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The Blyth Standard, 1902-08-28, Page 4
chit glut.' lirtanbarb. onlychance of the Hurry 0. people 3L vanished with the rising sun, end, A E. BRADWIN, PuaruDea. :tccnrding to the story, It VMS felt that some other move had to be .id 5ALE STALES Ti SLITS STANDARD, ppubh^hed every made. Dl r. L. D(Ilingur, owner of Tom Ogden, 2.07, and a friend of ti haw WW CG o Thursday morning, is a live ,Nal news paper, and Iles a large ctrr,latiou in pleKenzie, had been induced to enter Blyth and ennonnding mm+rry, making his burse, although he had no chance Itanluablel►dvertiaing n„vhum. Sub t„ trio, the object being to fulfil the serlppttion price to any pr rl of Canada or 11n 1 1 O is of the race, which was the United States only into Duller per annum in advance ; r' ta) will b' charged 21 vc to enter and three to start. U not so paid. .t kertising reins on I When the race was called Carson application, ,1n2 Printing neatly and immediately entered a protest Fret -apses Horses and ]riga for dreeofa - — ground that he and Tome Ogden were T ,owned and controlled bythe Same Bost of accommodation to Com T13ITItsDAY, AUGUST 2K, liter?_ management. rnercialTrnt'ellersand others requiring — The story tune that Mr, W. W. Jig'. Resolution of rondofenro. • •Taylor, who acted es presiding judge I Veterinary office at livery stable. Mr. John McGill received the fol- .,end starter, ordered Harold 11. back lowing resolution of condolence front the'loeaI court of the Canadian Order to start Tom Ogden, and the Judges! RING HD QUEEN STREETS, BLYTB, of Foresters; " Dear Sir end Bro.,— promptly expelled both horse and' — ' The members of Court Morning Star, ° owner. This leaving less than the Fall 1Pfpl Dpeus Sq etijlff 2II�. Na 89, the '., have been deeply ° required number to start, the race Wusped by the bereavementlhot hoe - w a declared off, causing the great- removken you and your family in the est disappointment nmoug the more oil sud by death of a much loved'than 25,000 people that had aesefu• eon brother. We desire to ex- bled w ""Ile race. press our deepest sympathy with. The proper course would have, you In able sore affliction, and feel an. been to allow the horse to bo started the same tltae Out such expression ° under protest, suhject to a hearing will not ease the sore burden laid before the board of review. _upon the hearts of a sorrowing fattier, Dlr. plot board nxthan who drives mother and brother. We would re -'Harold II.,recently, said that Mr. mind our bereal ed brother, however, ' McKenzie, who does not caro to stir that the departed, though lost to:21eKeup n more lues over the matter, earthly "sight, mere truly lives than • trill not make any further pretest, he did while in the vale of tears. save an application for Dillniger'e Se is now enjoying fuller and more reinstatement. "The beet laid plane blessed life le permitted mot. - of of mice and men gang aft aglou." ••pals on this side of the river. We tenet that the thought of such u —Ile. R. S. Yelton, who has been glorious life may fill your hearts iERY J. N. Perdue, Y.S. PROPRIETOR. Wo WQ 00 V cheaply nton+ • L t.orree{•onto against Harold 11. starting, en the hire at reasonable rates. IMO nature v�,�:Artlnl:4 eohrited, .. g, to the tern. 1)illinger then refneod editor with much comfort and resignation. land proprietor of the Atwood That such may be the ease is the i Bee for the past 12 years, has dia- per/last prayer and desire of the, posed of that journal tQ Mr. D. G. members of Court Morning Star. Anderson, his brother-in-law. qtr. Signed on behalf of Court Morning Pelton has since purchased the Paris Star, No. 89, C.O.F,, CHARLES FBAs C.R. ; J. W. BELL, R.S. ; HER: Review and will take possession of S. littzoroa. Blyth, August 20th, 1902. it on September tat. The best wishes - - —� of TRE STANDARD are extended to he eaeoIe a. Went to 'Winnipeg. both gentlemen and may unlimited When Mr. R. J. McKenzie, of Win• theirs, success be tfs, nlpeg, pprchaaed the great pacer, he1 ., who has been in Baroid H., 2,04, during the Windsor —Capt. tat he co res ndenco with t e ane meeting and announced tl correspondence h C di would send the famous side.wheeler militia department, has succeeded In Lome many horsemen wondered getting permission from them to what such a seemingly peculiar pro- allow a civilian rifle association to be oeeding could mean. The story and pts sequel is most interesting, and established at Blyth. All those will - only recently came to light. It ing to join will please hand in their imams that the citizens of the pro- names to Capt. Rance, as be Is de- grewlve Manitoba city bad sub. sirous of having at least 40 members. 8crlbed a bigenm fpr special aurae. Messrs. FLogan and Mr. T. tions during the race week, the rt�cr g third week in Jaly, and one of them W. Sloan have kindly granted per. was a purse of $3500 for free-for-all mission tq allow a range to be placed trotters and pacers. McKenzie, feel. on their farms. A meeting to orga• ' The leading brands of Tobaccos and in be had a cinch on the race, had Teas always full stocked. nlze will be held as soon as a sufli- For B d f[ • snot that nr+ ut+:ca n,•r,t milk among the l esthuciuon eolI g..o nn tm+antneut. Many I adlurt enuuuat vial ,rhn'14 Nuptny nus giuda- atesba tasrhn,v We „o our beat to ,.lues an nur gradu.,tt•a in in po.itiwle and we have boon tnou+ nu•c�++,1111 this tear than in any in -8810n0 year. 'Rhone <loni dog alta beat in i,,,a, net• rdum4tlnu aheuhl attend our school. write rte aataln„nn, W. J. ELLIOTT - PRINCIPAL ALMA LADIES' COLLEGE St. Thomas, Ont. (TWENTY-SEC(1N 1) YE.1Itl The farthest south, told one of the largest and hest rgaippcl in Canada. Preparatory studies. Graduating Courses—M L.A., M.E. L., Piano, Organ, Sin -lug, Violin, Fine Art, Elocnlion and P'hysical Culture; Dotnestic Science, Commercial. Healthiest location. Moderate char- gee. Write for catalogue to REV. WARNER, M.,i, D.D, IF YOU HAVE NOT BODUHT YOUR STOCK OF FRUIT JARS YOU WILL DO WELL TO EXAM- INE OUR STOCK AT TOo,.86o and i1 per .Dozen. Wooden and Fibre Pails it standard Prices. Lard Tubs two for 25c, or one for tOc,. Crockery, Brooms, Wash Boards, Groceries and Confectionery up-to-date, A firetklass variety of Cigars of the best brands—that famous Pebble cant be heat in the be line. Try it, thing in the no hwitanth In paying the big print cient number of names have signed Bread asked for the son of Roadmaster. Br' Everything went well up to the the roll, -med morning of the race—something like —The Seaforth and Fergus la- - $18,000 In pools had been sold the crease clubs played a match on the night before, the rain of that evening enaouraatng the opposing faction 10 recreation grounds in Seaforth on place their money on Carson's Harry Friday afternoon of last week for 0., 2.06, who was looked upon as the intermediate championship of R. R. DOUGLAS — BLYTIK having the beet of it in the prosper- pie Canadian Lacrosse association. rive heavy footing. When the day 'The result was a tie, each club scor- of the race came with bright sun - res Stuffs s or any line we fear no rival. tde's Cakes made-to-order or trim- Men's, $1.50 t0 $4. at moderate prices, Ladies', $1.50 to $3. Boys', $1.25 to $s. Girls', $1 LARGE QUANTITIES OF NEW FALL GOODS ARRIVING SPLEN Di D VALUES. Many Bargains in Summer Goods may yet be had. ,.SAME.. J. A. Anderson's -�►�BLY' FL EP OFF the EARTH During the wet weather as much as possible —that is keep as much shoe leather between the soles of your feet and Mother Earth as you can conveniently carry, It's wisest in the beginning and cheapest in the end to provide yourself with Shoes having good solid soles—cold- proof and water -proof if possible. We are selling exceptionally good Shoes of just this sort for men and,for women, children too. Well built, with broad heavy sobes and with stout Uppers. The wocuen's styles most as mannish in appearance, but pot *so clumsy or heavy as the men's shoes. STAR BAKERY shine and balmy atmosphere the ing six goals, Messrs. J. A. ,Jackson apd R. M. McKay, of Blyth, assisted the Seaforth club and were the star players fur the home team, Mr. Mc- Kay scoring four goals out of six for Seaforth. If it had not of been for the good work done by the two lllyth players Seaforth would not have been in 1t for one minute. The same two clubs played 9t Fer• ,gun yesterday afternoon and Fergus won by a score of G to 5, —A writer in the Kincardine Its; porter scents to think there Is no Igirl like the servant girl. Follow- ing is an extract from his letter: 1 will as n friend give one advice ACTS GENTLY G LIVER Ito young men. When you go to a ON Vlt'4ND house in search of a sweetheart tultc KIDf4 BOWEL' nut the heap of finery that is loung- ing- SYST ii„ on the lawn with het fen in her CLEANS THE f IH i hand, while some one else is tidying EFFECTUALLY; Inc room, but go into the kitchen, ISPEI'S SDS 045 there take the good tidy house. GO H�App LRS; keeper, rich or poor, and she will 1EVprove a blessing to you. You will 'OVERCOMES then live happy and get rich and NSgIPATION ovoid the tlispleasute of seeing a HABITUAL PERMANENTLY. on tiros load style and then is too wile who ha, spent all your money j�© G►ET CTS nice to a ,rl; seated in the drawing. B�NEF�CIAL ���� ' room reading novels at 12 unlock, white you wane the town and coml. DUY TME GENUINE —taMMFFDD BY try for one of the good reliable ser- @RPNIAIRISYI1Vi and girls who will cook potatoes and hash up your dinner, Young 44vttet '�"C�t°E,0, + NV�p� tnn0, tike an advice from one who eon�►(prn4tORuoG1511PRO.Pte has bad experleucc." • • 0 • A Few S. HERRINGTON Seasonable Lines. cam— cocoon-- — —BLUE, STONER — FENCE WIRE — SPRAYF.itS — BUILDING CEMENT — ILEA DY -MLX ED PAINTS —SPADES --SHO\'ELS — WASHING MACHINES — AV 1i, LNG ERS Oar pricy+s nn the above are very law. _sasses JI GI MOM 9tiYTR Scientiflo American Agency for CAVRAT9, TRAD! MARKS, DESION PATIMT$, COPYRIGHTS, ate,' Int fon and free nandhx>f wreetn • UNN hA co,. Jil 1n,uI WAR, NEW r001C. ofdeat evreau for eenumg pnn•olo In Amnrii. Eser, pparent taken out tr in, Ie brought Aerurn too od die ora surdas g,veu tree of eheree la the f cztnt fic AMcvkan drym �LaaNalpI*lYeaaoI.esmr oIe1llusM Automa end Lo Nd par &11l8la05en08,1t iaevaara7,NaoVon V.. 81y-Lh. wbinikiwg FOR C000 HEATH To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for 'ten, women and children than Ripens Tubules, They are easy to take. They are made of it combination of medi- cines approved and used by every physician. ltimus To- buies are widely used by all sorra of people—bot to the plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need. Ripens Tattles hive become their standard faintly remedy. They are u dependable, honest remedy, with a long and suc- cessful record, to care indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dlzzlneas, palpitation of the Imam sleeplessness, muscular rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver complaints, They strengthen weak 'stomachs, build up run down systems, reetore pure blond, gaud appetite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives constant benefit from a regular use of Ripens Tabules. Your druggist sells them. The lIve-ecnt packet Is enough dor an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 60 yenta, con- tains a supply for a year. Af" R•I•P•A•N•S