HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-08-21, Page 6BOYS WILL BE BOYS.
Their Mechanism la readmit and
It Is stated that an English
schoolmaster boo Just completed
an exheuative research Into the
rublect Of a boy's capacity for fool,
Summing up 'theca/re, he Ie frank to
admit that, w'htle he found a super-
abundance of capacity, there was
sotually little or do limit.
Perhaps, anter rich collo, both
fruit and plain, tho fleet In favor,
according to the erhnolmaater, Ir
elOodeoeed milk. Then, after this
OOm* chocolates of all deecrlp-
It may be thought I am exalt-
Watltlg,' soya he, "11hurl i say
that 1 bate seen u boy agtxl 10
Years, eat In a ',Ingle afternoon
enough fool to satiety an adult
party of twelve persons, 1 have
myself known a little, frail boy to
eats a portion, of n rich cake, a third
Of a one -pound eau of condensed
alIk, four mincer of mixed choco-
late', a handful of nesorted sweets,
two oranges, one apple, lour gin-
'subtead cakes, a .Imam Brazil ,luta
and two large pieces of peppermint
"Did it make him 1117 Did he Ile
down and groan and awalt the
coming of the medical man with We
stomach pump 7 Not he; lie just
had one or two faint symptoms of
unearihese, Which na quickly dis-
pelled by a few well -drawn gaper,
much after the manner of a sleepy
baby. Then he walked about for n
time nod presently accepted au le-
T1tatlon to Join In a game of ball,"
The .choolmarter's oilmen atlons
have led to the very natural de-
duction that a boyar condition Is in
many way. different from that
or a trained etroltg man. The lat-
ter could not eat the things that
a boy 00111), because his fltne.e I"
mainly muscular, while the boy'. is,
In addition to being muscular, or -
gado. The man may have a slug-
gish liver and otlll be a strong
man, but the boy who rune and
Jump/ and turns somersaults and
shouts and laughs and t,Iety and
turns and shouts, hasn't a mingle
All Odd Custom.
At the court of asslzem at Venice
wises sentence of death 1s about to
be panel, a man clothed In a long
black robe entero tho court and,
advancing to the bench, bows pro-
foundly to the Judges, saying: "Re-
member the baker I" Then he bon's
mein and retiree, llere In the
explanation of the custom: Three
e.o'tnrlee ago a baker was .0 -
• at Venice for a crime of
which he was not guilty. When Ills
Innooenee war fully proved the
judger who condemned him Invested
at SUM of money, the Interest on
which serves to keep a lamp per-
petually lighted In the palace of
AcMw, this being the "lninp of ex-
piation." In addition, their fatal
Inlatake bas for 300 yearn been
held up ar a'warning to their eum-
ees.ore 011 the bench when they
ar. about to inflict the extreme
penalty of the law,
New York Central and Hudson River
The above came 1. a boneebold
word and the lnperior excellence of
the road should be sufficient to at-
tract most people but now that the
rate le the same to New York and
points east as by other lines no
Slither reeommendatlon should b.
might. Everybody will tell you It
Is tb. best.
A lO cent pactet of
Fly Pads
has actually
Killed a Bushe
of Flies
To Recognize Purity.
Adulteration has grown to such a
Ane art, that It is almost Impoael-
ble for woman now -a -days to de-
tect the false from the true; but a
chemical analysis will always detect
adulteration, Prof. W, Hodgson
Ellis, Official Analyst to the Domin-
ion Government, after a number of
anulyees, reports that "Sunlight
Soap I" a pm'e and well -mode soap."
Try Sunlight Soap -Octagon Bar-
net waeh day, and you will live (tat
Prof, Ellie he right. No one shulld
know better than be, 110
Not (tome llrown. •
Mrs. Green -flow do you ,Ike your
new domeetio, Mre. Brown( Bile
looks lute a 111011 girl.
Mrs. Brown -Dock atic, Gid you
say? You meter made n greeter
mistake. Bridget le Imltortrd, -
Roston Trnuet'rlpl.
Mlnard's Ltntment cores Diph-
Nimrod '1'houihls.
When n woman begins to flatt.'r
you, run.
Dont let your mirror do all the
Woman hoe more faith that man,
and mercy knows she needs It.
Women forgives and (orgeln ; man
never forgote that he hire forgiven.
Many- a week woman hoe the
'strength to support it staggering
Never let ort delude you Into he-
lloing that Cupid reprteents the
naked truth.
Wlae folks ply more attention to
burying their own poste than to dig-
ging up those of others.
In washing woollens sod flamed., T-ever'e
Dry Soap (a powder) will be found very
satisfactory. d
A Little Man.
A little fellow was the other tiny
leading a pretty large dug along
a road In /Scotland with a string
whet' It snapped. He hailed a gen-
tleman with, "Hey, min, has yo n
bit string In yer pouch 7"
my little man, but you must be a
brave Iittle chap to manage a big
deg like that, What Is your name 7
F. -The nil MO 111 my father's. My
faltlter'e ca'eti eller me.
Mluard's Liniment tures Distem-
BOOMS , 1111. TRADE.
Unique A is of au Vader -
too Irbadoee.
The roll(' 10 advertisement
1"eeontly lfllpr:, a the columns o?
the Darla dove boortln:
.1, E. GOODiUDUF',
Bent Antillean H:'nreee-
Cnu't Be Beat,
The rest Carriages -blue Fast
Polite S'00 not s,
Rest of .111 -Pelee* to Suit All PInlaee,
The Only Eelnbllohment In tis:' Lland
With n t'urpee Preserver,,
The Corpse can be kept in perfect
order for any time. ,1 person In Eng-
land, America or the West Indies can
return here mud review the corpse
of their beloved detracted ; or, on the
other hand, the body can by this ma-
clitne be earrhd to either of the shote
mentioned places fur interment,11 re-
quired. Many have been kept in
this machine for upward of one
My Motto -I am Determined to
1'l ea ee.
111, Great zllnlalce,
"The nil1lako of my 11fq," Bala the
reminiscent awn, 'was when I wag
Bolling patent medicines in Russia.
Ono dny 1 attended a review of B
crack regiment, and suddenly every
mon In oho rnnke began sneezing for
all he watt Worth, In a trloo 1 had my
sample case open and was trying to
..1l the commissary a carload of my
anti -grip prllele, when he rudely lar-•
formed me that the troops were only
hailing whit delight the arrival of
Gen. Akneltoochebedanekt."
Grim figures prove the deg th.rn to among
(111dmn In eunnnr , .11 1n11n0. time 1or
mothers because Luwel troubles one rntlppant.
tyhnt 0 mercy It I. C1111 we have I'erry Davis'
Point idler 10 PM 1.0 our 111110 one's:
Very Low.
'Brooklyn LIte,1
' Are you ordinarily eealelck?" I
asked affably, for one moat needs
be nffahlo oar shipboard.
"No," in refilled sadly, "I'm extra-
ordlnnrUy seasick."
And, Indeed, them was n bo110wne"
fIl his tone that corroborated his
etateme;t. •
ltlnard's 1.1n0meot Cures target
In C'owe,
llbby's Natural Flavor Foods
Coo1W Je.i Lowly night, thou pot nein tet"
*man 0600. You tet Thom' at My Ewer
�leN Y %b•r (2000. u.-1al,t], deliefeui 014
reedy tower,lee Fml savor
1,0Imp Meusewith-
out .11, oou0 whoa roc once ter eh...
LBBY, )kNElu a ulcer, CHICAGO
.er 0.0111x( "ane ro mann OWI,
mo. to 1+r!' it .nl b. Yat y.. r,e..
Woman'. Viewpoint.
"But why," asked the president
of the (Iuulry where women ruled,
dol you buy that battleship 7"
"It wile such a bargain," replied
the :secretary of the Navy. "Of
count., the engines don't work very
well, and 1here are hOMO ilawe In
the guns but it looks ne fine as
any of the othrrs and only (:art
half an much,"-Chlcngo Post,
Stops the lough
nod tt'orke OR the Cold.
i.n xn tits [Ironic Qnluhm•Tuhletr mow l cold
In ,mr Jl.r. No ,,,,' 1', pay, I'r10e YG rents,
1 leaned 1 hem Out.
the 001100 of that awful
ru kat hl 1(111 °Mee list before you
0"Le.1 one or the telaote on
110• thiel flu(r,
V0,1 2 km,lr 1h It yonug cowboy that
le y ert,•r Ins to begin the rawly
nr 11410' 101112 t0.'?' oal1 then other,
'Well, 1 thought he m;gllt oa well
bop, IL a; the bottom„ awl I told J1lm -
:hnt NV 1101 Ire (1.+111„ dotes tis:s morn-
g, 111• fu•.t 161ng for him to 210
would 1/ • 1n rh•.rn Dat tis" office.
Ile foul 1 holt n dozen fellow's there
211,Ittlig. for tor, belt be dad It nil
1:gni.'- Iliad go 'tribune,
I bonght a horse with a suppomed-
ly Incurable ringbone for $50, cured
hltn with $1 worth of MINARD'B
LINIMENT, and sold him In four
months for >EB1. Profit un Llnlmout,
Hotel Beeper.
St. Phillip's, Quo, NOV. lit, 1(201.
Naturally loo.
"Allot do you think of my wood
nymphs?" asked the artlet of the
"Splendid! Any one would think
they were rallly made of wood!"
Take Laxative Brunt° Uuinlne Tablets. All
druggists refund the motley 1111 fella to cure,
X. W. Groee'M signature Woo such boa. line.
A Vanlllilar Item.
He (reading the piper) -Thorn It
1s at last ! I're been looking for that
statement for a long flute.
She -What la It 7
He -It anye that the Chinese mud
motor rehlclea Nevernl hundrad yeare
before the Christian Ern.-T1fe Auto-
mobile lingnllne.
ell hard, soft or :nlluwed Lumps and Blem-
ishes from horses, Baud tdpaelo, Curbs,
Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeny, Stlles,1prr ies,
Sore end Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Dare
1511 by use ul one bottle. Warranted the
most wonderful ❑lemlah Curs ever known.
Sold by all druggists.
Couldn't law Much Loftier.
"How long hats the minlrter been preaching 7" a hlepered the stranger
who had wandered Into the church
and rat down awns Nick
"About thirty yearet, 1 brlleve," re -
led the etller norupnnt o1 the pew,
"Tlutt being the Mage," rejoined the
Moaner, "1 gorse 1'11 (day. Ile must
be nearly done."-L'ldoago New.,
Mlnard', Liniment Care. Colds, eto,
$100 REWARD, $100,
The rrndew of t bin paper will he plen.ed t o
Ieru•o 11,11 dash 1.117 II41.t e,rvdreuded illnen.e
that 011,uee hoe Leen nbie to rare In all Ile
11tage0 ;and tho f 1,catarrh. Bull'. l'nturrh
Curr In the only p,,.ltmt. care 11111' known to
ate to nlirni fro ter„sty, Colon•h, Veiny as von-
eiltutlountd1r,n0,,tegniree 11 c uuntitutlnnal
trva town t. 11u11'n l'utnrr). Care 10 taken to.
7, 1Ou11y, ;• sting direetly upon the blood end
m0rnun euellicen of the oy.tem, thereby dr. -
S tr.1ring the tomobi B,l1 07 the dieenee, end
i girinr the pnilen1 etr•ngth by building up
the 1'011011111I0n mud ft .letingnntureindaing
tis 0-00k. The pn.l1rtrt re haven°much faith
In it0 curative, pneverg that they neer One
Hundred Dollar, for any rime that R (Wile to
core, bead for Iles of teetimootals,
Addreee F. J. 1'11 ENEY 4 CO., Toledo, O.
Fold by drnggiela, The.
1111'al'"nm117 PIIIe are the best„
and child, run down -there are
hundreds -lucky if you arc not ono,
And what do you think they want?
They want rest and a change,
and can't get either. Pity to speak
of it
Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil
Is almost rest in itself
11111 .e0 0/1111/11 0110 t.r 11.
S COTT a lawn, ..1a, T., 1010lr.,
pc,,nd $l.a1 011 Crrg0mis.
Thirteen on a quarter.
The commonest of all our 'silver
colne I. the 23 -Dent piece. In oho
words "quarter dollar" ore thir-
teen lettere. "E pluribue Unum" con -
table thirteen lettere. in the tall
of the eagle are thirteen feathers
and In the shield are thirteen Ilut•". _
There are thirteen stars and thir-
teen arrowl.t'ada and If you exeta-
ine the bird through a microsnope
you will (Incl thirteen fentberr in
Its .wing.-('blcago Chronicle.,
Make a indent 1l. when you are leering
home to buy -The D:d I.," Menthol fluster.
1t 10 gulrunteed 10 mire the worst r111.0 of
hnekn,he, headnehe, etltehen. Avoid every-
thing sold to be Just n. good, (let 'le genu-
ine wade by Darla Al Lawrence Co., I.td,
IIIaniorek's hose.
In some parte or Germany the Inn,
to smell towns are accustomed to
substitute chicory ins culfee-a prac-
tice not altogether unknown to Am-
erican landlords, It Is bilevel. Bis-
marck nrrlved at such a plaon ono
day ;Mil naked the landlord it ile had
any chicory'. The host answeredfirmntltely rind the chancellor mild
"Bring it 1,11 to me.' The landlord
did so, Mel Rlontarrk a'1 h1: "I1 this all
the chicory you have In the house 7"
"It IF, arluhrec,' flame the reply.
"Then," said the nine of blood and
Iron, 'bring 1110 n cup or Correa,'
P, I To prove to yon lint Pr,
Dud nb,elute caro for each
l'hny Ointment 10 acertnln
rind mien' form of Ilrhing,
hleerling'lnd pro -aline el Ina,
the manubctarer0 halo puorma:cod It. Sce1ua-
boio whntlIl ehrlhink o'r'b p) on con uryaw
e Ifoigh-
getour money haek if no. mond, ileo n bar. et
all hosiers or EDr0NlOB,1IA7'r1 k Co„Teronto,
Dr:Chase's O°ntrnent
finest In the Niagara Peninsula et
Mona. 10 miles from Hamilton on two rail.
wary. ISD scree in all 35 of which 1a In frank
mostly peaubea w 111 be .old In one parcel or
divided into lots of IA to 10 acre' to suit pap
chs This Is a decided terpin Addeo.
Jonathan Carpenter. P. 0. box,01. Wtnons
Ontario_ 11___11-..-
ltu,h,nr twine 1•,.102 Marker .noe.21
Into v"r of as 1111. ties.
(o.mor aye, aa'e.r,nt ear .o.r1..,.11
wn1,. one blot*0.1,1*.11,1.0.
Ir7..N0no,.l.fre.. 1'00.1 Morland 11
e, tr+.l 111, w1t,,.e,01,•.46n.1.e1 4
121 I. (, ullurn >m; C.me.n...I1,
'a.IIyw .LL..a.Y0atS1, news. team a s
i es
♦ +444+44+44444#++++4++4++ -
Tobacco Is a Wog u( niy'tory,
Borne of Its features and peculiar-
ities are beyond the ken of mortal
man. No doubt a gentleman or Jiro-
( ound
(ound erudition and unanswerable
logic might go aro dl. John's Parish,
Louletalia, and after coln'rntlonul
scrutiny prepare a paper prolog
conclusively that perique lobaego
can be produced Just ae well in
Rapldes or In Terrebontto ail there.
No doubt a highly cc:entitle analy-
sis of the soli near Tampico, Mex -
leo, would show that 1n all chelnl-
cal respects It 111 identical vvltll
that of the \'uellu Abe)o, in Pinar
del I110 Province, ,Cuba. But can
any true smoker bo eonvertixl to
either of these beliefs 7 It lo easy
enough, pel'hahe, to prove a thing
on paper with formulae, rte.; Ulu
qutwtlon le one of proving it to
the satlefnetloa of the cunsumar,
Then, bo n very groat differentia
A whole library of ealeulatiousand
statistics goes for nothing wham
the urtulorml emnker takes the
weed In hie teeth and subjects it
to the vulgar test of use.
The genion, then, degenerates
Into one o1 personal, though doubt-
less uninformed, taste. There aro
nameless and Indescribable factors
bl tl,e equation. Ther,, are myrler-
ter as aatonaoing as the mystery
of life 11.elf.
The most cuuataut and faithful de-
o-voter of tobacco Cannot te.1 whether
or not Ids cigar in burning 1f you
blindfold film or put hila (0 a pitch-
dark room. Ho say resort to un-
lawful means. He ivay burn hie fht-
gen at Lite Ilght;:d end or 110 tunny
Inhale tho amok'. But, In default of
ono or the other of these espeJl^_nts
be hue not the faintest idea whether
fie is smoking or not smoking- Take
oft the bulldog() or light tl o room so
that he can 1210 and 111 a 0(1lnlld Ile
becomes oho expert and can dlrrlm-
inate between the genulle ",,,elta
Abujo article and the twat cigar
produced In any other part of the
world. No one hoe ever yet rxplalned
It. The fact remains.
Skmllarty, ro one van given scien-
tific reaaon why clgare folly equal
to those made Dr 11nar Del Rio can-
not be prodocel In. -Mexico, w1111 the
same seed, the same handler@ rind
makers and with 0211 chemically Iden-
tLca1. SSlmltnrly, no one has yet been
able to expound the Impossibility or
raising the real perique tobacco of
Louisiana ontelde of a eectaln very
limited Ioeallty, These problems do
not yield to [dance, so far as the
smolder 1. concerned. The mysterlee
we have mentloned.tlll stare science
in the face. -Washington Post,
Nra Winslow 'e Soothing errntpp .hoU
always be used for Children twining, t
soothes the child, soften. the[nm• 011711 wind
colic and 11 the hest remedy for Diarrhea.
'I'hrowitig the I/art.
ISSUE NOe 34, 1902.
Residential University
Yalnable Bursaries and Scholarship
Opsn to all $l'UDENT42 IN ARTS without
restrictions of sex or creed.
TRIM COLLEGE,- ............Residence for MEN
1T. NILDA'S COLLEGE guldens* for 001•EN
For all Information addreee-
Boys and young men, with
the right sort of training, are
wonted in every, buslneee and
An education that will thus
fit them is to be obtained at
tills residential school, where
a course In Manual Training
supplements Collegiate and
business studies. For a Cal-
endar addro1s
A. I.. 1f'f'rI:INION, 31. A..
Woodstock College,
THE OWN loll coarse IT
1116 NAIL In
CANADIAN Apiculture, Urdu"
Sleek seising rrul
CORRESPONDENCE raredeagemsbok'
Pres -
COLLEGE, ``�r.da& Mo�SinI s,
■stread tlea, Pa
Write for FREE Booklet,
eager{ WANTED IN UNOCCUPIED 110117017
4202 student` 1111
Mat rear -1T r'
ladle and 1420 r
rose. Twemat 01a-
tion &bol1a+tkt pc{ .aL
1 ue11110and11420 well
nt detmnatal
6tLLEYIILE, OMT. .els, 01.
New ip.-orpu De•
- mine (201100. Rooms and Art Galkrr of
ly added. Suppaarim 10711111es 1a BookY pg.
korthaad, Telegraphy, Itlocatlon asd ar
Oral Niters. ()ethos* buildings,r.UMW
Hall," grmna.lum and .I/Sub hwtad .
sou■ and llgbtad throughout by .lee
W UI op.a Sept. D, 1101.
Far ma.trated circular address
Doc. the ancient ceremony of
"throwing the dart" surtlto 'any.
where In iho United Kingdom but in
Cork, where it was carried out this
week 7 auks the \%eulmhtiter Ga-
zette. Every third year the Mayor
-hes Is now Lard Mayor -of Cork pro-
"eede 1n state to the mount of Cork
harbor anti there throws Into the
neat a dart with a gilded head and a
theft of mahogany, saying as he dues
Fo, according( .0 immemorial custom :
I cast thlu Jtvell11 Into the sea and
deolare (hitt eo fur seaward ns It
fulls eztendn the rights and Oomio-
ion of the Corporation of Cork to
end over the hurbof, as well as the
rifer, creeks an.l hays within the
The ceremony le a somewhat p1c-
tut'rerlue earticnl of the limns wilt's
the Mvy'oro of Cork -as In other cit-
ies -were Admired; of the Port, and
Ow' 111.11,:111rt1 their authority-. Ills,
of course, now no more than an an-
ew°* for a trip Onion Ile 11311301' arid
a banquet 011 board 1110 steamer,
or your other hrlght
▪ 111 In w1ilt nuy-
thing but
the new ,'hemlo fly prepared self polishing
Cloth. Nothing to fur 11.111 the cloth. No
e nllyd hn oda; e,n'e11110e and labor; enaleet.
Ort the 011,, l'TIee •'- erste at drug nod
notion dealers. Jay mall Irmo
IIONARCIt MF(:. 00„ 6t, Catharines, Oat.
Write for tree empire.
Diamond Bing 11 the Ent
vslue In a Engagement
Wag eon offered. Dia-
monds arc personally
'elected by us from
Amsterdam cutters, and
'impeded germ. Youwtq
find this stag illustrated is
our catalogue, copy of
which will be oat you
os00r�GTJ'aolttJaN 3YAN5
l! 10,.*1samD,sONO St MLS(
The Onnllty otnndnrd from Oceaa to
Ocean. Your money hack anutsallactoq.
1i1SF. .1: ].AFLAME,
Agents, MOntreaL
101 Klug sr, Eliot, Hamilton, Ont.
to well tens, ronee0, baking powders, spices,
extract., P1T„ 111 1•all'umere. You 011n mak.
money, No fakir" wanted. Excellent territory
vacant nus,
your dealer .up- E B E D D Y' S
plying you with
Always Insist on
They are mannfec red from the BEST of MATERIALS by the