The Blyth Standard, 1900-05-03, Page 8• "' TIIE MISER'S HEIRESS . - - "Ritter beer." dive at a truth which lay beyond Rat it was no order for bitter lite reach titan tills pereletenoe In his beer whloh Haughton gave as queetionIng of Rot den Kettle mid be wanted into the vestibule of the laying himself wen to the oeoi and Royal Hotel. proud rejoinders Which weleolle-itini U No rough 0 • -doirde could "Is Mr. Keith within ?" he asked 01 the waiter, have done, and ga him with a hum Now hotel vealters are as a rule, dred times their once because they Mtiek OM observant ; and the man wer, tittered by tele man whom be soepected. yet against whom he could pro -e nothing. Toe mete too, of whom -though he hardly oomprehended even himself the foreo, or strength, or meanness of the feelIng-he wee aoute• ly and bitterly )11410116, with the smallest and most despicable jeal. ougy which a fleet's mind is cepa- ble-meanly jealous of the face and figure so superior to his own; seitishlY Jealous of the luxurles and refinement* the man powered ; angrily jealous of the mystery which surrounded him ; savagely jealous, above all, of the power he seemed to Powell of winning a love for whloh other men Welt labor and nigh In Tien. No feeling lees strong than this eon• temptlble and over -mastering Jene tidy dui seepleloti could hove Wade Lawrfetoe Haughtiest lengthen tills interview by a renewed attempt to wring a grain of some convicting truth from hie compaulon, • But he did to fuel repeated and enlarged his question. 1 properly understand yon -do 1, Mr, Keith ? Yon have no knowledge of tbe hiding place of Gabriel Med. delton ? Let me assure you that your Information will be received In the etrietest contidenoe." Roydesen steadfast eye/ seemed to Ur. Haughton to take in hie whole mind and person In their glow, haughty glance. What Information, may I eta, sir ?" " kny information," re:el:led Law, rend, with a lilt effort of huuality, with which yon may javor me about my cousin, Gabriel Myddel. ton." " When I' have information which I wish to confide to you, I will bring it you myeelf, will not trouble you to peek it go urgently." You offered a few minutes ago," observed the lawyer, *slier on he butt faint hope of a fatly advantage, "to make inquirise of your Mende lu South America." "1 will demo with pleasure, By what name may 1 inquire for your cote sin?' "By what ismer replied Law. rend, gating bale:napalm] into the owl, quintal 'fete above him, and wondering how It was that every word this matt uttered went to etrengthen snepicion, yet every glance and tone to weaken it "Yee, teat was my questien, Or." returned Hoyden quietly. "For it Is net customary, I beleveeievett in the wild' of an repopulated **try. for a condemned criminal who eke by stratagem escaped the grip of Eng• lint just:too to travel under hh brand- ed name. Be whet name may 1 in• quire for your dune ?" 'Yeti know I waited ten I" blurted the lawyer impotently. "A Moe mock, fey your offer le -you had better bate made (0410," "Then I will withdraw it," said Weenie glancing at the door as fit fgotetese approacheel it from with. tent. "Of one thing I am perfectly Imre," stammered Mr. Ilaughton, looking at his tat as if about to put it 00, but Making no eneventene toward' the door, gentleman wouJ4 speak us ypu tato done , to -day of Gabriel ifed,detton and hie acts unless he had pereonal.y known something of Gab- riel and those deeele of ids." "Come in." The 'newt upon the door and Mr. Keities Minutes mover to it slow had brokee the pewee which Mowed the 'lawyer's words., • " A letter, air." ,Pieree came up to hie master with sa'd, that hle noiseless nap, Ana the lawyer hes. ttated in his intention Jo ;wive, watah- ing Mr. Keth's hemp as it twit the lettwerafitriengtnit,ite hey ,he seerent Iouxiiiimsie-sgialtleti:'4 eute;*".41".., lietsekton'e ?trusta-tei, by 11 'Ikv'tietota,...:metZteea irtuaa attem,,,t1 we ft th4e ,„10,, • and ene'' been bee to whom the lawyer addressed thle question was no excepton. While he ered, "I believe he is, Or, but I I fetch his fervent," he was segitating to himself in a very dif- ferent strain. "Lawyer Haughton bsunet put on that tr_endly air for nothlies. He's never bon over to see Wt. Keith before. toid these aren't Me Usual grim tones." se oast one more keen glance at Mr, liaughton's faze when lie re. turned with Pierce, and then he went on late the bar with 80 1111. moved °motet:awe. Royden roe and put down his book when Mr. Ilaughton, unin- vited, followed the card t erre brought Royemi offered his band in DO , courteous wey, but though he wed no evidence of it he felt a eurprem at title visit. bring the day before, both at Ale sour awl Deergetee, there bed 11) eoncealmout of Liwrence eghtotes weep:cet and avoidance Ude etranger of whom ()there had de sonnet; and Roydeu had felt underetuod the reason of the, as a shreere and eensitive man can retied and feel. Therefore was unexpected red, so far, a puzzle to hen. Mr. Htitighton fled nett to take ' am *emoted at my offhe In a , /OW Mientee time," be salt by way eiteten. et , '41.148 wit paved. lf, when he resulted te, epee tele visit, he had for one nue t faten'efi It Would be ease to sound den Keith on rho one tubje...t. witch t pretelit baffle] h m, hit first slams liteen!Wg into the young mattes face Witco' him of his error. Even if Ain the teak woull to fur from • ur visit to Abbotentoor rider, began Lawrence, thinking it t $0 make a plunge at once, " OttrY eaterally put Gabriel leyddel- toti Into lay time -lite. morning I find them returning to tem, and tot I possess relating to hi. erlme.' *Ye been looking over what papers 'A humiliating task, I fear." to, "A owe humiliating task," foment- ed Laweenele taking up, with ewe*. Cable heat, those few tool words el detes; "but I am not Imre with tiWo Intention of _blaming hint. IP is el far beyond iny blame as hle dime t beeond bny punishment." '111 ith (Ohne beyond your punish, leen ?" illeeWed Iloyeett, with cone are, 'el you find him, surely you t hang him, even now." 4t, melee/ scarlet row: to the law. eiWt1 brow, the vete veins of hie face feeflei swellete when Boyden, from hls greeter height, glanced Joven e him his suspicion, bat toaa w tide suppreated caused ty the consoloum eeilortp Is feelings eor tiabriai lying of th the clear %Id cluileti3a1 tam* man, 114; he could not e red at sjj, thoogitt struck tile night" wottee had, by - Ile el tot, /shaken off It s impotent w " 4 was mutilating the tonverwal fie meat 0100 as he could immune -"hat Gabriel Myddeltou might be straitened eireutust inces, an I If ono could tell ue where he was we " 10,t be aide to help him." quest otte I Boy -tank In the dark eye': fixel coolly t teen. the I twyerli fate. ittiaittry04,..7utitP,lot,elaAtv‘tinet7irtierirtitqlev:"ILIII. tee: tr w4h 41'11:O7!?; etitete;t:ott toner. Oel'r pootibly concerning mean a they 41 n deo?" ceurre, of mei " este I hut Iy, wondering gi Not frame his weed here oe Me milted eve 401 be oeuid 08 thee of hew in lila own office.. "1 le 798 know any one who ran • "Mid 106/611 *WI/. "What W•1111/.1,•0 Y'n1 1413,1/14tl?..'5 be treeto thstm we weld wee • be- ' erp. flA re di -- grew the e. vale me thee 41100Mou.A upon LaWratee Itheghtotel brain Ilith:IteSbt to Invite him %thetf,/, Moo Clove,'" he meowuntomore, to ag unmore, but there Was now the LI MOP t hh Waal 1 he thetv" 'IRA °Weed nt'lh4 ,ver bort B e pleasant consciousness of whet 'he Oli th , qtenical speech fell Miss "Tee" Odd Honor, 044 aim mare. carded In )M balt Trent's slow, coil queston ae Nee told Ilea why. WI :• ug e a "Your emotion is odd," lid matt lookei from one to the other, But title Would not be," 1,,, , I it le aow aft r ye oe• could there be (Mager but for t with a eurious emlia. e I'd whom " eo you mean ? If Honer un- feeted anxiously as he made a eee fully Priougli to try to attract den dop. "Yoe oanuot penally walk 1 'lean -ott, Mr lie iii to the L11.0110.31' back. Ld mo send tete tuedicine out h """ ‘`,1*4 moving aeolt 114 91 I may t ,10, gesting teat I 'Bickerton, • : . e oti 14180011. . "4'11WJautilly ." sni le t lira. l'ayte to ,Litet Cottage. ' - 010 that is the law. eset'!" Den- ger only for the fm elou-teself. Thate " to Home unwomanly, you aok ? I 'No, tluttik you," returned Honor well. 'Thenrot; Mr. ileoghton. 1 have not known ear eo longeas you Proudly. et tome home with my cousin. He has newton watt given to me, and I can "I will go bedew) theme - did not i aro quite aware, pro- have ; plenso to answer your lie p In discovering hie dem question. I only said I thought r. Pthe wagonette In town," ei hiding pinoe; your return, therfo Keith would be very glad to Omit fore, to insinuate danger tp lieRoyton said (*0 elate. lib could BOOn at Honor's home." how firm the girl's resuluilon was, was unnece,asary. But your courteous "I tell* pot," said Theodora, an fail well-diegulsed insinuation of swerem the quit:teal worde with a ,eie,n(eleet 1: 11-eheetjt/...led.. neltiaiilean "evanhoowettore' danger to tnegoe btu Flew a Wet 81191011'Netlageertgerr;sta,14hawilittell tonoit,teded 'd`tti"deri;,77""' tug this prItle, which wee to tee Idea for ma, ant I will now pro- lin e anything but :lateral to her, why, it nate° you 10 do what you, deem, and in fact, for Mr. Keith has expressed was not very much to be wondered at, be myeelf the one to bring pott "What a curious tiling," mad and to Ine his opinion of !Amor." e I knew,01 tinbriel Mydrileton face to hum.' "lf yon do, you know the dew- Honor, laureling. "What was ---It-, TPris1":! confidencee of Kiss Tile:dere . t ' ewe to I" sal 1 Lawrence, bettveon his Theodora ?" "I Pit perfeetle abashed when you "Ile said "-the words were Utter,tootlebegan to talk to me of besides in 'The codequenoe will naturally be ed with but little conipunctiou - town, with that very buelneselike the carrying out of that lung -delay- " that you were not a girl on whom air, etian Craven," he remark" *0 ed sentence of the law." any man could bestow it strong atthey waikee on side by olds, in spite of "Certainly, ThIlegh MI I said be- feetion. You were very well 1 or an Honor's tweed and Ineffectual little ef- fore," added Lawrence imettly, "if I hour'e amunement, but any mail forts to leave a 'apace of unoccupied knew him to te In a distant code would be a foul who offered you au)" highwae between Wen ereYone tone try, trying to be a better man, 'I thing more serious than a Pahelhif conveyed an unmittakable rebuke to flirtation -something, at tiny rate, to nee, I began to feel overwhelmed with w.o,yelood wairemit get000rofoleor,,,Itirommhaeripied" Roy. that effect. Dear me," exclaimed shame at beteg only 'on pleasure don dryly: and then Lite two meanie- Theodora, with a solo of laughter, bent! e *rated "why do you look so horrors:arid:el tionor, feeling the Ineumbranee of "1 know nothing more then I knew over lt ? Others have made the mine unfamiliarity In her new armor of whet I event in," muttered the law- remark before. It le your own Inuit mile, naturally made it strenuous et- yer to lilinseit as he descended the thia men think you vain and flip,' fort to appear very much alt her. elite stalra for too second time; "but still pant ; surely ids opinion need nut therein. I have something now which May have turned you white to the very Newton Trent coliseum shooting be a proof." , lips, need It Y I told you fur your very hard work." she seed, with her Entering his own office, Without 010.11 good." toes far on before her nati a general having addressed either of his clerks "Don't be childieb enougIt to: me expression of entire ease and Winst- on hie way, Dir. Haughton turned the dervalue e het Is told you for 7(44(0 0108 enee. "I dislike elm so," she added to key in the door behind him. nen wood," remarked theohl lade placidly. lierkelf again most persistently, and taking hie usual wont before his - M1e Trent, 1109 L teen Lawrence lick- trying to take into her faoe and fig - writing -table, he oftutiouely drew the nowbelged thatphotograph wh ell 111* an evidence of tide." burned paper from Ms hat. It wae but was se eileut.fully taken at Abbots. "Then I ought to congratulate w- it email turn piece whine he had res. moor the day we were there?" eelf, I suppose," he wild witel a emlles cued, and it was burned perfectly '' Vel, and mho admitea It %toy much.' "that this will be for a time my last black, but mon it he court] read, in '' 8 te naturally wont.). When hike tiara hard work. I am going away to - white, two written words, coming to England ?" 'peerage', "tecienee would explain this In a "See wit be here for Christina& and . Angrily and silently Rotor framed mementeeemlied Lawrence, locking the we are to meet her in London." the mods in her own Mind, "1 8111 paper carefully in a private drawer, '' Has she a house in London, or WAN very glad -very glad 1pdeed" But for "and tel why, as, that peculiar paper it old Myddelton'ey" ell that there pasted a little quiver burneli to tinder without nerdy "8 Meer owa, L,mheve," male There , moose her lid, and for an ineteet the crumbling away, ape its whiteness tiora," the eubject of oonvereaton oteeples of Xinbure end . the long aimed to blackness, tbe int ebould, making even the spetker bearable -"a etretch of white highwieteletre wrap, 00 the contrary, tern from black to bertut.ful mensien. la Kensington. 1 pad in heavy mine 1111.• spoke white and fulfil rte mission still by am glad we are to meet her there; I've with quiet unconcern. forming the word* in Rs strong eon- been terribly afraid of her coining "You meet be very fried. Yours le Bu trast. t 1 do not need ill explain- lin Imre. It 19'0111t1 hive tkett tiwk, tether it miltary life hero." edby fetience. There the words atend, ward for her to Wive .epptentet to "Mine lo always a solltare ilfs." mut 'that is enough for me. When meet lib ill this neighborhood." By. mistake -most IneeStIYInglY by 'the time comes they may be proof " Yes," assented Mrs. Payte. "Stay, nedttke-she looked up to meet his .image; and in the mean time they Heuer, that was BI wee bell ; I will eyes, are safe here." go. iWet Trent, may I ask y oto 'I hopnot," She mld and that was CUAPTER XIII. wat for 11 temple of minues?" by inietake, too. to site of its. Payte's sharp re I011(4 if Titeedorn had been Inelined "It always has been," he nnewered, b to refute. the little lady did nut very low; "not quite idle and not 110. buke anti muttered grumbengo, Honor Creme sotect tmon the Pet.e.-- kept far eearcely more than the al. the last few nionthe there lino '111'41'11. ,.„,._ gire her any opportunity ; but she IlaPPY, but alwaym solitary. Within sion given her and spent much tithe , e,e, at East Cottage, goo hing and cheer- -7-........ , ad upon me the possibility of its Io- wan to goodness," she egehttuted, ting different -el tar -off possibility, bourn of the inraiilbw'ehowtheen:wyak:of::‘ coni,mr jetwite!ni twhalttist ara.vahean seywbfrreownont, pow, an buttiroumbraightnaltnod beolonelt I ful bey ond ley 1 knew you, ing as far as slant companion *seined so harsh and unfeeling. Yet those vielte to celhhhetnheuunhonhoettnelorof nolleniflinhanieesf..nolli'ditaerey, Heeitlenn" to you werP not a girl on the cottage were by no menIsvs """ ensy of accompliehment for Monor. Bo,oee dinnoloweootioglytokrnaowneewithmeedrektattendotdoeill; tvloffifseomtion110.7 nein dull beitow a etrong " Honor bad 110 110014 to Far from being her own mistress, to °"' spenci there what liens she would and Iiinbury, fidgeteng me till I don't bring these word' from her memory wine aad go as she ohOme, there were know what to do with myseit, eel, to array them in tend strength continual difficulties pet in her way, (lave, Pied ; the smart was too recent. Her tante have no tight to ask for hole fleetest thee quiet wordu he toe 1081: by her guardian and hie Oster. 'Our servants nem have them un- , ( Lawrence selfishly forbade her to be PyeN looked clearly on before Imo out after a o'clock, when, he Muted! Fitt we are avvay," observe Theodora, "We think it a very unnecessary in- still and Iter lip curled moettfully ; OA the eyes did not venture 80 meet his came home ; and 414*Hangliton von- didime„,,, and the lip curled tretuniouslY, midered that there were a hundred thinge she inigla be doing more tine- eIt le an absurd indulgence!" fumed its scorn were an effort. ,.. the old lady; "ehd nee how it leaves "Mimi Craven, I wantetelfsk you if 104 and semeible than edanciag at - me in tide11810-41,10(10 in the house you will come ani eeenny hones. lfre teedence" on a perfect etranger. Inge ?" oho would inquire, when Han. With two heipleselevalltie for that hTertinligt he toirmrserehttel tor a mbierable girl belonging to the tot - top Is of lass than 110 use *4 *11 Now, I had only to accept their klieittese • "Why don't you mend your dock. vnidfiltheirn°nanep idi e to or, her morning duties over, would what nue' to to ? I ought. to go into beg perminsion to go. e Kinbury, but &line. M lost without "Thet den't went mending, Jane. bl'e‘MmehdPinittlue;b9sOw wahlwyution"tilyit dhec111; et silrrel Wei Trente lips could The fainteet ible 130111e01 con- ker ?" would be tin grumbling re' any bavaliti be lost without this chat - "Oh! Id 188 go --do, Jane; Mrs. mark. toting and restlesi little worry? she thought. Dot ehe only nail aloud: Disbrow° 10 19 very RI," te mitt would - it - -- - 'It ie very awkward for yen. Why iiiend, without uttering one (Mine ir eet the medicine sent 7" „tint ktenoorwd tahlaJtanepthooprivoposa,m 'She wishes for a bottle of mete ii,otehnongmogh 01118 she used to take. Sick women are always tell entirely Ith'ell her (11001118 fanc:ful. She thinks a dose of the quick 1 ingers, . II at last see did 'tweed in getting wiolistcLgitioolvade her a good night." op Nightly at the off, pee meat -heWerer much see felt ,"""01' sal\ but I (won plead for youm. They are coming 'Bit one tiny, Well you/ let me for. the one day ,entertnin in my house the ly one In all the world who canteens e that home beautiful for me?" ' elle plaid you Were very well for nn I ourtf unidement, but that any men would be a Poi to offer )o(1 anything more serious 'than a passing flirta- tion." Onoe more, with a deathione Prep, the memory came and *rushed the power of tease earnest werds ho ut- toyed. If only It had nob been jt in herself of use at the cuttese...im . title hour that oho end chewed to I wit gOs Wit Payte," mite said, nmet tam, ho,me again for the six o'clock nInner or inter her gee:elides nioody die, olc`l'iTahli.,,,n_tit.,,,,,,vtrolirtieutitibil001 wheo aweigi cored- 4 will not come Thank you, Mr. Keith, but 1 think pleaeure, and in so doing bring down ;1.147 "" upon herself a perfect torrent of tears et surprMs Trent glanced at lionoe with He stepped for rt 01011111(4nt In ills So this new task which Heuer bad ferko,tuk,ls'the,eobeuk% aahndi Mgriseimmlfeestug!otonrds'e 1015440084 the *1141 'r Wageth ar 4(1100(100111044(1100(10011104itee but evidently ettrneetness into her fare It Wall deli me walk, looking down with a tionrchlug a pure and innocent face, so thotight- taken epee herself was not so dee 0"Yon meet nnot oe ae Mrs. Payte seemed' te fatiey4 how mum 7041 co when she woult meet the Lriah Let„we goe p f.,..•e at tee cuLtage woutow and ash Om old bright selt her etarply how Mete of het 41070 will come book with 484105she bad left undone. The ens- weeenottae - wer always bad been so trothat. that "you are tot. 0000 11(1. skeptical old they liquid ate :eseeto s doubt the truth o• ' t hof well as brtght, no quich to read 1. Donor, demo:, truth ani carteetteem, se thortetehly • 10e.k 7” true, 11.4011, that 1,0 knew Weld loci Honor, with trust the Newer he should ' 'Astre ' ofulneits. '1 11 you were not a , -- tot. was aw. -nee in the who MOM ovule bestow o affeo . Two- vv. -we- er: ife . . oat Yee' trbtr. ua line ry you can be. 01 AO said Hoe° offered' rty 101 raa y ha 1,11; ht with qui ur 43 Cared," siu mantel.% , a tly tcgtabto (lough to 1. Mr. 11uugh , if 1 fetid "I tie de itis mutt cod atte plet111:ny,"1 1' aw Her tone gut betrayed tett, but eneuebliutarityngutm ed end left tier editerusordetnind, tore. tit; teldthe. hotel, 11 ermlAl attithitigthek Hots _ tame her sta Invitee her to larh°0„tired 8smithillieel) h‘ostiedd shoc""Ifilete.1 itc:11°RoM her. and, pre. absent mood, gently she wee a ling figure of Mr. la"itbtitiFedbucjillt‘ieetri ab oagd7r ge It 110:7' vi tg da II :1'; i' ' .atc*dn1,1fit1 therlaavt eattudp s ini''eltryil ‘Vyl,iai bearrillVieir, clerk -well known gone* deg, which at the window -e fear tett: her fame ed MI rY.atxtiti'lmfir emewr own grooms dead eh* id queetIon. walked down stele% brought lent Se w luotler, end a few wo supposed we had no fly in,d, yeenoyear."... 1 i (hi itg:nAloaltile4Irtealtity ' (11111:ee0n4141411,' as if al had ap ler, touching hie hat A's word, "came over keit to niptelf, fuel he said he Ni1011i 110W s btofil:.:it.17,71t. on ie at his offiee 4" the junior clerk to Lawrie tone, private room, , Haughton's office And uput Prompt, ho *4) 1w "And had you ?" " Dv you hap" to know tr "fie is not, sir. Ile drove away ea "Mr. Slime, sir," replle • hoyden walked eteolght 1 took the carriage ro on to the Lareleziee.gri All, me, hew tine the yearn have to tell her en Keith startled Int:trill: i%11111 kiil ti tial ned been, " • le It not n fifty to linger he Mord asot Since that elip finger turned to finite -14trult t' " fee" al Awl I'd feenetimes it seem* to me qu.et epee to g n But yesternIght, and onee ngain 1111 c'n°trar. teeing foe one to retti " The darkeys 'gaging In the lane. Whey are NMI at pro , so i 1 sit by bee, aml beer once more , 1(To be'Continnee,• If I we I shoule And my People'. hem. Wouldn't that be*, 11 were to ebittipti Someone else to OW Think that I se Not at all like w Wouldn't that be Think 111 better As I ttni. 700 Mightn't lie Better 4111 t Wouldn't that -Conetanee M. 1 Little Folk*, A Bachelor Out on the pore)) a Of honeysuckle r t sit and wnteh t' The fit•o•fid,...z. annelag (tom,. Lehi)). pen on the 11000; yefterdays elks with Me AO host, titer he 10 efr. /4 With e !laugh. aids lisolfter t With one More. I tire an old long and wide, not notie And hear t lng low 111 Willi% whisper - Armes the 1 f healing porn 4,1 and elarraenkil.ttutokilb: I lAterupol N'treht:betagtZ41: tdraintgteiledi 410nin°e1w., 111 m to notice a ro 4 I°. f "IiTtrUle 131.':')1• That irde thipoffnero sitting there, oil will take a 884 13' *1)1118* doom d plan with itappy I 17:11net:'(h1t)1131741 Itttim"-. toll: For fgnut1ittie"re fia' so sweet and fair. (;(04; o111 of going himself I nlip a ring tt hor hand, tton, and my man can tete Pane 11431 in t lo ' e with 101 tug toed' WHIM THE WAR liteaporn atreinnIgillirtr itearrP•csolt°117 fail, Ate tirenining of the life 1 planned, Swine Little StorIrses That Wil, 114410 I wonder wily I loot it all. General Croak's property nt „ Detailing. Stle We 1te Mr me eoniewhe old Mese Looe! No I 41(1 not lose it Potchefstroom eoneiets of °ter 6, Witenteer I dream 01g tears are wet. GOO aerss. The Maine' or farinhotew faded 11710 yeLippineotte MAIM - The Capture of the (luns. A TROOPER'S TALE. (Gun Hill, Dec. 9t)1, 11199.) The hour was dark and silent, wheu the moon hail dropped below, The whispered word was given, "Ready, boys ! It's time to got" So we crammed our belts with caw ridge., and gave our flan 4143'uto elite:au:1 tl,lovierrloantioaKeop,witlikel titourtathige A lot of picked oe- few" Mon of Gun all' 911iell(11114 bravery during the mtrug. And turned our fade smetw, reitel (41 Ladysmithhad , the frrom the 1' A died' of a replier batelion E:ce" luck to (meted a Transvaal ,419,04041 40/ euttlplula tat Volortei te' neyeroft that, Id Ip,"' 110(1 tailed 10 tunintetti of a oneetoreyed furne.hod nit!' tee utmost stmplicity, Its owner le eseentially a sportemato and a lover of opeteeir life. He line always refused to live In cities, and this is tee reason why General Creole: who US 111111411 of strongonatIonal char- te:ter. Intensely popular among the Beene has persistently declined any suggvetion that he St101,1ili stand for the Transvaal Presidency, uu oft 4c wheel Involves remitlence at Pretoria, A good story Isbell's told of Colonel Thorneyeroft, who 10101%4A such eon,