HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-08-14, Page 5ROW TO KEEP COOL. Drop In and s: e our Furniture specially suited for warm weather, consisting of SETTEES, VERANDAH CHAIRS, WERE cars ANI) IRON BEDS. Our ,Iron Beds with wire spring attachment are highly recommended for those who want a good, clean, cool, comfortable bed. The prices are not high. J, 1i. CHELLEW-411w---BLYTH Lime! Lime! Anyone tn cod of Lime in any quantity should write or telegri gh us, and we will deliver the same whore re- quired, O, Nicholson & Sons, 4 MD MILES EAST Of BELORAVE, BELGRAVE P.Q. Wet Weather SHOES If you want good honest Shoes yoti MUM go to the Old Reliable Shoe Store. We have held our trade for years simply by selling good goods at close prices. Our Wet Weather Shoes have been in great demand of hue. Our custom- ers are realizing more and more the importance of buying good footwear, and such articles may be obtained at all tittles at RUTH'S OP -TO -DATE STORE, T. W. SCOTT TOWN TOPICS. —Are you making preparations for Blyth fair? --With this issue THE STANDARD commences Volume 16, No. 1. —Miss Edna Carder is at present 'tending two weeks with Lucknow lends. —Belgrave fail fair will he held on Tuesday and Wednesday, Sep. tember 80th and October let. —Mrs. M. H. ilammond and four children, of Oakville, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Wm. McElroy, —Mrs. 8. Berrington and two eons are visiting with friends in East Williams township, Middlesex coun- ty. —Mrs. David Spicer and Miss May Spicer, of Brantford, were guests at the home of Conn. McNally from Saturday till Tuesday, —The coronation service in Trin• ity church on Saturday forenoon was attended by a very large and inter- ested congregation. Tho beautiful service was much enjoyed, —A Detroit woman is suing a saloon -keeper for making a drunk. and of her 16•year•old boy. She asks $5000 damages, The case is attracting a good deal of attention, as it Involves a very itnportnnt prin. oiple, —The model schools at Clinton and Goderich will open on Tuesday, t3eptember 8rd, at nine o'clock a.m. •The board of examiners will meet at Seaforth on Saturday, August 28td. All , those wishing to attend the county model schools are requested to potify the public school inspectors before the date of meeting, Appll- oanis,wltl please state which model aebnoi they prefer attending. —The St. Thomas Journal thinks it would pay Canadian farmers to jtudy pip with the same assiduity they ,devote to the study of politics. "Every man should keep posted on the politics of the country, but he should not make a steady job of it, There is corn and wheat and hay, end pigs to raise, and this is the serious business of lifeon a farm—or .should be—politics is his recreation, and only when it occupies that place in his mind is ho safe from the loan pompany and the foreclosure pro. feedings. When a farmer knows all about pigs, and how they grow beat, be can begin on cattle, and having made his fortune be can gp No polities as a recreation," —We are now enjoying betwtital autumn weather, —Mrs, Dr. (Tray, of Acton, is visit• ing her mother, Mrs. J, B. Taylor. —Mrri, Ranco is at present the guest of Mrs. Dr. Tait, of Ingersoll. —Blyth fair will be held on Tues. day and Wednesday, October 7th and 8th. --Mrs. IIugh Mc(cluarrie is visiting her daughter, Mrs. A, DI. Babb, in Toeswater. —Mr. D. D. Crittenden spent the Coronathu day holidays with friends in Middlesex county. —Mr, N. H. Young attended the funeral of Zia brother-in-law, Mr, John Scott, at Lakelet on Monday, —Mr. John A. Taylor, B.A., prin- cipal of the Dutton high school, is holidaying at the home of his parents here. —Miss Jameson left on Tuesday morning for Bannockburn, where she will spend three weeks visiting at the home of her parents. —Messrs, Win. and J. J. Reese, of Chesley, and Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Reese, of Winnipeg, are spending a few days of the present week with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bees°. ' —Mr. Wendell Holmes returned to Toronto on Saturday afternoon, after spending a pleasant two weeks' holidays at the home of his parents, Rev. and Mrs. John Holmes. —The annual excursion ander the auspices of L.O.L. No. 794, Wing. ham, to Sarnia and Detroit will be run on Saturday, August 23rd, at the usual low rates. Excursionists will go from Sarnia to Detroit by the steamer Tashmoo and the return fare will bo 50 cents, A gold brooch will be given as a prize to the largest lady on the excursion train. —The triplets whose arrival re- eently at the botue of Airs. H. S. Moore, 52 Fern avenue, Toronto, ex• cited so much interest, were baptized at their hone on Friday evening. The ceremony was performed by Rev. 1'. Albert Moore, pastor of 'Zion tabernacle, Hamilton, a brother of the happy father. The three young. sters must now be known es Ernest Albert Edward, Dorothy Anna Laura, and Lillian Ada Elizabeth, —Mr. Wm. King, who has been attending school in Flint, Michigan, for the past year, is hone at present sick with Inflammatory rheumatism. He was on a trip to Mackinac island when the right ankle appeared to become sprained. 11 'nen the other ankle and both knees also appeared sprained, rheumatism wits suspected and this proved to be the real afflic- tion. He has been at the home of his parents since Wednesday of last week and has been improving stead- ily under Dr. Lindsay's care. —A somewhat novel case is at- tracting the attention of the people of Black Horse. A than and his wife, who apparently do not live together in harmony, aro the inter. ested parties. It seems that on Sun- day of last week the mistress of the house desired to visit her parents, but the gallant husband would not drive her there. Nothing daunted, she hoofed it there and back. On her return she found the door locked, and not being able to get into the house in any other way, she broke the door. On Monday the man of the house bad a warrant issued, charging her with house -breaking, and Constable Armstrong arrested her, and had her in charge until next day. As soon as she regained her freedom she got her father's team and took away all her belongings, Including some stook. Apparently she does not intend to return to Chihli the protection of her laying husband. ,reign Bank of Can, 3d In An- ton. --Dant be held on Thursday October Oth and 10th, —*ors. John ....y.ttio and Joseph Arden, of Brussels, wiore Blyth visit- s on Sunday. —Illythand Clinton baseball teams will play In the Agricultural park on Friday evening of this week. —A11sa (,ertie Clark, of Toronto, is visiting st the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, N. II. Young. —Mr, Frank Metcalf is in Wind. sor this week attending the high court of the Independent Order of Foresters. —Mrs, Alex, Wilson, sr., and her daughter, Mrs. Andrew Young, of Seaforth, were guests at the Koine of Dr, Carder for several days Last week. --Mrs. Thompson and live chil- dren, of Attica, Indiana, are guests at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. George Powell, Mrs. Tnonlpson is 'lit sister of Mrs. Powell. j—harvest excursions will be run to Manitoba and the Northwest on August 200, 21st and 22nd. The one-way fare is $10. Thera are 20,000 harvesters wanted In Mani. toba and the Northwest. —Tho' atmosphere last Friday evening was somewhat on the chilly side, but that did not prevent a large crowd from attending the lawn social held on 'Trinity church grounds under the auspices of the Young People's Society of Trinity church. !The program furnished was a splen- ! (lid one and delighted everyone present. The proceeds amounted to fi 17.50. —Mr. W. J. Elliott, principal of the Central Business college, Strat- ford, is certainly a strong believer in newspaper advertising as his ad-• vertisenonts may be seen in nearly all the newspapers of Western On- tario. His school is well known from one end of Canada to the other, and it enjoys an excellent reputation for lirst-class work. Write to the prin- cipal for a catalogue if you intend taking a course In a business college, —Rev. J. S. Henderson, the Pres- byterian minister at Denson, has carried the evening service to the beautiful grounds about the church, and the people tell of the comfort with which they meet "under tine greenwood tree," and the interest .which a change from the heated building awakened. The minister, it is said, never preached with great- er effect than. to tho congregation gathered in the open air in the cool of the Sabbath day. football match between Blyth Wingha:n senior teams was FA ed, on the Agricultural park here on Friday evening of last week, + game was too one-sided to be %ry interesting and the Blyth team won by a score of six goals to none. Mr. James 'Thompson acted as re- feree and gave good satisfaction. The Blyth players were :—Goal, H. L. Haines; backs, S. J. Crawford, Thomas OConnor; half backs, J. A. Jackson, Robert Somers, Robert Crawford ; forwards, John Dims, David Somers, Baxter McArter, J. M. Kelly attd A. E. West. THE TOMI3. ficorr.—In Howick, on August loth, Mr, John Scott, aged 69 years, BLYTB MARKETS. Blyth August 11.—Wheat, its to 750. Burley, 4,30 to 500. 1 eon, leo to 75u. oats, 440 to tau. aegw, Lib to 110. tbtttrr, 1e: to Mo. l'otnturx, 800 to 100. codes, 5o to 00. flay, 05 to .07. 081d, 500 to 150. Pork, 47 to a. Flour, 400) t0 a2 25. Wow, 4175 to 44. wool,12e to 150, WANTED. 1000 Packages - - of Butter For which the highest priee will bu paid. We turmoil large and small tube and boxes at cost, Also any quantity of Egg and all kinds of Gram wanted. At the Old Stand. MOMILL'AN & D1ia.Ny And • CO. Blyth • 4 wl' _ ■ / _ - n. Co. 4 4 4 4 Ely Ca. STILL GREATER BARUINS This week we oft -,T \.,,ry special bargains in Shirt \Vai, \Ve bought a manufacturer's stat k of overmakes at half price in new up-to-date goods in fine Percale and Fancy :\luslin, detached col- lars, fast colors, some trimmed with insertion, regular price 5Qc to $t. We sell the $t lint for 50c and the 5oc line at 25c. 1\Iovc quickly if you want any. We wont have theta long at these prices. We are clearing out Chil- dren's Hosiery regardless of cost. We have picked out all broken lots and odd sizes ranging in price item 8c to 1 5c per pair and have placed them on our bargain table, and give you your choice of the lot at 5c per pair. We show a fine range of Children's Fine Cashmere Host in double knees, high spliced heels and double soles, fine ribbed, fast black, in all sizes at 15c, 20C, 25C, 3oc and 4oc per pair, New Dress Coods We have received our first shipment of New Dress Goods, Wrapperettes, IEtc., in Venetians, Hemespuns, Vicunas, Broadcloths, Cheviots, Etc., in shades of brown, grey, oxford, navy, black, i myrtle and heather mixtures from 5oc to $1,50 per yard. We will be pleased to have our lady friends call and inspect our New Dress Goods whether athey are ready to buy or not, i McKinnon & Co. R s E tr t,' vt w, ava s v vaiv"► 111143EVIII13111341 Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly reecho our opinion free concerning the patent- ability of same. "flow to Obtain a Patent" sent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised for Bale at our expense. Patent taken out through us reeeivo special notice, without charge, .n TRE PATENT RECORD, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE, Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO., (Patent Attorneys,) Evans Building, •WASHINCTON, O. C. The Popular Clothing House. Big Clearing 19 Sale of 01 Summer Goods tag to make room for LI Fall Goods sosif Now is the time to get an Ordered Suit. You can save from throe to fo iliars on every suit, we are snaking snits to your 111003 un ft up. Dom fail to see these goods and pr Les H. G1QLEY .. BLYTH , .