The Blyth Standard, 1902-09-04, Page 5WANTED.
1000 Packages
of Butter
For which the highest price will be
paid. We furnish large and small
tube and boxes at cost.
Also any quantity of Eggs and all
,kinds of Grain wanted,
M the Old Stand.
Ainsley street • Blyth
Lime! Lime!
Anyone in need of Lime in
any gpantity should write
or telegraph us, and we will
deliver the same where re-
Nicholson & Sons,
fall and Winter
Footwear . .
We have anticipated the wants of
cold• wet weather by adding to our
stock e very large eseortment of Felt-
Iined Shoes. These goods have been all
shade to our personal order, consequent-
ly you can depend upon getting Solid
8boee in an age when there is so much
shoddy. Wegota epecial Boys' Strong
Shoe made out of Milwaukee grain
leather, sixes 1 to S. This is the best
grain leather used. These shoes are
water-proef and wear eplendidly. The
price is $1.50. you can spend a profit-
able halt hour in looking through our
stock of reliable Boots and Shoes.
We have a speeial rubber-rized leath-
er in a- Man's Heavy Shoe that is Inter-
—Miss Ella Metcalf le vleiting a CUMMING OFFER. i _*r
college friend at Weston. epeeist Combination With the norm i
—Mrs, Thomas Ballantyne is vis- Toronto Morning Paper. is.Y We have made epecial arrangements;
icing her daughter to Seaforth. with the publishers of the Toronto 1 Pii
—Six tickets were sold at Blyth World, of which Mr. W. F. Maclean,
M.P., is managing editor, We can offerl
station on Monday morning for a special summer bargain in newspaper -
Manitoba. dom—good during August and Septem- 1 -,
—Wingham beat Blyth at baseball For all $4 50
in Wingham on Monday. The score lb. eunday World, /sa year 11.50
was lo to o. Tea 81:1111 bmaenaaD, 51 a year , 0*
The Toronto World, e3 a year
We will give $0 for $9,50. ,.
Jersey, was the guest of Mrs. R, Mc- World for one year our price is 58. '►'
Commina on Wednesday. The World giyes the correct market 4
quotations. its market reporter was a 4
—Mrs, A. McNally and son are farmer le York county for many years 1
at resent making a lengthy visit and knows how to glean information •$,.
P g g y which is correct.
with friends at Newbridge. The Sunday World is published on 14
—Mr. and Mrs. John Macdonald illustrated sketches and views of ab- '1
and two children, of Ethel, spent sorbing interest,
—Mrs.. McDonald, of Newark, J' ew Or for Cit>s STAxunttu and the Daily
Saturday night and has 02 pages of le.
Sunday at the home of Dr. Carder. — e`
—Rev. Wm. Penball and-biise Ida Fel Term Opens September 2nd,
1 Penhall, of Atwood, spent last Thurs-(, . - / �—
day and Friday with their many 1 '10
) •►�� r = r'%'/to
friends in Blyth. ,i, { _t1 I1�
1, I}�ii
—Mr. W. I, McLean, B.A., left on
Saturday morning to resume his �Ord. 0e
unpin front rank the as one of the teachers in the A hoot that o
bestwbustnaes colleges
on this onutinrnt. Many •�
Vankleek If111 high school. leading commercial schools employ our grad*-
atee se to,ohar,. We do our bent to {dace a;t �.
—Mr. Wm, Moser left on Tuesday our graduates in vood poeitio,s and we have'
been more euceeesfut this year than In any '®
morning for a holiday trip through previous year. These desiring the beat in bund '
nese education should attend our school. Welte , 'sed,,
the Thousand islands. He will re. for catalogue. 1
turn by way of Rochester, Buffalo W. J. ELLIOTT - PRINCIPAL° o
and Hamilton.
—Rev. S. J, Alfie of London was ALA LADIES' COLLEGE:
the guest of Rev. John Holmes from ft. Thomas, Ont. i
Saturday till Monday, and on Sun. (TWENTY-SECOND YEAR)
day evening occupied the pulpit of The farthest south, and one of the i
the Blyth Methodist church. largest and bcht equipped i. Canada. 1 ,'/
—Mrs, ,Jerome and Mr. lIerbert Preparatory studies.
Graduating Coureee—M.L.A., M.E. 'It
Jerome joined Dr. Jerome here this L., Piano, Organ, Singging, Violin, Fine i
week and theyare now busygetting Art, Elocution and Physical Culture,'
g g Domesrie Science, Commercial, ' 4
their household furniture placed in Healthiest location, Itioderate char- 14.
their new home on King street, gas. Write for catalogue to i =►
—Mrs. E. J. Service and Mise Rosa REV. PRIN. WARNER, KA., RR,.
Ruetz, of Remus, Michigan, and Mrs. ,
A. L. Hawk and Master LeRoy—Blyth'schoot board will meet on 110i
Hawk, of Barryton, Michigan, were Friday evening of this week. i
—Miss Mary Curring is visiting the guests of jdr. and Mrs. J. G. —Mr. John Jerome, of Tiisonburg,1
with Toronto friends. Emigh fur a few days this week. is visiting his father, Dr. Jerome. I to
—Mr. Ed. W. Bradwin, of Wing- —A daughter of Rev, 'I'. B. Coup- —The Grand Trunk railway now i i
ham, was In Blyth last Friday. land, of Auburn, fell down cellar Pays an annual• coal bill of over i
—Mr. Wm. Felker, of Godericb, last Friday evening and received a 81,000,000.
I— number ofI th citizens took'
agent tabor day with Blyth friends. severe shaking np. A g ass la
mp A B y i i
—There were 25 tickets sold at that she carried WO broken to pjeces in the Pan-American circus at Clin•
rililfy* station on Tuesday morning and Mise Qoupland was badly cut by ton on Monday. i
thepieces of lass. —Harvest thanksgiving services 110
for Toronto. R il
Mr. James Moffat, of Stratford, —Mies Mabel McElroy, youngest will be bold in Trinity church on
spent the Labor day holidays at the daughter of Mrs. Wm. McElroy, of Sunday, September 2lst. i
• bome of his parents here. Blyth, was married in Chicago on —Mr. John Littlefair, of Ilderton,
—Mr. J. 13, McClinton, of West- Monday Afternoon to a young gentle. was a visitor at the home of his par- lie v T T T v v v v r t v v F T
A'Si ArAilAILIAtiMas
McKinnon 8c Co.
Our Ladies' Cloth Jackets have arrived and ►
they are dandies, We show all the new up-to-date ►
styles in short, medium and long lengths. They
are the very latest Fall and Winter Styles. ►
We will be pleased to have you call and inspect them whether ►
you wish to buy or not, but it you want to buy you will have a
better choiee now than later on. Below wo quote a few prioes:—
Ladies' Beaver Jackets, in navy, black and fawn, velvet collar,
double breveted, good value at 18.50, for 12.75.
Ladies' double breasted Cheviot Jackets, velvet eollar, stitched
lapel, mercerized lining, 15.
Ladies' Venetian Jackets, in black and grey, fly front, pearl but-
tons, 86 inches long, very stylish, 17.50.
Fine Kersey Coats, in black and fawn, 40 inches long, semi -fitting
with yoke, $14.85,
We are showing a splendid range of New Dress Goods, in
Mack and colored Homeepuns, Vicunas, Venetians, Coat,ine Bargee,
Broadcloths, 44 to au inches wide, at 50e,, 76e, 11, $1,50 and$2 par
McKinnon & Co.
field, returned from his trip to Mani- man of that city. The happy couple ante here during the week.
Raba on Tuesday afternoon. are expected in Blyth this week to —'Miss Amy Elder left on Tues.',
—Miss Bessie Ballantyne and bliss spend a portion of their honeymoon. day morning for Toronto, where she
Annie Muir spent the Labor day —In future it will coat two cents will attend the conservatory of
lbolidays with Wroxeter friends. to send a paper through the mails. masse.
—Mr. George Smith left on Tues- THE STANDARD subscribers, who —Mr. Isaac onion and Mr, J. C.
day morning for Teeswater, where have been mailing their copies to Ross were among the Manitoba ex -
be bas secured a situation at the relatives or friends, can save money cureionists who left Blyth station on
liiutei Vendome. by having THE STANDARD sent di- Monday morning.
.,—Rev, H. T. Crossley, the noted rest from the office, An additional —Misses Mina and Lou Proctor
h I h West- h e left on Tuesday afternoon for Lon -
,evangelist will preaa n . e ea copy is only $i whereas t e poatag
`field Methodist church on Sunday alone would be 81.04 a year. don, where they will attend the
r;awning next at 10.80. —There will probably be a big Forest City Business college.
—Miss Maud Goodwin will. return
—Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Mullett and
circulation of Dominion notes this
bliss Oburne Mullett, of Seafortb, ��EMX
se Birth next week and resume her fall, as a number of Canadian banks
�i ueio class as usual on Tuesday, will by that time have reached the spent a portion of Thursday and 4
;Wednesday and Thursday.
limit f the of their own
l'hn.n needing a good reliable SEWING MACHINE caunot do better than
buy a New Williams. These machines are fitted with ball bearings and are
tnadrt of the hest steel throughout. A full set of nickel silver attachments ac-
company each machine, Every machine is finished in the heat quarter•cet
golden oak, and guaranteed to do perfect work.
Friday at ye editor's home.
m o circulation
—Mr. Norman Walsh and Miss bills allowed by law. No doubt Mr. Brebner and Mrs. Kelly, of
Thameevllle, father and sister of Mr,
Bert Brebner, were the guests of the Kee
latter from Saturday until Tuesday.
—We will send THE STANDARD to �j p
Walsh of Bet
-Mary r graveand biles
several will make use of Montreal,
,Nary Bell, of Westfield, spent Sun. Merchants' Bank of Canada, and
day with their mein, Mlea Martha Bank of Commerce bills to tido them
The Popular Clothing House.
over till the circulation falls again
--Mr. Reginald Edptonds, account•any address in Canada or the United
toward winter. States for the balance of 1902 for 25 4 �YOL1y�
sat is the Canadian Bank of Com- __ j• our
at Windsor, spent the Labor , Dente. Cash with order. Send it to
4'y bottdsye here with his parents, METCALF B your absent friends.
Bv, and Mrd. J. Edmonds, —Mrs. James Crerar, Mrs. Sandy .4.4 Eye—Last Sundaywas children's day Crerar, Miss Lillian Crerar and Mas-
at the Methodist church. Appro- We Nave Commenced Our ter Wilson McTavish, of Shakespeare,
on This
prate services were conducted and a visited at the home of Mr. John Wil.
Great Summer Clearing Sale.
ambit sermon for young people and von from Saturday till Tuesday.
parents was preached by the pastor, —Blyth public sobool opened for'
Bey. John Holmes.the fall term on Tuesday morning
—Mr. and Mrs, Isaac Brown, Miss a with the following stall of teachers :
Edith Moser, Mr. George Blatchford, Mr. J. J. Bailey, principal ; Miss'
Mr. John Moore and Mr, Ed. Wilford Annie Hamilton, first assistant; Miss 4 For
took part in the program at the Kirkby, second assistant, and Miss
garden party held on the Belgrave Lockhart, third assistant. Important ',Methodist parsonage lawn last Friday changes have taken place in the.
evening. Blyth school curriculum since the
—Miss Emily Selway, of Toronto, closing for the summer vacation,
',was the guest of Miss A. M. Anderson and pupils desirous of obtaining a
from Saturday till Monday. Miss high school education can do S3 noir
,$elway is the leading soloist of one with but very little expense. Mr.
of Toronto's leading churches and at Bailey will have charge of the high
the Sunday evening service in St. school work, and Miss Hamilton will
Andrew's church delighted the con•
igregatjop,with a bpaiutiful solo. have ave onlY five CHILDREN'S
CARRIAGES left. These we will close
out atlees than wholesale oI esul pe rises
nice Carriage for 14.
Window Shades
at about half regular prices,
Wall Paper at,apecial prices.
We have a full stook of
Clocks, Watohes, jewelry,
Fancy floods, Stationery
and fohool Books.
Repairing promptly and carefully dope.
take charge of the classes formerly
taught by Mr. Bailey.
Our Announcement
New Fall Goods.
. BLYTH . .