PAILS, WASHBASINS, &c., Are for tale by all tiret- claw dealers. GIVE Th'hENI A Ti1Rt1AL.