HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1900-05-03, Page 4pints Opportunity . . NTIER. OP THE STRUGGLES A THRILLING STORY ON THE INDIAN FRO (By J. B. Home eez.eareeeteeee When Mite Rosalind Adeaue WW1. ed a dilapidated copy of a sellout edition of " The Lady of the Lake" ke light reading oti her Journey to she little thought that she IN 111111111VORTHS.) nasty lodgers, but you can't trust to kill. So if we get the chews, it's Abe cold steel ; and mind you drive it hard enough to be Ma aura." Trust nee, repleteBob, with e g rte. II Company had rejoiced to be the first part of tbe bettellea to come into contact with the enemy ; but they soon discovered that "it warn't all lavender," as one of the lance- corporeis phrased it. Struggling up uneven defiles Mumbling over huge boulders, and 'lipping on rook sur- faces, unexpectedly moist, all the time under a more or lees pereistent shower of bullele from unseen en- emies, (bey managed to peuetrate four miles into the fa/ensues of the toe. . Planking parties were sent out, by prodigious. detoure, to secure pro - mains nuratalte, only to Gad them- selves shut off by Immitigable cheame frota the points they bed been instructed, to reach; detechmente scaled preelpitotes ruck. to ,iisiotige hidden marknuen, who made them• selves scarce with such remarknble promptitude that when the soldiers mune to their goal no vestige or ilio was anywhere rielble. They might he doing very valuable vrork, tea they ease no remota to think so', 004 though their captain made copious mail In a pocketbook until a par. tioularly wen -aimed shot shivered the penult between Ida fingers, the rank and file entertained a ouspiciuo that the notes in question were more for allow than for use. At Oa captain gave the word to halt, Just In time to save the bulk of Ms party from dropping without mare. He took out a map and Wl- led It attentively, cursing the dradghtsmen under his breath for n blundering, Incompetent fool. Then Ile called the coloreergeant, and held a brat oceteultation with him, Cate ualties had been numeroue, but not very severe: no lover of fair -play had provlaed the tribesmen with long range rifles or emote/ma powder, no would aimed seem to hare been the twee in SOMe portions Of our most re. cent Indian Reales; go, as the hillsmen had kept-ilt a respectful dis- tance, few of theta bite had done mer - bus damage. However, he a slug In the knee -Joint in almost as Incorte patted') with _pedeetrlan exercise as a clum-dom bullet through the Maier there wee obviously going to be plenty of work getting the wound- ed liana. As the ooloesergeant turo. ed away', the captain notleed Perrot waiting uneaally near 41 hand, and faked hlra what he sofa .ked "Beg pardon, Mr, but do you think that we've killed any of these beg. gem .1" "Wally, Perrot, what an odd :it up alit nreillar of riatlifeeintLItioe enemy yoe'll have your work cut out for the next fortnight or too. However, I don't suppose we beve. They hael Magibue good cover, and our sheeting- kismet been exactly. first-rate; but I cannot bother about rata a qintertIrm }net now." Perrot ealuted and turned away; 511. work W61 dill to do. It waa not long before the company filed off on Its homeward journey. The subaltern went first with a drone advance guard, including all the woundeol who could keep their lege; then followed thole who bad to be rarried; the rest of the force, mate score of rifles, formed the rear- guard, A. the wounded were borne peat him on their imprevisedr seretch- era, Perrot Inquired anxiously of the sergeant in . charge whether he thought that any of their wounds rola mortal, , "Blest me, Perrot 1" was the note - comes. reply, ,"oee would think you were 'Intim/ for some local under- taker. Doo/t you know that, on ac- tive 'orrice, we've got to do with - e .brsnk back rbaoitheid....,nora,biol; wbtch ikwande.rar g.ta. :1. the great 'deo Th Os.e floe of tim allestaCe".4,11 rPeti. men were wearier,' 4°' rile Aguatrarrd elhalueght/tTat tbraDIV14411*Iit' 0A5 Wort. the eneiny's etrua b" never hit hard enr,och to k:1;,, 63ili fore ,tity gua el cum of the twesty eito, . t Wil making herself responsible fur the of four tribesmen In au paws; nor Is It likely that u h will ever be brought home tutu In literature would, have had no greater prae, uteeme !lien tadea gen. have, had It not charmed 1 prominent tradesman of dean, alugton wan going to be married that day tat Northcombe, eo that Ike whole train was with &tannin/ton tleople In their beet olothee; and when it pulled up tat Pillebam. where MIN Adeane propoa. e d to enter it, every third -clam cora. partial/ea was crowded except one. That une had beau kept tempera- tively clear by the inscription "Smoking," as the rttitene of Scam e legem were all on duty with their women -folk, and consequently, on their best behavior. So Mise Adeline Iowa herself eompelled to Mare it With atone red-faced commercial - traveller, who waa blowing a cloud from a rather rank Havana—though no revolution In Cuba wise at all likely to affect that particular Ilelind—and private In the East Wanes Light Infantry, who war ationtentedly reeking at a short clay, Witli en almost Imperceptible ettri4 of her pretty ghoul, she edited herself In Net furthest removed red -coal, and fixed her at Upon her book, mail, ditt- y es movement at the other carriage, she /mut a side, in that direction end. soldier stealthily endothelia. knocking the Whew° out 01.04. Her quick feminine De Ira Ma native, sod dy and Impulalvely— deal I I should have no Here If 1 objeOted to the toliaoce intioke," "01,, 0 isn't that—Isret that, mine," ittame•red the soldier—he WM very , saw, and vary looking rather like an over. Wbaby clapped into a scarlet hy some whim of ha parents— wee-only tired of smoking, Juse for Ib. leatnent." "Are you sure it wasn't that f" Rosalind, with her aweeleit l'and her mulles could be won. irf ¥ a good many of r aegualotanou 116Z1 found to their mak, "j should be very sorry in- ' deed, to mot Imes interfered whit g erm eise's ?immure," h, ft's al doh*, mies," rejoined the Sadler, obeerfully ; and, so melee Itelswear le bighly Infectious, the ' the weapon 01 51!. oni his h and watched glow fa way from ite lenity a ng of regret. fele uncomfortable, though ot. eayotnythIng more; left blatant: she brow Seine Bluth. on leltiz.L.In ber vexation Witt enhanced her beautyTte eteldier gaited at her witheall .ren; this lovely creature free to which hle prerkme Pe- erless+, afforded him no parallel, with Bartee lair and creamy ekin, so well get off by her trevelling drew! ▪ j1/17), bine, COlihragOd in Its turn /14 11 snowir walirtoota of soft white Arlen dearout, regular fenhuree darker eyebrow --the mar anture—above the grey tutuPett her kook. u". S431,1 about her and the soldier er- bon It tot, woo Shebi humor eite„oraentie, Marna Porelany ; " "weber ten kW eir ;‘tertue „.11' n the Weet °centre; she an utweitoted teed. dowven rto Itt ost r lag* , and the platform 'lc. Pesallnd Gamier need ititerfere with avenue' smoking no long. swiftly quieted the com- a leaf diengaged Its If 'and; Ohs floatItig for the the tiled last merambie; ne It was, be never reeked that four swot& and nhieldi staled two bayonets were Merl odds, Two of the tribesmen were In ranee of the other*. "Tile one on your lids" &looted Perrot; "fehit at ma face, and got home ii Ids wind," As the man Indicated threw up MK 'shield to kIRVO 11111 (nee from Bub'e eoint, Perrot bounded aeries, and, careless of coneequencee to hinmelf, thrust hard at the bit Deb's blade got home, almost as NOON. 'rho concentratioa of effort staved them; Perrot'a Innuedlate opponent Wised him altogether, and went slithering dewto the loot of the ascent ; the two swordsmen behind both made at Perrot and missed him by inches, a violate! cut wrecking hie helmet, as a well -Intentioned throat ripped away his right shoulder -strap. Thn thruster lost his. beinesee, giv- ing Perrot time to disengage hie rifle and awing the butt, with a elm/ening thud, Into the bearded brown faoe, re- ceiving, at the same time, a out ou tho Moulder, which glowed bike molten lead. Bob caught the other sworm- man's point in lei left forearm, aa, with Ms right, he rating hie reeking bayonet home hi a thrust there was no need to repeat. The tribesman be- low had peeked himself up, but seemed dielnelined to try conclusions with a pair who had already shown such prowess In hand-to-hand combat, He refloated a momert, then get off rune Iia along the road they had come "Send a bullet after 'De, Bob, for 'Evintee sake," gasped Perrot; "what deriltrlee 'II he be up to with Cullum and the captain "I can't-1've only one arm. You try It, BIR I" "Curie it, I've only one myself. Here, op with your rifle! 111 hold It ; you fire. 'deviate fire, kerreencel" Bob wee a good 'hot, but though the composite marksmen thought the,v 00-19 the white robe of the fugitive fal- ter onoe or twice on de career to- wards their wounded conaradee, they could net Mahe any hits when tho tnagasino wee empty. The hilleman passed the insensible Cullum, and die - appeared; the came tom faint re- ports. "Come back," said Perrot, gloomily, 'our work herrs'a done; but If he'e wet - tied the captaln—" Gritting hie teeth WWI the only adequate way of ending aentenota With Mutiny co-operation, they re- oharged Hebei rnagasine, and returned, elosely and Nader, over the ground of their charge. Holding thelr dem at the ready, am well aa their maimed 00/Make would allow, the one on his left lip, the other on his right, they cautiously ascended to the track. peering anxiously around for any elgas of their late target At Deo top they race a eight whbolt surprised and delighted them; the captain wee /sit- ting half up. with the fugitive lying aerate Ide feet, deed, a revolver bul- let through him bride., and, In the chs. banes. the Ponjahees were approach. Mg "to pick up the piton." Eighteen wounded," he old, with RIM PALPITATION. NO DEA I Quebec' Lady Released From TO NAVIGATION, },zhEi.,',,f„ Brut Suffering She Had Tried Many )1 edIrlare h. out Aran, lint ItItImately gonad a Cure l'hrougli the l'er of or. Wil. llama' Pink Mile. Few bodily offIlotente more ter rlble than disease of tile heart. To five la csoustatit dread mid expecta- tion of death, sudden anti with !net farewells untspoken, Is for most IPO- ple roore awful to contemplate than the moat merlon !Rigel -WE illness. The alighted excitement brine offering aml danger to such people, For several „roan Mrs. Gravel, wife of P. It At (travel, Nebulae in Barryel edger factory, St. John'. snieurb, Que. hoe, was ouch rt sofferer, but thanks to De. Williams Pink Pills the Is again In the enJoy men t good health. bit, , Gravel says "Afy general braltli was bed for several years, my appetite wax poor and I was easily tared, but it was the frequent sharp palm and violent pelpitation of my heart while) caused me the greatest alarm. I tried many medicines and waa treated by sever- al eoctore, but In vain. needle he - MUM eo poorly that 1 WON not able to eo any household work, and was frequently confined to me bed. At the suggestion of one of my Mends I decided to try Dr. Wiliam,' Pak Plile. After taking a few boxes I began to gain new Meeagth end vigor, The Pelee In in y heart were less frequent 'and lam severe, and to every way roy health was improving continue -I ming the pale until 1 had taken /eget boxes, when I had completely recovered nay imaith. I have gained In flesh; my appetite Is good, and 1 am able to do all my hotteeltold work without feeling the awful fatigue I was before 'subject to. I am verY thankful to Dr. W11116TOW Plnk Pine, ror UMW have truly released me from much guttering, and 1 hope that others may be Induced to try this wonderful medlottie." Dr. Williams Plnk Phis cure by go- ing to the root of the Meese, They renew and build up the blood, and etrungthen the nerved, thug driving sheemo from the eystem. Avoid Imi. attune hy Infesting that every box you purchase is enclosed in a wrap- per bearing the full trade mark, Dr. WIlliumir Pink Pills for Pale Profile. If your dealer does not keep them they will he watt postpaid at 50 emits ineffable complacency, pointing to a box, or tole hoses fur *2120, by Alt the camp. "four dead!" indicating deeming the Dr. 11'1111auoe afedinine the country mend, with a 111V¢.11 of Company, Brockville. Ont. hie arm. Then he swooned from lose of blood. PLACE OFP THE OX IN WA RPARIL. N E RVI LI N E. Unrivalled as a Household Remedy, Ifirvis I imply Quick an d Abase Red Metre to Prevent and emir:MIT Relieve and Ours Colds, Bronchitis, Neuralgia, Couaks, Tonsilithe Selatlea, =Meek, tieliftig, 4C2:,t Hoarseness, Diphtheria, Rheumatism, Headache. Sold by ell Paden In Medicine, Base Apathy. "Say, Thompson, did you ever no- tice that I woe brutally iadlifereurt to my ehildren f" "Certainly net. You're quite the con- trary, Hermes" r "Well, do look like a miscreant who would :be only too glad to oboe - don them to the mercy of areagers1" °Of course not. Whet ever put such en idea eto your head!" 'Or have I the rerputelioo of being toe selfish that I would, mot disturb or exert myeelf tette slighterto se- cure their sofety from the Mat' der perste dears 10111 Wha'f, Irma occutium Met of mut tbloge I" ewe. •• He Has Proved Electivems 1 Burden Bearer in South Afrlea. At the proseot moment. when the ef- ficiency of our alley11, Pouth Africa largely depends on1he stability of Ito tranoport, It may not he Buda to con - eider the capabilities of the trek, or transport, oy, whirl; atter all, despite nines and traction engines, la the mainstay of the South African trans- port. Tho imperial authorities In the t'ape Colons cud Natal are now bully engaged to bolus- all the available 1.4 tronsporte they cam ae le testified by their numeromi ativerttsements In colonial papers. Oxen Qr., eapmelve titan utters They are elow, but sure, never tieing more than three tulle* an hour, OV twenty mike u day, which 1. (ousel - ars] a good trek. The Zeta ox is the base -broil animal, bet email end top iterviceable Yellen compared to the bas- tard Zulu or Natal ox, which thrives on both the "emir" veldt, or collet gram, and the "tweet)" or upcountry veldt. Oxen, however, require very careful handling, end matt 011 00 MO- M/1n be OVOMVIV011 ; they must have at least eix hours 1 day for grnzino purpoeee Di the %elate', which is opin- ing on flow, they rail find a pleklier on the parched Ve41244.101411re 6 mule or horse would fail. In poor conditeet are, naturally, f1 ut P111.11". Dynamiters' Work Was NA Well Done, IMPERILLED MANY LIVES Few the Illsereacts Operated on Look 24. GOOD WORK OF LOOM, POLICE, • Public Determined to See the Law Vindicated -- Thorold es/tiered Prom the Exploolon—Whet Young Woman Saw—leyplIcate (late' Ready to be Put on. Niagara Valls report: Whatever may Luso been the ti,hlect of the .lytta star conopirators, 1t, Is Sign that they did their work In a modelunaly manner. Had any judgment been toed the dynantitere might have blown look 25 of the canal into feegmetite. The Imhof water from the ammo* beta abate the lock wuuld then have carried away lock 25, and the desire (4 the wretolses would have been achieved, But the operatore took Very little pales with the work, They were content with exploding the dynamite near the lock, without oaring to even place the detonating substance In spot where 15 amid dosevere datuage. Heti they known enough to plant the charge 006t the Junction of the gate. the lock would have fabled to wit11. wand the Mock and would have apread apart without trouble. 1( 1, difficult to calculate the amount of damage which would have been done had the gates been enrrled away. The 1191N11 of Thorold and the village of *writ. ton would dinve been latuelizted, and the horrors of the Jolinstewil flood hi Pennsylvania eon* yenre ago would have been repeated on n, ranch larger scale, Law Respected Here. People are asking, "What would have been done to three Canadianx they should attempt to blow eltbe F.rte Canal In New York State?'. ) Tim voesenews of the 11.111/1117-TH In that the perpetrator.; would wirer live to realize wbut arrest for such a, crime wortlit mean. The activity and feow Menem of the heal pollee are "nat. tea of (‚10 bot 011 ail older, awl It 14 LX.111(1414.41 that their determined ef- forts put au end to the multinational of one of the vilest bends of ruthless criminate that ever Wrested even temporarily thin portion of the reentry. via Prisoners Chums, Inspector Murray and Detective Mains went amass the river to -night to Inquire into the movements of the thr1311 men while they were to the Am- erican elty. They found abundmit evidence to 311.070 that the prlsonere all were acting bit concert. For about ten theya before the attempt was made the trio were bosom companions Nolte and Waleb stayed at the mime hotel, registering ite John Smith, of New York, and 11101311144 Moore, of Wasultig• toll, respectively. When thelr actions Marietta] attention at ono hotel they moved to, another, where they gale their addresses as Dublin. IMilman 1060 seen talking to them tat several nova/done and' when they 'poke to etrangers they profeseesi to be tour- lete, although their appearance belied their statements in every detell. The two younger men seemed to have a knowledge of Dublin, however, and were able to give plenty of hifortna- Lion about their native land. The three went around together to wee tile Weide They WO plenty of 610116X and took term in peeing oar hires and other Wile Incidental to their travels in Ole neighborhood. Didlinftri lived on the Cnnadlati aide of the slew% but went /arose frequently to me 1111 epee' The Mace weave the dyneenitei was mei waa filet left unvisited.' •I'hey all Ilei a peep at the 'pot where the damage wax eventunil and loot co inte'rrisiten"1, g,oes, 4.1 eloi.,.ints, cloves tr:ongt., 4 he apex at wh!Lkil r1 he ,Avo mow wr,ea rtrurse open up cb.clitho force of wat... break! 1. 411:art, ti • beta ;.g cc itiwtet 1 hy Ole .10 41411.!4, heir eh. of 1,4' r04) 111 ' xi/lesion. io ;polio h all L. p of - mit wate -ooze. of et of the owet lag pol would bets the expl when ex ag inlet fermi beItu directi that the tfair, Onocussion re . wee altD041 t..tf rhe heavy and titter *eel hi torn and disabled wrought little this, and Mr. W, superintendent e. to -night that he be would be delay the canal for the tion. Shattered Wits The moults of the' es' easily traced In the ell old. The windows la all Mgt near the look are VI le the store of dire; John goods were hurled from tido and the struettwo aself has e pearanoe of having petaled th rand earthquake. The reports heard In Port %theme, eight away, and so largo tem the a of dynamite need that evAvoite tulles about knew that an ,ott had helm mode 5uc' ernsolv. In. an u,..egeni xpleine the feet t tee hullo - oily by the from the Meek 05 O the lock t he tr V01.4 e dynamite mere than memo ttae a I, stated bccV it ^re ening 01 na visa - . ' iy after It Mel beet', the Mine cows for th two men now la Welland plenty of *Weave Will be from the noses of the r caulk! Thor• build• and the ye 11 Ll0d. Whet( *ltol of the runty Inli forthcoming a-ri of Thor. e'e Story 0 lir, „ehe daughter of rt redid of Thurold, will be 4111 143. portan wbSne.a tit the trial of the al- leged ff nambtere, she Jim) been on her w to tlw towa and WW1 about bridge, over the waste '2.1„ wilco she Haw two tlt!t. 1'1'110511:JP. Ine.tuktli hill liol 11 1.111111211- rod telexeope volinc.1 man, the shorter of the twowent to the head gattt, 111 the, taller ono to the font gates. Taklv mon11 rope from their puektt thev tied it to the II1111404 nnel Owerol them lown the lock Wall. Then she tuitived them strike lo ilglit and law ennetleter tfliilotallckerinmnn goii tela, mygrluey eetere111, 1, laionneritd, or It will go." loth num ran 114 fast nil they mild from the leek, goiter in the dIrrotioe of the Fall' along imprint, followed soon art." the atone road, A monient,aI, ttilitu(Ireto toe eraeh tt'‘tPle141111the'llellattl Ugin't foot°The nett crash broke In the doors of the in othanty isuid 1111111th4TP11 the window, The lock tender roil to the telephone to send an alarm, when the emend tomtit shettered the inetrionent, to re weir 111E111 Ill 114911 54) Others Sew 'Phew. John Hoover, it young farmer living In the vicinity, also maw the two me0. lie became aware that an attempt was being mode to blow op the canal, and ao, be law the smoke from the feu at the head gate of the loth he ran In the opposite tilrectIon, and then uoticed a Siegler fuer at the foot gatesHe then turned into the golly need by the Weiland Rail- way, mad was there when the emcee. live ex Oolong came. Mr, Joe.pbi Wilkinson, a ferment.. lag math of the canal, near the Motto road leading to Niagara FOAM, dates tied ,on eanirday night Just befit. - the explosions 14 ',test*, ewe ow 'el down i ovi the 1. !to Medi Malt M flora of asphalt title tined to pi It Wee SO eventually regrew to ell productu of t bi tenezueM. pe New Year./ Day, Ito cored mid to 1' had already come through clew 1114 Venezuelan trestle woe then shippin hY million, In got/ ed Into his prlyn he finished roadie, petitiotter we. no acme. An undersirA whiskers, a New and a et ou t -da te Hamilton. Et In the ['reel move hie iy nee . 6114 ( ths • not accepts e had turned Yee - u. Nevertheleu, on Year's slay Bawer Um couceedon. %smitten departed rl. fluttered into the distioctly a daughter with coal-blaek eyes, r, and a oupp:e forn. daughter of t he Pre. uela, for In that fir* ow with her father tweed her views re. 'Rerinouder concession, rant It. would be for zu.ole, and (bat her ter not longer refuse floe, of s further 111- prke of het "yea." Stilt "no" lo hbidotigiver, Jug ai h6 ;/ feu momems before said "se' to hlo pe.taloiser. This daughter afterwards married it 41.5- lul11UIilii French noblemetn, and bo nowt the fi ref No thaa a room, of Venee shining res She wee eident of minattea' abia ee y gerding e ttAng tha 150 goo et4.er bad crease of MAW , . chem de Moray, a ear In ble firmament of Paris, Loliallifil, end New York. It *stein that lb1eO ll Preedent Stamm. The future purlieu de Moray one day said to %mitten 1 "The concession you wadi would 1*41 pretty wedding presetu, would It not 1 Harailion forthwith hair t ened the marriage ; and onsk.of the ftrst wedding presents rreelred was the concession of 1 11,0141"114 lic net oral produe 1101111116Z - Omegas t day by appealing ise,esginaatie side of her father a na * e. Such is the romance bit the history of asphalt. The "natural produete" alluded to the coneeeslusi included the Melt lake from which tomes hilly half of the asphalt with whirl" the etreete of the eitlea of the United States Sae now paved, Title luke Is considered one of the greatest naturaD Mei of the *odd. Hamilton as' frientbt were probably the flat' of English-speaking people that lake. About tweet/ the mast Hamilter • found what at' covered wit'. of asph^ led '