HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-08-21, Page 5Lime' Lime
Anyone in need of Lima in
any quantity should write
or telegraph us, and we will
deliver the same where re-
-Mrs. Thomas Fiamlyn, of Lon -
s don, was a visitor at the Commercial
last week.
-Blyth fair directors will meet at
the Commercial butel on Saturday
evening next.
-Mr. D. D. Crittenden and Mise
qulrsd• Maud Gidley spent Sunday with
A Nicholson & Sons, Goderich friends.
-A social will be held at the Bel.
4, ,466 ,11100A�'Atil''i iviokicAti iacal°AilAiti
Is cia
ala! Oembtaat.,.. RAO.Toronto Murat,
We have made spec „ante
with the publishers . mto
World, of which Mr. ... "Lean, ;5r
M.P., ismanaging edito, eta offer a
e special summer bergah..., news' per- 1
dont—good during Auguet and Se tem 11
ber, �„
For ell 1 stun50 :4
Th.Toroo..World,e5erear 1
be Bondy World, ea a year
Tax aLTT= 'STANDARD, e1 a year syr
We will give 111 for en•5O•
'WO NILES EAST Of SELORAYE, grave Methodist parsonage on the Or for Tug STANDARD and the Daily .4 -)
evening of August 29th, , World for one year our price is 4J.
sELORAVE P.O.The World gives the correct market r.
-Mies M. J. Nesbit, of Detroit, is quotations, lie market reporter was a
visitingat the hotno of her steals, farmer in York county for tnany years
P and knows how to glean information
' Mr. and Mre. Jamee'Nesbit. which ie correct, "
—Mr, and lure, Robert AnderRun The Sunday World is published on Is
Saturday night and hoe 82 pages of
and Mitre Annie AICWuarrle, of Brae- illustrated sketches and views of ab- -1
et Weather
• Bele, spent Sunday with Blyth sorbing interest. 4
1 friends. 1 o4
-Mr. Samuel Sloane, one of the -Twenty-seven people left lilythle
If you want good honest Shoes you Istation this morning for Manitoba.
,mart go to the Old Reliable Shoe Store, West Heron license commissioners, -Mier May Kennedy, of Clinton,
We have held our trade for yeah died suddenly at his home in Gode-,
simply by selling gond goods at close rich on Sunday evening. Is visiting at the home of her parents "Si.
rice g' -A
} -Mea, Robert Stewart and Don, In Blyth at present,
McLean, two students of Blyth pub-, -Mrs. C. II. Deese is visiting with ,
Our Wet Weather Shoes have been
in great demand of late, Our custom- lie school, have suceeesfully passed Chesley friends. Mr. Beene also 1 i
Are are realizing more and inore the the Part h Matriculation examine- spent a few days of the past week in
importance of 1.0.0good footwear, 'Gateley 1.and such articles may be obtained at tion,
niltimeraat -We will send TNg STANDARD to -The first new wheat of the sea
any address in Canada or the United 'sop was brought to the Blyth flour. 1
tsLYtB'b ItP i0 DAf6 STORE, States for the balance of 1902 for 25' mills by Mr, John McDowell, ofj
T. W. SCOTT cents. Cash with order, Send it to' Last Wewar-ueh. 4
your absent friends, I _Miss Janet Anderson left last
—Harvest excursions will be run ; week for, Tehkummah, Manitoulin ;
------- = to Manitoba and the Northwest on blend, where she has been engaged 4
-Iinral schools reopened on Mon- September let. The going fare wilt to teach in the public school of that; 7
day lest be $10 and the returning fare $18.' place., 4
-Mr. John Sherritt is visiting at Tickets will be good till November _Mrs. Richard McLaughlin and i 'ir•
the home of his daughter in London. 30th. children, who have been the guests
-Mtgs Etta Carter, of Kinbnrn, is -Mr. Robert Derrick left on Mon- of the Misses McLaughlin for the'
visiting at the bonne of Mr. W. A. t day afternoon for Chicago where he past month, returned to their home i t
Carter. will visit relatives Rad friends. If in Dutton on Friday.' le
-Misses Zelda and Berta Carder Mr. Barrick likes life in the Windy -The annual excursion under the. el.
spent Sunday and Monday with City he may reside there Parma' auspices of L.O,L. No. 794, Wing- 4
Seaforih friends Ponds• ham to Sarnia and Detroit will be r
—Miss Edna Moody, of Lucknow, -For the Labor day holidays the run on Saturday, August 23rd, atr
is visiting her grand•parente, Mr. Grand Trunk• railway will issue the usual low rates. Excursionists
and M. James Porter. . single first -clew tickets anywhere in will go from Sarnia to Detroit by the
-Mrs. G. S. Stanley and two chit- hanads, good going on August 30th, steamer Tashmoo and the return
dron, of Sault Ste, Marie, are the 31st end September 1st, valid re- fare will be 60 cents. A gold , 4
guests of
-Blyth council met on Mondsy - -We notice in the Atwood Bee the largest lady on the excursion!
evening and decided to build a.uroea• t
Lha, at the quarterly bmslneee meet• train.
ing on Ainsley street near the rail. !ng of the managing board of the -The following item of local in 1
way crossing. Atwood Methodist church the salary terest le taken teem the Clinton New
-Miss Annie McGregor, who has of their pastor, Rev. Win. Penhall, Era of last week : " 11ies Kelly, who I i
ly of Blyth, was increased hn the past 9 years has been the
been holidaying at the home of her, former
mother here for the past month, re- from $750 to $800. The Bee adds efficient book-keeper of Messrs. Jack. , 3 ♦ ♦ ♦. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦� ♦r ♦; ♦ ♦ ♦,Y ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ r ♦ •
turned to Toronto oa Tuesday morn- that the increase was entirely un- eon Bros. and the Jackson Manufac-' ��ukAL,�"�
ing. - solicited by Mr. Penhall and is there- taring Co., severed her connection ' ----
-Mrs. John Wilford and her sic• fore all the more appreciated by him.' lest Friday and left for London for a -nrp3KX��pp.tiiiioii�i��yy��yy��7I
ter, MW At J Nesbit, are On a driv
Mre. E. Coombs. turning on September 2nd. ' brooch will be given as a prize 101
McKinnon & Co.
Our great Clearing Sale has been a grand suc-
cess. Our customers know when we advertise bar-
gains they always get them. Next week will wind
up our clearing sale, when we will offer greater bar-
gains than ever. The following should be interest-
ing to close cash buyers :
Black Satena Skirts, with deep frill trimmed with braid, regular
price 4 ie. for ,0r,,
Ladies' Shirt Waiets, made of percale, detached collars, worth 50c,
for 25c,
Great reductions will be made in all our Shirt Waiete thie week to
Men's Straw Hats, donble edges, worth 50c, for 20c.
Men's Fancy Striped Shirts, worth 00c, for tt9c.
Wrapperettee, in small checks, in black and red and black and
white, a great snap at 5c.
Flannelette, yard wide, in pink and cream, worth 121c, for 10c.
White Pique (P.K,). regular price 1211c, for ole.
Ladies' Black and Colored Gloves, worth 15c, 20o, 25e and 80c, your
choice for 10c.
Wide Prints, fast colors, worth 12ho, for 14 c.
Special Sale of
,, r Fine Shoes
We have picked out a number of odd lines and
sizes in Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes at
reduced prices Lo clear. If your size is in the lot
you wilt get a bargain.
McKinnon & Co.
-A football match was advertised I visit, We understand she intends 4
ing tour that will take in Dungan- for last Friday night between Blyth asteria upon Fon the sea of
T h e
non, Lucknow and other northern and Brussels school teams, bat when , bliss sometime next month. We are
polute. -th. Brussels team went on the field sorry to lose Miss Kelly from our
,-Mr. John Kelly has sold hie rest-- there were four of their regular i midst, but more than pleased to learn
dence on King street to Dr. Jerome. W.F.A. intermediate players in uni-, of her contemplation. Her future
The pries paid was $1450 cash, Mr. form. The Blyth boys then pat on place of Abode will bo St. Thome."
Kelly and family will likely take,wme of the local Intermediate ptey.1 -Air. V. W. Tanner, a former
up their residence In Goderieb. ere and Brussels refused to play un-, resident of Myth, and who has been
-Mr. Henry Taman, of Blyth, less Blyth played a junior team, residing in Strathroy for the past
and Ain, Margaret Meehan, of against their mixed team, Finally .i seven years, hae-removed to London
,Mitchell, were married at the Sea- about Dight o'clock Brussels agreed , where ho has been appointed man -
.forth manse on Tuesday of last to play, leaving Hirons, Haines, R. , ager of the Sanitary Dairy Co. The
week. Both the bride and groom Somers end D. Somers on the Blyth . Strathroy Dispatch makes the follow:
are 73 years of age. team, while Brussels played Roche,, Ing reference to Mr. Tanner and
-Mia Millie McLean, who has Beattie, Good and Cameron of their i family : " Air. F. W. Tanner and
been teaching at Culloden and Delhi senior team. Tho genie resulted in family leave this week or next fur
fur tete past year and a ball, wrote a score of one goal to none in favor I London, where they intend residing
on toe Part L Senior Leaving exami• of Blyth after 30 minutes play. Mr. in future. They carry With thein
natter at St. Marys this year and Garf. linker, of Brussels, refereed.' the hent wishes of many friends here,
suopessthlly passed. On Monday last the game, who sincerely regret their removal,
Mips McLean joined the teaching -- -- -, --- - ---- and hope that prosperity and bappi-
otER of the,Baden public school, IF YOU HAVE NOT BOUGIIT nese will be the result of the chauge."
-The Toronto Starr of Isat nuts. YOUR STOCK OF -Mr. W. A. Gifford, the very di -
day contained the following item of tient and clever son of Rev. Dr.
local intefest; "A pretty house wed- FRUIT JARS Gifford, of Clinton, is certainly not
Aing wauquietly celebrated on Tues. YOU WILL DO WELL TO EXAM- idle during his cullege hulidaye. Ile
•day afternoon at the residence of INE OUR STOCK AT has just completed four weeks sup
Mr. J. Parker, 72 Lansdowne ave. 70or 85o and •1 per Dozen. ply of the pulpit of Aekit, street
nue, whim his daughter Tetye was Methodist church, London, during
Wooden and Fibre Pails at standard ' the holidays of Rev. W. G. Howson.
mottled b Mr. J. J. Bailey. The prices. Lard Tube two for 25c, or one
ceremony was performed by Rev. R. for 15c. For the next two Sundays he will
P. MgKay, in the presence of the GrCocerieeanrockery, d Bruufeoomscti, onery 1Vashup-tu-d$Dardare.
s, supply the pulpit of Seafurth Metho-
relatives and a few Intimate friende, A first-class variety of Op.. of the dist church. On September 70h' he
The bride wore a dainty gown of best brands -that fiuuuus Pebble cant will supply the pulpit of Ontario
be heat in Lha 6c line, Try it. street Methodist church, Clinton, for
white silk trimmed with lace ap- The leading brands of Tobaccos and
if , and carried a shower bouquet Teas always full stocked. his father, who expecte to eyelid it
p QmeFor Bread Stuffs or anything in the few days in his old home in Durham
of pink roses. The bride was at. Bread line we fear no rival. county, and for three Sundays fol-
Bride's Cakes made•to-order or trim lowing that will supply the pulpit of
,tended by her Pieter, Mise Edythe mad at moderate prices.
Parker, and tee groom wee aeaisted
,by Mr. Robert Parker, After the
ceremony the happy couple left for
Mitchell Methodist church, Refer -
40" -STAR ring; to his work in London, the Free
Press says: " While hero Mr, Gifford
won the admiration of every utero•
Muskoka, where the honeymoon will a� n ` [� ler of the Askin street congregation.
Ilbe spent. Mr, and ,Mre. Bailey will R. R. DOURLIS - BLIYTII a Is a young man with anddutuse ul
,reside in Blyth, Ont." R. n LRlil a remarkably bright useful
Popular Clothing
Big Clearing
Sale of
4 Summer
to make
room for
Fall Goods
Now is the time to get an Ordered Suit, You can save from
three to four dollars on every suit. We are making suits to your
measure front 19 up, Dont fail to see those roods and prices,
future, Itis pulpit delivery and
thoughtful discourses delighted all
ho heard hint hero."
t`nrrloo Thank..
\Vc publicly thank the Blytli citi-
zens and other friends who were sl,
kind :is to ntsiet us itl nursing e111'
door sun James during his lung ill -
ucs, We thank you all for the
kand interest shown us
during his illness and our bereave-
1neut.-MR. AND Mlt3, J, G. Et11DIL
1000 Packages
- - of Butter
For which the highest price will be
paid. We furnish large and small
tubs and boxes et cost
Also any quantity of Eggs and all
hinds of 1:r ,t% canted.
At the Old stand.
Mosley street • !Mary