HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-08-21, Page 7CHOICE CATTLE UNDER HAMMER Brought Good Pr ices at Stock Yards Sale. 59 HEAD DISPOSED ('nledunla, Ont.; John 'McEvoy, Sagt- Ilderton, On en, Cer- n:1w, Mich., price $250. glib, Ont., pt'. ElgIthit 32011, dark roan: calved Roan Queer Nov. 18, Ort. 12, 1000; bred by Jame); Dote 1900; bred b. rule, la- glar, Caatiunin, Oat„ .James Douglas, der's Mlle, 0 1tubsue, 1'eh(Maht, Ont.. J. McEvoy, Seglnew, lidcrton, Ont. s, Moue 1 Mich., price $155. Perry, Ohio, p J. Britannia, 60th, roan, calved March Burma/to Net A; ettleed April 1, 1UIe1, bred by Jae. Douglas, Cale- :i, 1001; Lrcd by a..bwrt Miele Stufl- drme), nut.; James Doughae; Andrew tele, Ont.; Capt. T. L. helmet', 111er- Cloystul, Marshvtlle, AM(ch., price ton, Ont,; C..t'1ahttck, llotn•11, Miele, 8150. prion $110. Queen Alter, light reran, calved Oc- Wanderer's Last (imp.), dark retia ; Oilier 14, 1900; bred by Jas. Douglas, e'tiro:! ALay 2, 1900; (rest by W. e. 1 ledonla, Ont.; Jas. Douglas, Cale- Mare, Uppermill, Turves, Ai erdece- dovtn, Ont.; Eili■ Williams, Mount ohire, Scotland; Capt. T. E. ltohson, Perry, Ohio, price $330. Ilderton, Ont.; Oro. BoUtwetl, Net tie - (Mitten Lily, red, calved January 101), Mies., price $2,003. 22, 1900; bred by Fel. and 1V. A. Bowhill !:Hellish Lady, rid ; cult ea 11oblesmi, Markham, Ont.; Robt. Mil- Oet. 12, 181)8; beet by (1. B. Arm-' ler, Stout(vele, Ont,; George C. strong. Treewater, Ont.; hurry emelt, OF' Cerey,St. Johnsbury, Vt., price $200, lin y, Onte James Crerar, Neike- AND OTHERS YET TO COME Lily of Pickering, roan, calved Ate eprtere, Out., prioe $940. r1( 10, 1897; bred by Arthur Jobe- Mime Langmstt,red ; calved Feb. 10, sloe, Greenwood, Ont,; )tubed MU- 1900 ; bred by Win. Weenie Strafford, ler, Stouffvllle, Ont.; 0. C. Carey, St. Ont.; Merry 8110111. Hay, Ont.; G. .Totunebury, Vt., prioe $275. Circy, 8l. Joiweeury, Vt„ price $185. An Interesting Public Event -Air. Indy Roberts, red, calved December Claret's Perfection, red, colied 20, 1901; bred by Atrs. Dredge, liar- AI :eel' 20, 1901; bred by W. G. Adam £/frown's Eloquent Speech - wood, Ont.; Robert Miller, 8touf!- Mleon, (luring, Ont.; Harry smith, 3layor lirowu Opened (he L'ro- MEOAtS FOR LIFE -SAYER chill" of .John Penman, Mr. Brown L(' 1, should be written in lettere u1 gLI for les magnette fella+nue te,nn the workers am1 00 lite '0191- Stin generosity. Winters) ted the highest pr„1.0r was due Dr. Den- ton, wile tanned reeogtntiun, be- g (maw he rou,.,dered his work had been merely the discharge of his duty, 'Rein wee eheere.i The country's groat/less depoeled upon, not Its extent, but the material that Several of Sanford's Rescuers ede egwomen were ndRnd nbeiilogRa- ada could produce such men ail were Honored prtveent to be drrnrated for the res- t cue to which he had referred. (Loud cheers.) The five men to 0,' honored then stood up, Mr. Brown piecing the mrd - ale non Metiers. John (':,ret', David Atilt and Robert liauulein, Atr. ('hnrlem Black, of Niagara Palle, briefly congratulated the :nen on their bravery, end pinnal the medals npou Messrs. George Wentworth and George, lelauehtird. The men re - Towle(' 1n brief elx'eches of thauke, modeelly dieclalming credit for their deeds, and the proceedings closed And Brought Just About $25,000-- The 25,000-''the Sale 111 Every Way a Seeress -Wltothe Buyers Were and the. l'rlees 1'ul(1-$2,005 the highest Iudtvlduu( Figure. Hn'm"Jl'tele, 'Miguel 131.11( This afternoon ut the sale pavil- ion of the IJaatllton titock Yards Company there took place a cattle sale which attracted lovers and buyers of live stock from all ports of the United Stittes and Canada. It was the fleet sale of the above company and a highly immolate' itf- lair la evuy'y way.) 1t took place In the commodious new amphitheatre, Which was filled to its capacity, and which Is sufficient to seat 700 persons., In the stable adjoining twere 59 pure bed short horn cattle /from the herds of : George Amos, Moffat, Ont.; A. C. Pettit, Freeman; Jas. Douglas, Caledonia; Robt. Mil- ler, Stoufvtlle; Ued, Isaac, Uowineme ton; J, 11. Oardleuse, Hightleld; W. 0. Pletttt & on, Freeman: Oapt. T. N. Ray; W. a, Hurry t 11, D. Flatt, Ilanlaltomt Cel. St. Woods, Lincoln, Nob., was the auc- tioneer, and Mr. W. D. Flatt, of tlds City, the manager of the sale. Amongthe buyers and visitors present were; Hent. John Dryden, Geo. C. Creelman, Superintendent of IFarmere' Itt'atlitutes; A. 1. Wester- velt, Secretary of lave Stock As- vlile, Oat.; Cbaa. Fi,hbeek, Howell, Hay, Ont,; LID* Dineen'',Muuut enedines-Anmturdl'et 1'0o Iii to with cheers for Mee or Bro,tn, Mr. Penmen, Mr. Adam Drown, the five Iieroea, and the Ktng. The medals Imre the followhtg lee scription on the reverse elle: Allele, price $180. liuy, Ono, pti..e $100.. Marjory, red ; calved March 6, 1896; Met is. red ; calved September 25, bo Preseut. tree. by 8, B. GorwIll, Fanslutwe, oat.: 1901' bred by S. Rankin, CaIry low. Robert Miller, Stouffvllle, Ont., An- Ont.: Harry Smith, 1111y, Out.; H. Paris despatch: The sequel to the drew Chrystal, Marshall, M'ch., price Carg',11 & Son., Cargill. Ont„price e-10.' thrilling rescue of the man hi the $«75. Checkmate, tore ; valve l March well, which absorbed the attention of ".1warded to ----, for consplcuo'te, Model, roan ; Calvet Jan. 2, 1000; 18, 1901; brat by Henry Rowe, Uxe the whole Province sit ueoks ao, persrteringbrnveryin risking Mollie teal by AIfr+d Dawson, Bahlleloro, tet•, Ont,; Harry Smith, Huy, Ont.; b to rescue+ Joshua Sanford, tato tuns one: Robert Miller, 8touflo(IIe, ant.; 11. Watson & Son, Mineral tiblge, i came to -.lay, when five of the teen entoutb's! for overfour days In a 1', Flelt'bt'ek, Howell, 11h'h., Price $1110. Ohio, mine $145. who risked their own lives to save caved -in well near Paris, Ontario, Red Jessamine, red; calved Oct. 25, Bomy Briar, red; oaltea November that 07 another received the metal June 28, 1002.” 1899; brat by .los)11 Value, New 13, 1898; bred by J. & 1V. B. Watt;. awarded for bravery by tee ;RoyalHamburg, Ont.; Robert Miller, Storni- 1V, D. Plitt ; C. Flohbeck, Rowell,' Canadian Humane declot The pre- vl(cit Ont,; A. Chrystal, Marshals, Miele, price $410. i 1 HAVE ORSANIZED A[lo1e, price $:S«S. Early !)cul 6th, red; calved 1'ebru- Canadian was made a publly event, Ikann Lady, roan ; calved April 5, ;try el, 1901; bred by H. Cargill & , and was a gallant tribute to the eel: - 1898; bre) by ,Nuhn 1ie1'r & Sons, Son, cereal, Ont.; W. 0. F1att, Ham.,auer4'Ice of mea who protegled their Preterit -1m, Ont.; Robert le lir•, Slouff- Ilton, Ont.: James GableBrooksdak, villa, Ont.; A. Chrystal, Marshall, Ont„ price $SW uutvurchlness, and who declared they Mich., price $2260. Ludy of the Boyne, 3th', Imp., roan would readily repeat the act. There Beaver Meadow Nellie, rel and little calved April 10, 1898 ; bred by Rubs. Itad beeu an uilortuttato wieunder- white; calved Dee. 14, 1894; bred by Turner, Cairton of Haynie°, I'ort- $ Barclay & Son', Port Hope, Ont.; sou Banffshire,Scotland;W. )) rtundlug between the Cilizena' Cum - Robert Miller, Stoutfville, Ont.; W. C. Hatt,Hamilton, Ont.; G. V. RIeh- mate° and the ofeelers of the humane Renfrew, !Mouth -111e, Ont., price $280. ardeon, 1.owville, Ont., prier Scel:ty over the '.utter'a negic . to Sit! 1t,o'N diaster lt, red rune, Mnrchlonees, 10T11, red and Iltlle calved March JO, 1800; bre its white, calve) May 8, 1898; bred by Shore Rros., White Oak, Ont.; Robt. le A. Gardner, Britannia, Ont.; W. Miller, Stouffvllle, Ont.;.1. F. )licit- D. thane Hamilton, Ont.; J. E. arisen, ],owville, Ont., price $375' Pearen, Rockwood, Ont., price $350, Baron Nonpareil, ret, calved 3rpt. Minna, rel, little white, calvel' 23, 1901; bred by Robert Miller, Jan. 17, 1897; bred by J. & W. B. i 8tott!vUle, Ont.; Robert Miller, Watt, Salem, Ont.; 1V. 1). Elatt, 5toutft•Il1e, Ont.; T. 1''. Gran, Greg- Hamilton, Ont,; e. P. Girton, Stated ory, Texas, price $390. Centre, Iowa, price $510. Lady emrna, Imp., roan, crtivrd IlIeslo of Avondale "nit cede tittio sooiations; T. W. Harrel, Austin, flay 17, 1899; bred by J. L. Reid. ((bite, calved ileo. 1898; bred by Texas; A: Orystad, Marshvllle,lftch.; Cromley Buck, Fallon, Aderdeehsldre, ,Toho Whetinam, Kirkwall, Ont.; 1V, F1ehbeek Bros., John McEvoy, How- 8eelin:el; J. M. Gardhouae, High - D. Platt, Hamilton, Ont.; Thomas ell, Mich.; E. Y. Williams, Mount Per- field, Ont,; Andrew. Chrystal, of Mercer, Markdale, Ont., price $600. a 'y, Ohio; (ed. Wallace, Indlanap olla, Marshall, Mich., price $500. ved Ind.; W. 8. Robina, Horace, Ind.; Gee, Clarissa's Pride, red, calved Jan.I Mnrclt :10, 1898; bred by Wm.m. etletoe 81st, imp., roan, calved belIews, R '& Owens, Maryville, 1 1900; bred by John Gardhouae, thle, roilynle, Tar yes, Aberdeen - Ansa; ileo. M. Moodie, Clyde, Ohio; ' Ont.; 3. M. Gardhouae, Higbtietd, shire Scotland' W D Flute, Hant- J. Stewart, Clyde, Ohio; .1. McCune,' Ont.; Hon. John Dryden, Brooklin,; Inoue Ont,; W. C. Renfrew, Stout!. Mercer, Pa.; L. D. Rummy, Dr. Volg- ' Out., price $510. I villa, Ont., price $1,700, Mesa, Buffalo, N: Y.; J. C. Snell,Lon- Humber Lily, roan, calved Jan10, I Nonpareil of Lakeview 3rd, dark dons ' 18144; bred by J. 111 Snyder, Hum- - rel, calved March 18, 1899; bred by --- bar, Ont.; J. M. (Meatiest), High- 11. The promoters of the sale of ped)- fletit, Ont.; G. C. Carey, St. Johns• greed Snorthoru cattle, which took bury, Vt., price $250. plasm Wednesday afternoon on the Afatehless of Mapleton, dark, with rale pav'irlotl of the Hiimilton Stock red star; calved December 15, 1899 ; Yards Company, feel highly gratified bred by H. Wright, Guelph, Ont.; J. at the success attained. Mr. W. 1). M, Gardhouae, Illghfbeld, Ont., An - Fleet, the manager, elated that there drew Chrystal, Marshall, Mich., would be another dale within a few price ease, months. Iu all 59 cattle were sold, e'erepa's Cleat, rat, Mille white; the total amount received for Name calved November 27, WOO; brel by being $24,8_0, an average of about .1'. R. Lawrence, Humber, Ont., J. M. $420 a head. The highest price of Gardhouae, Highfield, Ont.; Andrew Abe sale war fold for a bun, Capt. Chrsetel, Marehall, Mich., price ff.E. liobson'r Wanderer's Inst, which see aver rind to Mr. George Bothwell, Cherry Blossom 400 (imp.), red; Nettleton, Min., fur $2,005. Hon. calved May 8, 1899; bred by 3. Knox John Dryden wee an Datereeted Limier p ollughnni, Finery, T,nrrllf, taot- and bought two 'flue cattle.. land; W. G. Pettit & Son, Freemen, The amounts realized by the re - waive ovnere wereAnes, Ont.; A. Chrystal, Marshall, Milch., : eo. offal $1'35' A C. Pettit, Free - price $640. • man, $1,675; James 1)uuglue, Cale- Cratbstone Beauty (Imp.), red ; dente, $885 ; R. Milder, Storni- cubist November 23, 1998; bred by 1'. vUle, $2,720"; J. Al. leardlouee, L MUIR, Ruddington Hall, Notting- ham, $1,845, R'. G. Pettit & hone England; W. G. Palle &Sou, Bou, Freeman, $5,855 ; Capt. blob- Freeman, Ont.; A. Chrystal, Marshall, sou, Ildcrtee, $3,505 ; Harry Smith, Mich., price $470. Otte , 91,075 ; W. D. Flatt, Hamilton, Juliet (Imp.), red; calved April 12, $8,556. 1899; bred by James Rennie, MIUun, Many of the cattle were ehlppeel Fintray, Aberdeenshire, Scotland; W. away last night, The pres.'nce or so Il, Easterbrook, Freeman, Ont., price Mail prominent American buyers, 8600. Avhu 00111e )rum us far us Texas and grille 8t1, red, lttle white; calved Miteourl, 'would indicate they aro ,ion. 15, 1893 ; bred by W. O. Pettit alive to the fact that la this portion & 8on; W O Pett Lt & Son, Free - of Ontario can be found the choicest Man, Ont.; 0. C. Carey, St. Johne - cattle ou the continent, and the bur Vt., tae 185. Johns - Hamilton Stock Yards Co. is demure- yWine $ leg of much credit for the successful 17,1898; Bred .) Johnc calved lg TCI .11110 a iu which It tar advertised boucles, Afar colter, Scotland; W. UM fact. y The cattle, breeders', Quaere' and U. Pettit & Son, Freeman, Ont.; S. buyers' names, together with the J. Pearson & Son, Meadowvllte, prices paid, are airfollows: Ont., price $610. Lady Moffat, red; Calved April 21, Mabel Character, red; calved 1900; bred by Wm. Hamilton, Bright, March 20, 1899; bred by A. & D. Oat., George Amos, Moffat, Ont.; Brown, Iona, Ont.; W. 0. Pettit & Andrew Chr'yetel, Marshall, Mich., Son, Freenutn, Ont.; James Dunlop, prim) $ 80, Hamilton, Ont., price $220. Rae Buckingham, red; calved May Lady Alma, roan; calved Nov. 3, 1, 1899: bred by Wm. Hamilton, 1896; bred by John Lee & Son, High - bright, Ont.; George Amor, Moff•it, grate, Ont; Capt. T. E. Robson; C. Ont.; C. Fishbeck, Howell, Mich., Fishbeck, Howell, Milch., price $260. price $315. Topsy (imp.), dark roan ; calved Mus Green, roan; calved April 14, March 15, 1899; bred by W. Ander- 1836: bred by Alex. Burns, Rock- son, Wanles, Kintore, Aberdeen►blre, wood; George Amos, Moffat, Ont.; Scotland; W. G. Pettit & Sots Free - F. J. M. Cama. Mercer, Milch„ price lean, Ont.; Elis Wtlllams, Mount $355. Perrey, Ohio., price 9630. Lily White, white; calved Septem' 8,veet Fragrance, !w1>„ roan ; caped bar 10, 1901; bred by C serge Clay- March 21, 1898 ; bred b, John Tay- ' ton, Peepabun, 0.; Geo. Autos; Geo. tor, Urns, $u,nuhaven, 8eotlald ; M Woody, s, Iowa, prion 1160. G. Pettit & Sin, freeman, Out.; A. Gladys, roanan;; esalved May iiingsby, (7hryetnl, Marshall, Mlch., price 9300. bred by Alex. McKinnon, Coningsby, Ont.: George Amos, Moffat, Ont.; hose of Towle 4t11, red ; (salved 4&. Chrystal, Marehall, Mich., price Sept. 4, 1900 ; bred by W. G. Pettit $155, & Son ; W. G. Pettit & Son, Freeman, efarengo'r Sunshine, hep., red ; Out,; Hon. John Dryden, Bruokliu, calved Des:. 29, 1899 ; bred by Philo Ont., price $255. L. Mille, Ruddington Hall, Notting- 15cottiah Hero, imp., roan ; calved lam, England ; A. C. Pettit ; Andrew Jan. 10, 1900 ; bred by Alex, Camp- Chrystni, Afarehall, Mali., price $500. bell, Deystoni', Mature, Aberdeen - Miss ldnry, imp., red ; calved Aprll shire, Scotland ; W. 0. Pettit & Son, 9,' 1895 ; bred by William Anderson, freemen, Ont.; Janice Crerar, Shake- WardhouSe, Kintore, Aberdoenrldre, spears, Out., price $373. Scotland ; A. C. Pettit, Freeman, Prince George, imp., red and white; Ont.; Col. McGillivray, Uxbridge, Ont„ calved April 2e, 1809; bred be Alex, price $700. Campbell, Deyetole, Kintore, Aber - Maimed 25th, imp., red roan; decnehlfe, Scotland; W. G. Pettit & calved April 18, 1900 ; bred by A. Son, Freeman, Ont.; Geo. Les.b', Rock- ' Crombie, Woodend, Summerhill, Aber- deenshire, Scotland ; A. C. Pettit, Freeman, Ont.; H. Cargill & San, Cargill, Ont., price 9475. Britannia 54th, dark roan; calved Oct. 20, 1901 ; bred by James Dou- glee Caledonia Ont.; James Douglas, wood, price 9270. °oldie 48tH, Imp., realm calved March 5, 1898; bred by W. S. Marc, Oppermill, Tarves, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Mysle's Lady, red; calved Oct. 17, 1901; bred by J. F. Logan, CrumUu, Ont.; Capt. T. E. Robson, A. Robertson &San, taaavule,tJnt., 11'. D. Flatt, Hamilton, Ont.; .1. F. Crlthers, Milford, Ill., price $900. Princess Band!, red, calved June 2, 1901, bred by W. D. Fleet; W. D. Flatt, Hamilton, Ont.; J. F. Rich- ardson, Lowvllle, price $300. Rustic )delle, imp., red, calved Dec. 1, 1900; ?red by A. Watson, Alicia: route, Aberdeenshire. Scotland; W. D. Flatt, Hamilton, Ont; Ellis WIl- llams, Mount Perry, Ohlo, price 9605. Fortuna 4th, Imp., roan, calved November 1, 1899; brei by William Anderson, Saphock, Old Meldrum, Scotland; W. G. Pettit & Son, Free- man, Ont.; F. G. McCane, Mercer, Pa., price $600, avail themselves of the furmer'a ser- vice* to the volleetton el evidence..11 Lugar( talon prevailed hereabouts that one or ;tWe moro men ethuultl but a rr- ceivo medtasa, cud at least tee er twelve were deserving ot parcltmt:ute run• valuable oermees realeree. The ' sccieiy true appureetly nut al'lze 1 ut ' the atttlalue uuttl the visit or Alt.! .dam Brown, of llumiltou, the t'r,'ei-', deet, and Mr. Chair. black, 01 :Niagara Fade, a (erecter, to -0a). Jtutera Nov l'.esent. Another regrettatle teatime, though uuuvomaele, wad taw uuaetteu 01 etc. Joanuu Seaford, the young man who tear reseatd irum the, well. air, Sea- ford s cabdulou, although greatly hue proved, 1s yte far from complete r -- cover., cud last cvenieg he went to Teroeto for sanitarium treatment ht Deer Park. The wee honored, to-duy were Messrs. John Mamie, George W. otworth and 6corge Blanchard, of Parte; Robert Hamilton, of Brantford wwuslup, and Dav'ld Mott, of Burford township. All five were must active in workwg at great personal peril in the bottom of tiie well dug to release Sanford. lluyor David brown, in his man- Mg- address, referred to the lege diet 'mewl won by Canadians a Pea rdeburg, and added tlin1 amen 1 equally brave were sometimes found tui the humblest ranks of life; men alai n homespun were constantly becoming heroes, Such u case Occur- ' red in their own neighborhood, when a Dumber of men worked for more than lour days to rescue a man en - WITH BROKEN NECK tDOibe,f 0 a well. Theirs ons u work ttorthy' of aipreciatlott In the best rrusu of the quid, cud the liuuutne Society, upon insestlgation, had tie - ' elated to decorate them with medals. - Mayor Brown expressed regret at Weights of 20 Pounds Hang- the absence of Air. Santurce but his Hri'teus cottdlttou, which was such ing to Head, that the mere mention of We ter- ra() experience excited him for (lout'e, forbade hie appearance. Ilottor to the Brave. STRETCHED HIM AN INCH I lir. Idunm Brown, of Hamilton, New York, Aug. 18. - After being Ilene"' Suolete, on being called upon• expressed great pleasure at stretched on a bed for over two, tweeg able to ;obi in honoring five menthe with weights attached to brute men, Who had risked their MN head and feet, James Mullen,' tiles as few- lord ever dune to sate w -le was taken to the Kluge 000111, ; the lite of a !skew -creature. Since liosphul from Coney Island with a ootnittg he ha+l nscertnlned there brekrn neck on Juno 5th, line gained. were others deserving of the recog- nenrly an inch in height, and has' nitlun of the eotlety, and they recovered sufficiently through the 1 would reeeLte it ; and there were treatment )ie has undergone to give many who had done yeoman work, the surgeons hop., that he may lice: slew skill and presence of mind for years, 0'011 if he does not fully , had tented much to tie success of recover. the rescue and the warty of the Mullet] broke hie neck by falling other workers, and who. by the from the board walk at Brighton provisions of the society, would be Bench, and when taken to the hos- and to a parchmentinrreog- ',hal he wile wholly paralyzer) from 11'ltionrocen ! their mill-sacrifice. cif tt�Irrred rte Ide neck downward, unable to els'nk, g' and [hr enrgcons said he would hard- I the anxiety telt for the King der - _ lite, n week. ng the period of Sanford's peril, AN soon ns he was taken Into the: and added that the pensees of the civilized world 111 the one ease ushoed u(lt t% on leve the was and of the whole Ptvtimre In the sure ou Mullen to relieve the pros- ether had availed, and both had vert u[ the fractured epbu buno u[ the been °Pavel b1' the mercy of the teavertebra:, on the ertak curd. simplyT11> - Almighty. The association felt they gO Mull one mndertuke l u to _ were honoring themselves by recog- gtto tlentru Duryea n dry relic.. F. r-- ndzing eonrsplcuoes bravery, as they Ocehieitt Duvet and Ur. C. Bar- were doing to -day. (ter hill a consultation over Alulleli s The Urealest Self-,Jacrillre. condition nater he had been In tate -'resellu1 a day or 9e 111 order to de'- A disl(ngulal'ed ntfnieteri.el (Mend ternmine If it would be practical to of las tied said that self-sacrifice operate on the man to save ids life. was the great testing fluor anal the It tats Lound that he order to get louia!ietone of clot*peter. What W0111,1 at the paint where the (metered a man not do for his 111:' eel yet vertebra pressed on the spinal cord those teen faced death, at the tory an Incision would bate to be made jaws of death, that they might save in the neck from the front that would Joshua Sanford, Canada had been prove fatal. Dr. Duryea then decided before the eyes,Q1 the world by the that he would have everything mei- brntcry ot her*Mlle in the tenet slide done to prolong Mullen's life, war. 1t was one thing to be eour- nnd great rare was taken to make' ngecas and brave in the excitement the extension treatment effective. of facing a foe, but it wee a very Three days ago Mullen had rerov- different thing in calumet's, and ric,o- eed sufficiently to allow, hf hie being lug the danger of your life, to net taken out of the etretching harness to which the weights were attached, and he was placed on an nlr less. During the time he had been under- getng the otretehhig proves@from .11 - teen to twenty pounds of iron weights were constantly kept mite penile(' from the trustees in 'Which Mullen's head Was placed. IMMENSE THEIST, Harvesting Machinery Com. panies Combine Forces. THE DEERINCS ARE IN IT ' . the Pi edema of the Royal t'auud an Also the 11eCortnleke and Three Other Itlg Concerns-Ifeve a cap- 1tal of 9120,000,000, None of W titch W Ill be Offered to the Public- W111 Control Hamilton Flout. to work and risk that life to sate n fellow -being as the men before them bad done. There were ninny who would have done the same thing, and there were others for whom recog- nition would Home, The names of those they met to honor would live In Canadian history, in connection with the marvellous rescue. The New VOrk deep:itch: The +ucorpera- tors of the International Harves- ters' Company, articles of incorpor- ation for which were filed yesterday 1n Jersey City, made public a state- ment to -day which says in part: line been organized ' ui.,...,tee a..we of New Jersey with u capital stock of 9120,000.000, to manufacture and sell lint (teeing ma- chinery. It h:na bought the property and hu'Itless of the following manu- facturers: The McCormick Harvest- ing Machine Company ; Deering Harvesting Company ; Plano Manu- facturing Company ; Warder, Bechtel( & Messner Company twuukee Har- vesting Company. -'1e company le cephalized upon n _celrtiouully con- servative, babes. Of Ito assets 180,- 000,000 is in cash working capital. The company', will regally no rivane- lig, tihd there will be no offer of its stuck to the public; all lire cash required having been provided by Rd p'tockholderer ' After 1•cilerrine to the alra!Uee In prices of raw material and the goesi- 1 to eattsequeha advance in the price of harvesting muchluery maims econo- mies In meeting comatiuuu of manu- facture Could be accomplished, the etutt'ment oontiuuee: "Tao tenuufecturere realize that their welfare and the interestaof the farmers are Identical, in advance in the price of agricultural machinery would Injure the termer& and react upon the manufacturers. But, on the other hand, if existing conditions con- tinue, an advance In prices would be inevitable. It thus becomes necessary Got either the prices should be ad - ventral or that eubetnntial e'cono- mtes should be effected lit the manu- facture and distribution of agricul- tura! machinery. The nuutagetuent of the oompttey will be 111 charge of mem who have tor years been Ide tified with the buedne/le, The company will start with ample manufacturing Melee Rice. It luta five fully equipper manu- facturing plants in the Cutlet States, and one plant in process of construc- tion In Canada." The officers of the company are: President, Cyrus Ii, A1eCerneek; Chair- man ISxtentlte committee, Charles Deerlag; Clr,drmw Finnnec C'oaunit- tec', George W. Perkier?. - WENT OVER THE FALLS. Human Idle Line Falled to Save De- termined tInn. Niagara Falls, N. Y., Aug. 18. - 'lihts afternoon about 2.30 o'clock an unknown man, about 60 -years of age. Jumped over Of) American Falls, Tits nen walked into the etrettn abort 150 fret above the brink of the falls. .1 number of people were In the tictn- ity- and a human chain was, formal three men, Captain Frank Morse, of East Clarence, being on the end. Morse, holding the hands of his cone radrs, walkedout into the current and as the suicide came down stream ire grasped his coat. Ile might trate savexl him, but one of the men In the ohnln released his hold and Morsel had a narrow escape himself.