The Blyth Standard, 1902-08-14, Page 61 Don't Worry! Cheer Up! Ask for the Octagon Bar. est All In the Family. ISI ray Storleso "I deeply regret tt, air, but honor and my uttered etrcumetancee corn. psi me to release your daughter from her engagement. I cannot en- ter your family a beggar. In the recent deal In North End stocks 1 Wet my Attire fortune," "Not another word, my boy—not another word. I got It." Mlpar'd's Liniment curee Diph- theria. A Poet's Epitaph. Last week the Chewning lot In fa- mous old Sleepy hollow Cemetery at Concord, Miee., received the ashes of he poet, Ellery Channing, whose re- aming were cretnated, at hie request, Met Janaary, but not committed to earth [MMI July 15th. The only ser - ghee wan the reading above the grave sf a Greek epitaph. written for him, Of which this is the translation to this small urn we bury all of thee, Dear Poet'! that our soared grove may bold ; Thou art escaped ; yet blossom fair and free Thy songs that stirred ue young, and soothe net old. lfinard's Liniment Coreg Oarget to none. Famous Tower Demolished. The famous "Tower ot Remem- brance," which was erected at Ora- welotte, by the Germane, In 1895, at a coat of more than $200,000, has been blown up by the military en- gineers. Originally intended lie e port at observation oter the neigh- boring country It was afterward found that the existence of ouch a watob tower was Incompatible with the at►faty of the new fort outside Sete, which It completely dominst- ifetrinteny Ilse Ten Commandants. These eommawlmente etndted out 'b Theoc'ore Parker shortly before ho day of his wedding cannot fail be interesting to our readers, es- pecially to those contemplating 1Mrrlage. They took the form of Gib beautiful reeolutlone, which he Inscribed In hie Journal. They are ae lollowe: 1. Never for the beet Moons, to oppoee my wile's will. P. To dflcharge all duties for her ms1ce freely. 8. Newer to scold. 4. (fever to Ipok cross at her. 5. Nev- er toy worry her wttb command- ments. 8. To promote her piety. '. To bear her burdens. 8. To over- look ber foibles. 9. To nave, cherish and forever defend her. 10. To re- member ber br prayers. Thus, God wWtag, we shall be blessed. S♦eeba ltat. ter "The D.& I.." Menthol PlUkr, altkon b seine unscnpulous dealer. Nay 007y there 1,. Recommended by doctors, y ees4llMbDey pleurisy, dergy by everybody, V eI ., Ltd. cls �latli DavisDavU & awaits Ltd. Helm and 111. wife, In ooanectlon with the monument that la to be placed on H'elne'c grave to the pemetery of Montmartre, Parts, says the Chicago Post, it le iifteresting to recall the early life et the poet In the french capital. ire fell In love with, a prior, unlettered girl who served la a glove estnblisli- pent, find after keeping hoose to. ether they married. Heine 1requent- beat his wife, always declaring t t It was for her own good. These thrashings, however, did not impair tier oonjutgal fidelity. On the day af- ter lila wedding Keine drew up a will, hi which he bequeathed every- thing to bis wife on rendition that Oho married again. He wished, be Odd, that at least one man should regret kb death; New York Central end Hudson River kollroad. The above name le ay4tousehold word sed the /superior excellence of e road should be suffletent to at. tract most people. int now that the tate 1e the same to New York and points east as by other lines no fortber recommendation should be delight. M werybody will tell you It MIK le No Trouble to ilelp to Search, (Philadelphia Tiniest A woman etopped at a cloth coun- ter In one of the large depxartnieut stores recently and asked to be shown some dress patterns suitable for early auhtmu wear. Tho sales- man begun on the lowest row of shelved compartments and pulled out and opener[ ilex after bus until the counter on either tilde of him was plied ne high as his head with goods. Three times he climbed a ladder to the upper rows and staggered down under a evelght of box patterne until when the woman took a survey of the shelves but two patterns re- milnel nnupenrd. Then she said very sweetly : " I don't think I'll buy any to -day, I'm sorry to have troubled you ; but you are I only came In to look for a friend." " No trouble whatever, madam," he replied politely. " Indeed, if you think your friend is In either of the re- maining two boxes, 1 dual mind opening three too." Stops the t'ough and Works 00 the Cold. Locative Bromo Winos Tablets cure scold In one day. No cure, No pay. Price 25 Ceuta. Her !bedew. Il.ifr.l Re—lfre. Wise &acme to understand how to manage her husband pretty well. She—Yes, site lets him have her own way In everything. Lever's Y•Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap Powder dusted in the bath softens the water at the same time that it disinfects. ,b Gray Lines Rewritten. (Philadelphia Press.l Full many a flower to born to blaeh unseen And waste its eweetnoes on the desert ale, And many a social bud eo free!, and green Will waste her eweetnese on a mil- lionaire. A 1100N TO HORSEMEN—One bottle of Eagiish Sparta Liniment completely removed s curb from my horse. I take plesaure In recommending the remedy, es It acts with myeterlous promptness In the removal from horses of herd, eon or caltouw'u lumps, blood spavin, splints, curbs, sweeuy, stifles and sprains. GEORGE WIWI, Farmer, Markham, Oat. Bold by all drugglcts. Nome Things In plrlef. Poverty is no dtegrace when honestly earned_ -- It takes courage to wear your convictions in public. Al! great art le sane long after it has been declared insane. What we lone in temper we may gala la wrath_—r There are many castles "to let" on the crowded tote of the future. Dyspepela makes vegetarians of ue all. Without the proper frame of mind to enclose it, the most beau- tiful picture le worthless. Those who take time 'about everything take little else. Propinquity le the bankruptcy of enchantment. Time flies, e..ed If we don't fly with it we e ----.1t behind. On the is onq may k nary, of tbe moment Tho work ploselbility. He Wbo most pro Richards, The fir a good grim de y a hint at the most Io not the ton.—Bernard G. Rransortpt. when you have tbtk to it Ike A U. -ned during the In s her par- ents prloee of nhrntd It had been the cue at the table, and the .,sen heard to speak al agh price to tier playmate( tile "playing house" with them.. eesterdny tie moths presented the family with a Pounce tug baby boy, end the other child was well pleased. In telltng &tentt her new brother to p. ne,gIbor last night she exclaimed: ''Thu doctor brought him this morning. Ili' s aw- ful big. Wasn't. mamma good to buy each in big th:tbyy when meat to so high?"—Boston Herald. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Brum° Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money 11 it falls to mire. 1i. IV. Grove's signature Is on each box. .be. IVhat lie Did Nor Uuderetand, The pre(POWSr of mechanics at a certain college onv' gave n lecture open the toeoautive, and was par- ticularly struck by the absorption 01 one Juteulle listener. Ile spoke to the etul'nt after the lecture, and asked 11tm: "Rill, 1 suppose you understand all at out the locomotive now?" "Yes," was the reply. "All but one thing'' "And what is that?" said the ',rotes:air, kindly. " I can't imagine what makes the 10- coniottve move without horses." ylluard's Liniment Cured Distem- per. Do Not Note the Speed. It le one of the prcull.aelilea of tra- vel by balluuu that you do nut feel anything; all fs still with you, no mutter how Gast you may be going. You see, you are riding with the wind'. you move as fast as It melees; you are part and parcel of It, whe- ther you wish to be or not. It takes you in Ito embrace so firmly yet so softly you do not know It Is there. You may be In the teeth of a hurri- cane, but you never know It ; all 1s orlm and placid with you, I bought a horse with a supposed- ly Incurable ringbone for Co, cured him with 81 worth of MIAARDI8 LINIMENT, and sold him In four mouths for $85. Profit on Liniment, $54. MOISE DEROSCE, Hotel Keeper. at. Phillip's, Quo., Nov. 1st, 1001. The Two Creeks*. (Town Topical May—What a Oruelh there was at tho wedding 1 Llelle—But It le nothing to the crush there was at her acceptance of him. He Is an athlete, you know. Finer than delude r .110 Is the Membrane lining the bowels. A 111t1e irritation of It pro- duces griping and dlarrhn•n. Stop the trouble with Perry Davie' Painkiller, "so honest druggist will deceive you w9ta a substitute. GERM LIFE HARD TO KILL It Is often asked, at what point dour filo be'glu'7 As regards space of time the queetioa is ulmnowerable. Only a few, years ago it would have been said that in regard to that seemingly eseruthtl condition of life temperature we del keela4 pretty pearly a evertor and inferior limit. Little ot life to there below the freez- ing point or above the, boiling point of water and far above or below these critical points we should expect oven germ Ilse to be destroyed. When England's greatest phyeiclst in 1871 euggeeted that seeds of plants mtgbt have been berme to this world la a far distant age, the hypothesis mem. cd incredible, because the templMre- ture of space, being at least as to as minus 14(1 degrees Centigrade, would be festal to lito la any form Thte la not eel. Recentiy at the Jenner Institute bacteria have been frozen in liquidate and even In liquid hydrogen, and on the application of (lett and placed ori proper media, have germinal The processes of lite were arrest int the nascent life energy wan not destroyed at 200 degrees Centigrade, my, 360 degrees Fahrenheit of frost. Exporimer is are now' being made to find whether long oontlnuance for mouths or year, In such cold takes away the vltallem of these lowest form, of lifer e . ' Piles To prove to yon that De Chesil Ointment Ramrod* and absolute ewe toe each and every form of (tchlnt blsedlneand mare ling: e the mentesetnrere have gaanuteed it. S.et * timontels In the dally pre.0 and ask your neigh. ben tl war at the�yJJthink of I' You can nae It and back If not cured, me a box, at AMI ower orrEDY NeON,BATE & CO..Toronte Dr:Ohase's Ointment \\N WILSON'S FLY PADS POISON �\ THC BUT \� fix KILLCR \\\\\\ The tline ISSUE NO. 33, 1902. to fight consumption, with Scott' h Emulsion of cod-liver oil, is long in advance. If it threatens, you can resist ; and you may overcome it. on't be afraid; be brave. But tackle it : (don't waste titre. ares .o. rare eeeT1 a ■ewer, ,d -e rennin*. m.m So,tp - cM11;ern,oidr N+0taio•••e•re+++.Nits • THE CZAR HOPES • 2 FORA SON NOW I •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Tile 1erouchrnteet o1 t l:mpre e of Russet 1e hwked (Or luivunts the ora of next ut nth, and w 11 tek • pence et T..aroko' Sz'1.,, weir 81. Peters- burg. As [oro ata p,midieL• aftrrwarda the Emperor anti Empress w111 pru- ned to tite (h•huea, and tnk.' up their residence a1 their lannti;ul pl ice on the silot's of the Black sea, known as LIaldla, --- Tho princes a:n1 gr,n11,10 at 'Litt flet Int ve undergo:o n a nipleto roorgan- lzatiou In a davitory sense—of which they were b idly to need—and the most eminent e:utttltry experts have naeured the Emperor and Empress that they need have nu hoar whale;ti ever of any recurrence of that ty pilaf fever by Which the Czar was prostrated when lost at Lividla.'111'. yrvtr; therafore, the Emperor and Empresa VIII make to stuy at either of their places 0l Poland, and their suotomnry Imntbig parties at Slwla- will 1.04 t.,ka Ono, t„ls year. M.'aewhllo prayers ore offered up all over Russia that the Imperlui Infant may prose a bey, the Czar Itoviug already four daughters. should the Infant prove to be of the male sex the effect thereof from a political point of 'clew would prove Incalculable, and would ettorm'.susly Aicreaee the power of the Czar. Fur at prevent he. finds It very difficult to get his orders obeyed ur his views put tato rxe•utlun, 00 no one has any aeduranco that lite policy will be continued by lila brother and present heir. Indeed, there is every reason to believe that Grand Duke Michaele, political 'clews are diametrically op- posed to those of the Czar and that 11 he were to suoceed to the throne at the present moment he would re- vere° mach that the Czar has dote, and frown up °1 those who had made themsalie( the elegem 'nts ot meth- ods and views w111011, oltllough deur to the present Emperor, are ob- jected to by his brother and possible riucceesor. The birth of a prince next month would give to the people, and espec- Lilly to the officials, an assurance of the oontlnulty u( the policy inaugur- ated by the present Czar, and would enable the latter to Ingest 111s con- sort with tho powers of regent In the event of lid mown illness, or in the case of bas death before nig sea attains Illy majority. Mlnard's Llulment Cures Colds, etc. $100 REWARD, $100, The renders of able paper will be pleased to learn that the/whilst least one dreaded Elliman that sdenre has been able to euro In all Its stages and that hi Catarrh. Haien Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh, being et con. stitutional disease, requires a cunetttutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken In- ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous enamel' of the system, thereby des- Wo7fag the foundation of the dlewtae, and giving the patient strength by building up he constitution and twisting nature In doing Re work. The proprietors have so much faith In Its curative powers that they offer one Hundred Dotlarutor any rase I lust it falls to CUM. Send for ltd of testimonials. Address B. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. gold by druggists. 75e, Hall's Fatally Pills are the best. MO NUNIU6an' "`a""''°'tler sl.t e.mnn swae r, e.om Minter .ad Calf %Woo. aop.rwlo, of all ,mer Iran mow ren udleerentear sus., all OW, with r.m,bt.d,. a.,eaa. Nona, rnaswal.tree. r,Meat.esa,ns it ferarlal :I n twon.,u.d Maiwa Pat d,' etfar17yn;Caa d.bw.tT, 11.11ra UMW Weet'N.IMAM, Iwo. s.a always be used forRChldren STlathton.p oa� +ootbes the child, softens thegum*, nuns d colic and 1e the best remedy or DL IRUIT FARM FOR EALI--ONB Of Till Joest to the Niagara Peetnntiq fano, l0 milds Himllton es two wa 1 sora fa Se ot w0Mb Is ha It be saki la sae emeai or die ed intoloud' Ib te 10 awes to raj ear. ohasna CarTitbipenter, a n, P. 0 bombs Wadee CarpentM, P. ,bog 001 ihosa If1PERIAL MAPLE SYRUP. The ananty standard trom Ocean to Ocean. Your money back It noteatlefactory. ROSE & LAFLAME, Agents, Montreal. H.BeflarshaH&Co 191 King Kt. Eget, Hamilton, Ont. WANT RELIATILE A(IENTS to sell tees, coffees, baking powders, .pica, extracts, etc. to consumers. You can make money. 0° fakirs wanted. Excellent territory vacant now. EDUt'ATIONAI, "TRINITY" T11E LEADING Residential lJniversity OF f„NNADA Valuable Bursaries and Scholarships Open 10 all STUDENTS IN ARTS without restrictions of ser or creed. TRINITY COLLEGE Resta moo for MEN ST. HILDA'S COLLEGE Resldeuee for WOMEN For all Information address— T. C. STREET aIat' I;LEM. M..4., LLD. 1111.111N1111111111111a1. BOYS WONTED .q Boys and young men with the right sort of training are wuntei In every business and profession. An education that will thus fit them is to be obtained at tilts residential school, Ad- dress A. L. llleCrtmmon, M. A., Principal, for calendar. MOIR W40dstOGk GoIICOO WOODSTOCK, ONT. AN EDUCATION BY MAIL THE CANADIAN CORRESPONDENCE COLLEGE, LIMITED TORONTO Gives full course BY MAIL is Agriculture, Dairying, Mock Raleiot, SOH Farming, Neueehotd Science, Practical Pmm- pecNn%, Clrll terries, Junior and Senior Matriculation, Ito, Write for FREE Booklet. AGENTS WANTED IN UNOCCUPIED TERRITORY ALBERT 8o2 students enrolled lain year -172 young ladles and 180 young COLLEGE men, TwomntMeula- turn tkbolanblpps vat- s uetltOand$iOOWon at departmental el. BELLEVILLE, ONT, ane, 101. New Plpe•organ, Do- mestic Science Rooms and Art Gallery recent - 1y added. Superior tucllltlee In BookkeppIng, Shorthand, Telegraphy, Elocution and Phy. sleet Culture. College bulldlags, "Massey Hall," gymnasium and residence heated by steam and lighted throughout by electricity. Will open Sept. 0, 1901, For Illustrated circular address PRINCIPAL DYER, D. D. Alma Ladies' College, BT. THOMAS, ONT, Preparatory and CcUegia to atudtee; unfree. arty music course; fine art: elocution; domes. tic science; cou,merclat. Superior building. strong staff, healthiest location, element home life. CONTINENTAL LiFE INSURANCE COMPANY Ho'. JO1R1 DNYDNN Pa&mnser The report for 1901 showed remarkable tncreasee over 1900, to the following HMI New buelnees increased by.... 850,700 Premium Income Increased by 89,811 Total income increased by 49,675 Assets laereaeed by 45,959 Insurance to fora Increased by 1,890,400 Continental Life Policies are uneseellsd foe simplicity and liberality. Agents wanted, 0E0.11 WOODS, CHAS, H. FULLER„ General Manager Secretary. DON'T CLEAN SILVER er, our other bright nickels with any- thing bet 1. iiLeGTRIG POW6ttINO FIBRE" tbe new chemically prepared sett poltebtng cloth. Nothing to uee but the cloth. No soiled bands; earn time and labor sides* on the silver. Price 15 ants at drug and notion dealers. By mall from HO(AROR H70. 00., St. Catharines, Oat. Write for tree samples. . When' a man Is on bis uppers It _ metras that be Is pretty low down. your AlwaysdealIserslat on E B E D D Y' S sup• plying you with e • WOODENWARE PAILS and TUBS They are manufactured from It* OM d ICATE:RILL9 by the MOST /HOLI.MD workiMsa. 4