HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1900-05-03, Page 7• 'Bible r and N 111,0 g;. +ut •,w,aruun,,meniu cense here or you walk t"' look And, crossing a W'r Cand- ela or You ani >•„ ` Anuit wow In by u. "'s°,1 pot you mutt look nut , ,ou will' be blown up, And ,,,, . lntonlae and pteurlelee and con- lk cui Hon and ap.oplextes go across this cart In flocks, In droves, In horde, and it Is a world of equinoxes and cyclones and grates. Yet we are under the de- Iualon that It Is the only tit place to stav In. We sant to stick to the wet plank In mid -ocean while the great Ehip, the City of God, of the Celeetlal line, goes salting past and would glad - Iv take us up le a lifeboat, My Chris- tian frlende, let me tear off your de- snnndeneles and frights about dlasotu- tion, Aly Laid commands me regard- ing you, shying, "Loose him, and let him got" Heaven le 30 per cent better than this world, a thousand per cent better, a million per rent better. Take the gladdest, brightest, most Jubilant days you ever had on earth and compress them all into one hour, and that hour would be a requiem, a fast day, a gloom, a horror, as compared with the Poorest hour they have had in heaven since its first tower was built or Ito drat gates swung or Ito flret eons car- oled.. "Oh," you say, "that may be true, but Dap) ao afraid of eroeeing over from thl wblt.t to the next, and I fear tit napping of the cord between soul an4 body." Well, all tae surgeons and scientists declare that there is no pang at the parting of the body and soul, and all the reetlessnegs at the closing hour of lite is Involuntary and no distress at all. The cage of the body hoe a door on easy hinges, and when the door at the physical cage opens the out simply puts out Its wine and soars, "But" you say, "I tear to go because the rotate Is so full of mystery." Well. I will tell you how to treat the mys- teries. The mysteries have ceased both- ering me, for 1 do eo the Judges of vaur courts often do. They hear all the argumentsin the case and they Y alis, "I w111' take these papers and give you my dedlalon next week." So I have heard all the arguments In regard to the next world, and Nome things are uncertain and full of mystery, and en I told up tla papers and reserve Until the next w my decision about them. 1 can there dy all the mysteries to better advantage, for the light will be better and my facuitiea stronger, rad I will ask the Christian philosophers who have had all the advaaos;ee of heaven for centuries, to help me, ani I may be permitted myself humbly to ask the Lord, and 1 think there will be only one mystery left; that will be one 80 umvorthy as myself got into ouch an enraptured place. Coma up no', of the sepulchral Shadows, If you •ate not Christiana by faith In Christ, come up Into the light; and If you are already 11keLasarue, reanimated, but etei have Your grave clothes on, get rid of them, The command Le, "Loose him, and let hlm go.' e recent that atlon ea wo glitters re Into t room K us can have wn heart t 'i3ut why ; Jana there a 'Often had Par away In ntry die - ti, preaching, h. ",cher sick, unfortunate that omnipotent or had not been domesh, e 1n Bethany. W' v last Jesus ed in Bet11an3, 1. e had boon for days and h%utloa bad place. In th f).limate t be�tthaws body diel arae rap141y thnn In ours, Jmmedlat IMO decease, the body '7, been await= ene4 Into lite, unbellc tlilght have MIA he was only In a ,-atone state Or lo a sort of trance, a ..a, some vie- a�-lraaalatle manipulation nr ' rful etlm- u dere t vitality had been - wed. No! At the door of the see '' r U -a -eeewd of people, but the roe Sleet ppntorable are Jesus, who was the campy friend, and the two t ass- i,,sme. We went Into the Lionel Mob one December day, and ':ds dap pawn and dark, and with t q,e explored It. We found It all qu 4fteraoon of our visit, but t Ml+ttkeIt Of In the Bible there was J a excited multitude. 1 wo t Julius will dol He orders of the grave removed and then descend the ceps, Mary oto th. .'se after them. Deeper re of ee t owe and deeperl Th upon the dNUl'over hta the 11 the whispering all the sounds or- s are stopped, It le the elj' ctancy, Death had cot - now the vanquisher of ted the selene, Amid the °Lebo tomb, the familiar rlst had often had up - In the hoepltallttea of the came back to 111s tongue, hoe and an almfghttnebe rI0 VNCtaon of the last Ire er 111 „ire deer untan bel ant to handle be would n, ad he not been sovereignty of Ilea man's free ag I ied harmonise th that we hal mon that I y T; tiona �+Efi inap now lad his `'tlta4 were ry popular, attd these *-litartha a Mary a �y but as could ut one day Wight* otherwise #IIYt M'ar'tha pre - 1 and arcade tempt - f0 the poor appe- 't Mary prayed •3 d worse gets for . - bounces e shriek 'tioeh, tempted s as clear a mud. M century, leave o ler of r Calvin' mighty mese shunt. steel the d door wane John 8 meta - Ides Of In an un- its uaa .ea, but they :had -With the cs. sad the t Int some of to tell us all fad. Now the was ever cOin- bfect was Paul, been competent I believe in the and I believe 10 ut no one man can It Is not necessary them. Ever •,ser" ver heard t at- onisatlon was e don fog, as el • of the nlnete nth aul'e statement and n. Better one chap- let subject than all of co,honest able andand are. Do not try to the throne of Cod or the of clod with your little 'hat do you know about You cannot pry open the e eternal counsels. You lain the mysteries of Ood'e now; much less the roya- ls gdt•ernment Ove hundred oh Years ago. e fora creed for all our denom- made out of scripture quota - pure and simple. That would the earth fair God, That would be egnahb' Agairmt infidelity and lyonle,oadgiult. That would be be- gin, criticism, The denomina- ateter Its name be, that can that will he the church of um.hWt11 swallow up all nations and be the one he beide when the Bride- . Let us make It almpler o• people IW' get into the lee u the m other d tl of will 01'001» co and pinlol kingdom of ria tree are un tA` Aes!s ,e There a thou ds who accept site one Into ‘church 1p If thatadrink wine, or If the t' oke cigar's,* 1f they Intend the theater, or IV they play rayde, or If hea' drive etifast horse, Il substitute teats which the not tstoblish. There Is o scripture wide enough.. ought to enter- and to keep ought to be kept out, "Bel Lord Jesus 011151 and th saved." Get a mann hea Pte a trill ha right+ Ag •n, there are' c ristl ho areseteulcht^t. # uws leers ass! hoppled,by and feats and stns -1 ng asp r, of What oLey recd ie to and-•= {, "} tb@ liberty f the sol of Gud. i end more dime un a the ehadow , Sinai than t the •se of Calvary. TI W ians most a to R toyouru gravesetotheo 'ff. Ice that you have been brought the death of inn to the life of e gospel, but you need to gel your and loose, and your feet louse, and your tongue loose, and your soul loos,. There lo no stn that the Bible so ar- ial;na and punctures and flagellates as the mit of unbelief, and that le what Is the matter with you, "Oh," you say, "1f you knew what I once was and how many times I have grievously strayed you would understated why I do-, not come out brighter'!" Then 1 think you would call yourself the chlet of sin- ners. I am glad you hit upon that term, for I hive a promise that nue Into your ogee as the coke of one wheel. tit the cogs of another wbeeh A, man who was once called Saul, but eftt�s rwaree Pane, declared, "This le a fakhftlt saying and worthy of all seo54Pl!tlaleothat Christ Jesus came World to stye sinners, of asp thief,' bark that -"of ekle1.V Mark that -"of ts, and I- will take ou 1111 ataphen." - eig86rs - Of Ike who ,thitid add tart t do not Image of 11 in who t all who e In the .ahalt. be Ight, and An Enterprising Firm, There are Lew man more wide awake sed out•terieias thou CIL Hamilton alto Imams no paths to secure the beet of etetylbing 1n hb in. for his mon, euetomare, He amine the mossy fa Lr. niers New Dlarovery, wblob snrele sons cumyqaptloo. Coughs and Oo!da. The Is the .oaten ul ,emedv togs Is 1 ow pro du, b g so mace , xeltemt at all over theeoantry, by Is gamine curs, It absolutely euro. Soh 01 t, nrombat+, N tuna, and (el t Newtons n.lW 141 0,1 Uh •-t and Moor. Ycu can toot It beton, pivots, by o, II,>t at the eb,ve Oras %nen ,n t get a t to It tum Fme, em tesul>r ,dna to too as t o1.u), Un u•auta.d to Sure, or prion •t td..dod, 00110 OUT M11.1111? Rumor That Seven Battalions are NOW, TO PATROL ST. CLAIR; RIVER, 'Toronto, April BO -It was stated around the null imant Isal.d.nge this morning that orders had been homed to twerp battallonto la Wolter!' Ontario to hold themselves in rtadinees to pro- ceed to the St. Clair River for frontier Cul. Mutrie, of the liOth Wellington Bettalion, Is uald to have Men o to of the comniaaNng officers warned, but he cannot he found at preeect to con - Hem ye deny the etatement. Milltery MOD In the bredleg eay the move Is Much more Ilkely to be the re- eult of Fenian aetivity than the carry - lag out of the saggested spring men - Greatest Need. Mr, P. woe, of bare.lous, Seale, spends bh al Aiken., 5,81, Weak tones hail Naiad w Edna lo bleng of hit load. On r, palm MO blot 4 modeles w Otte waster 14 AY SCHOOL ISTKRNATLONAIe LESSON NU. VI MAY 0,1900. Jesus Warning and Invites g, -M at I. II : Ie-sa, Supt. -.What 111 the Golden Text? 8ohooi,--Come unto Ile, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you real, batt. xi, 28. What le the Central Truth? Unto whomsoever much le given, of him shall be much requited. Luke xlt. 48. What le the 'reek.? The doom of the Impenitent. What ie the Outline? "I. Guilt and danger of rejecting light. II. Spirltunl kntwiedge a revelation. fit. Invite - tion to Jeeps for rest." When was the timet July or August, A. D. 28. Where was the Plane? In southern Ga10ee. Who were the Persons? Jesus. The peWhat are the Spooled Readings? Luke x. 18-15; Heb, vi. 4.8; x. 20.81; xrlih Commentary, -Title lesson is a part of the dleoottrse delivered to the people after the disciples of John returned to John, at Mechem. Saxe suet lemon. 20. Then began he -Atter he had spoken the words recorded in the first part of the chapter. To npbrald -Rebuke and pronounce judgments against them. The more God does for men the lees excuse have they for continuing In their sins. Jeeue had done all Ile could for thea) cities, or He Gould not have reproached them for their impenitence. Because they repented not -The only way to find pesos and favor with Got to by re- penting of our etna. Christ dltl not up- braid them beeanse of their mins, but heoaug�ee they did not repent. Tho lmpenttent'heart treasnreth up wrath. Isom, 11, 5. 21. Woe unto thee -It would be better to translate these words, ".tills for thea !" Thie le an exclamation of Pith etnd It le evident that our Lord need the words In title eenae.-Clarke. Chora•n-A town on the northwest shore of the eon of Galilee. Ire lucre tion 1s not definitely known, but It was near Capernaum. Bethealda- On the Meethwest shore of the sea, of Galilee, north of Capernanm. It was the blrthplaes of Philip, Andrew end Peter, 11 the mighty works- the grout miracles. A miracle Is a sign, a wonder, and a mlghty deed. Acts iI. 22; II. Cor, x11.12; Hob. 11. 4. Which were done In yam -According to this presage, most of the miracles of Christ were done In these cities of Galileo, and yet not one Is recorded in the gospels ns hatthg been dote in Choraeln and Betheatda. This a cote Lineation of John xxl. 25.-ecbaff. Had been done lu Tyro and Sl@on- Tyre and Sidon were heathen cities eltunteti on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sen, 'Their wickedness was proverbial. "Christ went near them, but It floes not appear that hw ever visited them." They would have repented long .ugo-CI irks thinks that ''long ago" should be rendered "formerly," and Nam "Tide smote to refer to tate tlmo of Esektel, who denounced destruction against Tyre and Sidon. In eackelotly and natter - In the East It was common for mourn- ers to putt on n black garment tvitich reeemblel a sack, with holes for the arms, and to put lienee upon the head. -Lange. 21! Afore tolerable -"The degree of your misery will be greater than even that of Tyre and Sidon," "Everything will help to overwhelm the Impenitent at the bar of Ood-Lite benefits and favors wldeh they have received, ns well as the eine which they have coni. matted," At the day of Judgment - The final Judgment. 28, Thou, Ca aum,,, exalted un• to Heavest-A Hebrew metaphor, ex• preemies of the utmost pro°ieerltf, and the enjoyment of the greatebt privileges. Shalt be brought down to hell -"onto hacks," R. V. Tent poral judgtm0nte soon erten. crime cpon all of ttaee3 impenitent cities, and they ware e)comp.et.ly destroyed that their exact )(wattle ham since been in doubt, Caperjanm was to be brought down to a abate of utter tuts and desolatiai This was one of the "chin of t9t3 atroyed by feat It/ gnat wlekadt ain" that Watt de. t tire tordause of HS. la shall be more tolerable -The destruethet of Soden' oettorreel n''"' ly 2,000 yeere before Christ. and judo teen, 7) eats tti that Vargo poo- p:. an sur e the veagoance of eternal fie yet it will bo snore t;ve and know what He welt/ for ase, L Sia rule. Liberty to Christ does net mean liberty from control, that would be lawleeaness, The beat way to be free from steel dont:nton is to bowel: under the control of Chr:at. 3. filo discipline, 1Ve aro under His correction and In- "atructlon ; we .ere dot His eohool."- E. H. Hopkin. And learn of Me - Ile Is the great., teacher, and He teaches humility. Tre are to be humble and Lowly in heart as RIo was, 30, Yoke eaay.,.,burden light. -The commentime,nta of God are not grieve oua to the one who abcepte Christ. tut:y. "It is light because, it is borne in love, with a good conscience, sty the help of the Sprit of God," Thoughts, -The yoke of Cbrlat lm - plies, 1..Humi:sty. 2. Submteston. 3. Obedience, 4. ioervk•.e. The weary may take Christ's yoke and find rest; ;he heavy -laden will lose their burden when they take Christ's burden, PRACTICAL SURVEY. It to a sad thing to 1>ia upbraided by one ea gentle and merciful as the Saviour -ono who knows unerringly the (acts and guilt involved,, and who has dome so much to deliver, comfort and blase, At Cnpernnam Jenne lived 'fleet with His mother and faintly, and afterwards with Peter. "here He healed the centurion's glove and rale• ed the daughter of Jalrus; palled Atntthaw from the booth where ho took the customs duos and healed the mother -In-law of Peter, From a boat near the shore close by, he prenehed to the crowds, and 1t was In the waters near the town that He vouchsafed to Peter and Itis brother the miraculous draught of fishes" God Is Lord and heaven and earth. Not of Jews or Christians only (lea. liv, GJ, not alone of Chrlstlan na• Meng; hut u of Turkey, Persia,Th I• bet, India, China, Africa, ate. Chrlst le Mediator. As much He receives ate thorlty and power from the Father. Ail things In heaven and earth are delivered unto Him, and hence He le to be obeyed and worshipped as God. Market Reports -OP- The Week. Leading wheat Markets. Following are the eloehtg vetoes at important wheat ,entree today: Cash. May. Chicago ,,, ,,, ,,, g...... 8003 3-8 New York .,, ,,, ,,. 0 781.8 Atllwaukse .., ,,. ,.. 0071.2 St, Louie ,.. ,,, ,.. 0701.2 0111)1.1 Tvletk> ... ... ,.. 0 711 1.1 (178 8--8 Detroit, red ,,, ,,, 0717.8 0 71 7-8 Detroit, white .. ,,, 0 71 7.8 Duluth, No, I N ... 0 00 5-8 0 Otl1-8 Duluth, No. 1 H ... 0081.2 Minneapolis, No. 1 Northern ,. ... 063 0041-8 Minneapolis', No. 1 hard ,., 060 Lrterpoul, April 80. -\%'hent- S,;ot ficin; No. 1 Cid., Ra, 4d. to as. 41-2d.; \o. 1 northern ePrhtg, 5s. 111.2d.; futures, quiet; April, nomhuttly 5a. 01.4i1,; July, 55. 7 7 -ti . Greta and Produce. Toronto, April 28. -Pour -Ontario patents, in bags, $3.46 to 88.115; straight ko1ere, 83,,3 to 83.45; Hun- garian patents, 85.80; Manitoba bak- are', 83,53, all on track at Toronto, Wheat --Ontario iced 5111 white, 053 to 105 1 -de north ani west ; goose 71c to fele, north ani wept; No, 1, A an tuba hard, tOc, Toronto, and Not 1 rug, thern at Kktts-{\%'hits , oats quI ;ed n. 28c west an '29c east. r Wax:Pe-Quoted . at 43ie for No, 2 wrest, ,and feed barL,y, 30o to 3'ic. `Rye-.Quezted tit 501, north and west, en 1 51e east, Miran-4'.!ty knk:;s sell bran at 816.30 and aborts et 847,00 in carLts, Toronto, '1 'l.uckwheat-Firrn; 18c north and 500 ,west, 'Corn -Canadian, moue o:fering; Am- erican, 47c on track here, Toronto, April 28.-Recelpte ot term prikliten were 100 buishela rain, lout -Ono load of Gate-Oeo load 'old at 84 1- bushel - t toed. gold at 2112.00 1111,41 per ten, BANK OF HAMLTON • Capital, all paid up, $1,500,00o. Reserve, $I,000,000. , Total Assets, $13,163,057. BLYTH BRANCH. L oral Banking business transacted. Advances made on nil suite.*U NM g, Farmers! notes discounted and money advanced to feed cattle, etas *ME pen the harvesting of tle> crops, I1rLeutures bought. CulloetlOng made dire a sn vorabie terms. 'Platte imsued pat able at all rtncipttl paintL� in Canada and tate a tilted States. J)rufte on Great Lritain and to Continent lit Bnrope bought and sold, SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Deposits of $1and upwards received and interest allowed from date of deposit to date of withdrawal, Interee', added to principal in May and Novem- ber eaoh pear. Special deposits ohm received at warren; came. DaposJts meq, be withdrawn without formality or delay. C. 11. IIENNETT, Fi:n•AogNT. N.N1new► avA s Vwe -M Newspaper Advertising 18 THE Life of a Business. The shrewd merchant knows it and acts accordingly. ,To bring trade your way these growing times use THE BLYTH STANDARD Bradstreet'', oe Montreal wholesale babel **Port Improvement in buelne:s thia week. There Is ad.o an Improvement in rountr3c remittances, emocloily from nearby pointe in the Provinee, In the East anti in Ontario. Large quantifiers of freight are waiting at Montreal for shipment, The general prospect+ for trade ore exceedingly promising. There Lv a good demand tor money anti rates are being well Trade at the coast Is moderatidy good. At the 'arger eitiess there lino been Improvement In Nome depart- ment', but in roma of the mining ',entree It le reported to be a litCe At Winnipeg husIneel lova been fairly netIve. A large amount al. building Is now going on In thi, mo- wed labor Is well employed. S'ettl-r.i are coming Into the Pm% Ins, in ma. ' oral. ram Ukta ore fair, oat Wert be better. . At Illuntlirio ink week Mill lifts, le wide& There la. y fOr DI the continue Inrge. kr demand for labor I ft,. well employed anti Y. Priam for ler, have NKERS Act. A GENERAL BLNKI BUSINESS. ONTA NOTES DISCOUNTED, tumid to far ,d,re oft theft wW11-7, INTEREST 01 MEI at *lift flaw. IMMO With safe and noes, eottve halting principles. 11100 MATE 1'17:a's To loan cm wal Estate at lowest totes of iteeee!. REAL MAU AGENTS. to sit mil do wen tO place their property ou our Ha for sale. Rents collected. CONVEYANCING of all kinds promptly at d