The Blyth Standard, 1902-09-04, Page 4/title git alt otansarb.Isays "all right," Others come In
,11 ho settle way, until the whole 1000
A. S. BRADWUif, Pun/smut. i bushels are gone to 1000 different
purchasers and not one uf the
t.f BLTTR RTaIna&D, published evetT purchasers concerns himself about
rhuraday morning, is a live "'cal news
taper, and has a large circulation in it, for it is a small amount lie
Blyth and surrounding country, making owes the fanner and that will not
it a valuable advertising medium, Sub-
tosiption prix to any part of Canada or help him any. He does not realize
Ih 'u*l ed States only One Dollar per that the farmer has frittered away
in advance ; 81.50 will be charged
so paid. Advertising rata on all his crop in little dribbles and that
situ riexxecuted Printing
sppondencee oand a he is fearfully embarassed in his
sow nature respectfully solicited. business because his debtors treat it
as a little matter. But if all paid
'THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 18n2, promptly ,(which they mid do as
well as not) it would be a large
THE BEAUTY OF RAIN. amount indeed to the farmer and
Perhaps meet uf us have believed ' would enable him to carry on his
there hu been rather too much rain business without difficulty
this season. A Toronto humorist,1 —The following dispatch from Oil
while conceding the beauty of the ;Springs appeared in the Mail and
poet's thought that some rain mustEmptre of Monday last: "By falling
.$IJ.1 into every life, mildly protest' a distance of 25 feet on Wednesday
against each undup concentration of !night, Donald Sutherland, of Wing -
it as Mere has been this slimmer. • ham, 33 years of age, sustained such
However, if the men dont like it, the severe injuries that he died yester-
Aattle do, fqr the rain bas made 'day morning. Sutherland was walk-
,feeotd-breaking pasturage, and tbe,ing from Petrolea, and was run
pasturage bas been converted into down by a band ear on a bridge,
+exports of butter and cheese. By 'tile sustained a fracture of the hip
.ibis date last year there had been and internal injuries,"....Deceased
shipped from Montreal 770,152 boxes; was a resident of Blyth for several
of cheese, despite the high steamship years, leaving here two years ago
chsrges of which the railway men' with hie mother and Meter. The be -
sed the cheese shippers complain. reaved relatives will have the Sym-
: pithy of many Blytb friends In their
Respectable as that total appears,
it looks small beside this year's re.
cord, which is 1,026,196 boxes, So
that this rainfall of which we have
MO generously complained has to be
credited with a quarter of a million
bones of cheese, worth probably
58.60 a box. In the exports of bat.
ter the effect bas also been marked.
This time Last year the shipments
6hs0 reached 180,622 packages; so far
;fhb year they total 228,814 pack.
—The Dominion fruit inspector et
1 Winntpog has sent to the department
of agriculture at Ottawa a box of
apples taken from the middle of a
consignment of apples shipped to
Winnipeg by an eastern firm. The
apples were described by the shipper
as " fancy Canadian apples," The
specimens sent to the department are
very poor quality indeed. Twenty
of them weigh only 28 ounces,
Twenty hen's eggs of good average
size would weigh 40 ounces. It is
A writer in a recent issue of the too bad that Ontario fruit is being
Prairie Farmer has the following to shipped to the excellent markets of
ay of farmers who become affected Manitoba and the Northwest Terri-
o iia prize tories la this manner. i is {Wittig
WIN, man who gets to running the trade out and playing directly
for office habitually, is not fit for into the hands of fruit growers and
much of anything else after a while, shippers from California.
We have had two close neighbors —Mr. Reginald Kennedy, presi-
who were comparatively well fixed, dent and managing director of the
and who, through this terrible office Times Printing Co, Hamilton, passed,
'd(sesse, are now out of farms, and away in the Times ward at the
also out of office. A god farm,(Uamilton general hospital at 9,45
'well taken care of, beats any coun- Monday evening. About 10 days
ty office all to pieces, and it may be:ago he sustained a bad fall, slipping
kept aa long as you live if you will ; on a banana skin, and his head was very low.
stay by it and take care of it. I!severely cut. IIe suffered from
would rather see a young man work-' heart trouble and shock, and was
Ing for a farm any time than for an taken to the hospital last Thursday.
Mr. Kennedy was 56 years of age.
He was a prominent Mason and
Workmen, and was one of Hamilton's
most papular and enterprising citi.
zene. IIe was a director of several
loan and ineurance companies, and
was also president of the Perrault
Printing Co., of Montreal. Deceased
leaves a widow and one daughter.
—The residence of Mr. James
Logan was the scene of a pretty
wedding at high noon on Friday
last, when his daughter, Eliza, was First-class Horses and Rigs for
united in marriage to Mr. Samuel B. hire at reasonable rates.
Gorwill, of London. The bride, who Best of accommodation to Com•
was charmingly attired in cream mercial Travellers and others requiring
lustre, with trimming of sick ap- riga.
`try. Nevertheless, there is truth in plique and chiffon, and carried a
'the contention that there is a type of beautiful bouquet of cream roses, i Veterinary office at livery stable.
chronic; offine-seekers, who, upon: entered the room leaning on the arm •
'entering pdblfc life, begin at once to of her father,, to the strains of the HAG AND QUEEN STREW,,BLYTH,
'neglect their farms, and such men wedding march, played by her Ms -
should be quietly left at home by ter, Miss Tena Logan. After the
'thouglatfal taxpayers, because if they ceremony, which was perfurmed by
neglect their own private affairs Rev. Wm. Penhall, of Atwood, the
they are also very likely to neglect guests repaired to the dining -room, 'v v.rvwva n
their polite business, where covers were laid for 25. The
colur scheme of the decorations was
—We presume that some people pink and white. The presents were
think we newspaper men are persist- numerous and costly; showing the
est duns. Let the farmer place him. high esteem in which the bride is
self in a similar business position and held. Guests were present from Oil
see if he would not do the very same, City, Guelph, London, Goderich and
Suppose he raises it crop 01 1000 bush- Harlock. THE STANDARD joins with
els'of wheat'and his neighbor would the many friends of the happy couple
come to buy a bntihel and the price in wishing them bon voyage over
was only the sum of $1 and the the'mlatrimonial sea.
neighbor says : "I'0 pay you the sum
is a few days" As the farmer dont-28 cents pays for THE Blau
want to be small in the matter he STANDARD for the balance of 19o2.
Blyth, Rept, 0.—Wheat. Boo to ego, nar)ey,
650 to 40o, rete, 00n to 70o, Oats, 290 t0 30o.
Ngga, 144 to 160 Hutu r, 10, to 14o. Potatoes,
40,0 to 400. Mom, 64 to 6o. Har, 86 en $7 LatA,
160 to 15c. Port, 9.7 to $9. Flour, $9.00 t0 89.96.
Wood, 8176 to 82. Wool, 14o 4015o.
Goaw1r,l—Lou AN,—At the residence of
the bride's parents, Morris, on August
29th, by Rev. Wm. Penhall, of At-
wood, Mr. Samuel B, Gorwill, of Lon-
don, to Eliza, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. James Logan.
—The Chesley Enterprise trusted
one of its subscribers for three years'
subscription and now the subscriber
refuses to pay up. The Enterprise
tells us that this bogus stibst rlber s
a great church worker, but considers
it no harm to do dm printer.
Our fall importations of fashionable
Dry Goods are weekly arriving. We
invite inspection. flutter, 16c. G. E.
KING, Wiugham, std
70o, 85o and $1 per Dozen.
Wooden and Fibre Pails at standard
prices. ,Lard Tubs two for 25c, or one
for 1.6c.
Crockery, Broome, Wash Boards,
Groceries and Con fectionery up -to -da to.
A first-class variety of Cigars of the
beat brands—that famous Pebble cant
be beat in the 50 line. Try it.
The leading brands of Tobaccos and
Teas always hell stocked.
For Bread Stuffs or anything in the
Bread line we fear no rival.
Bride's Cakes made-to-order or trim-
med at moderate prices,
A Few
Our prices on the above are
We in Canada can quite agree
with the statement, '' a good farm
well managed beats any county
office," but then there is no reason
'why a successful farmer should not
become a useful public official at the
same time. In fact many such can
'be pointed to id this country. Num.
erous practical and thorough agri-
culturists pass through the muni-
'oipal councils and on to the provin.
'dal legislatures or Dominion parlla-
'ment, where; distinguished by pru-
dent sagacity and intelligence, they
become an 'ornament to their pro-
fession and an honor to their couu-
- scenes
J. 5,110:ZR - - 8L?1`8
Many Bargains in Summer
Goods may yet be had,
.. SOME . .
J. A. Anderson's
During the wet weather as much as possible—that is
keep as much shoe leather between the soles of your feet And
Mother Earth as you can conveniently carry.
It's wisest in the beginning and cheapest in the end to
provide yourself with Shoes having good solid Bees, --Cot
proof and water -proof if possible.
We are selling exceptionally good Shoes of just this sort
for men and for women, children too.
Well built, with broad heavy soles and with stout uppers.
The women's styles most as mannish in appearance, but not
so clumsy or heavy as the men's shoes.
Men's, $1.5o to $4.
Ladies', $ to $3.
Boys', $1.25 to $2.
Girls', $1 to $2.
LIVERY 813rt1,,
4.64) 00000
Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S.
0 00 00 00 0
4.41, etieiwk,or,N�
d When we assert that
Kidney Pitts
Cure Backache, Dr psy,,
Lumba_;o, Bright's Dis- i
ease, Rheumatism apd all
other forms of Kidney
Troubles, we are backed
by the testimony of all
who have used them.
By 04 drog;!i.M or mail on receipt of price,
6o c,:ott, Dr. L. A. Smith & Co., Toronto.
To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription
kr men, women and children than Ripens Tabules. They
are easy to take, They are made of a combination of medi-
cines approved and used by every physician. Ripens Ta -
butes are widely used by all sorts of people=—but to the
plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need.
Ripens Tabules have become their standard family remedy.
They are a dependable, hpnest remedy, with a long and suc-
cessful record, to euro Indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and
stubborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness,
palpitation of the Heart, sleeplessness, muscular rheumatism,
sour stomach, bowel and liver complaints. They strengthen
weak stomachs, build np rundown systems, restore pure
blood, good appetite and sound, natural sleep, Everybody
derives constant benefit from a regular use of Ripans Tabules.
Your druggist sells them. The five -cent packet is enough
for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 60 cents, con-
tains a supply for a year.