The Blyth Standard, 1902-08-28, Page 3M 'tff>idil.4.'4dwilevon.
44441, 404 4, &Am/
7r rw,ex, e
"i believe 1 coon fo nn, Nelle," Have I ezperteboel some terrible
10111wered, "But why its' you talk low or la It a chliline( presentment TOWN TREASURER
thus, my lifer' f parade tiny said, of fear ! Ceiling, flowers, dueled•
meet not die, ewes heart}
potting my artier about her; "you door ; all fading, fading -a horrible
or the bodily ehudder-derkaewartieraonbl will be empty." elle Ogee men • • . • • • QUebee 'ilunicipal Officer Give.
1nuk of unutternble tenderness, ne I At the dawn ed the world dnrkneev Impurtent Evidence.
kt c l her broad, white broth brooded upon the free of the deep. So,
Our love was eu.h that even the deep wan UM dnrknees of my boor
bright angels envied us; and Death, I soul ere It groped ate way back tu' Wit hoot Pear, hn,on or Ancotlnu,
h shadowy king, In sant h ng ,r lie pedo l'I.,iniy III, Iluue•t
f I 1 tletUUneula, AdnIug bonne Nord•
of Adele*.
\\'olfeetown, line„ L.i;; II.- tepr-
etol)-Mr. It. Boulanger, S,rrru1ry
end Treaeurer of tine to,vn, to
numbered among the most remitt-
ent, tend highly reepeot(rl tette' as of
the country.
Time anti egetn he has been hm-
orua by appolnlmente to offload of
public trust amid there is eu man
In our community who ootuututuls
the u11lver,al re.pect and esteem of
all classes of elfleeus more Until Mr.
Those who know him well are
aware that for some Woe Ila wa■
very III and they also know that
he watt rectorate to good health,
but many of them may not be
aware of the means used by Mr.
Boulanger ku aocompllebing the
wouderful recovery which ho hue
been fortunate enough to bring
about. 'Dodd'. Kidney PHI. cured
him and ho has main( title fact pub-
lic In 0 grateful letter which reads
tut follows;
"1 desfro to say that I was cum -
'timely cured of Kldnny Disease and
Urinary Trouble by Do.kl's Ktduey
"I ane so bad that 1 was obliged
to urinate often, with much utln.
They have relieved me of the pain
and the reeults to every way taro
"1 think it Is prudent for every
Gamily to keep them and use them."
When a man of Mr. Bouluugerb
standlug puts lemma on roomed so
frankly anal pu8lllvel,1, there eau
bo no doubt but that he hate ex-
perienced all anal more thou ho
dales in leo leiter,
Dodder Kldaey Pill. have now per-
muneetly eetabilities! lltems•Ivnens
an Infallible remedy for all urinary
leanbl1 and the cloning word. of Mr.
Buuianger's letter are an advice
%latch every huusrhole should ob-
the u Y for Nu, 0011 11010111011404 of exigence. 1. can
w queen, came upon my Leonella. ecureely retied any o the nch all,a
Knowing her to be the fnlreet un , ted that long fete)! of dnrkeeed, tele.
earth he desired her fora MI le, and tier 1 kens eenslble at the time of be-
hrenthed upon her while elle lay ! lug, omelet somewhere anal bearing a
eleeping. Dotrtore said that rim gnu torgnn anal many voieeeIn sang,
WWI p08888sn(1 of n certain diduxee, with no more puttee to [atom. It model!.
giving It a name, bat 1 know that or epeak or Illi tat eyelid than l lied
Dench had marked her for Ids own _ to ries and fly whethod I was sett -
Anil 1 remember that on a starry - .thio of Aide, 1 eny, or whether It hes
night who wreathed Inc mots about sauce come to met I (11400ot tell. But
my neck -I knneling 'by her helsld'• et Inet there came back to 111y foul
with that dear, golden head agilnst motion and Ruuud; the tutnulLuuus
___ my heart-kleeed me on the llpe, hooting o1 my heart, and, In my ears,
BORN INTO ETERNITY that ma t d,e wad eat w°rah the, turneekler, sweet (wee r Ward the filo monad Its motion Ilk.' the tpuede
lutchlg. R'hat gives the mweetnewe to skier, arse -Oh, God! her caul went bang of an engine. Thou u pours tv
our rouble oonee tion of the love tet out with that upturned gaze which all fe blank. at ail mullon,
rounGni but the Mon of Ito being freely They composed her for reel nett Ilan athrouglmand uttmy tni-11 mlo t Th tlnthe
Mt M. o. Nolsen'1 elven Y duppoee It had been thus: Tote rite ,inn beautiful 81111, covere.l with mere conemouunses of .defence, wlth-
1e'fnke the Wings of tete Nornut2•" flow -
min win the love of the tLuvlour by- flowers. 1 loved the white flow• out thon(o011n oouelllon apparently
-Bible. doing tide or Baying that, etc.; would ere, but the red once (tutde them
From the Poona of God, witch Is ooh the effect be to destroy the Idea take away ; for her soul war pure
Harting for a long time. Tarn, 0(ry'
the Universe, my wul breathes out of loco altogether and make It a eort and white, lhel( n budding Illy. tc rrorlyanhoa btu era Jul eteffort 11 to
of borgntn or traneaollou? Now, 1111 Wondering, they obeyed me. nravc, Now, whnthur I lay In an un-
words to the kettle beings love le @Imilnr, ani wprings iron the Night came again. The eyes of
milled moo, wtAggllnq upon their orate dlrl,v come, "ether It be heaven glittered with grler ocrr i cunectoue utnto ugatn, 1 do not kuutt•.'
Choy globe of dart. Ivy purer wouh my lour of 'God, or of women, or of men, the death of Leonella. A Tamp burn- , bol euddmnly tlu're °ams a recivul of
or of obIldren, and therefore the acme tad In her chamber ; i entered and ; roil and with a mighty effort, like
Lootaella, L with me always, forono who 0881,78 to 1111) a great weight,
here there are no meparat!one, D, ruler aDP!y. It la often Bald that n looked tbe door. I was alone with I move,. my haul once more. I lay
her vast of soul. there 1@ no stir- °rebut') man loved a woman, and the my" dead and -the unlveree. In her ; thlnkt g, with +1 vain rndru►Lrr to
loved him, but another stepped In and whlto robots, how fair, how lair ! ' cwt rhend my true state, mut low,
row, no dtttaroe, no time: neither won her. It le an Insult to that great But ealntly eye., you open not h, r wlth n rush like the swirling teeth
are there any secrete, for the souls and mlgMy devotion which 1. above greeting! Dear lips, you return not I of Impels eJl wutrre, Dame a full
of Chu dead are trans rent, all ell each petty conelderatlooe; which Ley pneslouate lame! Sweet -
Vaulting the same thougbtr and l8 not won by little tricks of little halide, aro o cold 1 to .old mommy of I•rouclln-her reetorntluu
! Poor heart, - u, 1110 -me slokneee-no more. \1'lutt
mon hut to given, and given no freely no longer beating ageing mho., 1 14140., here set down In these pages
pommeling the same universal m pd. and abundantly nm tin glorious sun• but .hill, dear Gal I how .till l ' oboe back to me later. I fully re -
I tell of my death and of my more light or rummer nlr, bio, oh ! heart- A sound of weeping. Her molher'e • membered m9 801)0888, however ;but
than defib. From the awful hurter lonely' man, remember that there Is tenet were falling for a loft lough' : why did no ono sumo to me ? t'p to
o1 that time buy soul bear. mere .emcwhere In your world a heart ter. 1 heeded not ; what was her , tale palet Hew not oponal my eyes
that an eternety of time anal love looting for you and for no other. grief 1n comparison with the burn- ,far whatever reamers I cannot tell
cap never wholly efface. 1 vena Th(xe 1e a fete that raise, and atom lug agony Iu m7 Own dlmreirrnl' with an Indeflnnblm fent' I euddenty
born into the world, anti found It tat least In your life you two will soul ? on agony too deep for .hal• opened them to the bleakness of eter-
oort•olvful; but oat, the sorrow of moot. There will be no doubt In either low tears. Ilan night. lbmronn ova kurely have
tau world, U multiplied a thousand heart as to who that other U, for 1 knelt upon the fluor end add' taken the lamp away and left me
Hater, ouuld not compare with the In your Rest Mame you will feel my cheek to herd, It watt sweet, : none 1
agony experienced to the pewee Iovr'e nwakening like the glad elle It was dear, Jug to he thud, 1411, _ 1 telt a rllffieuity In breathing, he -
death it sullen gates.
tlomewhero, tomctlme, In the hie
tory of the waro1 t wee a mon
among mon. As meth things are cul- unkree on the groundo of nutty the promise i and mad. to call wall; on the other sten-n wall, In
teed thero 1 was not rich .tor haul- of soli. We told no differences; her coal from eteralty. W148 tt but want pn the. could 1 be lying to
- some, neither wase 1 po86exmed of there could lea none where, n perfect 11 wild dream pt mine, or woe it latter n wall upon each silo? :lumz-
those graven and attributes that trust and unde:,tanding existed, She poesIble to project my eplrit Into on° moat coon .von. [ (lmterndnrd
rttoogly appeal to the vao:ty of vile bathedabovo momma. Her mete the klllmltable vada and again' ton cull; three tlmehdbl I try-,bcfore
wumML. But 1 had a strong body took delight In the etudlir which mostunite It n•Ith hers? At this moment i
anti a hardy sptrlt, using bosh ellen strongly ford the Imagination. The
a ray of hope mart twee found Its' n hoarse and Muffled sound issued
mrnu:ou offered to 148.181) u weaker beautiful °onceptlon■ of tato Greek way to my rout and sharpen«1 Its; from me tunes I`ps, and even then I
brother or .,star faltering through porde a0 given In Homer thrilled to' pain fur 1. vvh0 seldom ptaynl, del nut know tat' own voice. "Nelle,
poverty or uegluot. 1 met ',roomette her heart, and no 1'listened to the cried aloud to lied: "0, Tion, 14111,1 tatting. I ngnln called, wIll a,
when or where tt rauttera not. Pro- Mold melody of her telco rvelthtg (lust fill tlue u°Iveree, direct my 'stronger tear. I pat up my lmnil
bably oar spirits had been together those deep and sounding 11 DOS 1 fell epkrlt to the path herd Into tso late -
(lost 017 face. Glome I .\ tvindnw .
since the dawn, and we were thea an elation of epirlt akin to here. ly travelled, that I may seek end :lir: a window dhould bo tat m}' side,
for the first time oottsel008 of the Yet, apart from the magnetism of find ogaln that gracfo0a presence not above me. Why dal rho mot
fact. I know that when our oy'e4 her colco and preemtee, I could never 141110lt alone can (41140 me from 001110? Where was 1'?-1L• n•enle
fleet met my soul leaped forth to eeperh'nee the .nine lifting of soul madness." Then, once more 1 laid God 1 In a coffin 1 WILII n ter 11 -
clamp hers to au everlasting em- when rending the lines by my.ell. my face to Leonella'u,, and with n hie scream of horror, torn from my
bntee. To what can 1 compare her, She ale0 loved astronomy. With
effort of will 1 .ought to tortured soul, I dashed abut ottecoffin
ob, earthly men, 411 order to give teleecopo and chart we spent 0111 rend my epirlt on ate wild journey. Ind htto a thousand jingling r.„
you an idea of the noble grandeur rummer evenings J.,urneylug umeng . Every muscle ane tense, the sweat and put up my quivering honed In a
of Iter? There le nothing to your the stere. What a divinity hoe maul started out In dro ., my brain wild effort- to rise. Impo881b1"1 I
low world beeut'Itul enough to cum- to Ima(luutlon ; It 1n the chtof tittle- seemed 011 tire; hot I kept my will - was entombed alive I I May the
paro wath my love, my life; 1.0, noth- bule ro rulme elm nearer to Ood. - like Iron, Presently there came a bright nngele above pity tato loot
coq below Heaven. Her coming to Leonella revelled In the creations of , mnrmurIng In buy ' carr, like epirlt that suffers the lhuue1nitlt
me was like the gentle appearing' her fancy, whirl,, kowcver, were far , fallleg \vatere, a gagging of part of the cold horror that crushed
of the evetel og star, or the severe short of the wonderful teeth of ex- my arme, 'then forgetfulness my owe In Its cold, , snaky folds,
path of the smiling moon across Istenco road through the great glees. of this life. Yet I .till pato- Take eho thrtlling agony of a mil -
the brow of the restlenr sett. I eller* Often whh0 whtchllg the rapt COMP' ' KOWend a con.clouene.e of exigence Ilan y'(Or8, comment' 1t Into 01:01 MO'
of her .01(1'8 beauty btoauee thet tennnre of Leonella, us her mind wax eomewlere, with a full memory of went, and You have but a faint Ittsa
is all In all; yet the luvellneee of carried far away beyondelmer starry ' my loss like a ',marling wound, of my' soups terror. An faint t of
her taw and form wan rite that of retaliate, have 1rxpertenced a feeling My foul was groping 1n the vault of
silence! Tlten torturing In-
a perfect flower. Her eyes were of reverence and awe, half belleving of eternity. "Leonella," my soul awful
struck down realm torturing
tat a
darkly bleu wall a mysterious depth ;ter to be n spirit u(H oven roti+.e whir ered, "Leonella I Leonella" An blow and usurped her throne.
golden teeth the sun, p WAg ter ttlart, bre pure from with Ile beau- R'Llh
that oonstantly suggeittxl to m° then an earthly helug; then would Infinite depth of .hence, Again my MIreama after scream of agony I torn
tbat we had ?teed and loved ages be- 1 wreak her name and touch her hand, soul breathed out her name, "Le' the bel from my bend and chewed
fore. As the western clouds are and, coming to herself again with a onelta, my darling, my precloue t
bride, come! comet It to Marcellus It with my teeth. With superhum•1n
wavy and abuedant hair. She was ttful rutile would be turned toward who Ballet" My splrlt leaped to strength I strove to aftthe e•elgint
Of medium height, of .lender figure, , me. Her mind wee great In its eon- meet her anewering waiver. clove, but In vain, I Omelet
boated In a
and her face wars fair, very fair; ceptlone; It being apparently deep ,'eMarcellun, my life, farewell! voice More like that of a demon
whet° all the world grew brighter enough tU compose the mystery of Death has mono hie gates 1" AL from the lower pit then of it men
at the eweant's', of,lier smile. Her God and eternity. One Idea of here this my epirlt seemed battling -and even Iluened for a reply. !1y
volae was clear alai low, yet even Nene this: That In the future. land against a manatee, adman- brain welt burning, Idashel 11y head
what other echoes were epoaking i we wattle know .nch other by that tine wall, as .a bird strikes ngntnet the sharp efgia of the
could bear her words alone. rime attrnctluu o! enol that united ILgalret a' door. My soul agate glna8 and dug out hole latae 0ye4,
We bored; not with the orltnnry ale herr. I was aultamed at the called: "Oh, Leonella! Love is Aron- omit the water In abbe I wag per-
lave of mortuls, but with u strength of her pneslonato attach- ger than death !Let my love conquer, daily submerged moat haiu boon
strength and devotion amuuttlag 111' punt, believing myself to be un- gerphte theme walls." With that It dah°d tn'to bloody foam.0The sharp
moat to tautunl Idolatry. Fadll Ilial worthy tel ft. Re who truly .oven Deemed that the Bates opened with beak of tnsanity Is u horrible thing
for the other alone ; and If for a time always berms a keen sent° of file a sullen clang, and my marl united al the maul. I ,called, (shrieked -1
we were parted east wee restless and (eve unworLhineol. She I(x,knl upon with hero anal -a ringing in my ear. even cured God on his high tln•one.
uneasy and po8.088e(1 of but a waver-' (both no the entrench to all wisdom a dl.dnese I am k,teeling In her Then my bmtn burnt, and the lent•
Ing, utwertrlin purpose. I live(. for tae and knowledge, for the gent 011:0 chamber, there le a flush upon her log spirit left my mortal body tt'Ith
other thing than to love and be loved made free It could roam the ant- cheek. Almighty UM! 'tie warm, And a yell of ftendleh laughter yet eluiv-
by her. Wealth, dtelluetlon, glory, 41rxe and eolvo all myetorles, He" her heart ? No! Teo1 Yee 1 Beating! .flat on eta elut'kv lips.
power, all therm thing. that Inspire night 101117 eat for @tame time eaten- Her eyes sweet Heaven! they ere With a Klatt 8011x0 of freedom my
the ardnoue and permeating toll of Ing to her 1141101(01 creatluna and In-
most man wet'e to me as mere geld- trnneed by the epi'll of her great ' 1[1,ea1ce Site
alt you call ; IDcame.r f Irekaew rm'rltl lg seal
rola to
tp range lab ed,atth
owe and not worth a thought. In latndomand beauty, After awbl!esbe your robe as it ((anted o'er the were lnieed last, Haid that there
ptorlee you often rend, ye little men, 1:,1d her head upon my breast, and rret:Iwo of the universe. I am here:' was nothing to limit Its xfrtnelon.
01 mime man winning the lute of a 0rtt1; her beautiful face raked to with a dullrlonts Joy 3 tIIap raleed we enu1 yet ti past, a tt-aht t there
wamlln. Be ensured the love of wommn Mill 41, It face whom trust and Inns.' her 1n sly' arms, and calling her by agony, but t wad ears, -titer 1w no
is aster won ; It is given. The 10v° erne. Wile greater than seer WO.'every dear name I knew, 'timed her anemia ). In this seller. whaled. It w(18
men wore, she said: " You are tlred ablate and again, weeping In towage o. neght ; my grave was heaped up foil
— "` to -might, Marcellee. Hao my rant- happiness. They broke open the door nttJ teen, and I fun owe al bidding
BAFY'S OWN TABLETS, !'dag talk weaned yon?" And wee' and entered,ttanking Ihadgone mad.. farewell to tee Por, d.storte,l corpxa
thee" words she t+l lthh'i 1 my lice But 1 heeded diem not. One thing , below. Sole, alter dimtL, rllwit71
!Peelle 141111 h, r white, tuls•rleg alone I knew; site was alive, allvo, fool n . rt of a(lect'onntr het-
Cure Ate tar ins of Idttle liable• and bond. alive! My love had called her bank- the useha+ hu l'e.9 whish (11ei far-
pIie lhlldrro. "Nu, 'Nelda, darling," I replied, to life. :_ mrr:y inhabited. 1 rvnx 0)0800u8 of
Tate medicine is paid for all call- 1 w°" Doty thinking. Your veneer On the sweetness of our many core:
an trr °olotible dears In 11x0 and also
err often hard to uudoretnnd, and verratione after Leonella'. return 1 , et n boundleo8 capacity far hM1 ,pi-
.dren, bora the (0017est;plane, whose 1 cannot 141rvay8 aca0mlmny Yoe."' heed not dwell; eutflce to Icy that flees. In mi happy' Peale Im7 soul
life seems to hank by a thread, to Her cc,•R moiled Into Wee its eho; our Ibex were again firmly moulded 'turned to Laonrda. A11othrr .retial
hard; stroked my Imir. B, nnrt 1 wan tat her ehaud,er window,
the gnarly boy whose d'.;0:+tive tap- "Do you think," she dreamily asked, together. But not for loo I knew; aShel" eat at the ,('11110)1 looking to-
ptrutud oconrtc,nnay gets out of m- atter a short ellenee, "lo You Think (or Beeth, while 1 had wrestled vel h i war(1 the dtotnnt churchyar,l. ('l:on
der. Teere to nu 8toma1ch or bowel that the freed a Irlt could ever come him for a breet In the rage of de- tustnpt Rhr frit my preernee, ns
P teat had street hill icy tang. Into
trouble that Baby's Own Tabletop back to the bo.ay alter death; by my mad. [ felt I wap doomed. Let 1 thetied tel hp her xtnrtled gate.;
vett not epIolnll,v reUeve and prompt- any mrana whatever?" teem call It a contagious dioses., yet snnlR do not sen tar near da,
ly cure, cad do it In a natural way, ger eyes were again turne•l tel the I1 tlwy tete" i kpoty, i know ; 't1■ t11ey swie9 all anlpre8xlonx dirrotly.
as the medicine le gunratiteed to tstnrs with that far -away look in death's revengeful stroke! I believe i kuenv rhe on on he ieuthappier with
oonta.,11 no opiate or Mtellattl drag. me, (tar It was only when toeMhrr
Exper:enced nwthera everywhere them. Startled at eke gltextlan, I l was voiced to mettle some wovidly tilt u•r rennte:l perfect rest and
praise Baby's Oen Tab%etc ultimo all gazed at her with almo.,t a feeling hu8lnems and did Ro. 1 remember a pmncn N11r ry u.d oomn tat To* call.
of tear, and for a moment was client.' face, dear, dear as my life, beading e
mottelmee etre. James A. Wieton, 1\-y- I brrath°,1 bre nnmr, ''Lrnnella,
"Do you think *o, dear?" she asked low over mete' and tears falling eon r.' Thncee 11,1 1 tt hlsper, nal
epringing of the dawn. I one- think, think. Like n flash t tort ; Ing (Iso nnraelly conu•loue 01 n
rot account for the strong tine °a0,n acetas my mind her words acnmu of cunllnement. I pat tint my
between Leonella and myself that night 1n re,peot to death and ; hand 141 my ride and benched -a
Yrs, happiness for eternity, oh, my
better sons, my /tie, my darling, my
sptrlt bride!
Upon my grave where her tears
had fallen for tee on the day of my
funeral, white Illlee have sprung up
Ln bloom.
Bismarck, Ont,
A series of extraordinary events
recently took place at Rodez,
France', ilia have excited wide-
spread Lnlereot among tee choose
'1'1111 elieuuletane(w were thuruughIy
lnsIwtigato0 by a representative of
a Pardo Journal. The 8(01(1 of the
oe(Mrrrncea 441(8 the orphan u:yene
LN Gr,tes, near Lu'.esaw, and they
conccnwd n member of title asylum,
by name ulster ''anl•F,0uret. The
Iullowleg le the rendt of the In-
vestlgat,on, ubtulned from abso-
lutely creditable sourers and of
which Ile gearnntcel the correct -
u 08(4.
Ther° hn8 1('140 tel the orphan
1010/111 for Chu (stet twelve yeure
a whiter, Originally from the Can-
ton of Reroute, who Ic uffla'tel
%111 a spectre of MD 11101.11 whteh
nulkee her believe that eltc Ie iws-
rmtlrn1 lay n (1101)1; her Ogee duper-
dor, Ow other wester,' of the asylum,
and nearly all too (wclesiaetlee of
the country 1111111 n Om11rni' belief
111 her nlflletl(m.
The dlreas ', aocur.Ut, to the phy-
dL"Lone, lr merely a merles 01 hys-
terl•a; natural predlstrll:utlon 0111:011
b,enwe !vote ender the ImLoenco of
the eurroundin( atmoepluere. Ilia
the supernatural featured aro the
moult of true auto-euggeet'on.
lu her paroxylene the tearer-
. utters ieereing Prlrs, and
of *0111 Intensity that the peasant@
Maar them at a great ilst1.nee from
the 1unvvnt, During these nttnele
the patient lyeltevee hetaell to be
batten or burnt by the dct11 w thin
or that portion of 1141 bo ly, The
auto-8nggrstiou I4 eo strong at these
tion that Iwwe•Ilat, ly upon the
lllwnppenruncr. or the p810470m there
le 1011011 011 that portion of the body
where the eofflring Is most interne,
either n burn of the ekln or the hu -
print of teeth.
sister tlnlnt-eleuret hate n horror
of 0001,1' rellguvuu 0111(''11 11111 the
nearby pm -fleece of n figure of
Chrlel, of at book of devotlone. or of
any *a, r.'d image lmmedlately thrown
her Into 111 Almost retail et. The
most (uri(u8 circumstance is that
imp rated mot dee three uhJeot., she
feels then, she, ddvinrr them when
they are brought near her even
trough r.aref111y hidden, and elle
Intmr.11ately t(leas vel theta in de -
*'troy, Further, she fregorntly .11-
%1nee the thought of persone who
speak to her and elle mopeds to
them In their own language what-
ever title language mal be. ,Although
elle le a elmplc peasant wlto had
mere reerlvc l the boot rducallnn,
moiler, Ord., @aye. 1 hall usulvleter Saint-}'lurrrt lu her p,uox-
n nin, from the eweetrwt 01 all sweet cy ee, A y'*717P speak. (frock, Ih111nn, Rult >an,
B/10' 't Oa'n Tablets; foe bale my- then lire soul was vtnnl to min', for
children, and oa118ld01' them Imtls- "Yes, Nella, under certain condi- heart -broken 80111, warm kle4em, ever to r'emni.)1. Hrr lifeless holy
"'Nclln! 'Netto! I'm d to ever sat tat tin window, ns band }:ngllsh and farmers. She .twoso re -
are young
7o any home aof m flint. tions. t vel been tel to •'that man Helen' Y Mg 'O ' almonds fluently to Ilea Immune
are youast very fn. One of my eel- only not yield ale soul tits angels' ' 1)n hand we soared away to the whatever It may LP In welch *hu
dren was very fretful, and 1 el- only lhrot,gb the weakness of ale, stars. Ie addressee.
ways found the Tpblete cumtortLug- own will./ I think that with a A retinal of dreamy reit, of what 0.41,7.
we erotic free, vh, baarerl-
anl a splerplttl regulator of the .tom- pee -el -MI will, n soul dould drive It- , length I know not. In which I am , !tea n,c ow re Messrs to roam vend to not,. Iton'I8.
ALIO) Rad bowel8. I think the Tablets .elf back to Its abandoned body. Or conecloue of being lifted, and wash- anek ant Col?"
have been the mean. of pcomot!,n'z better still, 1 tally believe that the ed and dreamed anal composed for Hush. my hmnelln," my epLrlt Don't Pn10r the wtltrr whale ucer-
many a mound night's rest for both (weaved loved one could by the deep; yet I neither know nor care made reply. "MO are Indeed frra to hrutl1 1.
myself abbe childnen:' otreugtl: of hie will, send his love wily the Is done, or when or by penetrate all mnelln,ee: but we Ihm't enter tar water tnuu•dl+ete-
Childrep take those Tablets am out Into the spirit land and gall the whom. L know my body le wisely° may not look alba eho 11400 0f the ly trier eatlnK.
departed soul bank to Ito body. The It their hands, though It meemm too,
great Father 111111.1 Bo mnmmons ter; Dou't go out tun far, nu !stetter that could do this must neeie as U It were another person whom then, dearo..t, will we go hand In how Well you La u1 swim.
be mighty, aux} only that ono motel they are thus treating. Silence, A haul," Don't atny in the waiter too long.
whose afeeetlon8 were knit to those oold11088 and terrible rigidity
01 my They burled her In tar graveyard In cater of ncri,lrut, don't tier up
of the dead could do mo:' limbo! My eyes are epee now! The where my Frntve wee made. Upon 100 Kron, but keep working over the
"Could you do that for me, If 1 ceiling le veldt°! M.v medicine? Not the day of the funeral we hovered Intl et, e
were -+lead, dear heart "" ahe wile- here. What beautiful flowers, and on over the spot 'I.n sympathy. WW1 tee Pont allow n crowd to prow ,
readUy as candy, and emote, I to it
powder, they cast bo given with ab-
solute safety to the yonngeot, weak-
est Want. 'You can get the Tablets
from any dealer 1411 medicines, or poat-
:peAd at 26 Dente a box, by writinpf
the Dr. Williams' Medicine tbmpany,
Brockville, Oat„ or Schenectady, i pared, with her arm drawn round my ' my bed, too! 1 must have beea III. therm is no grief : we gave each around yron tate y
'N. Y. neck, What lo them heaviness at sly heart? other And everlasting happiness, plenty of ata,