The Blyth Standard, 1902-09-04, Page 1, • d't
SART WAWANOSIL sheep house 70 feet. A lot of chick-
Nerru—Ploughing and sowing ena were also Ioet. There was an
to wheat is the ogler of the day. insurance of 13350 on the buildings
,...Threehing is in full swing. and contents. How the fire origin -
;Joe of the grain is coming out mad is a mystery. At 12 o'clock
MlIgh• owing to the wet weather tn his neighbor, Kr, H. Warren, hap-
*" early part of the harvest- The pened to be up and saw no indlea-
,414 easing Is 1 true one if you welt tion of Are whatever. Whether the
enough you will get jut what building wee set on fire, or whether
roe want....The harvest weatber We grain heated itself will remain a
Wei flee last week and most ,of the mystery. Certain it 1. that Mr. Snell
rests got through, Gaunt wine lied no Ire around the barn at any
peas which are quite greet) time. Mr, SneII has been pertiou-
...Ur. Jona Coultee snipped Orly unfortunate; In 1869 the hones
As load of laMb. on Saturday lst. and contents were burned down k in
..Mr. Rohert Mason spent Sunday flve years he hu lost Ave imported
;;41h Red line Mends. ...Mr, hale horses worth &moo, and during 12
n left on Monday for the west. years there were 11 deaths In the
0, wish him every ammo on his hoose. He is one of the most enter.
prising farmers in this section and a
great deal of sympathy is manifested
r" UIIU, Being withal" stabling It Blyth council was held in Industry
The Boy Dld is.
A rather simple looking lad halted
before a blacksmith shop on his way
home from school, and eyed the do-
ings of the proprietor with much In.
The brawny smith, dissatisfied
with the boy's curiosity, held a piece
of red-hot Iron suddenly under the
youngster's nose, hoping to make
him beat a hasty retreat.
"If you'll give inc half a dollar
ni lick It," said the led.
The smith took from his .pocket
half *dollar and held It out.
The simple looking youngster took
the coin, licked it, and slowly walk-
ed away whistling.
Rio& Clointoit.
L 0111110R0 The regular monthly meeting of
atn.—Announcement le made
of Ibi 'wedding of Miss Elva Adams
SO Mr. Boyd, the representative of
large manufacturing establishment
kCilloago, which will take place on
Wednesday of next week. The
Why Man is a native of Lacknow,
his kaleIs still engaged in
MIm Adams is rs handsome
lady and se charming In man -
*1 good looking. She is likewise
musician. The happy event
looked forward to with much in.
.. MIN Lou Onimette returned
to lot week to resume her
studies....Haryesting toper -
re now about over and the
in busy eh:milling and
.A weigh wide hes been
;he Grand Trunk station
will 6e a ounvenlenue to Clip-
Mat4 Mains put it in phew.
111e1 Webb has received
er tor his snperftne flour
oboe somewhat delayed
owing to the difficulty In
Edwip Wood,
01 medieme in tbe Nash.
unlTirisy, spent a few days
pallweek with his brother,
nk Wood, at the homestead
*IMtith con. Ile also called on
Dr McCallum, who was a junior et
• WNW medial college, Montreal,
whim Dr. Wood was in his final yeer.
There are three member of the
liy, Frank on the home.
, Edwin at Nashville, Ten -
and Rev, Lou Wood at
n, 'North Carolina,
BARNA Boingo,—Mr, James
es a breeder of there -
Mod k, and one who has done a
'to bring the reputation of
n bree6en InW prominence,
Wlib,a, serious lose on Monday
night 'of last week, and one that will
Foie a Tory honey blow to him, by
burning of his buns and stables,
together with their entire contents,
, 'They just finished harvealg on
, -
y eveuing, the oats being the
to go in, and the, family *re In
spirits at haring completed
work so well.' 'The barn was
Ailed to its utmost capacity, ,Mr,
;! *Null. remarking that the term had
Weyer yielded ench crops before. h
Tres dark before they were through,
bus they bad no lights in the barn,
' • aadelthen they retieed for.the night
'Tumbling seemed 'to be perfecti,
Ude. 4.1 1,204.m. Mr. Snell woke
and noticed that it seemed un -
Ii Ikrta', and was jest about to
;Wen over and go to sleep again when
• ,itat Si the flames, and waking the
he hurried oat le order t,o
stare whet tie conid. The barn
proper'''. a Dos of &dm, os V
We Are bad been burning for some
thui, apparently starting at the south
944 Irs the gable was a twe-year-
"Old thorebred hull, which lied just
been sold, but not delivered ; this ne
was not able to save, but a ?Wilton
may be necessary for MO to sell MT hall on Tueiday evening. All the
his stock, etc., but at present he Is mamba, present,
undecided as to what he will do.
and bull In the eheop, humus
b. aged to save, although the
bree times made Attempts
ck In, It was with great
unity that the delving abed,
some distance from the stable, was
used, BB it was a couple of times on
Ire. The, barn nonyained the orep
01 10, tome of fail wheat, 18 of her-
, 38 of oats, 10 of peas, and 40 of
y, with a number of implements ;
Snidely his reaper asd binder
het cult over night. The
limikliaga burned comprised a barn
116 i lung, stable 116 feet, Ind
Minutes of last regular and special
ASISFIELD. meetingread and passed.
Coulson, Mzierleo.—The council -Coun. Milne moved, seconded by
met on August 18th With all the Coup. McNally, that the following
members present. Minato. of June Recounts be mid --E. Livingston,
meeting read end approved. Messrs. electric, light for August, 941.25, and
McGillicuddy and Wilson, of Gode- luraber, 45,40 ; James Barr, salary
rich, preeented a petition signed by for August, 625; James Hill, lam -
91 ratepayers of Ashrield asking that ber for scales, floc; T. W. Scott, ex -
n hylaW In favor of a certain section press ebargea on collector's roll, 25e.
of the said township taking stock in —Carried.
the Huron, Bruce and Grey electric Conn. Sloan moved, seconded by
railway to the amount of $25,0o3, be Conn. Milne, that the tax rate for
submitted. The odd action may 1902 be 18 mills.—Carried.
be desoribed as polling sub-divielone Byiew No, 9, re striking the tax
Nos, 4, 6, 0 and 7. Moved by rate for 1902, was read three times
Thomas Blethers, seconded by W. and pasted on motion of Cones. Me -
Hunter, that this counell submit a Nally and Stothera
bylaw to the ratepayers of a'seetion
Coun. McNally moved, seconded
of the township of Ashfleld in favor
of taking stook in the Baron, Bruce by Conn. Sloan, that John W. Bell
be uppointed tax ooliector for 1902
and Grey electric; railway to the
at It salary o1640, be to give mild-
ew:met of $25,00o, said portion of
facy torsecurity.—Carrled.
the township being described by •
Council then adjourned.
metes and bounds in the petition now _
presented ; and that a committee susfortb Beet woodoodi.
consisting of Reeve Dalton and W. Meows. I. A. Jackeon and R. M.
Stothers be appointed to sot in cent MoKey went to Woodstock on Mon -
junction with township solicitors to day and insisted the Seaturth inertia°
rrenge terms and conditions. ,Moved club in defeating the ‘Voedstock club,
by John McIntyre, seconded by senior champions of district No e
Thomas &others, that a by law be the C.L.A. The score was 7 to 8
prepared fleeing the rates for the In favor of Seaforth., The game was
current year as follows; Countyrate
, an exhibition one, and, according to
1 4.10 township rase 2I Utme, the following, which we take from
epeeist school rate li mills, and a the London Free Preis of Tuesday
rate sufficient to meet she require' last, was more than an exhibition of
moots of the different sebools in the lacrtese " Woodstock's pride had a
townehip. On motion of !timers, severe fall yesterday when the Be.; v -
Barkley and Mantel' the council ad. en from &earth went down and
journed to meet on September 27th. won from the Woodstock seniors by
a score of 7 to 6, and would proh-
WESTFISLD. ably have made it more had they
LECTURE.—The Wellhead Epworth not been nearly cut to Mean. Bea-
Leegue have engaged the Rev. Dr. forth has a cracking good Interme-
Medd, of Hensel!, to give his most dlate team that plays to win all the
popular leetare, "Wooing and Wed- time They went to Woodstock with
ding," on Monday evening, Bement -
the determination to make their
ber 8th. Admission, 10 cents A opponent' play a firetelass article 111
grand time is expected. 'Everybody
order 10 land the verdict, oven if it
welcome. Dont mit. a treat.
was ooly an exhibition game. Wood.
stock was confident of winning and
Girl Trimmed a Tramp.
Miss Frances Beesley, of Keplen's before the gaine'boasted of what they
would do in the line of running up a
Mills, Pennsylvania, who us visiting
big score. Bat there was a different
fiends near Richfield, New Jersey,
tale to tell afterwards. Seaforth
gave an Impudent tramp a lesson in
scored four In the first three quer-
manners Saturday morning.
Miss Beesley, who Is 19 years old, telewhile Woodstock six
and pretty, went for a ride on her "i0itcThen the latter began to
carve up the visitors instead of play.
bicycle, and after climbing a steep
ing the ball. The Seaforths kept
hill sat down to rest enelor a tree.
She was epjoying the beautiful pegging along attending to bushiest,
scenery when her rest was interrupt• and actually succeeded in ecorIng
ed by 'Or/me w,ho ddenly made
three times, winning the game, It
tile a ppea ranee from nearby barn was a sore blow to Woodstock and
where had been hiding. nvete not relished by the spectators,
e , who numbered something over 1000.
1"11"1" BeelkY'l d'Wde)' "d Wen t e game ended these people
started, to grasp her arm.
are said to have made a rush for theMIs. Mos SeealeY MesPed 10har e_„viejling team, the letter being quite
and tut he put out hie hand seized it
unable to withstand so determined
and gine it a twist thecanoed the
an emelt. More than half of the
fellow to cry out ,with pain. The
Seaforth team were bettered up in
young woman had boxed a little
this way ; the damage begun by the
with her brother and the nail' mo -
Woodstock players being completd
ment she gave the tramp the surprise
hy the spectators. Tum Johnson,
of his life, by landing a stinging loft-Ineksn and Don McLeod, of
hander on his chin. As he staggered ,
, the Seaforne, were quite seriously
backward she followed it up with a hurt by theme's. A spectator of the
hlow from the shoulder that sent him acetic deuribes it as one ol the most
to grab" • dit,graceful ever seen on a Canadian
Mies Beesley's blood wu up, and 1,„1„eas fieldwith one „moon,
she mood welting for the trtmp to Woodstock had ou their lull senior
rise. When hedid gel up sbelinock• t„on. OOTy Ile.. waa completely
ed him down again, although he tried up in tin air In the last quarter, find
to strike her with his fist. in fact the whole WoxIstenk team
The Iasi blow settled tha tramp, ware carried oh their feet. Swabian
endh, begged Miss Weiler not to !hate good reason so exult In their
kit bhp again. r ivietory."
* 7 •
No. 4,
Capital, all paid up, $r,000,000. Reserve, $1,600,000.
Total Assets, $19,91o,000.
Notes Discounted and Collected. Drafts Issued.
General Banking Business Transacted,,
Sums of $r and upwards received and interest allowed,
compounded half yearly.
It May Seem
A Little Early
Have just received another large consignment
of Carpets in Brussels, Tapestry, Wool, Union and
Hemp. Also Linoleums, Floor Oils and Curtains.
Why give 15 or zo )er cent more when you can
get the same quality lere for that much less.
Have you seen our Fancy Blousings and
French Flannels. They are the newest thing in
the market and are selling well.
New Dress Coods
Arriving every few days. This department
has grown rapidly, and why ? Because we have
the best value that is obtainable in the market. If
you need anything in that line it will pay you to
A large range of Hosiery and Underwear re-
ceived this week which we are selling cheap.
Men's and Boys' Clothing
at astonishingly low prices.
Are at present visiting the fashion centres,
picking up the most up-to-date novelties.
The Western Fair
• • LADAnDora-
SEPTEMBER 12-20, 1902
Prof Rutehinen, the Timone Bond, in a thrilling Balloon Anteretion and
Parachute 1011, Th. ra,rvvi Mole utze The ()mato.), in a neuentiun 00-
vedy. 'the grunt tie), I Ito lintolrrt! Klug. The 011tnne, Continental Bernhtn-
gnu., Bitten ng ,liri Crots, 0,o,, Atonunedee how Nmon, With 1.1,10
tr0111141 Of Tr mod Tropical Birds. 13d lis qi., 40ru51tle Chrla-
a. M Joh„, 115 sI Pyroteebolus nod runny (Mr r 5 at.
Urea f1)11,C0l train 101.VICP over 10 ,111P/1 FAhhire feather mbeed thou the
Won Grounds ineirhuUnly 4rAutilui, ituildlogn heetintahly Welting.
Prize Um, Maps, retreats and an enormities for the sells from
President. Secretary.