The Blyth Standard, 1900-05-03, Page 6There is snob a thing u wooden - Clouds that more in a aontrary AT 4111E BLYTH..,,
swearing. When people too polite direction to that of the surface oar.
to swear bang doors and kick over rent indloats a change of weather,
ANDS chairs, that is " wooden swearing," because they prove the existence of
BBOES Mr. James .day e'efrom
residence two air currents, ono warm and the
• caught fire Tuesday evening from a other cold, and the mipiclieg of these
burning brush pile. The fire was frequently causes rs%.
ew or a e as res a1
Arriving nearly every day.
tOxfords at Ifs.
Oxfords at $1.21.
' Chocolate hal at i2.
las' Chocolate buttoned at $2.
' Canna Shoes at 76o.
put out before any damage was A N Y k j dg h led th
lone, a husband cannot be forced to sup -
The Bishop of Huron conducted port his wife if she pendia In havmg
.ervioes in St. Paal'a abash, Wings beh;pt' liett eritb her against his
ham, on Sunday. Mors than 80 um* will. ISaaeems m entertain the old.
Bidets offered themselves for ooadr• fashioned Mee -that a man and his
matton. wife are one, without the' addition of
Meurs. Bert Moore and Wm. all the other members of the family.
ear special brand of "Non- 3ibbs, jr., left on Wednesday even- The first football match of the
ifIgfelt Mg of last week for Molesworth, lesson will be pisyed to the Agri.
kola far mss, women where they will i* employed la a oaltural park, Blyth, this (Teun•
and children. : abase factory, day) evening at six o'clock, sharp,
Rev. W. G. Howson, of Clinton, is between the Blyth Alerta and
T. W. SCOTT one of those who is ander consider. the Clinton Collegiate team. Ae
scion by the managers of the Bond both teams are playing very test
BLYTH street Congregational thatch, Torun. bell this season a good game may be
_ .. to, as suoeescur to Rev. Morgan expected. No admission fee will be
, Miss Allis Emigh, who was the
!guest of Blyth friends for two weeks,
PHAETONS AND MIKADOS!returned to her home la Uoderioh
1: last Saturday afternoon. She' was
111 PRESENT SEISM. : ecsompanled by her nieee, Miss Rhea
1 bap a targe stook to select from, The congregation of the Mitchell
woes wanting a Vehicle of any Methodist obureh took a Tee one
world do well to give me a oil, . evening lately on the question of
sty stook and get prices betore. taking the sacrament from individual
-g elsewhere. . cups. The vote stood 98 to 26 in
Ai wok 6hafeeteea u Nepreeentyd. , favor of the latter.
Mr. James Elliott, a pioneer rest.
Altsp asset for the famous dent of Hallett, died on Tuesday
eftatitm wagon morning. He was the 81u year
of his age. The funeral took place
Wednesday afternoon to Barns'
'I'kta waaat has malleable arma and church cemetery, Hallett.
wiehoat a doubt the best wagon on The granolithio walks laid down
market today. In some of the towns near here ate
and ltspdatheg giving good satisfaction while others
p s a►tUU attasded to. are not, so it is to be hoped that any
walks cinetrneted here will be of
A. MCNALLY the bat material obtainable.
The latest combination in tprni-
lll OARRIAit WOitKS. tare is the couch bath. On the tOp, A man down in London is said to
Mr. Wm. Crawford, who was the
efficient assistant in Mr. T. J. Hack.
step's barber shop for the peat year,
ief on Friday morning for St. Cath.
arines, where he has secured a lora.
due position. Billy was a good boy,
a faltbttrl worker and the best
wishes of his many friends follow
him to his new home.
"I'm so tired," groaned the street
corner. "What's made you so
weary," asked the road. "Oh, hold.
Mg up these loafers, I've "—" It you
were me," interrupted a counter
from a shop nearby, " you might
complain. These fellows have sat
on me and leaned against me and
dug their heels into me until I'm
fairly worn out tonight, while I've
blushed at their gossip till the van
nish is in great .blisters on my poor
face." "What's to be done?" in.
retired a passerby. "Make good,
honest labor ootnpulsory and fine the
gossiper," they chimed in chorus.
you will always find good
Bread and Cakes
of all kinds,
of the beat that can be selected,
Canned Goods and
Grocerg s
—no better to be found.
of the Court of Revt.ton be held on
Jane 5th.--Carried.
Conn. Metcalf moved, eeconeee ► y
Conn. Emigh, that Reeve Carter be
appointed inspector of proposed side-
On motion of Conn. Sloan, second.
ed by Conn. McElroy, the clerk was
instructed to' ask for tenders fur the
construction of the proposed side-
walks and sewers.
On motion of Conn. Sloan, second-
ed by Donn. McElroy, a grant of $20
was given to the Pubilc Library.
Council then adjourned.
pmts of all kinds kept in their season
Jessop's old stand in the spot. Don't
forget it.
No6bU Sp[Igp
You'll find it here In abundance --
dozens of different lines to choose
from. Every member of the family
from the baby to the grandfather
and great grandmother can be
fitted here. Our selection this
spring is the finest we have ever
had and we will take pleasure In
showing our stock whether you
buy or not.
If yon want the best he
Two soldiers lay on the battlefield
At night when the sun went down i
One held a lock of thin gray hair
And one held a look of brown.
One thought of his sweetheart back at
Happy and youngand gay,
And one of Vs moaer left alone,
Feeble and old and gray.
Esoh in the thought that a woman tiered,
Murmured a prayer to God,
Lifting his gaze to the blue above,
There on the battle sod.
Each in the joy of a woman's love
Smiled through the pain of death,
Murmured the sound of a woman's
Though with his parting breath.
Pak grew the dying lips of each,
Then, as the sun went down
'One kissed a lock of thin gray hair,
And one kissed a lock of brown.
Dainty Clones Kass .
Gowns wear so mncb batter when hong
away properly that every woman should
wake it a point to do so. And since such
dainty hangers have come l$a general
vie the custom can prove but 11 ley.
A succentul and charming hanger caa
be made from a quarter of an old barrel
-hoop, cleaned thoroughly. Cotton bat-
, sprinkled with sachet powder, le
to the trams, which le then nor
erith two widths of ribbon, run to-
sad dtouagpatdred. Ribbon snEl•
dent for a long loop (tor hanging) and a
bow Is then fastened to the centre, and
Ms dainty additle* to a woman's ward-
robe is complete.
And the trite saying has much
necessity kr the ladies of Blyth and ver..
ing ancie , ' . ntiquated Millinery when
a large u' +ate millinery establiihmelit
in their m ' here they can get the late
and New styles at much lower pr
you have to larger towns, This d
under the a' -"'o' anagement of Miss
rapidly growi ; .avor. New customer
added to our list ''R' ry season.
N etaNleNeN
We trim S ' : at ally prl
want t ' i75e
Ladies' Hate, Wrote'
Ladies' Hats, trim/
and 52.
Ladit ' Hats. bent
'!ie, for .60,
8atteate '-
pay our atom a visit. All
hold requirements—the hest In the
market—olean and fresh, at moder-
ate prices.
of the conch being removed, wh , ;Aare inherited a fortune of $8,000,000
can be done very easily,* regulation •by the death of a relative in Califor.
TOWN TOPICS• bath is dtselosed, with a water tap nit, These windfalls aro occurring
at the pillow end tithe conch. omen sides, and yet there are some
The Presbyterian Synod of Remit. of as whose uncles, instead of going
ton and London met in St. Andrew's to California, puttered around the
church, London, on Monday evening. old homosteed and what have they
Rev. G. Mauro, of Ridgetown, was got to show for it? Sometimes 1t
elected moderator. An eloquent Ind maker a person angry to think of
able sermon was prenched by Rev. what might have been, and as a
Runge i•'raser, ibe retiring modem. general principle it may be declared
/tor. that no family is rightly organized
Mr, S. H. Oidley b silarging his moose not at least one uncle in a
Now for May Rowers.
Have you sowed your sweet peas
Division court will be held in
Industry hall on Saturday next.
Mr. W. H. Campbell, of Toronto,
spent danday with his parents here.
Mr. Oeorge Denetedt will leave on
neat fur Brandon, Manitoba.
lett. and Mrs. 1 Oraeey, of Wing,
Many were Blyth visitors on Sunday.
Wm. Graham, of Stanley, is
her daughter, Mrs. James
and bite Selina
with Ooderleh
worker. After a pleasant social
time had been spent, an address was
read to Mr. McKellar, to which he
, gave tin earnest and feeling reply.
A fo.v familiar hymns were then
sang, after wbioh all departed with
popular olothtng Rouge by Meting far country—Australia, California, sued byes and boat wishes to Mr.
the partitiuu and stairs to the swab the ltlondlke—a great monnymaker'snd Mrs. McKellar In their new
of hie store. This will be ablg ha- and a bachelor. borne.
provemeet t stud 'will giro Mr. i#Wley '
0ot oe 'o ldgal i more space. The en.
FAREWELL PARTY. WANTED HIM TO HURRY. treacle to rho ktaarnio and Foresters' On Monday sussing a very en Some very hard knocks are given
in the political meetings that take
halls will now be from Mosley street. joyable time was spout at the real -
Oise U► costal htwl houses. A
Our day lase week Miss MON dance of Me. J. M. Hamilton, the very ;Iowan er, after ha%lug
The. population of 'Hensel is 885, Bell, of Londor.,'seeeed daughter of toeaaion being a reception to Mr. held the floor e time
at one
Mud tilt total aesesatuttot this year le our towusauan Mr. J W Be11 woe and Mrs. D N McKellar, previous
made the recipient of a beautliulty to their departure from Blvd) for' at there meetings, iasde use of tho
+ 001. it 11. Ingram, the,'sn1lktided w rded address and a ring studded Tavistock. Teachers and officers of words of an eminent Canadian pub.
r at St. Thomas, has been with four ,sls and one emerald from St. Andrew's Fiebbnth school, of lie man t "A Brltiah ani jest 1 was
her follow employeof the firm of which Mr. McKellar is ex superb'. burn, a British su►ja•et 1 will ells."
Just here a voice, in a tone of 'net-
. U. Toting returned from Messrs. John Marshall A Oo., In Madan; together with friends to the
k his of
preseible west tneaa,erted ; 'When ? "
SO wa
i11 'aMp leo Lotielaua and Mississippi whose employ she baa boon fur the number of shunt t y The effect was dteastruua, as the , on the ti tree. It consists of a ribbon of
on P$sIa last. past two years and a half, she hay. showing Mr. McKetiar their regret man of much talk watt silenced with ` in 1 a few tr tushes wide that la ribbon
Ile. Mom, of Toronto, was in town utg resigned her position with that because of lata departure hum our a monosyllubte tom the tree ally. While damp the
t tt weak shaking hands his with firm fur a more lucrative one in the midst and at the same time their _ _ hark, which la very thin, is crinkled so as
oMoe of the Binger Sewing Machine respect for him as an upright and to form wevy outline., and the ribbons
aunty old i steda R R p A THIEF AT BIY. are colored all sorts of bright hues. The
tieand illi. Irwin and baby of ondon conscientious citizen and Chrtatiao Whore a wrongdoer is caught Mamoas girl lbw putt.. walstirasi from
Rhtaa, were rho cues* of Mr. Co.,
Training Chutren.
Children are most susceptible to attest
eetpreesioa previous to their seventh year,
and they learn more during the ant sev-
en years of their lives than at any other
time. Goethe, who studied everything is
the lamas calendar, said this of children,
"Every child should see a pretty picture
sod bear a beautiful poem every der."
There Is no doubt that children would be
greatly Improved If their parent& would
stye more atteatlos to the formation of
their *plutons and tastes.
The etiquette of a Russian dinner le de•
cidedfy formal When the 'nests are
sated, the host and hostess of the feast
remain standing, It being their pleasure
to attend upon the company and to see
that the servant. do their duty. Nothing
can triceps their observation. The plate
of oo guest remains empty for a moment,
nor Is a wineglass ever without contest%
The sam•aa Girl's Party Costume,
Party scene tor Samosa gfris grow on
the tropical trees oda almost ready for
wee". When a native beauty of Samoa
decides to go to a special entertainment,
she eaters the foreat to took Inc tier anis
attire. The native kik', or kilt, la the
Doty ecotone to her ordinary costume
that the Samoan girt provides for special
parties. The materia{ for the kill grows
" the soma Mid at bark 42"1"11111.".
Mia tar 8nnday,
right in the act he is sometimes
bons en It. Handmade flowers of the
'tattled into making desperate es• same material are otter added also.
eases, Not long since an AuetraUbn When the kaki is completed the desk;
farmer was much troubled by the belle pus It oa °vett scanty lavalsva,
other entertainment. The girls thus
M uhf lett w, Mun•
4toa «Or'boon y' he
aysrt ent le talking
110 BAIA *tore'
ebert MorNaon, tnaeiiia,e
Wingbam Was in blysk for ea
days dile week.
Is* lira John geanatrett and
Pratt, oe ffeigrave, Ajier%,
r vdIll Btysts frjanda,
Ira (Merl and lits Merry, of
Wet Softy re Mewith
hero° that certain sheep stealers •c waist murk' end to the den hor
wrought among his sheep. Going make their own partiefiterrees, and some
his rounds one CO he came upon a of them show great stab .1511 la
mild eyed marauder quietly cutting tubinning the odd p v e`
ap one of els most prized ewes. wietbos ob.tne' o t "Di"
"So I've caught you at last," said he. oa.—New amps 'Plms .Desmoe d,
"Do you know that your cutting up
one of my sheep? " "Ave" •' • -
aiai r • �" '
Are specially invited to visit our store
and view the latest models in
High Grade Bicycl'
Clevelands and E. & D. are o -
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