HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-08-21, Page 81�CQIU$CNIE & R9►3CE BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. BLYTII, ON UM°. NOTES DISCOUNTED, Sale Nowa a epeoialt,y. Advances made to farmers ou their own notes. No additional security rte quired. •111'11661 ON DEPOSITS it Current Rates, We oder every yccomtuodetion con- Uteut with ee a and conservative ukipg principles. ,iHIJIITED PRIVATE FUNDS To loan on Reel Estate at lowest rates of interest. ;IEAL 11TIT1 AGENT& Persons wishing to sell will do well to place their property on our list for sale. Rents collected. O014TU IN¢ 01 all kiade promptly attended to. I1111111KB. Ws represent the leading Fire end Life Assurance companies, and re- spectfully solicit your account. E. 8,1]iRISTaN, SOLICITOR, ETC, adylter for Bank of Hamilton. Money to Loi, Oma, Weyer block, lVtetham. r A. JACKSON, B.A, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ESTI. Conrr.ayfuuner end Votary Public. Solicitor for of Hamilton. Onion', Pretoria block, our o,.U. stare, Blyth. Money to lend. CE HOURS: 10 A.N. to a P.N. Dulness Farce. DICIINSON, J 5. JEROME, t D.B„ DENTIST, Mu is tb. Pretoria block, B1y$b. Bp.dal .AMbton paid to tbli pre erratloi of the nag mal booth. All priest a low w is eonai.tent with pod work. Gold work a.peoiolty. { 0. LmWDSAT, sit PHYSICIAN AND IIIROEON. Saaawat to Dr. Taft, (Indust* of the Uni- versity of Toronto, Member of College of Play - Molars and Simeon, of Q13111/10.IronnerIy of London, 'nand and Retnbagb,ileotland, ho,. vyi{tals OMen and naldeneo,Wet laN1y tpoo- pMd by Dr. Tilt, Blyth. W. J. MIL11E, M.D.C,M. PHYSICIAN AND SUASION, M.DA4 .V1lUniversity d'bw 1 Trinitfyf Molle ( ant of 'towbar Oellego Of Yhvkolans nr/na� or Ontario, Coroner for the 01 Huron. Oise., one door north of tb. hotel, 9e.ea eir@at, B13ch. T. J, WITOKSTRP, BARBER AM) TOBACCONIST. Choke Hook of Toba.eoa, Chen end Pipe. on band, • duet, Blth. tfort a Fukien Saar Lauuar, C. HAMILTON, AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR. use, Loan and lemmas Agent. O1nre, en Queen MINS, Blyth. Ordas left as 1 no bTAN- Dtab oars CU r.oku prompt ettrollou. A.E. BRAD„IN, /'„ STRAMbHIP AGENT. eba Elder-Dempetea and Franco Canadian 24M repraes0tsd. Neu Bakke sold to any 10! latope. Low summa nks now to fore. .eooww of gaanten nod data. of ealllos fnrolvbd - e s applloaton to Tas BSA/11)41W once, Myth. Pilo►, S. L. TAUBE, WAYIIPAOTUEINO OPTICIAN AND EYE SPECIALIST. All Made of ap•oteates end Eloglassum made M twde.. Spinet 141401100 elves to 61t1 g the a)e. Orden b mail promptly attended to. 1 Yawata of penis, wing my name u I employ as travelling agents whatever. Satlkution gYtonwWd.. Esta1470. at/ Rrobmond i WI$TFSELO. MINING.— A very enthusiast' i meeting of the stockholders of th Superior Copper CO. Was held at tit residence of Mr. 11..1, liforrieh o all lime In contact, • an did be Hensall'e e lot ;ham's gain, The e ch •ed the meeting O 0p, Monday evening of last week to re ceive the report of the mine whit he visited last week. He reporte the progress to bo very satisfactory eepeehilly since the commencemen of the bteam plant last spring. 11 stated that the work was conduc very systematically and econom tally under the direction of Mr Derry, the foreman. He brough home a box containing about 7 pounds of high grade copper ore which is to be distributed among th many stockholders, He also brongh a souvenir in the form of a candle bolder, which is used by the miners This was forged from a piece of carriage spring by Mr. Mulvaney the company's blacksmith. Th work shows that Mr. Mulvaney be attained a very high degree.of pro ficlency in the line of blackemlihing Thu stockholders went away wel satisfied with the prospecta for th future, -chosen remarks, Rayl ,arold was a truly b con. Ienti. tness man, and was d loved and t e.,eeted by all. e sod • 6 e • a e • e AUBURN. BaIEFs.—Mrs. Alex: McKenzie, who has been visiting her mother, Maat i eurge Young, has returned home to Hamill Mr. George Yungblut attended the high court of the Independent Order of Foresters held at Windsor last week.... Mrs, Coats, of the Soo, is visiting ander the parental roof, Mr. John Wil. lard's, at present.. —Miss Thome- son, teacher, has resumed her peel. tion Mr. Henry Yungblut, of Zurich, paid Auburn a visit on Sun• day....Mr. John Ladd has dispcsed of his property to Mr. Thomas Nicholeon....Mr. Joseph Carter met with a alight accident in Young's mill last week, but we are glad to say that he is able to be around againMr. George Lemp has laid the corner stone of his new f1Ern1• tare factory.... Mies Walper, of De. croft, ie visiting with her stater, Mrs. George Yungblut Mr. Joseph Feagan says there Is a wild cat up the river....Our civic holiday wile a grand success, there being upwerde of 160 vteltois from here to the Paint Farrel. It being each a line d;y every person enjoyed the lake breegee. Dancing and bathing were the principal attractions for the day, and on arriving home everybody lined up in front of Mr. D, E. Munro's store and sang God Save the King, which brought the day's,Proceedings to a close. Our jovial joe hue the thanks of everyone for a good day's outing, - - MENSALL. BO ,KED AND SPOONED.—It was with feelings of sincere regret that the ehureh, Mediulle and social ale. merit of Heneall learned that Mr. Louie Harold, who has been oar genial station agent for 14 years, was to be traneferred from tide place to WIngham. The good people of Hensen felt that they ought In some tangible manner recognize the worth of Mr. Harold, and accordingly on Wednesday evening of last week, after prayer meeting et the Presby- terian church, Rev J. S. Henderson announced to the people that he had a pleasant surprise fur Mr. Harold, and called the gentleman to the front, when Ming Murray read an mpresslve address, d_aling with hie work In the Sunday school as super• ntendent, and asking him to accept a small Bet of books as,a alight ap- preciation of the respect and esteem n wltich he was held by the Sunday chooh Mr. Harold replied it a •••••••••••••••••••••••• OW! 11111113: 141:$31 Nev Prices and New Goode' for Blyth.—Elgla or Waltham. 11 size. 7 jewel, In N ickle Case only e6.50, end in Terence 20 - year Filled C,,ce only SO.—snaps. l6 jewel Wel, ham, in Nicicie s Case Daly SO, end w cli 20 -year • Gold Filled C .se, only x14, In "indicts' Wetches-25-yyear Gold Filled Case, with Waltham • r Elgin movement, only Pe. Throe rico” 000ot be bettered by iz aayooe and In thee, goo'1. I know whet ahoy are insult. I ,,Gal are ,O ask °share to toll me for 1 know whet they R. Seed In your ruder" n1 Is will be Clod the mane u cunv 0,ho•, bare been from time le time, You n n no among 'Obitfor you get yo0r money beak If you It. • A. M.BABB s TEESWATER• •• •••••••••• ••• •••••,•S A. O. U. W. lodge, No.145, Ancient Order of United meet, In the Workmen hell, Milne en the god and /ah Thursday In every at .Mitt Pm. VisIling brethren are ted. N OOMDti, W.M. T, J. Moos - CO suitable and feeling manner, after which he was asked to step down to Miller's opera house, and in keeping with the old proverb, "It never rains but 1t pours," it Was so in thio lostence. upon Mr, Harold's arrival at the opera house he found a 'ielegation of the business men waiting for him, and was asked to step upon the platform by the chair. man of the evening, Rev. J. S. Hen- derson, upon which the chairman asked Mr. George McEwen, 11.1'., to read an address, alter which Mr. Harold was presented with a cabinet of quartered oak containing 44 pieces of sterling silver, Mr. Harold, in reply, stated that It had always been a pleltsure for him to transact bus'• 11e55 with the Hellsall people from his firer day among them, and it was with foelipf regret that be parted from theist,- tot .that he would al. ways remote r the generous and kind people of IIonsail, The chair- man then called upon Mr. Thomas Neelands, Mr. G. McEwen, M.P., and Dr. Ferguson to say a few words, which they did, paying high tribute to the business qualifications and courtesy Ilion by Mr. Harold to A Queer On!s5r}. The Harrtston Review 1. reapon. sible tor the following :— If we only had a little more water Harrlston could qualify for a summer retort, as the sea serpent bas not only been seen here, but has been captured, and is now chained up hl Bob Daily's livery barn. John Hai. lingehead is a well digger when working at hie trade, bat he has been it little shy about delving Into the bowels of the earth since the Paris afair—he dont want W be any "man In the well." John le some, what of an oddity, and he seems to know the lurking places of all the queer things in the animal kingdom, which he is always capturing for the puzzletpent of local nsturaliets. On Monday he was leaning on the rail- ing of the Elora street bridge, gaz- ing abstractedly into the water, when he was surprised to tee what he thought was a large eedtion of the bed of the river rise up and move slowly up the stream. This was a new a;perioneo even to John, and, looking closely, he saw the outlines of head, lege, eta Hollingehead got his hoisting tag, and with some diffi- culty captured the aquatic monster and tied 11 up. It is evidently akin to both the turtle and snake families, as a maulve *bell covers the back, while beneath the body is covered with sales. Four powerful lege terminate in huge hooked claws, and a hooked beak adorns an ugly head. A muscular tail terminates the out- fit, It Is nearly as big as a section of gement sidewalk, and about es heavy. Holiingahead computes the beeet'a age at 182 years, though upon what ha bases hie calculation is not clear. —The record of Owen Sound me- terological department goes hack for 20 years, end Mr, Juhn R. McKenzie, government observer, rays that in no other month In the two decades has the rain -fall been as great as In July, when 7.12 !Rehee, or nearly eight inches, of rain fell. Tills re- presents weight of water to the acre almost inettlauable. July's record le more than double that of any July in 20 years. On one day, July 31st, 1n less than two hours, 1.72 inches fell. —Last week's Clinton New Era contained the following: "Already people are counting on some of the changes likely to take place next January in the formation of the comnty eouuell. In Division No. 1 Mr. Holt will certainly retire, and It le said that Mr. Chamber', will also; among the names plentioned of likely aspirants for thea' positions are those of Reeve Young, of Colborne, and ex -Reeve J.'•N, Mc$,apzie, of Aeh- field. The report is tbet Warden Donald Patterson will retire, though he is one o1 the bast Igen at the board. Mr. John Torrance, it ie said, will also retire. The name of Mr. John Brigham, ex -reeve of Hui' lett, is mentioned as a likely candi- date for this division, together with the present representatives. The C PACIFIC 10,000 FARM LABORERS WANTED Secant, Clan • Will heron to A. -os cn C.P.R.ear0 W Wmdro n wd Aion,' ol., wan. eouth.wret end Northman o1 Winnipeg es for as MOOSE JAW ISTEN AND YOIilKTONYA On September lot from Mattoon In 0.,ter:o on Meru 1,1ue Toronto to betula and N';l•, noept horns of Toronto an t Cardwell Jet. On.•wey tickets to Wtw,lpeg only will be sold, with eerte0aes eateodlug the nip, before eeplambar 10t1s, without (Odin -mat oat, to other pointe In Manitoba aid A.elnibola es above. If pregame, owes* ea norm ignores et Winnipeg, provided snob farm loboren will work not lam tk.. 10 daT al barvestino, and rotarTotu A agamaerldcan.i Aarong WO at 016. on will or before November Aa. DID. Trcketg aft cool ea "Imperial Lualtet." Por further petteulere and tekete apply to nearest railway agent, A. M. NOTMAN f,nt. 0ee'l. Pau. Aunt, Toronto. PICKLES! PICKLES I The time of year has arrived when the housewife's attention is turned to the making of Pickles, We always have on hand the beet of White Wine and Cider Vinegars for pickling, Pickling Spices and Flavorings, Fresh Groceries and Fruits Arriving daily. Our Canned Goode were bought before the raise in price, therefore we can hell Tomatoes for Inc per ea, or one earl each of Tomatoes, Cora and Pease for 25c, a pounds Tapioca for 25o, Niphest Market Cash Pries for Nutter and Eggs. GEO. POWELL PRETORIA BLOCK. .gam-33LyTH HOW TO KEEP COOL. Drop in and s e our Furniture specially suited for warm weather, consisting of SETTEES, VERANDAH CHAIRS, WIRE COTS AND IRON BEDS. Oar Iron Reds with wire spring attachment are highly recommended for those who want a good, clean, cool, comfortable bed, The prices are not high. J. H. CHELLEW -`'BLYTH Kt..K Kt.( K K• K K K KK THE OLD FOGY DOCTOR FAVI LY Declare are allright as general precU1looer., but they are pot epeclalluts. The sexual organs com- prise the most totrlute and Important system In the bumsp BOAS and require the most skltlfal treatment. You might es well orient a blacksmith to rei.dr your watch, as g family physician to cure Sexual complaints. We have madea spectslty of these diseases for over 30 years, have invested teas of thousands of dollars mut bate every facility known to medical science to cure them. Every care Is taken with a positive guarantee of No en, —No Pay. BLOOD 101110x—Wbettat Inherited or Regdad, is positively cured forever. The virus le eliminated from the system en po danger of retool, Hundreds of CMS cured by u 75 years ago and no return; but *ride:tot of a cure. ■URQOUS DUBILITY-ao, Giber contp1leaaoe such at .minions, drains In the mine, varicocele suint weeks'.,, etc., arecared by our new Method oat. speak under a positive gaaraatee--II SU( -.le 1: Wa Weltstios e 51.1. btetaeas OP MIN Ane WWaa. puri ata Hopes TraatmeIlleobk¢ Rearmru. Write ing r confdentl00 star 'DRS. KENNEDY a KER©AN. 54* SB•&S► SWSIB'P. »BTaWT, MIC*. K K c. 11' K. i-. K lx K it K probabilities are that there will be quite a few changes In the compost. tion of the council, but le pretty early to be anything like definite." -Mr, Wm, Mardock,,gijanager of the London asylum farm, elibws a sample of oats, just harvested, live feet three inches in height. Ile counts on a yield of over 80 bushels per acre, —A good story is told by a post - meter in an Ontario town who was behind the wicket one day when a pretty bat evidently shy young lady came up to him and eskcd 1f there was any lettere for her. " Would It be a love letter or an ordinary let. ter," he asked. "duet an crdlnary one,' 'site er♦id, and the clerk shuttled through the pile, but Could find none addressed to her. Two or three minutes litter the young lady again appeared. " Would it be tee much trouble to you, sir," she asked, her face suffused with blgshea, "to take' a little look through the love let- ters?" —Returns to Rev, George H. Cor- nish, general conference statistician of the Methodist church, show that there tare 8413 Methodist cburehee in Canada, an increase of 84 over last year. The number of parson. ages is 1208, an increase of 75. The value of churches and furnishings is $11,836,410, an increase of 8539,. G09; value of the personages and furnishings $2,173,544, Increase 8148,833; value of hul'lal grounds 8180,949, Increase 429,081; total value of church property $14,190,- 903, Increase 1717,522. Tho total church and parsonage debts amount. ed to 62,230,840,- which 1s 1380,171 Ina than in 1901. —Niagara fruit growers report that there will he an excellent fruit crop In that district this year. Apples will be particularly good, the trees as a general rule being laden with as much fruit ae they cau properly mature. Early and late peaches will be a very fair crop, but the Crawfords are a good deal below the average. In the Grimsby d1e• *tics plums are a good crop, bat In many other sections they are a fail- ure, owing to insect ravages, The San Jose scale is very prevalent in some parts, pinny orchards being practically ruined. Apple shipping to Great Britain has already cow. menced. There is every Indication of a heavy British demand fbr Canadian winter apple. thin year. —Z!3 centt pays for THE BLYTH SrANDAaD for the balance of 1902. 3LYTH LIVERY ants SAGE STR3LE8 O 00 00 00 0 Dr, J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. O 00 00 00 0 First-class Horses and Rigs for biro at reasonable rates. Beat of accommodation to Com• merolal Travellers and others requiring rigs, Veterinary ofee at livery ,table. — —.�— KING AND QUEEN STREETS, BLTTH. METCALF'S FOR BARGAINS We Have Commenced Our Great Summer Clearing Sale. We have only five CHILDRBN' 1 CARRIAGES left, These we will clone out et le•to than wholesale prices -4 nice Carriage for 15. Window Shades at about half regular prices. Wall Paper at epecial prices. We have a full stock of °looks, Watches, Jewelry, Fancy goods, Stationery and School Books. Repairing promptly and carefully done. FRANK METCALF PLYTH.