HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-08-14, Page 3*rF rF * +F ** eP' YN** SAVED FRO11 IIERSELF 4444444444444.444, Ifo took her in his arms—i eoull hardly keep buck my tears—he ldvv- ed her face, her eveee her lips. She •robbed the while as though her heart would break. I heard hint whisper good-bye, and I heard him ray, "It wan the hand of hea- ven;" then, with an effort that seemed to rend his soul from his body, he turned away. "One word, Colonel North,' I saki. "I will keep yomr secret„bit It meet be on my own terms. Yoe mud leave the house to -morrow morning under the pretext that you have received a telegram, and you, meet swear to me that you will never return. If 'soar do so, I shall at once tell Lord Latimer alt that has passed.' He bowed; he could not speak; and as he turned away from me I saw the tears rain down his face. Then he had to draw back and stand in silence ander the desk shade of the trees, for the lodge -keeper came out, lantern In hand, followed by his Wife. '1 am sure I heard voices,” he Said. "I nm sluTe I heard a cry," she replied. Theylookedabout for some time, lapse end fall to the ground. She "scull hate dune .ee, but, fortunately, 110 one c111110 near ate. CIIAI'TER 3I. We walked slowly tlu'aogh the ball- room twine. I led her, as tlsough ,lte were blind and dumb, through the conservatory and pleture gallery ; I was determined that every visitor should eel) her. If by any mischance it was rumored that she had been seen In the park after one o'clock at night, a hundred voices would be raised In' contradiction, for a hun- dred people and more saw her In her own house. It was a ghostly walk. More than once 1 thought she would fall from my arm dead, but at Met I placed her' safely In her own room again and rang for Iter maid. "Lady Latimer le tired out," I said; "ehe le completely exhausted. Get something for her, and let her go to rest" The !tale laked frightened at the white, set face. "You look very lib my lady,' she saki; but the woeful eyes that look. ed Into Iters had no expreeelon in them. then went Indoors again. I went back to tine visitors, and to all whom it concerned I made d oonid not help hie turning back apologies and excuse for Lady Lat• and taking Lady Latimer In hie arms liner. I told thew she was ex• ,again, hausted and worn out, and that I One quick, passionate embrace. and had persuaded her to rest. No one he was gone. Iied her home. Shedld neented surprised, and then I felt not weep, but from her lips came a that the crisis was over. She was IOW, soft moan, eared. Never mind if site died of tt ; I had "You look tired yourself, Miss saved her from worse than death, Level," Bald Captain Fleming. "And We spoke no word until we reach- what bad news this is about Colonel Id the house. I knew we must run North." some reek. "What la it ?" I asked, trying to "We will go In at the side door apeak careleeely, but with. great and avoid the grand staircase," I alarm. old: "Then I will get you to your 'He Kae to leave sudderly and early room." to -borrow morning. Ho received n Ste made no answer. telegram thie afternoon, but did not The mad, merry mete of a waltz wish to tell us tho news until the bait was sounding as we entered the was over. We shall mise him very Nem. Everything seemed Just as mulch;" Wo had left It, and with great "We shall, Indeed," I aaewered, me- nare and cawtlon, Leet we should be chantcally, , seen or heard, I led her to her "He tete the smoking -room; he has room. She stood like a benutllub spent the greater part of the night White etatu'e, as cold and as dead. there. Would you like to see hint "Lady Latimer," I said, "you have and one good-bye to him, MISS still yourself to save. "Yon tuns+, ' Lovel?" peke an effort, Can you hear me? 1 shuddered. Please Heaven, I should Cesspit see me? You meet make never look an his face again. "made one effort more, and save yoursett scow evasive answer. Be yoked Remember those linea— hurt. "Don't tell me of to-ntorrdev; "I thought," he said, "that you Tiiere le much to do to -day, liked Colonel North eo much. Lady That can never be accomplished Latimer done. I believe be 1s the If we throw the hours away! favored guest," Every moment line its duty, "What time does he leave to the Who tate future can foretell? horning?" I reeked, for tho sake of [then why defer to -morrow showing some interest in him, What to -day can do as well?" "Quito early," he replied. "He has Qulekly as loving, trembling kande to he at the Royal Horse Guard', by could work, I took frees her the blank noon." dram', the cloak, and bonnet In whteb "Ho will come back, I hope." I she was going to travel. I put them knew he would not, out of sight, and titan I brought I understood why he had returned back the blue velvet and pearls. She to the !rouse, and had gone to the cried out at the sight of le, and waved it from her. visitors to Lndy L very 1I1 would eft Bleep. "I do not 1 all. Wes Lovel,' 4th, "I am with death. afraid that she b. , ,. ine herself. Captola Fleming eagle down Italie I should not wonder be line a boli earno away mouth of August, and illness." he talked for hours about one who 7 eat with her the night through. had been the hero of the tight. He Site did not speak to me., ehe hardly told a hundred anecdotes of Colonel seemed to know that I was; present. North', of hie courage, hle bravery, She wept and mooned through the i [tin kindness,'; how he was beloved aright in such a heart -breaking faele he hie friends, worshipped by the eol- Lon It made me ill to liken.eters, how he was always ready Silo did not hear, poor child, what I , with kindly words and generous help. heard—the quick gntioping of a horse She listened with a white, set In the early morning. When it ceased, face, and epoke no word. I knew that Colonel North heti gone. "I do not believe," eatd Captain Nee sone worse In the morning ; 1 Fleming, 'that he had a blot Mies brain fever eet In ; the doctor was I life." Hent for hurrie.ily. The vteitore die-, But wo two women, who knew appeared- what a dark ant terrible blot there Lord Latimer n•ae frightened to' had been, said nothing. death. Ludy Latimer was elm a woman "Brain fever." he sale. "Why, ; turned into atone, brain fever only comes to [twee who Another great event happened In have great trouble and ehe hal none " that sunny month of .tuguet. is the world, absolutely none.' ' Lord Latimer died quiteeuddenly. The doctor's opinion was that Lady ! Relied been unusually Irritable, and Latimer had overtired herself wtth complained of not being well, but no the Chrletmae festivities. ono euepected he was worse then 'she had Colonel North to help - nsuai, Hio valet, going to wuko iter," saki Lord Latimer ; "I do not - him ono morning, found him dead In see hew ehe can have Bono too lite bed, end the doctor wild he had muelt.' I 1 been dead for some bourn. There But there was no gainoaying the: was 110 need for any inqueet; he fact. She was 111 for a long time, and had died from heart disease, from I was Inc faithful, loving purse; but which ho had suffered many years. the name of Colonel North was nev- er It was 0 terrible blow to Lady Latt- mentioned between tut from that 1 mer; not that she loved lady, but night. It was New Year's Eve when I that le brought her ein and her sor- Lady Latimer fell ill, and the Ito- row eo forcibly to her mind. tete were in bloom before site was i •'How, etrange it seems that he able to leave the house again. should have ,lied first," ehe said to I want to go away from here, me ono day. "Oh, Audrey, God has Audrey," she said to me one day puaiehed my aim" "I wont to go qui of doors, and I (To be Continued.) cannot here; f cannot endure the; eight of this place, and the sound off the river makes me ►11.' I underste>Qi, atter Haat scene in AT SMITH'S FALLS. the park ; It was no wonder that . she could not endure 1t, t --- Ont back seen a woman weep be ore. tnbel her "I would go all the way to Linn - that I dui,'," ehe said, "to Mee het face her to last once before tees lay him la pie grave:' a looks at She wee like a woman stricken "You must put it an," I said. • "I cannot,' she replied, 'I would rather wear a ehrolei." "You moat," I said. "You mutt put it on. You must color your face and brighten your hair. You meet come downstairs and allow yourself In the [tall -room. Remember that you have yourself to ave." "I—I can not," she cried, In des( pairing tones. "You must," I repeated. " You mutt do It to rave yourself, even should you die directly afterward." My strong will beat down her weaker one. I dressed her. I tried my beat to make her look ne she had done before, but It was ae though I had tried to draws a dead woman. Then I fetched some brandy for bar, and made her drink tt. A faint tinge of color came to her lips. She looked at me once with wild eyes. ' I hate you 1" rho sald ; and the ;words, were like a hese. " Never mind," I anovered, "if you clan only save yourself." I found her a largo bouquet of • fresh flowers, and told her to hold it before her face when site passed through the ball -room, so ass to hldo her colorless face. She did so ; but when the time same for her to re- turn to the bull -room she could not !walk. "Yon must absolutely go," I said. "It is the only menus of saving your- self. If ever tite incidents of this night should be known, no one will believe one word If you are Been in the ball -rookie You must go." She ivent, leaning on my arm. I [[hall never forget the ordeal. She shutched my arm. I telt how she trembled. I feared, 1f any one spoke eo her, that she would ruddenly col - smoking -room, where most of th guests could see him. Then, when the I spoke to Lord Latimer, and he seemed pleased that she should have a change. We went to Brighton. I,, thought that tie life and brlghtnees of that eunuy' watering place would be goal brr Iter. I might ass well huts brought a deet body to the seaside. Once, and once only, terrible en- ergy came to her. I was sitting on the cliff overlooking the sea, and she came to me suddenly, [holding an open newspaper In bar hamlet "I have been looking for you,", she said. "1 want) you to read thle ; It le your fault" ' I took the papal• from her hands i and read that war had broken out at the env, and among other who heti exchanged to be sent out there was that well-known and high- ly esteemed officer, Colonel North. "That le your fault," she Halal "Do you egg the honorable mention re him ay a bravo soldier and a noble man ?" "Yee, I do," she answered. "You may thank me for that" I surd ; "I envoi him ass well as yoa. English officers are men of honor,' and If Colonel North had stolen the wife of hle Melee they would not Imre 11eenoiate1 with him," Her face Melted and her head drooped. "I wish," wild she, "that I could tall from the cliff here into the sea." Decidedly In those days, she erne net the most pleasant companion in tits world; but 1 knew the gnawing misery. "I wish," ehe said to melons day, "that Lord Latimer would leave Lorton'° Cray. I shall never like the place again." • But Lord Latimer would not. Ile said that he would do anything In reason, and nothing from caprice, 10 that ehe waw compelled to return. Then followed a dead blank, a dreary, dull Week. The sad, sorrowful wo- man, mistress of Lorton'° Cray, did not In the least resemble the Lady Latimer of former days. I could not Interest her, as formerly, In the 4s, or In our simple home ways. wus simply a woman 'Stricken beesome terrible grief. I did my beet, but, It was alt In vain. 1 could not i cheer her or rouse her. It required a terrible ea/amity to do either. Sho had passed Into a quiescent state. Oho made no aIIon ever to the e cause of her trouble. Colonel North's name was never mentioned. Captain Fleming came one or twice, but he did not remain long. He told thatl h d vane A Wonderful Cure of Bright's Disease. r0'$, "what ,leen 11-a-t-Il-houoe spell it it does not spell Bath hone°?" The servant expla teed the bulhene ss'eo ue't a Once for bathing but the city home of the Ba1'0110ee Bur. del i-l'out te. The Ctuueibine wet•° considerably[ taken down, but atter helms street - ed to tie, phi ' they wanted to reach they s00n teem 19,1 their meet hu- mor and biugle'1 ben rt.ly over their mistake. A CHINESE 'PHONE UXCt1ANGE Itorleously Milled a:nl Supplied , With the Auu,rlesu " Neils." Tho new Ciliates° Tnteph m, Ex- change le open and reee ler besi- 00se, after months of pee, Ieaten, The exchange differs from all eth,•et In thie city or in tho world in that it le gurgetme with Oriental beauty and u wervol of luxurious good taste and splendor. The telephone °empal,; tura Wadi) it n p„bnt 10 bulks the new oxcluusge one of the whew plume in Chinatown, 1t huts "hats[ uu 0xp0as0 tat Obta1te tide rceuit, au.t Chief Lngiu• er r (einem under 011oso direction rho work wus done, feels Justly proud of tile. rosette or Ins labors. 'Lite, new exchange le In the three- story building at 743 11'usitlhgloa street. Tee feet flour le oocuptod by' a eture, whice has boon rel'llbe.t and dsoorntt"1 by Its owuere 10 be In 00 - cord with too remainder of the build- ing. Tins entrance to the exchange le up a loaf:♦ Settee of barrow steers, at, the haul of whi0h Ln a gaily- deco- rate!. seer Gldnree lettere mummies lug the presence of the telepltobe, which, etrangcly enough, Is one of the most popular of the American inven- tions among the Chinese. on entering the ante -room one is mese by n mullion and bowleg luuction- ary, whose euro duty it 1, to make visitors welcome. Close by the door is 15 rtebly carvt'l teakwood table, un WILL I ora kept toes:woo and cigar- oetee surd, a nest of tea bowls, Wittig In a eilk-covered caddy rests u large teapot, which, is always kept filled with ten, of a good quality. Tea and So Week Ile couldn't Stand—'Per- 'tobncoo aro always served to visit- rlbly Broken lep and Unoble to ora, a compleuiuvrt of hoepltullty Hutt a Cure—[)ode's Kidney Pills "without whish no Chinese business Mede Him Well. uranenotlan le comptetc. Smith's Falls, July 3s.—(Special),— At the extreme end of this room, on Ail altar of considerable eizo and The cure of Mfr. Theodore Young, of great richness, se richness of gold and OM place, Is a wonderful example "elver and red lacquer, rests a joss of the progress that medical science whose special duty to to guard and HOT WEATHER AiLMEN I'S. lure "nude In the last few yesre, e.,re for the interests of times woo sand spesoh over the whole To many 'Up till a short time ago the doc- of the Chincee the telephone still tore claimed that Bright's Disease holds, to a certain degree, Its quid - wee absolutely incurable, and en like of the, supernatural, and the fact there ars a few who still ad- Proseneleof a Jolts Is not 0 luxury, but here to this theory a prime neeee9Ity . Bat Bright's Disease is not 1n- Before going into the telephone curable. Dodd'° Kidney Pitts will room (feel( a brim inspection of the cure tele terrible malady and have rooms to the roar of the reception done so in thousands of cases. roam le not without Interest. In the Those who are skeptical need not extreme rear is a kit:Men, emnll, but go farther than thiw tdwn to find ['oat and complete. There Ie lin proof. Mr. Young makes this state- ewyually dlmlnutR-e dining -room, and meet : Ukelele', a bedroom, in which aro four "I waft afflicted for about two mall bunko. Tile is where Lar Kum years with Kidney Trouble and ehro- Shu, 'ilio manager of the exchange, etc fright's Dls'ns°. My urine was evert, with fie nsitstante. They are very dark and I lost considerable nevs'r e oat duty, and the exchange la never closet from year's end to year's blood, making me eo weak I could (s;t,t• scarcely stand. The front room, In wldch le placed "After using the first box of Dodd's tiro ewltcnbe srd, ie the m'*st attrac- Kkdney P111e, I was much better, tivo feature of the place. It is gaily and when I had used four boxes I decorated with dragons anti serpents, Was able to resume work wiieh I had there aro rare lanterns hanging from not done for some time previous. the ceiling, in which electric lights "I earn coneobentlously recommend lots',- been placed, making a contrast Dald's Kidney Pelle to any 0110 af- of modernity and antiquity. Meted as I was." The svelte are hung with banners Mr, l'oung'e case Is only one of a in rel and gold. Along one side of the great many where Dodd'a Kidney roeam is a row of teakwood chairs Pills came to the rescue after every- with cushions of silk, while near the thing else had failed. They have con- snvitelsboard are the email black quoad Brigitte' Disease and restored stools which are to be sera all over to life and health men and women thin ('hinese quarter. The switchboard who had not expected to ever again Itself is exactly like times In the enjoy th'le great blessing. other exchanges of (lie city, except Dodd'° Kidney Pills having dem- that the operative,' aro mess and ooletrated their ability to grapple Chinese. They neo the same cry of with Kidney Disease in its very "Hello 1" in answer to n call—a pleas - worst forte—Bright's Disease —can net ton", cheerful and geed humored. certainly to depended on to cure any The work of the exchange would of the leaser forme. drive ass American operator temente Dodd'" Kidney Pills are the only For, in addlttrn to the L'3.; numbers medicine ttsat hue ever cured Bright's ov the exchange, there are at tenet Disease. ' 1G;, telephones which am either In ('Lir.ese lodging Melee) or In clubs. .•404114440**** +444 *444 ...• tee Tho opera tlets have nearly 1,n00 • names to rrmrmb'r, together wttk JOKE ON THE e titter owners' plasm of residence, For • example' Woo Ko•i rhige les telephone Y . turd Bays lin wants to talk to Chung e Chung lass In some big truement, CANADIANS 2 Hi Kin. He gives no number, for toile Ie a never Been an, and Kae no telephone number. It de ee changed as Lady Latimer. ' eeeseeseseeseeseseNeeeese P More Little Ones Ole hiring the !tot "When I think of her leading the 1 A goo i 'eery 011 themselves is be- the duty of the operative to re - Weather Mentha Thea et Anycottllon on New Year's Eve, in that member all does tomes, and it to tb,g tali by two watt -known young rlalmed he does so Ivlthout "(tort. Other Season. , wonderful tire,'s of blue velvet and men who w"re with the coronation The Cesium telephone company has pearls, and then look at her as shed been in existence since 1887 and has It le a lamentable fact that thou- , le now, lean not believe she ie the' oonttngent In England. slowly endo its way, moving from nods of little ones die from hot wed- ' same woman," he said. 1 The twssAn were 'strolling' about place to place as its Increasing bee!. titer ailments, whose lives might be It required a great calamity to 1 the city taking In the "eights when nese ranee larger quarters necessary. prspared if mothers had at hand the arouee her, and, surely enough, one tile desire torn bath became eo her. Loo Kum Sen has been manager lye Hr remedy to administer prompt- mate. 1t was the month of August,' strong that they went in search of for the past eight years. He speaks lye Hot weather ailments come stud two years and a half atter that ter• 1 some place to which they could have English without a'lemm t accent and denlyand unlese promptly treated, a, tibio New Yenr'e Eve, and 1 wne1 a dip. They came to a large build- ib a man of great lntrhlgeucc. He is precious little life may be tort in a eltthig out among the rose. mak- I tag on which were tnecrlbed the very proud of lie new quarters and few holm. Baby's Own Tablets ' Ing some lace for her. I saw Iter' words "Bath House" and they were never tires of eliwlag vleitore about promptly check and cure dtarboea, coming toward mo with a terrible ov"rjey"a that their aearcu [vas e0 that place.—San Francisco Chronicle. stomach trouble., cholera infsatum look on for Lace. 1 was almost fright- 1 soon over. and other (tot weather ailments. ened. She wore a long white theme; i They proceeded to the entrance p Sure Mart. With Hiatt. They also give relief to teething her hair was unfastened, lier face; and rang the bell. They were met troubles, and prevent the ailment. , white as depth : her eye. had an by u servant Ln livery, hut at that Br. T. Hlllbsgewurth .lndrrw e, form- tluat Dome at this period. Every pre- expreeelou 1 shell never forget. She moment one of the Canticle' conduct- er police moment, 1s credited with dent mother should keep a box of held out a newspaper to me.,ed that n change of underwear would telling of n newly wedded pair whose Baby''. Own Tablets la the house at "Look," she site, "and read. Hes.-be the right thing. Inetead of en - all times. No other medicine eats eo veil had punieheri me." tering they went and made the par- honeymoon trip took them stereos the promptly and so surely, and the Tali- I looked. Ds the list of those kite- chase. On returning to the building opiate or harmful drug. They at- Colonel Philip North, atlnutic. lets are guaranteed to contain no est at Insunduln was the name of a they proceeded to se side entrance The bride end been something of a and were greeted by another man in yachtswoman, and was not affected ways do good and cannot possibly do "You one It,' she said, slowly. ((very wise called. t by the given, but her mate teas a 1 harm. and crude:i to a powder you "Yes, I rev it, Lady Latimer." "What are ; 1 yellows doing bad sailor, and took to the rale late can give them to the smallest .tckli- "It was you who sent him to his !weer on the first day out. She took her est infant, Mire. Geo, Foote, se death." They replied t ,ey desired to appetite to the dinner table, leaving Thomas, Ont., says: "My baby was "Better the death of a good man have n bath. Th: et gale l w:tti Mtn pale and unhappy on deck. When a surprised look s then gave theta asked Ln angry where they cos Their tormemrr called some of form as Memel enjoy the jok Afterwards Canadians ter Meth th hoe. "Well," ata' troubled with diarrhoea and was very than tho lite of a coward," I aa- erate and restless, and got so littto ewerai sleep I hardly knew what to do with "Ho hue died," she said, slowly, hrµ'. 1 ,got n box of Baby's Own Tal- "because he loved me,' lets, and after geeing her some iter "No; the,[ le wrong; he has died towels became regular and Inc could a soldier's death, and you may be sleep well. t think the Tablets a proud of him. You can love him In splendkf medicine," death, whereas you could not fa You can get the Tablets at any life. You may be proud of him, now drag mote or by mall poet paid at he hail redeemed by a hero'', death 27, eats a bot by writing to ties lir. what waa a coward's crime." Williams' Medicine Co, Brockville, She cried out that I was hard Onrt„ or Boltenectady, N. Y. and cruel; she wept as I have never moment and t she returned, he wits still uncertain, 'ry Ha! Ha 1 with little interest 111 nnyth;gg ex - at this and sept the problem, " Why did I ever o he taken propose a trip by era 7" their dip. She did what ehe could to oom'ort 91 replying him ; but he was difficult. Site same uni- thought it tourls of the romantic ppeared to might get him out of hie mood, eo she tried this: told the " The moon is up—fen't It, darling 7" t was not " Yee; he said, languidly—"tbat 11, if I mellowed it." — Philadelphia '-hake he. Times, ,