HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-08-21, Page 3.0 ,11,4 aile4:teuidar- aA SAVED FRO1I HERSELF 44444444 444444* A cluck for a largo a en- . watched too closely ; and when ho her 1 I,n61ie euhccrlption wag dossed, anti a request his :did It was only''to Ile 111 of fever for 01ar1, 1: 1I1,11 flim national govent- teleettro the Reverend Ai vel many month' In a hospital at Cape mete 1„e;,,n,. ',i,a,.r,,aiel, and rte. would go to town girt .ltb Town. When he got well, Ile ranee Idl,t ;m,,,,.,e 'Tug' lo, nu't, them about the remelt' etrnlght bock to Eng' -nod and to the goaded 10 elitatr,.mv ienrn' by Ito My lather uceepted 11 prctblg- wemao he had Weed and wronged, . wives nm 1 Owe:11 re memetcd the lee 1 bad my doubts Leto where the hearing In South Afrlole of the death duty by goo.00 e,.n, ume,t. 'fleece' came from, but I cuuld not of her Sambaed. Ceti yen 1,1 ,u,;,t,m' the rrjoic- utter then}, 1 expected 1'Iwuld tee There le noting more to telt, what Inge of 11I I ilmin” ;nal Khermnue geld there be? 1 flnleh this story: when the dpdrn id t=!1< torso at i'or last placed uu !t, Imnntifut ',eek for which they (I ere mten•b'l, mud the pride with winch the owner;d- 101ved 'them to Ile (.Inc, 1 for safe- keeping 1n the Unite Int'., ;mat - [wry? But yen cer U,i•d; run:,µ Imagine her horror wl110 a term!, ugly brute of a tax colleetoe leo, 'rine Penneyl'anta county it' ',11111 Ow lived sauntered In ,nal de- manded an annual tax more thin equalling the Ileuteeant'e Lain•} for nn entire year That wetted lt. There was nothing to do but to eend the while elephant back to the khedive. Conceive the mental condition of an American woman ubltged to give up one-fifth of $1, aw,0011 it' diamonds! But, 1f you will believe me, elle couldn't get rld of them In this way. Back they came, by return mail or eoutething of that sort, frith n letter from his Egyptian majesty euggeeting that the necklace be token apart tend the dlamuude divided between (lea. Sherman'- fou eatughters, deli- cately Melee:ding flint thus the burden would not its eo heavily felt. And that ie bow 1tree Thorn- dike Ilnppeae to own 1ne-fourth ter them. Lionel before lung, and 1 did. 1 Mut 111111 int the lam) lending to the nicer• nee, and he befit vtowu from hie muddle, and said eontelhlug about oho etlrer lining turning up, I could Then Lionel Fleming Lo,•ume Lord the remeon of the refuse!, bat I would Le diner, and minter of Lurtwee not tell him -how menet 1? -that 1 Cray. was too poor to come to him even Thu old lord had left lite wile a properly appointed as to ootflt It largo fortune. by any chance 1 should be allowed "1 shall spend It all In ahnrlty," to marry 111m. son said to me. "There le but one In- "Isbell be back at the New Sear,' tercet, cue plea eurc, in Tile, and that my darling," he mid, diking me In - le doing gotsi to others." hie 0001;, ae if he had never met And It wee perfectly true. If ever with any rebuff, "and you will tell only woman tried to make up for a nue thea what 1t all means, and we eon by ehnrlty and good deeds, Lady will get out of the difficulty tome- Letimer did. how." The new Lord Latimer begged of ter 1 would not see him nt the New to remota at Lorton'd Cray for some Year; I made up my mind to that. few monthe. He did not want to take No use for theme heartache', when poseerdon Holli the spring of the no good could co of them; mo I year, and he prayed um to remain be gcd Lads Latimer to let me there, Ludy' Latimer a and led, and o home Jur the holiday -time -It wt' Ilvert there In pence and ecclueton go be the Saint time we ebould tutu the Chrlylman snow way on the ort together, for the new elate o! ground again and the New Year thingw was to begin with the coming coming round. year, and home would be home no CIIAI''TF.I( XII•, longer with etrangere In 1t and the No one bot myself knew how 1 big hoye 'way. dreaded that coming New Year for She had some female friends coming Lady Latimer. She had left off hat- to her for the holidays -good women " In the hall:' lug me now, poor dartlag ; site told with mleslone and notions, and I did Melte evidently did not think much me Me knew It had all flume about not feel at home with them somehow. of my myrterWue eleltor. I Iteatentel ler the beet. Site woe taking to that sort o1 thing, down, and 'there, under the lamp, "Sou meted tightly, Audrey," eee though she was not half }bong- stout n tall, white -Mitred man, rather Bald to me one they, when the dbemal minded enough for It ; and! had very ehabblly dreseed, who turned slarply coca tvae falling ne If It never little In common with the people It aa he heard my' fnotetepe, and 'poke meant i0 }top, and there was an un- brought me in contact with. There In a voice cIl.oketf with tears, It utterable etillueer over everything alwad'seemed to much of Bell and so seemed to me. round Lorton's Cray. "Quite right, little of C1lrletlan charity in their " Mies Lowrh" ho said• I have for you are a good woman. and proeedinge that Ihad no sympathy came to you for news before I go could not do otuerwiee; but I love with them; they could do very well any further -I drove come etrnlght hey memory now, ae 1 loved elm In without me. from the ship. How le she? Where Mie. I teal ne if 1 should ulwort win And yo It came about that I was at tektite? 1 know that lie le dead, er I heaven It 1 could Ile by hie side In knee very 'al aad Keary -pearled; ehoufd net be here. For heaven'e g d f I sake, tell me that vile le alive and uu the ren of two wrxldtngs. e+me time poet there line been ell s'.rte r I preparation going on In Kluge Loxton for everything that nut betray lime The revulsion' of wa two bride' have provided ,that lceltug idler et) mobil relief would the dear old town can furnish hose have broken my tltther's heart. been procured there,. The church le Sof was very happy when the last decorated with flowers, and the day of the old year dawned bright nutting] sun [lune' clear end bright, [tad clear, as it dawned on that for Aagl$t Ilag oobte around 'again. day that accnied 1a the far The year of Costly Lorton's widow- puert now, though 1t woe hotel is over, and to -morrow will only three years ego. The eee her the wife of the only mon day could never be otherwise than 1'110 ever hod her heart. 2t one one for me, I thought; it w 111 And it le Iny day lo -morrow, too. never be sad any more now. I shall come not of the old church My hither had been to London and Lady Latimer. Lionel would take le:,runt that, Metered of beteg a no more nays, and my father will milord matt, ea be belleveol, be woe - help the bishop, who was (ice hie richer than lin had been before, and behoof -fellow and chum; to Inner] I Mel won Klin ever to en,v that per- me to the mon of my choice. What hops, In the future, If things went hag the future In Otero fur ne, 1 0111 tv(lh him, he would 10ltbdraw the decfelve "No," that had been hie ',newer to lord Latimer. 1 knew what that meant ; be only had to nett now, and the permission would Ido given, 1.Ionel war doming to the - ticurnge In the evening. and then - ab, then 1 1 could hardly pomade my'eelf that O. was all real, and that 1 should aot wake from a blleeful dream, end find the two bonrderrin- vnding our happy home, and the deer ''eye gone. 1t was growing dart, and I wee elltlufr up In the oil nursery‘ eo full orf 'l'i'en memorlee of 'nimble( and fun. when Millie, a tall ellp of a girl now, and a pereen of immense tet- nortanoe In her own eye's, as the deughter of the holm' and mother's right hand, name up with a myeter- lour look on her faoe, "'There's 0omenoe nuking for you. Audrey, dear," she said. "For me 1 Who le It ?" I said, a mud- dmu chill at my heart, for 1 fancied something unlet have happened to Lionel. " f don't know," she Enld. It le }rat he wants; I toll bum father and (Looter would not be long' before they came In, but he doer not want them." 'There le he?" the rave. All he has no grave; true -or I sea gu ma . wonder? Notllhlg but happinees,lf 1 may trust the 'rouge of the birds un'.I sweet breath of the flowers that' conte In to me through the wlndowe. I must go hone now; I balm plenty to do yet; but I hail conte to mote a Met arrungement with Lady Lathier -she w111 lee my aunt to -morrow, by the 00107 - u funny Iden -and I have kept the pony carriage welting an un- consclounitle time. Lionel and Col. North are to sleep at the hotel to -night, and will sea us no more till we meet them In all our bravery at toe altar. It la time the colonel went. I can hear III' melee singing in the drawing -room -all his ['offerings have not 'polled tlmt. "The arrow to the quiver, And the wild bird to the tree ; The stream to meeting) river, And the river to the Ilea. The wavoe ere wedded' to the beach, Aryl the ebndowe to the sea ; And like to like—and each to each, And I -to thee." .And the memory of 'the Inst time 1 beard him slug limit Bong 10 all blotted out In thct'foy and hnppineee of the present, and the future etrrtrhee before ter, unbroken by a pain, onehadowed by a cloud. THE ENI. NOW TO TREAT HARDWOOD FLOORS wv,.wwwww. A new hardwood floor. be.foro 11 Is vnruhhed, can be effectively encor- A POSITIVE IAN Seems Able to Prove the Truth of What He 5aya 111r.Chrlker flake' Some Very /Strong Statements-e.xplalue That Ne Is Prepared to Prove the 'Truth of Every Assertion Ile )taker. Houecy's Rapids, Ont., Aug, 4. - (Hpeclnl.)-Ur. George C. Calker, a well known resident of tele place, lute authorised the VUlllicatioe of a letter containing Kinn very start- ling statements. Those who know 31r. Chalker will not auk any proof of the truth of [lay alatement he makes, but to couvinee those who do not know him, he has an-nounced that he le prepared to eubdtanttute In every detail, the truth oe his published etutemeat, whLeli Is as follow'; "It le with pleneuro that I cer- tify to the merits of Dodd'e Kidney Dille. " I was !eel up with Kidney ntnl with t'ol"reit, transparent Maine Trouble and was eo bad that I could whlrll will give the appearauee of not do a day'' work. My back waft ]cutch marquetry, ne the etnll,when very sore: 1 110d heavy achlag arms, lent wo were to leave a wen er u (arnl0I O41 and waxed, takes on a dull, bloated eyce.l I Was very weak s•-" well -and II d " utehuw Memo that to most harmonl- - and much reduced in weight. She buret Into nothing nate comfort Now ]cur, eller all. it was a eau. Wbo war peak) to me? What " After I had used six boxes of Lad 1 could may nothla to comfort log tb ee came the Christmas worn- eP nti prproves iwrder, toe floor lin fm - Iter ; that dead man had been the lag there caw' the Lowy, through my fare? cotoo way ce of hi In my ly,no a yellow pine floor hnan cx- h a vie Kidney 1'n I was ten pounde only love of her life -the one worship father's lawyers, that the rleky' ears? Nhy t11d the face of thin loon- 1v nod mnkrre It tool'. Ilk', an rt- heavier. I often wonder about the ger with the snowy halc take the tenelve purquct, while It le eI'111111-' powerful virtue of tide medicine. L that coulee to us all sooner or later• rpcxulatlud had not been a ibekdead menet Tti Alae for those to wham, Ilkc her, It after all, buff a tremereame succeed. aladphl�eye that at m' wflhuat the liretlihingntoe no doclenta drawmaketa I a not Kidney al'flleilaru exld to cure eyes of the an whore anger [brave about a foot and a half from the but 1 know s great deal about what m ed on that btt:er winter's night? Iwall all around the room. Tela can - they will actually do for Lame hack stared at Il1m, feeling as if I wereand Kidney Trouble, and 1 can prove mien v•ue done, either by elm ing et comer too late. Site had been quietly content to 'Myatt the old house wrapped up in 1 own sorrow and the good she ALMOST IN DESPAIR ter r turning into atone. was trying to do to all around hero "Colonel Nortel" I gasped out, "1t' a. chalked carpenter's rtring, or ley- 'They are worth their weight In with her nusbnnd'a legacy. She did The Condition of Mrs. John It or ami going mad?" Irg u etrnlght lath between two gold to any one guttering as 1 sof- not know that all heaven, as 1tlis , OT Bed romethln�; I eats lib stern polars And drawing the line feted. The six twxre of Doll's Kld- seemed to me, lay at my feet, and I lips nave, but the floor of the hall with p1,Jntc ichuck-white, not black, dal not dare to stoop ray hand and seemed to be tieing upp to me, ami as the latter leaves a nuut. Tide lino take 1t up. Lord Latimer fundi me Shott, of Orangeville the teeth'and the dancing fire-lIgnt when palated ehu'.ald be about a half alone l0 the oozy boudoir one diemai gee to be yalntng In a wild whirl. I heard Inchwide, and should be repotted November day, a he curate to Lee av0lao ray something about having nett to the surface against the wall. atter some of thhee business of the es- Surtered From a Hurtling Sensation frightened me, and then the tall fig- Tem bonier should be a simple, cos- tate, and almost bafore 1 knew what to the atmnreh-Wend Uterine ure vanished Ina sort of mist, and sentient design, stencilled, but If lie10 was talking about he asked me ulrtrrtelul and 1111' t,rew everylbinss was black around me. It gtenelle are not to lm had the pro - to urs lila wge was in Lfonel'e arm's that I came nenent elmpee In the deelgn eau he pity face tier, what my tongue Weak mud u apoudnuf back to lite; my head was W. his cot out of brown paper and out- couid not Utter, and be caught ce (From the Sun, Orangeville, Out.) ahoAIder, and any mother was stand- hued with a pencil, repeating them In eta Irina and ti'e'd me, not once, through duo Ir emublt+d tile week, i by my Bide, "I think we have underetovd each Lite but n dusen times. rough courtesy of Jure. Juin 'Yee, It fs flue, dear," she salt, other all alaag, my darling," he said, io'tt, u lady well known yid muanswerin the questloo my eyer ch " le he ti la not dead, 05 emeemed my many or the ref/Mondof asked. "Look me 111 tete face and tell me that Orangeville, w give the particulars has coma back after almost Increed- yotr will be my wife, Audrey, my of ntlothtr of those cures that have ilei, hardeldpe and escapes He did own" • nude lir, W11Ilu1nr' Pink Pills a not Intend to frighten you so." Il did not say It ; I remembered my hou.cbold remedy throughout the He came to my Ode, n wan shadow mother's Words, and (hesitated. Pre- civilised world. Jars. Shutt, lu con- of u man, utterly'unlike the glorious gently I told hen what was In my venation with our reporter, rale; = epecimen 01 manhood that ! remem- heart, and how I could never marry "About thruryearo ago, wh.le Inv- bored eo well, and when 1 was quite hie without the consent of my p❑r- tng I1 Ingersoll, 1 was e. great euf- thyself again, he asked me if I.au1y cots, told I doubted its being given. lore: fr'.m dyspepsia. Tae truubie Lntlmer watld welcome Ilam. It was not for me, Audrey Level, to first began with severe headache', "Ie boft t ld liketo know that she for aeplre to be mistress of Lorton's dizziness and somctlwey v'omlthrg. Cray. Lord Latimer laughed, and Nott I suffered cumtluually from a sold It was all noneense. burning erne/mien In my stomach; "Your father will consent," he Raid. food (Warmed mo ; 1 did 1001 sleep "I will go to elm to -day, end bring well at night ; teat Ileeb and Meanie yo'( her permhselon in an hour." ver,v week. 1 was continually tee - But my father refused, flatly and evert g, but It d11 mu no g0uu. le wncompromisingly, and would give no Met, I ,tens gradually growing ocean, reason; and I went hone broken - and despaireddespairedof ,over beta, welt hearted after I haat Been my lover again: One day a friend w10 called ride 'way, with a dark look of to see me etrougl3' advised me to try determinntlon on hie face, to ask Dr' 1t pilaus' fink Mille. She spoke for ex Innntlon, I knew what my ediet lithely of teeth1 Melded to P U1ko Iter Advice,, andI exon discover - dear motlter'e fear had been; eelthnt they were not like the other mr that 1 ehoilld give my heart away ded:tee I'jfad been taking and teal and have nothing In return, that 1 lend at last found sumcthisia to Lionel Fleming was only 'teeming help mo. 1 non'm'ed using the pills himself by a flirtation with me; site for perlutpe a couple of mouths, when • did not know, dear mother, what a I hound myself luny Postured to loyal heart mho was misjudging. 1 health, I flare 11waye space enjoead heard my father'' reason, and It my mole with relish, and bate, had nearly broke• my heart. Never a rich ❑o return of tato ttouble, With my man, he had been struggling for years experience. 1 feel certuln that if ether with the difficulty of mnktng tooth euftcrere will give Da Wlllinms' Peek ends meet and the boy's had grown' Ville n 'our trial they will feud a ccr- dally more eepenelve..He had amen tele mire." a way, as h1 thought, by a safe lir. Wdllxmm' Ptak Title enrich and speculation, to almost double Ids In. nourish thn Hood and etreugthen the come by risking Ide mannremelnIng metes. It le thus that they cure capital; he had rleketl and loot. Ile such Trophies as dyspepsia, kidney had nothing now but hie. stipend, aliments, rlteematiem, partial parod; never enough 0) keep tee In comfort, yule, heart troubles, St- Vltua' 1;ce and mother was going to take In and tin aliment's that make the lives two bordPre to spell the erar home- of no m1ny women a eour001 of ;Me- circle, awcircle, and the boye were to be sent ery, 'Phew' ptlle never 1:111 to drive out tete the world ne they grew old away pain, bring it glow of health enough to fight the battle of 11(e for to the whole body, and m:lkr deepon- themieives. (lent men and women hrlgtot, Wive1 underetood ihr refusal now, and 1 and strong. Do not ink' any pinecould feel with my father In Ids ear- without the full name "Dr. 1Vlllinmu' row(ul pride. We were a proud race, Pink Ville for Pale l-eople" on tho we Lovels, and It would be said that wrapper around' the boo, Bold by the vicar had angled for the Lord all medlclne dealers or sent poet Lntlmer, 0111 caught bleu for hie mild at 50 dente 11 box or Ole boos daughter, for e2.50 by addreseing the Dr. Wil - Lionel prowled me very lintel for Mime'Sledlclne Co., Brockville, Ont. et regular intervals, the letervee- Ing epaeee being filled out after- ward. Any ordinary transparent toluol, mixed with turpentine, nukes a 'good ',tele, If care Is taken not to get the eobrtmg too dark. It is a good plan to have 001110 motif to fol- low. Tho colored bonder on aril Eng - 11.81, porcelain plate proved a good mode .n one instance, and the ornn- ntrlt,ltlun 0n 0 Dutch cabinet woe 180,1117 efrecUce In another. A pretty rfftet 011 a hardwood floor was products] by talo use of 1(0100111 0( 010 mud n pyr•ographic penal, gives me;' he Bald, 'ally. "lt there can never be anything more between les, It would be: a comfort to knotty that." l'erhape 1 was wrong 10 tell bum how she had 11101101,'11 Ida, but he want( d ❑ crumb of comfort do bad- ly, and I gave it to 1110)• !]o eho0k Ide head. "Site will only think of me as she remembers me," he sold, "I am it pour, n0)llned creature, not fit fur u gentle eye like here to look at.' 'If there were only enough left of you to bold your soul, site mead leve you all 1lie dame," 1 mild, It tune an lih'aulioue emc'h, but It 0010 true, They made me go to ler one' Cray to break the great move to my darling. 1 don't know how 10111 Itreutly admired by the Ebrdlvl' of tali' t ouall'y lawnOwn, dotted the 011 - it. Nati I had 1101 saw hull a dozen Egypt. ilium Site, Thorncllke's eta- lags r.�hon1 une0prctodl,0 (10111 1) -•gin wordy before site guessed, and gave ter, (11uu11 Shertaa , WW1 marmot to ark tau' children n fen questlnus, a great cry. I thought she would to Leena. Ti W. hitch, his maJeaty, "Now, my }'nite [Movie: eeet King faint or go into tlufeul hyeteri.td; doeirone• of expressing hle friend- is110 111 cleat 11111y, •'Idare '11}'0000 but clic did 1101, ship for the ell warrior, erlect,,1 0f inn inn, tell Mar Ihr mauls of a "Bring Line .Audrey." elle en111, Irunl his 1.11,11.611udlamoude valued a few of ter greatiat kung., and "and if the eight of hew duce nit 1t' :U0,000, had them net ase need- 'leered,. r1 ' ' 111th 1110' nr.,•,e•d time,(' k111 me with joy, heaven will have lace ❑1141 cent ihr, gorgeous neon- 'meted out : "Plug 11(1 ,1 ;ant Q Ieeu Dogma fur we from this Lour." n;eml lc the bride. Hut Kul unfrrling 1•it'Iurin, rim." .1 HA then a tiny slip lime bro11glu him t'1 err, Lionel anti 1'ulteel Stetre 11011onte Ileparin1,^ 11 o(u bp, to whom tho ori'ouletaster 1, 111141 'loll the do,r 00 that meet- fell apo:' the wedding gift 1.11(1 held 11210 whb1a•rm,1 .nntrtblug, stuu 1 up Ing;'1 was not for an;, one to lutrado It fur it ransu111 of ee001111,, the 1,10111,10L1,1,,"11101.'11)'' 111111. "U, pea know un err 1'y unmet of the legal 10 per emit. it•:"' ,'slr.l Ihr Klnq. The story of the colonel's wonder- duty. (fere trios a pretty how -0',000. "Y,',•, fuer 1LiJ'.ly-King 1•:dw;1 011' dal escape anti the adventures he 'lo, for neither the brhlrt;rlann nor (11.' ll.71uleety llugheal, and went through before afterward, bere lie the geucral could morale, together again nnke'rJ: 11'luat grinl nut inn c,OJa get away from his cutler', ie the enol demeeded. Ti,,„lridco.,,lat, 1.11111 l 1001)1,1 1'ff. done, pra,v7''The public property, and need not be the newspapers g reeiped and the ,boy 1 wrreJ his lien, owl etemmersd repeated here; he 111111 been found Jambe:id grew pile with mortl(icn_ molt; "L deem( keen', 'lour ]ih.Jeety 1" alive under elrcumstnncee that the time But there was naturally a "Don't be tll.etrrmer 1. nee Ind,sold nattree thought mlreculeue, and they sympathetic I clime on the part of Dur graa'eus King, smiling, "1 don't took poweesylon of hila a0 a Dort of every :lin'de'n vvotunn at oho know, either:' deity, an tnoufnerable creature whom thought of it poverty-stricken bride nothing cubed kt1l. It was long le- !triable to gaze upon ✓!3'.00,000 111 The fellow who borrows G(1 cents fore he coati get many. He wee dln , onde that aetuully belonged to le oonte¢t to do thing' by halves The ornamentation woe on nn oth- erwise plain floor, and conetstat of simulated rigs laid before the fire- place nail farndtlu'e, tin buret oul- Inin. being particularly milted to such work. GOT KHEDIVE'S DIAMONDS. SII1'r I,IN II'e 11Lntghlur Secured 'thein De.ptle the Ilea 07 Dullem. There in 1;nitr n. ratmtuee con- teeted 011th 111' dlaatuade that arc hey P111e enrol me completely, and there lime been no return of my old trouble. That le over three rears ago, fund 1 still enjoy good health." That te, Indeed, n very 'strong tes- timonial for ]laid'' Kldoey Palle, and one witch will harve very great weight with all who have the piene- ure o4 J(r. Chalker's acquabitanoe or friendship. hold's Kidney Palls have made marry fr(eno1 . and are to -day, with- out doubt, the meet popular family nredhslne. Bailee, sod Ill' Office, )1r. Balfour le the fifth Matra - malt 141111 Ihr w11011 of Great Brit - Hie end Ireland, who, hating burn l'11(1 Secretary fur Ireland, hits be- ' mne Prime Minister. Afore than snt- eat}' 7rues hove elapsed the Inst 1 r1011 sec re,tary, who ',ober- 'm'ntly Jeweler Prone Minister, tons alqu0.11110, In 1830 Lord etanle,t',sub- r'en, 1111,0 111,1,1'1 ns 1111 greet Earl et herby. wain appointed Irtd1 Secre- tary. luta Held heft office till 181:1. Thr othrr 1'rhae Mtnhter.' who were proem/do 11-111 SerrotaiLx, math' Puke of W'rilinglnn, who ad Si Ar- thur 1l'ellrslep, ova,. !visit Scouter} from 1807 till 1809; 1Ir lieb+'rt feel who iillr,1 tId,t offl'e hunt 1812 1l 1818. ntcl William Lend) 1Lerd Idol - bulimic). who wee 101,11 8'cretary from 18.7 till 1820, euro in 110$N1.8141011 of the dough- A S'nry of Itln2 Kdwsrd, ter:; .0 ren. 'V. T. 4hernlan. 7Ir+. An interesting story le 01.1 of Klug T1m.rn.Gke. 1(111' of LIP! datgthtmrs, E'hwrttd I'll. m the People's luta holt; berm a favorite Ili 0:avlt- 1t is to the effect that lila M ujroly, 1mmtu:, 00004. line was Lind, wh111e 'Allying ne a guest at a 00r. •