The Blyth Standard, 1902-08-14, Page 7811 MISLD DESPERADOES Flag and Rob a C., B. & Q, R. Train, riffs, ONE OF THEM KILLED. The Others Got 810 Seeks of Money Mrom the Express Car and Es- caped—'The Dead Bobber Is Un- known—Little Chance of Captor. log the Miscreants. Mount Carroll. 1llc, ;tug. 11.—A daring and successful train robbery occurred at Marcus, an the Chicago, Burlington and Quinsy hallway, near Navan1ta, about midnight. A vestibuled passenger train of eleven coaches, Conductor Emereou, 4n charge, was flagged at the little Ration, upon which at masked men boarded tete engine, The engineer and Bremer: obeyed the man's orders, and the ro'bbere at once uncoupled the englutl and expreae car from the trak4 and ran them a quarter of a mite upf the' track. They blew up the express cur with dyuamlte, and rant the engine north a mile free Hanover, am the loomuutive was ttd the toabero atiwuluned it and ie caped Ono 01 the highwaymen was killed, ling shot above the eye and 4140 1 the leg. tie met 'tenant death while in the engine, and his body dy was dumped to the ground by his lonlpaatotte as they sped away• The ekpress meaaonger, Bye, claims to have done the muuuting• lax Nook* of money were stolen, but tb$pmount is not known. The ptssen- gai'd,were not molested. There woe nu way ort telegraphing news of the hold- up, At1d a Hagmaii wulket book uud gave the alarm. A epeoiai teal r -load oil citizens and antral polioemet at 0110e proeeo le 1 ep"ths /eerie, bid, tie the track runs alongMtesiesIppl an i the country is well ted for a enc+useful flight, the easily escaped. The work was 0 ' Itly that of experts), for thery wells at It coolly and! method- ically. The train attacked is one Oft the finest 1n the world, and enmity car- ries considerable money, which meet have heft known by the Itigbwaymut. The dead robber i5 unknown 111 tldr vieiult'y, I10 w110 u ditddle-aged man and well dressed. In oho official account of the rob- bery, tented by the general mana- ger of the Chicago, Burlington & (,lalncy Railway, It Is stated that so far as Is known only $2,00(1 In silver was goltten by the robbere. BRUTALITY OF BRIGANDS. Attack stud Mutilate Hulgarlau Villagers. I,ondon;Aug, 11 -'rhe Pa11tl eche Cor- reepondeuz, in au article quoted by the Vienna correspondent of the Times, nubile -hem an account of nuttier - me outrage* °omuiltted by Aibaaian brigand beads on Bulgarians, The leader of one band spilt open the cheeks and cut off the care of a remittent of Monaetlr, and then obliged the vie, lm to proceed to the local Cadl and lay the Revered ears before him. Sdtuilar mutilation wax inflicted by another Albanian upon two prominent persons noir Phlle , who were forced to deliver their Revered ears and noses to the Kaima- kun. A third Albatda't leader held a Bulgarian peasant hostage fur LT130. Neighbors collected LT15, which the leader accepted. Thea he murdered the prisoner because the whole suns was lint paid. Three communes were blackmailed for LT180, the vlllugerx being threat- ened with death If the money were not paid lin fourteen days. On the pretext of seutrchiug our revulutlow- 1*t&, u band oitteked a tillage lin Okltrida SiIJmIk, killing a ,oe110011513' at,d wutmdhlg live other persons. The wlunded included ex -Prot HaIOI1Ow, who afterward died, and Prof, S•h:I- naw. A despatch from Constluntln- oplu says the Turkish troops attacked a large bund of brlgamle in the neigh- borhood of Okhrldn Saoilk. The chief and thirteen of the brigands were killed, and others were captured by the troops/. GAMBLERS FOILED. A 810,000 Pot that Was Nearly Theirs. New Fork, Aug. 11-4 gambling in- cident was the most exciting fea- ture o1 1140 last trip of the Kaiser Wilhelm tier Grosse. The peofeeetonal and amateur gamblers crowded the smoking room 011 the (fret night out and kept playing until the liner was within a day of part. The Hatt at one table, at %•hick four young men crt sed from the beginning n desire to play for heavy stakes, was originally a dollar. On the third day out the ltudt bad gone up to $100, and finally ran above that figure. It was a cage of "jackpots only'' at this particutar table on the third night. There were six sitting In. The pot got up to $l,000 and n man drop- ped out. The pace was too swift for him A big pile of bills and gold min, estimated to be not less than $10,- n00, Iny in the middle of the table. THICI n n pnteenger who had been rtently wate1it1 the players au- Thelcuno•ed in a lined v0t0r that there arae of ertirtg going on. .apparently by prearrangement the dcors of the 1,1(131)1) 1'(1x411 were closed, and the four young min. alai. the interfering fulssen+;e' declared. uud rales] cards to one another, were told that it would be unhetltln• for them if they attempted to continue the game. Thereupon the passenger and ICH friends. without proles' from thea four young men• divided the woof proportionately* ,. i1 F than rt hu had p fit np L NIS . tIonvIct Would Not In the pot ro rtionatel, . ani, be 'Taken, lS, . o TI!'fo r your ere Nora % outer ollailee tdefijkty 1'Ji(tf'ngore, t t 010 yp f1 that t plS5engege Who stopthe game Itud hail n iutAless experience with the gnurte4t0 of profe5elonal card sharps ThA 0(1, - ears of the ship refused to talk .of the Incident. A passenger who stipu- lated that lite name shonld gat be , n13e01, told the stop'. WON BBIDEIN 20 MINUTES Quick Courtship Followed by Great luck, UNCLE'S BEQUEST OF $20,000, Chicago, Aug. 11.—.t twenty-mWnte eourtshtp, a wpddlnh within an hour after the first meeting anti a legacy of $::5,000 were the fortunes of Ser- geant A. W. IL0.11s, Third United states Cavalry. to -day. The trilogy of nappy events htfell the soldier at Fort hherhktn, and before 1040 - fall be was speeding to \Vlsoonshl with his bride to round out his hap- Irle0ss on a cosy little faros there, 011'011 forms a part of his inheri- tance. Thr. bride, who imide up her mind 011 tae spur of the moment, and chos': her husband almost before she had i learned his name, is Miss Ella Mabel. She was eaelifer In a Hlghwood res- tauPtIlt until yesterday afternoon. Thea she mot Hartle and the wed- ding ring. slaw the Proposal Was Made. The courtsh p 3000 0celdental. The 0111103 of the ly0Oflln;f was n0 m0011- hLght walk uudtr tiro shadow oI the gone and bristling barracks of the bort, but in n restaurant. Sergi. He'liN wenit tier( for hie breakfast. He met the pretty cash- ier, and stopped to talk with her, In the course of the eonrereation the brusque sergeant onifided its loneliness of heart to his new ltc- quntntanoe. "I am getting tired of restanr- (nrts." aakl he to the ashler. "I 'WW1 1 could try home cooking for a w1711e." " IVhyt dovitt you T' came the re- sponse, " 11110anNe I rant find anybody that will have me," Bald Hartle. "Well, you httaven't asked everyone. You haven't asked me," returned the cashier. The soldier erns too surprised to grasp oho meaning for a moment, but he speedlly recovered uud pro- posed immediately in best military In Hilton. The girl accepted and Sergt. Harlin went out in search of a jus - tire. He returned from Waukegan in halt an )tour with Justice Cumming* and the wedding ceremony was peilernied at the bride's halite In Hlghwood. The wedding supper waft furnished by Carl TalTt& ren, proprietor of the rc e- tnuraut In tvIdelt Alis Mabel was employed. Following the marriage, tho couple went to Fort Sheridan, whore Sergt. , He rile introduced his nee wife to hie fellow officers and received the con-' grotnlations of Col. McCa$key. While the nuptial festivities were still being enjoyed, Hartle received a letter informing him of a bequest of $:✓6,000 from on 1111010 In wi.rto sin. Part of thle was a farm, which struck Hanle 15 a good plane for a honey- moon as well as for n. home. S r, last eight at 8 o'clock he Tett the fort for Wisconsin. BOERS COMING TO CANADA '1'o Learn How the Canadians Work Their germs. Ottawa despatch—The Secretary of State received a cable yesterday tram the British Government, ask- ing If the Collodion Government would extend fotellitle to a number of Boer farmers to w111080 farming opeera- ttmrs to this country- It Is the Inten- tion of the Britlsh Governnt'ut to send Boers who are practical fermiers to Canada to look over the country, and u1xi1 their return to South Afrloa to lecture to their fellow -countrymen on what they have seen• Hon. R. Wl° Stott replied to the cable, Oluting that the Government would do all in its power to make the mission of these parties a success. The 1ioltors will be taken to Oce the Government experimental farms, and will be shown over the beat farming centres of the Dominion. It 1s likely that a trip to the Northwest will be tn- eluded In the programa-'. BiG FRAUD IN HUNGARY. Mote Than 81,000,000 Stolen by the Officers ofa Ill ui leipallty. LC•rllil, Aug. 11.—Enormoos frauds of the part of the municipal authurl- Ite0 hale 110011 discovered in the 'Paten of Marla-Thereslenopel, Hun- gary. A sum amounting to 1,800,- 000 kroner ($36(1,1100% has disappear- ed from the city chest, esti the misappropriation- of between 5,- 000,000 and 6,000,000 kroner has been traced to fourteen officers, who have been. arrested. Pending an enquiry by the Mayor and the Chief Treasurer, they have leen relieved of their functions. The frauds have been going on for year& WAS CLOSELY PRESSED, And Mea Were hastening to (late Sure of ills Capture or Death— Sketch of His Desperate Work Siece June 9th Last.•, Spokane, \Nash., Dt iopatelt—Harry Tracy, the cunt, alhd himself in a wheat f1e1d near 1ellowi5 at 4,30 a. In. Ile was surrounded by a posse. Murry Tracy eseap si from the Oregon State 1'eeitettiiry at Sa- lem, on June 0, with Iktvid Merrill, after ,killing four men, Frank W. Ferrell, G. It, T. Jones cued a F. Tif- fany, guards, and frank Ingraham, n convict, who.4110e1d to prevent Ito,+ 1.11410. O4,44u$ E8 Tracy kllle1 Merrill Ai Napavine, Wash., bet ehooting hint from behind. Ile left tho body In the forest, where it wax found o1 July 15. On July; 8, near Seattle, 1n n fight with a Iroise Traey shot and killed Charles Ray- mond, a drputy sheriff, and E. E. Breese, a policeman, and mortally wounded Nell Rowley, who died on fbe following day. lie also wounded Carl Anderson and Louie Zafrite, urivspauer reuorl Tracy committed many feats of daring during 1115 flight, in 111,1 course of which he eluded various posses when apparently surrounded. In 1897 Tracy murdered Valentine Hoge, a Colorado cattleman, and \1'nl. Strong, u boy, in the same State. A total reward of $3,600 Was offered for 1114 arrest, Governor Bir Bride of Washington, offering $2,50b for 1115 capture, dead or alive. Tb, State of Oregon offered $:1,0110, and a brother of one of III- guards killed THE DK'tl OUTLAW., Hr held up 111nlorone farmer%, whom he for, ad to 1,,rnislt him with 1,0(1 and clothing. By threats to murder their families ht compelled them to cover up ids Ara eke. Perhaps ids greatest allow of Miring was o1 July god at IMO 1tn,r, near Olympia, when he held up alt mets and pore -d four,ln*1$Mhig the captain of a large gasoline munch, to embark with hist Ott Puget Sound and pilot info' up streets for ten hours. at the penitentiary offered $100. The reward for 1I-rrlll'w capture amounted to $1,1110, which hue been rinlmed by Mrs. Waggoner, a berry picker, mud her eon, -who found the body near (1101' home'. The ('later at the Rad. 1Aptoknue, \Va,h•• Despatch—Harry P11143', the es ;041 con% let and mur- derer, 1s surrounded in 11 swamp near the Eddy farm, eleven miles south - met of Crestou, Wash. Four hours before it special messenger left for reinforcements a lung range rifle duet between Tent';; and the posse of eight men headed by Sheriff Gard- ner had been ul !ingress. This news wile brought to Cres- ton by Ja.lc IL,inmis, a liveryman Of Hnrriugten, who is 0 member of Sheriff Chi dneete 1.uoIe. Mc+(11nn18 proceeded itt mum to Davenport for reinforceuen t s. A telephone meeerie received from Davenport early till* morning states that twenty -live armed awn have a tread! lett In wagons fur the Wend of the battle. Sheriff Donk, of Spo- kane comity, alio has gone to the Spokane, Wok., Aug. 6, After baffling the officers ut two States, and after a wonderful flight of near- ly 400 miles across Oregon and Wash- ington, Harry Tracy. the notorious desperado, was !motet down by four ellimmx of the little farming town of Creston, and a single Deputy Sher- iff. Sheriff Outliner and It posse arrived In time to muted the wheat fl(lr: through the night, bit the work bad already been door•. The ire the ollow*: C. A. Dr. s E. C. It tturhey ; J. ay section foreman, ani n.' L1llengeg. Thom mon, .1•1113* to the teeth, eel out froto Cres- ton } vsterdny ufterte:011 They were tool long on the Information of u 1111 kttnchr youth, who had forcibly Melo :made the eentpuulon of the tit'TRV1 convict for over twenty-four 1)ouli at try' ranch of L. B. 1:oldy, 'on I oke Creek, about three InO04 south (flair iellono, a elation on the Wnahmglon Central Railway, The patty made all possible haste in getting to the rand. When within a few bemired yards of 1110 farm they tt'vautcred Eddy mowing In one of itis fields. While engaging him in conversation they saw n man is- sue from the barn door, "Is that Traey'1' asked one of the patty. 'It surely Is," replied Eddy. Tracy Was Alert, The party tcparated, 1.;uitor and Snaith nccompauying Eddy ht titer di - motion of the barn, while the other two men swung around on the other side, Two of the pursuers stepped be- hind the tarn on a slight eminence, from tvhlch they could watch every- thing that went on, nod E(ly went oar up to the door. Tracy canto from the barn again and began helping hie hoot to unhitch the horses. Ile car- ried no rifle, although Ito had ids re- iolvere In place. Tho fugitive finally maw the men currying rifles, 11101 turn- ed sharply to rattly, asking, "Who are those' men ?" "1 don't see any mar," sold Eddy. Tracy 'minted out tip two men on the 11111. Fxhity informed Ids companion who the men were, ant the outlaw made a leap for the barn door. The pureuere, stepping a 1,11' closer, com- maedecl, "Hold up your lands." A Dash for Liberty, The outlaw Jumped behL,d Eddy and first plecn1 the farmer and his horse between himself and tit purruers. He eommnWed the farmer to lead his 11011(0 to the barn rand remnllel under cover', moving toward shelter. When near the stable he broke and dashed iIlei!h. Ile quickly reappeared, rifle in hnud. nail started on 0 dead run. Tuning on the two min nearest him n he firer two shots, but neither took efAct. Without waiting Tracy made it dash down the volley leading south from the barn, and headed for the 1)1'11011. In /in Instant 1110 pursuers were after him, firing no they ran. Coming to a rock, Tracy dodged be- hind It, and, resting his gun on It, lie begun n fusillade. 1•;Igitle shots in all were Bred by hlm, not one hitting its mark, Seeing that he wee unsncee0e- cul he bolted for a wheat field close hy. Ai the edge of the field he 0tnm- Med, falling on his Inc', and then crawled' Into the grain on his hands I and kneea• An Alf -night Vigil. It was growing dark, 1111(1 tl'e pnr- eiterx decided to Surround the place and w•alt for daylight. In the mean- time Sheriff Uardner, of Lincoln ('ounty with reinforcements, ar- rived and went into camp around the field daring the night. Shortly' after Tracy disappeared a shot Das heard front the direction of the wheat field. No investigation was made, however, untll tote morning. As soon ns dawn rattle the wheat field was entered. Teary Shot Himself. Tracy's corps, was found lying amid the grain, with his face turned toward the sky. Ills left hand held the revolver with which he hail in- 1Iatel his death w',and. HIS right hand firmly' grasped the Darrel of the felons rifle. Ile had held the resolver close to filet forehead, and the top of his head was badly shat- tered. Two bullet wounds in the left leg* showed the; course of the man's despair- (Inc shot had broken the h'g between the ankle and the knee. The other cut the tibial artery, witIGIt 30110 eufflek'!lt cause for death. ' it la believed that both of these wounds were received atter the con- vict lett the shelter of the rock and insole his break for the wheat field. The fugitive took n. strap and bnek- tel ill tight around his leg in an lit - tempt to stop the breeding. Despite , title the bleeding continued, until be probably realised hie hopeless eon- ' dltion end ended the etruggle. Dispute as to the Seward. He teas Ireiow1 lin bine overalls and a it hilt shirt, and wore 00 cats or lest. Ile wore la bicycle cap and a pair or rough shoes. He 1,141 one ritie and two ret oli ors. Sheriff Gardner helped in the dm - emery of the body, and it is Bald that 110 mnintnine1 that he rind lila deputies ore entitled to at least n share of the reward. This was dis- pute.) by the Creston party, the members ut %Odell iutlntaianl that they did the work, and to them belongs the reward. Finally Gard- ner was allows 1 to take the body, With the toilet -standing that 11' re. C012111101)1 that the reward be palet to the mea from Creston. sightseers Gather. Theholy', effects and horses of the desperado were taken in charge by Guulner, and taken direct to Davenport, where they will be kept, pending 'the 111 cislon of the linal disposition of tete body, Reports came from Davenport that wild ex- citement pretnile. Stores are clos- est, a.ad people 11113 crowding around to get la sight of the dead outlaw. It is sat 1 that .t henry guard is kept areniel the morgue, where the holy is lying 4.e well as around the corpse it to pre- vent relic bunters frit ring oho vtolltiug to piece3 arrying away son%eairs. .a1 roba- bly will be hll. r''Sp.&oee, \gash. Dee sheriff, with the hod through Davemetrl, ee11S erut-drd 11 bout the time the wagul morgue the streets from ,'Very corner " Three suoat0 Ito The town 3110 w doors haul to be cl 1011 the drove f per- . By `.one's 1, and ear!, '1ty" Nine rowel tvgsltt'itat to stand 1,;,+k. w. Pinta( 1 reels war,• allow yC ea Fee the hud;',.:1 r Act' t rouble begon, Evers "1e watttr11 n redo, and In a short tine nothing ars b'It but the bol,. a on 111,4, siren picked up the bloodstone d I:andkerrhirl which had been lll04d by Teary to ke.m from bleeding to ,tenth. Mans Meier of the drsper,lde'S hate lyses ranted away, and to same phu es ins Lend 1110 be,•t1 made bald. ID, trousers were rut into 5trl(,e, rind before they were divided they were cul Into smaller pieces. Where 110 Spent Monday, Tracy 'silent all day Monday at the home of L. B. Eddy, a rancher near Litke Creek. The outlao made iris appearance Sundae evenine and took possession of the place, mak- ing himself at home, compelled them teed his horses and ahnrpen his knife ami razor.:A note was found fdnnai to the wall, purporting to bo segnefh by Tracy, saying: To whom it may concern: Tell Mr. ('ulthere to take a tumble; let me alone or 1'11 fix him good and plenty ; 1'11 soon be on my way to Wyoming. If your horses were any good I would swap with you; thanks for a cool drink. Harry Tracy, JYYY HERE AND THERE The Czar is at 113 111, Russia. It Is thought Connaught may suc- ceed Lord C'adogau as Viceroy of Ire- W's. Wall, the prineipal witness in the Meyer case at Buffalo, is said to be insane. A black lass 131114 caught near hingolua w, ighing sevcl1 nod one - p01.1 11118. ne- }aunds. U. S. Ambassador Whit" tt 1:olin hurled lox resignation to toe United States set, ral days ago. It is expected that Hun. (leo. W. Ross will sill from England for Can- ada alxlllt Aug. 161 I1. The Iretton of Mr. T. O. Com a:den, Conservative, In Lennox hue been pro- tcstel, A erose -petition nuts liven filed by the Liberate in the protest proceed- ings( in rust Middlesex. Work of dr( dging the PGl 011 (hon for the water power 010101 at Sault lite Marie is completed„ It: is proposed In Kingston to cllct Captain Bruce Carruthers Mayor for neva year by acclamation. It. is stated that the International Paper Company is about to ratub,ish pup mills at Three Rivers. J. A. Jameson, contractor for the t'• N. It. elevator at Port Arthur•, has entered Nutt against Mackenzie & Blann, The contract for the erection of the Hoes rifle factory at Quebec Inas been let to JIr. ,too,. Cummings, of that city. • me rvoernment has orderer that the Marconi wlrele5e telegraph ape putout; ue establishttl on all Italian warships. Hartlepool shipowners have decided to lssuo a protest against tho pro- posal to subekdile a Canadian ship- ping line. Mr. Tarte announcal at toll ngwood tlutt Mr,. Coate would fill a new office to doll with the question of lake transportation. , Two 11.1r 0110(0 of smallp•1x aro re. ported frem Bathurst township 111 Lanark, and one in South Plantage- net, lantago-net, Prescott county. Application hoe been made by the Southwestern Traction Company fur 11, privilege of running a street runway' system in London, Ont. A I3rlt10h corporation is contem- plating a combination with the Do- minion Cent, B'million Iron and Steel, stud Nova Szuttn Iron and Steel Com- panies. While the steamer Kingston was lying at Swift'e wharf, Kingston, the eteamer Hamilton ran into her, creat leg considerable excitement among the passengers. ('opium Frank Lafferty, who wag In Sath Africa with the first con- tingent of Canadians, leas ham ap- p.•inted District Staff Adjutant at 'ylontrwrl. Judge McTrnleh has app.,lnted S pt. 4th for opening the inquiry Into t he 1 harrge that t be Amerlran and Empire Tobacco Companies make contracts unfair to the trade. Isaac Goldsmith, once a prosperous cigar nutltunueturer, is under arrest In Chicago, in connection with what is allege,) to ire a .yslematie plan of forging union cigar labels. 111 rrs'pernse to +t cable query, the commander of the United States isatiltip Ranger, Holy In Panama. harbor, 10110 iustructe.l to protect British Interests if requested 10 do 00. The contract for the eonstruetion of the Liberal Art Building h'tiobesn awarded by the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Co., for $470000. ' The building must be completed by April 1st, 10013. Rear Admiral Lord Charles Beres- ford, M. P., will yl*it the United States in the corning autumn to study the American navy and to 111- quirt^ Into the working of the Morgan eltlpping c„ahhm•tion. The Canadian Manufacturers' elation have• cabbed to S.r h% Mnlork, netting hint to try r - range to mike Dolan and Pant F•llfabeth porta. ,all fur the SW line to Stmt ot, iu 1ddi{ldn to Cape Town. Visited Stoles Counsel Gayler, at London tells his 1103ernment that the arrangement made lately be- tween the Pere Marquette and the Lake!Erie and Detroit Bellamy COM- , names will doubtless prove of vagi importance to Western Ontario.