HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1902-08-14, Page 2NM0000N00110000000000®OOOOSm01)=4 A0I8Cfi0000000011
What the Act Means and how it is Operated.
After the Parliament ot ('a'„u,at e
passed the Fruit !inrke Net iu Ii,U1,
the Minister of Agriculture direct- s
oil that every opportunity sewed ix,
afforded the fruit growers and pack-
ers of tie INnninion to meet its re-
qulremautw ami to fulfil their obli-
gattone to the public.; and for a
year the work of the department,ttt
this motet Was informational and
oducatibnal.' Tele year some amend-
mee,ts were made to the .act as or- d
tglnally peeved, andto-day the .Act
la ail Its proiletoux ix "as plain as
a pike staff,' mei ever sinew of
it so simple theta "he who rano may f
read." No termer, or fruit grower, or f
packer who is honest In his ended -
rs and straightforward hl his s
trading need tear ay of its clauses.
The Act is lwtng enlorce;l, and the
'inspectors appointed to excrete Its
requiremente Iteve been luetructed
to do their duty. They are the ser-
vants of the crown ; Parliament has
definitely pronounced Ite Judgment
upon the false and fraudulent pack-
ing and marking of fruit consign-
rnents; and these have been selent-
ed to carry out the regulations
plaoed in the statute book for the
purpose ot preheating honest traders
Dom unprinclpkd dealers, and of pre-
eervieg Inviolate the fair commer-
Mal fame of Canada from unscrupul-
ous packers. Lo other words, the Act
wilt Insurer to the public) of the Dom-
tuton and the commission agents,
and the public generally In Great
,Britain and elsewhere, that the fruit
is correctly marked anal honestly
Wast it Provides.
The principal motions of the act
Faction 4. Every person who, byw
Wawa. or through the agency of
nnottter ytereon, peaks fruit in a
closed package, Intended for 'sale,
Mail cause the package to be
marked In a plain and Idellblt
manner, before it Is taken from
the premiuee where It Is packed.
mal With the initiate of MIN Christ-,
Ian names, and hie full Immune, and
(bt With the name of the variety
orva•Ietlee; and
(a) With at designation of the
grade of fruit, which shall include
one of the following six maria:
For fruit of the first quality, lie.
1, or XXX; for fruit of the Neared
quality, No. 2, or XX; and for fruit
a the third quality, No. 3, or X;
but the said mark may he accom-
panied by any other deeigaatlon of
grade, provided that designation In
not Iuoonodstent with, or marked
more conspicuously than, the one we
of tits ld six marks, which Is
ueed on the said package,
8eotimi 5. No peroon Mali sell, or
offer, expose or have In hie pot-
sessioa for rale, any fruit packed
In a closed package and Intended
for "isle, unless such package is
harked, at, required, by rho next
preceding section.
8ectlon 6. No person shall sell, or
utter, expose or have in lite pow*.
Mon for sale arty fruit packed in a
Mooed package, upon which package
is marked any designation which rep-
resent, such fruit as of No. 1 or
XXX, finest, best or extra good
quality, unless such fruit consist of
Well -grown epechncns of one variety,
sound, of nearly unifortu site, of
good color for the variety, of uor-
mel shape, and not less than 90
per cent. free from sorb, worm holes,
bruises and other defecte, and pro-
perly packed.
Szctlon 1'. No person shall sell, or
offer, expose or have let ids poeees-
sion for wale, any fruit packed In any
package In whld•h the. faced or Mown
mime gives a faleo representation
Of the contents of such package, and
It stall be considered a false repro
rentatlon when more titan 13 per
rent. of such fruit is substantially
mealier In site than, or Inferior in
varietygrade to, or different In variety
hem, the faced or show surfaeo of
such package.
Some dtxpltnatlous.
IIxplanattont of its application may
be taken thus: On packages packed
'or marked cuntrary to the prnvislong
Of the aot, tnoperteri ala; , after
Notifying the packer by tetter or
8elegram, place the wards "fnleely'
packed" or "fidgety marked" ; and a
fine of 640 may be Imposed for ille-
gally removing the lnefe'ctor'e brand.
It will Inc noticed that only "closed
package" need be marked. A closne
package Is defined to ate tt box or
barrel, the contents of which can -
Dot lie seen or InNpeeled when
MO le closed. I3askdte, bet'tyelates
or berry boxes even, with .veneer
covers, are not cottsldered "clogs('
packages," and therefore do not
require marklug. ('taubcrrna and ail
wild fruit are not sobj'ct to the pro-
t'Idopg of the act.
Meri.hnnts are held responsible for
the fruit they offer for sale tor
fruit In their possession for gale),
but the original wrong doer, It
foetid, will In everyro-
/muted.ae Incbe pro -
The penalty for it violation of the
law with relerenne to packing and
marking' Is not lees than' twenty-
five cents and not more than one
dollar per package:. for removing an
inspector's brand, forty dollars: for >p
°hetiniting an Inspector 25 to
*600. The finee are divided equally
between the informant and the
Inapectoro are given large pow -
ere Wet the act to enter premloee
fits the purpose of making an exam-
hytutiend n ato detain shipments of
Mite for the wnme purpose. The
picker, however, 1s amply protect-
'ed'by the stlpelatlon thnt immediate
0ittontnnet 'eltlt'en by the Inspector
to the packer when fruit, which at
sit times is at the risk of the own -
r, Is Lt•nn Ird or detained, ti el the C0-
pretor who rt't't I his authority Ix
led' et to a lit ai y' penalty.
Mot summer) ul the Art.
The mete pellet( of this act may
n' F1111111103 up aN (0110W%1. The dice of all fruit packagee
oust fa:riy r401.0meut the fruit
O. Vistaed loxes and barrels must
e tnarkerl with the name unit wi-
liest(of the locker, the variety of
the. f•ult and its grade.
3. 1t Is an offence within the
meaning o1 the net to Nell, to of-
t'r' for gale, or to ire ve In ixaleestiun
or ,'di)e, fraudulently packed or
netke, fruit, even when the buyer
and getter bre ignorant 01 the fact,
ns well as when ono or both have
knowledge of the fret.
4. The act does not prevent the
"Ntck:lig or selling of any grade of
fruit that in pteperly packed and
b. The act does not provide for the
inspection of pert eider lots of frult
at the request of the lenge' or the
6. Ibmmiseion merchants who, at -
ter notice, handle fruit put up con-
trary to the mot lieons of the set,
will be proceeded matinee.
7. There le un definition of gender;
marked "No, e, "\i," 'No. 3," or
Already the'tenetoial effect M then
Met Is bring felt ; and when It le fully
known that dishonesty In packing
anti describing ('anndlnn fruit does
not exist, nn enormone impetus will
be given to our fruit hndutitry in all
the maggots of the world. At present
Inquiries are being made oottoernittg
the Vane -Alla title Aimee tm of curly
Canadian apples. The Department 'of
Agriculture will not ink,' any respon-
sibility, but throne)] the COMM ie-
sloaer of Agrictlture end 1)nlrying
will assimt le ensuring cool or coil
storage space on ocean steamers if
early Information be given as to the
probable quantity, the date or'hip-
ment, and the destination desired.
It will pay to mend only selected ap-
plee of ohotee Indieldunl quality, end
pecked et hove rather than In bar-
rels. It will be see^raary to hive the
n epee p eked n tel 'tucked on tate green
or firm elle, en t.hg1 they rimy be de-
11vtrtt1 In the 1 lilted Kingdom in encu
a elate that they m'iy )te handled
with a very small percentage of
tweeted or (1, n t y rd once by the retell
dealere Into whose halt 1N they will
go from the w•holrsiele centree.
Siutday SchooL
APO USI' 10, 1802.
Web sad Abihu.--Tetvcrnnce Lesson. --Le.
lee -ii.
G01.11eN TEXT:- "Lot lie Watch and be
Bober:'- t Th, 5-B.
nor-reteee Tnocatty : Term -eremite
1. And. Tile ftrttt day the priest-
hood to ewtabIithed, It comes short
of the glory of God. -Darby. Natiab
and Abihu. The two oldest song of
Aaron. Permitted to meet (hod upon
the mountain. Ex. ail'. 6. Jnet
cougecrated to the priestly office. Yet
we certainly Inter that they were
drunkard'. v. 0. The highest so-
cial elation and the mor, sacred call -
tag are no barrier to isle danger
of strong drink. -Hurlbut. The shekl-
na,h glory- of Jehovah had lied are
peered, 0114 fire had jnet come forth
from before Jehovah and consumed
upon the altar the burnt -offering
and the fat, Ex. Ix. 23, 24. There
things should have solemnised their
tubule and made thee) circumspect
in their approach to God. Even to-
day men who have had wonderful
manifestations of God's presence and
glory soon forget and set care"
'cooly, lightly and disobediently. -
Torrey. Censer. .t small metal rra-
eel, flttel conveniently to carry
souls, open which incense could be
sprinkled. -Templeton. It ix tt ere -
NMI tltltg to swing a censer before
God. IIe npp olnts who shall beer the
censer, and He orders how It 'hull
be swung. There are three re-
markable judgments emmected with
the ceneera of the priests. 1. Here,
where the rigid persons were doing
• the right tiring, but not at the right
ltime nor in the right way. 2. When
the right remelt; were doing the
right thing but hot, with the right
motive. IS'or.h!p M Its highest
'reuse of lntercouuunnion bet ween God
anti man 1. a unique and sublime
experience for which prcparittl.tn of
soul is required. -Noyes. Forms,
1 simple or elaborate, are but stype
`of approach to God.-Ibtd. Put fire,
I, Fire prat to tato lncettse signifleit the
Spirit of God, by which ten are to
I offer up all our prayers and praises,
' even fin Christ offered Himself up
( by the eternal Spirit.-Ditrn.all.
1 Strange tire. Not taken front the _
altar. -Gra,,'. Tire incense was not
mixed according to the law given in
l Es. xxx. 34. -Henry. The incense
wag offered at an t1lntsnal and un-
authorized time. ;' ompson. The
young prints he ' their self-
control through ince in strong
drink. y. Ix. Pr 5. The sin is
will -wk
rehlp, th 1 than dictat-
ing in tpirltncl a sin now
little tbougltt trite the de-
enrons outwer; :Dee,"fit range
fire" tastetui vwlnted sao-
rlfice, may i the hea.rt'A
fire. Comma not. They
departed fron vord'of Je-
Nevelt, who It .piatnly 1n•
.trusted then lc mode of
. worship, -Mel sin is not
gold to hit' hat God
had furled , what He
1,111 not et n
2. etre f In fire
ehirh 101 eel1.the mhfle-
err of Aare IeajItng to God
twit brough coots to hie too t
etnis. -Ciut rr was Jehuralt'N
114'41100 1 100 el ,. rue raerlllce ; the'
otter Hie jteigmltiit on erring prleets.
It ie a sit rrhlr a Q''tion of the sunt' fire.
The buret (;ffri'Mg trent fie ns n
tweet odor:. 1'1141 strange fire was
rejected ag nn n1X011100 10/1. The
Ismd was glorified in the former ; It
tumid have been a diehouor to urcept
he litter.-lieha ted'. Devoured,
killed, ng with a peuetrat ling flash,
:lot commuted, since they were ver-
ged out In their mate. v. 5. They
diel. .Aelhig an leen of nature In
their reltilunship with tied, not
(omitting their sem lee on the altar
of sacrifice, they (li:'d. Hod's govern-
ntentul dealings tiro always In bar-
ruony with the dltpentuttlot wherein
Ho nets. With the p'.mple of the Old
Testament lienor di%hie favor Wall
inn nlfestetl in earthly good, lung life,
phyelral and 11ta1e111t1 !doming.'l'hese
mon fled ehildlese.
3. Iboses wild. There were seeing,'
of Jehovah living in elle people's meut-
cery which lite pen had not trune-
oribtwt to the mitered Inge,-Jeille, No
,doubt whrtt Nadal) find Abele were(
struck with death, nil about three
were struck with horror and filled
with oonfuerloa. But lloaevt Wee eon).
posed and knew whet he maid nud tild.
not being dl*pltvtsel as David war in
a like case. Attratt Lel t hie peace
There le no rebellion lu his heart ; it
Ile Aft exnmp(e of ioide et'If-controls--
WetkefieldL I'etr be from hien to honor
hie 001111 more than pod, or wlele
(Cod's name, or house, or law, to tel
cxpoeat to reproach or contempt to
pri'terve his fondly'• -('inn. Coin.
It was the sitttice Or. a soul over-
whelmed with grief, but grief vette•
Mewl by the x01100 that "the Judge
a all the earth (cells right."
4. M!cha'et ant Elizatpitan. The near-
est relations who were not priests. -
took. rule!. Brother to Antntm the
Gather of Aaron, Ex, vi. 18-22, Como
uenr. They were ',eviler; only, nett
might :lot ',nee (tome Into the sanc-
tuary, no, not upsell moll an occasion
no bhis, 1f they had not had it emcee
oamttitnd for It.
8. The bored epxtke. Thi* and kin-
dred phraeee aavl 1,004 times In the
Old Teeth men t. -Brook •g. Into .Aaron.
After their dltnbedletlee and the judg-
tnemt of God, !Lases ep-aks to Aaron,
to the sone of Unite, Eievnza' and
Itluunat; none it le the Lard that
Spell 1314 unto .Anrou, the high priest,
and Ida wtne.
0. Di not drink wine. Tho two
prtretti aero under the Itttltteuce of
liquor when they committed the of-
fence which wits e.piated with their
11t es -.-J. F. 11. The pr, hibltlou of wine
end, strong drink when going into the
tent of the meeting cot,rtecte heel'
teeth time eta of .Anrou',' eons ; anti for
us toverr all flecitly attendee, witicit
preterite revue discernment of What
according to the mind of Hod. Not
a camel, but it militant rule. Thou,
nor tit" sons. Drunkenness le bail In
arty, but It 1s especially scandalous
and perntt•bona Itt miutstere, who of
n11 men ought to have tate clearest
heads and cleanest heart to -Henry.
10, Put differences. Strong drink
destroys the power of the mind to
make moral discriminations between
e hitt ie holy or unholy,; clean or un-
clean. An Intofteated mut Is Liable to
commit every reline forbidden In the
dera.ktgue.-Whit t Ie.
11. That ye may teach. The pried
wits the proper person to teach, and
it he were addicted to druukenneett
he would be indeed unfit to teach
Clod's statutes.
Curious Provision la the Will of a
The fourth Marquis of Hertforti 1e
reputed to have said: "I shoultt like
to see the !noes of my relations when
my will !greed." A rich, man who hag
Aft died fit Berlin may' be credited
with a Muffler! wish as to his codicil,
mays time London Chronicle tie had
numenout relations, but treated all
who approached him an torluno hunts
ern. Illi lent a w1J1, wjdoh was to he
opaued immediately, and the codicil
to be opeaect atter the funeral. The
will said: "Every member of my fam-
ily who shall abetaln front attending
my funeral le to rioelre :IOt) marks."
Asa result the funeral woe attended
by Ids housekeeiimer, u dletant oouaia
On the ooeiieIl laying opened It was
(mart to emeet that the residue of
lig fortune was to, be divided among
Hume who, notwithstanding the lues
Of the 300 marks, attended hie fun-
eral. Hence the housekeeper gets all;
but the heirs threaten to dispute the
iA?t+erNelf'e?"ereWeer'agd`Wed'.q`f ilea ee±e+�iraert etc meseet eeeteafee- r ilei
Department of Agriculture, eon(' particles of mineral matter and
Tho teotitn• or physleal meds 'o:I net free plant fool cottt,ot take place.
of the soil Is nearly always more As the distribution of t l(nit Is
be,‘ owl any known control titefa'm-
Imlmrtent than its weer rncImess in 1 r Must pilaw his dependence under
ptutt food. Every farmer knows, o•dlotry cnnditiotte on the cnnxer-
or ehould know, that a ttntd awl wa'loo of sol moirtaro, ,
lumpy soli wit not grow good crops, 8urfuse tillage shunld crnnuuroce
'XiRe�.�.✓ feldi�ee.��'ee�..�'t✓�e'r+�r'�i+���•t+•�'�-:ecr�e+�8✓��
early In the twine so as to nunsrrve
110 nurtter hew [titch Vont food it nto'ethre, for item• day's delay after
may contt(0. .A ,'lay to.1, w'bleb bee the soil le In it fit coedit Mit means the
tern producitiq crops fur site num- loge of tons of valuable water.
bot 0f years maty Le so seriously In- Aa t❑ InOdement w'ttb whin to
tv'tttbbsit and maintain a Aut'(tWe
jurtxl by one htjudielous'Coughing In "mulch.' the harrow it valuable;
a wet time as to ruin it for the frequent harrowing of an orchard
growing of crops for tteo or three will greatly lemma the evaporatbon
yrart. Tho Injury tea in the mud'- from t11e surfaet', Where eful'Ivabtre
fiction of Its rh steal texture, not ate neetl nN eonrereor,' of mutahtre
1 Y many tine teeth are preferable lea
in the lessening of its fertility. A few tonrge teeth',
sandy soh may alto be ser.ouely int- It1'tge cuttttre undnubtedl,y promotes
paired for Lie growing ot any crop evuneratlot; therefore pigmies(' level
l( the hunted, 01'dt'aaynig utgttafc culture except in mason whore the
matter, be allowed to burn out of coil suffers from an excise of tree
it. It beet ares kutelty, It speckly water,
loges ala moteture, tut., it bexoutes The roller, by compressing the soil,
exceealveiy fiat 11 bright sunny brings 'mixture to the surface. On
weather. loom sandy 801 IS It IN ver n
A finely divided, mellow, friu.bte J woeful,
F011 In more I ohm the time a hard bemuse )t compacts the particles;
lumpy soli of tlr steer chrm.ral mom- 11
hilt atoll it on clay, for It will prove
poetttott. Why? Because it holm ttlxanx xlrosucceedne heavy
ani 14411 11131 the ntmsture; it holds
more ntr; it 'restate greater eur-
dlCe to the route; 't ptumotes (er-
ttely; It Micteue the de,oatpoeitou
of the 11eat•141 c1e1t1.•11LH it flus lore
variable extt•enirt of temperature,
and it allows it better root -hold to
the plant. 111 all theme and other
ways the mellowness of the sell ten-
der; the pistol fool more ataLlalle,
anti affords a (mum and roue
fortnbie piece to W11 ICI the plant
rutty grow.
L'trst Prepare the Sell.
I1 lr useless to apply commercial
f,.rtllizere to lands which ore not
in pi oper pity etre I rendition jor
the tory beet growth of crepe. How, -
then. can the texture of lends be
imprut el ? Ily e'jndirlone ploughing
and tillage, nod %ulellen; by the
Mein oration of humus; by the
nee of under drains, wind brenkt,
itppllcatlnne of nine, malt and adup-
tatton of crop to soil.
A number of experiments have -
beell alt rt'it',1 nut sill oar Jun ex-
perimental farms, fix well as at
1thaaca. N. l'., and elsewhere, nal
the results point generally to the
emotivity of preserving moisture In
the soft, the fleet Nov towards
wldcit is to pa thio soli in such a
physieal condition that it will be-
psrvlous to water; that is, ttatlt-
wlll afford a reservoir ,for it.
Free water within eighteen' 'mitre -
of' Oho airtime of the golf( Is injurl-'
nitg to lite growth of cultivated
plants. Capillary water, that Ix,
water retnitel in the minute -like
empty spaces or tubes exisllig
throughout a well -worked Call, Is
Direct Source of I'aelr Supply
and Mould by all means be con-
served, Ceplllary fiction of the
soil depends upon the lineneao of
its partlolee. The finer the pant-
iles the greater will be the number
of oaplllary tube's in the moil; nodi
the finer and more numerouo those
oaplllary tubes the greater will be
the quantity of water rt'tnined In
the soli. In coarse, loose, sandy or
gravelly soils the notion will he
'weak, while In tine compacted
exile it will be etrong. But ehould
tate capillary ponce in the soil re-
main continuous from the moist
under -soli to the surface, 'he
moister) would rise to the surface,
and pave off Into the atmbephere
by evaporation. By making these
pores very much larger near the
'surface, the moisture Is arrested
to Its upward movement, and this
result can be accomplished by light
surface cultivation, whleh pro-
duoee a "soil mulch." This mule% of
loose soil answers about the mune
purpose as a board would in cut-
ting off the direct connection of
flu onplffary Boit with the atmoN-
pltere. As soon as the moil be-
comes baked or encrutited, the en-
plildry connection with the at-
mosphere le renewed, and another
tillage le required to re-establish
the "soli -mulch."
It etltould always be rememb'red
that it large amount of water le
ntcesedry for it plant, because its
food le in. a very dilute eohticie,
and Olt water Is, alto, used in build -
lug plant fillies.
Molotura Is Necessary In the Solt,
for without It the nation by which
the toots urn able to rorroie the
rang. {there possible follow the
roller with a smoothing harrow to
The urs of enderdrains rendre anile
peruna above then, and, to removing
the free water, allow* accers of air,
which In ae (esetlbtl fie moisture.
Lime hag a henefielal effect nn
henry- May and on light sand, and
acto favorably on marohy, sour land,.
Line, gypsum, anti salt are good con -
ser vork of moisture,
Onuses and grains do beet on
clay and loamy rode, leaving sanely
anti gravelly Malde for adtivated
crops. The humus of tilled lands
can he kept up by barn manurute
and by green manuring.
The moll will respond In a large
measure according to the treat-
ment It reeeivee. 1f neglected it will
full to yield a liberal increase; but
If cultivated Intelligently and thor-
oughly It will well reward the owner
tot hie diligence.
Employed In Lodging House', •
Trade of litelr Own.
Making bedo le commonly oonalder-
ed a woman's work but there is,
nevertheless, It New York, quite a
bunch of met W110 follow bedmak-
log sof a calling, finding regular,
steady employment at this work In
the many great kxdgtng houses for
men, establtthedd In this city.
For many years all the bedmak-
erg in these pieces of many beds
were men. Within the last ell or
eight years there have Dome to be
employed at this work to many of
the downtown lodging Imams Italian
women ; but In most, 1t not all, of
the great ktlg'bng houses uptown
men bidmukers are Mill employed.
In a big lodging house, with from
400 to 600 beds, there would be a
bedmaker to every floor, havtsg
r'chaps ninety beds to make daily.
oWt'ntally he sweeps this floor
and keeps it clean and In order.
The bedmaker goes on duty at 6
a. m. anti works t111 6 p. no The
hulk of Ills work, however, le over
by 8 p, m. The scattering beds to be
matte atter that are so few do nam-
es to call for little labor.
Some men hedmakers make a
slouchy lied, and some are not only
quirk Mit earefat, and with .an eye
to appearance withal, making it bed
that looks inviting and is comfort-
able to sleep in; In short, good bed-
Thr pay of the man bedmaker is
email. Commonly he sleeps Io the
lodging house where he le employed,
The man who follows bedmaklag
for a living has. If he Is capable, a
good worker, and soler, a chance
t4 rine In the house. Hie nett step
up In a lodging house would be to
the poet of watchman. t'rom that
he ,night get to be the day clerk,
and then, If he kept on advancing,
night clerk. The night clerk holds
the most reeponalhle poet and gets
the moat wages of any man em-
ployed It the lodging house.
Geld Reason.
Wife -Well, the cook has gone, end
We your fault.
Husband -Mine! Wiry?
"Abe saki yens didn't treat her W
better than you treated ms."
A Dreadful Case -Itching Almost Unbearable -The Flehh Raw
and Flaming,
Mr. H. 1i. McConnell, engineer in Fleury',' Foundry, .Aurora, (hit., elates: "1 believe that 'Dr. Chalie'a
Ointment Is worth its weight in gold. For about thirty yearn b was trouhlxi with eczema mei co%Id not ob-
tain arty base. I wan so unfortunate at; to have blood poison, and thin developed to eczema, the moot dreads
Int of skin dl.eateec
"I was NO toad that I would get up at night and scratch myself until the flesh was raw and flaming.
The torture I endured is almost beyond description, and holy 1 cannot my anything too good for Dr..L'haee'$
Ointment. It Inas cured me, and 1 recommend It because I krow there is nothing so good for haling skin."
Especially during the summer months children are tortured by Itch,mg skin disease, chafing, nunbnrs,
and a 000re of ailments that are relieved and cured by Dr, Chaec's Ointment.
Mr. J. Goat, soft carrier and stage driver hctweea fort I':Igin and Kincardine, Ont., states: "I can
testify to the worth of Dr. Chase's Ointment as a oure for eczema. My sister, Mrs. .1. Dolmen, of Under-
wood, Ont., has a boy who was a ,great sufferer from this dreadful akin disease. He wan then only, four
years old, and though she took Klin to several doctors and tried a great many remedies, alt efforts to effete
a mire seemed In vain.
This little fellow was ooyered with Itching names, and his bandit and face were especially bad. The way he
suffered war something dreadful, and my stater Itad been disappointed) with so many preparations that
She did mat have much faith In Dr. Chase's Ointment. I can now teet)ly that Dr. Chase's Ointment made
a "Lifted etre to this case, and there is tot a mark or soar left on his body''
t. Chass'tt Ointment, 60 ants a box at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto,