The Blyth Standard, 1902-08-28, Page 5MV. 1 1da. LII 1 1 e I `Blyth public school Will re•opeo re.
HI tb, m 70n Bliley,
r on Tuesday next. B6e �0 10r. fear, a esti, 193o to 10o.
Anyone in need of Lime in
• any quantity should write
or telegraph us, and we will
deliver the same where re-
0. Nicholson & Sons,
Wet Weather
—Mr. A. Kneeshaw, of lloderlch,
spent Sunday with Blyth friends.
—Mews, Bainton liron. shipped
4000 pounds of wool to Toronto yea-
—Mesas. McMillan & Co. shipped
half a car of butter to Montreal on
—Mrs. M. H. Hammond and four
children returned to their home In
Oakville yesterday morning.
—Mise Mattie Nixon, of Tees -
water, spent Sunday at the home of Yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Meguarrle, —Blyth public school board will
—Tho regular monthly meeting hold its regular monthly meeting on
of Blyth council will be held on Friday evening of next week.
;if you want ,good honest Shoes you Tuesday evening of next week. —Air. Robert W. James, of Morrie,
zeta go to the Old Reliable Shoe Store,
iVs have held our trade for yearn
Eggs, 140 to 16o. Hutt, . Ito 14o. Potatoes,
t, le
40o s. niOe,, 6o to i lay, NW 17, Laid,
1ro to 16e. Porti, 17 to 1d. Flour CI,06 60 KO.Wood, III 76 to est Wool, !pe to 164.
—Next Atenday wfl� be Labor day
and Ie a public. holiday.
—Miss Kate Kelly has returned
from her visit with Detroit friends.
—Mrs, R. Gidley, of Exeter, @pent
last week visiting' her son, Mr. S. II.
(Briley.—Mr. Isaac ]iruwo shipped 43
barrels of apple waste to Hamilton
—Twelve tickets were Hold at has the thanks of THE STANDARD
simply by selling gond goods at close Blyth elation un Sntnldny morning staff for a basket of beautiful apples.
prices. fur the excursion to .Senile and De- —Mae. T. M. Carbert and children,
trolt, of Teeswater, were visitors at the
—Misses $tta and Margaret Mc -
home of Mee. Patrick Heffron this
Laren, of Toronto, are visiting with week.
relatives and frleudg in Blyth and —Mr. Perry Bradwiu, of London,
vicinity. and Mr. Lorne Bradwiu, of Mini!.
—Mr. E. Livingston has erected a ton, spent Thursday last at the home
cooper shop In connection with his of ye editor.
saw mill and at present has „La of —Mr, S. Beattie, formerly of Brue-
eoopere making apple barrels, sels and Clinton, has purchased the
—Mr. Philip Bolt, K.C., deputy Pacific hotel at Wiarton and will
judge of the aonnty court of Huron,take poseession on September 15th.
has boon appointed local judge of —We will send THE STANDARD to
the high court of justice for Ontario, any address in Canada or the United
=Atlas Pringle, of Harrlston, who States for the balance of 1902 fur 25
has been visiting Mt@e Foreytb fur cents. Cash with order. Send it to
sometime past, left nn Tuesday Your absent, friends.
morning for Chicago, where alio will —Mr. and Arra, A. M. Babb, of
visit friends. Teeawater, spent Sunday at the home
—According to statistics, out of of the latter's parents here. Mr,
each one thousand popple in levo Babb returned to Teeswater on Mon••
sixteen become hopelessly insane, day niorning, but Aire. Babbitt/Ill re -
The other 984 are only temporarily main and vl It in Blyth for a couple
out of their heads, of weeks yet.
—Messrs. Watson & Ernigh ship -
John Kelly and family will
ped a car load of hogs to Colling- leave Blyth for Goderich on Friday
$nell's farm In Huilett was horned wood on Monday, and Messrs. {Vallis of this week, General regret is ex•
io the ground early Tuesday morn- & Cantclon shipped a car to Strat• pressed by all our citizens at the re -
mg ford the same day. moval of this popular old gentleman
—Miss Gertrude Graham, a for. — Mr. Wm. Powell, a former and tole estimable family from our
Baer tomboy in Blyth public eehool, Blyth citizen and business man, Was village. May good luck and good
Is attending the Limon .normal iii the .village on Monday. Mr. health be always with chem in their
phial Powell is naw located in Mount For- new home In the county town.
—Min Kate Barr, the Atopplar ae- est oldie doing well in business. —Hog cholera is prevailing among
sant in the Blyth post.of$ce, 4 at —Mr. A. Douglas, private banker, awing herds at London. One wap
present holidaying with friends in of Alvinstoq, ivas tined by Magistrate lost 46 head, while several others
Londesboro and Wtngham. Morwood for riding his.bieycle on have been obliged to kill from 10 to
,.Our Wet Weather Shoes Have been
Iggroat demand 4f Lite, Our custom-
ers are realizing more and mon the
ipportance of buying good footwear,
eil4 such articles may be ebtained at
all times et
—Mise Effie Gilley le visiting with
London blends,
--Division court will be held in
Industry hall on Saturday next.
—Mrs. Dr. Gray returned to her
home in Acton on Monday horning.
-Mr. Frank Anderson and Miss
Ella Anderson are rusticating at
—Mr. Wesley Sellars, of Detroit,
Is spending a week's holidays at the
home of his parents here.
—Tbe large barn on Mr. James
, ''.I�,d,iAS.i.iJotl.4Aa1�
+1',• a a.. .. • A .
McKinnon & Co.
131 %b..
Our Ladies' Cloth Jackets have arrived and
they are dandies. We show all the new up-to-date
styles in short, medium and long lengths. They
are the very latest Fall and Winter Styles.
We. will be pleased to have you call and inspect them whether
you wielt ro buy or not, but if you want t] buy you will have a
better choice now than later on, Below we quote a few prices:—
Ladies' Beaver Jackets, in navy, black and fawn, velvet collar,
double breasted, good value at 49.50, for #1,75.
Ladies' double breasted Cheviot Jackets, velvet collar, stitched
lapel, merceriyed lining, SG.
Ladles' Venetian Jac$ets, in black and grey, fly front, pearl but-
tons, 9n inches Ion` very stylish, 47.50.
Fine Kersey Coats, in Wank and fawn, 40 inches long, semi -fitting
with yoke, 414:05. •
We are showing a splendid range of New Dress Goode, in
black and colored Homespuus, Vicanae, Venetians, Conine Serges,
Broadcloth., 44 to 00 inches wide, at 50c, 75c, 11, fl and S2 per
Mckinnon & Co.
--Mrs, J W Phillips and Master the sidewalk. Tho magi u ft 20 !toad on account of the appear v v, �, �, v v v �, v v v
'Wm, Malesk Phillips, of Cookstown, wards engaged in a conversation ance ot the disease. Where the gov.
v v
Aid Ml M ll f relative to the case and used ernmeut Inspector orders the killing
Laokoownaen county,
as n a en, o vetted gm A1cKlnnon language which induced Douglas to of the animalst the owner is reins�
- ����/p������i $�,
last week swear oat a warrant against aim. buried to the extent of one till
--Mr, and film J. H. letretten and Three magistrates refused to issue their valve.
Miss Frances Stratton left Blyth sta. the warrant. Mr. Douglas finally 1tev. A. P. Moore, eon of Mr. M
tion Monday afternoon for their home gave the case into Chief Trolley's George Moore, 01 Blyth, assisted in
nde who ova the seas to Mr. the morning service at Trloitg
The Popular Clothing House. M
in K�nwt fJlty, futur where they na g BigClearing
swill Id f thefuture. re. - Mortvood The latter gentleman ad- ehal•elt and In the @waning tools
m au
—Mr, hawhawBrown ire purchased witted using bad language, and die- charge of the service, preaching a 01
4h' Interests of Mr. T. G. Allen in missed himself, this being his "first sermon that greatly pleased the
the Blyth evaporator and will in offence," Next! large congregation present. 1L,
intim ran the business himself, Mr. —Rev. W. J. Clark, pastor of the Moore spent the past' three very sue. SUmmer
Brown bas added another drier to First Presbyterian church, London, eteesful years as rector of Christ !�
the plant and will now be able to has arrived home from Muskoka, church, Listowel. He recently re.
Make 1700 pounds of dried stock per where he has been spending his va• signed from hie Listowel charge and
'day, cation. On being Interviewed re- has decided to study medicine and A to make
—Toronto fair will open on Mon• garding the call extended to him by prepare himself for the work of a, lA
day next and will continue for two the congregation of Pt. Andrew's missionary. Befure leaving Liao -
weeks. Single firet•class fare tickets church, Vancouver, , BC., lie pool- wel lie was made the recipient of a
will be teemed to Toronto during the tiveiy refused to say anything at complimentary address and a well,
fair by the Grand Trunk railway, present ae to whether or not be filled puree, and Mrs. Moore was
good going September 2nd to 12th, favors acceptance. Ho said he had presented with an address and a;
lnoluslve. Special excursion tickets the matter under conslderatlon, how- costly chair.
will be issued from any station from ever, and wnuld take time to de- —From the London Free Press of
Wingbam to Hyde•Park on Septem• aide carefully end conscientiously. Friday last wo take the following
ben 2nd, 9th and 6th, and from any Hie decislon will be made known 446 account 01 the marriage of Mise
station from Wingham toClondeboye the meeting of the Presbytery on Hawkins, who was the guest of MIs.
.on September 9th and 11th; all September 2nd. C. II. Deese for a couple of weeks
,tiekete valid returning from Toronto —Last week's Oakville Star don- thle summer : "On Tuesday even -
on or before September 15th. The tained the following : " By the buret- i ing at the bride's home in St.
epeglal fare from Blyth ie $2.70. tog ot an artery in the hack Mr. ;Thotnae, Mks VVhilamina R. A.
—From last week's Strathroy Dis- Robert J. Ashbury, who for some Hawkins became the bride of Mr.
patch we take the following : "Mr. time has been staying with his Edgar IL Sands, of the editorial staff
and Mrs, F. W. Tanner and family brother, Mr. T. H. Ashbury, diedof the Vancouver,
KC., News-Adver-
have lett for London, where they ilooday evening. He had been In : tieer. The pretty ceremony was
will in future reside. They will be poor health for some time, but while: performed by Rev. W. Hartley, of
mach missed in church, musical and getting out of a hammock Sunday Centre street lieptist church, in the groom, the former also officiating ne
society cirglee here. Mr. Tanner evening was instantly attacked with presence of the relatives and !mine• ring bearer. At the close of the
has been choir master of St. John's a severe pain. Tbe remains were .diatc friends of the contracting par. ceremony the bridal party adjuurued
church for about six years, and dur- yesterday taken to Jerscyvdle fur' ties, the drawing room being taste• to the dining room, where covers
ing that time the, choir has been a interment, a house service being fully decorated for the occasion, were laid for 25. During the festivi-
credit to the town. Ile is also W.M. conducted here by Rev. D. A. Moir. The bride was attended by her sit]- ties the toast of the bride was pro -
et Beaver lodge, A.,F. & A.M. ; Deceased was a man of 52 years, to , Irene, as bridesmaid, hills Miss posed by Mr. W. Kerr, of London,
re,9tdent of the tStrathroq gun and his wife havinggdaugpredhter
him Beryl Britton hong flower girl, and responded to by the groom, who
p Bpd his young daughter died at Mr. Y
• tennis clubs, and a member of the Ashbury's here last autumn," Masters Percy Dowling, of London, proposed the toast of the bridesmaid
bowling club, in all of :wbleh he —25 cents pays for THE BLYTH and Bartle Armstrong, of St, Thomas, and also of "Our Parente," which
took an actjye wt." t}TANDARD fur the balance of 1902. las pages in -waiting, attended the were suitably responded to."
Sale of
room for
Fall Goods
Now is the time to get an Ordsrod Suit, You eau save front
throe to four dollars on every suit, We aro making suits to your
measure from 49 up. Dont fail to see these goods and prices.
.. MATH ..
1000 Packages
- - of Butter
For which the highest price will be
paid. We furnish large and small
tubs and boxes at cost,
Moo any quantity of Eggs and all
kinds of Grain wanted,
At the Old Stand.
Plumley 'treat • IllytM