HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-08-28, Page 7BACK TO HEM FIRMS, ami three buttered W such h 1111 e I dont at noon, wh he he g erailerlmxi CRPTUflEO ENTIRE 6RN61 lent that cutiec rutwlldln would be r 18 d1t u0rhd. The Jude sold If he. re neem, to nook", them "fife. EvuO U 'I Ur.1I IO re rated hie remark' he would hand finlike! of tree I, rtru to Ute wu0_ 01] LYYU I!hu wcr lo the sii rftf, who w,. Boers Trekkin? From +'our "melees and door motto, hod 1101 token away by the troop, for Hee- wo el, the furniture wax 10 leer° to the be ,.ecu: the. fences 1141 µone; the terra land been stripped of 24(1'tlmb' Concentration Camps, h.1111(11)4 ante the general appear - mine of the dune was woebegone In ^'-- the extreme. The eight of at few We, Is or at rut or dug ur goat would PAST THE RUINED FARM HOUSES Iles'" 111110ed the weue 411 00108 or Int desolation, but not at tam haeme Tete Trnnees 111 Lender, Johnuoee- '041('4 we ewe even n spark of life. berg, Contnlne a eerie,' of meted"" veil the blots of the veld sees 1 to neo(, the xtrlekrn habitations, on Rep:url'ctlon, the writer of which landthe roughing of the r!mu it hree:R lase travelled with n family return- Through Thr' s't'umbling 01100 chllfrvl lag from One of the concentration Ourretbthru e'ls and felled ur 111 wllh dark follllgs, SOmrlmtw, :"(leer we 11'1d camp' to the old (04) In the Nyl- Fumed several quell ruluH, rhe warmth stroom district. Before leaving of the 00ns1)1ne seenl041 out to reach Camp, It was necriesnry for the u' It du•xled our eyra; it bluer" our vIolun, and we felt 0ht11ed a1d un - burghers to take the oath of elle- Ills ry. 1 w.tehel 1lonyeen elosely glance to Kinls+E1wanL and thea was 'orpwe role silently' :clung; he kept done with 011 e+tgernrse hardly to lata "yrs five.1 fur ahead, staring out be eTptwled from mon who had but •linnthonsohy ogee sUeIuldi, wI•lautgohl vglelanwitohf very rroently been etabbornly fight- mirage that lay of the far hurlton. Mg ngnlnet the ILdtlah. ,Flve men To me the mirage wee but a veil of the old-time pioneers, old Voor- of In' . to this returning exiiu- I oelval hire fr m J1h:uturehurg Indl- trekkers wit? Inme no larded. d reignited far from meat ? I d. I to hem, but he gave 111pnku agmen. 1 utkedonto that the negro problem Is grow - the Brltlrll nee In the olden ,nye, Mega what be could see ahead, and t ing more melte and caueing the au -1 men who had been to every Kaffir he Wined to me wield a harsh laugh.1 Glorifies infinite worry. war that had engaged their nation What (veil he eve? Whitt wee before Ta quote the worts of 4)!c of the In its llnoluating career, men who his pyre :' Notting much : Oily the had wltneesed the „laughter of ecroga 01 Mumu III all 118 01,1 -time torment, South African uutlorltlee: INngaan, who had impel In the es- 'Vendor. There was the western "On the question of the oativee dc - ll tt•ratm valle.v-n va1- IN TRNSYIL ack and White Equally New to Boers, MUCH FEELINC ON SUBJECT Slnletueil ore Suulh Afrleiso- Ilrllloh • bold to be 'loo 14n- Turek* Kil enl1raged to Trnculenry-tion)" Said to lave ;lot Arent. Uvaluu, Atm. 25.-111011 12,1vI» 4 rr- termination of teecocoenl'o warriore and the Capture of that altlef hint- ley with lung sloping Ades old u solo men who had helped In the weer eosin of runt fertile pasture Innis-� lag out of Mabele and MIJaJi, oven elh'orn creek ill water was ruthtn* who had enpturtd and imprisoned the lnugheng, and surging through the redoutablc Maluboch, and who, 1111100 onoµ„ of nines a loam mud the Int of their feet had fleet over pebbly idietcw and peedriftur ug lope "ether Dank str.trhes b plswrag", ranked on Atrlonn troll, had led nee. Illde ut was leg turn and barley- drf hardship and toll -triumphs and beeto au green ae the Eaternld wen reverse. -here were they title day, _curia au gulden ae the euntlgltt With the warns sunlight streaming resting on tile wentt'rn Idles. At the through the open windows and reit- foot of the kited (Mit cut Ito way ing on their bare grey hairs, swear- down the ht.l.lde 14v t1.. farmhouse Int; fealty to the first King in the -The roof of thatch uvergruwu with wilveree, Hie Majesty EJward the WON, the wads whitewashed, the Seventh of Englnnd. We hardly re- „loop broad and 0hnded by u roof of gldreel the oath of allegiance from creepers, a garde,' of roes' mad there men, They were On the ex. dlWlae, en enclosure wherein grew Semite terga of IUs; their genre had ,ole fruit that Outurtes kindness had Buoy - been spent In the performance °! Prosp:Je , Willi nd.,t:' eyes old thrlllbtg deeds, In the carving of the ren °wild 008 -far 111 tine floating Uoutli .Africa; mirage -the vlNlou a hes Mom:. He Boer progreee into yet a„ they stood up, aund'enclt with could "ce himself suuullug tin the arm raged.and two fingere pointing steep looking nlo41g the L ugth and heavenward, e400r0 that henceforth breadth of the vale'; he could ane they were Brltleh eubiects we Ire the cettlie gratinen the hllleide, the sharp and goats picking the sweeter sllsetively knew that the oaten would bite of pasture b; the crock ; It was be well kept by theca pioneers them- hate In the aft.ruocu, the kindrren Pelves and by their children and their sorra retundug from the old school ohUdree'e children, who stood near that lay nest,lrtg in the plantation by ponds the whole future of the new 0ulonlee-whether the Boer„ still loyally accept Brltleh rule or eon- linue, In a state of milieu resentment. Among the Immediate dangere native attacks on Boner returning to their farms, and attempts of native." tp vow ettult white women, are lhreuteuing to lead to various oonflete belw•eet boors and blocks. Under the old re - near 14r. Mr, Bewol( then descended to the oldrtvnik and repeated late 1''- ulerko. Judge Meagher furllnvitl1 Minded bleu ever to leu' minted. 22.1 the 7be'Iff. \Then the eeselon of the Iluurl of Trade an"e"mia, the mem-; Hers gathered on the sidewalk In front of the Comm Hearse, and wh •11 110, lletrulf appeared with the 8herlff be Iva 24 loudly cheered. 11r. Dewolf, In comp'tuy of the sheriff, later vis- ited Judge Meagher at Ids reeldrnce, and In a fete lnluule0 112,e matter was amlcably nettle.), hue the a011on of Judge 11r,'eller hat met with 111"'11 adverse rrItielsm. gime the crude but simple retribution tear nseaulte on women was 'hooting on eight, Now, however, there Is no leglelllUon on the subjoot, and the Rrillth autlsorltew aro hesitating to enact laws until all the parties eou- 0nrne,l 'nen voice their (minions. The ltcwthtnoy to tout summarily with the natives le eauelug both Boers and Af- rikuudore Inteuee irritation, and en- courage* the blacks to truculent ef- frontery. "Another phase of the problem 1s the unwillingness of the Macke to forego tltclr laze existence hl the 0041- eontrntlon camps, where thometude wenn gathered during 'the war. But far more eerloue, Is the foot that n grlvlt number of bleak' In tilo cowl - their vide' at this moment. TfiBea the time ; they 10e1'e crossing the try have managed to Inhere acute• old also, who ore Ne oloes to the '.reek by the stepping -stones, laugh- There le, therefore, the anomn(uu grave, bave tried 1011(4,3 and varied lig, chatting, dieting hi youtl.ul situation of unarmed whites ane fiorernmente; they have had the gully, they cam' along; Into the 'trent bhwke 11vlog In proximity in British to glide their footsteps on urr.harde, and they (meted on the outlying fame. F.xperieuteal Britleh more than one occanon ; they have gu:den orange, the brown skinned colonials strongly favor unlveronl 01s bad their own self-appolntell leaders, apple and the }'air; mixer. Poor old armament of the patient and promp t het. Ig the eI veatlt hour of Bcoy^eon-thee) thoughts of home Ieglelatlon making awraulteon weer life fleet vo.untarlly place them- were Rwc.t to hem, the could hear settle diener 'elver under our protection. N0 corn- the tucks crowing un the garden pe110100 le 'timet. no force, no urge- ftaee, the cattle lowlug ulr lho hlll- n ye11 1 TRIES XRAY CURE. Yuueg Ievolld Endure, Torture 11 r Fight WI 111 1'011$8111111 loo. NI'.ra, Veit., Aug. _,-i.-.t( Big Bnp- 1le 1 youlsg man 1' submitting him- self to torture 111 undergoing an ex- periment to test the efficacy of the Roentgen rays In the cure of coo - sum pt Ion,. The climate of western, 'Attlee, the all( of speculate awl everything µflown to science were tried In vain, whereupon the. invalid went to Big Repels and placed himself itt the bangle of an uncle, a well-known phy- elebun, who determined on heroic meeeures. The young man bravely sumltted to the ordeal, and for Nome time has bean treated by the X-ray preemie neck day. The thole of exposure Mae been leng- thened till fifty minute', at one sil- ting has been reached. The theory Ie that If the Roentgen rays will kill diphtheria germe they will kill consumption bacilli. For a time the patient Puttered In- tensely, Hie neck, chest, mouth and yaws were burgled so severely that Ulg hlleters *Lowed the terrible ef. feet of the rays. At one time hie mouth was fairly closed and only by Inserting a piece of pipe could liquid food be adnilnl.terod. The young' man realise. that It Is lite or death and willingly undergoes the treatment. He now feels that the germs have been killed by the rays and that by and by he will be restor- ed to health. He 1. able to wait on 111111141(, which 10 Itself Ie encourag- ing, mud ills physicians think there Is possibly a new lease of life In store for lam, IIYPNOTI1ED THE BRIDE' Queer Story That Conies From Windsor, n A SVENGAII-TRILBY ROMANCE. WLWsor despite!' Michael H. Nava., sen., 4'hl Munroe etreul, Tte- slde; he could s'e the volt end tun Y�UIIL� SENSATION uv,1 "K'c were married to - accept a accept lir to why than sinking behind the bink of clouds In Y Y day, Yuur parental bleseleg le should nccrpt a rata other than 1 rnrntslly rcquete&1 ' Amen awl their own; they have Been their the westward ; th > shadows of even - MU and Marte. springing up lit the „,we or the I MlchueI II. Nailer, sn., called on the see him, un.1, alter some trouble, HOUthem . Green hoods Swlihdle^r;. 6d,1, emu III {1, HAD MANY SUCKEHS ON Si RING, Nr3v ]bre-, .tuft. e . 1C'.mt 1, cold to be the biggest roundel, et green goods swindler■ ever mule by the Federn( authorities la thin city was urwoiwced to -day, Floe Ineu and a woman were tak- en into etlstody and nu entire green goods pleat was captured. Four of the prisoners -Joseph R. Baker, El- mer Brown, to Gottlieb end the ant- ter'n wife- were arrested In New- ark, lied George !frown awl Thomas llenry were arrested In 11118 city. According to Post -office Inspector �lichnl Moyle, he lane secured as cam- plu1nno1 ngu1l8t the presenters .An- tonio ('aperesne, a New Haven, Cool, butcher, who Paid $300 la rash, and received green paper in re- turn, Many complaints from green geode victim; have remitted the post - office recently, and the alleged "plant" was located in Newark al- ter mue11 work. Lnepecturs Oortely,u and 1Juryea, of l'idtadelplda, 1(11(1 Itallrenn and McMillan, of Reston, came here and Net to work toter the dlrect(Olt of the local heepectora Yesterday the lnspect0re saw a men come to the horse with Elmer 1100011, the alleged ".teeter," fol- lowed by Baiter, the alleged "trail. er." The pair ordered the house and came out, the vfctlm oarrylf0l a mall' attire trunk about It/ Inches long and four wide.. The "eleerer" thole haul to au express office, where the trunk, which the victim thought con- tained 1)5,0110 In bills printed from et "len government plates, was slip- ped to New Revell,. Then the Inepec- tore, planed liroww and Baker under arrest. The victim .alt he had paid letUJ for the euppoerd nlrrney and wan tbunderetruokr when the Inepeo- tore shoved 111 the truck contained may supe of green paper cul the else of belle. Soon after Brown and Baker were arrested the "plant" was raided and the Gottllebe were arrested. In the house w110 11,011,1 all manner of green goods paraphernalia, circular let- tere, n doom or more of the little inmate, and piles of green paper. Henry and Brown were arrested last night at a ferry. .411 the prisoners were arraigned to -day and held In 1_,5tµ1 bull each.. WANTED IT KEPT SECRET. Splitter Wan MI ut 1110 A, social S' Wool for Iteerulug an OOlcer, One of the officers In a volunteer 11glweut which nerved 111 the recent U. H. war with Spate Wan greatly disliked by hie melt. One eveulug lie he was returning home he slipped gentleluto .e dee water. A private et his regiment, however, happened to own leaders and their own politico lug creeping over the land, the lights their Old age, Vaad with the�kuowl. farmhoue.,.a..ro all argued, and -well, now he and her wife, hie suns mud daugh- their own peoples onpnbllltiee, they swathe, were returning to fine - edge and the tweet"' experience of tee, niter an exile of conn} weary , wlllingly take lip the new order of what 4 thinge to an example, for the young- I did not niteupt to direct hie ing stroke for the Oulu generation, hope of flailing his home in oho for they they see aged and Wiwi men lie- ,Mimi he left it. Maybe It wag lu Hume the new garment knowing the mime state as were the many that It le the beet, home we had been passing on th Th. KIop'. tlta0sroellr- P n road, and 1t were better to load him er'folk to follow. Tele Ie the tell tbo,getree, Ir0111d 111)11 Out 110 Judge anti Board of Trade Delegates. MR. DEWOLF WAS ARRESTED, tl, dney, Aug. 25. -_fudge Nicholas Meager, of the Supreme L'uurt of Auvu Ix'otla, net the town ui 0. J. Booyeea Doted as It he did to expect nothing promieing. lityduey In it whirl ties afternoon not !Ike to leave Ole camp. ,1.s the by amusing Use urr:sl there of eh. iall- Oaeq tolled Newly along be case WOMAN SAVED A PRINCE J. k:. 1Mode nue of f lalifa . The .any loaging glance" at the while 41eut Modem men of Halifax. The Rents la the rear, nee I know. that 1 � Judge wail lu Sydney to -day lead - he tied his family were leaving be- log CIcuit Court, and as Ile left hind theta comforts they hod never -- the Court Houma al 110011 he be- before known, nor were likely to came very bedlguant when he tumid know, nga t. Mrs, Buoy sen did not 1400101 to dlrgulee her regret at IPavldt and one of the girlie Marie, had 071 ebeoould do to prevent the tear, wbtcb reete*I on her eye- teeth*. from etreuming down her tape. With a clear white rend he - fore um, and with the oxen fresh and fat, we were not long In ranching the high, val. (fere, with the song of the dry groes ringing in bee safe, with the burr of fright- ened partridges overhead, and with the veld wind Flruehing through his long hair,' recalling to his memory the Joys of his ell lite of freedom and ease, Booyeen brightened up, tad we began to convenes on the events of the past and the pre- malt know, ser," Booyeeii remark- ed, as we rude along, "1 eras ',t- weet; taught that the Iloere and the Brltlslbers were born enemlee, and would die as such ; but 1 think 1 than idle as the frlend of your countrymen. 1 eerve.l Oom Paul .line 1 was a boy ever NO email. I a God-fearing man, and because I was our President ; because he was God -1041010( man, and because ho Uptight him wise. 1 us41 to see 71110 very often. 1 used to Helen 'to her speeches and applaud them, and yet he never moo rent anyone to ark after my health, nor d11 he ever glee ms a meal. Yet," Ise euld,41), 'nearly' every day eine 1 came to Irene the Ring of England has swat come of hie nureee or doctors around to vee hoer 1 wed my child- ren were getting one, and the other day, when he was to be crowned, he gave all the old people a grand darner In the beg tent at (ho Ilos- pltel. Man. went a flne Kang he must be, and what a lot of neer and whlekey he gave us:" War's Desulstlon. Look wheresoever we would, no sign was there of an andeetmyed dwelling; no align of Hooke or horde; no ludlenti°n0, however dight, of the prosperity of former years. At fre- quent Intervals we Dome across ruin- ed bows, the wails alone remaining, Details of Attempt to Murder Isle exit Ulickt l by a hundred deie- Governor or Poltava. SEIZED ARM OF 1HE ASSASSIN Loudon drs,p;t(h : The Oltenia cor- rospooJent 0l the Times rends par- tl:ulars of the attempt to aesaesln- ate Priam Oboleuskl the olght of Huntley, August 0. Prime Oleo;rneel 40441 sounding with friends near hit bei lu (rout of the Summer Theatre In the Tivoli Gum deal, 111 Khurkuff, whco a man atl- vanewl, end, wall the greatest de- liberation, fired a revolver at the Prince 04er the shoulder of the wife of the chief of the Kharkotf Agricul- tural 1toer,, with whom Prime 0bel- e:aki war talklug. Time woman cooly ."twat the arm of the would-be u.rassfn before heeould faro twlre, and a healed bullet went luu'mleeely to the air, gate„ to the annual convention ,e the Maritime l'ruvluc(e Bear.l of Trude, who had assembled uu the steps of the Court Nouse to have their pltcures taken. The photo- grapher had tato delegates arrang- ed ',MeV, and they did not curet to be disturbed. Judge Meager wailteal a minute and u half or so fur 'tete cro el to get out of hie way. The crowd did not move, s0 Ile ordered Rhcrlff Ingraham to clear a plumage for him. The eltcrllf complied .viten hie orders, and the Judge passed through the crowd, Home 01 the delirium resented the iuderrupllon, mud lie the Judge and (Sherll'f starlet to wuik away the o•owd hissed. Judge lleuger Imme- diately tonal and laced the as- eemblage, 1,11(1 dcmuedetl the name of the mace who hissed, alecla Ing Ire wool.' luted him over to the Sllerltf. eo one ventured a reply, mud the Judge said he never saw such nu exhibition of Ill almoners. Ile then turned on his heel and Tim 0)1111 ods selzed by bystanders walked away. Ills words shocked tend held on the ground until the Chief of Pollee, who was near by, grappled with him, A violent struggle ensued, and the man eueeeeded In firing twice more, wounding the Chief of Police in the leg. The man, who le still un- identified, was finally sereral and loekel up. Tile Chiel's wound Is 1:angel'OU8. Great sympathy Ie expreex8i all over south Russia for Prince Oboleo- ekl, who was recently appointed Gov- ernor of Poltava and Kharkoff, a dlffloult poet, requiring great ad- ministrative ability. The Tinos' correspondent addsthr.t forget the matter, and It wax (or - Prince Obolen8kl le a great friend gotten for a time, but a few mhlutee of Grant BritIlht, and upheld her later Preeldent Black Interrupted the on0F0 thro0ghout the Routh African 4001118 by .lath( Unit Mr, Detvolf war, haul been arrested for voutrmpt at the instance of Judge Meagher, Il scene that Mr. Dewier later mel Judge Meagher on the stairs of th Court House. They excite nged eild1 leered and the Jude asked Mr. Dewol how ho wan feeling. Mr. limner, in tepee "add 0(methleg nhnot not fere (11g any tuu,wcll over the Judge's von the delegates and utter hlu depar- ture the members gave vent to their feellugs. When the afternoon seeelun of the Board op:'ned Mr. J. l':. Devon, Vice- Presdent of 11e' Halifax Board, called up�u Ili, 1111.,11111(4 t.1 rev.nl we un- warranted (email 01(10(04 to them by Judge Meugh,r, and he moven a reeo- IuUon to this effect. It wan In -Waded by Mr. Bentley, or Truro, who stated Mutt the memlrre would fall 'fort 1n their duty If they fulled to take notice of the muter. Mr. Fisher, of Be John, wend that the convention Mani' Cldrngu vessehnen are of the (pinion that a Bast quantity of grain, formerly ehlpped for export %la Bnflnlu, lake and rail to New Pork and other seaboard points, will OMs year go by way of the Cane - ,tun routes. pollee ,veeterduy in an endeavor to seeded In pu11111g him out, fled out whether or net a marriage The 01 Myr was very, profuse In lis 110lulur Mud been leen d 1,0 .tmee'I thank+, mud (1,411(11 the resu0er the George Yarid anti Marie Augel(d.1 1.11.,..a.1.11.,..a.way he would reward him. Name. Mr. Nosier tells u . nu,* "The Wet way yon min rewire me," welch Is it p.40.4101 to the :N'eugull 0111,1 1110 001 (180, "Is li any n0(1.ag 112,1 Trilby rouut ee,, ::Pout 1t," About right mouths ago Nansr'n N"Ii;, my. dear fe1(0w1' 8111(1 tyle ahU' ,r, whip is tall, dark and extreme- "e -e"' Med ufhee0, "w11y do you WI h ly handsome and not yet eighteen 1111 1" say nothing it:'" from oat u • i'' lbw us,"1"°82.,er feb,wo knew yeatre o4 age, run awayT I with .Uuecu George Yarid, a young mon of pleasing address. Yarltl land been pal Mg attl'lntlone to MIs. Nairn' fur Nome time ngnlnet the wishes of her father, who le a wealthy Ina porter of European noveltlee. The police of nil the larger oltled 141 the eountr' were telephoned to Inter - ceps the 11.3lr I( pucdbl0 and pre- vent their marriage. The 01,021It was that they were located In Uny- ton, 0111o, where they were shortly to be married. The wielding ring lad even tlel•n per:brteed and the ceremony 10012111 shortly have been p'r(orwkl 1( 1t, had not been for the interference of the pollee. MLss Now was brought back to Toledo, where she begged to be taken bock to her inther'e home, and claim- ed that she had been under the hyp- no110 spell of York', who hail com- plete eamtrol of ler whenever 810 lvu0 lu his presence. For some time the young girl was kept away from the mon who exerted the my4ter1- 41118 1111111111011 over her, and In the meantime the latter's Wetness was burned out and ho loot hes donee. 111 xumc mower unknown to the pn'eute of 91184 !hamar, earl() au' - :newel chtudeethie me -tangs with the girl, and a few days ago ehc disappeared and was not heard from until the tel.'grem wan received from tits 011 r nnnuu1v1ng the marriage. The brother lnunedietely came here, but to unable to and any trace, Other of the rouplu or the hastier from whom they procured the license. The young hi,tu guys that Y110111 18 not worthy of 0120 girl, who 11210 nlway.+ enjiyerl it goad b')n" and 1111 the luxuries money can pruvldr. He I'dt the rll,e lids ofternuon wit hoe( having found any trace of Mo' rune away ptdr. lath! I8 now raining a notion anti 1)01)0nir counter In the Hotel Vlrtury at nit -in -Day. This romance Is almost on exact duplicate of the raw' of Georg,. Herskuvlte stud Clara Raymond, which 1t trn ettol International 00- . t1cr. They oleo ran away from To- ledo 41111 carte' married here. blies k1(,, m0ud claimed she was hyInotieel 111 the time, and sought ."'porton" from her husband. Thr latter 44+40 arrested 4)e the (Marge of perjury, Gel was acquitted. • Frank J. Hem has resigned ae preeldent of the Notloltal Tube Cont- pent', Vice-Preslh'ut Wilhelm Schil- ler succeeding him. l'.1 pulled you out they'd chuck we In, ROGUES FALL OUT, cud len Something; About Mees Stone's Kldunpph,g, Vienna, Aug. 25. -The correNOn- dent of the Netwc Keener Tngebnttl, at Sofia, Bulgaria, describes In a deopatel the 11101e111 conflict which oecurrod during the recent Congress there of the Macedonian Committee. M. Sernvoff, the not0r:ohe former Prel;Lfenl of the committee, was rc- enelsl or misnpproprlattng $:10,000 and of being the chief agent In the kldnupphlg hest year of MINN Ellen M. 11tonr, the Amerlunn ndeilonary. He W003 also accused, according to the correspondent, of paying $1,000 to n frlend named Dnitmohef(, who planned the kidnapping. • o ( roll Cured Madman. In lomlon n gentleman of high rank, 3012ene name has 1101 been roe v1( told recently became Menlo/ on tine • sulat©t ill reli4elon. He slew gals and goddesses in all sorts or Inanimate things, and; rrpeut 1 lunars 042 his knees adoring them. Eminent phyetobutt r, girded 110 ole' nm hopeless, mud he wee plaetd In the ol1rge of two 0 ttendante, wIIO were tostre010,1 to lake him to a hurl'• n'tie nay Marl. ,Jest its thr,' wenn shout to eters, however, the unfortu1111,' man Jump- el from a lege meeker and fell with n 01•Iteh 01( the pmrnt. He on • 4)'l' rely bruesc 1, hanrll (n n few weckee not only were hes wounds healed, but Lis r,tieloue netulu also enlltely dl - 1pprar„l. Tin' plya10hnP Pity that his roriwon ons r et0rel to him by the violent "heck, .,lid they assert teat swell an ,cenrreare fe unprecedented ht the 4111111117' 1'f mrdlolne. Plague of (teal. al !Arbor, 1.144)011, 'the Portuguese capital, has Levu attacked by n rel eingne mud all means to check the poet have ].raven futile. Th•• mualc(pnl doctore think they have found a wary out of the detfleutty. They Imre inoculate! mime rote with an elections %true, 111r111045 to man, and have let there 10050. !deny rate are 1103)' feeling tho effects of the 3 -Iron, and It 1e rxpeetr l that the city will soon be red of the plague.