HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-08-21, Page 4`he•L th yl�ta�arbe world and conforming to its faeh-
Ne �Y tl�• ions." They have put steeples on
A. E. BRADWIN, Pullman. their churches, have introduced into
. = their once simple services " vested
BL'rnl STANDARD, pnbliehed every choirs, recessionals, recessionals and
unday morn ing, ie a live !oesI nem.p
paper, and hu a large circulation in elaborate ritualism," borrowed from
Blyth and surrounding country, making the 1: n•
scopal church. "A great
It a valuable advertising medium. Sub- 1 is
price to any part of Canada or popular movement that promises to
Ile Uaitea 8tatea only Ai Dollar perproceed at the new general confer -
annum in advance ; bi.5o will be charged
If not as paid. Advertising rates on ence, is being pushed forward with
application. Job Printing neatly and energyto remove from the Diaei
Cheaply executed. Correspondence of ap.
away nature rest,eetfully solicited. line the rule that forbids dancing,
__----_-_,card-playing and theatre -going,"
THURSDAY, AUGUST 2t, 11Al2, practises once universally eschewed
-- by Methodists as diversions of the
!devil. The sweeping revivals which
A Nebraska man, Mr. Thomas B.. distinguished the Methodism of earl-
ilord, has bought a block of 43,000' ler days have ceased. Methodists
'scree of land, 75 miles north of Re- i used to burst out with " amens " and
gine, for a wheat farm. That is not " glory to God " to give vent to their
the kind of farming which is consid- bubbling religious emotion, but
ered most beneficial to the country, usually such interruptions are looked
but it will help to keep the railways` on nowadays as "bad form." Hired
and the Implement factories busy, professional singers have replaced
halides supplying a good deal of em " the fervent and soul•stirring sing-
ployment in other directions. Col, ing that was in other days so import -
Davidson, of Duluth, president of ' ant a part of public worship." " Class
the (snippy which sold tate land to meetings," once adistinguishing feat.
Mr. Hord, estimates that 100,000 ure of Methodism, " are to be found
farmera from the Western States will in but few churches." " The prayer
settle in Canada during the next meeting is languishing; family
five years, and he wants Canadians altars are no longer common," Mean -
to understand that this migration is time there is "comparatively little
not to be attributed to any dissatls- increase in the membership of the
faction with the United States and church "; and, we may add, if the
its institutions, but merely to a desire official statistics gave only those who
on the part of the immigrants to could be included properly an omi-
acquire cheap land and better their nous failing off would probably ap-
condition. We do not think there is pear. week.
any danger of a mistake being made According to Dr. Munhall, deelin —The Canadian fruit commission -
regarding the motives of the new- ing faith in the divine inspiration of er, Mr. W. A, MacKinnon, who is in
oomere. When Mr. Simcoe was the Scriptures is at the bottom of the the old country, writes that Canadian
lieutenant -governor of Upper Can- trouble. "A large majority of the apples would meet with a readier,
oda, 1791.96, he got an idea that teachers in the leading Methodistsale if put in smaller lots than tho
every immigrant from New York or educational institutions deny the in. i barrel now in use. He says the bar.;
Pennsylvania to this province was fallible authority of the Bible," he rel is in disfavor among British
inspired by a preference for mon- gays. This is putting the matter i dealers.
archival to republican institutions,
duett Edmonds, the new
reel( ,uy church. The ser -
vie house was a beautiful,
impressive one. Tho
deli, '. two favorite hymns
ant he ,, 110 died requested that
ths4y be b'.rng at his funeral service,
which was done. The coffin was
covered with flowers and floral'
wreaths, some of the latter being
most beautiflti. Deceased was the
youngest son of Mr, and Mrs. J. G.'
Emigh and was in the 33rd year of
his age. lie was a young man of
magnificent physique, standing six
feet and weighing over 200 pounds,
and up to the beginning of his Illness
had every appearance of a long life
before him.
Dieu oovn.—In Wingham. on August
181h, the wife of Mr. Wm. Drum-
mond, of a daughter.
WALKER. --In Wingham, on Augnst
101h, the wife of Mr, \Vesle.v W•
Walker (nee Maggie Sloan), of a son.
TAstAN-14At:1AN,—At the mange. Sea -
forth, on August 12th, by Rev. F. H.
Larkin, Mr. Henry Taman, of Blyth,
to Mrs. Margaret Machan, of Mitchell.
BAILEY--PARKRK.--At the residence of
the bride's parouta, 72 Lansdowne
evpnue.'tisronto, ou August 12th, by
iter. Dr. McKay, Mr. Joseph S.
Bailey, principal of Blyth public
school, to Tetye, daughter of Mr, and
Mrs. J. H, Parker.
1- Mteu.—In Myth, on August 14th, Mr.
James Emigh, aged 32 years, 2 months
and 22 days.
MoCAA.—In Toronto, on Augnst 161h,
1r. Wm. McCaw. late of Egmond-
vilie, in his (38th year. "
—Brussels races were held on
Tuesday and Wednesday of this
Many Bargains in Summer
Goods may yet be had.
..{/SOME , .N P8
J. A. Anderson's
- I TH
rather too strongly, but it can hardly
but the Dna de la Rochefoucauld .48O - MARKETS.
be doubted that educated people are 1 e t 6. Petaa 0., 40 7 0. w leo. Auley,
formed a different opinion, explain -iso to ao6. 1'e.a, you to sit oats, 44;144',
t6 fee,
P thlnki8g more and more for then]. I Egg•, Lao t6 tic. AnSe, le1.7, 55 rotatoea,
ing the migration of those days just tg o w it: '11147,1:11: Ito, sly, ea to n 1..101,
selves and do not take even the i tea t0 las. el: :ii...,, sem:o cane,
its Col. Davidson explains the present Bible in its entirety with that blind, wase, al ye w SS. Wool, 1 to Laos
Migration. in the nineteenth ten- faith that was formerly demanded of
fury, after the war of 1812-14, tbere them. And here it stems pertinent! BUSINESS CNANt
was a sort of Scare lent too many to ask if Methodism, if, in fact, the I ht '.o o,reuna:o al ow)neo ooi s op e vPeeur
" aliens 'should come into the conn- whole of Protestantism, is not in ; 040066. No mininery stook ; welt paper,tock
_ smell. Present oec6pant gotnqq to the North•
try, and for a time it was required large degree responsible for the, onto• Apply 00"M" Yoa.o, Box 33, Aubivarn,
that an applicant for land should existing state of things. Few of us j
take the oath of allegianee to the desire to see a return to ancient doe-! .
44. Bat experience proved that
psopie who were born in the United'
States Soon became as good Cana.
Mans as the natives of this country,
and there is now no alarm about the
settlement of United States citizens
'on the lands of Canada.
One hundred thousand farmers,'
With their families, engaged in the I
production of grain and cattle in the
Northwest, will be very welcome
customers for our merchants and i
manufacturers, as well as liberal con.
''tributors to our customs revenue. i
They will pay their way and he a
blessing to the Dominion, tor they
are already expert in the methods
of prairie farming, and, man for i
man, are worth more than any im-
migrants we could get from Europe. ,
The Rey. Dr. Munhall, a Methodist
• evangelist, is evidently out of tune,
'with the times. He does not believe
is the choirs of the Methodist church.
es being dressed in surplices, In
fact, it' is doubtful if he believes in
choirs at all. He does not believe in
'obtirch'es fashioned in service, struc-
trine and ancient discipline; but we
must look facts in the face, and her-'
ing opened the floodgates of free.j
don it hardly appears consistent to
complain if Methodists, as well as
other sects, entertain the opinion
that religion, to be absorbed by the
host of mon and womep, muet be ,
made attractive, pleasant and coin-
foriable as well as comforting.
Clinton Downed by Blytlt.
On July 1st last the Blyth baseball
club went to Clinton and were de-
feated by the home team. On Tues-
day afternoon the Clinton club came
to Blyth for the return match and
were beautifully trounced by the
score of 15 to 5. The following
summary will tickle the Blyth fans:
Blyth— A o Clinton— It p
Jackson ss ...8 '2 Doherty se .,.1 8
D Somers tb..2 8 Johnson c....0 8
McArter rf...2 2 Cole p 1 2
McKay 2b...1 2 Irwin Sb 0 4
R Somers if ..0 0 Kerr rl 0 4
1t'atsou )ib ...1 8 Porter 26 0 8
Allison p 2 ''2 Stevenson
Ballantyne c 8 2 McKenzie If..2 1
H Somers cf1 2 Armstrong et .0 4
15 24 6 27
Score by innings—
Blyth........... 8 0 1 1 1 1 0 8 't-15
Clinton 200020001-5
Death of Jame. EinI h.
tureand interior arrangements after Mr. James Emigh died shortly
the theatre or opera house. In a after 10 o'clock on Thursday morn -
'tract, to which he has gtven the title ing of last week. For the past year
'that stands at the head dads article, and a half he had been ill with
hBright's disease, which, together
e bitterly laments a very great
with dropsy, was the cause of death.
change which has come over the Everything was done that human
'spirit of 'Methodism. The causes to bands could do towards checking
which Dr. Munhall attributes it are the dread disease, but all of no avail.
Increasing " worldliness," the subeti• At times during the past titres or
tution of showy formality for simple ralllmonths he would be very ill,
ying ony for a day or two. One
faith and worship,' and, most of all, week ago Sunday he took suddenly
the destruction of belief in the Bible ' worse and gradually grew weaker
wrought by the "higher criticism "' until Thursday morning, when he
inculcated in Methodist theological passed peacefully away. The fun-
'schools and from many Methodistoral took place on Saturday after-
noon from the residence of his par-
ents to the Union cemetery and was
"Thousands of Methodists," says very largely attended. The services
1». Xunhall, •"are courting the at the house and grave were co::
Fall Term Opens September god.
A ocfiool that need' les (root rank mous the
bout businr4n call.•ggcs nu tido o"ot+uont. Many
toadiva cow ere. 1 .11,0014 employ oar grnau-
ote4.9 toauhern. We Jo our Deet 10 pleas alt
our graduows in rood pos+liona and we have
beau mm" FIIrC",eful 41,14 year 45414 iu any
prov+oua te,.r. Thoso desk Ing the beet it bus,
41000 education should attend our a0nool. _2.11
for catalogue.
The farthest south, and one of the.
largest mid best equipped in Canada.
Preparatory studies.
Graduating Courses—M.L.A„ M.E.
L., Piano, Organ, Sin ing, Violin, Fine
Art, Elocution and Physical Culture,
Domestic Science, Commercial.
Healthiest location, Moderate char.
gess Write for catalogue to
A Few
Our prices on the above are
very low.
11 a1 VI - - BLYZR
Inventory . prices mea}
money -saving prices to you,
and to us. If you can buy
at a third or a half off the
regular price that's money
made. If we can dispose of
surplus stock that's money
saved by us. These for a
few days :
Men's Plow Boots, regular el, selling at .70
Men's Two -buckle Boots, regular $t.25, selling at 1.00
Mens English Kip, laced, regular 18, selling at, 2.10
Boys' School Shoes, special at 1.26.
Ladies' Dongola Kid, laced and button, regular lL75, for 1.25
Ladies' Dongola Kid Oxfords, regular 11.76, for.- ........ • • • • 1.25
To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription
for men, women and children than Ripans Tabules. They
are easy to take. They are made of a combination of medi-
cines approved and used by every physician. Ripaaa Ta-
bules are widely used by all sorts of people—bat to the
plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need.
Ripans Tabules have become their standard family remedy.
They are a dependable, honest remedy, with a long and suc-
cessful record, to euro indigestion, dyspeptla, habitual and
stubborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizylness,
palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, mueceiar rheumatism,
sour stomach, bowel and liver complaints. They strengthen
weak stomadbs, build up ruo.down systems, restore pure
blood, good appetite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody
derives constant benefit from a regular use of Ripans Tabules.
your druggist sells them. Tho five -cent packet is enough
for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 60 cents, con-
tains a supply for a year."