HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-08-21, Page 1Vold. XVI. MORE SUCCESSFUL PUPILS. ,Asnlor Lsadgr. Mntrloulation Part II. sola Junior LeaWng Part II. Results Announced. The results of parte I. and II. gen- . .dor leaving, part I1. matriculation, honor matriculation and part Ii. jun. for leaving for Huron county are „given below, In the case of honor matrieulatlon the expression in brackets after a candidate's name indicates the eub- jeoi and CIRRI of honors obtained. In the junior leaving llst a subject in brackets after a name indicates an additional Abject in which the can. didate passed. Certificates and statements of marks will be sent in about a week. Candidates will obtain these from the inspector or f;tigh school principal at the centre at which they wrote, Int in no ease will they be Bent to Ae candidates from the department. Appeals most be sent to the deputy minister of edttoatauu not later than September 10th. Before making an Appeal the candidate should consult with hie principal. Senior leaving, part I.—Hamilton. Part IL—Anderson, Mackenzie, Part J.—Brownell, Buchanan, Hamilton, Tiverton 29, ....... Whech Keys, F. J. Lawrence, L S. Law. Beigritava urch 87. ranee, Smith, White. Part IL—Gov ,unlock, Gray, Hamilton, Hartry, L. S. Lawrence. Part L—W. G. Ed. ward, F. W. Edward, Miller, New. ,ton. Part II. --Clark, Gregory. Part I1. matriculation—Batton, ;Jenkins, Browning, J. R. Dickson, A. L Dickson, Duncanson, Gardiner, Hodgins, Richardson, Carrie, McKay, Martin, Moncur. Part II. junior leaving•—Agnew, Cameron, Chidley, Dever, Dowser, Hart, Jarrots, Johne, Manning, ,March, Mustard, F. McEwen, A. Ma. Ewen, MacNabb, McQueen, Ont• onsite, H. Porter, C. Porter, Robson, &were, Wilford, Best, Courtney, Dorranee, Govenlook, Kelly, Lane, ,Lowrie, McLean, McMichael (Ger. roan), McTaggart, Seel, Sclater, Tor. Lance, Trotter, Work (French), Atli - eon, Bailie, Bean, Brydgea, Col- borne, Dunlop, Jeckell, C. Johnston, Knox, Milan, McDowell, O'Lough- lin, Spence, Stewart, Walker, Will. son, 11..8, Woods, Ansley, A. E. Axton, W. G. Beaton, Cuyler, Henry, Hogg, Musgrove, Walsh, Frayne, Gregory (honors), Jennison, Martin, McPherson, Robinson, Sweet, , Taylor. BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AU(;UST 21, 1902. • tion, ebe was assured of the hearty sympathy of the meeting with the work. It was decided to ce.operate with all other workers to get the greatest possible vote for prohibition on De- cember 4th. Wingham Dletrlet Meeting. The annual meeting cf the Wing - ham district of the Methodist church was held in the Gorriu Methodist church on August 6th. In a review of the work, Tiverton has decided to become self-supporting and this re- moves the last of the missions on Wingham district. Following are the amounts levied on the various circuits for this year for the general conference and superannuation funds: Soperan- Genual nuatton Confereaos Wingham 174 91110 Kincardine. 56 8 86 Lucknow ............ 62 7 75 Bruseele ............. 60 680 Teamster 44 6 60 Ethel ... 8 66 40 Fordwieh 45 Borrie 52 7 85 Wroxeter 88....,,., 4 55 Biuevale 42........ 6 80 Aehtield 48........ 6 46 Salem 41,...... 815 Bethel 81 480 Ripley 50 755 Bervie 69.,...... 8 90 4 40 5 75 660 Ooderleh merles Meeting. IThe financial district meeting for {f; ie 'Methodist chartlhes of Goderich 4istrict'wal held at I3olmesville on August 7¢h. Every minister in the district but three were present, and ,Also three laymen. arrangements were made for missionary anniver• series. The following are the ,Amounts aeaeaaed each appointment tor the purpoeca stated t— aupereu• General nuatlnn Confrrenee Goderich, North St...182812 85 Q(�oderich Victoria'St. 44 8 60 Clinton, Wesley 68 10 20 Clinton, Ontario St... 609 06 Sesfortb 60 9 00 $oitoeaville .......... 48 8 46 Myth 48.,.,,... 7 20 Dungannon 49 7 45 ile 46 686 Ban miller 40 6 96 Auburn 66 B 40 1Walton ..., 28 4 25 Londesboro 47 7 00 1'nakeramith 20........ 8 06 Mayfield.— ........ 81 ...... 4 70 Varna 44 600 Rev. E. N. Baker, of .Stratford, presented the case of St. James church, Montreal, and the district undertook to raise the amount asked ,for toward. the relief of the church. Mrs. Leitch, district organizer of the Women's Missionary society, ad - ,dried the meeting in reference to At work of the,aociety. On 1'0010• 41.041110111.. Wingham Raeea. The annual summer meeting of the Wingham Turf Club was held on Wednesday and Thursday of last week. There was a large crowd of spectators present each day and the meeting was the most eneceesfnl in the history of the club. There were eight of the fastest horses In Canada in the free.for.all and it wan without doubt the most sensational ever raced in Canada. In almost every beat of the wonderful race a blanket would have covered the eight horses, and the time shows that every horse was out to win. Dandy Hal got tho first two heats, beating Two Strike in the first heat by a head, and in the second heat be bad no more from Maggie Usher, who won the last three heats from Black Joe by less than half a leogth. Summary : 2.40 class— Colonel Hunter 1 Mies Ma 8 Honest Billy 4 Jno. Nolan 2 4 Sister Jane 5 6 Time, 2.281, 2.281, 2.26} 2,25 class•— Little Buck .......... 1 1 1 Lewte L 4 2 9 Charlie P 2 4 8 Maggie L 6 8 4 Birdie Hays 8 5 6 College Queen 6 7 8 Albino ,.... , . 7 6 7 Time, 2.24}, 2,241, 2.241 Running race, Wilfrid Laurier Laurier 1 1 Logan Laudaman 2 2 Laurentian . 8 8 - Whitney, Jr 4 4 Hie Ban 5 5 Time, 1.04 1.05. 2,28 clans— Billy Direct 6 8 1 1 1 Wisdom King..., 1 1 8 2 2' Mies May .; b 2 2 8 8 Minnies 4 5 5 4 4 Amelia 5 4 4 6 de Maud H.... 9 6 die Time, 2.25}, 2.251, 2.26j, 2.254, 2.244. Free•for-alll— Maagie Usher .7 2 1 1 1 Dandy Hal...............1 1 8 6 5 Black Joe 8 8 2 2 2 Two Strike .....,.,.2 4 4 5 8 John Storm ...... ........4 6 5 e 4 (Ifppey Girl 6 7 8 4 8 Nellie D S 6 7 8 ds Nellie Wilkes 5 8 8 7 de Time, 2.17}, 2,161, 2.161, 2.184, 2.194. Running race— Wilfrid Laurier .... ...............1 1 Laurentian 1 2 2 Logan Landsman .. , . 8 8 Hie Ban, 4 Time, ,61, .52. 1 4 2 8 5 2 8 r 1 • No. 2. BANK OF HAMILTON Capital, all paid up, $2,000,000. Reserve, $1,6o0,000. Total Assets, $tg,gto,000. JAMES TURNBULL, GENERAL MANAGER. BLYTH AGENCY. Notes Discounted and Collected. Drafts Issued. General Banking Business Transactett The Canadian Pacific railway has adopted on its best trains automatic' steam and air couplers, a simple in- vention, by means of which the sys- tem of pipes conveying the steam for car heating purposes, the steam fur the signal pipes and the compressed air attachment for the brakes are sutomaticaily coupled by the mere impact of the cars. The inventton is a casting whieh is clamped into the draw bar con- sisting of guide horns arranged dia. gonally, containing the three sys- tems of pipes which when coupled make an absolutely perfect connec- tion steam and air joint, and do away entirely with the necessity of train- men making the separate connections of each pipe. The impact of the ears makes the connection as in- stantaneous as Aho Or coupling is made, and the uncoupling is equally expeditious. ♦ Peculiar Fish Story. The latest IIshing story comes from Rock Point camp, below Barrietleid, where a large Kingston colony is spending the summer months. The truth of the story is vouched for by prominent business men of the city, A young mac was out fishing cn Monday, when he hooked a small baa. When he saw his catch he was in no hurry to "pull in." Fin- ally, however, he did so, and was astonished to see to what proportions the fleh had grown in a few minutes. It came up hard, and when it neared the surface the young man discov ered he had a monster pike inatead of a base. He was just in the act of pulling it in when it escaped, and the bass again came to view, and was safely landed. The big fish had ,wallowed the smaller prey, but re- linquished it when on the verge of being itself captured, Bat the little bass changed so suddenly to a mon- ster pike, and then so suddenly back again, that the young man wondered if somebody had put " strong drink " into his morning's coffee. —Mr. Christian Kloepfer, Guelph, and a well-known business man, Bays : "As an employer of over 400 men, I have studied the industrial ,conditions somewhat, and think that the next wave of depression will strike England in about two and a half years, aUd America soon after." SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Sums of $1 and upwards received and interest allowed, compounded half yearly. Can This be Treat The Andover, Hampshire, Adver- tiser, contains the following: "The people of Martinique are a very wicked crowd. The Kennet (relief ship) arrived at Fort -an -France on' Sunday afternoon. They found the town all excited. Some election was going on. Banda of music were playing in the streets. The theatre was open ready for the play in the evening; a masked ball was to be held. The acting governor asked first who was to pay the freight, and even wanted the gentlemen to pay ditty for the things they were giving them. They say, "Yee, St. Pierre is gone," and were perfectly indiffer- ent. " It seems ridiculous, they added, sending one cent to Marti- nique. What for? 1'he people are all dead," On Good Friday the mob killed a pig, hung it upon a cross, with a crown upon its head, repre- senting our Saviour, then buried it; they dug it np on Easter Sunday, and dressed it as a priest, making a mockery of' his death and resurrec- tion, and yet on His Ascension day they were called to their account. Sodom and Gomorrah must have been similar to Martinique." —It is expected that 300 dele- gates will attend the general Metho- dist conference, which will be held at `Vinnipeg commencing September 4th, The ministerial representative from Goderich district is Rev. Dr. Daniel, of Goderich. The lay repre- sentatives are Mr, R. W. McKenzie, of Goderich, and Mr. R. Holmes, DLP., of Clinton. The general con• ference meets once every four years, and this one wig be the nineteenth since 1874, 4.: C. L. LAING, SUB -AGENT. THE GREAT CASH STORE New Goods! flo Goods! We 'have just received a large range of Trunks And Valises at about 25 per cent below the usual price. Just what is needed If you are going west. The Boot and Shoe Department is again filled up with new goods at rock bottom prices. Some odd sizes at greatly reduced prices. New Wrapperettes, Dress Goods, French Flannels and Silks. See our special prices on Men's and Boys' Ready-made Suits during August. We are clear- ing them out at sweeping reductions as we need the room for fall shipments. D. M. McBEATH PRETORIA BLOCK.. .i 7uja.4. »f.#,diJuit:ii14='. The Western Fair SEPTEMBER 12-20, 1902 A MEDLEY OF SPECTACULAR MERIT. Prot. Hutchison, the Human Bomh, 1u a thrilling Balloon Ascension and Parachute Drop. Toe rn aveWue Cycle Dazzle. Tho Osnatns, ,n a demotion no. telly. The grout (1a,, the Handnnf King. The 011tuns, Continental Keene tri - gees. Maiming and Du Crow, Minima Mouapode, Elmo No.unn, with her trolly* id Trained'l'ropicai Birds. '12e Bard Bron., aerobntle wend..rs. Chris. me ht. Jones, Cornett trtunao, Maaniaoeot Pyrotechnics and many other at - urea. dprrial tram aorVloe over 101 tinea Exh,bits (orae, n head luau the times. Grounds insidiously beautiful. huildlu., irrational inviting. Prize List, Mapes Programs and all information tar the asking from LT. -COL. W. M. GARTSHORE, J. A. NELLEB, President. Secretary,