HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-08-28, Page 6cARNECtE's CAME SUPPLY. Ooctora and people agree that Scott's limlti- sloe of cod-liver oil ie the best thing to take for "don't feel well and don't know why," especially babies —they 1P , It—mea and women don't mind it, but babies actually =joy it. S idi* Castle as Catalogued by a Pub. Mosinee la finial•. Ore[ to Great Britain they have e. Satalogue of all country places which pommel any 'shooting or flrb- Img. Tble cattalogu, gives the fol- bwLng description 01 Sklbo Castle, Andrew CarneelsN Highland borne. Tho almonoe of any descriptive frills seem' to leave the lucre facts rather more hnpressive than they appear even la the hnnde of the most rethu.Listlo Journalist. Here - 1 the aocdnnt: "Extent of shooting, about 20,000 acres. Of title 10,000 acres are moor, 5,000 are arable and 4,000 are wood. The last Iea:OU'e ebooting Included 1,000 brace of pewee. 12 rtage, 4 tallow bucks, 42 roe deer, besldee black game, partridges, pheasants, snipe, woo 'mock, hare', rabbit's end YAM fowl. ' There la fair salmon and trout fishing 1n about 15 miles Of the Efeltx, and good trout fishing In Lathe IlLidale, Leggan, Lures and Bokths. 'The oartlo la beautifully 'kn- itted overlooking tbe Dernaok Firth, It contain' a large entrance hall, pntllo looms, b Marl room. 85 brd- rooms, 5 drreeti g room., 4 bath rooms, with all modern convenl- etrey, "The stable§ are large and com- modities and the gardens and gaps bows are beast cul and extensive. There are besides Pulroesie Hones, containing 2 sitting zooms, 4 hed roOmp, 1 dressing room, Iervantr rooms etc. Also three cottages, near, eontalnintt 11 rooms. Rent 11,/00. nail to Bonar Bridge, tbnaee drive 10 miles The rent 1s for the shooting sens- *a of oneree. 1 bought a bores wltb ■ supposed - 1y incurable ringbone for 1130, cured film with 01 worth of /UNARM LINIMENT, and sold him 10 tour months for 585. Profit oe Liniment, a54. BOISE DER08CE, Hotel Keeper. It. Phillip's, Que., Nov. let, 1101, leantrc'. lireale,l Work. $age' of the most eminent fier- iness were recently asked to emend.' [kite ophiiuu ON to W111:11 WON the 'rattan work of the Mat eeftury, an their anewern, when ola, all'd, showed that the majority altanhed most, Impt'rtanue to the following * chiasmente: L The establishment of the Ger- man •Enup.re. L', The pioaamatIou of the right's o f man, 8. The dirOvery of steam as a meth* power. 41. lled electricity. 7k le discovery of narcotics and M aitlsepela, 0. The promulgation of the low of ooa.Irratiou of energy. T. TN* work of Darwin. 5. The discovery of the modern sckutltl: method d judging things, wheeb in based on exact observation. 9. The discovery of tbe spectral *enlists 00 The dlanovery of the S rays, 11, Beethoven's ninth symphony. 32. Tho emend part pis "retest.' 18, The ('ontt'ntlon al Geneva. 14. The primary echuol and rom- paleory eduwtlort, 15. The movement In favor of we- man'e rights. 18. The exploration of Afrlea by Europeans, $100 REWARD, $100. 11.e rem Ata NaR' ams raw tr. ,esw a eewa[ •" r, re, le,eara Ian. sn4 tr.m; ell lr,, l.Ie. Wit HNA Hope. Barber —'W111 you have anything on your face when I have finished, iter Victim— I do not know. Bot 1 bops you'll leave my nose, at least. Stops the Cough and Works OS the Cold. Leaatlre Bromo quint ReTab ea can scold to one day. No sun, No pay.Pek» 25 sesta, Cured Them of a Had Habit. A Minister In a near -by town on a recent Sunday eurprl:sed fele audience by rending the following notice from the pulpit : "The regular Benton of the Donkey Club will be held ae usual after the eervtce. Member, will line up feet outside the door, make re- marks and stare at the ladles, who pets, no is their custom." But they didn't that Sunday. Mlnard'e Liniment Cores (target In Cows. The readers of this paper will be pleated to Mars that there le nt leuel nor dwarfed Num., Ybat schwa hem been able to eure In all Ia Wage' aad that le Catarrh. hell's Catarrh fore ha the only pndthe core now known 10 the medical fraternity. Catarrh, bring a con• 'Motional dleen/P, require le ooetltutI , i,h treatment, Haire L'ntnrrli Cure 1a tukeu In. beraally, acting directly upon the blood Find mucous •arias of the Pyntem, thereby dee- tro,tag the foundation nl the disease, and ringthe patient strength by bulidfng up e constitution end motet! work. The proprietor' bongo much faith la enrollee powers that the} oiler One usdred Dollars for tiny case that It lulls to me, Sand for list 01 teatlmnnlals. Addrae F. J. CHENEY & CD., TOI,IO, 0, Roll by droggtmt . 71e. Hall's Family P111. ere the beet. Nhleh One Woe 11 e "H0110, my dear:" he ecrinimrd, greeting the prettiest girl on the verandah. "Inc'Judd conic In on the train so 1 lin de lighted Monet you again," I—hm afradtl—" shir, eta*tnerrd, "Why, don t you remember me?" Ire 'eked, In eurpr(eo. "I met you here lust season, You fell 1n love with se nod we were engaged for two weeks.'" "Your • taco does seem famelar," she mild, as they seated themn9eee In a occluded nook, "but 1 can't Ju:et piano yea," 'I carne up here in 'the hope of [nesting you again and renewing, oar old tine,' he plende;l. "1 can't sire you any hope," returned ; not jest yet, You re", my love -ranking last [tenant wa rather disastrous. 1 was engeg.'d three times. The fleet one palmed *haeelt off as a count. He raised false tepee in my heart, but I've got over that, The eceowi inoled me on n paste engagement ring. I've for- given hint Wit, for he was jolly compeer. Jlut the third—oil, he MU a heartless wretch! When he wail roll* away he told me be hod his return ticket, and 1 foul hint dollars and forty dente. I at be arta the eonl of honor, o never pill me bask. 1 hadn't 4 oent of p'n-money left, and I awortethat,11 I ever met him agate Revd have to make ,;nod."—[kart Set Know the Signs. It Ie really a dangerous thing for a single man to begin to chlrk up a bit In the mutter of dreee and In the tidying up of his bachelor home. "He'' going to be married; I'm positive," 'aid one Woman, as the mail under consideration was 'spoken of. "He's laying a new flde- walk 1u front of Isle house." "indeed," 'said the doubtful one. "Yee, and Ire haw a new carnage and a Panama hat." The girl who had been listening gave a ringing laugh and alter- w-nrd weld: "She would probably have reported the carde having been Bent out tf she knew that he bought a new hammock yester- day. M%nbrd's Liniment cures Dletem- par. Why 1114 Wile Shrieked. "Good story they got out about the professor, hay ?" "What's the matter, lila he for- get again r "Naw. Better than that, Hie wife gee up the other morning, and wan slipping Iter mitosis on, when also gave a IIttle Nlirlek. "'What's the ma' ter T' he asked. "'Why, 1 ware putting my shoe on and a make 'upped out of It,' she cried. "'Only one 1' said the professor. 'Why, there Ahem[[ have been three, I put them there hilt bight to keep them Warm.' " New York Central sod Modes■ River Railroad. The above name l • household word and the eeperlor excellsace of the road should be sufficient to at tract most people, but now that the rate le the ease to New York and pointe east a■ by other lines no further recommendation should be sought. Everybody will tell you It is the beet, SALOONS , ...IVKENNESS Ulaparltlea 1n , ..htbtlos or Arrests Made In Vallee, Large Cities. The number lof saloon. In a city, dos• not bear fatty bless relation to the amount o drunkenness In 1t, or at !emit the htunber of arrests for druokenoeas, New York, with double the popula- tion of Chicago and 60 per cent, more saloons Las fewer arrests for drunkenness Ina year tbau the big city on Lake Illehigan. Baltimore baa more than twice All many ea- loone as Boston, while Boston has seven times ire many arrests for drunkenness In a year as dose Bal- timore, Bea Eremitism bas 50 per oent. more saloons than et. Louis, but three times as many arrests In- dlanepolte has more saloons than Paterson, but the number of ar- rests for drunkenness is 20 per cent. greater In Paterson than to Indian- *pol he., Cleveland and Cincinnati have about the same number of saloons, Mut the arrests for drunkonoees, which aro '1,000 annually In Clneln- natl, are 7,000 In Cleveland. But- felo and Philadelphia have abgpt a the lame number of saloon:, but t meets for drunkenness In Phlla- delphla are four tlmee as many as theme In Buffalo, Weehington line 500 satoone and M'.lwaulee has 1,700. but while nr- reate for IL'unkenneea In Washing - tot: average 3,2'00 yearly, In Mllwee- kee they are only 1,600. Worcester, Wee, with Tel saloons, has 2,000 er- rtasts In a yrnr for drunkenn4se, and Detroit, with BOO salon*., the name number, The t xplanatlon of these dtepari- 1 lee le to be found probably In the fact that In the eltlee where there is en unusual number of Relives they are mostly for the wale of lager beer, whereae in the rifles with few saloons more whiskey le cold.—N. Y. Sun, What frayed your linen T Not Sunlight Soap— No, indeed i ISSUE NO. 35, 1902 savOATt10TAi . - NLIGIIT "TRINITY' REDUCER EXPENSE, Ask fee se *sena Dar INEQUALITY ALWAYS. 133 A Deed Level of Rewards Not to be Desired. It le a great law of nature, Irom whkih there le no escape, that "by the sweat of the brow we must earn our bread." Bellumy's' benutifel dream, "Look- ing Backward," is simply a dream, r Impracticable and impossible as be eturtae of Jules verve, "The Ar- blan NIgltte," or "8lnbad the &ilio r." Some must study law, medicine, (l- ettuce, and a tltuuaand flange on whieb human happiness depend,, and some tuuet work Itt the coal miner or every furnace etre In the country - would be extlalgut.hed, every uanu- facturtng Industry end, and we should relapse IInt0 herbarium. It wet never be poealble to make the wages of all men the same. The max who walks ten hours wkl earn more than his equal who works only five—the skilful more than the unskilful—the strong more than the weak—the well marc than the Wok— the indnetrloue more than the laty; and the man who 6n youth lives c0o- nomlcally and saves hie money will probably linen Lt old age more than he who /penels and &tree nothing. Labor wW never, In the long run, be able to present capital from em- ploying whoever capital Rees fit to employ, Rol eop'lnl will always. be oompelled to support labor, whether a't work or Idle. Every city and town meet support Its poor, and capital must pay the bills Anarchy attempting to rim our banks, railroads, factories and great eommereel industries, would ht^of; 'ark atmos, destruction and ruin, not only to capital, but to Labor —Geer:re T. Angell, in "Out' Dumb Anewile.e Names Manmu. 1u Canada. An engagement of great social Im- portance le that of Mr. DudleyCar- letoe, only e.)n of Lady Doreheirter— a peeress in her Oavn right— and Miss 1"In9et Monckton, only daughter of Lord and Lady Galway. Tide young lady le an heiress of some import- ance, as she wtu lett money and band*"l property by her uncle, the late Mr. Lending; and le the own- er of Buebrldge Hall, near Godalm- ing, a fine place. which line recently been rented by Mr. and Mre. Caren - dish Ben'tlnck. MINA Monekton Is an attractive girl, with a fair share of pend looks, fond of dancing In Lon- don, and 0f walking, dewing and heeling In the country. Her father, Lord Galway, is a rich man, and Wm Estate outsell would have been one or the most apinndld at the ooron- ntton.-11. A. P, Mtnard's Liniment cores Diph- theria. Kitchener nod Kerry, Kitchener 11 undoubtedly English b;' blond, and yet 11. war eomethh)g the he wee horn In Kerry, and that he emelt ninny of hie early years there. Kerry in a county where the penitent's are all gentlemen and ladles In bearing, lu manner, In thought nod to feeling. Brit asthvIr awn .klre—gentle, friendly, courteous —they probably taught to the tail and lanky stripling who roved over lhetr intone nine aetmething of the flexibility which lite preyed lh'turn- ilnt In eve nt'yl nu'nn nes in hl' I:1,tory and In that of tun enuutry,- -M. A. P. A 1100N TO UI01i1FMLt1—One bottle of Englleh Sparta Liniment completely removed a curb Dom my horse. 1 take pleasure In recommending the remedy, le, 1t era with mysterious prompters' In the removal from horses of hard, soli or calloused lamp*, blood eparlo, splints, curb■, 'weepy, attar, end sprains. O W/ROE R')BR Farmer, Markham, flat. Sold by ali druggist,. Advice vrorned, "You should be thrifty and lay something aside for a rulny day," said the man who gives advice ad libitum. "Mister," said the Kangas farm- er, "you talk like in blame theor- ist. What we people Hoed be to My something aside against • droughh "—Weehtogton Star. Mackey Brand Soap cleans kitchen wen. mils, steal, iron and tinware, knives and forks, mad all kinds of cutlery, re slain, Parkr—After all, els, the extreme *implicity of our American Iustitu. tloae must commend Itself to every one, Lane -1 'know It. Half tie , time we're without a peak.— Harper'* Barer. Mlnerd's Liniment Cursor Colla, ate. Tr Hight of Private'. Of oouren, the majority rules and that eltolsion to now law In New lean; but the 'Poet believes 111: three dissenting judge. were right, anti' that the drolslon will ultimately be tut Nakla 11 It be lawful to urn, without her consent, the picture of a woman on a flour berrrl, why would it not be equally lawful to neo the pi /terra of jud'en, 1 Whop, governors or even Prespelcate on laver barrels T Brewing le ne lawful an Industry ea milling. Thera arc a thoueaud ways UI widoh "the lar -culled right .01 prl. may" might be lutadtr!„ under tills drolsion„ to the annoyance and lite Jury of unoffexding tern and women. We do not believe the courts of other Staten will follow tide New York precedent.—Waatdngtos Peet. Ba sura you get tbeklnd yen haus slwya hid.—tlwing to the groat popularity of " The D. It L." Menthol Fleeter. unscrew'. lone makers are putting up one like It. Far rheum,' tem, neuralgia, ,Ar., not ling le better. Made only by Darla! La wreuee Co., ltd. Remarks beam Ili•' lixllery. A man In never satisfied that hie wife loves him until he become.. die- Nnllefleel with her jenloeey. It's a herd matter to tell exectlet what we do want until we see eome other fellow get It. A man's method of doing Mtvinese 1en't usually condemned until It le seen whether lin W to succeed or fall. The short cut to summon 1e gener- ally enesally across somebody else's pocket- book. A Useful N'vrlly. A Canadian firm recently placed lith the Montreal and Toronto newepnper@ an advertleement of n new nursing bottle It had patented and atm about to place on the market. After giving directions for use, the "ad," ended In this laan- ner: "When the baby le ddne drinking, It must be enserewed and laid In a cool place under a tap. If the baby dem not thrive on freta milk, It ehocld be Moiled." — Philadelphia Times. TO CURK A COLD 1N ONS DAY Take gglsa refund thmmono y Quinine dru11111one t0 sore. E. W. Oro'.'s signature 1' 00 each box. nne. Children are In danger to our tierce mon- 180n, when cholera marhoa and nthrr bowel troubles urn rampant. MUTT your 11111e onyx by giving them ferry Davie' Pniuklller. I'laln dlreetiuue will be found on 'ueh hauls•. Tits LEADING Residential University OP CANADA Yalu** Sluwla ill ScbtllariliN Open Ie all STODZNTS IN ALTI without natrletlo.s of sex or creed. TIMID' NLRB! Beddesa tar SIN IT. NILM'I COLLI M Reeld.nee for WOW For all Ialormatloe address-- ?. 0, ETUB*T MACELEY, ILA„ LL4, Two Butterflies Courting. There 1e no prettier eight than that of two butterflies courting. The aerial flights and evolutions are a mere beglnntng—a wort of pre- liminary flirtation. The eerloes part of the business begin n'ltell the buttertlle■ are at rest. The male, which 1■ usually the more brilliantly colored of the two, tape up het ponition on a atone or the trunk of a tree, nod ex- pand\ hie wing; In the minehine eo em to allow thea; to the greatest advantage. The lady, nt first, af- ter the manner cif her sex, dietialne to notice them or to seem to notice them. (lraetn•lly, however, their charm. prrvefle over her, she comes' nearer. and nearer, walks round and retied bar loner, loses Iter heart to Wer hesitates, and its hist. Piles To peern to you tint fait Clime's Ointment f: *certain sod Omelets ears for each and every form of ftehing. Reedits( and pro. rndins alta+, Cha manaHAterer'a Wire guaranteed It. Hen len t4montale in the daily pre. sad ask your bore �whet they Skink Skink at P Yen can meek and friat ar or i*nDeema,Darn 7t been If wet a To box, Or:Chase's Ointment Itis, Winslow.* asthma Syrup should always be need he Children TNthioa 11 wadies the child, softens tbegumi, o .,Ind remedy ed 1s the bat rea► roe Dia CONTINENTAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Hey. Jowl Dnrpae...... PneelpgnT The repeat for 1001 showed remarkable lerresen over 1000, la tbe tollowlag Hemel New sachem Inereneed by .,.. 1110,7, r, Premium famine Inemaerel by 00,112, Total Income Interment by 42,175 Ansa taenasnl by 40,1150 lasuraaer la lona' Increased by '1,809,466 Costleontal Lite Policies are unexcelled for stasplldty and Ilbrrnhty. Agents wanted, 0E0. B. WOODS, ['HAS. H. FULLER, Oeaersl Reneger Secretary. Keep Your t ' Eye MflNUfIL TRfiININO� The bat *skipped flannel Training Department IS Guo in to be found at Woodstock Col- lege. For the coming term the building and its facilities ere being greatly, enlarged and improved, Minuet Training is a practical supplement to any boy's col- legiate or business education. For calendar addrt'ee lite rrinci- pttl, A. L. MtCrimntoo, M,A. WoodSto6k Goli6pw Woodstock, Ost. ALBERT COLLEGE, 6ELLEVILLE, OMT. 1 moa' seeds** ..rolled last year—STI yesa1 Indite end 110 yousg men, Too mltneele- tluu Scholarshipsval. ue 111osad1160wes at departmental a- ■ms,.10u1. New Plps-oegaRAe- mode Science Rooms and MtOallorryy wawa l added, Bo rlortlrullltless 1: nuokkae lea, Meal right clime ebauelll It ge, " Ieslwog steam am lad 1lgkte.Clthroe/bout by ahmes hee$i4dbrYJ. ea►a wilt ere *epk 5 ap*, TW Waatrsted circular salmis PRINCIPAt1 D11dlt,Rw SCJ NUI uu`urltsn7let artISDI e1 t ,, w,a, Ilark1 sun Jaif u.,nv., a,,,�,a.",moot .a Ne. Iron r..n,ut. N.Xe,, 0 1mwnt.0 task.,., ,tit tam,. Lib. li IBne Nwa,, b, ,,. ,, 11 r ,rash ,t m.. n,) 115god,in,follye,t Mb4s PO v.,. r.r e,'arro, u,n;c.a.4.a..,lt, '01,itin, rates{/metwes. rd.W,lrabe,a IfIPERIAL MAPLI: SYRUP. The aunlny standard (nom tisane b Ocean, Your money back If uo1.atfalaraory. ROSE R LAFLAIIE, h ants Yeuireal. 11.B.rlarshall&:Go 191 Ktog St. haat„Hansblle•, Out. WANT' RILUA'HhH. A1i0a3TI to pall lens, eottrea,, baking powders, spire, extracts ate, to consume*, Yao ..,,make monry, i"[akin wanted. Eseetleat ter story vacant now. • �BUIT y AiW' PORySA I.X-Mbit 01 TES lefinest now 10 in Crew Ham�rt alb twS NI ram ware, 190 sorer In all, 36 M walok le is 6c15 mostly pandas. Wt11 he sold L ser parcel w divided into loaort6 to IP aerieto s per Ypawns. The 1s a decided bargain r Jonathan Carpenter, P. 0. bra 1011, lam OntaAo DON'T CLEAN SILVER nr your other bright metals with nay' thing but " E,LEGTRIG POLISHING FISK' the new chemically, prepared sell polishing cloth. Nothing he me hut the cloth. Nb soiled halide; saves Wore and labor• eaeleet on the enter. Peke YO (rote at drug and nonan denier”. By mull from MONARCH, MVO. CO., at. Caterless, Ona Write ler Tree samples. • OPICIVR THE GREAT EYE REMEDY. Do your eyes Itch, water, Ire, or ore your eye• oyer -worked, sore, rel. Witty, or do your cy,'e burn, twitch. ter are they granulated? OrENE. No remedy for the eve No good. Keay toage ply, Not lnjutloue, Ouaranteedasrepresentel.Alleorter sponderwe receives prompt attention. Mailed anywhere on reor'Ipt or 50e per bottle! • THE OPENS. CO., Woodstock, Ont. On The E. B. EDDY CO., Limited Don't experiment with other and iaferier brands.UBH EDDY'S OUR BRANDS: "KING EDWARD"lOOO, "HEADLIGHT" 5000 "EAGLE" 100,, 2001 - "rICTORIA" "0111.1 COMET" HULL, CANADA rARLOPt MATCH Eli ,,,For Sale Everywhere..,