HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-08-28, Page 1• —
NoTDf.—Mies Bertha Coventry, of
New York, hi visiting her slater,
Mrs. J. E, Eille.... Mrs. Achespn and
two children, of Dromore, are the
mete of Mrs. Jtodger, er., M preserve.
...Among those who left on the
excursion to the west were Messrs.
Jamee McGill, Themes Tunney, Mil-
ton Taylor, Albert Taylor and Al-
bert Fothergill ....Mr, H, Morrie,
accompanied by Misses Bertha New.
combe and Mary Barrett, of Blyth,
spent Sunday with the Misses Me•
pllnton....Mr. Norman Walsh and
Miss Mary Walsh, of Belgrave, spent
l urday In the neighborhood.... Mr.
and Mrs. Ed. McDowell, who spent
,ills past few months in Mlch,gan,
have returned home....A Sunday
,school planks will be held on Thurs-
day, August 28th, at the residence of
Mr. John Wigbtman....A song
,service was held by the Epworth
League on Sienday evening, A
large number were present....
Threithing has commenced and we
lore pleased to state the grain is
turning out very good.
of hie account in full. Accounts AUBURN.
werereceived and ordered to bo ITEMS. -A new steel water wheel
paid as follows:—Municipal World, has been added to the Manchester
St. Thomas, collector's roll and poet- flour mills, The new wheel weighs
age on same, 1902, 81.41; estate of 3500 pounds and will be used to run
Mrs. E. Reid, rent of road allowance, the chopping machinery only. Mr.
S. part lot 84, eon. 9, for one year George Toms, proprietor of the mills,
to June 21st, 1902, 82 ; THE BLYTR Is an expert miller and will have
STANDARD, part payment of printing nothing but the very beat machinery
contract for 19o2, 818 ; R. C. Mc- for ehepping and milling purposes...
Gowan, plank, Bee ; Win. Robinson, Around here the principal work of
grading and putting in cement cul- the day Is harvesting and thresbing. Notes Discounted and Collected. Drafts Issued.
vert, 813 ; Richard W. Lwin, plank If the weather Is favorable the most
and repairing bridge, 82.5o; Alex, of the crop will be well under she,- General Banking Business Transacted.
Bruce, jr., drawing and putting is ter the Doming week..•.Agiong
pement culvert, 85.5o; Fred. Rath, those who went to Manitoba on the
drawing and putting in three ce- harvest trip were Mrs. Knox, Miss
NO. 3.
. t
Capital, all paid up, $2,000,000. Reserve, $r,boo,000,
Total Assets, $19,9;o,000.
ment culverts and the in one outlet, Alice Clark, Miss Clara Lawson, Mies Sums of
812,5o; Thomas Black, eight days Moss, Mr. Wm. Watson, Mr. Sheri -
$r and upwards received and
interest allowed,
work inspecting gravelling on east. pard Nicholson and Mr. Loss Beadle. compounded half yearly.
ern boundary, 812, also tweeting We wish them stteceas....Misses C. L. LAING, SUB -AGENT.
gravelling on cons. 6 and 7, 82.25; Jennie
enie andh er be Misses Toronto,
ront ,
ofCharles Johnston, services rendered guests
Verge -
as per engineer's award in 19o1, 85; son on Sun . anter
Oliver Anderson, drawing and put. and rosily paid the Nile a visit on
c t
ting lhe outlet, 83.751 John E. Sunday.,..Misa Maggie Youngblut
da , .. Mr. James C
Benne payment as operator of road left on Saturday on a trip to visit
grader season I9o2, .8211.50, A friends at Clinton, Hespeler and Galt
number of small accounts, being for a few weeks.... Mr. henry Law.
paymentfor gravel, shovelling and for and his daughter, Mabel, took in
MORRIS. damages when drawing gravel, the trip to Detroit on Saturday....
WAIL—Mr. Wm. Brunsdon, of amounting in all to 856, also re. We are sorry to say that Mr. John
Londesboro, set up follr new Massey- calved and paid. Part of the school Mills is not improving. Ills daugh-
Harrls binders op the 6th Ilne,of warrants for the current year were ter Mary is getting better, but very
Morris recently. The purchasers received, when the council adjourned slowly.... We bad a little bit of an
were Messrs. John Nethery, John till September 22nd next.,, exciting time in the village on Fri -
Kelly, ,Joseph Grasby and John - - day evening. Look out, boys, for
Agan....There are some terrible WALTON. your eves.... Mr. Alex. Robinson
holes on some of the concession lines Locees,—Last week Dr. Arm- visited the county town one day last
that some pathmaster should look strong left Walton for New York week....Mr. Samuel Crawford, of
after before the fall rains set in and city and atter a short sojourn there 'Blyth, paid the village a flying visit
the email should see that they do will cross the Atlantic where he will one evening last week.... Misses
it Mra W. Forsyth and her take courses In London, Edinburgh Ber;.ha and Minnie Qunnce, who
brother, Mr. Charles Dow, of Scot- and Glasgow colleges. He will be were the guests of their sister, Mrs.
land, who ,lave been visiting rel;- away for Live or aix months prob- George Toms, for the past month, re-
tivest In 540,townithip, will sail from ably. Mrs. Armstrong and family turned to their home in Deihl on
New York on the AliateState steal). will continue to realde in Walton, Teesday morning.
impCArthaainlan en September 3td. we ,are pleased to state, and they
...Among 'the Morriaites who went Item 'noyed to the Methodist par- , pitmen*.
west last Reek were P. ,,pekeon, s,.q;e. As the pastor has not .yet `NapesMise Agnes Govenlock is
1Jawiey Bros., 1 sell Fear and ,,ecatl•ed Mrs, Carsegllenjtie will board vielttng in toyrn....Three cars Et
$ Clark. Angus. Taylor, of with Mrs, Armstrong. We wish salt were shipped fay the Brussei&
Herleek, was Also a paseenggr.... Dr. Ateistrong a plensnnt and ego• .salt works Met week.... Mrs. Mat -
The threshing machine retards tile cessful visit to the old land. Dr. thew Moore end children are visiting
wor4 of hauling in the cot crop when Irving, of Toronto, is /Jr. Arm at Trues bridge.... Miss Matthesnn,
it etrikesa commaplty for fall wheat strong's successor here, having,pur- of Toronto, is the guest of her cousin,
thrashing.... Mies Rebecca Shuffle phased his practice and reaidetpe, ,Mrs. Crone.... Miss Ina Carveth, et
and Master; Clifford and McKenzie, ....Mr. Daniel 31cM1llan is ad ver. Walkerton, le !fere on a visit at Mr,
sons of Mr. John Sherrie, are holt- tieing tris farm property for sale as W. H. M Qrackon's.,..Mrs. W. R.
Baying with friends at Ripley..., he intends going to the west to plan- Wilily nrtd sons, of Seaforth, are
gr. W. H. Maunders may take a trip age a clinching business.... A letter .spending a week or two at Mr. P.
to Manitoba this fall ....License In- from Mr. JAM" Smillie, who Jr,Ith Berry's, tlltil street....A pretty wed.
specter Miller and Mrs. Miller have Mies 5tplltie, is now visiting in Scot- ding was solemnized at the home of
returned from a visit to friends to land, says they are keeping well the bride'a,parents, Turnberry street,
Wellington aounty....Afiases Lizzie and enjoyably rambling round the on Wednesday evening of last week
end Kathleen Owen, of Belgrave, country. They expect to return next when fir. Wm.'Thompson, an epter-
bave beeh spending a few days at October....The farmer does not go prising merchant of Thesaalon,.Al-
Mr. George Peacock's, to see the town very often these goma, and bliss Aliza j1eien, daugh-
days....11arn room and hired help ter of Mr, Jewel 011yer, Brussels, I
are scaroe....Mr. and Mrs. Swab, were united ,in the holy bonds of
who for the pest few weeks have matrimony by rev. T. Wesley (ns•
been visiting with their dqughter, ens. Quly thn intimate relatives I
Mrs. Jerrow, have return( 4 to their wero present. The oxide were a
home in Ohio, accompanied by Mrs, very becoming travelling costume: f.
Jerrow, who will spend a few weeks and wan unattended. Mr, and Mra.
Thompson left on the 8.20 train amid
showers of rice and good wishes.... (
The apple evaporator 1e being en-
larged. When finished about 40
hands will be employed in it....
Thirty-six fest horses were here fur'
the Brussels races last Tuesday and
Wednesday. ...Mr. Jetties Stratton's
house on Elizabeth street is under-
going extensive repairs... .Mr. W.
M. Govenlock, B.A., and family, who
have been visiting Mrs. Cosens, have
returned to their home in Landon. i
Connote MEx'xsw.—The council
met on August 14th, pursuant to
adjournment; members alt present.
Minutes of. last regular and special
meetings were read and passed.
Communication from Mr. J. A. Mote
It May Seem
; A Little Early
Have just received another large consignment
.J of Carpets in Brussels, Tapestry, Wool, Union and
Hemp. Also Linoleums, F1pgr,Qils and Curtains.
Why give 15 or eo per, cent more ,when you can
get the sante quality here for that much Jess.
Have you seen our Fancy Blousings and
French Flannels. They are the newest thing in
the market and arc selling well.
under the parental root.... Rev. Al.
ton, solicitor, Wingham, being his G. Jerrow is away on a business
opinion as ;eked for on matters re• trip to New York, and will be ab-
laeng to the remit outbreak of sent about three weeks:. ,.We are
smallpox in the township last winter, pleased to state that Mr, John Short -
received and filed. Moved by Mr, reed is recovering from a severe
Ellis, secnnded by Mr. Carr, that the attack of congestion of the lungs._
clerk be instructed to notify and re• Mrs. E. H. McLaughlin is also reaov
quest the several parties in the town. ering from her recent illness of pueu•
ship who were afflicted with small- monis.... Mies Carrie Berry left on
pox last winter, to pay the accounts Tuesday of last week on an extended
rendered against them about the visit with relatives and friends in
htet of April last, to Mr. Finlay An- Cypress River, Manitoba.... Mr. and
derson, the treasurer, on or before Mrs. Young and family, who have ....Harvey Willis, three years of _
September 2otb next,—Carried, The been visiting with Mr. Young's par- age, who lives at Seaforth, and who
treaaterer presented his half -yearly encs for the past few weeks, left for is vvsiting his grandparents, Mr, , •
report, which was found slttisfactory, their home In Manitoba the former and Mrs. Gerry, wee badly hurt Fri -
showing a balms, .an hand at date pert of last week. day while playing with some other
of 8688.17. Communication -from_- boys, The little lad was being
Mr.'"Witt. lAn., county clerk, re- DUNOANNQN, drawn in a wagon, when the vehicle:
cetyed, eating that the amount re- EVINGELtsTIO MEETINOo — Re- upset, throwing the little fellow out
(aired this year from the township member the anion evangelistic meet- and dislocating his collar bone,
for county purposes Was 81424.4o. Ings by Crosaloy and Hunter in the - •
Resolved, that a further sum of Agricultural }tall, Dungannon, cone- —The following dispatch from
83718, in addition to the county rate, mencleg next Sunday, August 3tat. Port Arthur appeared in Monday's
in all 85142.40, be raised off the Upton service on Sunday at 10.30 papers: „'fire first accident to occur
township this year for county, town- a.m. In the Presbyterian church, of the excursionists going to
Alp and special school purposes, and Dungannon, conducted by one of to any
that a rate of 3.58.100th mills per tike evangelists, also union service is the west happened today east of
dollar be struck to rales this amount. the Nile Methodist church at same Scbrieber. A man named Martin, of
Bylaw No. 8, 19o2, confirming the hour, conducted by one of the even- Exeter, Huron county, aged 73
same, duly read and passed. Re- gcliets. Mass meetings in the hall,
solved, that Mr. John
be again appointed collector of taxes, by both evangelists. Week night thought to have walked off one of
salary $6o, Bylaw No, 9, 19o2, meetings at 7.45. the trains in his sleep. He was
ratifying this appointment was also picked up by a following train and
read and passed. It was also re- Qur fall importations of (4shionable brought to the hospietl here. Ile is
solved that Mr. John E. Bennett, Dry Goods are weekly arriving. We in a pri;ical condition, g number of
operator of road grader this season, invite inspection. Butter, 16c. G. E.
be paid 8211,5o, being the amount KiNp, Wingham, stf ' bones being fractured."
11, McClinton Dungannon, at three and 7.30 p.m. 'el'rs, bound ft r Winnipeg, is
New Dress Goods
Arriving every few days. This department
.has grown rapidly, and why? Because we have
the ,best, value that is obtainable in the. market. If
you need anything in that line it will pay you to
A large range of Hosiery and Underwear re-
ceived this week which we are selling cheap.
¥en's,,and Boys' Clothing
at astonishiligly low prices.
Are at present visiting the fashion centres,
picking up the most up-to-date novelties.
The Western Fair
• . I.#ONDON . .
SEPTEMBER 12-20, 1902
prof Hutchison, the unman Bomb, in a thrllllaa Halloos Ascension and
Parachute Dray. The n, l*rthous CVnln Useel,. The ()maths, m a s,oaatlon uo-
veay, The grm.t o. , the Handcuff King. The Clifene, Continental Ncaautrn
quer. M.rn.ng cod 1), Crow, ramous M unpedea Bona Bavoon, with her
troupe of Trvmcd tropical Birds. ds. The nerd bras., acrobatic W s,Ora. Chris.
no 51 Jom.ee, Carnet Virtuoso Magniiloeut evrotechaioe and many other f at-
nreg, spacial ,ram service over all tinea }Exhibits further ahead luau the
tunes. Brownie ,de meidmusly beautiful. Bultdi t e trre.te;ably tuvlting,
Prize Lists, Maps, Programs and ell information for the ssktag from
President. Secretary.