HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-08-14, Page 8K K to ins Ise a tarry *gbh, le o of t$$itiijkGrolpal femme. Ite' OANNED MEATS w•ahave eotaething thnt cannot fail but to piens° thl;ltoet+ fectidious, We hale LUNCH TOjVGUE, LUNCH BACON, ;HATS LOAF, BONED TURKEY, DUCiji and CHICKEN, AU at popular prices, c Ecklee ern excellent. Good iced Salmon, Lobetera, Eto., et um prices, al.o au enticing moon - of Fancy Biscuits et 164 per Ib. ing parties will do well by givfog $ cell. A full stock of Steele aid Fancy Groceries always kept on band. STAND OPPOSITE QUEEN'S HOTEL, Re Re BDUlLBS - BLYTH A Few Seasonable Lines, -BLUE STONE —FENCE 1VIRE —SPRAYERS —HUILDINO CEMENT —READY•MIXED PAINTS —SPADES --SHOVELS —WASHING MACHINES —WRINGERS Our nrioes on the above are very low. sea— •sense 1i1 •1 MOM • - KM_ METCALF'S FOR BARGAINS We Have Commenced Our Great Summer Clearing Sale. We have only ave CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES left. These we will close out et Ieee than whol4tale prices—a nice Carriage fur P. Window Shades 'it at about half regular prices. Wall Paper at spec(,( prices. We have a full stock of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, <-: Fpngy Roods, Stationery and School Betts. Repairing promptly and cerefnlly done. FRANK METCALF Blyth end 0 et for the fl son on the Agrlcultur tiuturdev afternoon. won by a score of 16 to 14. below is the summary :— Blyth— R o Uoderl4b•—,e'� Jackson as .. ,8 2 McLeu'lln ea:5 Ito It Somers 1f.. t 8 Ake 9b 0 5 Don blies p.,..2 8 Knees law o9 2 McKay 5b ...9 2 'Bolt !!i . 2 8 liallantyaeis.9 4 Sturdy i{ 1 2 Kelly rf *meson 2b1 9 H SomerseI..0 A !(eLeod rf,,1 4 MoWllllamlb1 $ k Ib8 1 Althea 2b....9 8 Snell cf 2 4 1427 1524 Score by inniege— Blytb 000818004-14 Godertch 1 0 1 8 2 1 5 '_ 4-15 Blyth Usettell. The regular meeting of Blyth ctronoll was held in Industry hall on Wednesday evening of haat week, Present -peeve Snne, in the °hair; Canna. Sloan, McNally and Stothe'e, )Minute° of last regular meeting read and found correct. Coon. McNally moved, seconded by Coun, Sloan, that the fullowing accounts be paid r—Grand Trunk Railway CA., haltyear's rent of weigh wile site, $1 ; James Harr, salary and meals for trainee, 125.30; Jobq Mfd;lll, eelary as assessor and postage, $40.85 ; George White, broken atone, $7,87 ; THE STAND IRD, printing and advertising, Carried. Council then adjourned. The PIaRI:r• of Hell.. The continuous rains are doing a lot of damage niche crops in nearly all parts of Ontario. The worst wee supposed to be over when the hay lying in the fields was tweed over and over again in the drying autil It was broken to the length of stubble. The rains continued, however, and the fall wheat began to sprout; now the urea are being ruined, and pate - toes are beginning to rot in the ground, In the country around Toronto the oat Drop is phenomen- ally large, and high Slopes were en, tertalned of It, but the rains are des- troying it, If they have not already done so. There is among farmers a ten. dency to he peasimietie at time like this, caused by their helplessness as they gage over their waving fields and witness the damage being done daily. They see their tine preepeete dwindling down, down, down, until what prumUel to be a big year shrinks to the dlmenslone of a poor one. There may be tine weather yet, so the farmer will come through pretty well after all, but the damage ,)ready is enormous, and the com• Writs heard on all aides need not BLYTH. surprise anyone. iLYTH LIVERY and SALE STABLES O GeV 00000 Dr, J. N. Perdue, Y.S. PROPRIETOR. O 00 Oso 00 0 That -clue Horne, and Rigs for hirelt reasonable rates. . Best of accommodation to Com merelal Travellers and others requiring Veterinary office at livery stable. —...— KING AND MEN STREETS, BLYTH. 8olenttfe American Agency tor TRADEMARKS, D,alo,s PATRIOTS, COPYRIOHTS, etc,' anon Nod Iron me boos orrite to run, :u1 nfOAJWAT New t'uarr. nu for neem' me to Amerir. �astgl1��aatttnt tt r aims, >saswWerowrr v ohsrssluuu 'exentiftc American s IrenytliT or an7 w5r [lee proper sur bptnc,ndly illotlz.ee No I1 t tea rho d be without R. sero Rigour coags. Adm. al ttsrdsuin i. 1.11 Ureadwq, N IYs ts.• Trooper Gray Arrires Rome. From last n'eck's Acton Fret Press we take the following reference to Mr, Claude Gray, grand -son of Dire. J. B. Taylor, and a young man well Bid favorably known 1n Blytli :- There was a very happy re union at the home of Dr, Thomas Grey, Frederick street, last Wednesday when the soldierly son of the home, Trooper Claude Gray, of Troop 4, Squadron F, arrived from South Africa. Trooper Gray was a mem- ber of the third contingent and left Acton last Christmas fax the seat of war, He landed with the contin- gent at Durban In February and the succeeding three months were frnaKht with very lively and merrier. able experiences fur thin Intrepid young soldier end his ootaradce. 'IIe woe in the thick of the tight at }tam's river, and although surround• ed by bursting aliens escaped wtth- ont a ice In this eugegement the tree • his left had les head siva of fragmr the cr lie le long 60 ht tier of v pompom shell, and sauce shell tore n w'ay Trooper Gray's lots sk tie a:; 'lkaali of +, add with eo food exoepling n (fual'r Icrable puhtluu ef, eBSTER'S i;,.4.. Y ' 1,600 PACES Printed on a pod Srado .f cloy white paper, and bound In full sheep, lettering its go111, vIth patrt thumb Wax. Dy anemia/some nom air. 11 1 4 i i i i attire i [Ginn to offer oar ft at a remarkably lo TORONTO DAILY STAR 4 - he TottoN t .ho wont rellablra we are in e. post. r published BlerriT STMARD - - - • 1,00 (ONE YEAR) WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY - - 5.00 (NEW CENSUS EDITION) TOTAL REGULAR PRICE- - $7.50 4 All For $3.50 ow nevem MSM In ►a4 imam Binding.sigh Glp, {lie N1-!x{ISIS, M.talsRa OK BEND YOUR ORDERS TO THE STANDARD, BLYTH, ONT. Thiers Webster's Dictionary, hound In full sheep, with patent thumb index, 1,000 ptµ;ee. it to the original edition revised and enlarged by C,AuxCICY A. GuonRlcH, Professor of Yale University. It ie magniticeutly illustrated mad 'contains the whole vocabulary of the first edition,` the- entire correctiono and improvements of the second edition, to which it prefixed an Introductory dleeertatien on Lite origin, history, and connection of the languages of Western Asia and Euro*, with as axplaaation of the pit olples on which languages arra formed, This work contains every word that Noah Webster ever (kilned, and the following fa tt SPECIAL FEATURES An Appendix of 10'000 Difficult Words, Pronouncing Vocabularl.. of Scripture Names, Greek and Latin Proper Names, Modern Geo - r" Meal Nimes, Dictionary of Synonym. and Antonyms, Compendium of Biography, (Serosa and Heroines of d Poetry, Dictionary of Noma de Plume, Dictionary of Mythology, Dictionary of it1naical Terris, Dictionary r�.•� iliat Illusions. Lexicon of Foreign Flimsies, Dictionary of Abbreviations, and FOU([ BEAUTIFULLY p_o RED PLATES showing, to the sr actual colon, Plage oaf Vitriolic Nations, Pilot Signal° of Varum. Nations, Yacht Olub d(gnais. DO NOT DELAY. IND US YOUR ORDER AT ONCE. which he gave to his horse. The trooper speaks in the very highest terms of the British officers who everywhere proved themselves equal to all that was required of thept. The Canadlan company officers are also highly spoken of, but somo of our commanding officers come in for a liberal share of censure tor their InefNceny. The Boers, generally speaking, deserve praise for their conduct, and will make loyal and useful citizens under British role. The country bas many excellent sections and, &aide from its long - continued droughts and the pests which attack stocks, hes many at- tractions for settlers, During his stay In South Africa, Trooper Gray travelled over Gen. Buller's route along the 'Tugela to Ladysmith, was on Msjuba hill and at many points In Natal and the Transvaal which were places of intense 'entity and interest during the progress of the war. —Mien L M. Jobnstone, late of thy Port Perry high achoul, has bei appointed commercial teacher in the SeaIorth collegiate institute. 20,000 FARM LABORERS WANTED -- Second C/ass km* 10 nand uboia, Weeotf.Routh.weet and Nottn•wwt wILuf700 Al far NWill 1e rah to o C.P.R. I O MOOSE MW, ERTEVAN AND TORKTON On enguat 91st from °Nitons In Ontario o0 .Main 1„us'1'orouto to t+srnla and dortb, except North of Toteuio and Cardwell Jot. with .1 o.itfdnote ointer 1ilogg Sher trip, abfore Auceet e1 ,t, wli bout additional sat 10 other points in Manholes and toelultrd • ne tbove, 10 pun l o,ere es hon laborer° at M1unt peg p ovided such farm labor a•, wl 1 work not Ism lbnu 110 days et i nrveenna and produce coruscate to that tg, ct, 11107 Led, be rettuucd to nrn:ni,1 000004 lndut ■t 018, on or before Nirxma,o aned, ricked not good on "I. per* Unites,” Fn, hotter lertloular trakeb oPply to nearest raiteity ea A asst. Demi. A Wends "Rokco Cer e, nourialr all . Agt., Toronto. uI Preparation Coffee," pure, whop ,highly recommended Hocko (mogul only costs 1 the prioe instead of po and coffee. 13vconstant use 0 CER1fAL ()OFFER wUl give you vint, vigor, vitality, energy, health strength and to a positive cure for dyspepsia, indigestion, etc. 16o. pack - &free.' 15e. lb, or 2 11>., for 260, For sale by ALL GROCERS. FOR SALE IIP JOSEPH Si OTHERS 5. sem, 25 P©UNEIS Redpath's Best Granulated Sug;tr for $r. We are headquarters for Sealer°. Dont, use your old Rubbers, but buy, pew Dues and [Hake your fruit keep, One thousand'raskate of Cherries wanted at once, Just to hand, a carload of Binder Twine which is going ch We have completed en or$et fotube and boxes of but and have an order for e5tlt�1i))1) more $j1 which u•n roust have at once and for which we will pay theihiteat cash price. ' • Headquarters, as pouf, for Eggs. G POWELL P,RETOBIA BLOCK. �....----$=.aYT K<0.P KGc K K K K K DRS.KENNEDY& KERGAN The k'sedinp Speclalisle of America. 15 Yee, In Welt. Bank Wsrsso.s. WNo Names Used Without Written Consent. VARICocELE If you bare Irenegnwcd against the laws of NERVOUS DEBILITY natnre,yoo muni suffer. hell abuse, laterexceesee and private diseases have wrecked thousands of CUREDpcomletag lives. Treat wile ucle0Uac ph slclaas r and be cured. Avoid quacks. E. A. Sidney, of Toledo, says: "At the age of 14, I learned aba0 habit and at 19 contracted a °serious disease. I treated wild adozen doemre, who all promised 10 cure me. They got my money and 1,ti11 had the disease. 1 bad given ye hope when a friend advised me to.coasule Drs. 1. a K., who t•ad toted him, Without any oorahlence 1 called on them, and lir. Kennedy agreed to curs me or no pay. After LAI II the New Method Treatment for six weeks 1 fell like a new man. The drains ceased, army veins disappeared, nerves grew strop er hair stopped tailing out, orlon became clear and my sexual prone wtt►Ileei '( was entirely cured by Ur. Kennedy and recommend him from the bottom Of my heart."' We Treat and Cure Syphilis, Glees, Varlooeslc, amlaelane, Stricture, Unnatural DUcbarges. Seminal Wealtusee, Rodney and Bladder Uleoneee. CONSULTATION FREE. 810010 FREE. Call or writs lar 2ue'4ea nhtak for Dome Treatment. NO CURE, NO PAY. DRS, KENNEDY £ KERGAN. Cor. Michigan Are, and Shelly Sines. Delroll, MNh, K&K K& K K K&K K K K K $t K K K Are You in Business For Business? Ii you had an opportunity of addressing 1,000 people In a hall with the privilege of delivering au address on your business and the wens you sell, you would be apt to make that address as interest- ing as possible, so that your beanie would listen and youproflt by it. 1t is just the same with an advertisement in Tux STANDARD. You Lave the privilege of talking every weak to hundreds of people and if you are selling honest goods and tell the people about them in a straightforward manner you cannot avoid reaping a benefit. We stand ready and wilting at all times to assist our patrons in preparing their advertisements—yee, give them aesistauce that would coat from $5 to e20 if a city advertising expert were oonault- ed—and do it free of charge. But bear in mind that no man can get out as good an advertisement for your business u you can. You know all the little dotaits, the goods you bougkt at a bargain, and all that. Just drop in and Livia talk about it. The Standard, Blythe Ont. e'